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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1933)
PAGE SIX MEDFORD V IL TRTBUNT5, MTCDFORD, OREGON', RUXDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1933. Costly Conversation Penalty Loses St. Mary's Chance for Tie ' DECISION HELPS E Gael Sub Talks, Referee Acts, And Game Lost H To 7 Two Troy Stars Are Carried Off Field, COUGARS TO SLIP 13 TO 7 LOS ANGELES, Oct. 1. (flV-A Irresistible lmnulM of a St. Mary' football player lor conversation with Mi ellows may have cent hi team tie with Southern California today The Trojana won their -Sth consec utive football game 14 to 7 but a pen alty following substltute'i Illegal con- -a-tlnn nlnMl Ml hull In DOSttlOl for the winning touchdown to be cored. nm.h f.h. mm Med throuffh a aen aatlonal 80 yard paaa after the home guard had movea out in iron emy In the game, soumorn uawornia wv H. iriirAff fnllnwlnff the St. Mary'a An,iuinBii mrui never ffava tha ball up until a touchdown waa scored It waa in tht parade the coatly con M-aiMnn fcnnlr nlace. The Trojana had driven to the ai 9!t vkta line. a. daiureroua but not necessarily critical poslUon. when Coach Edwara juaaigan ki Hu bert, a giant guard who did not atari tha game, Jnto the fray. Before a nlav could be run, the referee picked up the ball and moved . n MRrv'i Alcrht vard line, the explanation being made that Ollbort had talked boforo a pmy wun ine r ault penalty of fifteen yarde. From the eight yard line the ball waa car ried across for the third and final counter of the ball game. Eighty thousand persona aw the wlnnera use sheer power to good ad vantage while St. Mary's passing game --.-i.i4 ... intervals. Th overhead ttaclc, featuring a paaa from George Wilson to Fred canrinus nan vne uin-..- ... (h finlrt. was uncovered again late In the game but the final tun aounded before it couia iurm-r menace Southern California' long atrlng of victorlea. Southern California won the game but loat two star pleyere for an In definite period. Bob Ersklne, tackle, was carried off tha field Immediately after the aecond half kick-off and Captain Ford Palmer followed him In tha anna of atretcher bearers In the fourth period. St. Mary's waa the laat team to win flyinfhjrn California, the Gaels taking the big end of a 13 to 7 score In September, l3l. rrea vnnnuu., who scored St, Mary's only touhedown today, made tha winning touchdown two years ago. The flrat touchdown of tha day waa started on Its way by Homer Griffith. The Gaels quick-kicked to the Tro jana' 32 yard Una and on tha first play from scrimmage Griffith dashed SS yards to St. Mary's 43 yard lino. The defense Interfered with a pass receiver and tha Trojana picked up a cheap eight yarda. Orlfflth and Cliff Propst ran to the 17 yard line and Warburton. Haskell, Wotkyns and Cal Clemens were sent In to tha game. Warburton made four and then eight yards. fit. Mary's waa off-aide and a pen alty placed the ball within a yard of the goal. Wotkyns plunged over fnr tha touchdown and Eraklne kicked xne extra point rrom placement. With tha ball within a foot of mid field and not a cloud In the Trojan football sky, the galloping Gael sud denly scored tha first touchdown of the season against southern Califor nia. Wilson tossed the ball to Fred Canrinus who caught It 17 yarda from MISSOULA, Mont., Oct. 14 (AP) Washington State college staved off five serious threats by a band of determined Montana Grlzzllea In tha second half of a Pacific Coast con ference game today to win, 18 to 7. The Grlzzllea were only three yarda from the goal line when the tlmer'a gun halted tha game, A blocked punt, recovered by Brett, alert Cougar end, waa good for touchdown and provided the margin of victory, A terrific drive two-thlrda of -he field earned Waahlngton State the first touchdown of the game In the second quarter, Tex Msgness slip ping away on a criss-cross to score from the five-yard mark. The goal attempt was nullified by a poor paaa to Mentor Dahlen, pinch kicker. Henry Blaatlc, promising sopho more quarterback, received the kick. off and raced 95 yarda behind fast forming Interference before he was stopped on Washlngton'a five-yard line by Ronald Kelley, Cougar end. Leland Storey crashed the line twice for a total of four yards, and Bill Hlleman punched right guard for the touchdown. Hlleman then kicked the goal, giving Montana a 7-to-B lead. With the wildly applauding fans barely reseated, the vigilant Kelley rushed In to block Blastlc'a punt. and Brett, also an end, fell on the oval over the goal line for a touch down. Johannesen, quarterback, kick ed vie extra point. Montana atopped further assaulta In that period. The Grizzlies were equally impregnable In the third quarter, except for one surge by the invaders to the 18-yard line, Washington State held a slight edge In total yardage gained accu mulating moat of It In the first half. Montana made nine first downs; Washington State 14. F MEMORIAL STADIUM, Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 14. (AP) Obviously re laxing after laat weex'a tough con test against St. Mary's, University of California Beara played heads-up