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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1936)
PAGE FOURTEEN NCVM MM AN UAT MVM I NEVER MIND THE LADY MIVII MINO TH1 LAST NiVM MINO fHI IAOT HIT TMi UOT by David Garth suSUi'MH: Allaire wttt tuet nf arrived at her tather'a Virginia ((!( to find an ell night party dVinu on it teet. Hhe ari het to thtr art hawno o postage at arme ; the tell him that the cannot atom ach the otd Hie my more and he fells n't that he undettinndt but does not botieve there it much eh can da abovt it. Allatre te not to eure Down in the ttnptca ehe o mat d vouna engineer named Terry Willelt under exrtUna e.r. eumetancea and the hie a feeling that WilUtt might be able to do eometMna very definite about at' moat anythina Cbapter I! FLIGHT AGAIN rR father alwaya bad been ablt to do that distort things wltii oolite sarcaenj. Made them appear illy and ralueiess and theatrical. Allaire said nothing. He picked up tile tumbler and eat back, rlewlng her keenly- - "1 euppoae tale new-found ambi tion haa eometblng to do with your turning up you, little noie at Stere Perry. Well, you'd belter think again. We're going broke and If real aetata raluea and market eecurltlea don't pick up there won't be an awful lot In the old eock for you. "What'e the matter with Steve? Juit becauee he probably wouldn't be caught dead In a covered wagon." "Aside from the fact that I don't love Steve," abe eald tranquilly, "that haa a loi to do with It. Marry ing Steve would be a nice eaey way for ua both to go to hell. I've aeen what happena to these marrlagea made In heaven. "Look at you and Mell. Your mar riage wasn't founded on anything but society headlines. Vou wen ' best of your respective crops 1 that was all you brought each "And In those dayi while I was being abuttleJ back and forth be tween you for all months of every year, 1 made up my mind I'd never marry unless 1 was certain my mar riage was going to last. Oh. 1 thought 1 was in love several times, but tbero was never much of a glow about it." "Value yourself pretty highly, don't you, AllalreJ" She nodded untroubled!;. "Plenty, Ray." "Proud aa Juno," he commented. "And now you wait for the glowt Tou'll wait a long time." She looked past him, smiling to herself. "I've had It. The glow of rivera to cross, and battles to win, and some thing to accomplish in life" . He paused with bis drink near his lips. , "You mean you tell In love with souiobody?" Wo!" she said with ewttt surpris ins Uercenesa. "1 didn't say that." In the sllenct that followed this brief outburst her mouth teemed to curve In something like angry acorn, and her fatber watched her, touch ing off bin drink wltb quick short Hps. "I have an Idea," be said Anally, "your pride went for a slight bump. Something got under yonr skin. Don't tell ma somebody snubbed the queen at the tourney." "Put It any way you like," she said with a return of her usual calm. "1 learned something and I'm still fancy free." "I think,'' Rayburne West said de cisively, "that you are going to end up with a mouthful of fog. You're too hard to please. You want mon to eross rivers and fight battlea and you won't find any who will. You're beautiful, my dear, and 7ou'll al ways get a play from men, but life's too short to sweat." HHJ NODDtiD to her and refilled bis tumbler from tbt decanter. Allaire watched him as though be waa a fairly capable amateur ma gician. He sot his tumbler down tmpty, pulled loose bis ires? tie, and opened bla collar. "Pardon me." he said. "Feel that last one." Allaire