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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1935)
PAGE TWO MEDFORT) MAIL TlirBUXE, MED FOUL). OEECOX. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,-1933. ir z iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiniiiii ;IUiuiiitiiiiiuiiiiimiiiijiir 'illllliiiiiiiiun,,'; .,llin'Ml,h. J1I1II ..ill""'MIM.. "'"Il i ' ..mill' .1111 ,iiin ,iiiii ' h. mi . .r Hi "mi m '"I WL. iiiiiii;;;::::::::: .-mil wi wwrn. Illl"' ..."III IfiL ,.HUI.....IH.I 1 1, ""iiniiuiiiiiii"' llliiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllitii uiiiiiiiuiiiuiHiuiiiuiiuiiiiiiiuiiiii Miss Carless Wed To A. Fuller Arney At Noon Yesterday At high noon yesterday Mlsa Dor- othv Carless became the Drlde 01 A Fuller Arney In a quiet ceremony at the home of the brldea mother, Mra. R. W. Frame. In Phoenix. Rev. Bartlam performed the cere mony, while bride and groom stood before a fireplace banked high with white . chrysanthemums ag&lnst a green background. Tail candles com pleted the setting for the wedding, which was attended by the Immedi ate families and Intimate friends. Miss Carless was given away by her step-father, Mr. R. W. Frame, and waa unattended. She was gowned In the ever-lovely traditional white sa tin, set off with a shower bouquet of roses and gladioli In shades of pink and white. The bride Is a graduate of Med ford high school and Southern Ore gon Normal school, and has lived In the valley all her life. Mr. Arney has been a resident of Medford and Tal ent since early spring of this year. He Is prominent In aviation fields, as Is also Miss Carless. He Is the son of Mrs. Emma Arney. who accom panied him here last spring and has since resided In Talent. She will leave soon to make her home In Califor nia. Mr. and Mrs. Arney left soon after the ceremony, but will return to Medford beforo flying to Los Ang eles, whore they will be at home. A reception Is being planned In antic ipation of. their return. Quests for the wedding Included Mrs. C. B Pfender and Mra. B. O. Richards, of Victoria, B. C, and Mrs. J. H. Robinson, of 8catt!e, all of whom are house-guests at the Frame home over the week-end: Mrs. Emma Arney and Laurel Dean Arney, small sister of the grom: and Mr. and Mrs. R. w. Frame. M nance Planned By Pocohontaa. A new candidate. Sister Mae An derson, was obligated In the Wea tonka council Friday evening. Progressive games followed the business session, high score being received by Peggy purdln and ' low by O, A. Hubbard. ' In charge of arrangements for the evening was Gladys Dooms. Rose Kyle and Olenn Abbott. Refreshmenta were a e r v e d by Maude Abbott, Gladys Waltermlre and Maggie Eraklne. Announcement wsa made of 'the regular social card party next Friday evening. A darce has been planned for November 39, all members and In-I vlted friends being welcome. 0 -SL MifnmlchoJ more comment (onnl attire. t Mnke your Li I f, Wi: BUT THEy DRE5S THEIR TABLE .awrence s Oarrying the anmo high grade merchandise to be found in the best stores in largo cities. COLLAR - ITUS! A Suffering Common Among Men I DON'T b alarmsdl Kaop cool) If it vary easily cor rected! Juif tend hit shirtt to lit, end note the immediate return of hit tweet tmiling telf! WE pay particular attention lo the collars and by care ful ironing eliminate the irri tating effects of poorly laund ered shirts. DON'T wait for tymptomt! Send hit thirtt to us this weekl Rough Dry Btnrrli 7 each additional pound mmmm mm jn,i mn. imiiii,m-;i..., NEWLYWEDS BACK IN HOLLYWOOD 1 V tr f3trM f v "') : - ;ji I W - 1 t a t i f i ilfc i't bWm w Mr. and Mrs. Franchot Tone, Joan Crawford, ai they arrived In Hollywood to resume motion picture work after their recent Viarriago in New Jersey. (Associated Press Photo) Delphian Chapter Announces Topics Members of Beta chapter, Del phian, will d lacuna "Stuart England" at the mectlnff Thunwlay morning In the Girls' Community club rooms. Mra. Dwlfjht Plndley will report on James I, and his fitness to rule; Mrs. Ear 81 ma will tnlk on the King James