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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1933)
SfEDFOiro HATL THTBUyC, MEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1933. PSGENTNB Why Not Try a Want-Ad? WAfTl to Mil yout nomei Want to got rid 01 tee odd eno and la household furalsningsv Oo you need tool (01 your gar des . An inexpensive Want-AO is the Mall moune Classified Pag mil and tbe imto tc these and man other perplexing problema. H-re Are the Rates: per word first insertion K (Minimum 36c) Cart) addition) inMrtton. pei word .. ilc (Ulnlmum 10c) per lice per month, without copy change I-36 75 Phone LOST AND FOUND POUND Came to my place Monday. lf. a montha old. Call at 19 McAndrews road, and pay for ad LOST German police pup about 13 innhaa tall. Is lizht brown, with large paws and front legs: has markings of "M" over his eyes Strayed from 640 Palm. Reward of fered. LOST If dog missing, call ISIS. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Elderly lady as house keeper, 3 adults. Tel. 3-X-3. Sigle Point, evenings. WANTED House keeper for one man Good borne and small psy. Box 394, Tribune. WANTED MALE HELP IP TOU WANT A WONDERFUL OP PORTUNITY TO MAKE 48.60 a day and get a new Ford Eight Tudor Sedan besides, send me your name Immediately. No contest or lottery. Particulars free. Albert Mills, 25 J7 Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. HELP WANTED MALE 4 FEMALE MEN AND WOMEN Pleasant sales work: psld dally. Lobby Holland Hotel. 8 to 11. WANTED SITUATION WOMAN, good housekeeper, good cook, wants work any kind, any place. Box 478, Route No. 1 Med ford. - WANTEIJ MISCELLANEOUS WANTED E-flat clarinet, Boehm system. Phone 440-Y. WANTED Best 8-cyl. coupe for 8100 cash. Hlway Exchange, i mue eoutn Phoenix. WANTED Applications for good home loans n smsll amounts, proceeds of which will be used to create em ployment. Southern Building & Loan Aasn. WILL cars for elderly sick people in my home. Phone 437-Ji. WANTED To sell you carefully se lected potatoes and onion for your winter aupply. Peerless Market, 13- 14 No. Bartlett. Phone 803. WANTED To borrow 81000 on good town security. 749-Y or 317 e. Jackson. RE-UPHOLSTERING. Phone B68-R. Thlbault. PAINTING. PAPERHANGINO Lowest prices. Mr. Bennett. Tel. 836-w. WANTED Work harness. Must be In good condition. KC, car Mall Tribune. tf WANTED Household goods, stoves toots or what bava you Medford Bargain Bouse. 37 N. Grspe St. Tel 1083. JUNK WANTED We pay cash for JUNK, BATTERIES si R A O I A I 0 B 8. ALUMINUM BRASS. COPPER Junk of el) deacriotlons MEDFORD BAKGAiN HOUSE 17 No Qrape . Pel 1043 FOB BENT MOUSES TOR RENT Small furnished 8-room house, close In. Inquire 118 8. Holly, or Phone 731-X, POR RENT Nice modern home on Berrydale Ave.. 910 per month. v renter -pay for water. C. C. Chapman. a 318 a. NEWTOWN. 8 room home, rea ' aonable rent. First Ins. Agcy, H. H. Brown. Phone 103 after 6, 1670. FOR RENT Modern 4-room furnish ed house. 410 Hamilton. FOR RENT Modern, furnlahed 4 room nous. Inquire 511 psrk Ave. FOR RENT 4 room furn. house 810 mo. Water. 813 Summit. 34 GLENN OAK. COURT First Ins Agcy. H. H. Brown, Pbon 10S: after . 187- POR RENT 88 Summit. 308 Summit. 330 N. Holly. 33 N. Peach. 1035 W 9th. 103 S. Orange. 847 E. 9th. Will place bouse in condition to suit tenant. FIRST INS AOENCY. H. R. Brown. Tel. 105: after 3. 1670. FOR RENT 7-room bouse. 412 So Oakdale. Pbon 750-Y. AVAILABLE Nov. 1st, 1124 W Mam First In. Agcr . H. H. Brown. Tel. 105; after 5. 1870. FURNISHED 8-room modern houis. 20. Can sublet 2-room spt. 137 Tripp. Phone 1382-J. POR RENT Oood 7-room hou-e. cl.wj IS. 930.00 per mo. pnon 417-J-2. POR RENT 3-rootn modern bunga low. 15 Crater Lake. 820 mo.' O. I. Pleroe. Phone 887-R-3. FOR BENT Boarding boUM. 414 8. Riverside. HOMES POR RENT Call 999. FOR RENT Small unfurnished bouae close In. Call 731-Jf. or Inquire 136 So Holly. POr RENT Homes, (urnlebed or unfurnished. Brown a Wbite- HOUSES UO. 1130 and 818. water paid: wood range pbon 105. FOB SEN1 APARTMENTS 3-ROOM apt. Key 149 So. Ivy. POR RENT 4-room duplex apart ment, electno refrigerator and range, breskiast nook, furnace otherwise unfurnished. Phone 443 or call w. A. Gates at Groceteria. POR RENT Purn. 3 room apt., beat J bot water. 