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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1933)
II BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1933. PAGE SEVEN Local and Mr. Bon-nun IU Mrs. Curl Bow man hu been confined to her home 11 tali week, aufferl&g from t severe ooM. At Hospital D. T. Boyd Of this olty and Oeorge Klohols of Lake Creek ere In the Community hoi ptui, recemnc medical care. Moto to Medford Clayton Isaac and family have moved to Medford and are now aettled In their new home at 110 fripp atreet. Undergoes Operation C. L. Still of Beatty atreet underwent an operation this morning at the Community hos pital. In Medford Miss Ruth Maya and Edward Smith of Anderson creek weie In Medford Wednesday, attending to bualneas matter. Meet Friday Daughter of Union Veteran will meet tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in the Armory, according to announcement l&aued today. In -Grants Pan Ou Newbury, lo cal attorney, spent Wednesday In Grant Faaa, attending to business matters. To Visit Here Mr. A. J. Week of Los Angeles arrived here today by train from Portland to spend three or four days here visiting Mrs. B. C. Crowley. Taken to Court Prank J. Hlbbs and Paul Bunch, arrested for overloaded trucks, were tsken before Justice ot the Peace L. A. Roberts in Ashland Wednesday and fined. To Grants Pass A. 8. Rosenbaum. district freight and passenger agent for the Southern Pacific company, is apendtng today in Grants Pass at tending to business matters. , List Precipitation Between 5 a. m and 5 p. m. yesterday, .07 of an Inch of rainfall was recorded In Medford according to the federal weather bu reau. Prom 8 p. m. Wednesday to 8 a m. today, only .01 of an Inch was listed. Bad Wrong Plates 8. E. Snider was arrested Wednesday by state po lio on a charge of operating his automobile unlawfully with Califor nia dealer plate. Snider was re quired to purchase an Oregon license at the sheriff's offloa here. To Visit Here H. G. Wing of Dodge City, Kan., is expected In Medford next week to visit hsl sons, Charles A. Wing and family and Har old Wing and family. Mr, Wing has not been to Medford for three years. He plans to stay for a few weeka. Goes to Crater Lake Lieutenant Carl R. Armbrust, publlctly officer for the C. 0. G- headquarters, visited the eamps m Crater Lake national park yesterday, and reported a heavy rain at Government camp about noon. He stated there wa also anow snd sleet In the park during the after noon. Nail on Highway E. B. Ceeebeer of Ashland Is being held in the county jail, having been arrested by state police and the sheriffs office on a charge of unlawfully depositing nails on a public hlghwsy. According to officers, a large number of carpet tacks were placed on the highway, supposedly In a neighborhood fight. Show Lake Picture In the recent issus of the Standard Oil Bulletin a double page layout was devoted to a picture of Crater Lake, and attract ed much favorable comment concern. lng the national park. Yesterday the lodge closed, the end of the official season. Although the concessions have closed, the park 1 still open to travel. On Business Here William Cham brough, equipment inspector of auto motive mschlnery for the reglonsl for estry offices In Portland, accompanied by Mr. Plluso of the engineering of fice, is spending a few days in Med frod, looking over the equipment in the Rogue River national forest and conferring with officials of the Rogue River national forest. Leaves for Baker Bertha B. Wil son of Wichita. Kans., who has been spending the past several weeks In Central point as the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Rev. snd Mrs. J. M. Johnson, left this morning on the Shasta for Baker, Ore., where she will visit her sister, Mrs. B. P. Mitchell. Rev. snd Mr. Johnson ac companied her to the train in Med ford today. Seek Operator Ashland's city council is seeking a regletered nurse to operate the Ashland Community hospital. Miss Katharine Hsrklna hav ing notified the body that she will not be able to continue as manager, due to her health. Her lease hss expired. The lease Is made on the basl of payment of ISO a month to the city, either In cash or Improve ments to the