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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1935)
PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOttD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1935 MEDFORD'WrRIBUNE "Etct-jtod. U Honthern Ongm Bada Hi- aiali Trlbana" Dally Bxcept Batordaj. Publlah1 by MBDFORD PBINTINO CO. I.-.T-3- N. fir Bu Phone i ROBERT W. BUHU Bdltor. AO Independent Nawipapr. . Ac of Marc, t. 1111 SUBSCRIPTION IUTM Bj Mall In Adanc: DaJIr. on. jraar.... rnv. atx months. ,...1111 .I1 Dally, ona moms 'i.lijiji" .S: Bt Carrier. In Ad vanes Madford. .. una. Jack.oa.llls. oantral Pnlnt. "0.1111. Talant Oold Hill n highways. aa Dally, ona yaar " " Dally, an month All ta'rma. caah Id advaiica. Official Paper of Ilia C:lly of Hwiford umciai I i'rr -'- ' MEMHKH OF TUB SSO:IA'K" VIUW RolTln, Pull l..rd Wlra Sariloa. Tha Aaaoclatad Praaa la aolualaly an tltlad to tha uaa for publication of all sawa dlipatchaa oradltad to It or otnar. wlaa oradltad In thla papar. and alan to tha local oewa publlahad haraln. All rlghta for publication of apaclaj dtapatchaa haraln ara alao raaaraad. MEMBER OP UNITED PRESS MEMBER OP AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS Adartlalni R.pMMBMtl... M. 0. UOnK.NHKN COMPANI Offlcaa In Nnw fork, Rhleaso Datrolt San Franeipco l.oa Anaalaa. Saattia. Portland. MEMBER Ye Smudge Pot I By Arthur Ptrry. The sports editor of the Salem Capital-Journal proposal, that "all Inebriated fooll, who attend loot tall frames, he kept In aectlon by themselves, where they can pester nobody but themselves." Thli sxcellent ldoa ahould be amended to provide a road for "Inebriated fooli" to drive home on, o they ean wreck; nobody but themselves. Denver school authorities have Installed, In the lower grades, a course to enable the puplli to seg regate, "that which Is tunny, from that which la merely very silly." would be Just like the children in their precocloiislie.ia to vote that thi Jesting course, comes under the last named classification. There la considerable talk sbout revision of the Oregon tsi ayitem. It, . should make paying talcs, ai much fun as playing a slot-ma-ehlne. and as certain as the In stallment psyments on a new auto. It. should also be Immune from tinkering by the legislature. A Sl'lUiF.ON HIT". PRETTY , (Watervllle, Kan., Telegraph) Dear Mr. Turner : I haven't muoh time and the apace Is small so I lay I like living In Clorado fins.. This ll Just s smell hospital but we surely keep busy. There sre two nursing sisters and myself on . dutv In the day time and one nurse at night. We have five doctors that come here all the time and one surgeon on con solation. a a Football experts have started fig uring what outstanding teams will rompete In the Rose Bowl game. New Years. It looks like the Dnl Terslty of California would repre sent the West, and ths Bast by team California feeli certain she ean beat before the battle. T)r. Blocum, the dentist, has smashed foot, and Is still very painful." (Orleans Items). The tin- muffled knock. a a a Herbert Hoover, the pet hate of street corner atateamen, addressed the Ohio society of New York Sat urday, and emitted s number of Ingles! and eminent mouthfull, op posing Democratic tinkering with the money, and the tariff. He also rnsde pert comment upon "New rwsl" notions. Including the one sbout "the more abundant life and no bacon " He also opined that "the collegiate oligarchy" apparently sgrred on no plan, esrept "the scattering of the taxpayers' money." Mr. Hoover saw some unit there. However, ths ex-president was as silent ss the tomb, upon whst the people wsnted to hesr sbout moat his own politics! plans snd am bitions. He could perform no greater service to himself, his country. na the Republlcsn party, than to sn councs emphatically snd firmly, be would not be a presidential candi date tn loan. This would leave him. more cheered than cussed. a TOW FOR SAI.F, Slightly used ltnl Jersey model, hay burner, wnlM, In wonderful runntns con dition, hits on sll foutl. self-filling ratlste-r with tour good faucets. (Orsnts Pass Courier want ad). And. a drink of her milk la like s drink of spring water. a Tim rtftnvR It's seldom that death deigns to take s fool, But here li one who at sll