34s N Bartlett. fOB BENT tUKNISIltD HUUMa ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 S. Grape. FOB BENT BOAUlJ AMD BOOMS HOARD AND ROOM at 718 E. Main Rates very moderate. UU31NLSS OPPORTUNMTIES BUSINESS POR SALE Oood oppor tunity tor enterprising party; sacri fice prloe only 8250. Box 818 Tribune. POR SALE Interest In gold mlno Partner wanted with some cash to operate. Big pay uncovered. Box 93. rnoemx. Oregon. FOB BXUHAJVOE POR SALE Duroc pigs, or trade for wooa. rnone ei'-u. j. e. Judy. BUZZSAW and boat for sale or trade. aid oenesee St. RE-UPHOLSTERING for what have you. Pbone 8S8-R. rhibault. FOB SALE SEAL ESTATE WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & White. FOB SALE HOMES POR SALE 0-room furnished houae, piano and radio Included. 83000. Terms. Box 344. Tribune. HOME near school. Phone 1333-W. rOH BALfc AUTOMOBILES. Good Used Cars, No Cash Down If your old car covers the down payment. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Down pay. 1930 Chev. DeLuxe Sedan AIL'O-OO 1930 Chrysler Sedan 125.00 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 55.00 1299 Ford Roadster 50.00 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 130.00 1928 Chrysler Coupe 95.00 1929 Bulck Stand, coupe.. 90.00 1930 Bulck Sport Coupe . 150.00 BETTER CARS FOR LESS MONEY Armstrong Motors, Inc, 38 North Riverside. FOR SALE DOOS AND PETS FOR SALE springer Spaniel; train ed: cheap for cash. Harry Stewart. Griffin creek. FOB SALE POULTRY 350 HOLLYWOOD Whit Leghorn pullets, laying; doz. rr more. L. M. Hughes, Fern Valley. FOB SALE LIVESTOCK POR SALE Dairy cows and heifers; also some steers. Hilton Ranch, opposite Howard school, 3- miles north of Medford. FOR SALE 2-year-old thoroughbred jersey bun; hound pups: a few A-l milk cows. D. P. Duggan, Rt. 1, central point. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS POR SALE Hay $8 per ton. Hogan. Applegate, Ore. FOR BALE Apple wood, 81.60 a tier. Hogue Kiver co. pnone 1389. FOR SALE: Jonathan apples, 36c box. Bring your own boxea. John De Haas, 2 ml. north Central point. PLENTY of prunes and tomatoe at the F. s. Carpenter ranch. Jackson ville highway. FOR SALE Peaches Phone 639-X. FOR SALE: Apples, several varieties. w. J. Gebnard, Central Point. FOR SALE 30-30 Wlncheater, excel lent condition. A real bargain. Cau at 137 No. Riverside. FOR SALE Oood used furniture. 318 S. Grape. FOR SALE Pickling cucumber, all sires, ills w. 8tn. Pbon 1645-Y. POR SALE ,10-30 Savage rifle, good condition, snoot very accurate. Price 817.50. Address 17 N. Oak dale. ATTENTION SPOCKMEN For sale. alfalfa bay In .tack. Feeding space can be provided If dealred. Rogue mver uo.. rnon moo. FOR SALE Hungarian vetch aeed. Phone 523-J-4. CHOOSE your rose bushe from our complete assortment while they ar In bloom. Medford Roee Garden, Orchard Home Drive rosd. PRUNES Phone 7-P-13. POR SALE Used sewing machine, all makes; term if desired. All mskea rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co.. 34 N. Bartlett FOR ssnd. grsvel. sediment, fertilizer snd teaming. Phone 812-J. MISCEI.LANLOtS BUY YOUR MILK at Lock wood a Milk rpot snd save your nickel for winter time. 1802 W. Main. Authorlred Fru'.dsire Service other make rep. TeL 421; nau 9U4-Y. Abstract. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts ol Title. Title Insurance. Rooms 8 and 8. No. S3 North Central At. upstair. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT Ca Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. Expert window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT TeU 1173 Houae cleaning Floor waxing, ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Fire Extinguishers. FYR - FYTER" Fire Extinguishers. Automatic fire alarms, recharging. Inspecting. V. A. Bower, 337 No Oakdale. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Tbree per oeut per month oo un. paid balance No other obarges See W. E. Thomas. 