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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1935)
IPAGE TWELVE MEDFORD MAIL TRD3UXE, MEDFOKD, OREGON. SU2TDAT, OCTOBER 20, 1935 Local and Personal Hants Deer l,e well Duprey lfIt hurt night for Butt rails, where be planned to biuit deer today. Mr. Glenn III Mr. B. L. Olenn has been Tery 111 at her home on N. Isvrwalde for the past several ween. IKI Hospital Rodney Stead left ttia Community hospital yesterday morning after having been confined there for several days. Catholic Ladles' Sale The Catholic todies will hold a rummage aale in tfi Campbell Clothing store building eat E. Main, October 34 and 20. To Leavenworth Miss Opal Miller re. Pridar nlht to accompany the body of her father, Charley Miller, to Fort Learenwortn tor ounai. Shop Here Among Medford shop Mrs yesterday -were Mrs. J. Learmont and Miss Charlotte Learmont of Orants Pass. Payroll Due About 1,500 will be disbursed Tuesday nigra wnen mem. bers of Company A and headquarters company of the 188th Infantry win receive their quarterly pay checks. Beturns Tonight Laurence Pen nmiton was expected back tonight from Portland where he has been en gaged In business matters pertaining to his battery eervloe here. I.eate by Train Among those leav ing Medford Friday night by train were W. W. Allen, who went to Port land; R. B. Jones, to San Jose; and Lieut. R.'W. Barton, to Chicago. Home After VisitMrs. Mary Hynek, who has been visiting her daughter, nrra. w. O. Rookard, for the past two months, returned to her home In Wisconsin yesterday morning. Commander Leaves . M. Rose, who commanded the special CCC train that arrived here early last returned Friday evening w Kansas City. Returns Home Mrs. J. B. Owens returned yesterday morning to her om in Pueblo. Col., after spending some time visiting friends In the val ley. nu- ntfirn Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Beat of the Phoenlx-Jacksonvllle road liave returned from a ten-day vaca tion trip to Reno, Nev where they ttslted their son, Charles Best, and family. Here From Hollywood Jack iley nolda is spending the week-end at h home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i. F. Reynolds, at 838 Minnesota rreet. He la aasltant casting director at, the Sam Ooldwyn studios In Holly wood. . , Church Aides Arrive Bisters Nel son and Cole arrived last evening from Los Angelea to assist the Rev. Zula Baladen, pastor of the Four (Square Gospel ohurch, ln a revival starting today. Sister Nelaon will preach tonight and starting Tuesday will aaslt In the BIMe school. . Married Yesterday Evelyn Leona Llnkhart of Grants Pass snd Charles Winters, formerly of Medford, were married yesterday In Grants Pass where they will make their home. Football Pictures Shown Pictures of the Medford-Marshfleld football game played here yesterday are now on display In the Toggery window, The pictures were taken with a fast lens by J. Vern Shangle, Medford photographer, and development on the prlnta waa rushed. Meeting Place Changed Nottos given to the glrle who have been at tending the basketbsll meetings sponsored by the Girls' Community club that they will henceforth meet In the Roosevelt school gym on Mon day and Thursday evenings Instead of at the High school. Meetings are held at 7:80. Plan Sale Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will hold a rummage sale next Saturday In the rooms on Main street formerly occu pied by the Campbell Clothing store, Home-cooked food and candy wlu also be on sale. Undergo Operations H. O. Thomas of Medford underwent a major oper ation at the Community hospital Friday. Mrs. Alta Jsckman underwent minor operation tnere inn "n. day. Both were reported recovering satisfactorily last night. Fishing In Clietco Otto DeJarnett and Everett Trowbridge left Friday night for Brookings, wnere may wc . mmrt the week-end In fishing in the Ohetoo liver, where a big salmon jun waa reported. They were cspe; back this evening. ii.Hni rinh To Hint The Madrl gal club will sing Tuesday night for Hie opening session of the P.