times H- leaves no flocks of flnt Merino And never owned s ilngle clip of wool But bragged he'd learned one lesson In Hfe'i school Which was that there Is nothing 1.1. u inj ... -,. Under Ood's Heeven. By s weedy pool. Blue like s dark-fringed ays. hi vttd . m Man Th bllsttrM fiflldt and UiiffhM to DO WO COOt, It' not m though he w hal bn on Th fury of whoaa plow would pinch tha sun At wtttnir. Ni of surth nr hay. Bitter or wnrm, tt fnnnot ha forgot That. alwava htt'ri m ltv ilo down mi not. And nr a-vmM to hw long The Boycott of Italy THE League of Nations, last night, clamped an economic, boy cott on Italy, with approximately 50 nations participating. These nations agree to buy nothing from rtaly. To send to Italy none of certain key products, essential to the manufacture of arms and implements of war. This economic boycott is in addition to a financial boycott already imposed. ON the surface of things it looks bad for Tl Duce. But the fact should not be forgotten, that Austria, Hungary, Al bania, Germany, Japan and the United States, are not included in this League boycott The United States has its neutrality measure; Germany last week placed an embargo on raw mater ials and foodstuffs, to all rations for an indefinite period: Japan's position is not clear, but because of her market for cot ton goods in Ethiopia is supposed to be opposed to the Italian conquest. In other word? the world in general is pretty well lined up against Italy, directly or indirectly. But, Declaring an economic boycott is one thing. Making it EFFECTIVE is quite another. SNAT, for example, is to prevent Italy's neighbors, who H have refused to join the boycott, from purchasing what ever Italy needs, and re-selling to II Ducef What is to prevent the bootlegging of materials, direct to Italy, by acs, from any source where they may be obtained! The answer to both questions is nothing nothing short of war. Economic sanctions ean annoy and handicap II Duce, but assuming the war spirit in Italy is as strong as reports indicate, they will never force Italy to sue for peace, unless backed up by military sanctions. i Economic sanctions, so to speak, place the trap; only search and seizure, blockades by land and sea, in brief armed force, can spring it ' So one returns to that familiar premise, that as the world is at present constituted, the price of a warless world is a willing ness to fight for it, Jim Farley s Best Friend IN politics, the important thing is not what g man is, but what the people believe him to be. Former President Hoover is an extremely public spirited, patriotio citizen, sincerely devoted to the welfare of his country, and its people. He is honestly convinced the New Deal is un-American, dan gerous, destructive, and if its principles are carried out to their loeical conclusion, disaster will result. Therefore as a private citizen he is doing everything in his power, to destroy public confidence in the ('resent administration, and make the re-election of President Roosevelt impossible. TpiIE popular view of President Hoover is something entirely different, however. In the minds of a majority of She people, regardless of party, he is a marplot, a malcontent, and a sorehead. His only political interest at the present time is per sonal revenge, aguinst the political opponent who defeated him ; a desire to kick out the present occupant of the White House and crawl back there himself. Everything he does and says therefore, is discounted as the product of personal hatred, pri vate ambition, and from a man who not only made a miserable fail ure of running the country himself, but who more than any other one person, was responsible for the economio catastrophe that occurred during the latter part of his administration, and from the dire effects of which the United States is just begin ning to recover. 