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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1933)
PAGE NTNE You Can't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here MEDFORD MATT, TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TJJURSDAT, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad Wun to Mil rout noma Want to get rid ol tew odd ana snda In household fumishingv 00 TOU OMd tOOll tot rout gar den? - An inexpensive want-Ao in the Itei) tribune Classified Page will find the answer tc these and many otbet perplexing oxoblems. rbre Are the Rates: Per word tint insertion ' .. at (Minimum 35c) Caen additional Inaartton, pet word ' (Minimum too) Per line pet month, without oopy ehangee H-M 75 Phone LOST AND FOUND LOST 430 in currency, possibly In Mann's. Return to owner. Tribune office. Reward. LOST II dog missing, call 1516. LOST Horu-rlm glasses Monday night between Sacred Heart hos pital and Riverside. Please return to Mall Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced waitress; must be able to type; must have refer encee. Diamond Cafe. WANTED Girl or woman to do housework and cooking. Hours 7 a. m. to 3 p. m. Pay 815 per month. ' If you are not a good cook and a hustler don't apply. Mrs. Joe Thomas. 333 So. Holly St. W ANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED ong poems and melodies to arrange for publication and Ra dio Broadcasting, copyrignta se cured. Height Song Service, 318 Liberty Bldg. WANTED Best car 20 cash. Everette Court, No. 1, W. 11th and Peach. WILL PAY CASH for 60 to 75 ewee, not over A years old; also one or two good cows, uive price ana aescrip tlon. Box 13649. Tribune. WANTED To lease small dairy farm or - ranch, on shares or wages, by man and wife. John Stevenson, Wlldervllle, Ore. WANTED Wool. hldb and pelts; pre. mlum price for lamb's wool. Med ford Bargain House, 37 N. Grape. Pltone 1063. WANTED Pasture lor cows, also want saddle horae. Chester Wendt. WANTED Laundry completely fin ished, so lb. Also day work, Tel 4-F-3. WANTED Laundry completely fin lahed. So lb. Phone 4-P-2. WANTED Modern house to rent, 8 bedrooms, walking distance to courthouse. Phune 117-J. WANTED White Leghorn pullets Give description and price. Box 133, Butte Palls, Ore. WOULD LEASE email herd Guernsey cows to party with feed. H. B Howell, Rt. 3. Grant Pass. HAT GRINDING A specialty Brown tn nay gnntiei. xo so. central. PHONE 969-R. Have your furniture reupboisierea, regiued. reiimsned Tnlbauic. JUNE, WANTED We pay cash tor JUNK BATTERIES RADIATORS. ALUMINUM BRASS. COPPER A) unk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 17 No. Grape ' Tel 1063 WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or what have you. Medlord Bargain House. 37 N. Grape St. Tel low. WANTED Listings of valley bomea m exchange for choloe Cal property atapte tteaity CO.. Abhlena. FOB BENT llOUStS H j WILL RENT 5-ROOM PART J 1 h LY FURNISHED HOUSE. 520 w N. Grape St.. to permanently employed tenant. Water paid. Also we will pay moving from oreeent location In Medlord. If you can get a better deal than this, show us. W. E. THOMAS, 45 S. Central. FOR RENT To adults, or adults with grown children, Ideal 5-room un furnished bungalow In first-class condition, close In; has built-in fix tures, heatrola, electric water heat er and tank; new ltnolelum on kit chen floor; laundry tuba, screened porches, garage, wood house, nice lawn. See property at 719 W. 11th and call first door west. Ready for occupancy and low rent to good tenant. 4 ROOMS, hardwood floors, flreplsce, very modern. Vt acres of land, 810 per month, water pstd. 4 rooms, larger than above, with better Im provements, on W acres, rent 817.50, water paid. Both placea on Keene Way drive, opposite Medford Public Oolf course. Union Saving and Loan Assn.. 45 South Central. FOR RENT Modern 5-room hou-ie. Phone 698-H. or call 403 w. Jackson. FOR RENT furnished: .Up-to-dat house. new:y garage. 