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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1935)
'3PSGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1935 iuau. II II 1 " IE r iJ.s m i i a 7 MP m t CANCEL JILT WITH LOCALS SATURDAY Paralysis Scare Basis of Action Too Late to Schedule Another Team to Meet Tigers, Is Stand Alarmed by the Infantile paralysis car coming from this city, tht Myrtle Point high school official! to day telephoned to Ptlnclpal O. O. fimfth of the Medford htjrh school, and cancelled the scheduled game to nave been played between the two schools here Saturday. The action was taken upon the advice of the Myrtle Point health ad visor, It was stated, and school au thorities were flat In their decision to cancel the game. The health au ' thorlty et the coast city also refused to sanction Med ford's going to Myrtle point to play the game. The action woe generally considered by Medford school officials as due to a misunderstanding as to the pur ported "epidemic" here, but admitted that Myrtle Point school heads could do nothing about the situation. Too Late For Others It la too late' for the Tigers to schedule another game for Saturday. Eugene high school has contacted the Medford school asking for a game on Thanksgiving, when Medford al ready has a scheduled game "with Ashland. Principal Smith of Medford j announced today that he would not j consider cancellation of the Ashland fame, or any other scheduled game, because of the state championship scramble. "In the first place," Smith aatd, "It would cost us several hun dred dollars to cancel the game, and In the second place, such cancella tions have always oreated hard feel ings In the past." Mao Hlglv Queries Smith yesterday received a tele gram from McLoughlin high school of Mil ton-Free water, asking If a post season game could be arranged be tween the two schools. Smith ans wered In the affirmative, stating that such a game would Interest Med Jord If mutually satisfactory terms ould be reached. He alfo suggested to Mac high that they contact Eugene and see If a game between those two undefeated teams couldn't be arranged for Thanksgiving day, with Medford HEADS OR COCKTAILS? Major Oruii says thai any one who uses his head at night never has a hiiad In lha morning. "Mallow old Hildiok Appleaok," adds tha Major, "tastes cood, la In good tasta, and leaves no allor-tasle." Any oocklall, highball ei Mixed drink yen ean maks wi th whLksy, ram r brandy, yea eaa make soother, laatUr, cheaper with DiitribuHd by Importing Cor pora.. 271 Mqdltn Av. N. Y. C AVAILABLI N OMOON HILDICK BLACK LABEL QUARTS Ne. 40IA$ PINTS No, 40SC-$1.00 HALF PINTS Me. 4010-$, 51 Evans Machine Shop arlll be open for business after Not. 15 at . 8TH AND FIR STS. MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPITAL Ift years eiperlrnct Id large and tmal) animal practice 225 N Riverside. Phone 309 0 Seat 'Boiled9 Fans Together Is Plea Of Sports Editor SALEM, Ore., Nor. 14. (JP Fred Zimmerman, sports editor of the Capital Journal, suggested that all the "Inebriated fools" who attend football games be put In a section by themselves. "There they could pester no body but themselves, while others who attend the contests for the purpose of getting some entertain ment would be permitted to en Joy the spectacle In comfort," he wrote. playing the winner on December 7, Id a poet-season encounter. Such an arrangement would preclude the necessity of playing any Portland team and would evidently prove sat isfactory to Washington High of Portland, they having already sched uled a game with Spokane, Wash., high school for Thanksgiving. BOWLING Remits of recent City Bowling league matches at the Smoke House alleys show the Rogue ValleyOolf era team taking three potnta to one for the Medcoa and the Gates Auto five taking four points from the Plche quintet. Scores: Medco 1 1 I 1S8 136 101 333 309 16 T-tl 801 360 aos English Nutting ... Lundgren Kessler las it log 109 101 160 19 153 OS 110 1S7 IS Clancy 636 48 Handicap 696 689 831 3316 Vs. B. R. Golfers 1 163 136 178 148 167 a 141 168 118 103 141 I 140 178 163 164 136 Ttl 446 461 459 604 433 Hueston Sherwood .... Clark, D. Hammond Clark, L. 780 781 760 3300 Al Plche Hdw. Co. 1 177 133 138 146 , 14S , 14 3 136 117 130 146 146 14 I 131 133 103 14B 148 14 rti 434 371 380 436 436 43 AI Plche Harrison . B. Plche -Draeger Boomer Handicap 741 eS6 670 2097 VS. Gates Auto Co. 1 177 - -1S7 - 160 173 . 