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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1935)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1935. PAGE THIRTEEN ) 0 Local and Camp Burgeon Here Dr. Robert H. McCunc, company surgeon at Camp China Plata, called at CCC headquar ters here yesterday. To Seattle Mr. and Mra. Ed Lam port left yesterday for Seattle and Tacoma. where they will spend sev eral days visiting relatives. Fined for Drunkenness John Co rum, Medford. was lined 810 In city court this morning on a charge of being drunk In a public place. To Attend Game Miss Joan Hunt. Medford high school student, left this morning for Eu&ene where sho will visit friends and attend the Oregon Oregon State game tomorrow. Slake Business Visit Lieut. Henry F. Phelan, commander of Camp Oak Knoll, made a business call at CCC headquarters here today. He was ac companied by Lieut. Charles A. F.aney. Slightly Improved Miss Zoo Grif fin, who has been ill at her home on Laurel street for the past month, was t reported today to be lightly Im proved. No Clearance Lights Vera Dollar hide, who lives near Medford, and C. T. Melvln of Central Point were cited to appear In Justice court on charges of operating a truck without clear ance lights. Melvln was fined 1 and costs of $4.50, and had not yet appeared this afternoon. "Hint I fit PERFECT START FOR THESE BRISK MORNINGS 1" nin ShrrririrH cutts quickly into hot water $ Hrflin-.nnrl wtv. with milk II or cream. Delicious with ba- nanas or canned fruits, rE too. y - 4i W L SHREDDED WHEAT A Product of NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Hemstitching and at the HANDICRAFT SHOP Moved to 111 East Eighth Street Bolaeafiaiiaim CIww 2nd. ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS! Saturday We appreciate your patronage during our two year, the compliment by offering you fine wines at bargain and Monday 1 We'll see you at 10 South Fir Street. A Eagle Vineyard Bulk Wines SWEET Stlfrt Vintage (Fortified) Port, Sherry, Angelica, Tokay, Mus catel, Malaga, Dry Sherry. Per gal. $1.50 Half gal. 83 Full qt 50 IMPERIAL WHITE PORT and DRY SHERRY Per gal. . . ... ......... .$1.93 Half, gal ,,..$1.00 Full qt 60c MESSENGER DELIVERY -Service Phone 426 hOattiril Personal Examiner Coming Ward Mc Reyn olds, examiner of operators and chauf feurs, will be at the city hall next Friday-and Saturday. Persons desir ing permits or licenses to drive cars are requested to confer with htm on those days. Inspects Headquarters Col. Ben Lear, chief of staff of the 9th corps area, made an Inspection today of CCC headquarters. He arrived here last night by automobile end -proceeded after his Inspection today to the Bedding, Cal., CCC district. From Oregon Caves Three CCC of ficers of Camp Oregon Caves were vis itors et Medford headquarters yester day. They were Capt. Harold C. Ca pers, commanding officer. Lieut. Al fred H. Hopkins and Albert L. Mallery, educational adviser. On Inactive List The following members of company A. 136th in fantry, have been transferred to the inactive national guard reserve 'be cause of removal from this military district: Albert C. Cowan. Louis W. Hodgson and Kurt Mitchell, all of whom were privates. . Discharged from CCC Ls&vlng last night were Olen 8. Nicholson, to Champaign, m.; Thomas A. IHly, to San Francisco: John Pasikowskl. to Chicago; Irving Helser, to Rochester, N. T. all of whom have recently been discharged from the Civilian Con servation corps. . . 1"?', 1 Ask for the package ? 1 showing the picture ikftt'i - k tJ of Niagara Fallsand . !i the red N.B.C. Seal Button Making Sunday Armistice Day BOHEMIAN CLUB BEER On draught 5c EAGLE VINEYARD SPARKLING: MOSELLE, 8AUTERNE, BURGUNDY qt.