205 W. Rth St. FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished house, close In. Inquire 141 So. Holly. .FOR RENT Completely furnished house, 411 Woodstock. FOR RENT House rent for carpen ter work. Box 12088. Tribune. For RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brows at Wall. fOB BENT HOUSES UOU6ES (10. 8120 and 816. watet paid; wood range Phone 106. HOMES FOR RENT Call 899. OLASSY modem 6-room ituooo. eaat front Cleat 63d Pine. POR SALE OR RENT tidney Smith noma turner West Main as orange Exclusive listing. W L Vawter Jackson Co Bank Bldg. FIVE room rarnlaned borne, lit Cot tage. KOB SENT APARTMKNTS BE comfortable tht winter br living In one of our unequalled 4-roora furnished flats; steam-heated. Frlg ldalre. tile kitchen. Every conceiv able convenience plus best of man agement. Rent without garage to permanently employed tenants. M7.50 mo. Holly Apt., 135 No. Holly. Union Savings & Loan Assn.. owners. 45 6. central. 3-POOM furnished apartment. 549-R. Tel. FOR RENT Apts. 535 No. Riverside. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment oomblnatlon living and dining room, sleeping room, kitchenette with .bullt-lna. gaa range, refrigerator bath and toilet. Heat and water furnished. Rent 118.00 per month Pbone 71 or call at Mall moune office. DURRELL COURT. 339 No. Holly. FOR RENT -MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Room 16x60 feet on Grape St. Suitable tor small busi ness Located next door to Mall Tribune Job Shop. Reasonable rent Call at Mall Tribune office or Pbone 76. FOR BENT BOARD AND BOOMS BOARD AND ROOM at 716 B. Main Ratee very moderate. FOR RENT FURNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT Nice clean rooms at Fountain Lodge. FOR RENT Furnlahed room, 313 No. peach. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 S. Grape. POR REUT Nicely furnlahed sleep. in a rooms with oath room orm- legea. garage. 10 pet month. 636 so Rlveraiae. POR RENT Attractive rooms, good board at 14 Oottage. FOR EXCHANGE HAY near Phoenix to trade for what have you. A. D. Perdue, Rt. 1, Box 256, Midway road. Central Point. FOR SALE Saddle mare, or trade for cow. Laying hena and aprlng tur keys. Third house soutn Fair grounds, Pacific highway. FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 heed work and saddle horses. Tel. 838-R. FOR SALE or TRADE Young pure bred brown Swiss bull. Tel. 417. WANT LIVESTOCK Will trade equity in a-room bouse, jxcellent location box 1063c Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedan In good condition, for truck. Phone 697.R-1. J ROOM modern borne bath laundry trar screened porch, bullt-lna gar age shade and taut trees; 8700 eauity for car, aoreaxe cabin site or . what have you Phone 1538-L- or write Box 13337 Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good sound work horse. 1400 lbs. 7 years old Walter Jones. 3nd bouse below bridge. So. Ashland. FOB EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or TRADE Equity In 400-ecre ranch, 50 -acres creek bot tom land, 15 acrea alfalfa, balance pasture and wood. All farming and wood-cutting equipment go with place; also 7 head good dairy stock and team. Ten miles from Medford. Will consider real estate In or near Medford. Box 13622, Tribune. FOR SALE, TRADE OR LEASE 10- cabin auto camp at Alturaa. Cal. Big Fines Lbr. Co.. Medford. Ore, TO EXCHANGE Nice little borne In . Bend. Ore., clear for something clear In Medford or Ashland. Prefer small acreage. What have you. 155 7th St. Asniana. , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cheap. 