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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1935)
"tPJGE fottr arEDFORD MXIE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON", THTTRSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 1 1 ,U n mmmmm HECTIC MILLING PROMISED ELKS Msdford districts most aggressive CCC fighters will mfet tonight on the Christmas card at the Elks' tem ple. With an eye toward giving the Inns the Kind of knock-down-and-lrag-out action they desire, tonight's bouts will bring together the tough, free-swinging fighters rather than the skilled boxers. Heading the card will be Wild Man Blmmons. the Bradford battler who leads with his chin and depends on ons good, wild awing to give him a victory. He will meet John Proberg of Oasquet In a bout billed for the district llRht-hcavywelght title. Chsrlle "Tiger" Curran. Oak Knoll's M fiirht.r will meet Mike Maro- Tlteh, of South Pork, In a welter weight contest that promises thrills. Marovltch Is a newcomer to the dis trict, but has a good record. Jess Savlckey, South Pork's popu lar district lightweight champ, will meet Fred Kinney, former navy fighter of Elk Creek, In another fea ture event. Both are aggreaslve boxers and should go the rout at top spend. Howard Onptlll. 145, Oasquct. will meet Herb Walker, 145, Prescott, In re-match neither boy wants to lose. Walker Is fresh from his vic tory at Ashland Tuesday night and wants to keep his string intact. Hat IiOmbardo, 118. sharpahooter from Oregon Caves, will tangle ngnln with Johnny Rosdll, 118. of Pres cott. Lombard took a close decision over Rosdll In their last encounter, but Johnny has been running up and down Rosy Anne to get In shape and promises to take htm. The card will be a part of the lilg Chrlstmaa tree benefit party at the Elks' club. DEFEAT SAMS VALLEY Phoenix high basketball team de feated Sam Valley Tuesday night at Phoenix, 33 to 18. Score at the end of the half was IS to 10 In favor of Phoenix. Duaenberry of 8amn Valley led the scoring with 14 point. Hill of Phoenix followed closely with 13 point, Following the high school same, the Phoenix Tornadoes defeated the fit. Mary's men, 4 to 19. Phoenix Sams Valley Hill (13) P. ..(14) Duaenberry D. Barnes rt..F. (1) Smith Newlln (6) O Burreson Hensler G (3) Fitsernld Furry (4) O .. Thomas Mcfleynolds (l)-.O (1) Fredenburg Goodpasture ..F BASKETBALL By the AnKOcintrrt Press. New York University 31, California 16. Drake University 47, Portland U. 17. Whitman 40, University of Idaho 13. Oregon Normal 43, Fresno State $7. Southern California 41, Howard Trnnslts 40. Dartmouth 37, Harvard 28. Temple 44, Georgetown 43. Mt. Angel 44, Multnomah Club 43. Pacific Packnrds 29, Paclflo U. 7. Astoria High ofl, Weatport High 10 Fights Last Night ny the A.oelutPrt Pre.) BAN FRANCISCO. Phil rirubaker. 192, Dlnuba. Cat., outpointed Joe Bauer. 185. Cleveland (101. OAKLAND. Csl. Henry Orlcsby. 193, Sacrsmento. csl.. stopped Benny Mowllc, 183. Los Aneeles 3): "Mll llonslre" Murphy( 303, Lob Anneles. knocked out "Chief" Profrtt. 100. Ok lahoma (II; Johnny Walters. 174. I.oa Angeles, outpointed Fraud namondo, 183, Pittsburg Hi: Pete Kelly. 101. New York, knocked out Art Carlson. 190, San Francisco (1), WASHINGTON. Billy Fley, 143. Washlnaton. outpointed Oene Buffalo. 140?;. Pittsburgh (10). NOTICE E PAY CAS w On Delivery for All of Your fUEEEYS December 16 to 21st, Inclusive TRADE WHERE YOU GET TOP PRICES AND BEST GRADES MEDFORD POULTRY & EGG CO. 128 NORTH GRAPE. PHONE 18 FANDOM RANDOM By Dick Applegate We find ourselves wondering, time snd again, how Prince Gary "Prink" Calllaon, University of Oregon men tor, formerly the arbiter of the Medford high school destinies, likes M.. now mlint.rnhln tournament with eight teams playing aeven games sgainst eacn owier. mo u. .un rinH. Prink' team meeting Southern Cal at Los Angeles on October 8, Btanlora tne next week end. U. C. V. A. November 7 and n.lltatrolB nn Nnvemhnr 14. the U. c. L. A. game the only one played In Oregon. ffnr nm time now Oreffnn has been flying In the face of a very pretty little ie" Ar tornla Jinx. Every time the team In Hc vadea Los Angeles tills Jinx climbs up on the edge