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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1936)
PAGE SEVEN ttA.h.VliU WHAT YOU WMit$aifijiM FOR EASY REFERENCE ( WAtr-lliC TO tUltiV TO J1EDF0RD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 19.16. I SELL I ; aSMLM"i; Bud very sd ea this nase. 00 will probably find ex actly toe thing yon want to boy or tell. It It Isn't there, sdvertlse. t Inexpensive, effective RATES ret word rtnt Insertion (Minimum 25c) gach additional insertion, pei word - (Minimum 10c) per Una per month without copy changes 1JU Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday, one Tubbs ski, be tween Prospect and Dodge bridge. Tel. 1102. LOST II aog is aubding. call 1516. WANTED FEMALE HELP References required. Inquire at 344 ; North Central Ave. after 6 p. m or , f-aU-11-6-"'-- - ' ,oU i ih hPin with ehil- i dren and housework. required. 624 Dakota. WANTED Girl for housework. 27 Geneva Ave. Apply WANTED MALE HELP MAN to handle vending macj?ne route, Medford and surrounding tm nart or full time. No sell ing. Permanent: 30 weekly; $250 cash required; secured. When re plying state If you have cash avail able. For Interview, write Box 4256, Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS WOMAN General housework; one In family. 106 Clark. CARPENTERINO, painung; ctwu . trade. Tel. no. uensrai ruiut. PRACTICAL NURbK, companion, de sires position. Local references. Tel. 395-W. lira iHTi?n .IVTTSnF.T.LANEOUS WANTED Used fencing. Call 1365. BUSINESS woman would like unfur nished, warm, quiet room, fairly close in. Address B. W., Box 1160. Medford. Ore. WANTED Unfurnished house in Medford. Rent must be reason able. Address Box 4596. Mall Tri bune, stating location and rent re- . quired. WANTED Board, room, home of widow or small family. Can pay 820. Middle-aged man. Write Box 4217, Tribune. WANTED Two brood sows, farrow soon. 1704 N. Riverside. GOING to Salem 30th; room for one; share expenses. R S. Nealy. Pros pect, Ore. WANTED We pay caab toi nouseboid goods furniture and stoves We also ouy metals, hides pelts wool an mo hair MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Grape St Pbone 1062. WANTED few good Jersey or Guernsey cows. C. R. Natwtck. Tel. 6-F-14. Bagle Point. WANTED Good gentle work mare. 1300 or 1400 lb. Geo. Alford. Phone 19-F-3. WANTED Cleat, out your attla. araraare and basement ot all old tur- nitiire cook stoves heaters, stove pipe fruit jars etc Give us a coll NEW DEAL FURN EXCHANGE No 419 Sast Main a; a NTFrwmiK stoves, heaters, bed nrin mattressea day-oeds. sani' tary couches and cuts or what have you- we pay casn w bkubu NEW DEAL FURN EXCHANGE 423 B Main St. WANTED - Beel cattle veal. Km as and pasture J. J Osenbruga WANTED FURS FURS rVBA Highest caah price paid for raw fun Complete line of traps on ' MEDFORD BAROAIN HOUSE 37-29 No Grape St Medford FOR RENT HOUSES FOR F-ENT 3 -room furntuhed house .1..e.l ea nAa) rttl hunter. DWinO .aah int'n' Available Jan. 16. Inquire 338 W. Holly, cor. of Oik FOR RENT House on North River side. Tel. B.y-A. r.ent ft furnished houses. 813 Summit. FOR PENT New 4-room house, close In. Phone 477-j. FOR RENT 4-room mingalow. elec tric ranee. r?frierator. oil heater; garage; adults. Phone 846-Y. 6-ROOM furnished. J ot I bedrooms. Close in. Phone 1433-J. FOP. RENT 6-room modern furnish ed house, close In Phone 4S7-J OR RENT Moorrn 7-r-iom unfur nished nome Phone 738 FOR RENT 723 Dkita. rooms. Hollr Court No 3. 3 bedrooms, cor ner if 4th snu N Hcily Other desirable J to 4 room houses all in .-.! condition Phone 185 or '47 . FOR hpn i - H'ni furnished oi iuu,-aisaea. Srowa Wait. FOB RENT H0U8ES FOR RENT 5 -room furnished house, close In, 130, water paid. Inquire 146 S. Ivy. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT lor rent, Did West 10th St. FOR RENT Small furnished apart ment; steam hoat. hot and cold water rurnls' ed. Reasonable rent. Apply at Mall Tribune office. FURNISHED 2 or 3-room apartment; bath, oil heater, hot water, garage. 015 W. 10th. FURNISHED apt., i rooms and sleep ing porch, downstairs. 344 North Bartlett. FOR RENT Furnished 3-room apart ment, private bath, sleeping porch. Adults. 