3 or 3 acrea In truck garden, A No. 1 Bear creek bottom soli, abundance of well water for Irrigation: 2-room shack A bargain. Second white house from crossroads on old Midway ruao. Airs. ueo. eueage. - A MODERN Home st a sacrifice price 5 rooms. Central Point. Faber Agency. WHEN you think of real estate, think or Brown it White. FOR SALE HOMES FOP SALE New 6-room modern house In Eugene, will sacrifice. Inquire 1129 Nlant.o St., Medford FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES, FOR SALE '29 Plymouth sedsn. No deslers. Call alter 6 p. m., 615 W, becond. FOR SALE Latest model Chevrolet sedan, guaranteed like new; very small mileage. Take car In trade and arrange terms.. Address Box 13642. Tribune. BARGAINS IN GOOD USED CARS Liberal Trsdes and Terms 1930 Butck Spt. Coupe. 1930 Chrysler 70 Brougham 1929 Chev. Coupe. 1929 Chev. Sedan. 1929 Chev, 4 Coupe. 1931 Chrysler 8 Conv. Co. 128 Packard Sedan. 1929 Ford Roadster. BUY NOW! ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 38 N Riverside. FOR SALE One Federal truck, one Buick sedan, cheap. Call 530 Central. For Sale Ml'SICAL INSTRUMENTS BEAUTIFUL old nqiiare grand piano, fin. m.V. S4V R.Mwln piano Ghoppe, 2 So. O.-sp. fOB 8 ALB LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Registered Shropshire rams and ram lambs. I. A. Salade, Jr.. Central Point. POR SALE 4 young cows and wagon, 637 Pine. POR SALE 30 Duroca: .weigh sbout 140 lbs; smooth and gaining. Harry Barr, Jacksonville R. P. O. POR SALE 100 abeep. Pbone 41T. POR 8ALB DOGS AND PETS POR SALE Cocker spaniels 4 mos old, and roller canarlea. Jackson ville. Phone 173. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS EXTRA PANCT ELBERTA peaches. Extreme east end Spring St., tnen south to first house. Charlea E. Rose. POR SALE Come in, Damson plums. Italian prunes. P. S. carpenter. Jacksonville highway. POR SALE Italian prune. Phone 7-F-4. OUNS for sale or trade. Riverside. SATSUMA PLUMS for sale cheap For particulars Phone 545-1. FOR BALE--Montag circulator heater In good condition, can aso-w after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Fresh salmon Valentine's Cafe. FOR SALE 100 tiers 16-ln. seasoned apple wood, large size for heater, ei per tier. Come with own trans portation, 4 miles eaat of Oold H1U at first bridge crossing Sams creek Riverside Orchards. Call Robert Park or Schuyler Shanklln. FOR SALE Cheap, one electric grind ing machine, -n.p. motor, grina lng wheels and tools. Box 13648, Tribune. TWO train tickets to Portland, good until sept. 13, as each. 337 Mae St. PRESSURE water system for deep well, complete. A real bargain s. R. White Machinery, pnone 31 APPLES, plums, Tuscan cling peaches, uagiey urcnara, raient. GOOD used sheet metal, suitable for siding or roofing on outbuildings, Brill Metai works. ITALIAN and petite prunea. Geo. B. xoung. Houta 1. pnone 1-F4. FOR SALE Tomatoes, winter cab- bage. broccoli plants. 1303 E. 11th TUSCAN Cling Peaches will stsrt to ripen sept. e. E. E. Foes. Talent. WOOD for hay or potatoes, near Trail. k. v. HKeuenger. Trail. Ore. FOR SALE Used sewing machine, all maxes. eo up; terms If desired All makes rented and repaired. WblU Sewing Machine Co., 34 N. Bartlett. FOR BALE Large loe box; also large yui.ii j-Hugtr. iuo uaaoia Ave. TUSCAN CLINO peaches. Ranch, Talent,- Ore. FOR SALE? Pickling cucumbers, all io w. Bth St. Tel. 1645-Y FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertiliser ana teaming, Phone 8 12-J. MISCELLANEOUS Authorized Frj?!dalre Service. Other mattca rep. Tel. 427; night OOfl-Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstract. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts or Title. Title Insurance. Room 3 ana v no. 32 North Central Ave upstair. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. Expert Window Cleaners. LET OEOROE DO IT Tel. 1172. House oleanlng. Floor Waxing. Orl ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Job Printing. MAII, TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant In southern Oregon. Printing of sll kinds; book binding; loose-leaf ledger, and blanks, billing aystenu, duplicating cash aalee allpa and everything In the printing lines. 