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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1933)
irEDFCRD MAIL TRTBTJNT:, M"ET)FORD, OREGON. TTTF.SD AY, OCTOBER 3, 1933. CRATER HAY EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES LOS ANGELES BUILDINGS N-R-A Member - if lit VtfwJtK Iff t PXGE ETOHT i N-R-A Member I TOCOSTS100.000 Medford to Elk Creek Work to Begin Early Next Year Is Word Will Give Em ployment to Many Men Th Stat Highway eommlMlon will spend In the nlghborhood or 1100, 000 on resurfacing the Crater lake highway from Medford to Elk creek, tuainninff iiariv next vear and the work will b conducted o aa not to Interfere with travel to the lake. Thia work will furnish employment rnp & l.rm number of men and la a part of the ad.000,000 allotted to Oregon by the federal government. At the meeting of the commission Thureday, blda will be opened for the 185 mlloa from fJttle Butte rrcek, near Eagle Point to Elk creek. ' Of thia 13.5 rnllea will be widened to 30 feet and the other 3 mlloa win only be 18 feet wide, the road bed not being aufflclent to carry a 20 foot pavement. Ten mllea will have one and a quarter Inches of bltullthic resurfacing and 8.5 mllca will hnvc 8-lnch resurfacing. At the October 28 meeting the commission will also open bids for the 10 mllea from Medford to Little Butte creek. The roadbed on thia sec. tlon will only carry 18-foot pavement, the same aa It la now and the re surfacing will be only a quarter-Inch thick. The Highway commission la atlll hopeful of reaching an agreement with the Southern Paclflo so work ton the underpass crossing at Ashland, carrying 60.000 can be started this fall. In the allotment for southern Ore gon, there la $78,600 for five bridges, two on the Wllllama creek road across Wllllama and Applegate rivers, one on the Medford-Provost wad across the Applegate, three on the Paclflo highway north of Medford cross Griffin, Jackson and Sardine creeks. All of these contract would be re duced should Portland succeed In se curing part of the allotmenta made for roads outside of Multnomah county, but It Is believed the gov ernment will sustain the allotmenta made by the highway commission and the federal bureau of public roads, Engineer Wm. Lynch of Portland. UTILE 'ADOLPH' DEAD; ANOTHER VICTIM OF LOCAL DOG POISONER little "Adolph" U desd. And fcn other crime hw been added to the list perpetrated In this city during the past few days by a dog poisoner or poisoners, O. O. Horner, owner of the little white spits, reported to police yesterday. Leaving hi home at 610 Taylor street, "Adolph" headed toward Van couver for a walk, yesterday morn ing. He returned about 30 minutes later, having spasms. The dog was rushed to Pr. D. W. Stone, but died on Che way. He was an Intelligent and friendly little dog, his master stated today, and every effort will be exerted to apprehend the malic ious person who ended his life by feeding him strychnine. The dog is the third given strych nine during the past week In Med ford. The Jackson County Humane society la offering a reward of 9100 to any person producing Information leading to the apprehension and con viction of the poisoner In any one of the three esses, and urges the co operation of the public In ending this vicious practice. WltMn the next day or two con struction will start on the new brick administration and residence build ing at the Sink 1 you Memorial park, according to announcement. Dr. R. P, Mortensen and family will reside In the homme. The residence will be of two story English design, and will be curried out In plans to harmonies with the entrance to the park. Architectural plans were made by Leslie Van Doren and L. 8. Hicks has the building contract. 