hospital. Is the Time to Stock Up With BLOCKS and SLABS For Next Winter While Prices Are So Low TIMBER PRODUCTS COMPANY End North Central "A Good Firm to Trade With" Phone 7 1 Mashburn Here J. F. Mashburn, district msnsger for the Safeway stores, with headquarters In Klamaht Pals. 1 In Medford today attending to business matters. Attend Reunion Several residents of Medford were In attendance to day at the pioneer reunion in Ash land. Among them were Miss Ber nlce Cemeron and Mr. and Mr. M L. Alford. Mr. Howlett welcomed A wel come guet at the reunion In Ash land today of the Southern Oregon Pioneer association was Mrs. 8. E. Howlett of Eagle Point, who waa ao oompanled by her daughter, Mis Hattl Howlett. Mrs. Howlett, who will celebrate her 88th birthday with the passing of this year, is still en Joying good health and welcoming guest to Sunnylde hotel, where she ha made her home for many year. "I can fruit one day and visit the next," she answered friend who of fered the greeting. "How are you to day?" GET Ml AMI IN TIGERS PRACTICE By Harold Grove. With a plow-horse line and a pony backfleld, the Tigers are working hard on their fundamentals In preparation for the forthcoming season. The linemen are practicing charg ing and blocking mostly thli week. Last year's aggregation showed weak ness at the flr?t of the season in their charging and blocking and Coach Burgher la trying to remedy that weaknesa this yesr. The men on the line are Just as big and strong as they were last year, They will probably shape down to about 165 or 170 pounds average. Stub Oelm, guard and Bud Una ley end, are the two hard posts to flu Don Grieves, running guard, will be hard to replace also. The backfleld has been practicing pass defense, line charging, blocking and punting. With the exception of the line plunging Clyde Flchtner and Red Bcheel, the Tigers will be com posed of a light, speedy and tricky backfleld. With a heavy line and light back- field the Tigers should gain a lot ot territory toward the enemy's goal line. Klamath Falls la the main worry In Southern Oregon and Eugene high of Eugene. Ex-Oregon Quarterback BUI Bowerman is coaching the Eugene high backfleld. 4 DAY OF DEER SEASON "First day' reports of hunting deer were decidedly meager this forenoon, with but few local people in the hills with their guns. Tim White got a four-point buck about 8:30 o'clock yesterday morning, about 400 yards from his home In the Coleman Creek section. It was reported today. Glenn Brenner took to the Evans Creek country early Wednesday, and by 9:30 a. m. was home with a three point buck. Hubbard Bros, said today that five Roseburg men stopped In the store this morning en route home from eastern Oregon, with five mule-tall deer, all goodeized bucks. Considerable rain, In addition to more rain, was all that Raymond Rter, Ralph Stevenson ana Jack Moran found In their eager search up and down the hills in the Mt. Fltt area, they said today. The rtlo left Medford Tuesda) and returned last night, Bans deer. HAS SERVICE STATION Louis Jennlng.i, formerly county deputy sheriff, has purchased the CI overleaf service station and gro cery store at the corner of River side and Thirteenth streets, through the Charles A. Wing agency. Mr. Jennings took possession of the store early this week and Is making a number of Improvements, also In creasing the atock. Mr. Jennlnsg pur chased the suburban store from A. H. eBlth, who has accepted a position with the Diamond Match company In CM eo. Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Bleth left Monday for Chico. o o Persona E HELD INFLUENCED BY OTHER MARTS PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. Si. (API- Advances of V, to lo pound scored in local cube butter prices during the lste session of the produce ex change reflected only continuation of the bold the outside shipper upon the trade here. The aharp advance recently forced at Loa Angeles, which waa believed to be highly speculative and forced by those holding liberal auppllea of atorage goods, waa pri marily the cause of the boosted values here. The greatest rlea were on top and bottom score offerings. No sucft condition haa been noted upon the open market, which haa drifted more