38-30 N. Oraps. Phone 75. Painting and Paperhanglng. M. A. BUSS Painting and paper- hanging. Tel. 649-W. 313 6 Orape. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per cent per. month on un paid balance. No other charges. See W. E. Thorns, 43 South Central, ground floor Cratarlan Theater Bldg. Stat License No. S-157. Piano and Violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Pisno. Height Song Service. Arrange Ing, composing, etc. 818 Liberty B'Og. Transl ATT EADS TRANSFER & STORAOE CO Office 1013 No. Central. Phone 31S. Prices right. Servlc guaranteed. RFINKINO TRUCKINO CO. Trans fer and etoraee. W haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone 33J. . HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack era and movers special livestock moving equipment, prices right. xiversiae. i none io.-x. LEOAL NOTICES Notice. In th County Court or the Stat of Oregon, in and for the County of In the Matter of the Estate of O. W Palm (also jtnown as Charlea W Palm). Deceased. Notice u hereby given that the unoersignea. came Palm, haa been duly and regularly appointed by the voumy juane or J season county Oregon, ax th Exeoutrlx with the 'will annexed, of the estate of the above named C. W P.lm I.Ua known as cbaile W. raia), deceased, and haa duly qualified as tuch Execu trix Notice Is further given that all oersons havlnt any claims against the estate of the said decedent should present same duly verified in accord ance with law to tbe undersigned Executrix, at the office of P. J. New man. Attorney for aald Estate. In tbe Palm Building, in Medlord. Oregon, within elx months from the data of the first publication of thla Notice. Dated and first published on this 31st day of August, A. D. 1933. OAIjIjUE falsa. Executrix with the will annexed of tbe estate of 0. W. Palm (alao known as Charlea W. Palm), deceased. City Warrants Called for Payment Notice la hereby given that there are funds on hand In the .General Fund of the City of Medford for the redemption of Warrants Noe. 865 to 958 inc. intereat on the above war rants will cease after Sept. 8, 1933 Dated this the 5th day of Sept. 1933 UU6 H. SAMUELS, City Treasurer. Notice. To Whom It May Concern: nouce la hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Grant Pass irrigation District will meet Tuesdav. October 3, 1933, at 10 o'clock In the district office In the Court House Granu Pass. Oregon, acting as Board of Equalteatlon for the pur pose of reviewing and correcting It asesment and apportionment of taxea. This notice published by order of the Board of Directors of the Grant Pass Irrigation District, this 5th day of September, 1933. FORBES W. FOSBERY. Secretary. Eden Precinct EDEN PRECINCT, Sept. 7. (Spl.) This community waa sorry to learn of the secere Illness of Mr. Clarence Hunter, which necessitated her going to the hospital In Medford for an appendicitis operation. The Newberry packing plant In Phoenix 1 running full time and fine lot of the best fruit of this pre cinct 1 being taken care of there. - Mr. and Mrs. Axford, friends of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Miller, who have Yttn visiting at the Miller home the fast few week have returned to their home. The Axford were almost de cided to locate in the valley, but de cided that farming wa not exactly In their Una. Al and Jeff Bell were In Talent last Monday, where Uncle Jeff wa renew ing acqualntanoe with hi old neigh bors. Thla community Is grieved to learn of the serious Illness of- Mr. Ira Tay lor, a former resident of thla precinct. Uncle Jeff Bell, 91-year-old pioneer of' Talent, who ha been spending the summer