translation of the Bible; Mrs. W. L. Bulger, cauaes of civil war: Mrs. Mark Miller, Charles I as king; Mra. T. E. Knockstedt, - the brlei Engllah republtc. Additional topics will be: The Rnetorntlon. Mrs. H. Brown; A Blood, less Revolution, Mrs. O, A. Codding; England Under Queen Anne. Mrs. B. C. Wilson. LIKE THIS . . i ailvor pullcrns often cause tlinn frcnkislmess in per. silver right AT I ft 8 lbs. 56c ftp Newburys Return From Long Trip East And South Recently returned vacationists are Mr. and Mrs. Don Newbury, who ar rived In Medford Wednesday evening after a three weeks' travel Jaunt In the eaat and south. Oolno: by way of the northern route, Mr. and Mrs. Newbury traveled by rail, stopping first In Minneapolis, where they spent several days os guests of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newbury. Chicago waa the next stop, and after spending about a week In that city, the New burys went to Flint, Mich., where they purchased a new car and from there on the trip was made by motor. j Returning vis the southern states. , a stop w&s made at the Qrand Can yon, and a I no at Los Angeles. Com I lng up through California, the Now j burya stopped to spend some time J at the home of Mr. and Mra. Law j ronce Mehaffoy, at Antioch. Mrs. Me- hnrrey Is Mr. Newbury's sinter. The weather was beautiful and ! the trip wonderful, say the New ; burys, I Mrs. ncss "" llostrm tii Thin. 1 Members of the Paft Noble Granfl j club were entertained Thursday even ; lng " at the home of Mrs. deorge ; Hess. Mrs. Marjorle Pearson, presi i dent, conducted the business sos ; alon, which Included election of of flcors. New officers for the club are: j Presklont, Mrs. Lottie Howard; vice president. Mrs. Ella Gould, and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Daisy Douglas. Refreshment were served to the 40 guests by Mesdames Hess, Calder j and Douglas. ! . f 1 I, envoi To Vllt In Portland Miss Thelmn Hurd Is leaving today I to vacation a week in Portland, t where she will be the guest of her ; slater, Mrs. F. H. Johnson, Jr. j I Degree nf Honor, i Degree of Honor Protective asso , elation will meet Thursday evening st 8 o'clock for a social meeting. Talic uourTlmnli your iDanKsgiving cunner .ir'v ! '"few BUT YOUR siLvmmoDr Complete service for Ix. 35-yenr quality Nationally Advertised Silver $10.00! On all complete Table Services yon ave from $2.50 to $15.00! SPECIAL FOR THANKSGIVING Limited number of Curving Sets ONE-HALF PRICE. Something new Lnrgo Platter Serving Spoons $3. 00 "Quality Jewelry Russian Singer Charms Audience In Concert H ere Mr. and Mrs. 8 a veil Walevttch. who were guests of Col. and Mrs. Gordcn Voorhlea the past week, jert yesterday afternoon by motor for the north to complete the concert tour which brought them to Med ford. Charming his audience completely. Mr. Walevltch drew pratse from the meet exacting of his critics In his appearance here Thursday evening. Particularly pleasing to his listeners wss the unusual manner In which hla Russian and gypsy folk songs were presen ted . as he Btressed the authentic style and melody of the Russian pessant. with no deliberate attempt at a theatrical or artistic impression. Mrs. Walevltch charmingly Intro duced the songs, explaining their background and meaning. The artist himself gave the songs their natu rally highly dramatic Interpretation, enhancing his presentation with costume and the native seven-stringed Russian lute guitar snd bringing to his audience a vital Impression ol the Russian spirit, stressing the purely peasant feeling. Of unusual Interest was his dem onstratlsn of the difference between the usual conception of the "Volga Boat Song" and the much less melodic true peasant Interpretation. While here, Mr. and Mrs. Wale vltch were guests Friday afternoon of Mrs. Sprague Rlegle, who also had as guest Mrs. Leonard Carpenter. Ladies9 Auxiliary Have Guest Day Mrs. C. A. Whlllock wns hostess to the Ladles' Auxiliary of the First Baptist church at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. D. Roberta had charge