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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1935)
'Ipxge eight -MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, JIOXDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1935 FARMERS BALLOT FOR CONTINUANCI HOG-CORN POLICY Jackson county holder of nog' corn contracts voted overwhelmingly for th continuation of the contract tn 1038, in a referendum held last -wlc. The vote vas: Tea " To .... M Pour holders of hog-corn contract! did not vote. There are 68 hog-corn contracts In the county. The vote was counted this morning at 10 o'clock by the county agent's office, and the result will be for- warded to Washington, o. c, today. The 1935 hog-corn contracts ex pire November 30, next, and the ballot proposition was "yea" or "no" tipon their continuation for another year. Contracts net the hog-corn growers between 813.000 and 818.000 an sually. Pinal payments under the 193S contract are due eari in w cember. WASHINGTON. Oct. 28. " AAA official!, expressing delight at the overwhelming endorsement of a 1038 corn-host control program in a na tion wide farm referendum, made plans today to Increase pork produc tion this year. They Indicated the Increase would be 25 to 30 percent over this yoar. Present high prices of pork have been muoh under discussion recently, with critic of the New Deal stressing them, and AAA officials saying that the shortage of hogs was caused by the drought, not by the AAA policy of controlled production. While the aim will be to Increase production Secretary Wallace was quick to assert that efforts will be made to avoid "excessive overproduc tion In subsequent years." Partners In 48 states voted In the referendum Saturday. Incomplete re turns today showed thst 317,994 fa vored an adjustment program In 1038 to 53.178 opposed. These totals In cluded both farmers who signed con tracts to control their production In return for government benefit pay ments, and others who did not. An Associated Press tabulation at a. tn. (E.S.T.) showed the following results by States: Oregon: Contract holder. 1.132 yes. 131 no: non-contract holders, 245 yes, 48 no. Idaho: Contract holders, 1,408 yes. 123 no: non-contract holdeiw, 100 yes, 44 no. SNOW PREDICTED IN EARLY FORAY BY Continued Irom rag One) , pass region this morning, and mo torists who were planning to croas the pass were advised to carry chains, although the cold weather equip ment would hardly be necessary un less the snow continued. KLAMATH PALLS. Oct. 28. (AP) A rsln storm broke In the Klam ath basin this afternoon. The tem perature fell rapidly,, bringing the possibility of anew. COCHRAN, Ore.. Oct. 28. (AP) A sudden Changs In the weather brought snow a month early to the higher elevstlons of the coast ridge In WsshlnRton county. On Sunday the temperature was around ths spring-like 75-dcgree mark. A northwest breeze csme up. and within two hours last night the temperature dropped below freerjng. Tills morning there was three Inchea of snow down aa low as the 2500-foot elevstlon. SEATTLE, Oct. 28 (AP) The first October snow here since October 31. 1803, fell today In big Hakes, melt ing as they struck the ground. TACOMA, "oct72T (AP) Pour Inches of enow were reported on the ground st Enumclnw today. A heavy fall waa also reported In the foot hills sround Mount Rainier. More than an Inch and a half of rain fell here tn the past 24 hours. Mcdonald will close jewelry in ashland ASHLAND. Oct. 28 (Spl.) A com plete -loln- out sale will be launched next Wednrndey by the McDonald Jewelry store, according to an an nounoement released Saturday by Paul B. MrDonald, proprietor. The entire stock of merchandise and sll the fixtures will be placed on sale, said McDonald. Prenaratlona for the erent will be completed Monday and Tuesday, when no merchandise will be eold. McDonald has owned the store tlnce December. 1930. The present proprietor refuse to rs wl hla future plans, but Intimated thst. activities would take him away from Aahland. NASAL t IRRITATION, LlM -OColcU, Rellev? the drtte and irrtMiinn hy applying niininni4iiiim nig ni and morning. If you prefer nos drops. or throat sprar. call for tho MCW MEHTHOLATUM LIQUID In handy bottle with dropper HITCH-HIKE TO Mrs. Matle Moss (left) and Mrs. Bessla Oswald, both 65, hitch hiked to Chicago from Turlock, Calif., to attend the Townsond plan meetings there. Old friends, they had train fare enough for only one, so decided to "thumb" their way to the Illinois city. (Associated Press Photo) TALK ON AVIATION GIVEN HANS BY A. H. Construction of an army rsdlo sta tion at ths Medford municipal air port will be stsrted In December, A. H. Banwell, manager of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce told the