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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1936)
MFDFOTvD MATL TRIBUTE. fEBFORP, OTJEOOy. FRIDAY, JATfTAHT 10. lOSfl. PAGE ELEVEN! Local and Olsen In O. P. Harry Ol&en. Copco i engineer, tu In Grants Pass on com pany business today. Rtunu from South H. J. fltark returned this morning from short business trip t Ban Francisco. . From Gmsquet Wallace I. Griffith, educational adviser at Camp Gaequet, conferred with officers yesterday at Med ford COO headquarters. rhTthlan Back Oeorge Phythla.ii returned this morning from Albany where he has been business visitor for the pest few days. At Headquarters Lieut. John A. Roeenbaum of Camp Agnees was a business caller at CCC headquarters here today. From Ashland Angus L. Bowmer, drama director of the Southern Ore 4jn Normal school at Ashland, was a business visitor nere yesterday. Now at Present t Dr. Wallace Proc tor, surgeon at Camp Clear La Ice be fore the company was disbanded, has been assigned to Camp Preacott. Returns to Eugene Mrs. F. L. Cook of Eugene returned to her home to day after spending the past several day as the gues tof her daughter, Mrs. Lois Young. In this city. Pastor Visit The Rev. N. J. Elliot of the board of pensions for the Pres byterian church, arrived this morn , In? from his headquarters In Los An geles to visit Presbyterian ministers and congregations In the valley. Undergoes Operation Mrs. H. H. Perry of Eagle Point underwent a nose operation at the Osteopathic 'clinic and hospital yesterday. At tendants today reported her condi tion satisfactory. Arrive for Visit Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Younldn of Eugene arrived In Med ford this morning from San Francisco where they have been vacationing. They will spend several days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Besson- ette before continuing to their home. Melcholr Here M. J. Melcholr, field representative of the World War Vet erans State Aid commission, was in Med ford today on btislness, planning to spend the week-end here. He con ferred today with Carl Y. Tengwald local commission representative. Council to Meet All county teach ers having Intermediate grades ' were requested today to attend the Jackson County Intermediate Teach ers Council meeting scheduled for 1 AO tomorrow afternoon In the court house auditorium. This Is a newly formed organization and a full mem bership Is desired. Miss Ida OBrlen supervisor of the Lincoln training school. Southern Oregon Normal, will address the meeting, giving a talk on "Beading." We J WOODS DRUG CO. Don's Wait Another Day to Visit This Big Sale Every Item Marked Down to Bedrock! SAVE 20 to 50 Mail Orders Solicited Postage Prepaid (Successor to Wood'i) Main and South Central Free Delivery. Telephone CO Personal - Orchard Ut Here Charles Hold-! ridge, Talent orchard 1st. was a busi ness caller in Med ford this morning. Byrnes In Town Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Byrne of Grants Pass were In Medford today. Business Visitor Ike Hoffman of Jacksonville was a business visitor here yesterday. I nere Today Robert Wochner of Trail was among business visitors In Medford today. Calling Here Calling and trans acting business here today were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Reed of Sexton moun tain. From Beagle Miss Ruby Schuls. Bert Nelson and Adolf Schuln. all of Beagle, were shopping In Medford to day. From Central Point Mrs. Ewln Stone, proprietor with her husband of Stone's drug store In Central Point, was a business visitor yesterday In Medford. In Ashland Mrs. W. O. Hooker and Mrs. Roscoe Roberts spent Wednes day at the home of Mrs. A. F. Abbott In Ashland. Mrs. Hooker and Mrs. Roberts are nieces of Mrs. Abbott. Spends Night Here Airs. Eva Ellis of Gold Hill returned to her home this morning after spending yester day and last night shopping and call ing In this city. Will More Here Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Hardy and family, now of Grant Pass, plan to move to this city soon, Mr. Hardy having been transferred with the Western States Orocery com pany. Visitor Leaves Mrs. Cheater Owen, who has been visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. Charles Owen, for the past ten days, returned to her home in Port Angeles, Wash., on the morning train today. Mother Visiting Gareth Goddard. teacher at the Lone Pine school. Is enjoying a visit from his mother. Mrs. R. H. Goddard of Centralia. Wash. While In the valley, Mrs. Goddard will also visit with Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Redford in Ashland. Jewelry Store .Moved -Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Graves have moved their Jew elry shop to 31 South Riverside ave nue m the convenient quarters for merly occupied by R. C. Brison'a real estate agency. The Jewelry store had been situated at Sixth and South Front streets. To Map Program Rogue Snowmen will discuss a program of winter sports at the weekly meeting to to held at 7:15 tonight In the Jackon County Chamber of Commerce. Sam Jennings, president, today Issued an Invitation to all persons Interested In snow sports to attend the meeting, Are Making a CLEAN SWEEP of Entire Stock Dramatic Film Coming to Rialto E 3 AnkJL - . . ,. ... i V 1 t 'f 1 i artM m ihi Bin "East of Java," the picture In whloh the star. Charles Blcklord. nearly lost his life after being attacked by a huge Hon used In filming the trop ical scene. Is coming to the Rialto theater where It will play Sunday and Monday. Pastor Honored The Rev. George p. Kabele, pastor of Z1on Lutheran church, was notified this week by the editor of "Who's Who in the Clergy" that ha was to be honored by being Included In the 1935 edition of that "Biographical encyclopedia of emi nent clergymen representing the Im portant denominations In America." t Chorus Rehearsal A full attenl ance was requested today for the Jackson County Teachers' chorus re hearsal to be held In the courthouse auditorium at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. All members were expect ed to be present as preparations for the annual apring concert will be started. Esther Church Leake, di rector, will be In charge. Back from Survey Htigh A. Ritter. district ranger, and R. W. Taylor, Jun ior forester, U. S. forest service, re turned last night from Spencer creek In Klamath county, wheher they have spent three weeks In malting a for estry survey. They returned by motor from Klamath Falls over the Oreen sprlng highway and reported travel ing quite hazardous, though they came through without mishap. The highway was being kept open by plows but yesterday's heavy snowfall made cautious driving necessary, they stated. Miriam Hopkins In Craterian's Drama All the flaming color, the rowdy, boisterous clamor of that lawless col- ony which sprang Into being In the early days of the California gold rush of 1849 has been caught In "Barbary Coast," at the Craterlan theater last night, with Miriam Hopkins, Edward G. Robinson and Joel MoCrea offer ing the finest performances of their respective careers. Into the epic of the building of America's last frontier, and the part played toy pionect newspaper publish ers who fought to the death to build a thriving, respectable town, has been woven a powerful and thrilling atory of lave and treachery In tfils morass of human passions. Into this world of gold-mad, love- hungry men Swan, a beautiful girl, comes to marry a gold-miner. When she finds him dead, she accepts tne offer of the ruthless, powerful Louis Chamalia to preside over the crooked roulette wheel in his notorious Bella Donna care. Chamalls holds the town In the palm of his hand. Men lose their fortunes at the wheel and a word of complaint spells speedy death. In this environment Swan grows hard end cold, hating all men and particularly the worshipping Ohamalis who decks her with diamonds and pleads for her love Then Into her life walks Jim Car mlchael, idealistic young miner, and they fall in love. Learning her true ! identity means bitter Uluslonment for him. however, and It Is not until they have faced great peril together and escaped the Jealous fury of Cham alls that Jim realizes Swan's true worth and his love for her. Communications I Still C Times 12 ; To the Editor: For the attention of Mr. O'Dono hue: I am sure you are quick to learn, i Your