but unlnaplred football to defeat San Francisco's Olymplo club, 33 to 0, hero today befora aome 30,000 spectators. The tight olub defense, congealing rapidly around holea opened In the line, effectively smothered tha Bears' attempts to stage auatalned power drives. The California defense waa equally strong, holding the clubmen deep In their own territory through out the time they held the ball. the goal line and unmolested went straight over for a touchdown. The acore waa tied when Carl Jor- genaen kicked the extra point. The Trojana took the kick-off af ter St. Mary'a scored the tying touch down and Immediately ran off two first downa with Wotkyna and Grif fith carrying the ball. Griffith then dashed to St. Mary'a seventeen yard Una and another five yarda, waa free when St. Mary'a took out time for the fourth time In the half. Wotkyns made a flrat down on the 38 yard line and Orlfflth slipped to the 33. The cenveraatlonal penalty then entered and the ball waa on the eight yard line. Griffith went over In two plays and Ersklne again kicked the goal. TO BOOM BENEFIT Gaiety will be the order of the evening next Wednesday, with the high achool atudenta taking the lead It waa announced yeaterday morning by Dr. R. E. Lee, chairman of the clvlo affairs committee of the Cham, ber of Commerce. Aa an cuntcome of the football forum luncheon held at the high achool recently, the civic affalra com mlttee of the chamber will sponsor the ticket aale for a big football benefit to be held at Hunt's Cra terlan theater, Wednesday, October 31, and a large rally will be held next Wednesday, the 18th, down town, In order to create Interest In the benefit performance. Under the direction of Fred Schef- fel, city superintendent, a reviewing atand will be erected alongside the Chamber of Commerce, and at 7:30 In the evening vie whole student body, led by the high school board will parade In review. A. short ceremony will be held at the reviewing stand under the dlrec, tlon of C. E. Gates, and those, who plan to attend are urged to be on hand punctually at 7:30. Following the ceremony, the atu denta will conduct a serpentine and Medford high school yells and songs win oe indulged In. Mr. Hunt prom laes a wonderful picture for the ben efit performance to be Held a week later which, coupled with the en, thuslasm existing for the Medford high school football team, should pack the house to capacity. At the football forum a number of Indl vlduala and flrma pledged financial support and others have since agreed to purchase a number of tickets, and present Indications are that there ahould be no difficulty in raising me necessary lunds In order that the football team may secure the new suita wnicn are ao badly needed. There will be no expense aa every, thing la being donated. Mr. Hunt will donate the theater theater ataff help: the newspapers snace: cltv of Medford reviewing atand Harry ninman street decorations: and, In addition, the time and energy of many business men will be devoted toward making the affair a success. PORTLAND. Oct. 14. tit mi- Teachers from southern Oregon Nor mal, Ashland, scored two touchdowns In the first period here Friday night to defeat Oregon Normal. Monmouth. 1- to 7. Coach Wolfe's Wolves made their lone touchdown near the end of the aecond period. About mldwav of the nnenln- rwu. lod, Elmer Brown zinced a lorur flat pass to Ward Howell, 313-pound tack le shifted out at end, and he raced over the goal line for the flrat score of the game. A few minutes later Coach Hobson'a boys got the ball on Orecon Normal's .1-vktvI 1ln n. nn alx playe were over for their second ana rinai touchdown. After a holding nenaltv h.H lv.n them the ball on the SONS' la-vard line, the Wolves, led by Goode, Gra- nam and Mahan scored. Bowers, guard, place kicked the extra point. T Crescent City, Calif., high school defeated Medford high achool. 7 to 0, on Van Scoyoc field, Saturday after noon. It waa the first time in the long athletic relations between the two schools, that the coast team hag ever registered a Tlctory. Coach Burgher plans to revamp the squad, If a prima donna complex continues, Over-confidence and fumbling took heavy toll from the Burghermetsters. Three times they carried the pigskin within the five yard line, but lacked the punching power to acore. Poor handling of punts by Olllnsky safety also proved a handicap. Crescent City's score came near the end of the third quarter, when John son snared a long farword pass from Deo, and was brought down on the line by Hlnman. Olllnaky missed John son In his flight to the goal. The ball went over Hlnman's head, with John' son back of him. The Crescent team showed power In the line, and a fast backfleld, In the first half the two teams bat tled on even terms. Medford gained almost twice the yardage of the visit ors. In the final quarters with defeat near, Medford opened an aerial attack that carried the ball to scoring ter ritory. A long pass to the line was In complete. In this drive White passed to Bennett, Hlnman and Kunzman for consistent. Neither team could make steady gains through the line. Kunzman was flashy as a ball carrier. Bennett