Klwanls club at Its weekly lunch eon-meeting today at Hotel Medford. The local airport Is one of 28 In the United States to be selected by the war department for the erection of a radio station. Mr. Banwell-reminded the Klwttnlans. Sixteen addi tional army men will become perma nent residents when the station la completed, he said Mr. Banwell reviewed the plans that have been made to bring to Medford one of the army alrbases to be constructed In the northwest and dwelled upon the need of devel oping tho local airport to keep apnea with the advancement of aviation. He pointed out that In 1034 more than BOO army, 8T naval and 1,170 private planes utilized the Medtora aivpori. "Medford was the first to have a class A airport In the state of Ore gon." Mr. Banwell Informed the Kt waniana. "The Department of Com merce, the P. A. T. service, the wea ther bureau and the army now have units at the airport, these employing 24 men regularly." Members of the Klwanla club and their ladles will hold a dinner and bridge party at Hotel Medford to morrow night at 7 o'clock. Reed Carter, manager of tho Qranta Pass irrigation district, waa a guest of the club today. FOR PLEA ENTRY OF PORT ORCHARD. Wash., Oct. 38. (AP) Superior Judge H. O. Sutton granted Leo Hall, Bremerton "mass murder" auapeot, a delay until No vember 12 to enter a plea to a first degree murder charge In a brief flve ntlnute arraignment today. No demonstrstton against the pri soner, accused of one of tho Pacific Northwest's most brutsl crimes, oc curred among the crowd which filled the courtroom and the halls of the building, although he had been splr lted away to a hiding place Satur day night aa "lynch talk" waa heard. PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 28. ( AP) A complaint charging Jack Bernard Justice and Larry Paulos with assault with a dangerous weapon waa signed today by Captain Vayns Ourdane of Oregon State police. The two men are held In Seattle for questioning In tho Erland Point mass murders and ths slaying of W. Prank Akin of Portland. The complaint alleged Justice and Paulos threatened Akln's Ills with a loaded gun In ma apartment here March 30. 1033. Akin was shot to desth the following November 30. Officers hers said they were told thst Pauloa was to hsve been psld by Justlcs for beating Akin, and that Paulos declared that In hiring him for ths attack, Justice reputedly was acting for a Portland widow who had lost a great deal of money In one of Akln's promotion schemes. CONSTIPATION Help Nature with Nature. If you are troubled with constipation, take the home "cure" that Is safe end ds pendable. Thottsnnds Journey to Min eral Wells. Texas, to drink "Crary" Water and relieve themselves of msny chronte silments. Those who are not in position to go to Mineral Wells ean take the Crarr" Water treat, ment at home through the use of "Cray" Wster Cniiili and get posi tive results. "Crssy" Wster Crystals sra the minerals extracted from our nstursl minerel water. Tovt make a mineral water by simply sddlng them to your drinking water according to directions on the package. Por sale at 4rg stores. CONVENTION CONGERS RETURN FROM AUTO TRIP T Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Conger returned yesterday from an auto trip Into the middle west, where they visited friends, and relatives In Iowa, Mis souri, Nebraska and Kansas. Mr. Con ger, upon his return, stated that any one dissatisfied with southern Ore gon should hop Into the family auto and take a trip back to that country to appreciate what they have here. "It looks to me," Mr. Conger stated, "aa though the corn crop In the middle-west Is an almost total failure. Stalks are only about waist high. But even at that, the people there say that things are better now than they wore last year, and are getting better all the time." An Interesting reflection waa made by Mr. Conger concerning the pear situation. In a small southern Iowa town he saw some Pinnacle brand pears from Medford. Upon Inquiry he found they sold for 35 cents a dozen, but the proprietor apologized for not having California fruit Instead of Oregon. "I tried to get California pears, but couldn't make it," the store owner said. The entire trip was made without mishap, Conger said today, other than two flat tires and getting pinched for parking in the wrong place In St. Joseph, Mo. They returned by way of the south ern route after attempting to head straight across tho country. A terri fic snow storm at Denver turned them south, however, and they visit ed at the Grand Canyon before com ing west through New Mexico and Arizona. GAELS FINO OONS TO DEFEAT SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28. (AP) St. Msry's football tesm turned Its eyes esatward todny toward