4s South central ground floor Oraterlan Theater Bldg. State License No. S-1S7. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plsnt in southern Oregon. Printing of all kinds: book binding; loose-leaf ledgers, ana blanke. Billing systems, duplicating cash aales slips snd everything in en printing unes. aa-au n urape Pbon 75 piano and violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano Height Song Service Arrang ing, composing, etc. 318 Liberty Biog. Painting and Paperhanglng. M. A. BLISS Painting and paper- hanging. TeL 648-W. 813 8 Grape EADS TRANSFER si STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No Central. Phone 818 Prices right. Service guaranteed. RP INKING TRUCKING CO. Trans fer and storage. W baul anything at a reasonable prloe. Ill No. Fir Street. Pbone 333. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers special livestock moving equipment, prlcea right Riverside. Phone 1044-X. LEUAL NOTICES No. 13771 Treasury Deportment Offlos of Comptroller of the Currency Washington. D. 0.. September 11, 1933 Whereas, by satlsfsctory evidence presented to tbe undersigned. It hss been made to appear that "Medford National Bank," in tbe City of Med ford, in the County of Jackson and State of Oregon, has complied wltb all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States required to be complied with before an association sball be authorized to commence tbe business of Banking: Now. therefore. I. J. p. T. O'Connor. Comptroller of the currency, do bere by certify that "Medford National Bank." in tbe City of Medford. in tbe oounty of Jackson and State of Ore' gon. la authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in Section Plfty-one Hundred snd Sixty nlns of tbs Revised Statutes of the un.ted statea. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and sea of offloe thla eleventh day of September. 1933. (Seal of the Comptroller of the Cur rency. Treasury Department.) (Signed) J. F. T. O'CONNOR, Liquidation Notice. The Medfrod National Bank located at Medford In the Stat of Oregon Is closing It affairs. All note-holders and other creditors are hereby noti fied to present the .notes and other claims against the association for payment. Dated Sept. 30, 1933. GEO. T. FRET, Cashier. Reorganization Notice. Medford National Bank. Medford National Bank located at Medford In the "State of Oregon re ceived charter No. 13771 dated Sep tember 11, 1838. and commenced bus iness September 12. 1938. Th new bank la a continuation of th old back excepting that It la organized uuuer tne naming Act of 1933. and nas an ntireiy new Capital of 8100, 000.00. Dated Sept. 30. 1933. GEO. T. FRET, Cashier. h'Otlr nt final R.HI.n.n, In the County Court of the State of In the Matter of the Estate of A. N. muiMt. aeceaeea. Notice is hereh lvn fc frk. count in the above entitled matter, and the aniini ... , fixed November 4th. 1933. at the nour .x. ucioc a. m., in th County Courtroom In th Courthouso in Med ford, Oregon, as the time snd for hesrlng objection to ssid flntl soeount, and for the m.m.. thereof. B1V nrn,n Executor of th Last Will and Testa- """ wnignt. deceased. Phoenix PHOENTO. Oct. 11. (fpl.) Mr. Kt Wright of Phoenix celebrated her 73rd birthday October 8. She waa presented with a large cake trim med with bright candles by the ladles of th Pirst Christian church of Phoenix. Rev. and Mrs. uilu nmvntiM , - aon, Raymond, were dinner guest at in nom of Art Dtugherty Sunday. First Christian church of Phoenix wui begin a clsaa In Bible study Wed nesdsy. October 11. st 7 p. m. Youn neoDlea Christian Ktiriea. vor are giving a box supper on Fri day at 7:30 p. m. Every on I In vited to come. Olrl should bring a box and a bov to btiv it. Everr one u expecting to have a good tlma. tditli Wright, who haa been seri ously lit in a Medford hospital, re turned to her home Saturday. Pbocfl 54i Wen bam aj jou. reXuje, Cit; saiutaxj 3rric. NEW YORK DAY BY DAY 3y 0. 