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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1935)
PAGE SEVEN WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY RE FERE MCE; ( TO R.litiV MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MED FORI), OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935. y W&KYUO 1 BORROW g vu 1 v kg iuv : stiuu - II r ...ii.minnil I I Bend every ad o" tuis pace. You will probably Ilnil el actly the thlnt yon want to boy or sell. It It Isn't there, advertise. 1 1 ' Inexpensive, effective. rcr word first Insertion (Minimum lit) lach additional Insertion. Mr word -le (Minimum 10c) ret line per month without topy change Phone 75 vJ-OB WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND TAKEN UP 3 shoats, 3 sows. 1 boar. Owner can claim upon payment this adv.. feed and damage. M. F. Stewart. Star Route. Trail. LOST If dog is miwsing, cal!1516. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Capable girl, general housework. Good cook not neces sary. Call In person. 705 Park Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework and assist with care of two chil dren. No cooking. Box 5239, Trib une. WANTED SITUATIONS MAN AND WIFE, experienced, want to take charge of orchard or ranch. Wife excellent cook; man A-l me chanic. Boat of references. Box 6227. Tribune. GIRL wants housework or care of children. Write MSs O. Benn, Trail. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Cheap manure spreader. Write A. T. Hutter, Grants Pass, Rt. 1, Box 117. WANTED Best buy In good condi tion 20-gaugo double-barrel shot gun. Give price. Phone 3 or write Jack Martina Gold HilL- WANTED 400 feet 8. 10 or 13-lnch bydraullo pipe. See F. E. Wahl, Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank. LEAVING for Oakland Sat. morning. Take 1 passenger. H. W. Cain. 3 block weBt Pine Cone, new hgwy. WILL LADY driving north directly behind car wrecked at Evor Shady October 6, please Phone 1503 -R? WANTED The best sedan 100 cash will buy. Harry Young, Jr., Central Point. MrArripr nsed furniture, tools, doors, windows. Berrydnle 2nd Hind Store. 1603 No. Riverside. Tel. 286. WANTED cash tor household goods furniture and stoves We also buy metals, hides pelts wool and mo hair MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N Grape St Phone 1063. WANTED Heifers calves Write Ruby Schulz. Beagle. Oregon WANTED - Beet cattle veal, lamba and pasture. J J Osenbrugge. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent 5-room furnished house: wood range. Inquire 116 No. Riverside. FOR RENT-HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished house. 3 bed rooms: close in. Call 321 Apple. HOUSE FOR RENT Phone 879-X. FOR RENT 4-room tuililshed house Inquire 305 So Oakdale FOR RENT unfurnished. Homes furnished or Brown White. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, heated, no ro. ot. osrrFumlshed sleeping room Also garage If desired: moderate rates. 325 South Riverside. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 S Grape CLEAN attractive rooms; reasonable 410 S Newtown. FOR BENT Urge front room; hot and cold water and shower. 30 B Fir. . FOR RENT ROOM BOARD RATES reasonable at 118 E Main. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TO RENT Irrigated ranch. Appli cant must nave adequate operating funds, Inquire at Trail P. O. FOR LEASE OR SALE New s.ucco snd concrete garage. 3B-.50. to pirty with equipment: on hlahxsy oe-t-wen Oranu Pa Crescent Cltv. Rnt ?25 mo, wster and !uei ttrnlshed. Sal :M0: Interested, phone 313 FOR RENT Businew location room 18xM Will remodel to suit tenant Apply Mall Tribune FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. T3ADB or X.T. CrOU'.l. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4-room modern bouse, 1 acre. ml. S. W. Phoenix. E. L Hltt. owner. Rt. 4. Box 304. Medford. IP you are looking for a dwelling or a good Investment lor your money. " please consider the following prop-1 ertles which are Deing uquiuateo Dy the Western Loan and Building Company. All prices quoted are cash, but local financing can be arranged for responsible person who can pay 35 down. 644 Palm St. I1.J00.00 903-6 N. Riverside (duplex house) - 1.160.00 615 W. 13th St. 103 Palm Street 1.000 00 1,320 00 ; 526 Haven St. 1.080.00 404 McAndrew's Rd. 600.00 30-23 Portland Ave, (du plex house) 2.400.00 707 Oak St 1,000.00 311 S. Front St.. buslnos building - 4,000.00 307 8. Riverside, garage building 6,000.00 See: W. E. THOMAS, 45 S. Central Ave. A FINE east .ide HOME for only 3.000. and 700 will nandle It. BROWN & WHITE. Realtors. CITY LOTS from 350 up. all Im provement In and paid for. If you are Interested In building or buying a HOME, see u. BROWN Jt WHITE. Realtors. HOUSES FOR BALE OR RENT Jackson County Building at Loan Asa'n Phone 106 100 ACRES well improved, stocked and equipped, close to Meedford; some oasb or income property Bal ance long time low interest. O A DeVoe. 623-J -2. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown flz White. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES AUBURN 6 Sedan; looks and runs like new; only driven 31.000 miles; 11 new tires, trunk. Priced lor quick sale. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth. HUDSON Sedan, tine condition, very cheap Call 957 or 833-R. GOOD USED CARS SALE PRICES 1935 Bulck light 8 Brougham. 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe seoan, sis wheels, extras. 1933 pivmouth 5-wheel sedan. 1933 Plymouth ooupe; a real bargain. 1931 Ford A Victoria coupe. iQn Fntv) A 3-door sedan. Other real bargain l Fords. Chevro rets, eto The new Chryslers will be here soon LANGE aiUTUK Chrysler and Plymouth Dealers 38 No Riverside Phone 18 (Formerly Armstrong Motors) FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 9 feeder pigs, about 165 lbs. C. J. Haas, central ruiui, . FOR SALE Purebred Hersford mills 19 mo. old at John Otfenbacner ranch between Ruch and Apple gate, or call B. H. Chrlstlleb. Ash land. 10-F-5. FOR SALE OR TRADE Saddle mare. J. L. Frodonburg. Sams Valley. FOR SALE 35 ewes: alo baled oat hay and feed wheat. C. A. DeVoe 523-J-2. 1 WILL buy your hogs and sheep, any size at any time F A Pearson Ross Lane. Phone 610-J-4. ROOFING ROOFING Let us inspect your roof before the rainy season This ser vice is free Call 370. Rogue Rival Roofing Co. FOR 8 ALE POULTRY FOR SALE Purebred Narragansett turkeys. Vlda oteeie. cnmui" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Substantial 3-wheel trailer, or trade for wood Inquire last bouse left-hand side of Lozler Lane or Tel. 869 -M. FOR SALE -Apples. 133-L. V2 0nn sat.r Delicious and Jonathan apples; washed and sorted. Ala Vista Packing House. FOR SALE Salwey peaches, extra fancy, tree ripened; cheap. Car penter. mile west Phoeaix. Houston road. GOOD used piano, piano Shoppe. 59.00. Baldwin FOR SALE Newtown apples, 50c box. 541 Austin. ' FOR SALE Dark fryers, corn and milk fed; also late hatch red pul lets. Chas. Nahss. In lane off 2nd curve of Buckshot hill road. IN MEDFORD for the first time, the ' A O. Fuellzer: a highly success ful method for burning Diesel or .. nil in vour car. truck or trac tor Cuts trsnsportatlon cost from 60 to 75 over gasoline. For demonstration or Information see or write H E. James at 1501 No. Riverside. Medford. FOR SALE Furniture, a blocka vest Pine Cone, new hgwy. FOR SALE Buzz-saw, 447 W. Holly. 1 ELECTRIC range. Hotpolnt. slightly used. 8175 00; cost I26S.0O. This Is real buy. New range guaranty. Call Copco 168. FOR SALE Heating stove. Phone 468-IV3. FOR SALE Good a new heatr. Summit. 3 ELECTRIC RANGES. Westlnffhouse Automatic, with timers; demon strators; each 168.50. New range Cnl! Copco 168. tv-,o s.i.F Cheao. Delicious. UVn- Mltni. and Rome Beauty apples'. Cornice pears. Ph-me " Welker 1 mile norm oi o on old hlehway. FOR SALE Fur cost, newly renovat ed and reilned. Bartlttfs Fur hp. 40 So. Central. POR SALE - New snd avd logjtlng dollies, trsliers, semi -trailers; bodle of a:i type. Inland Trailer fr.ctursiiz c: FINE Ppltzen'vir.; I ,nr,:f f-T v!e at Al V 1st racking FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DRIVEWAY MATERIAL 3 slaes ol rock at $150 per yard, delivered Batsman. Phone 1534-V or 912-J ROLLER CANARIES. Call 523-J-3. POR SALE Grapes and grape Juice The Dell Vineyard. Rt a. Medford APPLES Several varieties Oebhard's Central Point. V4 mile north Bear Creek bridge. PEACHES. PLUMS. lM,c lb; grapes 3c lb. Huklll. ft mile south white Orlffin Creek school. FOR SALE Grapes. J. A. Manke 3 miles east of Jacksonville, adjoin ing former Clancy orchard. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Trucks and equipment 111 No. Fir St. MISCELLANEOUS SEE US before you sell your turn! ture. stoves. New Deal Furniture Exchange. 413 East Main. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY AI1STRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and a. wo. at North Central Ave., upstairs. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1173 House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering Piano and aultal Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Classical and modern piano Instruction what CHORD for every ons rhe only method that never (alls Studio 318 Liberty 8ldg. Medford Ore. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED 50 to 8300 tor personal or household purposes on Hmifijt Purntshlnes or Autos: also Cars Refinanced Loans closed I within 30 minutes License No 8- I 157 See W E Thomas 45 So Cen tral. Transfer. TRUCKING AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling, furni ture moving eto. Reasonable rates Tel 833 F E Samson Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack era and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Prlcos -ight 619 North Riverside Phone 815 EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 1015 No Central Phone 316 Prices right Service guaranteed. LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Chance Zone. Notice ts hereby given that It la the Intention of the owner of the property described as follows: Lota 7, 8, 0, 10, Block 41, Original Townslte, to change and reclassify said prop erty from an Apartment District, Class Two, to a Light Industrial Dis trict, Class Four, In order that & brewery may be constructed and maintained thereon. A public hear ing will be had before the City Plan ning Commission in the Council Chamber of the City HU on Tuesday, November 5th, 1935, at 8 o'clock p. m., at which time property owners own ing property adjacent to nald Block 41, Original Townslte, may state their objections, ii any they have. M. L. ALFORD, -Secretary City Planning Commission. Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned hu by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson, been ap pointed Administrator with will an nexed of the estate of Henry C. Mao key, deceased, and haa qualified. All persona having claims against wild estate are hereby notified and re quired to present the same, duly vert fled aa required by law, to me at Medford, Oregon, within sir months from date hereof. Dated and first published October 24, 1035. ELMER E. WILSON. Administrator with will annexed of the Estate of Henry C. Mackey. deceased. W. S. PHIPPS. Attorney for Estate. CCOT KOUSF. NLWS Furnished by the Jackson County tbstract Co.. 131 E. Sixth Street. .Marriage Licenses. William P. Blodgett and Bertha Roth. Vergil Polk and Minnie Polk. Wayne Hlglnbotham and Luclle A. William. Andrew J. Helms and Nellie L. Mnrqulss. Roy Brown and Daisy Wagner. Roderick M. Berryhlll and Christina M. Coyle. ' Circuit Court. Ira B. Chastaln assumes business name of Medford. Radio Electric Service." Beatrice u Miller v. Everett O. Miller: divorce. Fred Honner vs. Al Stewart et u; for money. Allle Wllklns vs. Milton O. Wllklna; divorce. Ardnth Losher file assumed busl-ne.-a neme certificate of "Community Hospital. 