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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1936)
. PXGE TEN" 1IEDF0ED MAIL TKIBT7XE, 1IEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1936. va : - z ; czeme AT 107 Ml ST. .-.MIDI n "TT i ....iihihwi "a" ' i ) E Pin n ii lal U W Kmmt U The Southern Oregon Art associa tion Is starting the new year In up torn quartern, having opened a real 1 art studio and olubrootn at 107 Main ; treet (room 8 over Brown's, ap-1 proachable try the Maui atreet stall- , way). i The association, whoae motlv la to cultivate and atlmulate the a:t Inter- eats of Mwlford and southern Oregon at tne smallest poanlble oost, started MX montha ago, Jollowing their firet public art exhibit. Out of the group of exhibitors the following eix eepab'.e ; teachers offered their services: Mrs Minnie B. Hle:ia, who studied art In Minneapolis, Minn., In Philadelphia. Pa., under Mine. Von Helmold end later at the WMelnean-Taber studio In Bri'ct. Mont., under Mr, Taber, a . rep:eacnttive of the French oil meth- c4 from Paris: Mrs. Elizabeth Ed- j mondson. former student of Brown'a university and Pratt Institute; Mrs. j Alice English, a teaohet In art com- ! position; Max Slemes. who studied on painting extensively in Chlongo and New mrx City; slid Johnle King and F. w. Poster of the local commercial advertising companies. - Officers were elected and a atudlo was donated by Mrs. Edmondson at 854 West Second street, where a free art achol has been conducted, the culmination of Its Inspiration to other local artists was well represented at their December public art exhibit. A new elx-montihs' art course will start Immediately at the nw studio, and beginning this month the asso ciation will be operated on a small monthly membership dues basis. The teaohlng faculty and time of classes are according to the following sched ule: Tuesday, T to BM p. m. (show ajnrd), P. W. Poster. Friday. 1:30 to 4:80 p. m. (pastel,. Wra B. Ed mondson. eatuMf.T. 1 .30 to iM (French 1 method olle). Mrs. Minnie 3. Hlene. Saturday, 1:30 to 4:30 (oils), Max I Slemes. j All clan are free to the asao- elation members, who era required j cMy to furnish their own materials j TlM Htm, business meeting of the . fl.- will be held f t tr stud.o Sat urday, January 4, at 7:30 p. m. Competitive and comparative ex- j guilts Sor students wilt c held from time to time, ss well as publio art ! axalblt similar to those of the past, j 2t is aleo the plan to hold aome lu- I terestlng art lectures In the future, j Realizing that there la a nation- wide renewal of art activitiea at prea- j nt and a very wide field open for : development here, the Southern Ore.- vnt Art association weloomea l:ie en. roilmcnt of n pupils and are In- i irrtoa awKiaio mvuvbers. "l!F0WBEST PICTURE OF YEAR rTEW TOP.X. J 3 yPr "Ths In former' Is tie crjrrimous choice of the New Yorx nlm critlna. an or rnnlmtion Inuludlw virtually all dally newspaper rcvlpvers In the city, iw the beet moving picture of 1034. Other selections announced today, the lint of the newly organlrsd group, t:n: Pest B-awullne performance of the rai Oli.ries LaUtfiltoli In "Mutiny ! on the Bounty 'and In "RiisRlee or i PM Otft " Seet feminine performance of the year -Oret oarho la "Ansa Kara, suns.' ( Best direcuon of the year John Pcrrt in ' rue Inlormer." Mlnesitr votes were given to Kath arine Hepburn for tn