0. Mclntyre NEW YORK, Oct. 11. Because tba times, a leniency 1 shown those picturesque curb merchant known as pitchmen. The are hawking their ware on almost every mid - town block. Most of them long since were driven from smaller cltlea aa "unfair to local merchants." The saasoned pitchman drift from coast to coast during tbe year, usually trailing circuses and carnlvala. Frequently they have tried to organise, but only one city Loa Angeles has a lodge. The BUI board, known to the grinders "Billyboy," conduct weekly depart ment for tnem. In It one learns Nig Shop Is play' lug lots in Dallas, with a med. show. Dave Rose and Joe Morris are teamed up working X-Rays and white mice. Neckties and sox got top pitch dough in Indisnapolla. Doc. Endon la doing well In doorway work In Arkansas squats. Tide Heddy I herb working 1.1 Duiuth. There Is a bit of nomad romance, too, In a display photograph of Clyde (Southern Jack) Wilson, who an' nounces: "I have been behind the tripes since I was 13. Have worked all over this country and Canada and pitched everything on the rosd save med, (Medicine show.)" The lay of tne last minstrels! The ssy comaraderla between the modern father and aon la a revela tion to those of us disciplined under sterner parentage. At a Long Island home recently 1 asked the son of an old friend his age. He said 18. The father, overhearing, murmured with faint mockery: "And what 13 yeara of happiness for his Dad I" cracked the son: "What a break, what a break 1" Then they started wrestling su over tne lawn. And en a bus top at a 5Tth street tramo halt a youth from th side walk called, to a young cigarette' smoking lady at the rail: "What you doing sitting there all dressed up like a doge dinner?" On the same bus an ex-service man was reading hie paper. At a turn he looked up suddenly at a wlnd-fln- gered flag In front of the Plaza, saluted quickly, glanced about aheep. isniy and returnel to his reading. When I want a taste of th Broad way so rapidly vanishing, I drop Into Llndy's, the clattsry cafe that's the last open forum of th stage. Blos som Seeley, Benny Fields and the Herman Tlmnergs may be bending over "Vsrlety" at on tabl. Lou Holt and his highly publicized can th center of Jovial banter at an other. Joe Laurie. Jr.. with his enor. mous black cigar. Eager-looking book ing agent. Possum-faced gamblers. Radio scouts. Now and then an old timer with "When I played with flouthern laddie ..." The few left who are successful actora are there but of late, they are mostly those who have been all day seeking the Job that does not exist. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS ( L Snar 8. Make dim -10. Reach across 14. Natural cover- lnc- of th head 15. Bring Into line is. Ga.llo 17. Not clear 19. English river :o. Precipitous :i. Guide the bslm Devour "I. By way of -4. Religious poem IIS. One incspabl of self- support 3f. Cripples JS. Evil 87. Scotch river 33. Precious atone 39. Prayers 41. Mistake 43. Cancel 44. Mors orderly 44, Contend 47. By birth 4s. Item of Solution of Yesterdsy'a Puril P AlRnCASTEsnR'AlS aaEgAL A teUela EMPiiLCiCUlES llANETgRULEii own is b8du p e s mRn lvATllT0 N EsmNu N lElRDp 2 EWHB "E C K IglElPll In E sfeanBt 1 e Is hIaIlJe Ml i Igjun V p 1 lNHAlAlRllN6l1B A YETuslAGElDlTiP' II. Wlfidlng or turning about IS. Occailonal: property scotch 41. Removed u HI Tit Inferior i0. Klhllrjil rmwinn position SI Quickly 6t baub: colloo. 65. Tavrn 67. Horn j of beci 60. RouierJ from 1ep li. olmn form of does ?1. Depoalti 72. Places to tit Tel. Covered with condenacf, Koiatur OOWN I Damon atra.- tlva pronoun It. I w 1 : 1 srst& fr sr 53 1 " S55 irm7r srr ?r3S m7? r-xrtr a ps? -ft 7 hf3 ta every theatrical cafe at dinner hour are rather pretty girl reaping th harvest of that very dangerous suggestion: "You ought to go to Nw York and go on the stag." Their trouble la they will never return bom with fatlura. They stay on and on. drifting alowly down the social seal. Many of the eliterhood that beckon from doorways sre recruited from maids who won't scknowledg defeat and go back horn. Always drama at big railroad termi nal. X was at Oraud Central re cent morning to meet my mother-in-law. A pale but beautiful lady, evi dently ordered to a change of