1118 Boulevard, Ashlsnd. Merrill E. Gilmer assumes Dtisineas ruime certificate of All Site Service. rtfc ttlon at Ashland Southern Omran Credit Bureau vs. John Drawa; certificate of ;vy. Probst Court. Estate of Charles E. Barge, deceased; probate. Real F.l.ite Trantfer. H.tzcI F. ReM to Emma E. Martin; I w- n , w. D. land on N. Pacific highway In DLC 61. Tp. 37 S. R. 3 W Oliver C. Sanford et ux to Curtis J. Sanford et ux; W. D. H Int. SVi It 18. H. B. Carter Add. to City of Ash land. Curtis J. Sanford to Cora T. San ford; W. D. S'i Lot 18. H. B. Carter Add. to City of Ashland. Clara E. Phlpps to Glsdjs Hcrrlott; W. D. 1.68 A. on Riverside Ave. In the City of Medford. Blanche M. Arnold to C. F. Nichols et al: Q. C. D. E. S ft. Lot 13. Blk. 3. Kenwood Addition to Medford. Charles I. Home et ux toF. H. Walker; Q. C. D. N(i NE!i and SEVi NBi;. Sec. 8. Tp. 40 S. R 3 E Jennie Sleppy to Lydlft J. Gardner et al; W. D. Lot 1 to 7. Blk. "Q." Talent. Chester C. Schrader et ux to W. J. Robert; Q. C. D. Lot 38, Howard Park. Allen Whltlock to N. D. Wood et ux; W. D. land In DLC 79, Tp. 37 S. R. 3 w- Murray D. Agate to Dr. Roger Au gusta Schmidt; W. D. Lot 6, Stewart Acres. I M. Rows to Rose Rowe Cawston: Q. C. D. 1-8 Int. In Lot In Central Point. Big Applegate BIG APPLEGATE. Oct. 31. (Spl.) Misses Bethel and ElBlo Burnhel ser of Medford are guests here at the home of their grandparent. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rowden. The girls are remaining here during the Ill ness of their mother, Mrs. Frank Burnhelser. who la a patient at the Community hospital. Mrs. Gray of Albany. Ore., Is visit ing here with her daughter, Mrs. Matt Matheney. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Cantrall Sunday In cluded Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith ol Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside, and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan smith of Medford. Mrs. Mary Coffer of Washington spent the last week hore as a guest of her sister. Mrs. George Buckley. A group of Medford women mo toring here Sunday, returning by Orants Pass Included Mrs. E, J. Cameron, her daughters, Mrs. Anna Cater ant Miss bornlco Cameron. and granddaughter, Miss Eula Jacobs Mrs. James Kent and Mrs. Wllber Cameron of Jacksonville also visited here recently. Mrs. Glenn Smith entertained M dinner at her home here Sunday complimenting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Jack Peebler. on tneir nana wedding anniversary. Edward Kubll is at the community hospital at Medford recovering from ! internal Injuries sustained when he waa kicked by a horse over two weeks ago. Mr. Kubll became seriously ill while at Squaw lake last week, and waa removed to the hospital Thura day. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cantrall enter tained friends at dinner at their home Monday, observing their 39th woddlng anniversary. Guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Hnyward Simmons and daughter, Virginia, and twin sons, Hayward and Hamlet, of Atlanta. Georgia, and Mrs. Allte Carson Ham let of Murphy, mother of Mrs. Sim mons. Mr. and Mra. Simmons, who are friends of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cantrall In Atlanta, came to the west coast by motor two weeks ago, trav eling the central route, and expect to depart on their homeward Journey the last of the week. 1 Uses of the guide pattern will be the subject of a demonstration In the Applegate Extension unit Tues day, November 6, when an all day meetlnc will be conducted by Mrs, Mabel Mack, home demonstration agent. For those not participating in Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS 1. Seed con tainers a. Fernlnln ndlng t. Biography 12 Encourage 11. Channel from ths shor Inland 14 Metal IS. Tc-itRh and sinewy 15 United 17 TIs IS. 8teps for crossing a fence 30. Assimilates Z2 Behavior 24. Copy 26 Sick 17 Competent 21 Fist caps 23 Vender 35 Ignoble It. Electrified particle 17. Poultry product IS Leonine 43. Those who live In tents 4B Extinct birds 48 Medley 49. Poot nlaysri slsna It. Ceremony Salutlon ot Yesterday's Puzzle ji k jl j. !-fi a n A 1 L Ml. L H 6 llllll c oncre! "JA XI. Ill on J-!,5 f. x ml h a HIE E 0!ll Af.5.e 0 BET SiP AR E N T A L pkovi o .en LLk.M M ROAD Sll W0O3ElR S3. Soutn Amer ican country BS. Historical period St. SufP.'