013 S Oakdale. FOR RENT Apta. 334 Apple. with hot water. APARTMENT 4 rooms and bsth, steam heat, hot water. Frlgldalre and garage. 503 S. Holly St. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 320 N. Holly. Phone 870-x. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS nnoM with home conveniences, close In; reasonable. Inquire 338 S. Holly. ROOM. 153 N. Oakda,. TTRACTI VB rooms 404 6 Drape FOR RENT ROOM BOARD BOARD Home-cooked meals served In prlvtae home. Reasonable rates. Near business district. 23 N. Orange Bt. Phone 1473-X. BOARD AND ROOM, rates reasonable at 716 E Mam FOR EXCHANGE TRADE OR &.?TU JlPPJ!i;' SALE OR TRADE Ford T truck, wag- on. horses and cow. Medford Rid- lng Academy. FOR SALE OR TRADE Electric Iron ing machine. Tel. 437-X. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE , FOR SALE OR, TRADE Improved, stocked and equipped 70 A. on high way 99, near Eugene. Ore. Inquire 506 Beatty St.. Medford. FOR SALE OR TRADE Income prop erty, cloa in. Phone 955-J. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE FULLY eauiDoed dairy farm with pink dairy HERD, headed by reg istered Jersey male. Strictly mod ern home, 3 barns, etc., team and all farming tools, milking machine, power separator; hog tight fenced ana crosa-iencoa; u-.un jiicocuiuru. ershlp for 26 years; no incumbrance. Now priced to sell. BROWN & WHITE, Realtors. FOR SALE Dandy 4 -room modern home, nice shade, good outDuua ings. A real bagain for 61000 cash BROWN tfc WHITE. Realtors. 6 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, well lmoroved. some fruit; lVs A Irrigation; close In. Cheep for cash or nail, owner, box hi, iriuvmc. CITY LOTS on pavement, absolutely clear title, priced from 150 up. Also unimproved lots close to schools, from $60 up. BROWN & WHITE. Realtors. FOR SALE Large and small ranches, cltv and suburban homes, pear or chards. Everything In real eatate ba.sialna. ROBERTS, Realtor, 720 W. 2nd. FOR SALE 6-room house; fleplace, stationary tubs. line shade; close 10 Junior high, within easy walking distance. Price sa.OOO. FOR SALE 6-room house, 3 large lota, close to Washington and high schools. Price suou. These properties may be purchas ed on a reasonable down payment. with small monthly payments on balance. See W. J. WARNER, Jack son County Bldg. & Loan Assn. FOR SALE 3 lots In Siskiyou Me morial park; eacrillce price, p. u Box 651. Medford. FOR SALE A beautiful little home In the western foothills lor siaou. uniy 300 down payment. BROWN & WHITE, Realtors. for SALE 3 3 -acre irrigated farm: alfalfa and garden iana: low price and terms. Might accept amall place oa part payment, or will rent, E. . ross, 'raiem. A CONSERVATIVE buy. 13 acre. aniendid location, fine toll, irrl rated and in alfalfa; modern home; $3,000. terms. Also, 34 acres, lrrl- eated. HoDklns ditch; near Medford Will sell or trade for smaller acre age. Also, house and lot in mco ford. $250. L, G. PICKELL. 304 X. Main. Tel. 15 80-J. LEAVING STATE Make oiler for i3ooo emiitv. 7-aDt. furnished house, modern, fully rented. Full price 13.400. On highway In town. Terms, by owner. Box 4416. Tribune. HOUSES for sal, or rent. Tel. Its evenings 1147-W. 100 ACHES well improved sujckeo ' and equipped, close to Msedford: eoms oasb ot Incoma property Bal das long tuns low interest O A DeVoe. 625-J-s WHEN vou think ot real astst think of Brown wnita P0R SALE LIVE8T0CK FOR SAL'S Thoroughbred Jersey bull. Price HO. Dan McDonald, Browns borp. Ore. FOR SALS Team, wsgon. hsrness and plow. 1139. Inqulra 303 Moun. lain Ave., Ashland, Ore. FOR SALE Oood milk cow. Rt. 1, Bos 313. Orchard Home Drive. ANNOUNCEMENT Auction aale of purebred Hereford and Shorthorn th. n.l. Pavilion. Jan IB. So. Oregon Livestock Auction Co Col. A. H Dudley. Auctioneer. FOR SALE Weaner pigs, ts escn Also orchard wood, partly seaaond 7 per cord, or will trsde lor live stock or abet hsre you E W Blrehfleld Rt l. Bol 59. CentMl ! Point, off Seall Lane on south, tt FOR 8ALE AUTOMOBILES 1934 FORD V8 DeLuxe Coupe; emu'.! mileage; looks and runs like new. Bargain price only 8495; low easy terms. P1EROB-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge an-i Plymouth. 