cllmat. stood with her busbsnd beside a Pull msn. He wss telling her to get well quickly, and Just before alia atepped into tne car. with achoolboy ahyneas, handed her a packet In tissue. She opened It quickly and here fell out a round-cornered Jeweler'a box. He was laughing. She crying. Bu'. when she bsd waved out of eight and plunged Into the dark tunnel he shook away a few tears, too. and walked rapidly away. It good to know there era still such husband around. I lingered at a terminal newsstand and why la It such stands have the most erupting of all dlsplaya of books, magazines and newspaper? for a noon edition. With the change In pennlea I went to a fortune telling weighing machine. The little printed card that popped out read: "You should eat more fresh fruit." Bo that la why. If Gene Crawley la Intereeted. he saw me hlrpllng through town like a yap munching a big red apple. iwopyrigni, 1933, McNaught Syndi cate, Inc.) f (Continued irom Pag On) Note. Th Whit House contend tht Mr. Roosevelt's own private atock market commute was started months sgo. The truth 1 that several com mittee member received their invi tation to serve only last week. Those who have been yelling about Mr. Roosevelt being a dictator are now pointing to the Humphrey case as a flagrant example. These are the same people who were ahoutlng a year ago: - wnat tine country needs la a dictator. The building Insulation Industry 1 supposed to hsve made an Inside com plaint that the first two companies granted contract by tbe Civilian Con sarvatlon Corps were NOT members of the NRA. 4 - WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 (UP) The United State supreme court today granted the federal trade commission review of a lower court ruling which held It waa powerless to order west coast lumber companies to cease re ferrlng to Ponderosa pine lumber aa California white pine. 4 Shorty Fender Body Shop ha moved to T. n. parrett a Body Shop. Cross-Word Puzzie IS. Bird's borne IS. Rotate rapidly 22. An Incarnation of Vlsbnu 2B. Snakt . a 37. Banderal fat of awirit 21. Goddess of tba moon and tha hunt II. Sprltea 30. Jest SU Always: eontr. 32. Give strcnth to 34. General flfht 35. Hone it. A varies 40. Stair 42. Lubrlcata 41. Startlnc point of Arctlo txpedftlonr 4. Venarata AO. rtoba 61. DlmlnlahetJ 61, AruliaeololcsJ chests tor sacred utensils II. Object of da votlon II. Ibsen char aeter It. Silkworm tit. Small quarrel ftl. Cattle 62, Sufficient! pott. It, Aaiert to b untrue IB. Owns 17. Clevitad rati- wayat colioa I. Bombaatle talk . Asalitaat A Former ipfllt tng of prova I. Nocturnal animal I. Ancient Qraak city 1. Mark of a blow I. Enter on a career t. Meairurai 10. Rigid 11 Surpaatlng On tha octub ocnerw I As NRA BOSS LEAVES I Z3" B t v I ;ki-t Sk"Jf s y A xh " I -a. I I Gen. Huah 8. Johnson, administrator rt th ai 1. .1 ....... brl.f-eM loaded with dooumsnU a eltd Pw Photo' ,,Ur eon,rnc Inflation to Make Jobs, . Stabilize Dollar Value Stabilization. Tborettally, tftar muat b eol' lecud from th rlghthend eld th commodity producing aid, at all time, enough commodities (Income taxea) to support, feed and clothe thos working for th government on th left aide, otherwise, If dollars year after year are Issued by the gov. ernment to pay those working for the government without the collection of income taxea to balance the outlay, there would be a continuous rise m commodity prices. Because of the Immense burden of debt, it Is desirable to Increase conv modlty prices at the start so com' modlty dollar sre Issued to pay for work done on th government aide without any provision for their Im mediate redemption. But one the desired price level is reached, then th dollars paid out by the government to worker on the left side must be balanced in dollar collected through Income taxea levied for the purpose Can It be done? If six million men were put to work by th government on th left side and three million mor could find work on th right aide, or commodity producing side, there would be an 1m- E OF FLAMING SHIP (continued from page one) S. Smltt, Chicago. O. F. or