-lent: poetlo SS. Trial SI. Color S7. Grows old DOWN 1. Animals' feet a tygfi Iff " 73 f ;z Ifrf 24 25 . Jl X tt ; '' 4 43 44 Z45 AC 4-1 13 the aerie of guide pattern meetings, a secondary project on making press ing equipment will be given. A cov ered dish lunch will be served. Mrs. Scotty Matheney of Ruch. who went to Wisconsin a month ago to attend the funeral of her mother, has started on her home ward trip, she has written relatives here. She Is being accompanied by her father. Fred Dorn, employed In a Med ford packing house during the last two month, spent Tuesday at his home here. A 10-pound daughter waa born Sunday. October 27, to Mr. and Mra. Don Cunnlngton of Tnompson creea. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Oftenbacher spent the week-end on a hunting trip to the Umpqua. where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allison Moulton of Medford. Leonard Andrews, lookout at Dutchman's Peek, waa removed from his cost Tuesdsy. Nine Inches of snow were reported at Silver Pork Osp. i Mr. and Mra. Frank Flege and daughter. Miss Mabel Sweat ol Grants Pass visited relatives here Sunday, among whom was Mrs. Flego'a aunt, Mrs. LUla Hasklns. Mrs. Nick Bell of the Sterling road 1 a patient at the Community hos- pltal at Medford. suffering from an attack or measles. Thompson Creek THOMPSON CREEK, 'Oct. 81. (Spl.) Tha Thompson Creek school girls enjoyed a slumber party given by Miss .June Rudd. Miss Reraona Kendall enjoyed tne hospitality of Misses June and Jenn Moran over the week end. Emmet Terry from Kent, Ohio, Is visiting George Coffeen. Mrs. O e o r a e Huenergardt ana daughters. Shirley and Beverly, have pone to Fresno to visit with Mr. i Huenergardt, Miss Alice Rudd apent the week-, end with her sister on Thompson i creek. The Thompson creek school giving a pie social and a Hallowe'en entertainment Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knutwn and two daughters. Margaret and Ilene, were dinner guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown Sunday Mr. and Mra. Billy Kinsman Bpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith. Word was received from Mr. and Mrs. Don Cunnlngton of Medford. announcing the birth of a daughter, born October 29. Mrs. Cunnlngton. before her marriage, waa Miss Ruth Mee. Charles Elmore attended the tur key dinner at the Jacksonville grange October 29. Horace Bllven haa been quite sick with a cold. Blake fcBeck. who has a new saw, Is sawing wood for Dan Pierce. TRArL, Oct. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. H. h. Johnson ot Sunsett-on-the-Kogue. and Mrs. Oar! Sterns left Mon day for a two months' stay In Cali fornia where they will visit at differ ent cities with relatives and friends. During their absence, Mr. and Mrs. Walsh will have charge of the camp. Mr. Walsh Is superintendent of the CCO camps In this vicinity. . Mrs. Eva Segesman- and little daughter Mary, and Mrs. Alma Mer rlman returned home Saturday oven- Ing after spending a few days visit ing Mra. Sflffeasman's sister, Mrs. Bell Vanson, In Eugene. En route home, Cross-Word Puzzle It. Elevated rail- ronrle: oolloq. 84. Poorest part of a fleec IS. Edible seed 28. Losing llf fluid 29. Limb 30. Unit of work .2. Fish' common . In the nortb ern seas .11. Bun 24. Character In ' Arthurian legend 88. Protect against loss II. Thai la: abnr. 40. Command 4L Asiatic country 48. Ons of sn an cient nntlv Egyptian race 43. Opuoslts of a west her 44. Russian vil lage com munities 48. County in Nebraska 4T. Uses needle and thread 10. Harmful 8. Death notlc I. 8corfera 4. Faehlon I. Self 6. LlBht shoe 7. Drinking mug I. Oenerous i. The rsltibow 10. Collection of type II. Purposes 11. 8end forth 2L Leave Trail they called on Mrs. Merrlmen's son ' Ouy. who la in Cow Creek canyon, working with a bridge crew, and also , called on Mr. and Mra. Fisher near ' Drain. I Mr. and Mrs. Wllber Tucker and Mr. and Mrs. Whitney ell of Med ford spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker. ! W timer Ragsdale is on the sick list j and haa been unable to go to his work on the Tiller Trail road all week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson and ! aon C&r re 11 are tn Rosoburg this week j helping Mr. end Mrs. Wash Hughe harvest their walnut crop. j Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson at- j tended church In Oranta Paw Sun- day. then