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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1935)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDPORO. OREGON, THREE NICE LITTLE FIRESIDE PETS WHEN THEY WERE STILL FRIENDS Strange pets are quite the fashion, but It Isn't often anyone picks skunks as Miss Nellie Peterson of Crete, III., has done. Here she is feeding three of a litter of eight young skunks which come to her door every ninht for "dinner." (Associated Press Photo HURRICANE BATTERS DOWN GIANT BIMINI PALMS Charles Bickford, motion picture actor, was attacked by a large African lion during the filming of a scene at, Hollywood and was severely bitten on the back and neck and clawed about the body. Bickford and the lion are shown before the attack. (Associated Press Photo) BRITAIN, TOO, PLAYS AT WAR .Vn6SSV j55SL,s - '-Jfit., ,.;. , .... : ; -r-r- .. . ............. ..... ........ ,H Thousands of ex-servlee men gathered at St. Louis for the 17th annual convention of the American Legion., Above are shown the three winners of the drumming contest: (left to right) James Whltelay, Miami, Fla., first; Emll Ote, Old Orchard, Me., second; Harold R. Todd, Chicago, third. Delegates from the legion's 57 departments are pictured at the opening business session. More than 600 resolutions, In cluding one calling for Immediate cash payment of the bonus, faced the delegates. (Associated Press Photos) Slant palm trees that had withstood a half century of tropical storms were torn from'the ground by a' 150 mile hurricane that smashed Its way through the fishing camp at Blmlnl In the Bahamas. (Associated. Rress Photo) Wearing gas masks, soldiers attached to Great Britain's Royal Artillery are shown "somewhere In Hampshire" as they manned the 18-pound guns during England's recent war games. Tree branches were used as temporary camouflage. Fifty thousand men took part In these maneuvers. (Associsted Press Photo) - ' Meets Violent Death PRINCE OF WALES ON HIKE This Is no wandering holy man exhorting his followers, but Ed ward, Albert, Christian, George, Andrew, Patrick, David, the of Wales and heir to Britain's throne, resting on his pole after a hike In shorts. The scene Is at the Island of Corsica where the prince and his aompanlons on pleasure Jaunt were pictured. (Associated Press PhotoX , . YOUTH DESCRIBES FATAL MEAL Thomas J. Mooney, carving a life sentence for conviction of the 1910 8an Francisco Preparedness Day bombing outrage, left San Quentln Prison temporarily for the third time to attend a hearing ord ered by the California supreme Court on his application for a habeas corpus writ. This picture, taken as he left the prison, shows Mooney (center right). Warden James Holohan (center left) and two prison guards. (Associated Press Photnt . 4 A- 1- 1 'fl. ' 'VWXS. . Leroy Drake, 19-year-old student, who assertedly confessed poison ing his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Steinhuer, at Los Angeles and then sinking their bodies In the ocean In an automobile, is shown (right) explaining to officers how he administered tne faiai dose by placing it In their coffee. Left to right: Nathan Freedman. attorney; Detective Lieutenants Slope and Bridgeman of th Los Angeles police and Drake. (Associated Press Photol 2 T "-at p 0!"' - .' . 4 i; viw l.H3--TaTT Bruised and waterlogged, the body of Margaret Wllm (above), Colorado College co-ed, waa found In shallow waters of Cheyenne creek at Colorado Springs. Police questioned Kenneth Garrett, eol lege athlete and her escort at a dinner party the evening preceding her death. (Associated Prees Photo) In Kidnap Net Five thousand tone of roaring rock burled the tracks of the famous Niagara Gorge scenic railroad two miles below Niagara Falls, N. V. It waa near the etart of the whirlpool rapids. In the background Is the lower bridge over the rlvtr, Associated Prsss Photo) Casslus M. McDonald, 52, aa engineer, wae arreeted by federal officers at his Detroit home on a charge he arranged for exchange of $72,000 of the $200,000 ransom paid kidnapers of Edward G. Brem er, St. Paul banker, In 15M. He wae held under $100,000 bend for hearing October S. McDonald wae previously Indicted for harboring Alvln Karpte, rsputed kidnap gang leader. .(Associated Preea Phote) SENATOR M'ADOO AND HIS BRIDE f jss'; iN1- lS"'iH 1 William Gibbe McAdoo, 71-year-old California Senator, la shown with hla bride, the former Miss Doris Cross, 25, of San Diego, Calif, after their marriage at the home of McAdoo'e son-in-law at Washing ton, D, C. (Associatsd Press Photo) BORAH TALKS WITH FARMERS Senator William E. Borah of Idaho abandoned hla cares over world affaire to meet with farmers of hie home atate and talk over their . problems with them at a machinery exhibition near Nampa, Idaho. Borah has been mentioned aa a possible Republican presidential can- . dldaje In 1935. (Associated Press Photo) LEASHED GIRL'S PARENTS HELD Eight-year-old Jean Lareen (right) waa taken to a hospital and her stepmother, Mrs. Vivian Larsen (left), and father, Nlele Lareen, were Jailed after Chicago police found the child bound hand and foot, emaciated and poorly clad In the bathroom of the Larsen home. Offi cers said Mrs. Larsen declared shs tied the child up to break her pf lommon child ailment (Aesociated Press Photo)