Fred Schoendorff, Chi cago. H. R. Tarrant, Oak Part, HI. th pilot. A. T. Ruby, Chicago, co-pllot. Warren P. Burrls, radio ope rator. Miss Alice Scrlbner, Chicago, stewardess. Due to th complete break-up of the plan and th wld area over which th wreckage was trewn, ny attempt to discover th. cause of the tragedy probably will be difficult, but official of Unlt-d Air lines said they were launching an Immediate and thorough Investigation. They said it ws th first fstsl crash to a multi-motor ship In seven ycirs of flying over sixty million mile and that both pilots were thoroughly experienced. Crash on Farm. Th seen of th crash wa wood ed patch on the farm of James Smiley in tne indlsna sand dune region, within a few feet of a gravel road. Th explosion brought scores of near by resident to their door snd many of them saw th blaring plane hurtle earthward with It human cargo, mis Estner stroup, a teacher liv ing at the Smiley farm, aatd th blast waa followed by a flash la the sky, With others she ran acroaa fields to th td of th burning wreckage wher they stood powerless to help. other estlmsted the ship was about 1000 feet up at the time and one wit ness ld he could hear th throbbing or in motor a It fell Ilk plum met, leading official to believe that on of th motor or gasoline tank msy have exploded and that pilot tarrant wa attempting desperately to make a landing. HI body waa thrown about 80 feet from th main part of th plan and hie face was badly bumed. Some of th other bodies were chsrred to almost beyond recognition snd It waa tlmoat Impossible to Iden. tiry tnem. Among the ruins was found bsdly hurnd log book, wljlch officials held for the formal Investigation. ROOSEVELT HOME he left th New York residence of w,th hlm rotry. (Aaso. mediate demand and market for so per cent mor commodities of all Kinae. Juat what effect would this nave on incomes of those enaaaed producing and diatrlbutlon of com modltlre? Retail aalea would lumn from forty billion dollar annually to alxty billion dollar. How would this rrect th profits of those encased In th production and distribution of commodities and how would It affect the amount of Income taxes that could be collected? From 1917 to 1830 Inclusive, when our government had two million men engaged in a non-commodity produc Ing enterprise war the Income taxea collected averaged annually four and a n&ir billion dollars. In one year, 1818, Income taxes collected amount ed to ao.414,180.083. In 1833 the In com taxes war only 81.068,000,000. Th difference in Income taxea col. lected la 1818 and 1833 would keep four million men at work at 84 per day for a year of 380 work daya. Just how much Inoreased Income taxes could be collected If all our unem ployed were put to work at a mini mum wage of not lesa than SO cents per nour for common labor, will be Indicated In th next article. J. O. BARNES. KATHRYN KELLY TELLS STORY ON (Continued from Pag On) until ah waa awakened at th T. M Coleman farm near Stratford, Okl July 33, with a flashlight In her face. to learn her husband had "a kidnaped man in ni ear. Knew II Was Gambler. Staring directly at the jury as she leixeo, an aaid Kelly told her wben tney were married that "he wa gamoier and played the races," and tnat their home, since, had been "every place." 'Well, what happened a the farm?" prompted John Robert, her attorney. "Yes. Well, about 4:30 o'clock on tnat morning someon flashed flashlight in my face and told me to get up. I noticed a car In the back yard. "My grandma then wa getting up. .no sne eaxeo me wnat wa going on, 1 ssid I didn't know, but I'd find out. I met Oeorg on the norch. Had Argument. "W had quite little argument." "Finally he said, 'Well, you'll read It In the nawpapera anyway we've got a kidnaped man outside'.' He dldnt tell me who. "I told my grandmother. She eald If they didn't leave she would scream. They left few moments later." 