-T.A. convention. All members are urged to meet at the Presbyterian cnurcn v eight o'clock. There will be no regular .harssl at the Oiris' Community club that night. Inspects Beer I'lnoes Hnl Cutfel, aasltant supervisor under Eugene 8, Kelty, assistant to the sdmlnlstrator and supervisor of the license aivismu of the state liquor commission, has been In the county the past week In specting all places where beer is sold. The Inspection Is made before Issu ance of 1938 licenses. Palmers Leave Clarence Palmer, who hsa been employed ss watch maker at Brophy's In this city for the past seven years, left Medford Fclday evening for Baker, Ore. He was ac companied by Mrs. Palmer and t'ley expect to make their home In eastern Oregon where their son. Joseph Pol Bier, also resides. Fruit Man Here R. E. Slmser. of the Riverside Citrus association. Riverside, Calif., has been visiting In the valley during the pnst week. He has been the guest of Mr. and Mis M. Bsrkley of Phoenix snd Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moran and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moran. While here, he made ev eral falls on fruit men. To Prlnevllle M. L. Merrill, aiwlt ant regional forester, left here yes terday to Inipect the ranser station and proposed csmp ground Improve ment at Lake o' the Woods. He spent the two previous days lnaprctlns the Rogue River natlonsl forest. He accompanied r Ms tour yesterdny aa far aa Fort Klamath by M. C White, asslstsnt supervisor here. Mr. Merrltt wsa to return to his Port laud office tomorrow. Talks on Capitol The proposed site for Oregon's new capltol will be discussed before tomorrow's weekly luncheon meeting of the Klwanls club by Leonard Carpenter, member of the state planning commission. The meeting will be held In the Med ford hotel. Three musical numoers are being arranged by Sebastian Apollo. Going to Fremmit The Rev. W. R. Balrd. minister of the First Christlsn church, expects to leave Tuesday for Fremont, Nebraska. The First Chris tian Church of Fremont has called Mr. Balrd to conduct an evangelistic campaign. He will be away from his own congregation for four, Sundsys. Mr. Balrd's cousin, the Rev. B. B. Balrd. is pastor of the Fremont church. He will come to Medford next spring to conduct a similar campaign In the local cnnstian cnurcn. 36 LOCAL MEN LIN FOR DUTY E Thirty-six men from Jackson, Joe' phlne, Klamath snd Lake coutles were enrolled In the ceo at Meaiora our- lne the past week. The list Includes 18 from Jackson, 10 from Josephine, seven from Klamath and one from Lake county. Four of those enrolled from Jackson county were assigned to headquarters detachment In Medford. They were Harry R. Mitchell, Walter a. Brad bury, Arthur B. Polk and Calvin Clay ton. Others enrolled in Jackson county were assigned to Camp Wlmer. They were Norman O. Flaherty, George Allen King, Donald W. Cul- bertson, George R. McClung, William P Springer, James W. Bean, Hugh J. Wright, Willis C. Vincent, Marlon H. Clark, James A. Dickey, Joseph c, Dunn, Seeloy Tedrlck. Robort A. Brad bury and perry D. Regan, Two of those enrolled from Jose phine county wore assigned to head quarters detachment. They were Wil liam H, Alger and William J. Coke. Others from Josephine were assigned to Wlmer. They Included Floyd H. Brock, Arnold G. Gibson, Harold O. Hamilton, George E. Hawkins, Carroll S. Moore, Orel R. Moore. Thomas O. Reld and Albert H. Van Da Vers. Those enrolled from Klamath coun ty were assigned to Dog LaXo. They were Carl H. Emery, Herschel L. At kinson, Ted Chrlstensen, Lloyd J. Christiansen, Mcnefeo Frlstoo. Ralph J. Rayson and Thomas H. Wnlt. Alvln J. Oliver was enrolled from Lake county and assigned to Dog Lake, AS Dr. Staub Urges Awaken ing For Army Air Bases Says Medford Has 'Backbone No Politica Finesse. BEND. Ore., Oct. It). (AP) Mrs. John Mataon. known to sourdoughs as "Klondike Kate" when ahe wna the toast of the Yukon. In gold rush days 35 years ago, returned from the land of the midnight sun today with news that the region where her husband operates a mine 100 miles from Daw son Is becoming "thickly settled." Mataon traveled down alxty-mlles via river to meet his Wife at Dawson and told her he now haa a "neigh bor" only 40 miles distant. Mrs. Mataon made the trip to Alas ka from Bend this fall to see her husband when he came to Dawson for a grubstake preparatory to "hol ing in" for the winter at his mine. In Juneau Mra. Mataon was visited, by Rrx Beach, the author. It was their firat meeting In nearly 30 yeara. "Klondike Kate" was a dancer and entertainer in Alaaka during the gold rush days. OrovTonUru were lashed ss laggards in ci vie and commercial activity by Dr. Raymond R. Staub at a meeting of the state board of aeronautics held ystexday afternoon at the Jackson County chamber of commerce. In a bristling address made strik ingly vivid with biting phrasea and peppery words, the Portland doctor pleaded for action In bringing Oregon to the forefront In a concerted de mand for the erection of