visited the remainder of j the dey with Mrs. Hutchinson's oou- j sins. Mrs. Park Horner and family, and Lawrence Wilson and family. i Mra. Llal Tucker spent Monday J afternoon visiting Mr. nd Mra. Harry j Merrlman. Ray Merrlman la pointing the kit- chen In the Barny Segeasman home. Several ladles from the Upper Rogue Orange met at the home of I Mrs. Herb Carlton Tuesday to put together the quilt which they will finish for aale at their harvest home festival on November 10. Howard Rock gave a very Interest ing talk to the Trail school October 24. concerning mode of living and conditions generally tn hla native country, Alaska, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker served a chicken dinner Tuesday evening to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Merrlman and son Ray and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson, all of Trail. A larfa delegation of UidlM from Upper Rogue Orange attended the home economics meeting at Eagle Point Wednesday afternoon. We are having our first anow of the season. The ground was white the last two mornings, but the snow melted and was gone In a few noun Wagner Creek WAGNER CREEK. Oct. 31. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bradley and eon have moved back Into the Georgo Kerby house, and William la attend ing Bchool here again. Mrs. O. M. Goddard and baby son Carlo, who have been visiting Mrs. EdwaM Roblson. returned to their home her Sunday Charley Wolgamott Is vlsltlrut at th home of hla brother, John Wol gamott, of Wagner creek. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Collins, who have been visiting the Walty family, have moved to Medford. A meeting of the Wagner crock P.-T. A. waa called for October 31. The members have decided to have a small program and luncheon tor eacn meeting. Our tcacnors. miss wriBiiv and Mr. Pan. are cooporatlng to make this a profitable a well a an Inter esting year. a Mftllnwo'en party 1 to b held In the Wagner creek Khoolhou on the evening of November 1. .All are Invited. Axol Amundson ha been on a busi ness trip to Washington, to visit Mrs. Wilson, who used to live on Wagner creek. .... . Mrs. Frank Smith' father, "Orand pa" Major, was laid to rest In the Stearns cemetery, October 30. Mr. Major left many friends on Wagner creek. Bllll Olelm and Robert Ste-ren left for Klamath Falla octooer where thoy Intend to work this fall. Mr. Schuster, who lose ni pn fire. 1 building another one. l.uts Smith and tamiiy are m - trip to the Willamette valley. Field Rla. who ns noon to... -m, from an lllnes at the home of hi sister, Mrs. Everett Bailey, re turned to his home In Don aunosy John Wolgamott fell and broke his hip October 27, and waa taken to the Community hospital In Medford. Ho Is reported Improving. Walter Walty, who ha been work lng In Mt. Hebron. Oal.. returned to hla home hens October ib. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Noatherland of Winters. Cal colled at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Goddard October 23. Mra, Meda Pox of Talent, who Is a alster of Mr. Noatherland, was with them. They are old friend of Mr. and Mr. Goddard. and spent an enjoyable afternoon with them. Mr. Wadsworth 1 further improv Ing his home by th addition of a new woodshed. OF All the packing plants of thla city and valley have completed the pack for the season with th exception of the Pinnacle Packing company, which has about 8000 boxes of Newtown apples left In orchards. Picking this lot, under adverse weather conditions. was started Wednesday and will be rushed to avoid possible further storms. They expect to bo finished by Monday or Tuesday of next week, pickers ax handicapped by the mud and the cold. Pear shipments from the vslley. ac cording to Southern Paclflo freight records, passed the 1700 msrk Tues day, when the total reaehor 1714 cars of penrs. Apple shipments to dnte total 84 cars. NEW LlilGGS BOSTON (UP) A sign that reads "Frh Eggs" must moan Just thst In Msasachusetto hereafter. A new law prohibits sale of egga that fall to measure up to ths following standard: 1. Egg must be clean, with sound shell. 