beat feminine performance In "Alice Adams," and . for direction, te) Alfred Hitchcock for '"Thlrty-nlno Btepa" and "The Man Who Knew Too Much." NEWSPAPER LIST PHTLADKLPHIA. Jen. . P) The K. W. Ayer's director of newspapers and periodicals for 103 reporta 9.1H9 dally newspapers In the United States and rsnada. a decrease of eight com pared with laat year. The directory II, te 13.027 dally, weekly and other newspaper compar ed with 14.001 In 10JS. There was a decreise of 1JO among the weeklies. Of the U.B27 total, la.PsS were published In continental United states last ;ear. compared with 1.1, OTA the year before, papers pub lished lees than a year are not In cluded. Trade papers decreased from SSIS to 3 "!. Th aiwwyate circulation of Ensllih' fciiuae newi-apere , tlll. ar-itid to hate Inerenxrd from 30. eVW.000 In 1D34 to 58.4Jfl.0O0 In 191S. and KiHtlteh language Sunday puper cir.-ula'ion from to 38 -8O0.000. Tlie Liberty Bt.:e bank of Dallas. Texas, which already h. aelectea mortftaitee tor a total of sino.mxi, has Informed the P1IA Ineurlnn. of. flee In the Lone Star state that It has 500.000 additional which It de sires In invest In mortunees Ineurra by the rVdersl Honshu) Adminis tration. Oiegon still holds the rec ord for the larttent single allocation of funds for Investment In tnis type of security. The Washington Mutual Savliura bank ot Seattle he: made a lO.OOo.ocO available for use In the I'ortlanrt area. A Portland T'luntblnir concern va por's that mum htlili.eas done n,!l.'' ,,f pn than during the 18 muni la preitdlng the M t'l A plan a a sales s'imulaut. , 9 ' ' '1 Wards Silvania Prints 2 y2 v SIMILAR QUALITY ELSEWHERE AT 16c . . 750,000 yards purchased for January Silvania cottons and patterns exclusive with Wards Sale! The newest for Spring! Flowers, plaids, checks, patterns all TUBFAST so. they look bright and clear after many washings, 38-inch. PINNACLE PRINTS Elsewhere at 25c! Fine, 80-square percales in a host of brand new pat terns. 36 inches wide. Yd 19' 36-INCH BROADCLOTH Elsewhere 15c . . . save 5c . a yard! In pink, rose, Copen, green, maize, other colors or white. Yard 1 T' FINE MUSLIN aVll fSSSfw Sheets pkg. of 2 2 Washed ready for use give 4 years wear under normal use if laundered every other week. Special woyen tape salvage. Size 81x99. 6 WOOL Blankets LINEN TOWELING, yd Steven 'P" linen, 18"! Make your own dish or roller towels. Fast color, side borders. t "CANNON" TURKISH TOWELS . 19x38-inch larger than most 15c towels! Double loop pastel borders, 23x46-in., 23c. Save at Wards! TABLE OIL CLOTH, yard Elsewhere at 30c. Save 10c a yard. Solid colors, small checks, plaids, ail-over patterns ; white, 46-inch. PRINTED BATISTE, yard Lovely sheer Batiste in springy patterns. 36 inches Vat-dyed colors. Tub-fast. small wide. 17-13' 22' 12 1 69 Clear, snowy white single blankets of fine, bleached cotton with 5 wool. Pastel borders. Extra heavy 254 lbs. Extra large 72x84 inch. DOUBLE Blankets, Wards Sale Price $2.69. Elsewhere $3.49. MUSLIN, Elsewhere 12jc yd Strong quality for household use. Bleached in the 36-inch width. Un-' bleached in the 38K-inch width. LONOWEAR SHEETING, yd Elsewhere 37c yard. Same quality bleached sheeting as Longwear iheets. Unbleached at 31c yard. 81 inch. 70x80-INCH BLANKETS, ea Elsewhere 69c. Soft cotton single blankets. Rose, blue, green, orchid or gold color plaids. Save at Wards! JAOQUARD BEDSPREADS Elsewhere $1.29. Attractive, new pattern. Lustrous rayon with cot ton. Rose, blue, green, gold, orchid. 