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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1936)
T'JLGE FOURTEEN MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 10, 1936. TO It Pays To Shop At Mann's It Pays .To Shop At Mann's E Stockholding member! of the Med ford Production Credit association will bold their cond annual busi ness meeting January 30, announce" Secretary-Treasurer Deuel. The meet ing will convene at 10 ocioci the Jackson county courtbouM au ditorium. , "Our directors urge every mem ber to be present." Mr. Deuel de clarea, "because success of any co- operative enterprise depends a lot on how well Informed Its member ship Is, and the Interest they tske In its affslrs. "Members will be well repaid for ' attending, and as stockholders It Is , their privilege and duty to take full , part In the proceedings. Complete reports on our operations during X the past yeer will be given by President Brophy and by myself as secretary. A representstlve of the Production Credit corporation or " Spokane, which holds an Invest ment In our class A non-voting trvk ni la heloine us to make a success, will be present also to answer questions . ana ciear up ' points of confusion. We want to make this a real farmers' business meeting with 100 per cent atteno once. "All farmers and othera inter j eeted In co-operative financing are I welcome to come, but only stock holders will have the privilege or voting for directors. Members have oni; vote each, regardless of the ' number of shares of class a associa : tlon stock they own. Two places on the board are to be filled by elec- tlon this time, lesvlng three hold- . over members." The Medford Production Credit ' association Is atrtctly a farmers' 4 business organisation enabling Its members to finance their seasonal operations co-ope natively at low 7 actual cost. Ownership of voting capital stock on the basis of one ' IS share for each 100 borrowed gives members full participation In affairs of the association sd di rect responsibility for electing di rectors who will Insure good msn sgement and avoid losses. The association borrows Its ' loan funda from the Federal Interme diate Credit Bank at Spokane for 2 per cent at present and charges Ita members 8 per cent. But what ever saving can be made out of the 3 per cent operating margin will be returned to members In the form of dividends after adequate re serves have been set up. The Inter mediate Credit Bank obtalna the funds it lends to the association by marketing debentures to the In denting public, backed by the notes and security which formers put up. Thiii - litnonrfahla aunnlv of funds Is available at al tlmea on terms . onpecinny imea to agriounurfj needs. E FOR HATT1E HATFIELD, OLD VALLEY RESIDENT Funeral services for Mrs, Lewis L. Hatfield, who died at a local hospital early yesterday morning of a heart ailment, will be held at 3:30 Sunday afternoon at the Perl Funeral Home with the Rev. W. r. Shields officiating. Interment will be In Medford I. o. O. F. cemetery. Mrs. Hatfield was stricken the latter pert of December. She wss In her 70th veer, she was a resi dent for 30 years of Central Point, where her husband operates the Hatfield dry goods store. She wss active In church and fraternal af fairs and her 4ath came aa a ahock to her numerous friends who mourn her passing. Mis. Hatfield was born Hattle Beatty In Ironton. Ohio, on April o. moo, second (laughter of Capt. Samuel and Sarah Jane Beatty. pioneers of Ohio. She was married to Lewis Hatrirld June 17, 1801, In South Point .Ohio. Two sons were born of the union, the older of whom. Frank, died In March, 1017. Mrs. Hatrirld was a member of Nevita. Order of Eastern Star. Cen tral Point, having acted aa secretary of the chapter for 35 years. She was also a member of the Presbyte rian church. She