wouldn't let him shake her. She knew what she wanted, bad known ever since her return from 8outh America. A sense of breathless tingling lite that she'd seen that night In the Le gation Club gardens when a tall young man came striding down a garden path and Ueorge l'"o got set to wave the lamp of reason. That tall young man bad run out on ber, ruined an Ideal: j victorious Invader who with the cattle ready to aurrender had blown a tin bugle and ,'ldueu away, and she defeated hlra for It. Yet ehe had teen enough of the real underlying raluet of life thai night to have made her eilstence luce teem .Ike a rldt on a tinsel bedecked merry-go-round. Hut one tension In this house and she felt as though there waa nothing genuine TI ACTIVE H MUSICAL CIRCLES OP A recent letter recflu-d by Mr and Mrs. J, R. TlmmpMn Irom thflr dauehter. Mlsa Ofralrilne -inompwn, ho Ifft last rrbniarjr I tor Wa,h Inj'.on. D. C. hrr he Is now a wnior lypiAl In te dfpsrtment of airlrultur. Is of wveral wtial Ml artlvlilM In uhloh she Is now engaged. Misa Thomnaon la a vio linist., and aa well known In local musical circles before leavin for the eent. Mlu Thomon pla)a In num ber of orchmtra mid mulc gr.ur In the capital. Sunday, rcemer NGVU MINO IM IA0V HfVIt MTA IH 1AOT NIVU am mi w HfVU io m IAOT ana permanent in tnt world. Ther was an atmosphere of decadence and defeat her that ruined tradi tion. She felt ebe bad to get away. "1 can't do anything about Itr she repeated. "I can do a great deal and I will." Her voice softened. "Snap out of It before you're licked Take It easy for a while." She atood up, drawing on ber driv ing glovee. "Where tbe devil ara you going V ber father asked, etar'ng. "Back to Washington. Another shuttle trip. Nell may be played for a eucker by every art dealer eatt of tut Mleslsslppl and dirt wltb half tbe stuffed eblrta of Christendom, but Ueorge Pox Is due on leave soon and I want to be there. He reminds me of things. 1 Just wanted to say hello to you on my birthday." She drew ber coat about her and turned toward the door. "To Eleanor West's for cocktails!" she proclaimed. "The war cry of half of Washington every afternoon at half-past four." Wltb a Jaunty wave ot her hand she took ber leave. A moment later her car roared back down the drive. Happy Birthday! Rayburne West Angered the brandy decanter and felt Irritated wltb her partly because he was los ing her to Nell and partly because he bad never been able to tone down ber speed. He had always beeo a little afraid ot bis daughter. She had a etronge capacity for anger and action that gave him pause maae aim mum. And tbe more he tnougnt oi ner, mo more artificial and Jaded Tala ap peared, and tbe older be felt. Old Age! He stumbled over to the mirror and stared at hla reflection. Licked! He euddenly felt elck of this place. Change of scene, that waa a. Change of scene. Go up to New York and stay at one of hla cluba for a while until be felt better. He mustn't get old anything but that Before be went to bed he leu worn to have arrangemenla made to have bis private car "Debutante II" picked up by tbe Old Dominion, cracs train northbound for wnsmngion and New York. TUB town of Carterot was more than Juat distance removed from revolution and Jungle, gunrunners, merciless sun and yellow river. It waa on another plane of existence entirely ond the engineer didn't live who could bu lid the Bridge of Transi tion. Nettling In the heart of a blu grass region of hunt clubs, raclug stables, and fine old Colonial estates, It seemed forover porvaded with tbe caress of