161 a 138 100 103 107 144 9 180 184 14ft ISO 165 Ttl 604 611 407 400 Dawes . aillette , Cannon , Greens , dates 470 008 831 843 3481 Captain Burroughs' team was click ing In their Elks' club bowling match last night with the team captained by Jim Murray and captured three of the four points. Scores : Team No. 1st and 3rd Tot Burroughs 177 305 135 687 J. Otll .....I... 176 101 180 556 Rankin 160 106 303 658 E. York ... 161 140 166 466 Brayton , - - - - 138 160 108 465 L. Duff 113 117 133 363 Handicap 163 163 158 460 Totals 1067 1160 1136 3363 Team No. 1 1st 2nd 3rd Tot, Murray 163 181 140 "493 R. Prultt 108 100 103 689 Boone 147 143 161 451 Sherwood 180 163 177 330 Miller . 106 118 143 387 Claude Holmes 146 137 103 376 Handicap . 150 160 160 477 Totals 1107 1000 1084 3381 Team No. 3 rolls Team No. 6 Itl day, November 1 6. Team No. 3 Is composed of Eads, captain; Daly, Stoehr, Webster, R. Bemon and W. Smith. Team No. A Is composed of Hussong. captain; Paske, Kresne, Bow man, Beeney and Meeker, Coleman Masters Bad man Ted Cox PORTLAND, Ore.. Not. 14. ff Abe Coleman, 300-pound gorilla-like trappier of New York, gained the odd full from Ted Co, 310-pound bad man of Lodl, Cel., here last night. Harry Kent. 331, former Oregon State football star, gained two of three falls from brother Jonathan Heaton, 336, hurricane, Utah. Reb Russell, 300, Chicago, drew with Jack Porngen. 300. Vancouver, B. C. William Oed. the Scotchman who Invented stereotyping, patented his Invention In 1733. BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Just A Few Sips and Cough- Colds Like a Flash Relief Spend 43e Uwiav at Jarmln's Drug Store or any drug store for a bottle of Buckley's Muture (triple actual take a couple of done and s:yp sum id most all nlrht loiw. One tittle sip and otu-n ordinary eomh Is on lis wav continue lew 2 or S days and you'll hear no nur irom mat iouh old harm-on cough that nothltw aeems to help If not jtriuuy wnurn-money oax. DUCKLEYC Dmixturpj ASlHilJgJVSJtBaxlZJjJ Y No matter what your taste may be In the matter of wrestling, whether you like your matches sprinkled with gore, or whether you like to see fast, clean, scientific work, you'll find whet you want on the triple-threat card at the Armory Monday night The blood and thunder. will be supplied In the last bout on the book when Pete Belcastro, the Weed Wild man, attempts to dismantle, burn and scuttle the pride of the marines, Bob Kennaston of Oold Kill. Pete has been a favorite In Med ford for s long time, so .ne times as the favorite meanle, but generally favored because of his colorful mat work. If an opponent wants to play horse, Pete's willing. If on opponent wants to jtvrestle -cleanly, Pete's will ing that Is, he generally is. And If the bout Is to be s rib -cracking rough house, that's right down the Belcastra alley. Kennaston generally likes the rough house stuff. He doesn't par ltcularly like it, but employs It every chance that offers, and will undoubt edly try a little of It out on the mer curial Italian. As fax as brute strength Is concerned, it Is generally conceded that Kennaston might be In the running, but the vote for strategy and ring science will prob baly go to Pete. . The fast, scientific side of the card will be furnished by Lee Wolfe, rubber-legged Texan, and Toots Estes, speedy champion of Hawaii, These two have never before met In Med ford. Bates is shorter and lighter than the Texan, but will try to make ; up for his physical also with speed, and his famous flying slingshot at tack from over the ropes. In this bout, the Australian system