with hla son near Klamath Falls, came In last Sunday and will remain In the valley this winter. Mr. and Mra. George Jackson, for mer Phoenix residents are In the val ley from Pomona, Calif. They will be here through the fruit packing sea son. Mrs. John Wolgamott of Wagner creek was in Medford last Friday sell ing her peaches. Mrs. Wolgamott has an Invalid husband and should have ihe patronage of those In need of fruit. Mr. Resenfurther, who own the former Hargrave orchard south of Phoenix, haa a fine crop of apples and pear thla season. George Carpenter, who reside west' of Phoenix 1 layed up with a broken shoulder caused from a fall from ladder whle working. An X-ray taken several days after the fall showed a bad break. Guests at the home of Mrs. Mary O. Carey last Tuesday from Ashland, were Mrs. Hattle Smith and her aister, Mrs. Emma Renfrow and Mrs. Elmer Smith, Mrs. Sherman-Powel Mrs. Mail Tribune Daily ACHOJ 1. Pigpen 4. Went down t; Crustacea II Author of "Annabel Lee" II, Paradise H. Part In a May 15. SIcX Is. Garment 17. Competent l. Flower 50. Wan 21. Tidings 25. Leaf of a calyx 31. Pertaining to mountalna In Italy II. Rind of fish J.. Fairy Is. Exchange 17. Anger II. Afresh 40. Letters 42. Fortification 44. Pack Solution of Yesterdey's Punle Rll BglRARErjwTgTt lu N eBia C e rEJe L Y BfR A J A C jrfjso ELSE yjSlO C I A B UE MlisTElRENEj Kl I NTjEjNfrgg STAR :A LIT A RfjS E T P U Nl A iT0UPEE,HS,U TOTHWA5DRU s1kIEe3SpRi ntEK3 lYWliEfNpsiTkNsl II. Object of dr 41. Small cup used II. Finished voi i on in culling err. Moor ciamonos 47. Tsll slender structure 11. Discover 14. Hslt 17. The berb sva 1. Went riding 42. Refuse a. Unit nf work DOWN L Small point f land ' M H" -a g j HI i3 . 3A MS 7s 3i 21 26 sHH li 1 21 3o 31 31 rip 33 M, 'A X 3j pip-to , M w II mWMmm-- SI 5Z S3 ',, S4 JS Si, WW. Sj "Ml H"l 1 1 H I Clara Chat man and Un. Frank. Welch. Mr. and Mra. W. U. Pole; and Mr. and Mra. Mitchell of Aahland were gueata of Mr. and Mra. Clint Hartley of the highway in North Talent last Sunday, Lawrence Crawford and a friend ot his cam in from Tula lake laat tM;u i day to take out fruit for winter c li ning. Ward McReynolda went to Klamath Falla Tueeday to attend to bualncaa In connection with hla work aa ex aminer for drivers' licence. Mr. Holbrook haa been cutting t falfa hay for Ed Jacoba the -at week. Moat of the Bartlett peara In thla locality have been harvest 5 end the Boac and d'AnJous wW be picked next. There la a fin quality c? eaffc of these peara thla aerion; the weather having been Ideal tc Wj out the augar In the fruit. Tomatoe have rpnd very alowly thla year and much of the green fruit will be lost unless the frost holds off latr than usual. Dr. Miller haa a fine lot of sweet Spanish onion which he la raising on the garden land owned by Mr. Mary O. Carey south of Phoenix. Mr. and Mra. Holbrook will move from the former A. S. Furry place south of Phoenix aa the place has been sold and possession will be given the first of November. Dr. Miller has been wiling a num ber of hla fine young ptga to per sons who want some good brood stuff. Phoenix PHOENIX, Sept. 7. (Spl.) Ninety attended Sunday morning service at the Preabyterlan church here. A new Society of Endeavor-waa organised for young people above high school age There waa an attendance of over 0 at the three societies of Christian Endeavor Sunday night. Service next Sunday are: Sunday school at lo a. m.; preaching services at 11 a,, m.; Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.; preaching services at 8 p. m. The pastor. Rev. Ralph S. Peterson, hs been giving character studies of Blbl characters. His character for next Sunday la Iaatah. The Junior Chrlatlan Endeavor so ciety will be reorganized. 