an army air- base In this state. City and chamber of commerce of ficials from MedKttd, Grants Pass and Brookings attended the meeting which waa called to consider state aviation problems In general and the proposed army alrbase for the Pacific northwest in particular. While condemning Oregon lans gen erally as unprogreesive, Dr. Staub, member of the state aeronautics board and regional director of the National Air Frontier Defense asso ciation, had only words cf praise for Medford. I take off my hat to Medford ft the only city in the state with any backbone," Dr. Staub declared. "Your city la known throughout Oregon ts the most progressive community in the state." Dr. Staub singled out A. H. Ban- well, manager of the Jackson County chamber of commerce, for especial commendation, saying he was the moat alert chamber of commerce sec retary In the state. I waa born In Oregon and live in Portland and I don't heaitate In say ing that we In this state are dead from our head to our heels," Dr. Staub asserted. "Politicians in Cali fornia to the south and In Washing ton to the north are walking all over ua and It Is our own fault. Competi tion among politicians In California and Washington has developed a finesse that la entirely lacking In our state." ' Regarding the sites of the proposed major and auxiliary alrbasea Dr. Staub declared that Portland does not deserve consideration. Any city in the state la Just as much entitled to the army alrbara ns Portland," he said, "and you In Med ford should fight and fight hard to bring the alrbase here, You should swamp Senator McNary with tele gram telling him to get the army base for Medford and directing him to see that the congressional commit tee on military affairs, which is now Inspecting army fields In the west, comes to Medford to hear your case." At that juncture Mr. Ban well read telegram that the chamoer of com merce hed sent to Senator McNary yesterday asking him to get in touch with the house committee and the telegram received from the senator telling the chamber how It could get In touch with the congressmen find offering to do that himself If contact could not be established from here. There you have it." Dr. Staub ejaculated. "McNary should get busy. Last night t spent two hours and MO on telegrams and telephone calls try ing to find out where the congress men were and where they were head ed for, only to learn eventually thnt they had been forced down by etlcky weather in Ellensburg. Wash. "There's not an army field, plane or pilot In the state of Oregon. Ore gon sufers from dastardly neglect and I'm tired of it. "Ill wsger thnt the primary army alrbase will not be built in Oregon. I'll bet at odda of 5 to 1 that It will g to Washington. The military af faire committee wilt hear nothing about Oregon it will all be about Washington. "If the major base ts built tn Wash ington, there will have to be a sec ondary base between that state and California. You will have to flht tooth and nail to get even the sec ondary base, but I don't believe they can pass you up. I take off my hat to you: you've got the best field In Oregon now." Dr. Staub arrived from Portland by plane, arriving Just as the me Una started. launching Immediately into ne neea ior air derenae in Oregon, the doctor declared that "we are liv ing in face of a tremendous neet, alty. Twenty-one yeara after the war to end war the whole world la seeth ing In militarism. If you are certain we are not going to be dragged into thla, you know more than I ao. If you think that aylatlon played an important part In the last war. It waa nothing compared with the part It will play in the next. Planea of the World war will seem like toys com pared with those In the next con flict." The state aeronautics board. Dr. Staub aald. Is trying to put Oregon back on the map of aviation. Air craft, he asserted. Is to be the mode of travel in the future, with the rail roads transporting freight and auto mobiles taking care of family travel. "Fight for your protection from a military and commercial point of view," the doctor advised the south ern Oregon men present. "Don't for ever let California and Washington dictate what Oregon may receive.' Mr. Ban well reported that Orants Paas. Ashland and other nearby cities are backing Medford In Its bid for the army alrbase. After the meeting the chamber of commerce aviation committee sent additional telegrama to Senators Mc Nary and Steiwer asking them to urge the congressional committee to come to Medford. Telegrams also were sent to the house