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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1935)
PAGE TEN MEDFOItD MAIL TRIBUXE, MEDFORD, OEEGON. FRIDAY, XOTE3rBER 15, 1935 ft t,- i -jfc"' w vi ills- vi fc i .-.,11, ,i- m il'.'U "' J MuKb PICKS TBI FOR SATURDAY TILTS By HERBERT W. BARKER (Asoclatod Press Sport Writer.) NEW YORK. Nov. IS. (PI Pros pects for this week's leading football eames as en from this, harassed Army-Notre Dsme: Notre Dime 1 th. onlv DOMlble choice although the Ramblers- series with the Cadets hs been marked by hsid lighting sna afttonlshlna UOsetS. Duke-North Carolina: The nod goes tn North Carolina. Minnesota-Michigan: The Gophers look too aood for Michigan. Arkansas-Southern Methodist: Southern Methodist. Southern C s 1 Ifomla. -Washington State: On the theory that Southern California played well b07e Its par last week, a ballot for Washington State. Stanford - Montant: Stanford shouldn't have to depend upon Monk Moscrlp's educated toe for this one. Oregon State-Ideho: Oregon State. Pitt-Nebraska: Pitt, but not by much. Northwestern - Wisconsin: Last week's two surprise packages get to gether la this one and the edge seems to belong to Northwestern. ... Purdue-Iowa: Iowa. Syracuse - Colgate: This corner points an uncertain finger at unlucky Colgate. Georgia-Louisiana State: A slight edge for LSU. Alabama-George Tech: Alabama. Chicago-Indiana: With Berwanger n uncertain starter, the nod goes to Indiana. Dartmouth - Cornell: Dartmouth, but the Indians had better trot out their best warriors. Manhattan-Georgetown: A slight edge for Manhattan. Navy-Columbia: Navy. . New York Dnlveralty-Butgers: NYU. Penn-Penn State: Penn despite State's surprise victory over Vlllsnova. Yale-Lafayette: A scoring parade for the Ells. West Vlrglnla-Duquesne: Duquesne narrowly. Prlnceton-Lehlgh : The Tigers pol ish up for Dartmouth a week hence. Tulane-Kentucky: Kentucky by a Shade. BY Of court, this can't be elaMlfle as real news, being about a dog biting a man, but the entire Oak Knoll CCO camp thlnka it's news of the bitterest kind, Charley iTIger" Curran. Oak Knoll butcherer who was expected to rate high In the amateur boxing tournament In Port land November 10 and 30. after cutting a wide swath tn the Elks amokera here for months, will not be able to make the trip. The reason: A large and extremely capable looking hound took a liking to one of the "Tiger's" hands, and tried to devour it, without even the benefit of salt or pepper. The hand, the left, with which he has led In all his fights. Is now useless, and will remain so for some weeks. The tendon between the thumb and Index finger Is badly chewed. Masked Grappler Outlasts Seven PORTLAND. Ore,. Nov. 18. (AP) A masked grappler won an elimina tion wrestling show here list night when he outlasted seven other mid dleweight. Ernie Plluso. Portland grippler who overcame stlffer competition In reaching th finals, fell before the marked matmsn whose tactic re sembled those of Bulldog Jackson. Dse Mall Tribune want ada. SPORTSMEN A. K. 0. Registered Chesapeake Bay RETRIEVERS 7 mo. old fully trained See them at Humane Society's Shelter Table Rock Road Limber Texan Returning - Leg Wolfe (above), limber Texan with the ortupus legg who will en twine Toots Estes In Ills tentacles at the Armory Monday night In one match of a three-star card. Wolfe nan southwestern conference since his last and has picked up several new ways The blf lone-star grappter will weigh FANDOM AT I RANDOM By Dick Applegate Bob Ken nan ton, the Mad Marine of Oold Hill, really la a Gold Hill lad by nativity, and not just by adoption. For the past three weeks he has been chopping wood on hie father's ranch. and now has a plla almost aa high as the yell that goes up when he gouges some other wrestler's eyes. He's get ting In condition for his bout Mon day with Pete Belcastro. Kennaston was heavyweight cham pion of the U. B. marines, taking the title a few years ago in a battle at Schofleld barracks In Hawaii, Before entering the marine corps he wrestled aa an amateur for two years, and has been grappling tn the pro game ever since his release. So he should know something about It, According to Mack LUlard,. one of the very few in whom Kennaston ever confides, the Mad Marine used to be a clean and orthodox muscle twister. He took some pretty sound thump lngs while laboring under the hallu cination that he should remain clean for the good