$1.50 Cliff Oarnrtt Leaves Cliff Oamett was among those boarding north bound train this morning. Ntrff Away Porter Neff left last evening on a short business trip to Portland. L Ha Major Operation Mrs. I. Worthlngton. Laurel street, under went a major operation at the Com munity hospital today. Smith Returns E. J. &mith return ed last night from Lakevlew. He ac companied Hugh E&son, who drove to Laltevlew Wednesday. Court of Awards Announcement was made today that the Olrl Scout court of awards will start promptly at 7:15 In the courthouse auditorium. At Sacred Heart Robert Lee Hay of Central Point and E. M. Brans of Medford were In the Sacred Heart hos pital for medical at ten! ton today. Attends Funeral Miss Claudle Con stable left Medford today for Prlne ville, to attend the funeral of her grandfather, L. M. Hodges. Wilson to Portland B. M. Wilson left on the evening train yesterday for Portland, where he will make a business visit. In Grants Pass John Jenson of Medford was In Grants Pass yester day transacting business matters. Transferred to G. P. Jay Glese. formerly of this city, who has been working for the Standard OH com pany in Laltevlew, has been trans ferred to Grants Pass. At Community Hospital Among patients at the Community hospital today was Mrs. C. N. Oaton of Ash land, who underwent a tonsillectomy this morning. - From Roseburp Charles Slmson, district agent of the West Coast Life Insurance company, arrived from Roseburg today to attend to company business here. . Rangers In Medford Tnree rang ers in the U. S. foreflt ftervlc have taken up residence in Modford for the winter. They are J. P. Dewitt of Union Creek, Hugh Hitter of Lake o' the Woods and Maurice Tedrow of Butte Palls. - On Inspection Capt. Glenn J. Key, CCC district motor transport officer, is making an Inspection of the Eu reka. Cal., district with Major B. H. Brown, motor transport Inspector of the 0th corps area. Major Brown made an inspection of the Medford district recently and was Joined In Grants Pass yesterday by Captain Key for the trip to Eureka. " Closes Camp Capt. John R. Mur ray was back at his temporary duties at CCC headquarters today after mak ing a trip yesterday to Diamond lake for a final check-up. The company at Diamond lake was recently dis banded for the winter, the men being transferred to other companies in the Medford district. Capt. Murray com manded the camp. McLnln Goes East Leo McLain, deputy United States marshal station ed In Medford until recently, and a woman guard are taking Dorothy Os borne to the federal women's Indus trial Institution at Alderson, W. Va. Their .prisoner was arrested In Ash land on a charge of transporting a stolen truck over a state border. Sho appeared before Judge Jmc-5 Alger Fee In federal court here and the case was continued to Portland. There she was sentenced to a year In coun ty jail, but she requested that she be sent to the Alderson institution so that she might study and be kept busy. Celebrate With U 3 Daya in Medford and return pricea for the week-end f 1 Eagle Vineyard Bulk Wines DRV Select Vintage Zinfandel, per gal .. 75( Burgundy, per gal. $1.10 Riesling, per gal. 81.25 nniiBMaaaaaaBMiMaiBapiaaBBwnv Jack Benny Coming to Craterian n Hello again" . . . It's Jack Benny, outstanding radio comedian, who plays one of the dears in "Broadway Melody of 1938" coming to the Cra terian theatre. Innumerable new faces are brought to the front with this giant musical production, among the more promi nent being Eleanor Powell, the world's greatest feminine tap dancer, Sid Sli vers. Prances Langford, Nick Long, Jr., Vllma and Buddy Ebsen, and Harry Stockwcll. Others, better known to movie fans. Include Robert Taylor, Una Merkel and June Knight. Miss Powell, from all advance re ports, "walks away" with the show F. O. B. Carnival The Lsdles Aux iliary, P. O. E., and Oct-Tosfther club will hold a bazaar and carnival at the Rig lea' hall Thursday at 8:80. Roads Are Open Roads to Orator Lake national park are still open to traffic, the snow having been cleared so that motorists may travel to the lake, where a parking space