30 1925 Chevrolet Sedan; good tires. E. L. Hltt, U ml. 8. W. of Phoenix. 1929 FORD Coupe; reasonable. Box 383. THE New Year Value In USED CARS are at Sanderson Motor w. a" kinds of makes and models. Fords, Butcks, Chevrolets, studebakers. etc., In coupes, sedans and trucks. Also pick-ups priced to sell. Start the new year right by going to the right place for your used car. STUDEBAKER SALES SERVICE, So. Riverside, Medford. GOOD USED CARS 1938 License Included. 1935 Dodge Touring Sedan. 1934 Dodgs DeLuxe Coupe. 1934 Plymouth Touring Sedan. 1933 Plymou-h DeLuxe Sedan. 1933 Chrysler 8 DeLuxe Sedan. 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. 1934 Chrysler Airflow. 1929 Butck DeLux Sedan. 1930 Chrysler 68 Seoon. 1934 Ford Deluxe V-8 Sedan. 1934 Ford DeLuxe V-8 Coupe. 1932 Plvinouth Coupe. 1929 Desoto Sport Roadster. Also a number of other real bargains. LANOE MOTOR CO. Chrysler-Plyn.outh Dealer. Used Car Lot, 6th and Bartlett. 38 N. Riverside. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Thoroughbred Australian puppies.. Phone iB-r-io. ROLLER Canaries Call 5.3-J-a. FOR SALE POULTRY BOOK chicks ana hatching now. Dressler's Square Deal Matcnery. 1107 E. Main. Phone 1589-Y. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WOOD and shakes for sale op trade. E. N. Gray. Trail, ore. FOR SALE One wood lathe, electric motor, vest pocket kooax, etc., or exchange for light car. 134 So. Ivy, evening. CYPHERS 350-egg Incubator, large Buckeye coal brooder ro saie. jonn Mace. Central Point. BARLEY $23 per ton. H. E. Conger, Phone 21-F-ll, Jacksonville. hor SALE Hav and grain: hay loose baled or chopped; wneac, Daney and oats whole or ground. Phone B55-J-3. Victor Bursell. FOR SALE 25 T. concentrating table. Al condition; stationary atuae. en gine, fuel oi attachment, dev. 36 h. p.; reasonable. Inquire J. W. Light, Wolf Creek. Ore. NEWTOWN apples, wrapped and pack ed or race ana im; large aiaea. a real buy. Newtowns 15c per lug. Bring your own containers. Phone 926. American Fruit Growers, Inc., 213 So. Fir. Medford, Ore. FOR SALE 800 arres lease; 90 acres In grain; horses, farm implements; 420 acres pasture, fenced. W. R Holman, Eagle Point, Ore. FOR SALE Trailer. 48 Myers Court. Bargain. Call before 9 a. m. FOR SALE New and used building materials. Lee Williams. 1520 N. Riverside. FOR APPLES puone 258-J. PINE Red Spltzenburg and Newtown apples for sale at Aia vista racxing House. 327 So Fit St APPLES Panv Delicious. Dacked. large size, per box $1.35 Fancy Delicious, good size. per lug Small size, per lug - Newtowns. tjuod P lug- Bring Containers BEAR CREEK ORCHARDS DRIVEWAY MATERIAL 8 sizes ot rock at si 50 per yard delivered Bateman Phone 1934-T or tlia-J BALED oat hay. ground hay: loose ost snd alfalfa hay; also feed wheat C. A. DeVoe. Phone 623-J-3. FOR SALE: Com Ion and D'AnJou pears, packed or In lugs. Very ress onaoly priced. Ala Vista Packing House. FOR SALE Dry body wood. 615. Hawley's Transfer. Phone BUY HERE AKD SAVE -Davenports. Studio Couches. Simmons Springs Simmons Rstfs Mattreses. good used furniture. HOLBROOK & OHRN In Old Flrehel) Bldg on 6th. Phone 647. 113 E. 6th 8t. APPLES we deliver Tel 133-L. BUSINESS CHANCES SERVICE STATION on hlghwsy. Tel. 744-Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKHON COUNTY AI1STRACT CO; Abstracts of rule and Title Insurance The only complete) Title System in jaciaon County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms t and t. No 83 North Central Ave- upstair Kipert window Cleaners. LET OBOROE DO 11 - Pel 1173 House cleaning floor weimg ori ental rug elesnlng and upholstering Transfer. RE1NKING TRANSFER CO Long distance heullng. Furniture, cattle anything. HI Fir. Phone 1033 C. Stuart. BADS TRANSFER STORAGE CO. Offlos 1010 No central rnune io Prices nht Servioe guaranteed I-RUCK.INO AND STORAGE Local and ton distance nsunng turai ture moving etc Reasonable rates Tel us r B Samson Co iviiv TRANSFER - expert pack rs sno nvivera Special livestock movins equipment Prices tgnt 618 Mu airanuda. Paon 614, BUSINESS DIRECTORY Money to Lend MONEY LOANED (50 to 83CO (or personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos: also Cara Refinanced Losos closed within 30 minutes License No. 8 157. See W fi Thomas. 