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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1935)
t MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUXE. MEDFOKU, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1935. PAGE NINE MM GOLDY AND PICK NASH '400' Mark A. Goldy, Tlce-preeldent of thd Charles A. Wing Agency. Inc.. and George A. Henselman, district agent for. the Aetna Life Insurance Co.. are the owners of new 1936 Nash "400" deluxe 4-door sedans, accord ing to a report from Walter W. Abbey, Inc.. local Nash and LaPayette dealer. Mr. Abbey Bays: HThe new Nash Deluxe '400 Is characteristic of the advance In automobile building In 1936. It Is proving to be one of the most popular of the Nash line. The wheel base Is 117 Inches, the body Is aeroform In design and of all steel one-piece construction. It Is equip ped with the sensational Nash sealed motor and It provides six-passenger comfort and roominess. The sensa tional new Nash automatic cruising pear Is also available on all '400' mod els. A new Nash Deluxe 400" coupe was also delivered to the Standard OH Co. during the past week. Mr. Abbey reports that H. B. Bent ley, Southern Oregon golf champion, and Carold J. Parker, manufacturer of Parker's Southern Oregon Potato Chips, took deliveries of new 1936 La Fayette 4-door sedans last week. Mr. Bentley said: "After viewing all of the 1936 models I believe the new 1936 LaPayette leads In value." Assures Funds For Portland Airport PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 14. B. J. Griffith, atat works progress administrator, told Portland officials If the $1,300,000 allotted for the de velopment of an airport here is not sufficient more funds will be allo cated. The statement was la reply to Ford Makes 1,000,000 V-8s in Ten Months l t-'yx U tags"- . iv H S .,.,,i-Mtj-;imi..Tii.., " .".-.VT" f phi J si it 1 k III II lit I I ti sill. I W Ml 1 1 L lltllllilllill 111 ll")H!' 111 M I rife ill fi,& LATE LAST YEAR Henry Fofd electrified the Indus trial and financial world by announcing that, In 1935, he would build 1,000,000 Ford cars. His statement was accepted throughout the world as assurance that American Industry was at last pulling out of the de pression. On October 31, this year tbo 1.000,000th car built in the United States since January 1 came down the assembly line at the great Rouge plant of the Ford Motor Company at Dearborn, Mich. The photo above showB Edsel B. Ford, president of the company, driving the 1,000,000th car off the line, ace. mpanled by his father. "Cure9 Hopkins In Role of Decorator Brightens Station Hopkins Service Station, at Jackson street and Riverside avenue. Is gayly bedecked with Christmas lights and garlands of cedar for the Yuletlde season and Its manager. Curt Hop kins, has achieved a new reputation as an artistic decorator. Friends and patrons of Curt have known for a long time of his ability as an auto motive service expert but little have they suspected his latent artistic prowess. "Automobile tires, heaters, batter lea, accessories, radios In fact, scores of knick-knacks and necessities for the car are most appropriate as holi day gifts for the motrlsts. Whv shouldn't w enter Into the Christ mas spirit and decorate for the shop ping season?" Curt said yesterday. Dan Lawson, supervisor for the Texas Oil Co.. was technical advisor for the decorating Job. according to Dame Rumor. Pythian Chancellor Coming Grand Chancellor John L. Foote, head of the Knights of Pythias for the domain of Oregon, will visit Tal isman lodge No. 31 Monday night. Members are requested and visitors Invited to attend. For Hoee that Wear ouj NOLDS & QOHST Bthelwyn B Hoffmann. 'Caterpillar' Makes 10,000th Diesel yj. 1 ! rv.