committee which was scheduled to be at Pearson field, Van couver, today. The committee was ex pected In Medford Friday but the itinerary waa changed. Floyd Hart presided at the meeting as representative of Mayor George W. Porter. Other Medford men present included Councilman C. C. Furnas. City Superintendent Fred Scheffel. City Attorney Frank P. Farrell, Tom Culbertson, airport manager, Kenneth S. Perry, WPA engineer, Dan Howard. H. A. Stanley and Harry Moore. A delegation from Grants Pass in cluded Mayor Anderson. E. W. Crooks, A. Walker of the Josephine county planning board. H. a. Prestel of the county airport committee, Harry Haggberv, Rex Barnett and Elmer Brookings. . Also present were L. T. Cook nf Gold Hill and W. J. Ward of Brook ings, who spoke about the Brookings airport. A. W. Martin, airport engin eer of the WPA offico in Portland, also attended the meeting and ex plained the allocation of federal funds for aviation projects. Changes Cabinet ASHLAND COUPLE T 1 uWTvmv " Ai military forest patrolled Aus trian streets. Chancellor Kurt Schuschnlgg (above) resigned and waa commissioned to form a new government In an upheaval due to the Italo-Ethloptan situation. (Asso ciated Press Photo) FOOTBALL SCORES STATE SYNOD 10 MEET HERE 1936 OREGON CITY, Ore., Oct. 19. (AP) -The 1936 meeting of the Oregon Synodlcal society will be at Medford. it was voted at the closing of this year's convention, at the First Presby terian cnurcn nere yesterday. Mrs. Douglas I. Bates of Portland was re-elected president. FAR WEST TRADE BEST FOUR YEARS Pacific Coast Washington 31, W. 8. O. o. Oregon 14, Idaho 0. California 6, Santa Clara 0. Portland 7. Llnfield . East and Mid-West Carlton 8. St. Olaf 0. North Dakota U. 0, South Dakota State 0 (tie). Monmouth 40, Bradley 0. " Georgia 18, K. O. State 0. Washington college 10, John Hop kins 0. Drake 0, Crelghton 0. Southern Methodist 10,' Rice 0. Nebraska 0, Kansas State 0. Ohio University 20, Marshall 13. Oklahoma 16, Iowa State 0. Williams 27, Bowdoln 0. - Alabama 25, Tennessee 0. Boston college 18, Michigan State six. Syracuse 10, Ohio Wesleyan Georgia Tech C, Duke 0. William and Mary 44, Guilford Maryland 6, V. M. I. 0. Minnesota 20, Tulane 0. Michigan 20. Wisconsin 12. Conn. State 7, Wooster Tech Notre Dame 9, Pittsburgh 0. North Carolina 14, Davidson 0. Fordham 13, Vanderbllt 7. Dartmouth 41, Brown 0. Vermont 0, Union 0. Haverford 14, Wesleyan 7. Washington & Lee 14, Centre Holy Cross 13, Manhattan 13. Southern Cal. Freshmen 19, Stan ford Frosh 0. Pennsylvania 34, Columbia 0. City College of New York 19. Lowell Textile 0. Yale 7, Navy 0. Army 13, Harvard 0. Colgate 52, La Fayette 0. Penn. State 26, Lehigh 0. Temple 13. Carnegie 0. Ohio State 28. Northwestern 7. Catholic University 13, Detroit U. 7. Princeton 29, Rutgers 0. Amherst 7, Rochester 0. Maine 26, Arnold 0. St. Johns o. Virginia 12. Kentucky 0. Alabama Poly 29. Lawrence 0. Knox 0. Cornell 0, Coe 0. HIGH SCHOOL SCORES 10, 6. 7. Mrs. B. C. Porsythe of Ashland Fri day night reported to city police that her daughter. Rachel, 19, and her son, Jack, 15, were both Injured tn an auto crash Involving the Porsythe macnine and one driven by Charles Hlnrlchsen 023 Central avenue, at the comer of Central and Riverside. The accident occurred at 9:40 Friday mgiic. The two Injured were taken to the Community hospital for emergency treatment, where It was discovered that Rachel had received cuts, bruises and a broken nose, while her brother received cut. Mrs. Porsythe. wife of the principal of the Ashland high school, told city police that Hlnrlchsen had cut In In front of her. Hlnrlchsen was arrest ed on a chnrgo or violation of the baslo rule. Date for an appearance In city court has not been set. Use Mali Tribune want ads. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 19. (API The Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust company estimated today that far western ousiness activity la greater than at any time In more than 4 years. The bank's Index of general busi ness in the Pacific area changed little during the last month, standing at ai.t per cent or tne 1923-1025 aver age. It had climbed this year to a top of 82.5 In August. The September Index of 82.4 00m pared with 70.8 a year ago. 67.7 uwo years ago and 63.9 three years ago. The bank's analysis suggests fur ther Improvement may be ahead. "This year In California a base for continued business Improvement, broadly diversified, has been laid." the bank's "business outlook" stated. Plan Broom Corn Acreage THE DAIjLBS, Ore., Oct. 