definition of open mlndedneas 1 is right to the point standing around with moutfi open while Dr. Townsend talks (you know words of wisdom are Mke pearls), and it often pays more to Utaen to what someone else says than try to explain It our selves. I see that you understand figures pretty good, too (2x12 does equal 24), but we are not figuring on using the whole 24 billion dollars all at one time; but divide It up In 12 equal payments. That la done so that we can't use It all at one time vnrt not have anything left for a rainy day. Being an Irishman myself, I know how easy it Is for an Irishman to get confused. P. J. KIRKPATR1CK. Star Route Box 67. . Oae Mall Tribune want ads. EAGLES SOCIAL DANCE TONIGHT r a flea Hall, f p. m. nnr' CVrhetro MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPITAL 18 tears ctDertenre to large and small enimal practlr 225 N. Riverside. Phone 369 x..m Uzr .i 211zabeth Young. Fran Albert-son and Leslie Penton are with Blciford and a large cast In thll bitter-sweet romance of life In far off Java where man meets beast In the cruel sat existence on earth I In Roxy Role Bob Steele Is starred In "Smokey Smith" at the Roxy theater Saturday only, with the second episode of the serial "Tailapln Tommy," from the newspaper strip which Is run dally In the Mall Tribune, also on the same program. JOCKEY FREED ON LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 10. (AP) The Indictment charging Willie (Smoky) Saunders, Jockey who won the 1935 Kentucky derby, with be'.ng an accessory to the murder of Mrs. E7velyn Sllwlnskl, was dismissed here today In criminal court. Dismissal followed the acquittal last night of Walter Schaeffer of ChlcaRo HeiRhts, 111., race track exer else boy, of murder of the young woman who was found crushed to death on the upper Ohio river road near here last October. Common wealth's Ottorney O'Neal, in moving dismissal, explained that under Ken tucky law it Is Impossible to convict an accessory when the principal has been acquitted. 1 1 t -SaWi. mmm ii w I LAST TIMES TOMOIIT II "IJ" 'j ill, I Saturday Only I I Continuous Shows 1 to 11 I I HARD-RDDINO, FAST-' I I I SHOOTING ACTION 1 I ii Steele rixn , KPISOIlK t Tailspin Tommy , I "The Mail Goes Through' J r scenic BDeciai uanoon i J rl - -SrS " -,.:.v.,r.:r'-1 1 sjr -I J I IOW. AINOID II 'Jb Jim WMMf SAINII jtg I Oakie and Penner Coming Sunday 5 . .15. Collegiate." nth those two pur veyors of oomedy and nonsense Jack O&kle and Joe Penner and Prances L&ngford, the Florida songbird, head ing a cast which includes Ned Sparks, Betty Orable, Lynne Overman and the song writers, aordon and Revell, comes to the Craterian Uwater Sun day for Its local run. The fun starts when Oakie discovers he has inherited a girls' school and. with the aid of Penner an amnesia victim with more money than he knows what to do with Sparks, a former newspaper man whose prln OS 1ST RECALLS PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 10. (AP) Oswald West, a patriarch of Oregon politicians, told the churchmen's fo rum, here of the days when Oregon legislators reputedly sold votes for $3,000 each. "I worked In Bush's bank In Salem at the time." the ex-governor said. "When large bills were withdrawn by politicians. I took the numbers of them and learned a lot of politics by watching which of the legislators' wires brought the bills in for change." The standard price of a vote was 3.000, he said, but some sold for less. "But during the last an yenrs I be- 11 1 Shows I tt II 1:00-3:00 ISj J J 0:45-9:00 III TODAY I niAila Dp Alain kUbllC uiunn The biggest hurricane of camera sensations takon in a decade! r W "CAMERA Most sensational events in the world of today fires, escapes, death of kings and perils of land, soa and air . . . all part of a day's work in the life of a newsreel manl Andy Clyde In 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp" Novelty . Newsreel PREVUE "RACING with William Boyd SUNDAY - MONDAY! Hera It corneal V EUIZABETH yOUHG s i aim riiifibit wi : ' J I clpal Job was In keeping Oakle's pranks from getting Into headlines, and Overman, playing the role of "Sour Puss." Oakle's valet, he decides to chsnge things over and make