'T'lIIS being the case, while no fair minded person would deny ' "-Mfc an'u,, in riii.nrij' vimm ins rigilis, in taking the prominent part he is taking in leading the Republican attack against the administration, it is the worst sort of politics, from the standpoint of his and Every time Mr. Hoover acts Roosevelt opposition, Mr. Farley ers who know their political onions, give three rousing cheers, and secretly pray he will keep election. TOR instead of making votes .... n,.v. n-ij uuh-imc iih psu)usp, ppcmisr or nis pnsi record and his phonal unpopularity becomes weakened and branded with tbe Hoover jinx, therefore of little value for nmmunition in the campaipn later. It a too bad both from the the Kepublican party. It in only added evidence if any were needed, that when it comes to political ineptitude, the ssije of Palo Alto, has in this country or as far aa we know in any otner no equal, nor no successful rival. (Continued from Pa One.) will also, and vice vnrsa. Each will see that the other doesn't get It. Bach wants the next nominee and platform to represent his particular views. That means they will con tinue to talk tike candidates in definitely. Borah's real candlda'.e is still supposed to be Senator Van denberg. There are reasons also for mis eo ting that lately the name of tl.Trnor Land cm mat have been addrd to Ma private and vrv choice Mat. What stunned the politic here about Mr, H(over'a New York sperh was the new atvle he has developed. He was never a phrase-maker. Caua f If lanrt. so popular nowadays ws always beyond his ken. Long his party's welfare. as official spokesman of the and other administration lead up the good work until the for the Republicans he is losing standpoint of Mr. Hoover and nentenoes occaslonsllv In hi nmi menus! nays started from his shoe larei, anctrclM his entire frame and left enouffh danallna cIium tn make a hat. Tha right explanation behind the Change la that Mr. Hoover employed hla friend. Hen Allan. rmHueit adviser before the speech at Oak- iano, wnere the new tendency first became evident. Mr. Allen annsi.nt!y has been following the success of such emin ent modern political authors a Mr. noosevelt. General Johnson, rather Cmighlln and the let Huey Long Mr. Roosevelt Is getting a little nettled about all the budget proph ecies appearing in the public prlnta The other day he called In a sharp young Washington newsman who had written a story forecasting a halfbllllon slaah. The personal con ference lasted one hour and a half. It was the first time the president has dine anything tike that. He iftnually sees newsmn only in hunches. bt-wekly. at his pre conferences. tMiklndut cut of the week: Sen ator Borah, In rplvlng to a qiif s Hon si to whether h would Hnn in on the radio to Mr. Hoover's perh, said : "I would rather read IV Personal Health Service By William Brady, M D. Signed letter pertaining to peraunai Health and nyglene not to dUease diafnotU or treatment wlU he inmered by Ur. Brady If a tumped e if -addressed envelope Is enclosed Letters should tw Uriel end written In ink Owing to the large cumber ot letter received only a few ean be answereo No reply can he made to qaeHea not conforming to Instmctlons Address Dr William Brady. J65 El Cam! no. Beverly Hitls 11. k HAVE YOU EVER TKIED EATING WHEAT? Any Ttrlety of wheat used to make flour or other cereal food, or any wheat used aa feed, for anlmaj or fowl, la whole some, , healthful food aa It cornea from the thresh er. Xn my opin ion, popular prejudices against the use of plain wheat as such are cul tivated by com mercial Interests and h a v no sound founda tion. Qualms tne Insect eggs. about the "lite," the possible larvae, the webblness of plain wheat which one has had on hand for some time, entire or cracked or ground In the home, are rather silly, I think. If one feels finical about that. H la a simple matter to wash the wheat with water. In any event, cooking would destroy and "life" or any Insect or Insect eggs or larvae there may be present In the food. But undoubtedly you and 1 have con sumed plenty of such "life" or in sects or their larvae or eggs In one cereal product or another which came In an Imposing package and purported to be mysteriously "pur ified by the manufacturer. So why be squeamish about It? As for the dirt the manufacturer of ta trick cereal product "scours' or 'moves from the wheat In order to make the food fit for gullible customers to eat, that Is really an Insult to the customers' Intelligence Nature does not grow "dirt" or filth or anything unwholesome or harmful to man or animal In the wheat kernel. t While older physicians and nutri tion authorities still seem to