45 So. Cen tral. ROOFING ROOFING Let us inspect your rool before the rainy season This ser vice Is free Call 270. Rogue River Rooflng.Oo. LEGAL NOTICES Warrant Call. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds on hand (or the redemption of School District No. 16. warrants Nas. 69 to 76. Inclusive. Interest to cease January 9, 1936. Payable at the First National Bank of Portland. Medford Branch. 8. M. DAVIS, Clerk. City warrants Coirefl for Payment. Notice la hereby Riven that there are funds on hand In the General Fund of the City of Medford for Che redemption of Warrants Noa. 5634 to 5830 Inc. In treat on the above War rants will cease after January 10, 1936. Dated this 7th day of January, 1936. GUS H. SAMUELS, City Treasurer Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for Jackson County. Ralph E. Green and Jennie Faurote Green, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. Earle T. AHd: mti, Eaxle T. Allred. wife of Earle T. Allred; the un , known heirs of Earle T. Allred; Mittle R. Allred: John Doe, husband of Mittle R. Allred; the unknown heirs of Mittle R. Allrod: also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest In the real estate de scribed In the complaint herein, De- lenaanta. To the Defendants hereinabove named: In the name of the State of Oregon. you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear herein and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs on file herein within four (4) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons it served upon you by puo licatlon thereof; or within four (4) weeks from the date of the service of this summons upon you If served upon you personally outside the State of Oregon. You are hereby notified, that If you fall to appear and answer the com plaint of the plaintiffs on file herein as hereinabove required, the plaintiffs win caxe judgment against you lor the relief prayed for iu plaintiff's complaint on file herein, that Is, the plaintiffs will take a decree that they, the plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple of the real property described in plaintiffs' complaint and herein after described, and that none of the defendants have any right, title, ea tate, Hen. or Interest therein, either In law or equity, and for plaintiffs' costs and disbursements In this suit to be taxed. The real property affected by this suit Is situated in Jackson County, Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to-wlt: From a gas pipe at southwest cor ner of Donation Land Claim No. 84 In Township 37 South of Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, run west on south line of said claim projected 191.4 feet to east line of the Orchard Home Association tract, thence South 0 degrees and 8 mln. West, 804.00 feet on said east line to a 3-lnch gas pipe monument; thence West 268.00 feet to a 3-lnch gns pipe monument; thence north 0 degrees and 8 mln. east 371.6 feet to a 8-lnch gas pipe mon ument; this being the point of beginning; and from thence running north 0 degrees and 6 mln. east 730.3 feet to a 3-lnch ;as pipe monument; thence west 1320 feet to a 8-lnch gas pipe monument; thence south 6 degrees 8 mln. eodt 730 J reet to a 3-lnch gas pipe mon ument; thence east 1320 feet to ft 3 Inch gas pipe monument, the point of beginning, containing 22.13 acres. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS I, Weep con vulsively 4. Msltreat a. Pouch 13. Difference be tween two consecutive numbers 11. Fast 14. Kuss 15. Flnt bottles 17. Implement for enlarg ing holes 19. Ancient Phenlelsn capital !0. Artlcls 12. Tear niunder 13. Coniblnntloo for com mon pur pose II Locomotive driver's shelter 18. Terminal 19. Junction 13. Lubricating Is. iiypnotlo stste 16. Mixture 17. Kind of silk IS. Cereal iea '.I. Kxactlng ex orhitant Interest 8olutlon of Saturday's Puzzls LOSTIf OIPISElwjE AjR I A jU R A LWOR G O LFERjTA S TfljE R 1 1 . f. T 1 A R M OlRP A n'f TkIRiE N AppITA" L "l jA" NT MAT eBA N llAkON e Ha n Ai CAJBAVAljABATES 22IlO!illENT 43 At a distance 46. Woolly sur face of cloth 44. Ascend 49. Straight 61. Fastened SI. Hold bar! C4. Helped 64. Anger 6. Pigpen (I. Walks wearily 19. Is ab'e ' n3 w r r i7 r pt r r f M'l 'I 1 mwF '.fit '''''-'A MM, Miu ;l!L!t Hf! ;'-- UxUlu mi. . JLll 1 4? So ', s & " ii35 ZZZZ si 1 , lif 1 M 1 I r I 1 This summons Is published by vir tue of an order of the Honorable H. D. Norton. Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 24th day of December. 1935. The date of the first publication of this summons la the 36th day of December. 1935. BOGGS AND BOG OS, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Oregon, Notice of Sale of Real Properly by Administrator. In the County Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Jackson- In the Matter of the Estate of Charles E. Barge, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that tha un dersigned as administrator of the es tate of Charles E, Barge, deceased, will from and after the 8th day of Feb ruary. 1936, proceed to sell at private sale to the highest bldoer ror cash in hand, or at leust one-half cash and the balance secured by first mortgage for not over one yeal at 6rp Interest, and subject to confirmation by the County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the County of Jackson, the following described real property situate and being In :he County of Jackson and State of Ore gon, to-wit: Beginning at a point wnicn is 3122 feet South and 1565 feet Wait of the East one quarter ( ) cor ner of Section 15. Twp, 36, S. Range 3 West W. M.. thence running West along the Southerly line of the City of Gold Hill property 181.4 feet, thence South 19 deg. West 106 feet, thence South 9 deg. West 137 feet, thence East 312 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Rallroaa. thence Northerly along said right-of-way line to the point of beginning, containing l'i acres, more or less, as described in Vol. 184 page 144 Deed Records. This sale is made In the above en titled matter pursuant to a license and order of sale duly made on the 9th day of January, 1936, by the Hon. Earl B. Day, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, and filed In the office of said Court on said last men tioned date. Dated at Medford. Oregon, January 9th. 1936. WARREN COPPOCK. Administrator of the Estate of Charles E. Barge, Deceased. THE GRANGE Gold Hill oranfe Gold Hill Orange held regular semi monthly meeting Jan.- 2 Two new members were taken Into the organi zation. After the business meeting a pro gram was enjoyed consisting of a talk by P. L. Walte, master of Live Oak Orange; talk by O. S. Orey; two solos by Mr. Sloan, teacher In the Qold Hill school; and muslo by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fish. Refreshments were served later. Sams Valley Orange will, In the near future, put on a play "Mama'a Baby Boy" In the school gymnasium. It Is reported that Sams Valley has some very good talent. The general public Is Invited and It Is hoped there will be a good attendance. Central Point Oninse. . Central Point Orange met January 3 with a fins attendance. A very Interesting lecture hour was put on by the worthy lecturer. This was the first meeting of the new year. also the start of the attendance contest, which was close with team number two 'In the lead. All mem bers are urged to attend and help their re.ptive sides. Several candidates will go to the Eagle Point grange to receive the first and second degrees. On Janu ary 18 the candidates will be taken to the Oold Hill grange to receive third and fourth degrees. Central Point grange will enter the dra matlca contest with the one-act olav. "The Blue Teapot," directed by, Mrs. Bertha Bursell. Use Mall Tribune ant ads. Cross-Word Puzzle 10. Arabian seaport IL Measurs ot wood 11. Self: Scotch 15. Scans of sctloo tl. Owned 34. Furnishes 28. Piece of brlc-a-brse Is. Msle ewsn ST. Trouble It. Kind of acid IU Edible tuber 13. Clssr gsln 34. Ilsrden 16. Stumbled 17. Age 40. Up to the time that 41. Vase 4Z. Annexes 43. Authoritative comnis nd 14. Lsnd nglillng force 47. Medical fluid! 