of the sport, and after one particularly thorough pasting he decided to abandon his Quixotic windmill Jousting and to fight rtre with fire. To pharaphrose Edgar Al lsn Poe. he shouted, outshouted his opponent; did this and the clamor ing grew till. Now he's recognized as one of the greatest exponents of the shady tactics. Some time ago he mad a resolve never to lose a fight In the Medford ring. He'a lost several, but always be cause ha fouled his opponent and not because be himself was out of action If he takes Pete Belcastro, and we don't think he can, then this depart ment, at least, will be willing to ad mit the Mad Marine Is also a very good wrestler. Here's an Interesting disclosure. Ray Lewis, brainy little hslfback tor the Medford Tigers, who also handles the signal calling assignment, has as Impressive ball carrying record as any one could pos sibly want. In five (tames so fsr this year, Lewis hss hsd an average of seven and third yards for each time that he'a carried the ball! That's 32 feet past the line of scrimmsge for each and every time the apple has come to him. Of course, his long sal lies to score, Including an B9 yard Jaunt lo the Xlamath Falls game, have hiked his average considerably, but his regular running plays have proved consistent ground gainers, too. George Begue, chairman of the Jf u nlor chamber of com merce com -mlttee In charge of the Thanksgiving Day ntghschool football game at sssal if mi been wrestling In the southern and np pea ranee here several moifths ago, of employing his hawser-like legs. In at close to 200 pounds. Multnomah stadium, told the Asso ciated Press yesterday that McLough lln high might have been chosen "if their friend at Pendleton had kept quiet." The friend was Dean Lobaugh, Pendleton high school principal, who cautioned up-state (out of Portland) teams to be aura they received satis factory monetary arrangements before agreeing to a Portland game. Apparently not liking the Idea, the Junior chamber promptly signed Spo kane high, leaving the Oregon cham pion aspirants. Including Medferd. out on a limb. Which should not prove such a bad position, after all. Why the state athletic association can't have an idea occasionally, and divide the state Into a ladder sys tem to eliminate this useless bicker Ing each year, we fall to note. And a little like Dean Lobough, we also fall to note why Portland should have anything to say about the state championship, other than as cham pions of one section speaking to champions of another. In reality, they don't. They have their own separate league, with their own rules. One of those rules la to forbid any Portland team to play an out of town post-season game for the championship. And as Pendleton and Mac high both found out, it Isn't a matter of whether or not Portland has to play a chnmplonshlp gome with the strongest team in the state. They don't. They Issue an Invitation to whomever they like, and If that out fit doesn't want It, little Portland cares. PATRICK WILL LEAD O.S.C. CORVALUS, Ore.. Nov. 15. Coach Lon Blner announced -(,? todiy that Bob Patrick, reaerre half bock, will be honorary captain for Oregon State college In It game here Satur day against University of Idaho. While Patrick will not etort. he will see avtion part of the g.ime, the coach said. Caeserly will start at rlht end In place of Mnynard Schultz. who Is nursing head Inlurles. The remain der of the rerulnrs were In good con-. ditlon. However, two reserve sopho mores, Fullback Koibers and Quar terback Duncan, will start. St. "V IaPW MM h : : ft k9Jr4'i FOR CITY JAUNT Boxing fans of 4he Medford dis trict were placing bets today as to whether or not Jess Savlckey, South Fork's poker-faced fighter, will change his expression at retreat formation tonight. Savlckey doesn't know it yet. but he Is to be presented with a brand new bathrobe, fighting trunks and traveling baa for his trip to Port land. Presentation of the articles will take place at the regular even Ing formation. Savlckey won the district light- weiaht title on the Elks' card here last week and will be one of eight men representing this district the international far western dia mond belt amateur boxing cham pionships In Portland November 19 and 20. Members of his company took up the collection to purchase the articles, which included a red bathrobe with his name, the name of his company and "Medford Dis trict" In large letters on the back. In