regard the deficiency of mineral elements and vitamins In refined white flour aa of minor Importance, there Is a growing scientific conviction that great roany Ill-defined faults of health, functional disturbances. vague complaints such aa "lack of pep," "low resistance," "weak nerves," are reslly due to partial vitamin dpflclencies which were not recog- nir-ed at all by the older phyalclsns and nutrition authorities. They based their opinion on the rarity of the nutrition diseases due to total deprivation of one or another vitamin xerophthalmia, bwrlbert. scurvy, rickets, pellagra. Our newer knowledge of the role of the vita mins In nutrition physiology, meta bolism, though still far from com plete, has taught us that a moder a te shorts ge of one or more vita mins for a sufficient period may result in Impairment of the vigor of the body, a lowering of the de gree of health, . a diminution of NEW YORK DAY BY DAY Ry O. O. Mclntyre NEW YORK, Nov. 18 Dliry: Up and singing suoh a lusty lllllbulero In the bath a neighbor phoned to In- i quire If all was well. At my mall and I a nostalgic let ter from Mayor Wilson, of Cin cinnati." about our newspaper daya. And a Paris cable from Oll bert White and Charlie Norrls. Labored over an essay nnd In a funk out to walk, and near the Marguery a fellow accosted m e w 1 t h a strange Interrogation and I was le plytng until of a sudden I retired he had a bead on. Then started for Katherlne Dale Oven's te but I had lout a card with the address. A heck of a day I Pared forth with my wife and her cousin Josephine MuUlneaux to drift somewhere. wlly-nUly.- to dine And came upon Lee 01 well and we drove him awhile and set him down at the Waldorf. Afterward to a Syrian cafe, the food not to my liking but an ewer of soft drink had the velvety taste of ripe persimmons. Not many writers are expert conver sationalists. Perhaps there's a reason. Prank Case one est next to FJdna Perber at a dinner and opened talk with: "Say something wonderfully Interesting, Edna." To which she re plied. "If I could think of something wonderful and Intimating. I shouldn't wsste It on you. Td go home and write It." Most successful scribblers j hsve that sort of control. Artiste are far more generous with ' their talents. Even Charles Dana Olb- son st banquets has been known to limn a few likenesses for souvenir menus. Jsmea Montgomery Plag has made those lightning charcoal keNh ea of most of hla cronies. Rube ife'd berg. H T- Webster. Herb Both and many others are equiily grvMou. Tiiev retard such grttultles a so mue more practice. Personal nomination for tli mt .inert In the art of maxirut fur? In irrltlrgt seem real Sinclair lwls. Far over on west Mth street In the (rltty district new called Little Etht opls Is one of the city". Interesting curio slui. 11 la run by a aarth who claims to bs a former member of the Querns Nary and known as Cap tain Charlie. The shop IS full of stuff- MAN'S HEART SKIPS BEATS-DUE TO GAS W. T. Adam vs Moated so with that. hfj heart offn missed heats Mtr mting M'Tiit rr htn of all a:n! tiw ests am 'hum and fee is fine KeaUlt Drug Store. IssTts functional efficiency, whether we have a specific name for the con dition tn question or not. Further, the scientific knowledge -s-hlch la now accumulating, through animal experimentation and actual tests in practice, makes It more and more evident that the utilization of the mineral elements In food la controlled by the vitamins. So that If the diet provides optimal amounts of the vitamins (not Just enougn to prevent the classical deficiency diseases, but sufficient to promote the highest degree of vitality), one need not be greatly concerned about the mineral elements, for It Is vir tually Impossible to choose or to subsist on a diet which provides enough vitamins If the foods sel ected do not contain also adequate amounts of the essential mineral and other chemical elements. QT;EfTTONft AND ANSWERS Superstition An expectant mother was frying corn meal mush, and some hot grease spattered on her neck. She clapped her hand on her neck. Some frlenda tell her she surety marked the baby when she did that . . (Mrs. P. D.) Answer All superstitions about "marking"" the unborn baby are silly. How silly, only one who studies embryology