of using six 10-mlnute rounds will be used. After each round the combatants will have a rest of one minute, and then rrutrn to their scrapping. Two falls will constitute a match, as In the American system to be used by Bel castro and Kennaston. In the opening bout, Johnny Boos, absent from local wrestling circles for some months, will return In a bout with Billy Hagen. Oklahoma terror. This will be Hagen 'a first appearance here, and little is known of his ring warfare other than that he has fought In large cities all over the country, so no predictions are being made by the rail birds as to how successful Boos' bandy-legged at tack will be. The Australian system will also be used In this match. FOR IDAHO OUTFIT CORVALLIS. Ore.. Nov. 14. fp) The University of Idaho Vandals will bring their spectacular open-style of fense here Saturday for a Coast con ference test against Oregon stste. Hal Moe, Oregon State backfleld coach who scouted Idaho, reported that Coach Ted Banks' team is much stronger than in previous years, end has a bewildering offense. The Beaver squad was in good con dition for Saturday's game which will be witneaaed by the Oregon State dads returning for dads' week-end. The deds of football men will sit on a special bench with the players during the game, while other dads will be In the grandstand In a special section. Someone even suggested that dads be given the same numbers as their football plnylng sons. ALBANY GRIDIRON STAR OUT OF HOSPITAL SOON ALBANY, Ore., Nov. 14. (Tl Phy sicians said Joe Tercherla. star Al bany college grid player, would be released from the hospital within a few days. Teroherla has been 111 with septicemia for several weeks. Team mates donated their blood to save his life. Use Mall Tribune want ads. .NEST, plu 14 tnior tft t &toba ( FaK&tr rw ruf tOTtfe tn4 too frCM lot AftfclM UMCtlW Cvrttrt VsMWtl wit ft RxAra QcM, fwirwmint h4 K.Vua Caat4 cmiA wr. mod tftt pried EurepMft from f r.30 WttKV Vril fo boot to JOHN 6 tLTHOUlf, O-o W w 1P VI HUM ft FANDOM AT RANDOM By Dick Applegate It would hardly be advisable for anyone to start any pugilistic en counters with the Medford coaching staff. A bit of research In that field shows that Head Coach Bill Bower- man was a boxer of no mean ability In the light heavyweight division at the University of Oregon. Ed Klrtley, backfleld coach, was a champion wrestler while at the same school, and Brenton Finch, line coach, was middleweight boxing champion of the U. 8. navy during the Work! war. Russ Achlson, Junior high mentor, now teaching punting at the high school, was heavyweight boxing champ of Oregon State, and dectsloned Bernle Hughes cf Med ford, considered one of the greatest fighters ever at the University ot Oregon. No wonder they have no trouble keeping order at practice sessions. Cancellation of the Myrtle Polnt- Medford game, scheduled for Sat urday, leaves only two more games the Tiger THt ones fci ached ule; one too HvnW! Pass there on November 23, and the last game ot the Sanson with Ashland Novem ber 28, Thanks- "TT lvlng day. That Grants Pass game Isn't going to be any clncb. Early in the season. It's true. Orants Pass looked pretty weaK. Then they came back Strong and almost took Klamath Fans, tied Ash land once, and In a later game turned In a decisive win over the Llthtans. Qranta Pass has a big, rangy line to throw against Medford. with two tackles that must tip the beam at close to 1B5. Their ends and guards and center are also big lads, making a strong line that may or may not be able to stop the TU?ers. To offset the Grants Pass size, the Tigers have only four men who could pos sibly be entitled to that rntlng: Roy Ettlnger at 189, Bob Smith at 1B2. Hubert Santo at 174 and Russci Blair at 178. The rest of the team members are definitely small. Monday the wrestling fans who have been sitting about twiddling their thumbs for the past several weeks, will aguln have a chance to unleash their Invectives at muscle mangling behemoths at the Armcry for not pulling