41. Blbllcsl garden 80. Exploitive device 61. Small flab 86. Psrform DOWN I. Not hard 3. Kolaly S. Csitahls Of being endured 4. I-srse flathoat 5. Rewlng loossly t. Aloft 7. Alsrm whlstls 8. City In ths Netherlsnds I. fdanth-al FISCAL CONDITION OF CITY IS GOOD, REPORT DISCLOSES Mayor Porter's Survey of 19S5 Shows Maintenance of Cash Basis Street Repair Study Is Asked Mayor George F. Porter, In his com prehensive annual report presented to the city council Tuesdsy night, recommended that the councilman give consideration during 1936 to Medford hlghwnys "with the Idea of developing and presenting some plan for the rehabilitation of paved streets," particularly thoae in the residential districts. The mayor took cognisance of the dilapidated condition In which many of the streets now are. He said: "During the year 1935 every effort was made to maintain our present streets und roads with the beat use of the limited funds available for such purpose. "In view of the fact that many of our streets were paved at a time when the use of heavy vehicles was unknown, the city has In years past been unable to expend moneys neces sary for reconstruction and many of these streets are sadly in need of attention beyond which the city can give by ordinary measures." Levy Is Reduced In reviewing fiscal affairs the aald: "Notwithstanding the extra, bur dens carried by the city during tho year 1935 for unemployment relief, It Is my pleasure to report to you that we closed the year 1935 with money available to pay all outatand lng warrants and leave a aubstantlal surplus and that all Interest require- ments and bond payments maturing January I have been paid. 'By reason of the policies or the council and budget committee the city of Medford has during the pe riod- of depression maintained itself In a cash position. In addition thereto, during the year 1935. the council took advantage of the exist' lng bond market to refund bonds In the approximate amount of 8335.000, reducing the interest rate thereon from 6V. and 6 per cent to ZVa and 3 per cent, resulting in aubstantlal future annual saving to the city. "As a result of the policies of the council and budget committee, the council was enabled to reduce the levy for the year 1936 by substan' tlally 3V4 mllls." Cltes Relief Aid Mayor Porter recommended that the council continue Ita present fin. anclal policies and practice of ap pointing s budget committee at the beginning of the fiscal year so that membera would be thoroughly fa miliar with all phases of city admin Istratlon at the time of fixing the 1937 budget. The mayor reviewed the part the city played In 1935 In providing funda .or unemployment relief and In obtaining federal grants for pro. Jects providing work for the Jobless He said tho policy of caring for the unemployed would be carried out as faa aa possible In 1936. pointing to an application now pending for 6366.000 of WPA funds for Improve ments and additions to the Medford airport, a project designed to provide employment aa well as bring the plant up to first-class standards. Trees Airport Expansion Receipts from use of airport fa- duties In 1936 were aufflclent to cover operating coata, Mayor Porter reported, declaring that "the Med ford airport la rapidly becoming one of the mnjor activities" of tne city He told of the services now sta tioned at the airport and recom mended that ths council continue Ita efforta to procure additional gov ernment funda and sorvlces. He urged that the airport be made one of the major plants on the west coast. While averring that foreclosures beenme necossary In 1935, Mayor Por ter emphasised that It haa been the council's policy to give property own ers every opportunity to pay back assessments and recommended that such practice continue. He declared that forecloeures win be resorted to only when the owner shows no wil lingness to protect his property. Additional help employed during the year to assist In the collection of overdue assessments and to work with property owners in reaching aome plan of payment brought in more than 135.000, the mayor atswa. advising that the plan be continued. F.xtra Patrolmen Hired Little crime waa committed In Med ford In 1935, ths mayor's report