can know. Embryology la the study of the development o! the baby from conception to birth. Too bad thla study Is not an es sential part of every girl's high school c6urse. Soap and Water Antiseptic Please give Information as to the kind and amount of soap to use for a douche . . . (Mrs. R. L.) Answer Teaspoonful of tincture of green soap to the pint of water, makes a safe antiseptic douche. Or standard soft soap may be used Instead of the tincture of green soap or liniment of soft soap, as It Is variously call ed. Or about one-half teaspoonful of any plain toilet soap may be dissolved In the pint of water. Galvanic Sore Month Some months ago you had an article describing sore mouth due to silver amalgam fillings acting tike a battery . . . (Miss E. W.) Answer No. It Is the electric battery effeet of two dissimilar metsls in the mouth, say gold and stlvpr, that sometimes gives rise to constant metallic taste and to sore spots which may be mistaken for Vincent's angina (trench mouth) or smoker's patches or Infection. The hpnt coursa is to have the silver fillings replaced with gold. Kd. Note: Persons wishing to communicate with Dr. Brady ihould send letter direct to Dr. William Brady. M D., 2flA El Camlno. Beverly Hills, Cal. . ed eagles, crudely mounted fish painted In gaudy colors, tigers, Hons and other wild things from all parts of the world. On the outstd ts this inviting sign: "Come In and Put Your Hand In the Lion's Mouth and Shake Handa with the Tiger." Signs of returning prosperity: Plac ard outside of a shop In Wesn Broad way "Overalls Dry Cleaned snd Mended, 23 cents." Gilbert Millar and Prcderlcfc McKay stress a nice touch of loyalty in the realm of the theater. Whan they were voting, very young and gsy bladelsh. they were finishing off the final round In the old Bristol bar at Broad way and 43d. Miller waa actor man ager for his father, Henry Miller, and McKay waa a producer of sort and a ohsmpagne acent. Suddenly In one of those Impassioned momenta of good fellowship, they lifted their glasses to eternsl friendship. They would stand by each other through fsir weather and foul, the one having the grester power to engage the other. For 14 years McKay has been major domo for Miller's vast theatrical In berests. Alao managing the Empire and Henry Miller t.hatrs. In busl ncaa houra It ts "Mr. Miller" and "Mr, MoKay." Otherwise it la still "Gilbert" and "Preddle.1 Add studies In monotony: James Burke, actor, haa eaten exactly the same breakfast for the past 17 years. He has printed cards with hla order which ha hands to the waiter when taking a table seat. Bagatelles: Mrs. Alios Long worth's favor It after-dinner tipple ts a large glass of orange Julos . . . A man Carter made a reservation on the first flying trip to Honolulu, Manila and China . . . Mary Boland fears at every per formsnoe she Is going to forget her line but never does . . . John Chap man la the oily linguist among the New York columnists. NOTICE WE PAY CASH On Delivery for All of Your TURKEYS November 18 to 27 TRADE WHERE YOU GET TOP PRICES AND BEST GRADES MEDFORD POULTRY & EGG CO. ICS NORTH GRAPE. PHONE 16 I wondered te my wife whst that picture titled "Legong" might be about. 8h replied: "Maybe it Is one of Major Bowea" amateur hour shorts." That's tha sort of stuff I have to put up with all the time, all the time X do. (Copyright, 1936. McNaught Syndi cate) Comment on the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS NTI-BRITTSH demonstrations, we read In tha headlines, are rag ing In Egypt. Tha demonstrations In clude rioting, ln which a number of persona have bean UUed. Poor old BrltslnJ .She has her trou bles, along with the rest of us. TERSIONS of 'the cause of these demonstrations differ. Ona report saya the demonstrations ara demanding Egyptlon Independ ence and freedom "from the English yoke." Another hints at Indignation over reported Italian purchases of camels In India tha camels, presumably, be ing desired for transport of Italian war supplies over the Ethiopian des erts. Thla report adda that there Is strong opposition to sanctions against Italy. tn other words, the Egyptians want to sell tha camels. Hu UMAN nature, you see. Is human nature everywhere. It sounds fine to talk of stopping war