of the program, which in cluded several songs by Harvey Field, Jr.. who was accompanied by Miss Constance Moore. Also appearing in vocal numbers was Mrs. John H Knight, with Mrs. O. C. Failing at the piano. It being "Guest Day." the several guests present were introduced to the members, and Rev. W. A. Dawes spoke to the assembly. Mrs. D. V Piatt sang two numbers, after which refreshments were served. Deputy Present At Club Session Twenty-six members and five guesta were entertained when the Mistletoe club met Wednesday after noon. Including Deputy Leonora Bolle, of Ashland. It wss announced that officers will be elected at the next meeting December 11. Deputy Brolll read a very interest ing account of an imaginary trip to Japan, that being the first coun try to be visited on the "Bon Voy age" tour being taken by the Royal Neighbors. Neighbors Mnrle Sllva, Maude Lovell, Irene Shirley. Jessie Lalng. Lola Ludwlg and Mary Shelbourn served dainty refreshments. Miss Florence Pyo ' leaves for Vacation. A two months' vacation Is In view for Miss Florence Pye, who left last night for a visit at her home In Astoria, Mission Society Extends Invitation. A cordial Invitation is extended by the Women's Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church to all church membera and anyone in terested In missions to attend the annual praise meeting to be held Tuesday afternoon In the church at 2:00 o'clock. Mrs. Francis E. Bancroft, guest speaker, will deliver an address ana a missionary pageant will be pre sented. Promise of an Interesting and enjoyable afternoon Is given by the committee In charge. Refresh ments will he served during the social hour following the program. Everyone Is welcome, and a large at tendance Is desired. old stiile- pip JEWELERS MF0FORD. ORE Honestly Priced'' Farewells Said To Departing Residents Last farewells were bidden yeater day to Mr. and Mra. Floyd House and their two children, Jeanette and Norman, who left by motor for Sacramento, where they will make their home. For the past two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. House have been much enter tained In view of their departure, regretted by a large group of friends. Among hosts for the several affairs were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blyth, who entertained at dinner Thursday even, lng and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Horner, who arranged dinner and cards Wed nesday night. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. House had aa hosts Mr. and Mrs. R. h. Barton. O.E.S. Chapters Entertain Official Guests at Session ' Alpha chapter, O. E. S., tn Ash land, waa host Friday evening to the Mftdiord, Jacksonville. Central Point and Grants pass chapters at a special session In reception tor a group of grand officers making an official visit. Orand officers honored were Wor thy Grand Patron Percy Fulsom oi Pendleton and Mrs. Fulsom, Grand Martha; 'Worthy Grand Matrcn Inez Glaser of CoqulUe; Grand Ada, Mra. Davis of Lakevlew and Grand Con ductreas 'Mrs. Ingram of The Dalles Also present were two past worthy grand matrons, Mesdames Umbuch of Lakevlew and Margaret Barnea ot Granta Pass. A particularly fine musical pro gram Included a duet by Mesdames Strane and Elffert of Medford; a piano olo by Worthy Matron Ethel Freeman of Central Point, and two vocal solos by Mrs. Margaret Barnes of Grants Pass. Following addresses by the visit ing officers, refreshments were served to the guests. Royal Neighbors To Have Rally A rally Thursday evening Is on the calendar for Royal Neighbors or this district, to be held at the K P. hall, at which time State Supervisor Irma KIbler, of Nampa, Idaho, will make her annual official visit. A class of candidates will be Initiated, Ashland camp tn charge or the ceremonies. Supervisor Kibler will address the assembly and give Instructions, and a program will be presented con sisting of numbers arranged by dif ferent camps. A banquet will close the evening. The Medford committee requests that all members not yet solicited bring a