of the stadium, leer ing and frowning alternately upon the Webfoots. As far aa we can remember, Oregon .tin hna tn hrenk Into the Win column at the movie center under Prlnk'a guidance. The last three tlmi they went to Los Angeles they lost by something or nothing to 33. In 1933 and '34 U. S. C. thumped the Ducks by the same vote. 33-0, and this year U. O. L, A. .reduced them to a paate and apresd them evenly over a 33-8 area. On other occaalona. U. S. C. trounced them S3-0 and 36-0. That's 145 points for O. 8. C. In four gnmes, to none for the green and yellow. St. Msry's has also had particularly good luck against the Oregonlans. If Oregon meets the n..i. in 1Q3A ihnv have for the past several years, they have pretty good chances or taxing live dcbuhk" iiirinc. th jutnjtnn. if atatlatlCB mean anything, which they generally don't. In football. Washington used to manage pretty well against Oregon until some smart press agent Injected a "Jinx" Into the conversation, an Oregon product that now hangs about the. Washington campus, dismally whispering In roach Jimmy Phelan'e ear that Oregon Is- going to win. Jinxes seem to work both ways. It would he satisfying It that l.os Angeles shroud would develop few amlilrtesteroiis symptoms. What will happen when, and It. Joe Louis climbs through the ropes to meet the aging world champion of heavyweights, Jamea Braddock? Both are the center of remarkable performances In 193. Braddock scor ing the most amaslng comeback In ring history when he took the crown from playboy Max Bser, and Louie In dynamiting his way through 36 professional fights, winning all of them. 33 by clear knock-outs. The aame thing will happen that happened to Camera. Baer and uzcu dun. He'll chop Brnddock down In whatever round he happens to feel so Inclined, although the sporting aulhorltlea are agreed that there Is st least an outside chsnce that the champion will land at leaat one or possibly two good blows, something that no one else has done for a long time. Always a cynic, John Conner recently miiile a pungent remark anrnl Louis' feat of knocking I'rrmliin off his nnrlcnl plus for the llrst time In tils IV yenr career In the ring. Quoth John: "Sure. It was the first lime he'd been knocked nrf his fret, but given onolher year to do It In. hr'd have fallen nrf Ihem anyway," One is always hearing stories ot golfers killing birds with their hard driven wood shots, etc.. one of the ni!t Interesting having been Bip- woodpecker flylnsj ,& hMrtlonff Into a1 orAAf 'I pellet, the W. P.": bonk going clea through the ball Now comes one oi CI. F. Allmn, un der - secretary-lor lands in Sydney Aualrnha, who drove from the lath tee of the Manly golf course there. The ball hit a awallow In flight, both the ball snd the bird dropping dead. Then Allman holed out for a olrdte three. We once did something like that wl t h a slln g and a green home -cheat-nut. only It was the bird's fault. It aa one of those slings &l r y?y made of two leather thong and a leather pocket, with which we were shooting the chestnuts almost out of sight. A night-hawk, foolishly flying about in the near-dusk, spied the nut coming up toward him at a great speed. Evidently thinking It to be some sort of beetle or bug. the hawk took a dive at It, the two meeting at an astounding speed. With a surprised "chawwwk," the bird was knocked straight up In the air for several feet, and ' we caught It as It fell, stone dead. We've been trying to hit the neighbor's wood shed with a sling ever since, with no success. PACKERS MAY PLAY . iN PORTLAND JAN. 5 PORTLAND, Dec. 10. (p) The first feeler for a professional foot ball game here in January came from Joe O'Connor of San Francisco. He suggested the Green Bay Pack era might play an all-star profes sional eleven here January 8. - The Packers play the Detroit Lions, world champions, nt San Francisco Christ mas day. Tor Schwammcl, Oregon State's all Amerlcan tackle of 1933 Iron man fame, and a number of other coast stars are on the Oreen Boy Packers team. Mike Mikulnk. Harry Field, Bernle Hughes and others from the Chicago Cardinals probably would head the all-star lineup. Indian Wrestler Dumps $trelich PORTLAND. Dec. IB. fp) Chief Thunderblrd. 