3 s"f,rf ft kii...v I 9 ' --: if-,"' 4m ' i f- ft , 'it Je4' I Shock was said to have caused the death of one woman while about 12 persona were Injured by falling brlcke and mortar In Los Angelea in an early morning eartnquaKe. Tne lower pnoto anowa mo police department building In the center of the downtown district. A woman waa Injured here by falling bricks. At too: damage to buildings in the residential district. (Associated Press Photos) WILL MEET IN E RIVER OCT. 7 Annual meeting of the First Dis trict Federation of Women'a clubs of Oregon will be held In the Pres byterian church at Rogue River Octo ber 7. The district was organlrad In 1013 and celebrntea lta twentieth an niversary next Saturday. At present there are but eleven cluba with a total membership of 348. The district Includes Josephine, Jackson, Klamath, Lake and Curry counties. Mm. Charlen N. Bllyeu, state president of the Oregon Federa tion of women's clubs, will be guest of honor and will apeak on "The Bualness of the Federation." Mrs. Genevieve Dick, president of the Rogue River rtub, extends an In vitation to all accredited delegates for the courtesy luncheon at the Prea- byterlan church. The hotel offera an attractive luncheon at a minimum price for other visitors, All women Interested In rlub work are Invited to attend the meeting which will be called to order at 11:30 by the dis trict president, Mrs. Wade H. Wallls of Bellvlcw. expectantly waiting for the first Issue. This publication, Dorothy Gore an nounced, will be out about October 13. The HI Times serves as an opportu nity for Journalism, students to try newspaper work, as well aa picturing school life In detail. As In former yeara, the business men of Medford play,an essential part In the maintenance of the HI Times. Through their advertising, funds are gained for most of the ex penses of the paper. With an able and willing staff, and faculty advisers, Doris Boer and Ralph Bailey, to assist Miss Gore, It Is cer tain that the splendid record of pre ceding years will be upheld. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. P. Prlntz of this city are the parents of a boy, born today at the Community hospital. Undergoes Operation Mrs. Lola Nash of Ashland underwent a major operation at the Community hospital today. ny Ilrlen MtWlllMcr. With a girl as editor of the HI . Times this year, Medford high Is! Hair Easy to Manage With This New Dressing Tf ynw have dry. UMrsit, brlttl1, htrl-to-mannK hair. It nsdn the new Lucky Tl(rr Hnlr lrMnr. This nmrvMouit prodiirt males th moat unruly hair ntny put." and Kiva a nnturnl limtr to Ufrlosn. sun -trled hair. It chocks dmulruff and makes it nny to ilrcn ttia hnlr In any don I rod sty Id, yot Is not stlrkv or Bronzy. After a shampon, swimming or undtu cxpomird to sun or wind. It should bo usrd. n It supplied the ndronnnry olla thut have bcn wah'd or dilM out. For a hmilthy eoalp ni"l beautiful lintr m Lucky- Tiber's Thrcs Ttnwlc Product Lm-kv Tier Hnlr Tonlo foi dandruff and scalp irritations Luckv Tliror Mnttlc Shampoo for rlrrin hnlr and H'slp l.uckv Tlirfr llnlr Prcftalnic for ltflom, dry, un ruly hnlr. At rtruK stores and bur bsr shops, Muiicy back guarantee. vm Hr vethltt m4 fHt '4 vm Chandlu Returns On KMED each Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Above Bhows Gayne Whitman (Chanclu). Margaret Mao Donald (Dorothy Regent), Bob Blxby (Bobby Regent), and Betty Webb (Betty Lou Regent) as principal charae ters In Chandu the Magician. OTHER NEW KMED FEATURES "Eb and Zeb" funniest team on the air Daily 10:15 A.M. "Cecil and Sally" Children's feature Daily 8:00 P.M. "The Hawk" Thrilling Adventure Nightly-7:00 P.M. K Pv3 E E Reach For The Joy of Living With Radio The First Wednesday in the 23rd Anniversary Sale Brings Added Bargains To the Thrifty Shoppers of Medford and Vicinity ... It Pays To Shop at Mann's IMMMIIIIIMIMMtMlllltllM I 23rd Anniversary Sale