or less lazily for some dsys. Butterfat waa advanced lc along with the rise In butter. There waa a generally steady tone uggeated In the market for eggs with no change in price being noted in fresh goods, although here and there some recessions were noted In storage. General steadiness was suggested in the market for live chickens with prices unchanged. Light hens alone were inclined to rule alow. Good aprlngere were scarce. Very liberal demand waa snowing for turkeye. Dressed stock wss grabbed upon arrival and at full prices, while live birds were eagerly sought around 16-nc lb. for the best. Advance of 15c per hundred pounds waa announced in the refinery and resale price on sugar. The new sell ing price effeatlve Friday will be $5.15 for best granulated with oral nary 95 and beet 94.00. Just a trifle softer tone was sug gested for country killed calves. Tope were generally no higher than a dime with heavy aorta 4-Sc lb. Other meata about unchanged. Rather slow trading tone wss show ing in the market foi peaches with prices steady to perhapst a fraction lower when efforts are made to force movement. This appllea to all aorta. Livestock. PORTLAND, Sept. 31. () CAT TLE: 75, calve 40; alow, quotably steady, quotations unchanged. HOGS: 1000, including 600 pigs. Conditions appeared a trifle slow but steady as to price. Best light butch er stuff sgsln sold 15.60 with heavy sort down to IS and packing sows $3.76 top. Feeders were quotable again at 64 35-4.50. SHEEP: 1500, limited call, quota tions unchanged. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Sept. 31. (P)BUT TER Prints, extras, 33c; standsrds, 23V4C. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery: A grade, 30c; farmer's door delivery, 18c per lb.: sweet cream, 8e higher. EGGS Pacific Poultry Producers' selling 'prices: Oversize, 38c; extras, 36c; stanarda. 33c; mediums, 33c; pul let, 17c dozen. Buying price by wholesalers: Fresh extrss. 31c dor ; firsts, 18c; mediums, 17c doz.; under grsde, 13c; pullets, 13c, MILK Contract price, 4 pet., Port land delivery, 11.70 cwt.; B grade cream, 37', 4c lb. COUNTRY MEATS Selling price to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, under 150 lb. 8c; veslers, 90-130 lb. 9Vi-10c; light and thin, 4-6c; heavy calves, 4-5c; aprlng lambe. 10-10'ic: yearlings, 4-5c lb; heavy ewes, 3-3c; medium cows, 3-5c lb; csnner cows, l-3o lb; bulls, 4'i-Sc lb. Cheese, mohsir, cascara bark, hops, live poultry, potatoes, onions, canta loupes, wool and hay, unchanged. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 31. (AP) Wheat futures: Open High Low Close May . .83 .83 .80 .80 Sept. .73 (4 .73 !i .73 .73 Dee. .77" ,77!4 .75 .78 Cash wheat No. It Big Bend bluesteam .79 Dark hard winter (13 pet. ).. .80 Dark hard winter (11 not.).... .71 Soft white .69 Western white , .69 Hard winter .69 Northern spring 69 Western red , .67 RCA PERFECT SOUND Today and Friday CO NAN DOYLE'S Master Detective SHERLOCK HOLMES rev ALSO BATTLE FOR I.irf. MAOIC CARPET NEWS nallr Mat. 1:30. Eve. T p. m. Oats No. 2 white, 23 0. Corn No. 3 E. yellow, 134.50. MiUrun standard, 116 50. Todaya' car receipt: Wheat 65, barley 4, flour 11, com 3, oata 13, hay i. Chicago Wheat CHICAGO, Sept. !. P Whest: Open. High. Low. Close. Sep., 80'i 804 iVi 871, Dec. 3-Vi , fO't M May .S8-08',s 8 95 95 Ban rranrlico Butterfat BAN PRANCISCO. Sept. 31. (AP) Butterfat f. o. b. San Francisco, 31 -23c. Wall St. Report Stock Sale Averages (Copyright. 1933, Standard Statistics Co.) September 31: 50 30 30 90 Indl's Rr's Ut's Totsl Today 89.9 44.0 13.1 79.7 Prev. day .... 98.1 48 4 74.5 84.9 Week ago .... 96 1 53.7 83.7 88.4 Year ago .... 65.8 36.3 103.S 67.6 3 Yrs. ago ....160.7 119.7 319.6 164.6 Bond Sale Areragea (Copyright. 1933, Standard Statistics Co.) September 31: 30 30 30 60 Indie Rr' Ut' Total Today 73.4 73.8 79.6 75.4 Prev. day .. 73.9 74,9 80.5 76.4 Week ago .... 75.4 79.3 83.9 79.1 Year ago .... 87.7 71.3 84.8 74.6 3 yrs. ago .... 