snared a couple of beauti ful passes, and waa the steadiest plaV' er for the locals. As the gun sounded for the first half Olllnsky was in the midst of a long run, returning a pum Bates playing his second game showed promise. Medford was weakened by the ab sence of Ghelardl and Hammack Pour Indians were on. the coast team, and they played bang-up foot ball all afternoon. The Mne-up Crescent City (7) Hawkins Weir McDonald Oargetas Wood Oreen Benson Deo Miller Johnson Hammond C o o T T E B Q HB HB PB Medford (0 Stewart Shaw Baker . Pierce Kindred Bennett Hlnman White Kunzman Brown Bates EGG, POULTRY IN TO MEET TUESDAY An Important meeting of Jackson county egg nd poultry producers will be held at the Chamber of Com merce next Tuesday, October 17, it was announced yeaterday by Charles A. Wing, chairman of the agricul tural committee of the chamber. The purpose of the meeting Is to discuss matters pertaining to the egg and poultry industry as they re late to Oregon laws covering egg and poultry raising. All producers are urged to attend the meeting which will commence punctually at B p. m. DUCK SEASON OPENS Tviriivm a v rW , Uct. lb, INoon . . GUNS . . 112-gauge Browning Shotgun 30 00 1 16-ga. Winchester Model 97 CI 7 EH Fumprun. Only J I I iwU 1 12-ga. Winchester Model 97 CI 7 En 8hntgun. Only J I I aWV 1 410 d ble Springfield Shotgun J -j g 50 1 12-ga. double barrel Stevens CI C Cfl hotgtin. A 1 ahana J I OiwU 1 12-ga. Single Barrel Shotgun1 g (Jg AMMUNITION SPECIALS 12-gauge Star Shells, hi base, long range. Chilled shot, 32 drams powder, box . . 98c 3 dram loads, box ...... ,. ...89c 3 dram loads, box . ..79c 12 -gauge Hi Velocity Peters or Reming ton, box . . $1.25 HUBBARD BROS., INC. E. Main and Riverside. Phone 231 In good times and in bad times the public has sworn by Toggery quality. The publio knows by experience that The Toggery is the first to show the new styles in men's wear, and they also know our merchandise is outstanding in quality. Men are proud of The Toggery label in their garments. Dependability Dependability menus a lot in these uncer tain times. The Toggery pledges itself to its 30-year old policy of keeping its pro mises. When you trade with The Toggery, yen are certain of the newest styles, quality merchandise at a price consistent with the quality, and manufactured under the NRA code. Every suit sold is carefully fitted in our own fitting department by fitters who know how and at no extra cost to you. Toggery customers are satisfied customer, and if you are not trading with The Tog. gery we are both losing money. SKEET TRAPS FOR The Medford Oun club haa started Installation of tha new Skeet traps at the local club grounda at the north end of the airport, and ex pect completion of the project this week, Uvwaa announced yesterday. The most modern equipment to be used under the National Bkeet asso ciation next year Ib also being ob tained by the Medford club and the local Installation will be one of the most up to date on the, coast. One thousand Skeet cliiba were or ganized In the United States during the laat two years. The method la much leaa expensive than the regu lar trap shooting and haa proven very popular with society felts, es pecially the women. The Medford Oun club lias doubled Its membership during the laat month because of the added facilities and the date of the flrat trial shoot will be announced In the near future. Woodmen to Meet A meeting of wood dealer! of the county will be held at the Medford Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, October 18 at 8 p. m It was announc ed yeaterday morning. A sub-committee of wood dealers appointed at the laat meeting haa been working diligently under the di rection of Frank Scherer. and at the meeting on Thursday aome of Ita ac complishments wlU be explained. AU dealera In the county are invited to attend. '0' FROSH 7 TO 3 EUGENE, Ort., Oct. 14, (AP) Oregon freshmen defeated Oregon State Rooks, 7 to 3, here Friday night. A tricky offensive ahlft and a big, hard-hitting frosh line proved a win nine; combination for tbe victors. The winning touchdown came In the third period after the Rooks bad gone into a three-point lead with a field goal by Bwanson from his own six-yard line. Oregon put over the winning touchdown when Ray Wood man fumbled an Oregon punt on trte Rooks' 11 -yard line. The frosh re covered and line bucks by Nye and Bishop advanced the pigskin to the Rook one-foot line. Borden scored through left tackle. Murray's kick was good for the extra point. Willamette Beaten By Surprise Play TACOMA, Wash.. Oct. 14. (AP) In a thrilling last period climax to a bitterly fought contest. College of Puget Sound upset the strong Wil lamette university football team, 9 to 0, here Friday night. With five yards to go on a fourth down In the fourth period, and the ball eight yards from the Willamette goal line C. P. 8. let a pass go and hauled It down In the end zone. It was a surprise play worked to per fection aud Willamette was caught flat footed. Folded fenders unfolded. Brill Met al Works. otgomery Ward t Co. oved that Newspaper Advertising brings o "Rati) tkh Jittvi ! G Th7 MAIL TRIBUNE THE