said, though a flurry of petty thefts snd burglarlea occurred near tne year-sna. Pointing out that ths police depart ment was reduced from s personnel of eight to seven In 1933, that cities of comparable sire have s much lsrger force and that an extra po"oeman waa employed at the year end to help combat tie petty crime luirry. the mayor recommended that the new policeman be retained, snd the council concurred. The milk Inspection service In 1035 reached Its peak efflcency, the in dustry co-operating better than ever before, th mayor reported. Parka and the children's playground were maintained and Improved with out additional expense to the city. the mayor aald. and advised continu ance of the system as far as possible with available funda. The water commlaslon functioned efficiently and according to Its sched ule, the mayor's report said, collec tions being on s 100 per cent baals. Advises rinse Mrrtitlny Ths mayor pointed to actual cash aavlnss to the city by virtue of Ita membership In the League of Oregon Cities and he recommended contin ued membership and active partici pation In the league. Mayor Porter advised th council to continue Its present policy of scru tinizing carefully every requested Im provement. "It Is my opinion," he stated, "that while progress should be made, nevertheless conditions are not such yet as will wn riant an ex tensive improvement program." In conclusion the mayor expressed ppreclatton In behalf of himself and the council for the co-operation and assistance of the various city com mittees, especially the budget com mittee, the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce and Its president, Ben Harder; local financial Institu tions and citizens who from time to time offered advice and counel. He pleaded for the continued co-operation of all citizens during 1936. I r W rtilt TALK ON CRIME Kenneth 8. Wood, Me-dford high school teacher of public speaking and iournailsm, spoke on "Crime" at Wednesday's regular weekly lunch-1 eon-meeting of tho Lions' club at I Valentine's cafe. ! Mr. Wood presented statistics on the Increase In crime In this coun try and emphasized that the thrae most potent forces for curbing crim inal Instincts are the home, the church and the school. Carrol I. Hays announced the launching of the annual member ship and attendance contest and divided the club into two teams, the loser to fete the winner In the spring. H. R. Meusel was named chair man for next week's entertainment program committee. FARMINOTON, Wash, Jan. 0. (AP) An apparent double slaying and a suicide waa reveled today with the discovery of the bodies of a wealthy farmer, hi wife and a farm laborer near here. The dead: D. M. Hopper, a-bout AO. Bessie Hopper, his wife. Harry C. Bacon, the farm hand. Hopper's body was found by neigh bors In his homo three miles east of here. In Idaho, last night. Near It were notes and letters apparently written by Mrs. Hope and Bacon, Indicating Bacon shot Hopper aa a result of grievances magnified by liquor, and Intended to kill Mrs. Hop per and himself- Shortly berore noon toaay ine bodies of Mrs. Hopper and Bacon were found In a b&rn on the neighboring Frank Leonard farm, about a mile from tho Hopper homo. TRUST CO. TIES UP OF PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 9. (AP) The St. Louis Union Trust company, suing to aatlsfy s 810S.499 Judgment, tied up sll funds of ths Oregon con ference of the f'ethodlst Episcopal church today. Funds In four Portland banks were named In the writs of gar nlsheement, but It waa rumored that little more than 8100 was captured. Service on th writs was s final step in ths long controversy between th church snd bondholders of, the Wesley hospital st Marahfleld. ' Eagle Point P.-T. A. Will Meet Friday EAOLB POINT, Jan. 8. (Bp.) Regular meeting of the Parent-Teacr-er association will b held January 10 at 8 p. m., at the high school. All persons Interested In child welfsre are Invited to the P.