an opponent's arm off and feeding It to him. During the sensational rise of Gold Hill's Mad Marine. Bob Kennaston, most of the fans have nodded their heads and said "Wait until Pete get home. He'll hand this guy real, beating." Meaning Peter Juan Castro Belcastro, of course, who has been down In Mexico, stuffing him self on avacados and tortillas, prob ably, and making the peona forget about bull-flghtlng as the national pastime. Pete has licked some good men In his day. and he hasn t readi ed his prime yet, by a long shot. So, according to our theory, he should clean Kennaston In short order, and put the marine corps to work look ing for another champion to carry the colore. If Pete doesn't wallop the obstrcp erous meanle from the banks of the Thousand Cheer the Return of KING of WITH THE ROYAL Prfrvrf Fnr Firvhnrlv fn Fntnvf i THATOLD- I lsV.iS BE JUST HX'l T.ME.R0YAL J AS PLEASED-. rAlV FLAVOR tol'K V WITH THE A PINTAu FIFTH KD WG of lUfttoxJuf KENTUCKY STRAIGHT WHISKY BROWN-FORMAN Distillery OOmmtl Wrtte Thi- :nil rnnimm for llhi-trjtffl Retlpa Bookies BedrU Bldj, foillanO. Oreoa Rogue, the honor pf Weed, Calif., will be under a shadow, because it would take a lot of fast arguing to convince anyone that Belcastro Isn't the best man, by far. Kennaston might possibly convince Pete other wise, but nothing will convince the fans. All 13 members of the new Gaelic football . club formed In Porthall, T.tffrtrrt fViimtV Donegal, a c r o ss "SfC the drink In the IriBh Free State.. are named Craw ford, and they're all related. In a recent game, so our espionage de partment Informs us, the referee and 1 1 ne s man also turned out to be members of the clan, "Good shot,' Crawford," bawls an enthu siastic spectator, and over half the men on the field feel a glow ot appreciation. Such a set-up might offer Its difficulties to a radio an nouncer, but at least the air wouldn't have to remain devoid of sound while a befuddled and harassed an nouncer tried to figure the pro nunciation of Zambzxbonskx, as in our own football enocunters. ON THE SPOT By LLSMIJ U. liliMONDS .Midwestern Football Official. (Written for the Associated Press.) WICHITA, Kas. Gift touchdowns oecoslonally win games and more oc casionally they pave the way to win ning by demoralizing the unlucky victim who yielded the score. Such was the case in the Nebraska -Oklahoma game of 1933, whn a keyed team from Sponerland found itself spotting Nebraska a 7-point lead on the opening play of the game and that's too many points to spot Ne braska any time. Oklahoma won the toi and Cap tain Dunlap chose the goal which would put the wind to his team's back. Nebraska chose to kick. As the referee, I whistled for tho kick off. Here It came, a long, high sail ing type which struck the turf about the 5-yard line, and rolled slowly Into the end zone where the bell came to a stop. Knowing the possibilities, I watched with interest the gridiron proceedings. Captain Dunlap took a look at the ball and decided to let It alone. It was Jae, In faot, who warned other players away from the ball. Tne en tire Nebraska team, the meanwhile, had charged down to the goal line, and Its players, too, seemed to shay away from the pigskin. Thon one, James Miller, a Nebraska lineman, got the idea that if he fell on the ball nothing could hurt his team and he curled about it almost affec tionately. The only decision I could make was "touchdown." The rule is that the kicking team on a kick-off may recover the ball but not advance It. In this particu lar instance It wasn't necessary to advance it It was already over the Soal line when recovered. It was, in all my experience In of ficiating in universities, the easiest touchdown ever scored, and for the losing team perhaps the costliest. Por Hse that wear ouy NOLDE & HURdl Ethelwyn B Hoffmsnn fiMithcIuf OLD-TIME, FLAVOR iMiisnille Kentucky 5. LAYTON'S CUE CROWN Ml 1 KflH TAKING PORTLAND MM NEAR TUMBLE AFTER 3 CHICAGO, Nov. 14. (p) They call ed Johnny Lay ton. the man who quit the carpenter trade to do tricks with the Ivories, a 'former world's three cushion billiard champion today. The Sedalla, Mo., entry still has a mathematical chance to retain his crown but it was very slight. He lost his third straight match to Allen Hall, of St. Louis, 50 to 41 in 38 Innings yesterday. The defeat sent Layton in to seventh place. Welker Cochran, of San Francisco, picked as the runner up in the pre tournament guessing, paced .the field with five straight victories. Cochran kept his tournament record perfect by defeating Augie Kieckhefer. Chi cago veteran. 