hfia been provided. Many autolsts are expected to vlait the resort over the week-end, as this Is an excellent time of ynr to visit the famous park, said Ernest A. R os tel. public relations ranger. Tim McCoy Heads Cast Roxy's Film Tim. McCoy In "Fighting Shadows", play at the Roxy theatre tomorrow only. McCoy Is starred aa an officer of the Royal Northweat Mounted Po lice assigned to Investigate terrorizing of trappers In the Indian River coun try in eastern Canada. Action and thrills enaue as McCoy gets the last man. The Eighth episode of the aerial "Red Rider", with Buck Jones, Is also on the same bill. . Amlstlce Day Chlcleen Dinner and Bazaar, 11:30 a. m., at tbi Lutheran church. Adulta 40c, children 25c. 4th St. and No. Oakdale. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FURNITURE repaired, upholstered and finished. Phone 069-R. - Thl bault. Good Buys in Ijate- Model USED CARS AND TRUCKS IP35 Or ah am Spec. 6 Sedan. 1034 Willys Sedan. 1933 Chrysler Convert. Coupe. 1931 Ford 2-door. 1930 DeSoto Sedan, 1929 Ford Coupe. 1934 Ford 1'4-ton Truck. 1933 Ford Plckuu. WALTER W. ABBEY, INC. 133 S. Riverside. .Phone 303. FOR SALE OR TRADE Chrysler 3- ! door Sedan, 1135. 1704 No. River-, side. EXPERIENCED youns: wfwiftn wanta i work In home. Call 610-R-3. j WANTED Loan $2000, first mortgage security. Box 5418. FOR SALE Jersey cow; will freshen soon L. J. Oober, Lozler Lane. FOR SALE Shrubs and everereena for planting now. Glascock's Nur sery, 264 Beatty. 1935 MODEL 6-cyl, DeLuxo Bodan; very small mileege; orlalnal price ! $935: our bargain price 8325.00 I PIERCE -ALLEN MOTOR OO. I Dodge and Plymouth. FOR SALE Complete furnishings for ' 4 -room house; 3 bed seta. Cheap if I taken at once. 1021 W. 11th St. . 420 Weatern: HO month. B. J. Palmer, Real Estate Broker, space in Palmer Music Store. I t WANTED Partner for service station, i Will take old car and ftome cash. Nip and Sip, Central Point. FOR SALE Best rabbit does 17c p. pound. Phone 1345-M. SEVEN white weaner pls, H3.00 each. Clyde BrlKres, Phone C. P. 118. j WANTED I FURS FURS FURS Hlchest cash price paid for raw fura Complete line of trap on ale. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27-29 No. Grape St. Medford. NOTICE Have some real pulverized barnyard fertilizer for larns and shrubbery; also garden fertilizer. Phone 258-W. FOR SALE 18 Hanson pullet, fl mo. old. Hurst, Old Stage road, Jack sonville. FOR SALE fl2 a--re bst Bar crek soil, all Irrigated: ood stoc. dolry. (Train ranches; pear orchard; 5-10 to 300 acre Plenty v,er. rlovT, alfalfa, several small acreage hom, suburban and cltv homes. Im proved building lots, naved struts. $300 up. If It's Ral ka:: I have It. ROBERTS, Realtor. 720 W. 2nd COCKER Spaniel pupp:e n1 Roller - anarlea. Thrasher's, Jacksonville. Tel. 173, FOR BALB OR TRADE Alto xo- phon. portabl phnnoffrph. Mny tnff (ria entlne; want lett, chalra, I rooflni or f. J0 N. Illv"rlio. j nrMMAOR HAI.I Bv Baptl.-. lJdl'.. fMtirflay, corner Main and Pir At F- i her dancing being the sensation of the picture. Taylor, already being hailed as the screen's most promising romantic star, proves himself an able dancer as he and June Knight are seen In an Intricate stepping number. Una Merkel is a wise-cracking tele phono operator and Sid Silvers, the original Broadway stooge, brings a new type of comedy to the screen. i Frances Langford and Harry Stockwcll are getting their due amount of praise while Buddy and Vllma Ebsen add much to the merriment with their eccentric dancing. There are several tuneful hit songs, with n romantic background to the film's musical specialties. Friends of Mrs. Franklin C. Clark will be shocked to learn of her death in San Dleso, where she has resided with her husband for the past ten years. She was well-known in Med ford, having lived here a number of years before moving to Srin Diego, coming here from Valley City, North Dakota. According to word