by refus ing to sell to those who start was. but when It comes right down to It those who have things to sell and see their markets slipping away from them aren't so keen for sanctions S for tha Egyptians who profess to want "freedom from the Eng lish yoke," It might 'be Just as -veil to remind them although, of course. It wilt do no good that If they get free of the English yoka they'll soon find their necks under SOME OTHER yoke. Little nations that sre wanted by big nations ha vent much protection In this hard world. Witness Ethiopia. llTHrLE we're on this subject, here's " another headline: "Merry-mak Ing plllplnoa Welcome Arrival of Com monwealth," The commonwealth la the first step toward Independence from the United Statesgetting out, that Is, from un der the American yoka. THE next step will be complete In dependence of the Philippines In ten yean. When that comes, they'll be gobbled up by Jspan, In all probabil ity. BUT enough of big world news, which is heavy and hard to di gest. Let's turn to something lighter. A course In Jokes, we read- has been added to the curriculum of the Den ver schools, and hereafter children of the mite-hlgh city, from the kinder garten to the eighth grade, w.U hsve a dally class In Jesting.. It will be the techer'a task, the dispatch adds, to lead the pupils to segregate that Which la funny from that which la merely very silly. IN this Jumbled modern world, with nearly everybody protesting against what la and demanding some thing that Isn't, there's so much that Is very, rerv silly and so little that Is reslly funny. So the Denver teachers will have a real Job on their handa. AN V WAT, Its a step In the right direction. There's so much to be cynical about and so much to be frightened about these davs that It's a really fins Idea to teach the com ing generation to laugh at irhaterer comes along. WASHINGTON. Not. 1. (AP) Col. rrsnk Knox, s potentlsl Repub lican presldentlsl nominee, farors Immediate payment of the retersni bonus "on the basis of Its being paid from the work relief fund and not with new taxes.' There Is $3,040,000,000 not ex pended from the $4,880,000,000 work relief fund and $2,000,000,000 or more In the government's various lending agencies.', he said In an interview here. "It would be mora useful snd intelligent to pay tha obligation due the veterans than to waste this money on preposterous, silly boon doggling." CELOTEX EXHIBIT Everyone Interested In remodeling or building Is Invited to vlilt the free Celotex exhibit Wednesday. No vember SO, which will bt held in the Sparta building at the corner of Main and Riverside, by' the local Celotex dealers and sponsors of the show. Porter Lumber company and the Timber Products company. This modern exhibit of wsll and celling decoration shows how this simple Inexpensive treatment flnlshlne living roomi, bedrooms. dining rooms, reeeptlon halls, of fices, shops, show rooms, taverns or theaters can be practically ap plied, according to C. M. Mccor mick of the Asbestos Supply com pany, who Is In Medford today making arrangementa for the show. Mr. Mccormick says. "Celotex ouuai. Insulates, decorates and subdues noise, delivering four necessary serv ices st one low cost. It csn be used everywhere for new Interiors ss well as for modernizing. This speclsl one day exhibit will prove of great interest to all." Trials Of Coffee Makers Portrayed In MJ.B. Cartoons Coming to the defense of the Innocent wife whose coffee has been the "bone of contention" In the home, current M. J. B. advertising says, "Don't Blame Women." The series of cartoon strip advertise ments, now running in 140 western newspapers, graphically portrays the trials of an Inconsistent coffee maker. When the husband haa be come obviously concirnd over the poor coffee, a friend tips the housewife to M. J. B. The moral of the sdvertlsement Is contained In the explanation that the coffee and not the maker is at fault. M. J. B., It goes on to explain, has the "strength essen tial." the power to make coffee with "full flavor at any strength." It likens this exclusive M. J. B feature to the color In a fabric say ing, "you look for a fast color whether the shade you want la pale, medium or dark." Similarly, M. J, B. makes coffee "mild but never