of Winter Coats $ 1 923 Anniversary Sale of BLOUSES The 23rd Anniversary Sale of Women's and Misses' win ter Coats offers you the greatest coat value In the history of this store. New all wool Bilk lined, fur trimmed coats for 919.23. Coats equal to any 925 coat on the market. They come in Pall and Wtnter'a smart est shades and In sizes for the Miss or Matron. Anniversary Sale of DRESSES The Anniversary Sale of Dresses Includes this amazing group at 94.23 each, consisting of fine quality rayon prints and solid shades In sizes 14 to 62. These dresses are Imply Ideal for that extra Pall frock, for school, business or street wear. They are In the new dark shades. Regular 95.75 value. Anniversary gale of 75 new Rayon Walsta at 92.23 each. In this assortment are plain shades, checks, stripes and novelty pkalds. A beautiful wash rayon .watst of fine qual ity at a very low price. $423 $223. Anniversary Sale of Girls' Wash Dresses $123 The Anniversary Sale Is the Children's department offers 100 new wash dresses for girls from 7 to 18 years of age. Every one of these dresses are well made from tub-fsat cottons In assorted patterns. A marvelous dress for school wear. See them tomorrow at Mann's. MANN'S SECOND FLOOR Silk Scarfs & Ties Anniversary Sale of all silk scarfs and ties at 33c each. These accessories are bias cut and tn Roman stripes, checks and solid shades. Your Choice 33c ea. Colorful Cretnne CHAIR PADS Anniversary Sale of colorful cretonne chair pads at 4 for 83c. These are regular 25c each. Cover your kitchen chairs this winter with these bits of color. 4 for 83 c Decorated 3 Piece Refrigerator Sets Anniversary Sale of decorated 3 -piece refrigerator sets at 93c set. These are the round style, nested, with covers for each size Jar. Regular $1.69 sets on sale tomorrow 93 set 72 x 90 Cotton BATTS Anniversary Sale of 2-pound China Cotton Batts. These are full bed size 72x90 and are the favorite quilting bat. On sale tomorrow at Manna for only 73 C ea. IIMMIIMHIIIi Decorative Utility Boxes Anniversary Sale of 2 and 4 compartment Utility Boxes. These are well made from seasoned wood, covered with .colorful cretonne. Mighty handy, for ahoes and other accessories. Regular 91-93. Your choice tomorrow at Mann's Kapok Filled Tye & Dye Pillows Anniversary Sale of colorful 16-lneh square tye and dye pillows at 630 each. These lovely pillows are kapok filled and have deep silk and wool fringe. The backs are rayon cov ered. Assorted styles and colors. $123 I 63 ea. MANN'S MAIN FLOOR Anniversary Hose Clearance An Important Hosiery event for the 23rd Annlversay Sale I A complete close out of Women's and Misses' lisle, rayon and silk and wool mesh Hose at 23c pair. Of ofcurse at this price you must expect broken sizes and shades. Values Up to $1.00 23c Ld J pair HOSIERY SECTION MAIN FLOOR Things for Wee Babies! WRAPPERS . SACQUES and GERTUDES Mothers of Wee Babies. We call your attention to this Anniversary Sale of wrappers, sacques and Qertudes at 23c each. These are made from fine oft flannelette in white only. They are trimmed tn both pink and blue. Assorted styles. (Baby Shop Mam Floor). IIMIMIMHMMimilllHIIIIIIHMIIIIItlltlMHMH 23 ea. I I MEDFORD S OWN STORE Anniversary Sale of Men's Heavy Weight' Outing Flannel PAJAMAS r? WW Anniversary Ssl. of Men's heavy weight ."Amoskeag" and other fine quality Outing Flsn nel Psjamas at el. 85 suit. Thee. ar. In three different styles middy, cost style with frogs and shawl collar coat style. Assorted psttern. to select from. SPECIAL $195 -L SUIT Sizes A-B-C-'D Men's Wool Flannel Shirts Anniversary Sal. of Men's genuine "Argonaut" pur. wool flannel Shirt, at 50 each. Thes fin. shirts sr. tall-ot.-yi from super flannels and come in gray nd navy blue. Pull cut SIMS li'j tO 18. $35.0 MEN'S SECTION MAIN FLOOR IIMIIifllllMIMIIIIIMII 3