1 Sams Valley SAMS VALLBY. Sept. 7. (Spl.) Last week's relief canning day ran over to Friday, due to there being more beans on hand than could be canned Thursday, Canning for next Thursday will consist mostly of to matoes. . Mrs. Loren Andrew arrived last week from Portland to spend several day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Straus. School opened Monday with O. W Ayer of Arago a principal. Miss Vesta Hall of Oakland, second high school instructor; Mrs. Ada East, up per grades; Miss Prance Wilson, low er grade. Th enrollment Is ex pected to reach over 75 when many who are working In the orchard will attend. . a Among tnos who carried away prices in th -H club exhibit at Medford last week were Rebecca Hunaley, Mary Esther and Etna Davis and Loval Dusen berry. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Maust of Phoe nix Orange were pleasant visitors at the Sama Valley Orange meeting Sat urday night. Report wer given bv the legislative, agriculture and road committee. R. E. Nealon talked on Cross-Word Puzzie s. Steal 10. Kntlre amount 11 Indumrfous Insect If. Tavern 11. 2xlat 22. Metal thrtr.rl 24, Breaks suit ' denly 29. Bucket 27. Land meatur 2. Rcttllnari 29. At a d I nance 30. Sheet of sitae II. Watched closely 17. Redact 8. A mystery 39. Oslt of a duck 41. First even number 41, Negative 41. Walk slovlr and heavllr 41. Married woman 4P. At any time lio. Resounded il. Evergreen Ira 62, Artificial lnt;ua(re M. Orow drowsy IS. One of the beads of a ronary M. Adult boys R E. V NTS t. Kind of balsam I. hout 4 Snake ... Commotion 1. Bird bak 7. Wa awar I. Caned for shipment Minnie Morrow Marvels at New Methods M..H is.mj wmmii 'J um ' m-jw. v ..i'MwwwMrw , ., u , i.n nn'"i""M' vr":"' rMvn I f n Na. iVJfw . ItV' tit I J v "ii Seeing 1 believing, especially when, all la technically explained by a lab oratory chemist. Mis Minnie Morrow, Seattle mod erne, hear all th what and why about a good gasoline detailed to her by Don O. Fisher, Jr., of Shell's lab oratory. the Importance of payment of taxes, citing incident where parties spend ing excessive amounts on gas while neglecting payment of taxea. Mr. Mauat stressed the Importance of farm representation In our legisla ture. ' 4 Renort 0 Sept. 7, 1033. Medford and vicinity. Pair to night and Friday. Rising temperature Friday. Oregon: Cloudy on coast, otherwise fair tonight and Friday. Local froeta In east portion tonight, Rising tem perature Friday. Tomperatura a year ago today: Highest 80; lowest M. Total monthly precipitation, trace. Excesa deficiency for the month .06 Inches. Total precipitation since Sep ember 1, 1083, trace. Excess defici ency for the season, .06 Inches. Relative humidity at 6 p. m. yea terday 38 percent; 5 a. m. today 86 percent. Tomorrow Sunrise Sunset 6:33 p. m. 6.44 Observations Taken at 6 1:0 Meridian Time. w 01 ty I Boston Cheyenne ...... P. CdT. Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Potrny P. Coy. p. coy. Clear Clear Clear P. Cty. P. Cny. P. Cdy. Clear ' Clear Cloudy Cloudy P. Cdy. Clear Chicago Eureka ... ... Helena ...... lson Angelc MEDFORD NewO rleans WM. New York Omaha, Phoenix Portland Reno Roneburff ........ Salt Lake ............ 8 an Fr a ncLftco ...... Seattle Spokane ........ Walla Walla Washington. D.C, BORE ORPHAN BOY SO IE OMAHA. !eb., Sept. 7 (UP) Petr ChrUtopolIs, 14year-o1d orphan boy, was back with hla playmate at an orphan' horn, today because he couldn't return th affectionate kliaes of th wealthy family which wanted to adopt him. "I tried my beat to lore them and did everything I could to make my self appreciated," h explained wist fully on hla return from Peterson, N. J., where he epent three months In the millionaire home of Mr. and Mrs. Jean Strenga. Th. Strews wanted to -adopt the boy because ha closely resembled their own eon. who died som months ago In a heroic effort to rescue a com panlon from drowning. They had seen