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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1935)
MEDF07ZD M'ATL TRTBTTSE, 3IEDF0KD, OREGOX. FRIDAY. ypTEMBEB 1, jg3Jt PAGE THIRTEEN 1 1 Gets Best Deer U. S. ILL ENTER LEAGUESPEED1LY New Pleas for Italian Friend ship and Aid in Peace Ef forts Made Britain Must Keep Pledge to League LONDON1. NOT. I. (AP) Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin said today he hoped the United States would Join the League ol Nations in the near future. He told the International Peace (octet?: "I wish they were In It I hope that before long they win do In It. "The United States has never been a member, although their president (Wilson) moulded the league and. despite all checks and disappoint ments, waa able to see his vision take place. "I am certain there are millions of American citieens who are watching with lively sympathy our efforts to make the league an Instrument o! world peace." gees Italian Mistake BrAviAiixIv. tha Drlme minister told the society that "we believe Italy is rashly departing irom ner gTeai w dltlons. by the war apilnet Ethiopia." . ha umi time he made a new plea for Italian friendship and for Italian co-operations wim wbuo of Nations eiiorts w kbwuuw peace. "The ritjmute between the league and Italv Is real." he declared, "but i i. nn mnn real than the friend ahtp between Great Brltlan and Italy. wa Huva trted to make it clear that we are moving In no spirit of national antagonism against amy. "It we have failed to make It clear, we must try again, tor behind all our present policy Is that underlying Iruth. Must Keep Pledge "In being true to our pledged word to the league, we wish also to pre serve an old friendship. But loyalty to our pledge Is Inescapable." The prime minister asserted: "All talk of trouble Is evil. It Is a condi tion which has been developed in some quarters overseas and I do not like It. "We do not dedicate ourselves to such evtl and there Is no spirit of aggression. But weakness and wa vering do not give an assurance of pesce. I give you my word there will be no great armaments here." DUKEOTnGHT filial i re - a- 1936 CHEVROLET .MODELS WILL BE M n'llllnme. .MOTO ilrlvrr of head quarters detachment here, shown with his MG-pounu mule buck, adjuilsea tt, ht itwr killed bv anv CCC man of the Median! district during the season that closed recently. Residents of Medord and vicinity will have their first opportunity to morrow to Inspect and ride In the new 193 Chevrolet car. It is an nounced by C. M. Hurt of Rogue Rlvr Chevrolet, Inc., whose showroom is being prepared today for the large number of visitors which the event always attracta. There will be both Master Detuxe and new Standard Chevrolets. not only for display, but (or ereryone In terested In testing the performance and rtdlr qualities of these new lines of oars," said Mr. Kurd. "Due to the early stirt on Chevrolet produe tlon, ire have cars on hand for un medlste delivery, and the assurance of prompt service on orders. How ever, the earlier the ostler is on nann the sooner buyers will get delivery." 'Orders received prior to tomor row's snnouncetment will be put on preferred list for delivery m the next lew days. We know it wlU be greatly to tha advantage o! every prospective car buyer to see these two new Chev rolet lines before buylnp any car. SEATTLE. Nov. I. (P) Production and orders of Douglas fir region mills in nr.!s,r And Washington showed a decrease for the week ending October 26, but shipments increasea. tne west Coast Lumbermen's association said today. The association added tnac tne in- rimtn 1a In a AAAJVUlfll Dfirlod Of lull normal In the late fall and early winter. Production of 07.403.U3 feet of lu.w innrted bv 201 mills about 3.710,000 feet under the pre- - New