Virginia sky and old gar dena redolent of lilac, mimosa, and ancient rose. And on days ot the Virginia Hunt or Apple ' Blossom carnival tbt sleepy old town became a eporta man's Mecca. Fasblunnble society flowed through tbe wide tree "haded streets In shining motors, gay tally hos, and brightly bedecked wagons. Another world? yea, verily. A world of silken racing colors, velvety-nosed thoroughbreds, men and women riding to bounds, fast little ponies ohaslng a polo hall on wide level greensward. The tradition of .the town was symbolized by a bronze statue of t Revolutionary patriot In the historic square. It perpetuated the memory of a tall young officer who had on that spot recruited one of the llrat companies or Virginia volunteers. The officer's name waa Captain Rodea Wlllett, should anybody have been Interested. For example, Terry Wlllett in town to bring bis rather back to the beginning or the trait dldu't give a bang for all tbe statues on the fact of tbe earth. The kindly and patriarchal Cap teret divine was Interested by tbe paradox ot an unsmiling young man who asked nothing, yet. aa sure as the world was made, wnnted some thing that he probably could not have denned himself. So Interested. In fact, that at tbe young man started down the walk from the white ehurch be hastened after him and laid a band on bit shoulder. "What are you going to do now, my son!" "I don't know, Sir. Join thi navy." he grinned briefly, "and lei tbe world maybe." "Man you no ideas In mlnilt Your career?" "I'll carry on." said Wlllett. A warm soft breete blew acoaa bit race at be stood bareheaded by the entrance to the cnurchyard. "It's s stinking life, but I'll carry on." The old minister thoughtfully rubbed his pince-uel with a handker chief, his faded blue eyes hllnklni In the afternoon sun. C;vrtst I'll t Davit UartK) Ttrrv doti tittle unaxptctte Intruding, Monday. 33. she played In tlis orchralra which I accompanied a prcwtntallnn of The I MrMitah hy the Waahlnttton Oratorio! MH'tety. On Chrl.tmaa Kve. ahf playwl J the violin for a amall armip of slnp era at the IMcur hotel In the capi ta'., the group vtanttcrlng from table to table In the manner of trouba dour. Mia Thonuwtn state that ' they were vcr' well re-elved. lt llto audience Joining tn the alnglng j friMn dinner tablea. i Mlaa Tliompson la a graduate of ' Medford high actiool. and her many ! frlenda In Medfotd will be glad to ' hear of the recognition her mimical talent le receiving he alwi appear with the departtiH'nt of agriculture rymphony orcheat.a ot eo piecea WINDOW OlM W aell whiitow glaaa and will replace your tiroten windows reaaonably. Tru-bndge cab inet WorKa. , Uc corrwtly corseted In an Artlt Ethelwyn B Model by Hoffmann. WW MM IM UBV rEDFOUD MAIL STRANGE AS proof the Tor furtl ' The New Year' festival among the ancient Pumerlans was one of Joy to everyone except the king and for him It wan one of the most trying period of the year. The festival lnat ed 11 days nnd It Chief feature whjj the humiliation of the ruler. First of all, he had to carry his royal symbols the ring, sceptre and crown to the Temple of Marduk.j where they were taken from him D I the priest. This official then mapped the king on the face, pulled his ears, j end In oMier ways humiliated lum before his subject. When this ortleai ' was over the king had to kneel be fore the god and confess his wrongs. ! He was the;. lven back his royal : InslRnia, but still had to submit to : slapping by the piiest, During this rite he was carefully watched for 11 , , he was shipped hard