addition, they bought a brand new pair of fighting trunks and a handsome leather handbag. The presentation was to be a sur prise to Savlckey. but since the lit tle battler haa never changed ex pression In the ring, odds were even that he wouldn't even crack a smile during the performance. Savlckey and the other members cf the team will leave Sunday for Portland, accompanied by Lieut. Roy Craft, assistant welfare officer. Two substitutions were made In the team lineup today when news reached here that two of the fighters will be unable to make the trip. Bill Supeck of Coos Head and John Rosdii of Portland will be among those going to Portland. They replace Gordon Houston of Gasquet, who has been discharged to accept employment on the outside, and "Tiger" Curran, of Oak Knoll, who was bitten on the hand by a vicious dog Thursday. OPEN AFTER NOV. SEATTLE. Nov. IS. ipv-The state game commission announced today that after Nov. 19 the only open sea son on game will be on snowshoe and cottontail rabbits which may be hunted until Feb. 38. The limit Is five a day. The elk .season enda today and the migratory waterfowl season at 4 p. m. Nov. 19. WASHINGTON. Nov. 15. Of) As serting a "considerably Increased amount" of war ' materials Is being exported from the United States, Sec retary Hull directed the attention of American business men again today to President RcxveviMt'a warning that any transactions they hove with Ethiopia or Italy ere at their own risk. "The American people are entitled to know that there are certain com modities, such as oil. copper, truck., tractors, scrap Iron and scrap steel, which are easenttal war materials al though not actually arms, ammuni tion or Implement of war. and that eeeordlns to recent government trade reports a considerably Increased amount of these la being exported for war purposes," the secretary said. For Hose that Wear buy NOLDB A HORST Ethel wyn B. Hoffmann. Vff vs.4-" A Ik''..: I , CUT DRIVING COSTS DRAIN out old (tf r oils now..entoyqutcker start ins:, mif t gf ihimns, mort po cr, htil.r ftno line mileage. Winter grade I'nion Gesr Lubri cants actually live their cost io a lew thousand mile,. See youc Stop. Wear df sler for complete lubrication todsy. UNION OIL COMPANY ' OOTBALtfi THIS WEEK (N Denotes Night Game.) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER IS. EAST - Army (8) vs. Notre Dame (12) Lsfayetts vs. Yale .. Boston College (141 vs. Springfield Boston University (0) vs. Brown (18) Western Maryland (2) vs. Catholic 0 ......Washington Cornell (21) vs. Dartmouth (8) .' Hanover Muhlenberg vs. Fordhsm - New York New Hampshire (3) vs. Harvard (47) Cambridge Bates vs. Holy Cross Worcester Georfte town (9) vs. Manhattan (0) Ne,y York Columbia (71 vs. Navy (lfll Annapolis Rutgers (22.) vs. New York U. (7) New York Penn State (0) vs. Pennsylvania (3) . Phlfadelphla Nebraska (8) vs. Pitt (25) Pittsburgh Lehigh (01 vs. Princeton (54) Princeton Colgate (13) vs. Syracuse (2) - - Syracuse Marquette. (6) vs. Temple (23) Philadelphia Duquesne (0) vs. West Vlrglni?. (7) Morgan'cown CENTRAL Illinois (14) vs. Ohio Stats (13).... . Columbus Minnesota (34) vs. Michigan (0). Ann Arbor Indians (0) vs. Chicago (21) Chicago Iowa (0) vs. Purdue (13) - Lafayette Wisconsin (0) vs. Northwestern (7) Evanston Iowa State (33) vs. Drake (12) Des Moines Washburn vs. Crelghton - Omaha Oklahoma (7) vs. Kansas State (3) Manhattan Missouri (13) vs. Washington (40)'..-: - St. Louis SOI TH WEST Haskell (6) vs. Oklahoma A. & M. (91 Stillwater Southern Methodist (10) va. Arkansas (6) Fayettevllle Texas A. & M. (6) vs. Rice (25) Houston Texas Christian (19) va. Texas (20) Austin soiih , Alabama (40) vs. Qeonrla Tech (0) Alabama Poly (15) vs. Oglethorpe (0).. Sewsnee vs. Florida Loulsana State vs. Georl-a.. Kentucky (7) vs. Tulane (20) Mississippi vs. centre Tennesee (13) vs. Vandcrbllt (6).. Duke (0) vs. North Carolina (7) Maryland (0) vs. Washington & Lee North Carolina State vs. Richmond . Richmond 3outh Carolina (2) vs. Furman (0) - Columbia Virginia (6) vs. Virginia Poly (19) - Charlottesville Virginia Military (13) vs. Davidson (27) Lexington Centenary (7) vs. Baylor (0) .'