19. (AP) A number of local ranchers have Indicated plana to plant a commer cial acreage of broom corn next year. Screen Aids Dancing NEW YORK. Oct. 19. (AP) Rec ent advances In motion picture color photography make the screen an Ideal medium for the dancer's art. In the opinion of La Argentina, Spain's fore most dancer. Murray's Beauty Salon 2nd Floor Mann's Sifn Personality Permanents $2 45 and up Our "Sterno!" . Shampoo Tint does wonders for your hair , . Restores its natural color and lustre. PHONE 363 Friday High School Scores (By the Associated Press) La Orsnde 7, Enterprise 0. The Dalles 7. Bend 0. Salem 6, Albany 0. Commerce 0, Franklin 0. Sllverton 25. West Linn 13. Hood River 12, Astoria 0. Mllton-Freewater 2S, Baker 0. Columbia. Prep 0, Sandy . Camae 13. Independence 0. Hill Military 32. Estacada 0. Milwaukee 19. Oregon City 0. Youth Admits Raid On L. Ulrich Home Joseph Barnhart, 20, Medford youth who recently confessed to robbing several Medford homes, In. company with Karl Snyder.also of Medford, con fessed Friday to robbing the Lewis Ul rich home at 839 Minnesota street, it wss announced yesterday by city police. Barnhart admitted taking 1 ring and a pair of gold cuff link, police stated. Both Barnhart and Snyder are still held In the county Jail awaiting tha results of Inquiries Into their pn. vlous records. 1 Ose Mall Tribune want ads. DALIES FRANTZ Pianist Guest soloist tonight with THE FORD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS KSL . 6:00 to 5:00 P. M., P.S.T. CompUteCaasl-lo-CoaslCSSNeltnri FORD SUNDAY EVENING HOUR 65 I ModJS7SF-7mhe. American, police and (oreiita superbctero- a roe 10 as DY centralizing all the impor tant radio elements in the separate insulated CentrOmatic Unit, American-Bosch engineers have guaranteed for you. Wore Btationa to nnjoy, Better, clearer, purer tone. Greater freedom from noise, on the station ana" between station. Easier accurate tuning, even on ehort wave. Surpassing dependability re' multing from 90fy Jeaa wiring and 104 fewer aolSered con ntfcfj'ons. Ask us to demonstrate these dif ferences which only American Bosch CentrOmatic Radio can give you. Liberc1 trade-in liberal termsl Don's Radio Servig 407 EAST MAIN PHONE 66S Amarleu-Bouti Radio (a llrofJ rmrltr patent and applications of ft. C. A. and Haseltlna Cerp. M 11 WJ 91 Mrs. Mataon formerly resided this elty and Is well-known hrre a number of local residents. Cleric's funeral Hoi BEND, Ore.. Oct. 10. ( API Fun- ersl services for Father Domlnto O' Connor, eastern Orruon priest, will oe held from the local Catholic churvrt Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Father O'Connor died sud denly this week alien In Bend on a visit. - Die Mall Tribune want ads. Deaf Woman Now Hears on Telephone "I have been hard of hearing for 8 venra." writes Mrs. Sturdevant, or Mayvllle. N. Y. "I could not talk over the telephone. Last year I obtained OUHINK. My hearing has improved so that I can talk over the 'phone ss , well ss I ever could." OUR1NB was' originated by a European ear special- j 1st. for those who ere hard of hear- j Ing. bothered by head noises, ear- j ache, ringing and burning In ears, sick with the dread of epproschtns deafness. Oet quick relief with OUR- 1 INK todav. It's easy to use cost only a few cents daily. Money bsck If not j satisfied. Wotxls Drug Co.. Main snd Central. (Adr.) I BOWMAN'S BEAUTY SHOP FEATURING NEW RAY PERMANENTS No electricity, machine or discomfort. Every wave guaranteed the most beautiful. Priced at ?5.00 and 97..10 Genuine DUART NU PAD PERMANENT Priced at ?3.75 and ?.'.00 ALSO PERMANENTS AS LOW AS ?1.50 and ?2.50 South Central Ave. Thone 57 PIANO TUNING W. P. BROOKS Tol. 1451-R 1014 W. Main On Job Again Oct. 25 nv)(5n V 11 3d men The SENSATIONAL WNMaaa : Featured Monday and All Week! MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPITAL 15 rears experience In large and tmoli animal prartlce iZb N Riverside. Phone 30D CASH Talks During This Sensational Sale SAVE 25 to 50 on Holiday Gift USE OUR Lay-Away Plan Deposit Will Hold Any Article For 30 Days' w$ mnm 0) Prices are SLASHED To the BONE Without Considering Cost uiro UullY FURNITURE STORESis,Sri M Choose from this List Card Tables, Coffee Tables, Floor Lamps, Bed Lamps, Table Lamps, Smoking Sets, End Tables. Pillows, Novelty Rugs, Desks. Secretaries, Oc casional Chairs, Club Chairs, Bedroom Suites. Bed Springs Mattresses, Dining Suites, Davenport Suites, Foot Stools, Ranges, Heaters, Rugs all sizes, Linoleum, Electric Appliances. Mixmas-ters. saint