Ita an nual game In New York city against Pordham, after encountering Sur prising opposition here yesterday In defeating University of San Frnn- clsro, 13-0. The Onels found themselves hard pressed and the game was score less until the third ausrter when Tackle Herm Melater'a field goal from the 23 yard line, and Malcolm Fclse's touchdown settled the Issue. St. Mary's added three more points In the Isst period when Kelly Kel logg lifted another field goal over the crossbar, from the 33-yard line. Coach "Slip" Madlgan'r crew de- psrts from New York tomorrow. Use Mall Tribune want sds. $k lMt,Ttl OVIft , RVLL iu Of TWt SOU iM fifti A Large Display When t lie time comes to choose funeral service, one will find here an unusually large display from which to make selections. In our display rom, there is certain . to he somi'lhing that will suit ths family, no matter what, it menu. IPlElRlLlFIOIMERAMLliQtAE MORTICIANS 3vV OfflCEOFCOUNTYCORONtR"SIXTH M OAKDAIE Vl;" NOT TO SHOOT CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARK, Oct. 28. An appeal la made to south ern Oregon besr hunters not to kill Crater lake park bears which are now migrating from the park area to low er levels. Inasmuch aa the bear season opens November 1, It la entirely prob able that Crater Lake bruins In their wanderings will find themselves In line of fire. ... A number of sportsmen point out that as a result of being In proximity of people the entire summer and learning to regard- men aa frlende, the bears are exceedingly tame and have no fear of hunters. To kill ant mala of such tameness Is not declared to be sport but more like slaughter ing beef cows. Most of the thirty or forty bears In the park during the summer are Identified by names and some have been returning to the Crater lake area each spring for several years, but nevertheless each season witnesses the absence of a number of bruins their pelts probably hunters' trophies. Since the arrlvsl of October snows, a number of the bears have been lin gering at the kitchen door of the mess hsll at park headquarters and have become quit an attraction for late sesson park vlsltorsTwo cubs, Prankle and Johnnie, nave ahown more boldness tbsn most of their fel lows in the way of begging for food. They sit on their haunches for min utes at a time In the hope some food wll be thrown to them, and If un successful In their waiting, they arise and walk upright to the kitchen door to Investigate. A number of, park bears have al ready departed for lower climes and It is not surprising for the bears to wander aa far a wag, as Trail on ths west road and below Port Klamath on the south road. ; (Continued From Page One.) 13 -mile unit of the rim road waa graded last summer by the Von der Hellen-Pierson and Dunn & Baker contractors, and will undoubtedly be ready for graveling next year. A five mile unit from "The Wineglass" to Cloudcap was graded during the sum mer, joining with two short grading contract to Kerr Notch, handled by local contractors.. Drive fs Scenic This leaves only one unit of the rim road not under construction and it Is possible activity on, this may start next year. It Is probable six years will elapse before the road will be entirely completed, providing mot orists with one of the most unusual and scenic drives In the world. During the travel season, motor caravans are dally features, leaving the Slnnott memorial observation sta tion each morning at 6:15 under the guidance of a ranger n&turallst. Stops are made at eight principal j observation points along the way. where the geologic value and scenic Importance of the different views are ! explained. The observation points have parking accommodations for a minimum of 50 autos. Visitors may also make their own drives around 1 the rim and when the road la en- 1 tlrely completed, will find printed ; explanatory information available at each stop. No Steep Grades The new rim road, when complet ed, will be devoid of steep grades i or sharp curves, but yet it has not 1 been constructed aa a auoer-hlcrh'wav I en which motorists would be apt to speed around the lake and pass by scenes of beauty in their rush to make the lake circuit. Of additional Interest Is the fact that the rim road Is being construct ed without marring the natural ; beauty of the area or disturbing the j prlmltlveneas of any portion of the drive. The road Is not visible from ; any point around the rim. Road cuts, 1 which would have been unp leaning to i the eye. wero landscaped by the J branch of plans and designa of the ; national park service, by restoring j natural sod to the cut and by the j planting of trees. j BOWLING Tho Studebaker Champlona to date have lived up to'thelr high sounding tltla and ars flying one point In front of the fast 8moke House five In the city bowling league. The league standings are now aa follows: W. L. Ptj. Studebaker Champions.... 