la survived by her huaband, n son, Clifford O. Hatfield of Seattle, Waali.. and a Water. Mil. B H. Thomas of Berkeley, cal. AT FIRST METHODIST Rev. Joseph Knott, pastor of the inrat Methodist church, announces he Jin secured aome very interesting tides of J anon Le and the early riays of mlanlon work In the Oregon rountry which will he ahown at the Cunday evenlnp services. The pic tures are In colors ami are very In Btruciive ai well as Interesting, the puts tor says. Bun day morning he will touch upon momentous problems confronting lite government at the preset time. using for his text "Our Government Oood or Bud?" AM lnterritrd art Invited to these services. (in-tl if 1 hanks.' We wlnti lo esnrrM our sincere ap preclusion to our many friends, for the arMri of kind new and sympathy extended tl during our recent be reavement: alio fr the beautiful filial offerings. Mrs. Mary McKm and family, Mrs. little McKee and fsmlly, Mrs. Jtttile Oeary and family. Mr. Pd Pnee and family, Mr. Dave 11 Pence, and family, Mr. Mlnmu Pence and tamlly. -i Phono M2. We ll haul away join refuse. City bauluuy Service. Another Very Interesting Money Saving January Sale Event . . . Planned by Mann's Sale of Women's SUITS A sensational value- In Women's and Misses' Suits I Included In this group are IB models In both the short coat and Swagger atyle Tweeda and other wood materials in Navy Blue and the lighter shades . . , The sizes range from 14 to 20 But come early tomorrow as the best styles will not last very long at this $5.00 price, Values to $27.50 ON SALE FOR Sale of Girls $1198 Service and Chiffon Silk HOSIERY 65 81 ekh?K life zdSiv Goats In the Junior Shop tomorrow a Big Sale of Girls' Wool Coats and Jackets. Them garments come In shades suitable for early Spring wear. . The sizes range from 8 to 16 years . . Tour choice tomorrow on the Second Floor 91.93. Regular Values to ?4.98 A January value In Women's and Misses full fashioned Bilk Hosery. Regular 79c Chiffon and Service hose In smart Winter shades. All sizes at this low price. Values to 79c pr. C WW'k I A No Returns changes Credits or Ex- All Suit Sales Must Be Final SECOND FLOOR Sale of Spring Dresses These New Frocks makes one think fc)iat Spring Is not so very far1 away I We Just unpacked them, 60 In all and they are lovely. New Prints and Solid shades of. Coral, Blue, Oray, Red, Oreen, Navy Blue and Black . . Our New York buyer pur chased them especially for one of our feature January Sales. . . They are new and regular 5.95. Sizes 13 to 20. $395 Ski Jackets and Lumber Jacks $395 A January Sale of Women'a and Misses- Bkl Jackets and Lum ber Jacks. Included are zipper and button styles In plain shades of Red. Oreen, Royal Blue, Navy Blue and Brown. Reg. 95. Special a.D5. Special Tomorrow $1.00 Wash. Dresses for 88c and $1.95 Betty Baxley Wash Frocks for $1.49 Pendleton 2 -pound All Wool Batts $179 January Salo of Oenulne Pendleton 100 Puro Virgin Wool Batts for only H.70 each. These are regular 13.29 full comfort sire and weigh 2 pounds. A wonderful vahw tomorrow at Mnnn'a Clearance Sale of Marquisette A Pre -Inventory Sale of 38-inch fancy Marquisette at 25c yard. This lovely Curtain Material comes In a complete range of colors and patterns and sells regular for 39c on Sale tomorrow In the Curtain Dept. Lower Main Floor. 25 36-inch Pure Silk Broadcloth A wonderful Sale of Pure Silk Broadcloth, a guaranteed washable silk, that cornea In colorful stripes that will be very popular this spring. Regular $1.00 value and full 30 Inches wide. Extra special. 