salad, any kind except fruit. I Ion se-Guests Leave Wednesday. f Mrs. ina Kennedy and her daugh ter. Miss Marceiie. of San Francisco, left Wednesday after spending seve ral days In Medford as the house guesta of Mrs. O. Stephenson, sister of Mrs. Kennedy. Church Circle llenrs Mrs. Fa brick. The Sunny Slsteiy Circle of Pres byterian church met at the home of Mra. A. J. Hanby Tuesday for the monthly one o'clock luncheon. After luncheon and business session, Mrs. Strang presented two lovely solos, accompanied by Miss Wallace. Mrs. Fabrick was then Introduced as guest speaker, and gave a very Interesting and educational talk on the Island of New Zealand, which she recently visited. Thimble flub Entertained Thursday. Mrs. Born Ice Wilson's lovely coun try borne was the scene Thursday afternoon of the meeting of the Chrysanthemum Thimble club, Car rie Mllnca acting as hostess. Refreshments followed a business meeting. Announcement Is made that the next meeting wilt take place next Friday at the home of Mrs Adelaide 6 warts, 40 Berkeley Way. Plans will be completed at this meet ing for the entertainment of Chry santhemum Circle November 35. AMUSEMENTS - ATTRACTIONS - MERCHANDISE Friday, Saturday, Sunday, November 22nd, 23rd, 24th at Parish Hall, Oakdale near Tenth Friday, 2 p. m., Card Party; 7:30 p. m. free technicolor moving pictures of Southern Oregon outdoors; 8 p. m., Bazaar, with many nseful articles and suitable Christmas Gifts. Saturday, 8 p. m., Baraar and Country Store ; booths with many fine offerings. Sunday, 8:30 p. ra., Big Turkey Dinner, AO cents. Admission to Bazaar free both evenings DON'T FORGET THE TIME AND PLACE! Town Club Plans Benefit Tea And Bridge Tomorrow A large affair on the Town club calendar for the coming week ia the benefit tea tomorrow afternoon at the club bouse for members and their guesta. , Bridge will be played during the afternoon, starting at 1:45. Several who will not be playing will drop In later for tea. Arrangements are being made by Mesdames H. Chand ler Egan, Louis Salade, Jr., Charles Glenn Smith and Josephine Well is. with Mrs. Egan acting as chairman Reservations may be made today by caUlng the Town club, or any one of the committee. Rare Art Objects , Shown At Meeting Rogue River Club ROGUE RIVER, Nov. Ifl. (Spl.) The regular meeting of the Ladies' Civic Improvement club was held at the house of Mrs. Sam Sandry Friday afternoon. President Mrs. Elizabeth Fowler conducted a short business session, which was followed by an Interesting program of art and craft, prepared by the committee chairman, Mrs. Bertha Lund. An exhibition of leather craft articles made by a group or young men In the Wlmer CCC camp 'was presented by Donald Philip, who also explained how the work la done and source of supplies. Daniel Powell of the Rogue River high school faculty gave an Inter esting talk of bis training and work In sculpture in New Yorfc city. Several of his pieces were shown at the meeting and very much ad mired. - Mrs Elisabeth .Fowler talked on the life and work of Joslah Wedge wood and exhibited two very lovely Wedgewood vases, which she pur chased in Edinburgh, Scotland. Mrs. Effle Birdseye spoke on lustre ware and displayed two very dainty pink vases of that type, brought across the plains tn 1851 by the Birdseye pioneers. Mrs. Brlcker gave an Interesting account of the history and develop ment of the Dutch blue Delftware. A number of Rock wood. New Jer sey, bowls and Jars were brought by Mrs. Swank. The club regrets that time did not allow for the presenta tion of these. A statuette of the character of a Millet painting, "The. Woman at the Churn," made by Mrs. Charles H. LaCrosse was exhibited at the meeting by Mrs. LaCrosse. The hostess, Mrs. Sandry and Mrs Hugh Hartman served cake and cof fee, assisted by little Adele Smith. The club voted to put on a local Red Cross drive within the near future. Now that no government re lief will be given the poor, the Red Cross will have extensive work this winter and funds are much needed. .Mrs, nraRer Guest of