'TJId you see the kldmped man?" asked Roberta. "Oh, no tr." She told of going then to Fort Worth and from there to "mother's" Mra. R. O. Shannon. Took Children Away. "I went down to get the kiddles and take them to Fort Worth with me." she ssid. "I took them and Olete, and her baby." it wa then, the government charges, she was clearing the seen fur uracner imprisonment by removing her dsughter. Ruth Shannon and Mrs. Oleta Shannon from th farm. When she later visited th horn of th Shannons and found that Ur- schel ws held there, she said: pleaded with Mr. Kelly to release that man. "Mr. Kelly told m he wa going to kill the msn, and he threatened me. "He told me to go back home, that It wa none of my business." LABOR DECLARES BY LOWBUDGETS Federation Adopts 12-Polnt Educational Program to Protect Schools Teacher Salaries Are Too Low By CLARENCE M. WRIGHT Associated Pre Staff Writer. WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 (AP) T Prevent what It termed the threat ened "passing of lb publto fr school" a result of budget balaae leg. th American Federation of Lex bor convention today adopted 1S point educational program calling for "th utmost endeavor for th pro tac tion of education from klndergsrtta through university." The program called for "truly pro. fasslonal standsrds" In the) class room. sraallsr olaaae tauabt be trains teachera. a broder curriculum, aa ecjultabl wage for all Instructors with security or tenure and "decent" work ing condition, th establishment of teacher unions, maintenance of du rational standards, old an Dsns Ion and opportunity for teachers to help formulate educational policy. The resolution embodying th features ws presented for th fede ration educational committee are Florence Curtis Hansen of th Ameri can Federation of Teacher. Th report approved by th ootv ventlon esld that "no greater men ace to Industrial recovery could de velop ' tnan that brought by th dot ing of chool for economy's aake. It held thla tendency was "destructive1' snd that "only misfortune can com If thl policy I continued." Reduction of teachers' (atari, "al ways Inadequate." if eot)tlnued for any length of time, th eoramltta held, will bring th "passing of th. publlo fre ehool." After hearing William R. Trotter ) the International Typographical unloa argue that member of th American Newspaper Publisher1 association are "exploiting" children, th convention unanimously adopted resolution urging local labor organisation to work unoeaslngly for ratification by th statea of th child labor constitu tional amendment. Trotter recalled that NRA codes era temporary and that th conatltutlbnal amendment must b adopted to out law child labor for all tlm. 4 E SHATTL1, Octe. 11 (UP) Mr. Bybll Earn Spreckel. wife of Adolph B. Spreckele, member of th wealthy California sugar family, wa granted divorce from her husband late yes terday on ground of desertion. Mr. Spreckel wa given 838.800 year alimony and custody of than daughter, Barbara. Sh testified Spreckel left her oa many occasions, saying b would never return. Spreckel recently moved to Sunn, Or., and I bow in Chicago attending th national out boar! motor boat race, la which he ha entered boat. Meteorological Report Oct. 11. 188. Forecast. Medford end vicinity: Fair tonight and Thursday. Ho change la tem perature. Oregon: Fair tonight and Thurs day, but morning valley fog was portion. He change la temperature. Local Oat. Temperature year ago ted ay: Highest, 81; lowest, 88. Total monthly precipitation, aon. Deficiency for th month, 0M la. Total precipitation sine Septem ber I, 1888, 0.81 lnchee. , Deficiency for the season 0.4 Inch. Relative humidity at 8 p. m. yee- terday, lg per cent! a. at. today. 11 per cent. Tomorrow: Sunrls. 8:30 ., m. Sunset, 8:38 p. m. Observation Taken at A. M, 130 Meridian Tim Loa Angste MEDFORD N'.w Orleans New Tork Omaha Phoenix Portland , Reno Roaeburg . Salt Lek . San Francisco . Seattle . Spokane Walla walla 78 Washington, D.O. 8 44 (near it is q f "s 8: 1 t " f'Mr'l Boston 88 80 P. Cdy. Cheyenne 84 88 Clear Chicago S8 83 .18 Clear Eureka . 84 80 .01 Rain Hrlena - , 88 84 Clear 84 80 Cloudy 88 48 Clear 78 84 Clear 84 80 dear 78 48 Clear 88 84 Clear 88 4 ClouAy 83 44 Cler . 73 40 Clear 78 48 Clter 84 88 Cloudy 88 80 Cloudy 78 88