94.8 109.4 101.3 101.9 NEW YORK. Sept. 31. (AP) Fi nancial market crumbled under a flurry of unloading of both securities and commodities today. Stocks closed with a weak tone. 61 to 65 lower and around their bottom price of the day. Turnover approxi mated 3,700,000 shsres, the largest volume In several weeks. ' Active selling of stock and bonda waa reported from London, snd Wall Street concluded that British in veatora and apeculators hsd beedtne completely discouraged over Inability to analyze the workings of the NRA snd the prospects for inflation. In Chicago wheat fell back the full limit for one day a trading of 6 cents a bushel. Cotton at New York fell more than 61.50 a bale. Al. Chem. ez Dye 13614 Am. Can 80 Am. 4s Pgn. Pow. 9Vi A. T. ft T. 134 Anaconda .. 16 Atch. T. s B. F 57 ft Bendlx Avia. - I6?i Beth. Steel - 34 Vi California Pack'g . 33 Caterpillar Tract ... 30 Chrysler ...... - 43 Vi Coml. Solv 431. Curtlss-Wrlght - 3'i DuPont 7514 Oen. Foods Qed. Mot. Int. Harvest. I. T. & T. Johns-Man 3931 384 134 60 ft . . 33 17 46 IS'i 33 i Monty Ward North Amer. Penney (J. C.) Phillip Pet Radio , Sou. Pac Std. BraiWs , 34 41 i , WA 6H 48 , Sl'i , 477 St. Oil Cal. St. Oil N. J. ... Trans. Amer. .... Union Carb Unit. Aircraft . U. 8. Steel Fine Cast Appears In Craterian Film Cllve Brook, George Raft, Alison Sklpworth and Helen Vinson are co featured in "Midnight Club." plctur. nation of E. Phillips Oppenhelm's melodrama of that title, which opens tomorrow at the Craterian theater, The story is a breathless, rapid-tire tale of London society, upperworld and underworld, and centers about the effort of an American detective to break up a great Jewel-theft ring which haa been preying with lm punlty on lords and commrmera alike. Raft, who heretofore has always been portrayed ss a "public enemy" on the screen, la thla time on the side of the law. He playa the role mm fcnrti Tontte - Comtarire in "OUR BETTERS' Tomorrow: DILL BOYD In "Emergency Call" riared bf CLIVE BROOK with MIRIAM JORDAN The worm's great est detectlre matches nits irtttl modem orfanlzei crime. v l iijp I .'1 LAMSON CALM AT David A. Lamson, former Stanford Press executive, walking from the courtroom In San Jose, Cel., with a firm atep after hearing hla conviction read, carrying a mandatory death sentence. He was charg ed with the murder of hla wife, Aliens, In their university campus home. Left to right: Lamson, Sheriff W, J. Emlg, Deputy Sheriff Howard Bufflngton and Dr. Margaret Lamson, aiater of the defendant, (Associated Press Photo) of the detective. Brook, too. does a (romplete reversal of characterization. Always a "rlghteoua" gentleman, he la, this time cast as leader of tho ring. Mt&s Vinson la the girl who works with him. Miss Sklpworth has an amusing role aa a doughty duch ess. Murder Mystery On Screen At Rialto The ; ace of spades, considered so propitious to the card player, becomes a sinister calling card of death In 'Tomorrow at Seven." murder mys tery film coming to the Rialto thea ter next Friday with Vivlenne Os borne and Chester Morris co-featured. A mad murderer cautions his vic tims before he strikes by a Jigsaw puzzle of the ace of spades. After he strikes he leaves his calling card of death, a large black ace. Nell Broderlck, a crime novelist, seeking a climax to hla new book, attaches himself to Drake, a capitalist, who has received the death admonition. At the suggestion of Martha Winters, daughter of Drake's secretary, Drake, Martha, her father, Broderlck, two detectives and two pilots ascend In a plane to frustrate the killer. At the appointed hour, however, win ters la stabbed to death. The plane ia landed and all the passengers are treated as suspects by the detectives. In an eerie mansion In which they take refuge, the solu tion la arrived, at. SHERLOCK HOLMES FOILS RACKETEERS The moat famous detective In the world, Sherlock Holmes, stalks a des- Shows at 2:00 7:10 - 0:15 WORLD'S FINEST SOUND , . , , RCA Tomorrow and Saturday HE STRUCK AT SEVEN! til I -y'Jv it- . a- 7 fi 5 AT SEVSNU With CHESTER MORRIS VIVIENNE OSBORNE frank McHugh, Allan Janklns, Henry StaDfianson, Grant Mitchell ENDS TONIGHT Irene Dunne "The Silver Cord" DEATH VERDICT v M e t ' :SiSMk,.iis:JS, perate band of American racketeers in London in the film, "Sherlock Holmes," featuring the popular Cllve Brook in the title role, and now playing at the Roxy theater. The atory. written by the late Co nan Doyle, haa never before been told aa one of the best from the pen of the famoua writer of -detective fiction. 