306-pound Indian wres tler from Vancouver islAnd, dumped Mike Strelich. 215, Hollywood, two straight fall with a body slam and Indian deathlock here last night. Reb Russell, 215-pcund ex-Northwestern football atar. cudgeled two of three falls from Abe Coleman, 210, New York. Dr. Nap DeVore. 395, Portland, top pled Hans Schroeder, 208, pound Ger man, with a rope spring and body proas In the third round. Seattle Puckmen Halt Bac's Drive SEATTLE. Dec. 10. W Under their "new-old" manager, Prank Foya ton. the Seattle Seahawks finally put a stop to the winning streak of the Portland Buckaroon and climbed- out of last place In the Northwestern Hockey league. While Colgary was holding the league-leading Vancouver Lions to a 4 to 4 tie at Calgary last night, .Seattle gave Portland It first beating, of tho seoson. 1 to 0. XMAo PHOTOS Holiday Specials Not I PEA3LEYS Opposite Holly Theatre AUTO SUPPLY & .in-limir mnvemtmt. V ICATpDl ) J BOWLING The Studebaker Champions raced to a 3.1 victory over the Medco bowl ing five at the Smoke House bowl last night, while the Standard Roof ers asphalted the Abbey Motor squad by the aame margin. There will be no games tonight, with the last games of the first flight of the city league to be rolled Friday evening. .. Individual scores for last night are given : Atudeliaker Champions 1st 2d 3d T'tl. Paske . ... 184 165 182 631 Watson m 113 30 491 Sanderson 172 109 198 .189 Prultt 172 168 168 508 DeVore 162 201 143 606 Total 862 848 807 2005 Medro 1st 2d 3d T'tl. Nutting 149 207 116 472 Heckathorn .... ISO 186 171 527 Woollredge .... 112 108 121 342 English 125 152 160 437 Kessler 148 149 102 489 Handicap 75 75 75 225 Total 799 858 835 , 2492 Abbey .Motor Co. 1st 2d 3d T'tl. Boylan 141 125 177 443 B. Thornton - 131 142 93 366 N. Thornton 137 143 131 411 Abbey 122 134 86 342 Daly 169 184 176 629 Handicap 34 34 34 102 Total 734 782 607 2103 Standard Roofers 1st 2d 3d T'tl. J. Burroughs.. 163 168 218 649 Semon 108 146 156 409 Johnson 111 161 139 411 Walsh 178 170 152 600 Jerry Bur roughs 107 141 152 400 Total 667 785 817 2269 CUE AlSIlNS 125 IN ONE INNING NEW YORK, Dec. 19. '$) Bennle Allen of Kansas City. who. won the world's pocket billiards championship three times straight 20 years ago. was the hero of the current title compe tition today. Out of the running for the title. Allen came through with the most brilliant feat of the tourney last nlRht. Allen whipped Joe Procita of Glov ersvllle, N. Y., 123 to 0, scoring all his points In the third Inning. That not only surpassed Jimmy Caras' feat of beating Procita by the aame score SERVICE STORES In a nlne-lnnlng match Tuesday, but wiped out Jimmy a high run of 104. It waa the most remarkable feat performed In championship play since 1920, when Ralph Greenleaf scratched In the first intihig of a match, then pocketed 120 balls in the second. WHITING EXPECTS RECORDER'S JOB, DEFQISE AVERS (Coritltiueo prom Page One.) quently had to pound the desk with his gavel to restore quiet so that the hearing might proceed. The prosecution completed Its case but when the defense was still un finished at 11:30 the hearing was adjourned for another session at 7:30 tonight. It was believed that the hearing would be completed this evening and that probably the coun cil would Immediately decide whether to dismiss Mr. Adams by ordinance. pawi the case to the voters In a referendum election or drop the charges altogether and let Mr. Adams continue as recorder. Mr. Whiting was asked In cross- examination by Don Newbury, coun sel for Mr. Adams, If he had not told a member of Ills family that after the hearing he would have a steady Job, because he was going to get Mr. Adams' position. He de nied that he had made any such assertion. The first defense witness, how ever, Thad Coleman, told of a con ApFflf' ' - m.n.mmmtpmmmmmm im i ,ja a...uiJ t, 1MI,. silt A -For ifm. Mother '"-:P5!SiiiiSSs W:;,. . 5 :-Jt- ALL THE FAMILY -! C, U 4' I Wf$S$: Beautiful jf : 1 1 . o ! 