. . Shreveport WEST Washington State. (19) vs. U. S. C. (0) Los Angeles Michigan State vs. Loyola -.. Los Angeles ' College of Pacific (6i vs. California (7) Berkeley Montana vs. Stanford - P'lo Alto Idaho vs. Oregon State - - Corvallls Denver vs. U. of Son rranclsco .... v San Francisco Oregon vs. Portland - Portland ROCKY MOUNTAIN Utah (6) vs. Colorado S'ata (14) ...Georgetown (9) vs. Manhattan (01.... Western State) (31 vs. Colorado Minss Montana State vs. Colorado College Kansas (0) vs. Colorado (0) Brlgham Young 10) vs. Utah State (15) EIGHT MEDFORD CCC TO PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 15. AF Eight tree topplers frcm CCC camps In the Medford area will attempt to topple human opponents in the International far western diamond belt boxing championships here Tues day and Wednesday. Fighters from many const points Indicated they will compete in the simon-pure competition. James J. Richardson, chairman of the show, 58 Id. All proceeds wilt go Into the sun shine division Chrlstmaa fund. 10 v t o i y OW you can enjoy riper, saroor7ier whisky! Drink ' Bottoms Up now 255 older extra-mellowed by 25 longer ageing in wood. Its richer, more delicious flavor gives you a real bonus in drinking pleasurel And at new lower price tool Because of Bottoms Up's tremendous popularity and amazing volume it can now be priced to cost you ess.' Now bottled at a rninimum of 15 months ageing in wood. Enjoy it today. Vi PINT Code No. 155-D 45' KENTUCKY STHGH1 WH'SKY Q BROWN-FORM AN DhtilUry COMPANY At Louwttle in Kentucky Write Itie anLstiihnsti im inn Btvlrll Ultlj . .. New York New Haven (Q) ...Boston Providence Birmingham Gainesville Athens . New Orleans Danville Knoxvllle . Durham (7) College Park (6) Golden Coloradi Spr!ng3 Boulder Logjn OF LOS ANGELES. Nov. 15. (AP) Washington State's football team, which started Southern California on the road to Its most disastrous season in 1934. returns today it. hopes of plastering another defeat on the Tro jans In Memorial coliseum tomorrow afternoon. Coarh Orln (Babe) Hollingsbery's squad planned a light final drill on the coliseum turf this afternoon while tiie loval squad speeds through a last practice at Bovard field. Use Mall Tribune want ads. lPInt . 80c Codt No. 155-C 1 Quart, SI. 50 Code No, 1S5-A ip.m. Cm- lilMMMtcd Bft'lp Bwkltt, rortiitid, urt'&on Mi? jiifiL ill FOR MONDAY EVENINGS THREE-CORNERED CARD Advance ticket sales axe going briskly for what Promoter Mack L1I larct terms "the best wrestling card I've ever presented In Medford", which will be presented Monday night with six of the coast's best known behemoths on the bill. The affair Is to be a triple-Jointed main event, with Pete Belcastro, the Weed Avalanche, and Bob Kennaston. the Gold Hill marine. In the final frame. Toots Estes and Les Wolfe, both Medford favorites, will tangle In the middle bout. .and the first match of the evening will festure Johnny - - a OSX5 KENTUCKY M Straight 1 Whiskey WANT TO RENT? WANT TO BUY? You can find just the place you want in the Tribune's Classified columns . . . and what easier way is there to contact the person who wants to rent or buy . , . Should YOU have something to dispose of, Classified ads will reach prospective buyers at very moderate cost I MAIL TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADS Consult Them! Use Them! soos and Billy Hagen of Oklahoma. A departure from ordinary wrestling formula will be presented In the first two matches, when Hagen and Soos, Estes and Wolfe use the AustrsUaa system of grappling, with six 10-mln-u't rounds or two falls for a finish. The fighters will get a one minut rest between rounds. This will mark the first time that the Australian system has been employed In Medford, Kennaston and Belcastro will us the accepted two-out-of-three falla system, In the final bout. This battle Is expected to be one of the bloodiest In months at the Armory arena. Girl Still In Coma. BEND. Ore.. Nov. 15. (AP) Lit tle change was seen today in tha condition of Verna Anderson, Bene high school Junior, who was criti cally Injured In an automobile acci dent near Redmond six days ago. She remained in a coma. Leslie Walters. 17. wss killed In ths acci dent, mneral services were held yes terday for him. You're straight down tht fairway when you choose this fine, carefully ma tured,, 100 Proof Olenmore Kentucky Straight Whiskey all our own distilla tion ! A good whiskey to start with as a consequence, its 12 months of ageing in the wood develops a fragrance, flavor and smoothness far beyond its age. Pints ....No. IT6-C f .80 Fifths ...No. 17U-B 1.30 GLEN.MORR DISTILLERIES COMPANY, INC . Louisville - Owensboro - Largest Distillery In Kentucky KENTUCKY STRAIGHT WHISKEY