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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1935)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEPFOKH. OREOON. SUNBAT. DECEMBER 22. l!35. PAGE ELEVEN THE INFORMER' IS HELD YEAR'S BEST FILM BY CRITICS NEW YORK, Dee. 21 .J-) Til e na tional board of review of motion pic turea, an organization composed of several hundred unpaid lay critics Who preview films, today termed "The Informer" starring Victor Mc ta.en, the beat picture marie any where during 1935. Based upon popular appeal, the board named the following In order of choice: David Copperfield, Mutiny on the Bounty, The Inlormer. Lives of a Bengal Lancer, Top Hat. Mid summer Night's Dream. Naughty Mar ietta, Lea Miserable, Anna Ka renins and Rtiggle of Red Gap. The ten best Amrlcan-m.le films were listed Alphabetically as: Alice Adams. Anna Karenina, David Cop perfield. The Gilded Lily, The Infor mer, Lea Miserable, Lives of a Ben gal Lancer, Mutiny on the Bounty. RuRgI? of Red Gap and Who Killed Cock Robin. The ten beat foreign made films were listed as: Chapayev, Crime et Chatiment. Le Denver Millionaire, The New Gulliver, Peasants, Thunder in the East, and The Youth of Max im. The board was established In 1903 and annually names the ten best films as chosen by lay reviewers. B1 EXTRA FANCY BOXES 10 NEWSPAPER FOLK Eastern advertising managers and food editors who have been singing the praise of Oregon-Washington pears all season will be eating them at Christmas time, since the Oregon Washington Pear bureau haa ar ranged that a box of extra fancy Oregon or Washington pears be de livered to the newspaper plants the day before Christmas. Such fine merchandising and publicity support has been given by every one of tne papers that it was felt this would be a good way to show apprecia tion. Oregon -Washington peara for the holidays are being urged in con sumer advertising appearing in news papers in the various eastern cities where the pear bureatt is conducting a sustained promotional campaign this season. Pears, as well as apples, are & "natural" for the Christmas season, and this is being played up in the advertising, plus the fact that pears from Oregon and Washington are the highest quality available on the market. Anjou advertising is well underway In Philadelphia, Boston, New Or leans, Dallas. New York City and Milwaukee; advertising on Anjous m Miami has Just been released. Boso only are being advertised in Birmingham and Atlanta, where An jous have nat as yet been put on tha market, Shirley Temple on Holiday Program v J,. J X4- '""irr" 'ini m rrir-tfcwM wi- rmm r-riTftrrmi-T --rtrr--VTrx-MsiMMfeffln1iiBi'i1iiiiiiTsl Specially booked in for the holiday week, Shirley Temple's new picture, "The Little Rebel" comes to the Craterlan for ita local run. The entire program, consisting of & Walt Disney cartoon, a special reel of the world-famous Pared Children' Oholr and the other short subjects, together with the Shirley Temple pic ture, fairly glow with the spirit of Christmas cheer. Shirley. In "The Little Rebel, por trays the part of a little lady of the old southland during the Civil war singing, laugiiing, dancing as she tries hor hardest to be brave. John Boles, Karen Morley. Jack Holt, and Bill Robinson are in the supporting oast. EAGLES PACK 100 CHARITY BASKETS Members of the Prater! Orlr af'j Eagles were busy yesterday preparing 100 Christmas baskets for needy fam- i Hies of Jackson county. The bas kets are to be distributed Tuesday. Each basket contains eenough food for a complete Christmas dinner. In cluding a roast, potatoes, bread, vege tables, sugar, coffee and milk. The amount of foodstuff in each basket varies in accordance with the size of the family It Is intended for, mem bers explained. Committee In charge of basket dis tribution Is composed of Fred Powell and P. E. Shafer. About 500 persons attended the Eagles' Christmas party for children at the lodge Friday ntght. An en tertainment was presented and the children. 250 In number, each re reived sacks of fruits, candles and nuts. MASS MURDERER'S LADY FRIEND TO mew; reform SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 21. (AP) Pegtry Peterson, Paulos. in a secret hideout in the Cascades because of threats, against her life. Attorney Ralph A. Horr said today, will remain secluded until she Is ready to go to relatives in West Virginia, her birth place. She received several threats during the trial in which Leo Hall, whom she accused of committing the Er Innd's Point mass slayngs, was con victed and the death penalty recom mended, Horr said. "Peggy ran with a dangerous mob and now that she is quitting them, there are underworld characters who will stop at nothing to kill her," he sold. Meanwhile, the claimant of the $500 reward offered by Kitsap county for the solution of the case was unde cided. Horr said Mrs. Paulos" con fession entitles her to It. but that she does not expect to claim It and that, although her confession was made to him. he will not claim it either, un less someone else makes application. Tha: Rev. Joseph E. Cameraman, Catholic priest of Bremerton, visited Hall yesterday in his cell at Olympla. "He was not nervous and main tained he was Innocent." the priest said. The arguments on Hall's motion for a new trial will be heard Monday at Port Orchard by Judge H. a. Sutton. Income Shares Mnryland funding b'.J 17.4a; Mkcd 18.B4. Quarterly Income shares, bid 1.4"; asked 1 1 N,w C!arknma Courlhou OREGON CITY, Ore.. Dec. 51 i API Work of razing the historic Clackamas county courthouse to make room for the 1!4.700 building approved by the public works admin istration will atart Monday, colinl? official, raid. The county court al?n e t leases for temporary quarters. 