weak. medium but never flat, strong but never bitter." The economy of M. J. B. also comes In for a share of attention In the extensive sd ver Using cam paign. The "strength essential," points out tha copy, means smaller measurements of coffee and conse quently more cups per pound. Grocers report many favorable comments on the campaign and a decided Increase In M, J. B. sales- Protect Pea Prohibition WALLA WALLA, Nov. 18. (API A lgorous protest against the AAA wheat contract prohibition of using Bummerf allow for raising peas was on its way today from directors of the county farm bureau to George E. Par rell, head of the wheat section at Washington, D. C. For Huee that Wear ouy NOLDB & HORS-I Etbelwyn B Hoffmann. ODN SMITH Repairs for all make of guns Sims Bros. 33 N Fir Die Mall Tribune want ada . HEAVY FIR ROUGH BLOCKS Heart wood, part seasoned, for mixing; with dry w'ood for your heater, furnace or fireplace Per heaping load FUEL OIL ANT KIND YOU WANT LOW COST HRVirp, MEDFORD TEL. 631 Convenient Term Need Money? Need it Quickly? & a. Too am get to $300 here srrtWu U hours on yonr own sgrtttare mi aojilp do indorvrs m eBMT' Sfn monthly psyments ith pris itew of iacmsog sue of paying Hi or of paying tern off st any time and then redming crat. CALL. PHONE OR mtlTK FOR PARTICULARS. Oregon-Washington Mortgage Co. s nth rentral. Mrerte No. .: r w f. Thnmsa Flight 'o Time Medford sod .srkaon Urom nislorj from tbt filet at tha Mill Trthnni 10 snd to Vsr At")- . TEN YEARS AGO TODAY Norambsr 1. IMS (It Wss Tuesdsyl Auto belonging to F. Oomln Ksn 17 badly damaged whon s llb.t poll falls on It near Hamlin orchard. Bight violators of speed ls-ws fined s total of J5 In Justice court. They were speeding on North River side avenue. Council forms a holding company for recently J'vllle railroad p -hass. Only St voters vote st so-ool elec tion to Incresse school tax. and no dissenting votes wss oast. Jefferson high of Portland Is Invit ed to play Medford hers on Thanks giving day. rather of President Coolldgs nssr to death. TWENTY VEARS AGO TODAI November 18. . (It Waa Wednesday) H. D. Reed, local poatmasta (and also vice-president of tha Greater Oold Hill club, sa well as proprietor of the Bon Ton confectionery) has spent the past week at PtIsco. (Oold Hill Nuggets). Rogue River Canal company com pletes work for year on Pish lake dam. Justic Charlea JTvana Hughes of the U. S. supreme court, declares ha is not a candidate for the presidency, and refuses to permit tha use of his name In the Nebraska state primary. Democratic national committee Marches for slogan, "to appeal to wo men voters, and emphasize peace." Three West Main street speeders fined $10 by Police Judge Day. "This nonsense haa got to stop, or I will know the reason why." tha court firmly told the offenders. Treve Lumsden, Earl Tumy, Vlrgtt Strang. Sprague Rlegel, Howard Hill. Ralph Bard well, and Ned and George Vilas will ' attend the UofO.-O.A.C. football game the coming week-end at Eigene. WEST SALEM. Ore.. Nov. 18. (AP) AH bids for the West Salem Munici pal building were rejected by the city council because they were too high. Ntw bids will be called, probably De cember 9. The bids rejected Included ihose by Henry Q. Carl of Salem for $.35,417. and the Portland Construc tion compsny for $40,000. Dedicates Bridge Ma, George R. Owens, commander of the Medford CCC district, today dedicated the new Grave creek bridge across the Rogue river near Galice. The bridge waa built. by the CCC men of Csmp Rand under the direction of Rudy Krausse, foreman of the Siskiyou national for est. WHEN you think of real estate think ol Brown & White Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Ho matter how man; medicine you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulslon. Berlous trouble may be brewing snd you cannot afford to take a cnanoa with anything less than Creomul slon, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies hsve failed, dont be discouraged, your druggist Is authorized to guarantee Creomulslon and to refund your money 11 you are sot satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Oet Creomulslon light now. (AdvJ $475 BODY FIR DRV. LASTING, ri.M AT SPFCMI. LOAD tOT PRirr FUEL CO. . 1122 NO. CENTRAL Small Payments