-T. A. meetings, All membera of the assoclstlon are urged by Mrs. Millie Tlngleaf, chair man, to attend the meeting as many things of Importance will be discussed A program Is being planned and It la hoped that there will be a large attendance. The subject to be dis cussed Is "Keeping the Normsl Child Normal," with round-table discussion. Jimmie Jingle Says: Now you should resolve to buy our delicious cakes snd pis. And don't forget our bresds al ways hsve the finest tsstes. .Model llakery Products For s healthy 1938 resolve to sat our oven-fresh baked gooda each day. By ths way, how do you buy bread? By name, looka, alu or taste? FARMER AND WIFE SHOT BY WORKER J0XPH 0QHMViR,P0HHIV , sTiif Tfl I ffllfilsf V, F J. POST HOST TO STATE LEADER AT LARGE Crater Lake Post No. 1833, Veterans or Foreign Wars held open house at Eagles hall,. Monday night, the occa sion being the official visit of Stata Commander Dwlght Alderman. An. invitation to all veterans of Jacluon rounty to meet the state commander brought a large response, as the hall waa crowded with veterans of all wars with exception of comrades of the Civil war. whose inrirmltlea would not permit them to attend. Tho meeting waa called to orde by Commander George Codding, and alter his Introduction of distinguish ed guests the gavel waa turned over to State Commander Alderman, who gave the obligation to a largo elass of recruits, afterward decorating them with the Cross of Malta, offl- clnl emblem of the V. F. W. After aa address by Commander Alderman on the eight-point program of the V. P. W., short talks were given by the following comrades and guests: Joe E. Wood, commander Col. Sargent Camp U. 8. W. V., A. V. Hood, com mander Walter A. Phillips Post V. F. W Ashland, A. H Banwell, worthy president F. O. E. and manager of Jackson County Chamber of Com merce, Carl Y. Tengwald. captain Co. A. National Guard. H. S. Deuel, past commander Post No. 15, American I.eglon, and Victor Tengwald, head of the local C. W. A. After the meeting refreshment were served by ladles of the auxiliary. Preceding the meeting, Commander Alderman and Mrs. Alderman were dinner guests, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Flynn, who also entertain ed Commander and Mrs. Codding and Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Canfleld. During1 his stay -here, Commander Alderman who Is also national Judge advocate of the Military Order of the "Cootie8, inspected Gold Stripe Pup Tent No. 3. Medford. and Interviewed "Terrible Terry," the "Hide Gimlet," who U mascot of the outfit. The V. F. W. also held their regular business meeting Monday evening Mra. Dwlght E. Alderman, past presi dent of Over The Top Auxiliary No. 007, Portland, and Mrs. H. J. Block of the South Tacoma, Wash., Auxili ary were present. After regular business of the eve nlng was taken care of Including Initiation of candidates, the auxiliary Joined the post and guests In the dining room where refreshment were served. Guests of the auxiliary for the evening were several wtvee of membera of the newly organized Wal ter A. Phillips Post NO. 3423 of Ash land. 4 pomona Grange Pomona Grange (By Gertrude Haak) Jackson County Pomona Grange win meet at the Knights of Pythlae hall, corner of Grape and 6th streets, . Medford, being entertained there by the Roxy Ann Grange, on January HQ, In an all-day meeting beginning at 10 a.m. All subordinate granges In the county are requested to urge their members to attend. Get the habit of attending the Pomona. There la no organisation In the county that offers so much of educational value to those who attend regularly. Every new master who is not now a member of the Pomona should at once affiliate with their county organisation, In order to be a'ole to better co-operate with local projecta and keep In touch with county and local unit work. Start the new year right. Come yourself and bring a large group of your membera to this first Pomona meeting of the year. Try Lynrfy Milk Depot for Grade A milk. 30c a gallon. 533 E. Main. V PLAIN SPOKH PETE W A MAN IS HAPPY PLAYING AN OLD TUNE, MEETING AN OLD FRIEND OR PAYING AN OLD DEBT And man la happy bringing his car hers for Spesnallnd Luorlca tlon. He knows that every greas ing point will be thoroughly lubricated with tin quality greases . . . and he knows our service Is prompt and prices fslr.