business was 85.148.965 leet against . production of 97.402.143 feet oH ,hlnmrn Of 00.843.107 feet. Shipments were fl.7 per cent under rwiitinn Mies 12.6 Der cent under production and orders 8.3 per cent less than the previous weea. Th. ohi milift Ahntf an Increase of 23.8 per cent In orders so far this year over the same perjoa jw. 4, tv,i. vmf r n.362.325.000 feet compared with 2.716,551,000 leet last year. Unfilled orders are 318.310.816 feet t. 7 nnn nnn fpt under lest week Inventories arc 24-5 per cent less than at this time last year. Curtis Dukes, arrested, near Kerby. Josephine county by state police the first of the week on a charge ol vio lating his parole from the Arkansas state prison, will fight extradition. Josephine county friends, county au thorities state, have provided legal aid. No word has been received from Arkansas authorities relative to the return of Dukes. District Attorney Codding ssld to day that Dukes waa, also wanted by the postal authorities, but no in formation waa forthcoming on the nature of the charge. Dukes has been living with his wife and two children in Josephine county, and engaged in working for a miner. Us claims he hat been a law-abiding cltlien since his parole. Dukea waa originally sentenced to the Arkansas prison for assault by kidnaping. PORTLAND. Nov. 1. IP Hew business totaling 47.086.000 feet, about 50 per cent above the three-year weekly average for October, was re ported today by the Western Pine association for tne week ending cra Shipments wereS4,778,000 feet, and production 6.280.000 feet. For tha corresponding week Jest year the ssme 107 mills reported or dera of 33.711.000 leet, and produc tlon of 33,088,000 feet. For the year to date, orders have been 43 per oene ere"1, tnlltt 'OT tnt corresponding period last year. ' "KICKERNICK" Cfndergarments that fit at Ethelwyn B. Hoffmann's. J-OR a perfect Martini Bronx, Orange Blossom, or any gin cocktail vJTtry "Soft -Stilled" Gin. It's not too sweet not too I ' I . strong fnot too mild J not too dry 4i 1 liLSar:,n ArtJ"'T OMMkI f ' , Ivi'J London Dry Cln Y.S'kjYjia 1.K -3 Qts. Code f gJil rc Pint, Cwlc 513-C . MnW-V4" SM W Meteorological Report November 1, 1935. MJord and vtctntty: Unsetttta tonight and BafunJay. BnoT? Hurries and colder tonight. OTgon: Pft.T noTthTrest and un settled elsewher tonight vaA Satur day. Snow flurries south portion to night. Colder sout-ttwest portion to-nJght. Local Data. TmttMr year ago today: Highest, 59; lowest. At. Total monthly precipitation. .03 Inch. Excess for the month, none. Total precipitation since Septem ber 1, 19SS. 2.60 inches. Excess for tne season, 098 loch. Relative humtdtty at S p.m. yes terday, 97 per cent; S a. m. today, 99 per oent. Tomorrow . Survtlae., Svkv set, 554 p.m. NEW YORK, Nov. 1. (UP) Fred Hood took hla bulldog Into Central Parte last Sunday for a walk, ftora another gate entered JtiJto Centino and his pet guinea pig. Darling, also ra.t inw & fait of air and exercise. !Tlay met. Today, Maglatrate J. J. Goldstein aismissea a buwuiwm against Hood when h pid Centtno $5 tor low ot the guJnea pig. VOLUNTEER TAX (the First National bank. rb. tederal-, a tetad, last ftom rand Jtuy tvtitntrct the indictment i Jate ypsrerrfsy charging e-mbetrleinrnt : ol $2,655 ol the uanX'a money. Miller , -xa ftTTeawd at Aaioia tco -htcks ago. Volunteer payment ol personal, tases has shown a steady increase tha pt according to the tax collection department o? the sher iff's office, following the notice oi Sheriff 8yd J. Bronit that collections would be made, StaTttng next wert? SherU Brom flana to pa aps In tha ftV4 to make personal contact for col lections. The county will be divided Into section and r.tlia made. Unless full or partial payments are made. Verrtta wu be Wed against tha per sonal property