- rt urn v f i i . t j r w With Preslilent n. C. Heacnrk stntullng over the eiiRlnp antt Vlro Prosl dont II. P. Mee In the drlver'H snt, the 10,000th "t'lUerplllar" Dhwl rolls off the ntseinlil Hue as Vice President T. J. Connor, Advertising Mnimper i. M. Mnlker, Chief Kiidlneer 11. S. Ubcrhard and Foundry Miinagcr M. J. Oregory look on. One of the shortest, yet one of the most enthusiastic celebrations In the company's history was recently held by officials and workmen of Cater pillar Tractor Co. at Peoria, Illinois, according to M. T. Wroy of the Hub bard -Wray company, local dealers. The occasion was the company's manufac ture of Its 10,000th Diesel engine. A few minutes after proud work' men had lowered and installed the engine In a tractor, the machine roll ed off the end of the assembly line, greeted by President B. O. Heocock and a group of department officials. Smiling brcadly. Mr. Heacock mount ed to the operator's seat, tested the controls, and then stood off to view the big white figures "10.000" paint ed on the tractor by an assembly crew. The production of Diesel No. 10.000 is an Important milestone, accord ing to Mr. Wray. It means that in a little more than four years. Cater pillar Tractor Co.. first American manufacturer of a Diesel tractor, has established a new, ull-tlme record for Diesel engine production. It symbol izes the tremendous growth In de mand and popularity for the Diesel tractor. Radio Electric Ser, New Grunow Dealer The new 1936 Grunow radios em bodying new developments and beauty of design are now on display at the Radio Electric Service, 205 West Jackson street. Grunow engineers have Incorporat ed many deluxe features In the new models, making It one of the finest radios built which will tune In gov ernment weather forecasts, oil foreign and standard American broadcasts, amateur phone and code, aircraft, ship broadcasts, according to Ira Chastaln of the Jackson street shop. WHEEL GOODS Everything that rolls at prices that will surprise you, Sims Bros., 23 N. Fir. Dse Mall Tribune want ads. questions as to whether Portland might be colled on to pay part of the costs. The city 1 to provide a site. Studebaker's 107,500 Square Foot Coast Plant Nears Completion. Car Production to Start Soon ANNUAL STAG PARTY 40 ET 8 Kopec Air Photo thouing New Sludebnkw Plant In the Central Manufac turing District at Log Angelea more than 90 completed. Belmc, C, K. Whittaker, President of Studebaker Pacific Corporationicho Kill direct the planl'$ operations in furnishing cars to dealers in the seven western states- "To date everything in connection with our new Los Angeles factory has moved according to schedule," states C. K. Whittaker, president of the Studebaker Pacific Corporation. "We have met platforms are completed ana in readi- with no unex- ness to receive the first shipment 01 pected difficulties Studebaker parts from South Bend, and there have According to Whittaker, a date for been no unlook- formal dedication of the plant will ed-for delays. As be announced shortly, at which time things stand at Studebaker dealers and distributors present we be- in tlie Pacific Coast territory will be lieve the first of the Studebaker cars to be as sembled on the Pacific Coast will come off our new guests ot the lactory at a lunencon, following which a tour of inspection of the plant will be made with suit able ceremonies to celebrate the com- letion of the first Studebaker car to o be assembled on the Pacific Coast. There is evcrv indication, accord ing to Whittaker, that the plant will be in full production by January or line about December 15." The structure for which contract nn Anonict 2ft with ground being broken the following shortly thereafter, and in a position day, now stands more than 907o com- to supply cars to dealers. pleted.The super-structure is entirely "We of the Studebaker Pacific Cor- completed and the necessary parti- poration are more than delighted, tioning is being installed. VVhittaker stated, "at the enthusiastic The 107,500 square foot concrete reception which has been given to the floor has been laid and the assembly new cars, and we look forward with line is in process of construction. Full confidence to our first year as bcinia trackage facilities and unloading one of entirely satisfactorvopcration. AS LITTLE AS 14c A WEEK! That's How Easy It Is to Purchase a FIRESTONE TIRE FOR YOUR CAR OUR CONVENIENT, SIMPLIFIED BUDGET PLAN Also Enables You to Buy Firestone Batteries Firestone Car Heaters Firestone Radios Firestone Wheel Changeovers for Cars, Trucks. Tractors and Farm Implements I will gladly explain how easy It is to avail yourself of our budget payment plan No red tape the simple details take but a minute. Large and small purchases may be handled through thU convenient time payment plan. C. L. HOPKINS. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LUBRICATION SPECIAL THIS WEEK! HOPKINS SERVICE STATION Medford Post of the American Le gion enjoyed trie annual stag party Tuesday Immensely, the largest at tendance In years waa recorded. Some Idea ot the party may be gained by the fact that it did not break up until after 1 o'clock. Visitors were present from Klamath Falls, Ashland and Central Point. At this meeting there wa dis played the Charles Waiker Ardery, Jr., cup awarded each year to the state 40 et 8 showing the greatest results and activities In child wel fare. Oregon received the award for Its extensive work In the Immuni zation from various diseases of chil dren. The cup la now on display at Burels?n's store on North Central. It will later be moved to other loca tions so that the public will have ample opportunity to view It. Next Thursday. December 19. the district conference of the Auxiliary will be held at GrantB Pass, start ing with lunch at 12:30. Business sessions all afternoon, banquet In the evening, followed by dancing, this year to be known as a "kid party." Every member that can do so Is urged to attend the afternoon business session, as much business of Interest to all Legionnaires and auxiliary members Is brought up. Those who cannot attend the after noon session should, by all means, attend the banquet and party In the evening, post officers empha size. Next regular meeting of Medford Post will not be until the second Tuesday in January as next meeting rtnte falls on Chrlstmaa Eve. V. F. W. WILL CHRISTMAS PARTY Englea hall will bo the scene of general good tune and get-together for all veterans, their children and their friends Monday evening, Decem ber 16 when Crater Lake Post No. 1833, Veterans of Foreign Wars and their auxiliary will hold a Christmas tree fosttviU. As this Is the regular meeting night for the organization, the post will hold a short business session first. Booths will be set up in the auxll iary room for enndy. fish ponds and other novel features and beano will be played throughout the evening. A musical program has been arranged to add to the evening's enjoymen and a Dutch lunch will be served. Members of all patriotic and vet eran organ Izntions, their families air' friends have been asked to attend anc' a good time la assured all. llfllPiy Goodrich I i Hf. ATUED sS&g i Mma Safety I ; 'i'ijiJ'irsi' sSHsYj : fft mm I Silvcfftown Make This a Happy and a Safe Christmas No Money Down The Performance of a New EleetroPak Will Insure a Happy Christmas 1 Quick Starting Plenty of Power , NO MONEY DOWN Give a Hew Mdffiofa SAUTORAWO The Ms fie EMmlnode makes spark suppressors unnecessary KM A short try-it-on-the-job demonstration cannot tell you what you're going to find out after long mileage. Brilliant performance is com mon enough in most new trucks, but not all trucks can continue to give you trouble free low-cost service for long. The greater part of a truck's economy is in lasting stamina a steady procession of ton miles over a period of years. That is being proved by thou sands upon thousands of In ternational owners. Put your faith in Interna tional's 30-ycar reputation for quality. Solve your hnulinf problem through Interna tional ownership, and turn your mind In oiher problems. Come in and let us show you what we mean. WALTER W. ABBEY, Inc. Nash, LaFayette, Willys 77, International Sales & Service 123 South Eivcrside Phone 303 NO MONEY DOWN Use Our Original BUDGET PAY PLAN It'i In tune with the tlm'sand in enny way for you to equip your rr. iuti came In . . . wlfrt irhnt you nrM . . . nhow yonr llrn! rrrllfliult; for Idrntlflratlnn anil make thr, rn.y term yon want. We will Install or ilellver at once no lonl Investigations or delayi. EASY TERMS TO SUIT YOU Phone 130& NO OTHER AUTO HEATER! LIKE IT!! Give a Goodrich DeLuxe Boiler Type Mot Water Heater Its Comfort Will Be Long Appreciated A Gift That Mother and the Whole Family Will Like Tubes. NO MONEY DOWN Western Air Patrol All Wave Superhot HOME RADIO Airplane Dial, Magnavox Speaker Come in or Call Lewis Super Sorvice Station and let us ex plain this easy term arrange ment. OPEN SUNDAYS Ml X spi Pill i LEWIS SUPER SERVICE STATIOli Complete Automotive Service Wrecker Service We Never Cloae Rth and Front W. L. Lewis, Mgr. 4 Riverside at Jackson. Phone 890 ET7 WW" I HKIIlllHi