Peter's picture In paper, show ing him with other member of the band and glee club at Father Flan agan's home for boys. Thoe tn charge of Father Flana gan's horn believed Peters training made It Imposslbla for Mm to return th affection of th Strengs. He had never known hla parent, who had died when he was only three yeara old. and he couldn't get used to psrental love In three short months, they acid. Although vapor pressure, octane rating, distillation tests and so on are necessarily discussed when talk ing "Super Shell," Mlsa Morrow says. "I at least learned something. After doing all those things to make gaso line, I understand why we used to pay three cents extra for "Super Shell." It' a real bargain today." KM ED Broadcast Schedule Frldiiy. 8:00 Breakfast News, Mall Tribune. B-.0& Muatcal Clock. 8'J5 A Peerless ParBde. 8:30 Shopping Guide. 8:40 The Royal Club. 6:00 Friendship Circle. 9:30 Morning Melody. 10:00 U. 8. Weather Forecast. 10:00 Musical Notes. 10:15 Eb and Zeb. 10:30 Homemakera Bureau. ' 10:45 Vignette. 11:00 Kay White. 11:00 The Orants Pass Hour. 11:15 The Lumber Jack. ; 11:45 Along Style Street. 13:00 Midway Review. 12.16 Radio Rendezvous. 13:30 News Flashes by Mall Tribune 13:30 Popularity. 13 :46 Monarch Melodies. 1 .00 Varieties. 3:00 Classified Edition of tha Air. 3 :00 Protective Diet Leagu. 3:10 Songa (or Everyday. 8:30 KMED Program Review. 3:30 Mualo ot Old. 4 :00 Cocktail o( Music. 4:30 Maaterwork. 8:00 Cecil and Bally. 5:10 Quartettes Parade. 0:30 Anson Week and hla Orch. 0:40 Newa Digest by Mall Tribune. 8:00 Medford Theater Guide. 0:10 Sports and Fishing Flashes by Al Plche. 8 :30 KMED Forum. 8:30 SI and Elmer. 8:40 Dinner Dance Music, 7:00 Th Hawk. ' 7:10 "When the Comet Strike." . 7:80 Billy Murray'a Melodeans. 7:40 A Tour of Ban Francisco. 7:00 to 8:00 Eventide. TILLER-TRAIL ROAD LOCATED FOR CREW ORANTS PASS, Sept. 7. (Spl.) Arraniemente for camp headquartera at tha Trail creek achoolhousa, half way between the aummlt and the town of Trail, to house a construc tion ciew until weather conditions no longer permit work on the high way have been made by the bureau of public roads, according to word received by J. O. Bromley, state highway maintenance engineer, Wed nesday. The road ha been aurveyed from the hAh summit between the Rogue river and tha Umpqua river drainage to Trail and construction wilt begin thla week when th camp has es tabllshed It location. Tha baa camp, located 8 miles north of Trail which la 34 miles north of Medford on the Crater Lake hlghwiy. Is on th Tltler-Trall sec ondary .highway and all operations will tn directed from thla camp un til conditions force workera Into low er altitudes, said Bromley. FULL TIME FOR AMY LIGHTS WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 (API- Secretary Roper has ordered full time lighting on the three principal trans. continental air routes, abandoning part tlma operation begun laat March a an economy measur. In addition, the West coast route, from Seattle to Los Angelea also will be put on a full time basla. Roper said today the program would requite 1130,000 fur th. rest OX this fiscal J ear. CLOTHING PIES MOVING UPWARD IN ALLDIVISIONS Cheaper Grades Are Taking Longest Leap to Higher Level Women's Apparel Showing Marked Increase By Max Buckingham United Pre Financial Writer. (Copyright 1933 by United Press) NEW YORK. Sept. 7 (UP) Amer lcsn are paying considerably mora to be well dressed this season. , There la a very deflnit prospect of paying even more a the season progresses. Cheaper grade clothing 1 feeling the more aevere price Increases today, but better grade merchandise 1 fall ing In line and the merchants expect Increased prices In that realm soon. More Increases Coming A Fifth avenue men shop today reported that a atandard 160 ault continued to be sold at 860, because