taxed.. Tha deputtea will be the regular staff. t7nder Oregan Is w the sheriff ie held responsible Sot coJJbcUod oi personal propertv taxes. This year l , tha tVrsA Uma in aavaial y sheriff has mad a systematic er 1 fort to collect them, it is declared. Astoria Banker Under Indictment POTtTUWD. Hiov. 1' iVPi An in Alctment c.ftTT.g nVx7lwiT.t w-a on file In federal court here tooay eninrt Tra S. Sfiiier. former a-wisC- sni cashier ot the Astoria branch o! Collision f n Fog 1 Sinks Freighter PORT HURON. Mich., &v. 2. Pr- The Nonveglan treijihter Viator was at tfea botta ol VaJta Hww. today, rammed and, aunlsu Capt. J. 6tt fensen of the Viator said, by the mo torship Ormldslo la dense fog. Cpt. Stetrenen. whose home port la Beren. Norway, aald that Norman P;tetM?n., ch.tet enjmeer, avUfewd, sktilf And chest injuries. No other members of the crew tww injured. tha United States War Veterans.' ho. pits at Savtelle. Cxilf., where he bad been unrlrrgoing treatment !or tt ner" vous "brraltrtown. K "wtBrt. to nla CuWer CYty home to attatid. a htrUviay wlr&TatVoT,. Sea ton will be given final testa tamox row end probably released perma nently, physicians said. X EATON IS RcLcAScD i FROM HOSPITAL WARO HOLLYWOOD. Nov. I. (UPl Butter Keatott, ghtm faced film com- Why Get Up Nights? ! THIS &Ie RL.WOr.R LAXAtlVE FUCK Jt It falls to fhish out Impurities aiii ects aclrts -KVicri case IVie ir regularlty that waKea you Oet biichti. Jimtpef oil, . la ltele green tablule called Bukets, tile bladder lax ative. fJoriis on Vnt lolaotlar si-miliir to castor oil on tue bowola. Pootlv acting blarfdr can cause scanty flow, frequent desire, burning or baetache. Iowt rtft-s it riot ple!i ur,v Atvvs Slst will refund our 3o. Heath's Drut; more, J&rinlii Drug Sior Saturday, we offer these tasty jelly filled treats made the Beck uay. Try a dozen. You will not be disappointed. BISMARKS 19c a Dozen &t ywt Ioo4 star ot t Oil C&642$14 L THE NEW CHEVROLET FOR 1956 -asy - OrALCR ADVEBTtSEMKMT NEW PERrCCTCO HYDRAULIC BRAKES fh tafttl and imaothmtt yu dtvhptd IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE tht tmoothtst, toftst rid of atl SOLID STEEL one-pUce TURRET TOP o crown of beoufy, o lorlresi of taferf TOMOflfiO'Sr, rtie Chevrolet Motor Company tWJI cJimar a (utarter century of quality manufacture by pro. tenting Chevrolet, for W56 the only torn plete Xoui-prirri cor. This new Chevrolet is the onfy car that brings you att Uiee good tilings at.lov.ttt cost. The only lower-priced car with New Vertecled Hydraulic Brakes. The only Jower-priceu car with the Improved Gh'rl ing Knee-Action Ride. The only Uwei priced car with beautiful new Body by Tiaher new high'comprefsioo va!ve-in-heao" engine soliJ stce Turrot fop, and many liter improvement Yhkli give smarter, smoother, safer and more economical motoring. See and tide in (fie onfy complete faiu pricrd cor tomorrowl CUF,VBtj.F.TMOTOnCO.,t)r:TBpiT,MlCB. "i npc CKWsVt lw Wsrwi prfv em4 thai Me jpwvftv r-AaiW G.yf.itC 6 rxr rmi ptymfnt fCm h Uivt omi m t.Mul.C. butory, A Cawr-ai AMora t'aUtt, NO DRAFT VENTILATION ON NEW BODIES BV T1SHEB fh moil baoutiful end comfortoble bodiat orar created for a low-prkad car S jO saw. 'v.u. 'al.1 HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE giVng bHar performanea with ven !t got end oil SH0CKPR00P STEERING mating, drMnq tatlur and tatt then vr bsfor ALL THESE FEATURES AT CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES V0 CP. List price of ff'w Standard Coupe st f)lnl. yiciiufn. wits simp ers, spare tire and tire lor.a. the llat int: la acKtiUouai. 'ittv.-A;Un on Master Models only. 430 additional, Jr)fe naouta In 'lilt svwilseaient are list at mm, Michigan, an aub act a chatifta vltbouV coUoa. TeJepSone 188 32 North Riverside Ave. e Chevrolet Sale and Service