7. Air cell not more thsn quar ter Inch In depth, 3 Firm, clear white; yolk not plainly vtr'.ble; no visible germ development. 'Telephone' Booth Aids Selection Of Favorite Perfume NEW YORK, Oct. 31. (p Milady can now step Inside what looks like a modernistic telephone booth and by pressing buttons make a scientific choice of per fume. She touches one button and clean fresh air sweeps through the booth. She presses another and Introduces the scent of a particu lar perfume. Other buttons bring other scents from a series of nozzles. By alternately filling the booth with clean air and different scents, she con concentrate on her sense of smell. The new device has been Install ed In a 'large New York depart ment store. FEDERAL CHARGE Ourtts Dukes, arrested under the name of Curtis Wilson by state police near Kcrby Monday, and now held in the county Jail here, la wanted on a federal Indictment of two counts at leglng highway robbery of a post master In eastern Oklahoma, It was learned here today by state police, who received a telegram to tbat ef fect from Post Office Inspector W. H. Kemper at Durant, Oklahoma. Dukes will be held In the county Jail hero until a complete oheck up on his former record Is msde. Also charged against the man are kidnap ing, robbery, and assault with Intent to kill. He Is an escape from the Arkansas state prison, state police said, and added that he will probably havo to serve his original sentence aa well as the prison term on the fed eral charges If he Is convloted. Development of southern Oregon depends largely upon geography, the student assembly of Southern Ore gon Normal school In Ashland waa told Wednosday by A. H. Banwell, manager of the Jackson County Chamber of Cbmmorce. "Geography teach u that tour ist travel and agricultural develop ment re th two' main factors which will provide for the present and future citizens hero," Mr. Ban well aald. There I no more favored section In the United State than southern Oregon," h declared. "Wo havo the resources and the ability and fl nance to develop them. We have a marvelous background of pioneer spirit which does not prevail In other communities-" IS NAMED Al MEETING UPPER APPLEGATE, Oct. 81. (Spl.) "Upper Applegate Orange" was designated ot a meeting held at Beaver creek Saturday evening aa the nnmo of the new grange organ lied here thlo month. R. E. Nealon. county grange deputy, and John Anderson, both of Central Point, were present for Installation of of ficer Saturday, at which time the charter was closed with 48 members. The visiting grsngo offlclala also will attend the next meeting on November 9, . when committees will be named and other detalla of or sanitation completed. Th new grange which aorveo the Beaver, wawins and Steamboat sections, It welcomed as a means of filling a community need, and promises to become one of the oounty's active units. Meet ing date are listed for the second and fourth Saturday In every month. BULLET IN BOY'S BRAIN NO BAR TO SCHOOLING SPOKANE, Oct. 81. (AP) Dr. D. A. Hewitt announced Jerry Fox, 10, will go to school carrying a bullet In hi brain. The doctor ald no operation would be made to recover the bullet which lodged between the two hemispheres of the boy's brain when a rifle fell and waa discharged September 37. FIRE ALARIVl'cROWS IF JOKERS TURN HANDLE HARTFORD, Conn., Oct. 31. (AP) A devlc which mlt t noise re sembling the outcry of a distressed rooster has been . attached to 38 fire boxet In thl city to forestall any attempt by Hallowe'en celebrant to turn In false alarms. MILITANT WORSHIPER ROUTS SACRILEGIOUS KANSAS CITY. Oct. 81. (AP) O. H. Smith, 80. wss sitting on o park bench reading his Bible, he told po lice, when three sacrilegious men Bbused him with curses. Thereupon. Smith said "I cut one of them twice, the other two ran, and 1 called an enrbulance. EUOENE. Ore., Oct. 31. (P) A survey of the Sluslaw river from M-etcn tu Flounce will be given soon, a telegram fro Senator Charles McNary stated today. OUNSMITH Repairs for all makes of gun Sims Bros. 33 N Fir. Us Mall Trl'ouno want to. BANWELL CHARTS . FUTURE COURSE PHILADELPHIA