69 Ginghams 36-in. Fine Tissue Ging hams and other Wash Fabrics 69c values for only 39c yd. Sale of Rayon Undies 25c A Special Sale of Women's and Misses' good quality Rayon Shorts. Assorted styles In all sizes for only 25c pair. These are regular 49c In Tea Rose shade. Extra special to morrow at Mann's - Women's and Misses' Two-Piece Style Outing Flannel Pajamas $1.19 Value for 89c Millinery 2nd Floor WE SAY CHOOSE FABRICS FOB DATE HATS Sparkling little Turbans that will win hon ors wherever Mid-Winter Gayeties call for dressy smartness. Plain, shirred or quilted . . and real buys at $298 At Mann's - A Pre-lnventory Clearance of omen's and Misses' SHOES Mann's Pre-lnventory SALE OF MEN'S SUITS fi W mmg Shoe A mighty sensational value In Women's and Misses' Street, Sports and Dress type shoes . . Beautiful Johan sen styles in values up to 8.76 as well as other new Fall and Winter models selling for e5.88. All are Includ ed In this final cleanup. Buy shoes now and aave , . . Sizes yet complete In most lines. But hurry as these shoes will sell fast tomorrow. Regular Values to $6.75 pr. Shop $139 .1 TV K l-M on tne mam ri oor A Timely Sale of Small Boys' w j in. l r ii wool ouits ana uveraiis: l) 3; If mmw4 Wt don't have to Impress you with the luanty or Kuppenhelmer and Club Suits fou know as well as we do that thev are Tops" In men's clothes and when wo say te are selling our regular 35 and (40 suits for J0.S0 we don't huvo to try to Im press you with their vnlue. Its self-evident . . . But come In as ca-ly as possible $35.00 and $40.00 KUPPENHEIMER and CLUB Models The Kiddle Shop on the Second Floor announces grand value In Boys' Wool Sulta and Overalla, The sizes range from 4 to 8 years and the regular price la 92, per garment. Your choice white they last tomorrow 1.98. The overolls are ot warm flannel In Nay Blue and Brown. Sale for 29 50 Pre-lnventory Sale of Comforts Tomorrow In the Bedding Section $6.95 will buy a beautiful flO.flO Bed Comfort! Comfort of down. Comfort of wool In full "2x84 Inch sire. The covers and these wnrm bed-fellows arc lovely Rayons and fine Silk Mulls. All the popular bod room ahades included. Values to $10.50 $69-5 Bedding Section Down Stairs YARN SALE! Starting tomorrow in the Art Dept. on the Bal cony a January Sale of this season's most success, ful Yarns at greatly reduced prices . . . Plan your knitting now and buy yarns during this sale. Buy Your Yarns Now! Maypole Knitting Worsted Reg. 25c 1 oz. Ball for only 15c Bernats Boucle in Asst. Colors, 2 oz. Skeins for only 49c Bernats Boucle de Laine, Asst. Colors, 75c Skeins at 49c Bernats Raw Silk in White and Pink, 2 oz. Skein at 39c Bernats 75c Crayelle, White, Blue, Pink, V2 oz. balls 39c Bernats 2 oz. 55c Balls of White and Green Chenille for 25c Bucilla Stamped Goods HALFf price; Another Special from the Art Dept. Oenulne Bucilla Package Goods on pale for Half Price . , . Included are lunch cloths, baby garments, laundry bags, hot plate mats, chair sets, pot holders, pillows, collars and scarfs sit are ready to embroider and special at Mann's Art Dept. on the Bal c on v PRE-INVENTORY SALE OF Men's Wool Shirts $198 Sale of Men's Pants $4.95 to $6.50 A January Clearame of Mens Wool and Part Wool ShlrtA Long rearing shin In Oraya and Browns tn slrea Mi, to IB1,. Thiwe warm winter ahlrta are regular $3 50 and 93 50 values. 1 A froup of Men's ndd Pws Psi'ta In PI cits and Hegilsr Models. Sirea 39 to 3rt In waist. Oood selection of pat ter ns. $3.98pr. values C w Sale of Women's Hand Bags A Pre-lnventory Clearance Sale of Women's fine quality Hand Baffs' Included m this sale are frame styles, under ami styles, top handle effects and some with rippers. Each baff made from genuine Calf Skin and fully silk lined. Black Navy and Brown. Regular $1.98 $49 Regular $2.98 Regular $3.98 $729 $998 Leather Goods Mann's Main Floor Sale of Florsheim Sh Public Lounge 2nd Floor Now tn prcylrsa our Srml-Annual Sals of Flor ssim 6'ncrs for mtn! rvfrj pair on aal from our rvsnlar ltva. All sizes and styles Included In this popular sale. Men's Shoe Shop Main Floor oes $765 A 9