80xl05-inch. 91 34-59 1 Longwear Sheets 81x99-in. Save 25c on every sheet you buy! Hundreds of thousands of women from coast to coast know Longwear sheets ! Know how well they wear; like the soft smooth finish, snowy whiteness! 64x64 count muslin, hand torn to insure straight hems after laundering. We bought them before prices increased and 84c is close to today's wholesale price. 1 Now In Progress! OTTON RESSE bringn you aavlnq 1 k? J 88c ( f& nelllny clscichere at 69c Onlv Ward tremenrlruia nurrVia. Ing power makes this sale possible Styles range from tailored shirt waists to flippant frills. The prints are florals, stripes, plaids, checks, polka dots or geometries. Colors are blues, reds, yellows, greens, or browns. Trimmings include organ dy, pique, novelty buttons and buckles. These dresses have no sea sonthey're always good ! 88' ercale Dresses Elsewhere 1.151 TUBFAST PERCALEI 50 DIFFERENT STYLESI DOZENS OF PRINTSI DOZENS OF COLORSI SIZES 14 TO 521 80 Save 27c a Wards! Fashion ed of finest square, tubfast percales. Fresh, new Spring pat terns. Styles for the young miss or older matron, Cm Msll Tribune aant ads. Moleskin Cloth or Leather-Tex Sheepskin Coats Real warmth and sen Ice In these coat. Size 36 to 48. 398 1I MLrfttffa I Boys Flannel Sweat Shirts, assorted plaid col ors. Slipover style 69 Zipper style ? 1.10 One Group. Val. to 9tS... $15.75 One Group, fc 1 O QQ Val. to aif.88. ()100 One Group, ahies to $9.98, One Group, Value $6.88 to S7.96.. $5.84 $4.50 One Group. Value to fl.!8.. One Group. EZf Value to $.V98 .. J)O.Ov One Group, Valiifi to $3.98 . Children's Dretws. Sizes t to 0; Alto values s. $2.98 Izrs t to 29c mm $1.98 Ml Men' Coat Sweater. Red. Rronn, Nutt, Sizes 30-3A. Rrot her and Sister Jerwy Suits ami Preeses, ejQ $1.00 value a.. C rhlltlren's Sleeper. Fane; Outlnjt, with or nfthoiit feet Girls' Ra.Ton Pajflma Mres 8 to i. 59c 98c Ha hi I it tit Lantern, furmerlv 9Se. .., RrMd Bei. while Ihey last 59c 49c on- romrilrte xlth lid StUb Cinlarrl rup Racks. f t'nlv a fv r kft 1 U C Wards January A S' ) .1 Sharply Reduced! Leather Prices are Rising! Buy Nowl This is a sale thrift-wise women won't miss! It's an opportunity to pick up several pairs of shoes for now and later on at real savings! Wherever size ranges are incomplete we're reducing prices to clear stocks quickly before in ventory! Not every size in each style but the selection is large! We suggest you shop early. SHOES Hint Were Formerly $l.a, NOW .... These were outstanding bargains even it their iWier price! Pumps, straps, spectator ties, trimmer pumps, others. Majority of black kid or U. Evening sandals included in the group. SHOES Hint Were Formerly 2. 9, NOW . . Shoes that sold fait it $2.49. Kid drsit pumps for now and Spring wear, walking oxfords, spectator tttyles. Black or brown In group. SHOES Hint Were Formerly 2.!Hl, NOW Beautiful styles found in expensive hoes. Printed demi-suedet, two leather combinations, fine kids or calfs. Pumps, oxfords, ties. Black or brown in the group. Birgain at.j,.. 4 0 1 98 198 CHILDREN'S OXFORDS Brown or Patent Leather. Sizes 8' ; to 2. Formerly $1.29. Now 98 CHILDREN'S SHOES One Straps , A and Oxfords. I ft M Si;es ll'.i to 2. B " s Reduced from $1.08. 11 7 . SOUTH CENTRAL' TELEPHONE 286 MONTGOMERY WARD