ED. DARES HEARST TO F PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 31. (AP) An editorial challenge In the Phila delphia Record today asks William Randolph Hearst to enter the Phila delphia newspaper publishing field and fight the Record In lta horns) territory. "Let Hearst, arch reactionary, bat tle the liberal Record at close rang, and let Philadelphia citizens be the Jury." the first page editorial aald. The challenge camo after a full page advertisement signed wttn. Hearst's name appeared In another Philadelphia morning newspaper yes terday. Under the caption. "The Rake Progress." the advertisement criti cized what It termed the "rlotoua extravagance" of the Roosevelt ad ministration, whose new deal poli cies are given editorial support gen erally by the Record. The Record gave free re-publlcav-tlon of the Hearst advertisement, contributing a full Inside page "so that our readers will not be deprived of Hearst's advice." "Philadelphia." th Record sale, editorially, "is one of the few cltle In the country where Mr. 'Hearst ha to pay for apace to place hl view before the public. "We suggest that Hearst Imme diately remedy this situation by pur. chasing a Philadelphia newspaper so) our fellow citizen may havs th benefit of a steady flow of hi 'dis interested advice." The Record Is published by , David Stern. APPROVE HEAVY WASHINGTON, O&. 31. (IP, Comptroller-Oeneral McCarl approved an additional tl34.839.307 worth ot WPA project today, Tills brought to (3.58S.123.291 th total Hat of approved project,, from which tate WPA administrator will select those most .ulUble. at ,ao same time, Aicueri released t30.0a9.00O. bringing to tl.014.M7.649 th total WPA money available for Immediate expenditure. ' The bureau of publlo roads also announced that President Roosevelt had approved 893 highway project, to cost 037,374,000, which will be financed from a 0200,000,000 work re lief allotment to atate highway de partment. Contract have been awarded for 276 project, at, a coat of tl3.909.0O0, of which 173 art under construction. JAPANESE READY FOR TROUBLE IN TIENTSIN TIENTSIN, Ohin. Oct. 31. (Pi A Japanese destroyer lay at nearby Tangku today, ready for dispatch to Tientsin If tension grew between Tokyo and Chinese national govern ment headquarters at Nanking over Japanese demanda for elimination of anti-Japanese element. Japanese naval official here an nounced the destroyer had arrived from Port Arthur, apparently In re sponse to a request for material back ing to the latest of a aerie of de mands delivered to the Nanking gov ernment by Japan. Fifteen Years For Attack Upon Girl PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 31. WP) A 18-year sentence In the etat peni tentiary today awaited Conrad Troudt, 31, one of four men Indicted In con nection with an attack on 1 19-year- old girl here. Circuit Judge Robert Tucker pro nounced the sentence yesterday. Thre-j others are awaiting trial on the same count. Gresham Votes Sewer Bonding GRESHAM. Ore., Oct. 31. P) The city council today vaa making plans for a tlie.lBl sewer project authorized by a favorable bond tote at a special election Saturday. By a count of 138 to 91. a general bund obligation of $38,000 wao ap proved by taxpayers. A PWA grant of 063.181 will finance approximately 48 per cant of the project. Dern Welcomed In Canton Rain CANTON. China, Oct. 31, (Pi Rain tailed to mar a Chinese welcome today for George H. Dern. American secretary of war. on hla arrival from Hongkong. X awlft round of activities culml pated In a tea In hla honor at the Air Force club, where h rrt '! the government leaders ot the Canton re gime. HUNTING DOG DISCOVERS STALACTITE-HUNG CAVES NEW MARKET. V Oct. 31. (AP) Rip," a hunting dog. chased rsbblt Into a hole and waa found thro daya later In a large care con taining everl room filled wita pools snd glittering stalactites. Hun ter B. Chapman, president of the Shenandoah Caverns, pronounced the new cave unusually brautlful. Phone 942. We'll naul away iota , refuse. City Sanitary BerTlc. 1 St Is see. home. ar.d rarf. I a ne.uru D-.-.wi w. o.. cui. Tie A:.-WiC ilJn, 40 Aoit ia