'vi'' ELECTRIC '1 A'Y'iS Range INir-p SRP 5H9.50 Ca8h PI ! , . J iiiR $5 down wdz 5JT "ra I mmm versation he overheard Monday night when he waa standing In the cor ridor which was crowded by spec tators unable to find room In the council chambers. Two gins aoout 14 years old, he said, were . talking about the case and one stated: "After the hesrlng my daddy Is going to have a good Job. because he'a going to be the recorder. Mr. Coleman testified he aaked the. girl who her daddy was and she replied: "My daddy Is Mr. Whiting." At the hearing last night he Identi fied Mr. Whiting's daughter as the girl who had made the remark. Mr. Whiting arrived with his fam ily In Ashland last July 4 to' in stall a new accounting system In the recorder's office. On cross ex amination by Mr. Newbury he said he had arrived with the Fourth of July parade, but seemed to be "out of step with the crowd. 'You've been out of step ever since." retorted Mr. Newbury, to the applause of the audience. "How much longer Is It going to take you to complete this account ing system you're Installing?" Mr. Newbury asked Mr. Whiting. "You want to keep working here so that you can go out with the next Fourth of July parade," com mented Mr. Newbury. Mr. Adams testified In his own behalf and when he was called as a witness he was loudly applauded by the audience. 'That's what we . think of Mr. Adams," shouted a spectator. Mr. Adams categorically denied every point of the charges against him. He recited his experiences in detail to show that he was quali fied for the recorder Job and Intro duced testimonials from ibrmer em ployers. He also submitted letters to establish that bis general reputa tion was good. Make this Christmas a Merry Christmas for all the family with this beautiful range. It is an exceptional bargain at this price. This all-white Westinghouse Automatic Electric Range is ideal for the family with average cooking requirements. The three spacious utility drawers conserve space and add much to the convenience of the range. The famous "flavor zone" oven is entirely automatic and shuts off the current when the proper temperature is reached. Four high speed, open coil, surface units are regular equipment. Whv not trade in your old fuel range? The small down payment puts this range in your kitchen at once. The California Oregon Power Company Mr. Adams sow ft t to establish that he had a good record a an accountant and stated that he made a special study of municipal ac counting when he was elected Ash land recorder. He aald be had been hindered tn his work during the time an audit was made by a Port land accounting firm and during installation of the new system by Mr. Whiting, statin that be had had to work overtime at night to keep things straightened out. He blamed Councilman Gerald H, Wen ner and Mr. .Whiting principally for his difficulties. Mr. Adams stated that when he became recorder he wanted to In stall a new accounting system him self, replacing the ledger by the stub system, but had been thwarted by Mr. Wenner and O. T. Bergner. former councilman. Now. he said, Mr. Whiting favoTs the very same system. It was also brought out "by Mr. Adams that he did not approve Hie system proposed by Lybrand. Ross Brothers & Montgomery, the Port land accounting firm, and later ws sustained by the council which voted to turn down the system. . Mr. Whiting was the chief prose cution witness last night. He sub stantiated the charges of careless ness and Inefficiency previously tes tified to. When he wan 'cross-examined by Mr. Newbury on a report filed by tho Portland firm, Kenneth Denman, Mr. Whiting's counsel, ob jected on the ground he had had nothfng to do with the report, but the objection waa overruled by Mayor Wiley, the Immediate result beln a lively battle of words between the attorneys. It was believed the hearing would ' be speeded up tonight as Dr. W." E. Blake, council member, announced he would leave Friday morning fcy plane for the north. The recorder's Job now pays 150 a month, but It was understood th salary Is to be boosted to 175 or 1200 as soon as the. new accounting system is completed. Straight hornia Gegnae BRAMDY SO PROOF "MA&EftA WINERIES 9 DISTI LLEH 1E5 MADtKA-OU-'l-"""' . MEDFOED VETERINARY HOSPITAL 15 years experience lo large and small enlmal practice 226 N. Riverside. Phone 369 J 0th and Riverside rhonc iy:o O