50 to 25 in 34 Innings. Willie Hoppe appeared to be Coch ran's chief opponent, holding second place with four victories and one set back. Hoppe meets Kieckhefer in to day's feature match while Cochran takes the day off. Jay Gozeman of Vallejo, Cal., also lost an opportunity to stay In the running by losing last night to Kin rey Matsuyama of Japan, 50 to 35 in 40 Innings. WRESTLING By the Associated Press. TRENTON, N. J. Joe Savoldl. 205, Three Oaks, Mich., and Dean Det ton, 205, Salt Lake City, drew. One fall each. Both knocked out In third fall. COLUMBUS, O. Everett, Marshall, 224, Des Moines, la., threw Leon Grandovitch, 240, Russia, 22:08. HOLYOKE, Mass. Mike Mazurkl, New York, defeated Billy Bartush, Chicago, two out of three falls. Be correctly corseted U3 an Artist Mode) oy Ethelwvn B Hoffmann. Stock Is Greatest CUFF iS QUITTING nm BUSINESS FrifTTT? A FINE li USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN 25 Deposit Will Hold Any Article for 30 Days FURNITURE STORE ic I VI IULIUWI 1 I I II III 1U T EUGENE, Ore Nov. 14. (JF) Coach Prink Calllson warned the University of Oregon football team today to forget about next week's game with the University of Wash ington and think of this Saturday's non-conference game against Univer sity of Portland. Two years ago Oregon was able to beat the Pilots only by a last quar ter touchdown. Portland now has more reserve strength than then. ' Dale Lasselle, who showed up well against Oregon State, will start at left half for Oregon against the Pi lots. Lasselle shone particularly on punt returns. " Fights Last Night 3 By the Associated Press. "TORONTO Fredd y Miller, 130y, Cincinnati, outpcinted Roger Ber nard, 13034, Flint, Mich., (10 rounds, non tltlej. DULUTH, Minn. Freddy Chyno weth, 137, Chicago, outpointed Babe Daniels, 138, Minneapolis (6). SAN FRANCISCO Phil Brubaker. 183, . Dlnuba, Calif., stopped George Simpson, 178, Spokane, Wash., (7); Henry ' Huerta, 126, Chicago, and Tony Mannanl, 125, 8an Francisco, drew, (4), IDAHO FALLS, Idaho Jack Nash. 128, Portland, Ore., knocked out Don Patton, 122, Salt Lake City. (1); Jimmy Walcott, 159, Phoenix, Ariz knocked out Billy Black, 160, Salt Lake City (2). BENSON TRIMS FRANKLIN 20 TO 6 ON GRIDIRON PORTLAND, Nov. 14. Benson Tech won from Franklin high, 20 to 6, In a Portland league football game here yesterday. 4 Use Mall Tribune want tds. Sacrificed in MedforcTs Furniture Disposal Sale EVERYTHING GOES! NOTHING RESERVED! Re-Possessed Furniture Going at Amazing Discounts! 1 mm Does Double Duty ft. . Irfr fij during this Sensational a awAa Quitting Business Salel FOR TURKEY DAY GAME WILL GO TO SPOKANE PORTLAND, Ore., Not. U-(JP) The Portland Junior chamber of com merce has invited the champion htgn school football team of Spokane to meet the winner of the Portland league here Thanksgiving day. Tha game would replace the annual Portland-upstate battle for the mythical state championship. Washington or Lincoln high would represent this city. C. of c. representatives said tha game is "assured." SPOKANE. Nov. 14. A Thanks giving day football game between the champion high school teams of Spo kane and Portland In the Oregon city appeared today as a certainty. School authorities here await only the formal Invitation from Portland before approving the trip for John Rogers high school, Spokane cham pion. Thary- TIU'RSDAY, NOVEMBER 14th a hou urWatij Sixth and Bartlett Medford (!"! IndJfw u n I! II r w I