0 Mall Tribune iBl d MASQUERADE h DAS. Christmas Eve. Dreamland Rube and His Orchestra dirts for the bet n.f funnier couples In rwtume -Today and Monday- Shows l:30-S:Wl.fl:45-0:00 Picturesque SHANGHAI . , . where East meets West and races collide ! i r A f'CTUH THAT SACK A G,'nw& IOMANCI 0 '01. SrXI.Ov? UGH ADvtwn!, AND S1AI DIAMA t LODETTA uminR fit bImer i-8 tfctf OLANDj ! j Added Tartnon In Colnr Nvri.TV Rr.L and Nttt Probe CCC Kemivnt PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. 21. (AP) A committee of the state planning board will investigate the proposed abandonment of the CCC camp near Moro. a delegation from Sherman county was told. Resident of the Mcro area protested that erosion con trol work of the camp was Just get ting started. It Tares to Reveal the Truth of a j IV mian s Soul! STARTS f y - TODAY IdA Nil udys w Tff I h&ZZO Here is a si 7 ''bfe, V 1 J2T so beautiful aud fragile so tender touching that it will make you forget every other love story you ever heard ... or read ... or saw on the screen! k FEATHER BIER HAT with PAULINE LORD BASIL RATHBONE LOUIS H AY WARD Wendy BARRIE BiHie BURKE On Roxy Bill j Now at Rialto At Craterian 'Shanghai," where East meets West and falls In love In fptte of tlw age old racial preudlces brine Loretta Yotui and Charles Boyer to the Roxy theater for today and Monday, Mlsa Young play the part of young American girl whose romance with Boyer, as & Ruaso-Chineee. Js froTied upon by both the whites end the yellows in the social circles of Shanghai. Their seftrch for happlneaa together forma the oasl of an intrig uing story. Alison Skipworth and Warner Oiand are also in featured roles. Pauline Lord, remembered for Uer fine portraval of "Mr Wis of the Cabbage patch," ,head the cast of "The Feather In Htr Hat" suirtin a three day run at the Riaito theater today. A. love atory, s&i on mother' gallant attempt to make her , son a eentleman. "The Feather In Her Hat" cornea here with lavish praise from dramatic critics throughout the -country hailing it -a one of the finest romances ever told on the screen. Included tn the cast are BasII Rath bone, Louis Hayward. Wendy Btirrie, Blllle Burke and Victor Varcoul. iHflW. The wild famou voice of Lw rencs Tib-bett, renowned stir of the Metropolitan opera, the radio- and concert fleide i heard In "Metropoli tan,11 starting today at the Cmterlnn theater, a story o the rise to fame of a young singer. With Tibbett tn tne role of the ambitious singer who flnda he must ffive his careful attentions to Alice Brady, woutd-b contralto, to in sure the financial success of his com pany, complication arise when he meets and fstta in tove with Vfminl Bruce bit Is unable to show hi emo ttotis for fear of olfciidlng tlie purse strings of Miss Brady, During fht course of th picture, Tibbett ia heard in renditions of nr Joiis aocrea from some of tn better known, pern. IncSadtng the prologu to "pagilaeei (the clown's laments, flio singing modern nuirtbere such a "De Olory Road" and "The Road to Mandalay.8 PORTLA4, Ore., Dec. St. (APi Of. C. c, PotinSr evanfEeUcal minister who wns near dat& foilowtng a op eration, passed the Crist and wa ex pected to recover hospital attend ant here: reported today. Dr. Poiine is father of Dtf Daniel A. Poling of the Christian: Endeavor, DANCE Ftviifiw ffre Crowds to DYNGE'S XMAS N1TE OrfeHla! ferdens !T H.VIXS ONE AlMl?S!OX 1 1 Added ooso ami roMrnv hit "College Capers" Novelty "Ski Scrapers" CARTOON' unit NFHSHF.IX III 1 13-3 :1 ! j An!t 25C IDEAL XMAS GIFT HUNT THEATRES SCRIP BOOK : 'L.v,.:....; ....... , Ai,iiMm YOU'LL MARVEL . .. LAUGH . . .THRILL. . .APPLAUD! STARTING TODAY 3 DAYS! The supreme achievement m musical drama . , . never to be duplicated . . a never to be forgotten! The hidden drama behind the scenes , . . those breathless moments between fame and oblivion before the j curtain rises . . . Now on the screen ' for the first time I ' x V ft J f", x4 J ,1f,--.Ui ' - rax t A " J '. ' JX- TO.. TP 'A. A -jails'-: i J- nMlffllKOMMll HUNT THEATRES Scrip Books The Ideal XMAS GIFT $2.50 $5.00 H EAR HIM.T"StING ' , ' Pagiiacci . The Road to Mandalay M he Toreador Song from Carmen The Sa-ber or Sevitig.' De Glory Road - . " VIRGINIA BRUCE ALICE BRADY CESAR ROMERO Thurston flail Luis Albemi Xmas Day! GINGER ROGERS not ... IN PERSON ... but ... IN PERSON 2 Sfcww T4ay 1:48 . 3:15 6;4S - 9:00 VlAJTl I VMHBVVfsnsiMsmKMinvvHMi I 1U111HLRM UKtCiUM l:HNti I 1 H LA :.MaU , , , . 25o Eves , . . 3Sb Cbildres . . 10s