the college Into a "oharm school." .Danc ing, singing, diving, mske-up and what have you are Incorporated Into the scheme of things, all or wnicn leads up to the graduation scene, whloh acts as the finale to the en tire foolishness and good fun. The film has eight song hits, among which are "Peeling Like a Feather In the Breeie." "Learn to Be Lovely" and "You Hit the Spot." llece a large majority of our legis lators are honest and sincere," ob served West, who Is a familiar figure in legislative corridors. Eat Oftener For Fame and Fortune NEW YORK, Jan. 10. (AP) To win fame and fortune In your busi ness, says Prof. Howard W. Haggard of Yale university, eat five or six tlmea a day, Instead of two or three. He explained teste show workers are more efficient the first three hours after eating. tildes, he added, it Isn't true your stomach needs a rest. Special Communication of Medford Lodge No. 103. A B . A W MJ. Tan IHtVl Jj at 7:30 p. m. Work In E. A. degree. Visitors Invited. O. O. HORNER, W. M, GBO. ALDEN, Secy. 0 25 Klddles-10c and SATURDAY At 'Em Again! Racing Into ro-" manoe--in a wild riding saga of hearts, hoofs and cattle rustlers 1 YNARD Nora Lane A , Plus 1 SAT. NITE LUCK" Barbara Worth 1 l! II . . . Hie picture hit fmnt pates Ihrouithont country . . . thriller If there erer was one BICKFORD siiiiksi vs I 1 1 " 'llf,w ii BREEZE FROM SOUTH SHOOTS MERCURY UP; Th tmpVure Jumped 12 de grees from 46 to 88 within an hour Just before noon today as the wind suddenly1 shifted from the north to the south. As the wind swished over the valley from a southerly direc tion the velocity Increased to 13 miles an hour. The mercury at the same nour yeateraay stood at 44. i Whether the sudden warmth would continue seemed doubtful, for the valley was still under the Influence of a low pressure area and the of ficial forecast was for continued oc casional rain tonight and tomorrow with no change In temperatures. The balmy air from the south quickly melted snow on the Bls klyou, Ore en Spring and other altl- tudlnoua highways, leaving slush where yesterday there was hard, slippery snow, the AAA reported. Use of caution and the carrying ol chains were still advised, however. Motor traveling would become acutely perilous should the slush freese before It can be removed, the AAA emphnslced. , No telephone meiuage wsa received today by the Medford office from Crater Lake National park and the morning radio broadcast was heard only In part, but It was reported that anow had stopped falling ahd that the west entrance road would probably be opened tomorrow. KAOLE POINT, Jan. 10. (Spl.) Recent mlns have caused ft lot of high water In this vicinity, almost equalling flod proportions. The bridge across Butte creek at the Ward place was washed out last week and ditches In town overflowed and ran into Roy Ash pole's hardware store. The streets were flooded also, OREGON CITY. Ore., Jan. 10, Iff) Joseph Frank Rl&sberger, 27, died In his small coupe parked by the roadside yesterday. A tube attached to the exhaust pipe filled the com partment of the ear with carbon monoxide gas. Shows 1:48 8:43-9:00 Hurry! It. Ends Tomorrow THE YEAR'S MOST Thrills! PREVUE SATURDAY NIGHT "THE PERFECT GENTLEMAN" Frank Morgan Cicely Oourtneidge Herbert Mundin STARTING SUNDAY! The most fun L-J' fjX It's rhythm on the campus . . . and "l musio in the air . . . when four daffy ) guys take over a girls' school and turn IMI it into a co ed oircuil I Depression, Where? Is Visitors Queryl rr. PAUL, Jan. 10. (AP) Dr. C L. Liu la disgusted. Pr. Liu came all the way frcm China to see the; American depression. He asked "where Is It?" Dr. Liu, eminent Chinese ento mologist, said "I cannot even find your depression. Everyone Is well dressed, happy and riding In new automobiles." Iinnnrtiint nnrllnmnnf t-r 4hat T. In future will be broadcast from theu New Zealand house of represent- ? f hildrens Colds! efk Yield quicker to 5 jrT double action of 1S5 VJSiSSl DANCE On The OASIS SPRING FLOOR Every Sat. Nite DANCE follow the Crowds to DYNGES at the ORIENTAL GARDENS Both Halls Every Saturday Nite Where they always have a good time. Mats . . . 330 Eves . . . 350 AMAZING DRAMA! Color I i i