8 Smoke House . 6 Medco 8 Golfers , ft Schuss Vlntsge Co. 8 Mall Tribune . 8 Brill Metal Works 8 Gates Auto Co. 4 Economy Lumber Co. . 8 Standard Roofers ... 8 Plche Hdw. Co. .... 3 Abbey, Inc 2 Tuesday night tho Standard Roof- era and the Al Plche bowlers and tho Rogue Valley Qolfets and Mall Tri bune settle their differences. Yesterday a pick-up team from the Perry alleys In Grants Pass lost to Medford In a special game which had no significance In league circles. Medford Prultt , , 266 Newland 173 Antle .... 178 Main 181 179 187 171 101 191 899 ;93 627 176522 190539 170543 148619 877 3749 Eada . 180 Benford Total 839 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28. (AP-USDA) CATTLE: 1,000; around 80 per cent of run she-stock: fairly active, general! ystcady; load 095 lb. Oregon steers and half load 955 lb. Nevadas $7; package 1128 lb. Orezon steers ati.50: lnnH am ih Cal ifornia fed heifers 7; choice vealers absent, quoted up to 89.50. . SHEEP 1,350; fully steady; pack ago 70 lb. medium pelt California lambs $8.60; park deck 60 lb. ahorn lambs 88.25, lightly sorted; choice woolsklns quoted 9.25: odd lots ewea $2.75 3.75: best quoted $4. Hflil LRJ Total 973 . Grants Pass Mlshler 192 179 132003 Mack 157 159 132448 Coe 1(19 159 187495 Perry 165 184 140 469 156 144 146 446 805 717 2301 Fixtures SaTe J mm? FURNITURE STORE 2 WiLL BE STARTED WITHIN 10 DAYS Improvement of Bear creek will be started 1 Friday with a crew or 68 me3 and development of the muntclpitl airport will be started November 8 or 0 with a crew of 100 men. It was announced today by Kenneth 8. Perry, WPA engineer. The WPA has made a grant ol $23,560 for the widening-, deepening and lining of Bear creek, with the city to contribute $1000. The city's contribution may consist of tools and equipment already on hand so that no financial outlay Is neces sarily called for, Mr. Perry explained. The project la to provide employ ment for eight months. For development of the municipal airport the WPA has made grant of $32,340, to be matched by a con tribution of $19,641 from ths city. The airport work is to last four months. Airport Improvements Include the extension of the runway by 1000 feet, the construction of warming up aprons at each end of the run way and the Installation of a new lighting system. When the extension Is completed the runway will be almost a mile long, a length that la advocated by the government for commercial airports. "There will be an Influx of relief workers In the next few days from the United States forest service and blister control camps," Mr. Perry said, "and we are preparing to put them to work. We have received notice that funds for these two pro jects have been released so that we can start Immediately In taking up the seasonal employment slacic." Both projects will be under the direction of Fred Scheffel. city su perintendent, with the WPA sup plying the men through the national re-employmenfr service. rr-TfV'TifT-WT finrn m-nnroiro Mi TO C. OF C. ON COUNTY PLANS United States Senator Charles L McNary will come to Medford Wed nesday evening to confer with direc tors of the Jackson County chamber of commerce regarding matters In which "the county Is vitally Inter ested," It was announced today by B. E. Harder, president of the cham ber. The specific topics of the confer ence were not disclosed by Mr. Har der. The exact time of Senator Mc Nary's arrival here was not known to day but he Is to be met by Mr. Harder, who will act as chairman of JUST ARRIVED Another Carload of 1936 Plymouths Deluxe Coupes and Sedans You Can Get Immediate Delivery Now! The New 1936 Chryslers Will Be Here Soon! LANGE MOTOR CO. 38 N. Riverside JOHN CUPP' -5) ji a-r-e i l l I i l l l l - k l STOCK OF FINE F IN A PRICE GASHING QUITTING BUSMES Sale First Quality Nationally Known Lines At Amazing Reductions ff Sixth and Bartlett Medford the meeting scheduled for Wednes day evening. The chamber's committee on Christmas decorations was to meet this afternon to formulat plans for decorating Medford stores during the holiday season. Dan Watson Is chair man of the committee. Other meetings scheduled at the chamber or commerce ims wee r. 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, planning com mittee. County Judge Earl B. Day, chairman: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, min ing committee, W. H. Lydlard, chair man. The board of directors will meet Friday noon at the Hotel Medford. aby's Cold Proved best by two generations of mothers. VICKS Chrysler and Plymouth Dealers USE OUR Lay-Away Plan Deposit Will Hold Any Article For 30 Days m AtiTii-TiiriS VT