roceived by friends here. Mrs. Clark passed away quietly last Sunday. She Is survived by her husband, one son, Herbert, of San Diego, and one grandson. LITTLE BOY MOURNS LOST SHEPHERD PUPPY Charles Brnley. the son of Mr. and Mra. C. R. Braley of SLklyou Helht, E mm ANYTlMEa KMXH19 J LAST TIMtiS TONIUUTI SATURDAY ONLY I Continuous Shows 1 to 11 TIM TURNS TR00PERI I) a n ger for Tim., thrills for you , . as lie bravest man In the ror i n we t M o u n t lea rtdes Into act Ion ! r aiiin .if OINIVA MITCHIU llti.lpr Kenton In "E Flat Man" Cartoon - P1.1H - THE STAMPEDE . A HOW1INO 1INSATION Zi wWr CHSS. LAUGHTON MARY BOLAND CHARLIE RUGCLES MSa PlllS-IOlMDtMIIC ICILA ll MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPITAL III year, aaperlenra In targfl and .mall animal prattle lib N Rivepitle. Phone 309 SUN MON Coming to Rialto lir-r . if;. f -tV' ; I - "She Gets Hor Man", the hilarious comedy wMch U a burlesque on the current "G" men films, plays at the Rialto theatre Sunday and Mondny. Zasu Pitta and Hugh O'Connell team ed together for the first time, are fea tured In the ploture, and the story tells.what happens when the agitated has last Vila tlir-mont.hi-old Aus tralian Shepherd thorouehbrc-d pup. and don't know wher. to Sinn .hhn. The pup Is black, with a whit. pot on his breast and of rather umlMiol canine architecture, so If anyone sees such a pup wandering about, they will transform a very unhippy lad Into a very happy one If they will take him In and let the Brtiley family know where he 1. by calling phone 513-R. SOME APPLE PACKING REMAINS TO BE DONE The Rogue River company. Naw bry & Sons of Phoenix and tho In dependent Packing, company: have not finished ' then season's fruit pack, according to C. W. Holdrldge.. They still have about 30,000 boxes of Newtown --apples to reach the packing sheds, Mr. Holdrldge states. It was stated in Tho Mall Tribune yesterday that tho packing, of apples had been completed by the packing plant. - The Pinnacle Packing company Is expected to complete Its apple pack today. PHOENIX TOWNSEND CL.UB mwta In Eale hall, Phoenix, Monday evon lii ot 8 o'oloclt. A. U Jewett, Plione 341-a-l. r- r rsi show! II wjvtf v u 'py n uu"" ' ' " Ml J:00-3:00 jC3f,J F.l 0 J 1 25 l III 7:00-Bi00 JjyjMMnaVaBaiaKlJI Klddlea-lOo IJ . ' '. ; ROMANCE RIDES THE RANGE! ;f ""Jj. j '" Barking six-guns ... hunting ' ! ' ' VivV ' ' tor trouble . . ..a saga of tho K . Jv-.vX West when it was.youngl. .. 1 ' r'TWK? X. Today and Saturday! IRSl . jop;'' : LAF Mickey Mouse C in "D00-NAPPER" X J . .. rVTI ttw F Walter Callett Comedy " Tl Mjl'-' J Jav Srenlc Newsreel 'ftf 1 fQ .Q nan)ttenit Puhllr Kneinlea! Ilewartt , The Tiger Woman la on your trail! ... A PANIC! ZASU PITTS HUGH O'CONNELL in HELEN TWELVETREES 1 8 LUCIEN LITTLEFIELD Screen Sunday Miss Pitta runs afoul of all the gang sters In Chicago. She Introduces a new type the "O" Women and the part fits the Pitts personality Ilka a 1 glove. i The cast of players also Includes ! Helen Twolvctvet-H, Luclen Llttlefleld, j Eddie Brophy, Ward Bond and many j others. i PEPPERMINT CHEWS, special 350 lb.' THE CREST, 236 So. Cental. Ose Mall Tribune want ads. DANCE On The OASIS SPRING FLOOR Every Sat. Nite The Latest Hits . All The Time GARDENS Sat. Nit e OMENTAL Km f I ONE ADMISSION II f1MV?. Khtma Tomorrow 1:43-3:1.1-7 :00-9:00 Mnti-25c Eves-3.c Kldlle-10 Hurry I Ends Tomorrow 1 Every Merry Moment Packed With Thrills! WILLIAM POWELL Willi ROSALIND RISSELL Blnnle names Others Prevue Saturday Night "Without Regret it nllh EI.1SSA LAND! j DAVID MANNERS SUNDAY! The MIRACLE MUSICAi OF 1936 YEARS! It's got everything! llllarloiia comedy, sen antlonal song lilt., , . thrllllnir r o.m a n ce, - eye-filling apectacle.. ' ana She's Tops in Taps! ELEANOR POWELL Jack BENNY Eleanor POWELL Robert TAYLOR UNA MERKEL FRANCES LANGFORD SID SILVERS BUDDY EBSEN IUNE KNIGHT VILMA EBSEN HARRY STOCKWELL NICK LONG, Jr. S9 I I wild 1