enough to mako ; him shed tears then It was consid- ; irea a good omen ror tne comius year. If he took his beating dry-eyed bad luck was suro to befall the coun try. This was the way they cele- . brated the coming of the New Year 4A0O0 years ago. i The Blue Danube rises in Germany's Black Forest. There Its waters are of a greenish hue, changing to a muddy yellow as fcho river reaches level coun try on Itfi way to the Black 6ea. The I y.MI r, - , riAMUrACOLNWfftONC? sn 6UV A CHftMROH WR6SIV6R ' WbbCllijMo., iteMeTAMO frig IM 1Ue lt j eWsCKSBfcm IT'S WATER'S ARE A H' TAILSPIN TOMMY Treachory I uj H4L luittuiin, Y7SiAfTUfSEo s y p" s-- v-.-w-.-----;' --H Ika-v. rftsTQH 'ev'rooN'T stick11 " " ZjU&T AS, I SbS.r"r-cre6j . TO SET, HAS- f-Pfmm HURRY UP! lTS JM? fih lWW , BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER Last Warning! By EDWIN AL0Ea I , j" r i Jji ; I i : 1 1 FROM TV4E WOOOED SHORE CAME AW ANsWER- 1" THAT GUY POI A iSHJTIfTI ZZ- J yOOM YA TWO RU of A 6HOTOUM I COUPLA NOTCHES Vm&v C (UEeP MWiH'OG ii frSmR mifflW sPym THE NEBB8 The right Is On ' By SOL HESS ( If W waL.IMERE'5 MV AD- ,"" . TUiS? MEBSJs AD.." i THERE'S A DIRTY -SOY ! DOMT "V j I : t?i WAIT TILL- TMAT GLW MivX SEES) prr-l MV PCTURW-O "JJ TO SEE AMVlODV ET AUOViO, ' - . IN A I I ' 1 . - l. z- ; U , I ikt CV MADDER TWAKJ WAS J aiiSry'J 1 PE.EL. SO GRATEFUL. TMAT I AM H VWISW HIM RIGHT Kl&XI, ME VVCXJLD'OIl-,- CAPTuaJ -- fpf soki -ro tui;cj mv doors ockj A peei. so &ratefll about rZ; EMM.-VS -- S IV r 1 "'' ' n SONJ C-JE.VJ VEAS EVE. AMD iv. 4SerrTlrvk A,'ELL --T . j! AD 'IsJ THE V-, '""'' ; t'TiV- APCTITE- AMONOUSlf ' WW m 'Ml- TRIBUTE, MT3DFOKD. IT SEEMS -By JOHN HIX antbor, loclosh . lump Blue Danube drains an area of more than 300.000 square miles almost 10 ( WRIGLEV'S r. 1 J Quality l 1 Pi PAS6E.S fcri-jJ I II Evcpv TEST aF V' i f4 ppocrrT nuAr F- mi ,U OREO ON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 3, 19,16. for Reg. TJ. 8. Pat Of. percent' of all Europe. It flows In a generally easterly dlroctlon, crossing Germany, Austria, Hungary, Yugo slavia and Rumania, and touching the borders of Bulgaria and Czecho slovakia a tots! of no less thm seven countries arc crossed or touch ed by the stream. Tomorrow; The Marvelous Calen dar of Hie Mayan. H PORTLANDBABIES ARRIVE NEW YEAR DAY PORTLAND, Ore., Jan, 3. UP) j Fourteen infants saluted the New ! Year here New Yenr's day with their first, tiny cries. Twins were among lIic eight boys and soven girls born.' T-llESg,'; ZZZZT ll wu;,, Km CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT ftBA HE'LL BE 6LAD WHEN CHRttirOAS IS OVER MDYHE FAMILY STAJtfS PWIH6 SOME fftr(tlOrf 10 HIM A6MN POLL'S OOT A FEW PlSCARPED CHRISrfWAS AND 6IFT CARDS WHICH HE FlrJDS VERt1 fULl fem?s it into small. bits and -turns his attention To LOKS "PIECE OF REP RiBBOtf (Copyright, S'MATTEB FOP- ' ByCBlPAVNB rySNlFSwiFVA Sm-SNItF.ftNUFF, COLDS ft&fir OUT.' kJ, , . ATEE C ATC H I N V ive- OT-TAr l IuL ,V,E- it To .Cold! ys- ' ' ' NlSNIWivfr J , f& -S Bfr(Cpyri(tlit, 1936, by Tha Bell apldicite. Inc.) itiEV'VT BEEN 50 BOSY Wrfrt friER PRESENTS, NO ONE HAS PlAVfD VTH HIM TOR PPfrS HAULS OOT A MASS OF CROMPLEP (SSUE "PAPER 2& FINDS IT RATHER INTEREST ING CMEWIN6 1936, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) A" V 1 t . tsy GLUYAS WILUAMS ) Ma Well, he'll haVeToproviw his own ehtcrtwrjmeht. upsets Waste-basket riNDS TriW IT MAKES A DEJ.I&HTFOL NOISE when: BEING TorN INTRVlNS TO 6ET OTHER END, fiWc fUoRoilHLS' INVOLVED WITH RIBBON. FAMILY ARRIVES TO STRW6HTEN tIN(S OUT I I Jr . - II a