I'rers. Mr. and Mrs. George Frey have as their guest Mrs. W. F. Drager, ot Satem, who arrived Friday evening Mrs. Drager Is Mra. Frey's mother, and wilt be here until Thanksgiving, when she will be Joined by Mr. Drager, If you want to look more attractive for Than ksglvlng and the Holidays, get s DUART PERMANENT $2.50 $3.75 $5.00 VI'S WAVE SHOP HOTEL MEDFORD PHONE 1430 TEH OIL IS Local Musician Is Honored In Capitol According to word received by Irlenda in tha vallay of Mlse Oer aldtne Thompson, aha waa chenen to plajr In a selected orchestra ol six pieces for the annual Community Chest program Id Washington. D. C She has also attended recent con certs of Fritz Krelsler and Lawrence Tibbette. Miss Thompson la a Tlollnlst m the department . of agriculture or chestra of 60 pieces, which Is fre quently beard in concert. The many friends here of Miss Thompson will be gl&d to hear of this honor. Study Club Hears Book Review And Literature Survey An unususlly large attendance ol the Thursday Morning Study club met November U at the Olrls' Com munity Club house and enjoyed a particularly Interesting program. Mrs. T. M. Hlgglns gave a com prehensive survey of the origin and r4av.1r.nman. nf flr.i.lnn from thC early classical and romantic tales to the ultra-modern school ot writ ing. She clearly brought out the testa of time choice fiction must meet In order to live during follow ing generations; and mentioned nu merous writers whose works have met these tests. "Honey In the Horn." the popular Harper's prize novel by H. L. Dnvls. waa reviewed delightfully by Mrs. B. A. Moore. With a keen Insight and a charming sense of humor she particularly stressed the characteri zation found In this novel of early Oregon life1. The members voted to hold their next meeting Tueaday morning prior to Thanksgiving. - Mrs. Boyle . Announces Assistants. Mrs. J. C. Boyle, chairman of. the card party committee of the Catho lic Bazaar, which opens next Fri day, yesterday announced her as sistants. Cards will begin at 2 p m. Friday, and the committee is arrang ing for a number of special attrac tions for the entertainment of their guesta. Membera of the committee, assist ing Mrs. Boyle are: Mesdames Ernest Barnes, Larry Schade, T. E Daniels. F. E. Blgclow, Mary Weston, Joe Marshall, C. M. Brewer, Olen J Keys, J'. C. Hayes, Ray Mlkscho. John J. Wilkinson, w. J. Hutchin son, and W. E. Brayton and Miss Anna Kellehor. tfeBULOVy COMMODi Nat, trim, rugged and ' dependable. Suitable for any occasion . . . priced for vsryons'l pocktboolt tf Exclusively at Larry ochade Your Favorite Jeweler Since 1918 2475 r Odd Fellows And Rebekahs To Have Dinner And Party A aeries of winter social affairs, planned by Odd Fellows and Re bekahs, will start with a get- together meeting Tuesday evening at 6:30, when a covered-dish dinner and cord party will be given. A. J. Hanby la chairman of the committee for Med ford Ledge No. 83 and Mrs Bergman chairman for Olive Rebekah lodge No. 28. Those In chargo of arrangementa have made extensive plans for a sue. ceasful evening. Members from Ash land, Central Point and Jackaonvltla have been Invited, and all visiting members In the valley are urged to attend. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs and families are expected to be present, and men are urged to bring their oocketbooka In preparation for a "touching" scene some time during the evening. GUNSMITH Repaira for all make of guns Sims Bros. .3 N Fir. Adrienne's Salon of Beauty Announces Parker-Herbex Scalp Treatments We specialize In correcting all ab normal conditions nf the sralp and hair by giving those scientific individual treatments. Von must have a healthy scalp In order to hove lovely hair. Parker Herbex Is exclusive In Medford lit Adrienne's. Phone 577 Murray's Beauty Salon 2nd Floor Mann'i Are You Ready For Thanksgiving? You Will Be With One of Murray's Individual Permanents Here you will get a Wave styled just for you by a staff of efficient operators. $2.45 $3.75 $5.00 Electric Manicures 50c Finger Waves 50c Phone 363 or 486 i