1 Heating costs can be reduced For complete heating service cell Art Schmidll 4181662. TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY HORSES FOR SALE 1 100 to 1700 lbs. Roar of 1140 Court St. WANTED Will pay cash for goud wood range. Box 13947, Tribune. FOR SALE Italian and petite prunes. Phone 7-F-14. DANDRUFF-, a Reml Mmnmom to Hair and San I p. f or Quick ReUmt Vme LUCKY TIGERS S Basic Products O Lucky Ylser Maaie ehsmpoo. In.tffor ftte und tx.utlflta rtn- moTM dandruff. Make nair soft, rich and Imrnncuiatf'lr rlnn, ImrimTet pannutnt wivtt. Con Ulna no frco alkali. O Lucky Tlnr Hair Tenlo haa eorwttnl Dan ilrulT and aoalp Irritationa for nearly two docatlai. Ona bottle) It uiualiy iuflV!nt and a tlnalo bp t! lea Hon itopa mUarabla Itching. O Lucky Tlaar Hair Draalng for Dry Scalp ami iVv anil Unmlv Hair. C.icea natural luiter and iheen, ehwka dandruff and la not Clear or trrea, Liraaaaa pair in muj At Your Druoflfnt or Barber Shop. woney-imcK uuarnnirc. Mnts ISO Eve tie Kiddles . ... 10C HIOH FIDELITY WIDE RANGE Who he was . . . no one knew! . . But suddenly, swiftly, he would strike I . . . This slayer who killed on the stroke of sevent 2 3 4 TOO LATt TO CLASSIFY CASH PAID (or men secondhand ults. odd soats. nats and shoes Will U Wilson. 33 N Front St. TOP PRICES isid for and nsnd fur niture Berrydsle ind Hand store 1603 N Riverside Phone ISO SXCHANOB I1S00 equity s-rooin house, close In, pavement, assess ments psld, for smsll acreage, mod ern house, close in: will sasume. No deslers. Box 538, Tribune. STRAYED Prom ranch on old Pa cific highway north. 2 white and 3 red hoga. welshing about 00 lbs. each. If found Te. O. V. Myers, 3!8-J. WANTED Pear plckera. Pair Oaae urcnara. Apply 1301 w. Main St. BUSINESS college girl wants board sua room in private home, with use of plsno. Tel. 868. POIl SALE OR TRADE 75 young B. iv roomrrs. cnesp. k. F. o. 3, Bos 136, Medford. FOR RENT 3-room house, furnlah ed, water. 10. 813 Summit. OIRL for housework for short time. wan at ur. Tnompsone office. FOR SALE .30-40 Krsg rifle with peep-sight; perfect condition. Hen derson at witham'a. WANTED Used bicycle. Henderson, st Wlthsm'a. GET YOUR Pall Coat at Adrtennea opcciai saie group or Tweeds and Dress models. Some with fur trim. Only S19.95. WANTED pew experienced pear pickers. Pay by the box. Heavy crop. Oregon Orchard. Phone Frank Sohuler, 468-J-l. ABUNDANCE SHRUBS, FLOWERS SHADE 11 CA Around this attractive dl luU modern, 4-room dltlon; living room, kit chen, breakfast room, 3 bedrooms and bath: good garage, cement floor; 8500 cash, balance In 3 yrs. See OHARLES A. WINO AGENCY. INC.. in new location at 109 E. Main. Shows at 3:00 7:15 . 0:15 SOUTHERN OREGON'S Tomorrow A LONE WOLF IN A DEN OF, THIEVES! . . . Playing the Game their way . . . out-smarting . . . out-maneuvering their suave leader . . . stealing his thunder . . . and his girl ! GEORGE RAFT AT HIS BEST. i Qeorgo I RAFT to cotch a ihief Hi W 1 i 7 'IV VV ' ll ; BROOK f A NwT, H A i Pollihedaithedi 'v ' mon(i,h'eo"c,,' 9felen J J VINSON jjf- J ff ? I A lovely thief... : ? caught by love! v JiilllPefrJiMnn :fi3 i tiftiic) ; ii tau. at 'ui.vieiti.i in ji;in ji MsaBBB 1 tw?j'sjpiw LAST TIMES TONIGHT KHV FKHflCIS niLS ASTHGR N STORMS MHMAK TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY EXCHANGE 160 arrea. 100 in culti vation. good buildings, fre nne; want small business or nrrf-ije. Call evenings before Saturday. It N. Grape St. PAYING DAIRY FARM Al stocked and equipped, 3. miles from Medford. free soil. 18 acres of excellent alfalfa, 6-room modern, plastered home In excellent condi tion, 3 barns, room for 200 tons hay. stanchions for 25 cows, modem milk cooling system, 3 automatic pumps furnishing water for stock and domestic purposes, all appli ance for complete dairy; own mar ket for milk; present income. S300 per month; S4500 down, balance 75 per month, including Interest at 6. see CHARLES A. WINO AGENCY. INC., In new location at Li'.'fAaJ, See the Elgin National Stock Car Road Race Thrills A plenty FORD V-8 WINS COMING Friday and Saturday i Mats. . Eves. . Kiddles 3M 3M KM FINEST THEATRE and Saturday nnc n-Bjjai .navrwrswaRTti-TTVBssSslSBWtsMBi r