tha aults were purchased last April before the price of raw materials in creased. But, the merchant aald, In Lbout two montha that ault will ba at least 810 more. This depends on formation and acceptance of th. master Ulllors' code. He said there are today few. If any, business ault at 8150 In New York but tailor re port they probably will coma back within a few month. They point out that wool Import ed from England and Scotland la now $8.60 per yard, almost the level It attained In the boom daya of 1628-39, aa compared with about 88 at th. bottom of the depreaalon. In addi tion, foreign exchange fluctuation la causing these price to advanc. Men To Pay Mora Today In New York newapapera there were two advertlaementa of men'a clotlflng In tha middle pric grouping. On advertiser Increased tha price of aulta and overcoat from 838 to 834. Another Increased th. price from 830 to 838.00. One bit chain of men'a wear ahopa, which la nationwide, announced a prlc ln crease to 833.00 from 817.00. Anoth er from 818.00 to 833.00. A .W. Zelomek, economist for that Falrchlld publications, a group of merchandising publications, told th United Press that clothing both men'a and women's waa between 10 and 30 percent above the "lows" now. He did not expect a marked Increase at tha etart of tall, lnaamuch aa wholesaler are stocked with gar ment produced at lower wage and cost, but said that tha Increase pro bably would ba ateady through th. winter montne into aprlng. people are buying, he aald, explain ing that his consumer' expenditure . index In August wa' 00 per oent greater than August of 1033, th. greatest Increase of one month over th corresponding month of the pre vious year during the depression. Among women's clothing, th fol lowing item wer noted her. todayt Sheer chiffon hos which war. sell- in at 81.98 per pair ar now 83.eS per pair. Drease which wer 813.78 ar now 819.70. Dress which were 810 are now 818. Hats are advertised as high aa 850 tha flrat tlma In several year that ISO hat have appeared. Shoe stay Low. Fait coat have not advanced ma terially and neither hav hoe. And th sam. situation prevail nationally. United Press offices re port a follows: St. Louis Men's ault 14 per oent higher: overcoats 19 to 18 per cent higher; women's dresse 18 psr cent higher: cloth coat 30 to 80 per c.nt higher: fur coats 30 to 88 per cent higher. . ' Detroit--Men's and women'a cloth ing about 38 per osnt advanced la last few weeks. Chicago Price about th asms a laat fsw month because, of stock purchased early in spring. Com panies expect price Increase with newly obtained stocks. Boston Men' ault and overcoat 30 per osnt higher than few week ago: shoes advancsd 18 per cent; women's dreasea advanced 85 per oent; cloth coats advanced 35 per cent, and fur coat advanced 38 per cent. Kansas City Shoe advanced 10 to 19 per cent; men's ault advanced 8 per cent; men'a mats advanced 30 per cent; fur cost up aa much a 100 per oent In some types; dresse advanced 90 to 40 per cent. - IE DEATH LIST BJPUCED IDtKBURO. Tex.. Sept. 7. (AP) Rehabilitation of th devastated lower Rio Grande valley near Har Ungen and Brownsville began today a relief trains from th. north ar rived with doctor., nurse and food stuffs. Tha death list waa reduced to 1 when newspapermen reached Browns ville and reported that no one waa killed there, although elx person lost their Uvea In Matsmora. acroaa .he International border In Mexico. Ten other war reported killed st Harltngen and two at Rio Hondo. Hundreds of persons wars Injured, however. All those who escaped Injury when the tropical hurricane struck lat Monday night and early yesterday already had started back to work, and th attention ot th. new arrival waa turned to administering to th. need of th. lesa fortunate. Real estate or inauraagi to Jon, f hoot 598. -leats at