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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1933)
PROLONGED HEAT OF AUGUST SETS VALLEY RECORD Monthly meteorological note tor Auguit u compiled by W. J. Hutch. laon, local meorologlst, show the month l rhftTAfcArlMX K Ana nf the most prolonged periods ot hot weimer experienced in the valley since the beginning of weather bu reau record In 1Q11. rvn m.i. mum temperatures from the 10th to ana inciuaing me 17th averaged slightly over 103 degrees tor the eight days. High temperatures in Med ford and vicinity are not unusual in august ana are w Da expected as seasonable, however, heretofore they have occurred only for short periods ana nave oeen more or less scattered throurh the month: A monthly highest temperature of iuo. degrees was recorded on the 14th. The 23-year absolute highest maximum ror August is 108.5 de grees, having occurred In 1920. The J lowest minimum temperature for the month was 44 degrees on . the 30th, 'making a monthly range of 64 de grees. Weather as a whole, before and after the hot spell, was seasonable ana more characteristic of local Au gust weather. Clear skies prevailed throughout with nnlv An iwvinnl oloudlness and very light rains on three dates. Precipitation was far short of the normal and drying con dltlons resulting made a maximum of irrigation necessary. Some light damage to fruit and tomatoes by nigh temperatures was reported. Precipitation totaled 0.02 lnchea, all of which was recorded on the 29th. light rains on the 1st and 18th being immeasurable. The rainfall season ending at the close of August biiuws a rami 01 ivau inches for the period and a seasonal deficiency of 3.18 Inches. It Is of interest to note as a comparison ,that the 1931-1932 season closed with an excess of 4.30 inches. This would Indicate that the past season was comparatively dry, or rather 7.48 Inches less precipita tion leu during the past season than for season preceding. Although forest fire hazards due to dry hot weather were extremely high! In the vicinity, the surround ing forested areas were unmolested by serious fires. However, smoke drifting with northrly winds from devastating forest fires In north western Oregon prevailed over the valley from the 24th to the close of August. Char, of Date Max. Min. Mean Pep. Day 1 90 68 78 T. Clear a 89 60 74 3 78 M 68 4 73 62 62 S 88 45 66 6 : 91 51 71 7 ! 04 54 74 8 95 59 77 88 59 78 99 60 80 103 59 81 ....101 59 80 ....101 80 80 ...101 60 80 -.108 60 84 107 65 88 MEDFOED MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFORD, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1933. Society and Clubs Edited by Eoa Nealon Hamilton Golf Tournament Holds Center of Interest Here. During the past few days. Medford society, masculine and feminine, has turned to golf and golf alone, and completion of yesterday's thrilling finals was followed by a definite wane in activities as golfers and enthu siasts retired to deserved rest. The cool trend of today's weather, however, la expected to revive In terest in bridge, dancing and dining. One of the mmt nlAAMAnt nhAAAA of the golf tournament was the lunch eon enjoyed each day at the club nouee, aicenaea Dy approximately 100 guests Saturdav. Bundav and Monday. and the getting together of golfers Kum tao various localities. Interesting visitors In feminine competition were: Mlsa Jan Cald. well of Seattle. Mrs. Scott Hamilton of Grants Pass, and Mrs. H. B. Bent ley of Ashland. Miss Caldwell, house guest or the . Q. Jeromes here, has also been the inspiration of considerable entertain ing during the cast week, sharlnn honors with Mrs. Ted Cragln, who Is also a guest from Seattle of Mrs. Je rome. Bunds? cvenlne. Mr. anri Mrir Ja. rome were hosts at a riinnur At. nnn. ney's Grill, arranged for their pleas ure. and attended bv 14 meats. This evening. Mr. and m. n o Alenderfer axe entertAlninv At. rim. ner, honoring the two fiAtt.i fniir and their own house guests. Mr. and inre. Konen Boel, recent arrivals from Chile. Covers will be placed for Miss L.aiaweu, Mrs. cragln, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome. Mr. and Mrn Fhal Xr anH Mrs. A. B. Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Llll. guests In Medford irom unicago, and the hosts. S 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mean . Total .-.102 93 .. 81 85 94 .. 96 92 . 74 . 72 . 80 . 88 82 82 ' 78 68 67 70 74 76 77 74 72 68 61 61 62 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .02 0 0 ' Clear P. Cdy. P. Cdy. Clear. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear SChOOl Plans MnnnnnllTa Interests of Many. nans lor onenlne nr a-hr,ni aia fOremOSt In thA mfnri nf manv mam. DerS Of thfl VOlinow AAt. fnta uiaalr whether they're going or staying at nome. Tne fan term will begin at Oregon State college and thA TTnlvr. slty of Oreffon ahnnt. thA onth an. a number of girls and boys will be going to campuses during the preceding days for rush week feativitiA. Among those entering as freshmen win oe miss HarDnra hauif riant. VttAi- of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hauk. who will attend the unlverAlt.v- mubh ..,- garet Warner. Lucille Llttrell and Mar. jorie rnytnian. who will leave soon for Oregon State collese: Mat nnrtAr who will enter Oregon and his brother, Bob Carter, who will attend Oregon State. Miss Mary Van Dyke Is planning to enter the University of Washington, and Miss Doris Patton will go south tO SChOOl. She nlnnA tn laava unn for Mills college. Miss Helen Pat ton will attend Anna Head this year. Miss Relnklng and Mr. Huenera Are Wed Miss Marie .A. Retaking, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A- L. Relnklng of this city, and Brnest A. Huenera. son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Huenera of Jacksonville. were married flunnv afternoon at a quiet ceremony at the uuuiv w ui parents, 1B13 West .Main street. The Bev. H. H. Young, pastor Of St. Peter's Lutheran cnurcn, solemnized the wedding aer vice. The bride, attired In Ahell -ink chiffon taffeta, carried a corsage of win orunner roses and was attend. ed by Miss Minnie Heuners as maid oi oonor. wno wore flowered georg ette of pink with corsage of roses. Roland Holmes was best man for the groom. The piano accomnaniment to i Love You Truly" mri th "n-M.l Chorus from Lohens-rln' vara tiIavaH oy miss Mueners preceding the wed ding ceremony. A number of relatives and Imme diate friends of the counl. ttAnnrt the service, which was followed by weaainar ainner at thA RaintHni. Hume, aater wmcn Mr. and Mrs. Hue ners left for a . honeymoon trip uirougn tne nortn. Tnev win mava their home at 1813 West Main street. Colonel Sargent Auxiliary to Meet There will ha a maatln. evening of Colonel Sargent Auxiliary No. 13. U. 8. W. V.. in the Medford Armory. Carrie AvArlli haa annA..H. ed, urging a good attendant Any one wishing to Join the auxiliary will wcicumea. ine ousiness meet ing will be followed by refreshments Gores Enjoy Holiday At Hot Springs. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Oor and riA.i. ghters. Beulah, Rosa and Dorothy, re- lurnea last evening from spending uio jiuuuay weea-ena at caiiv w springs nesr Alturas, Cal. They re turned via Crater lake. Hubbards on " Vacation Trip. Mr. and Mrs. Roland HuhbArd And children, Bobby and Lois Ann, left here by motor Friday for a vArAt.inn trip to eastern Oregon. . 91.9 55 0 73.4 ...0.02 Oreeon Weather. Cloudy and unsettled: local show ers northwest portlou tonight or Wed- ircouov; no cnange in temperature; gentle to moderate changeable winds. . An old ordinance makes It illegal " ssn a norse on the streets of Chanotte. N. C. HOW TO RECAPTURE BEAUTY I Good looks are often a matter of good health. Sparkling eyes and a smooth complexion are outward signs of an abundant vitality. To be charming, conserve your health. Guard against constipation. It so often brings wrinkles, sallow skins, dull eyes, pimples. Try the pleasant "cereal way" to protect yourself from constipation. Science has proved that Kellogg's .all-bran provides ''bullc ' to ex ercise the intestines, and vitamin B to tone the intestinal tract. All Bran also furnishes iron, which helps build up the blood. The "bulk" in this delicious cereal is much like that of lettuce. How much safer than abusing your system with pills and drugs so often habit-forming. Two tablespoonfuls daily will cor rect most types of constipation. If not relieved this way Mrs. Ironside Guest Of Daughter Here. Mrs. E. H. Ironside of Los Angeles Is a guest In Medford this week of Mr. and Mrs. Rnv towiii h.iHnn stoppea nere on her return home from 8Dendlnff thA Aiimmar In th. aa. Bk. enjoyed three days at Diamond lake wun tne wooams, returning to Med ford last evening, and plans to con tinue to Los Aneeles the last of the week. Mrs. Woodlll Is Mrs. Ironside's dau ghter. , fi Mrs. Plckel Home From Summer In South. Mrs. E. B. Plckel returned this morning from spending the summer In California, where she divided her time between Pacific Qrove and Sen Francisco, where she was guest of her nephew, Carter Brandon, and family. Mrs. Brewer and t Daughter Go East. Mrs. C. M. Brewer and dAiiohtar. Barbara, left this morning on the Shasta for Chicago, 111., where they plan to spend two weeks, continuing to Michigan for a short time before returning home. , I PAGE THREE REYNOLDS GIVEN LESSER PENALTY In a decision handed down by Jus tice of the Peace William P.. Coleman this morning. Jasper Reynolds was found guilty of reckless driving, and fine of 35 and costs amounting to $18.50 was Imposed. The court also said It would recommend to the secretary of state that Reynolds' driver's license be suspended for a 60-day period. Reynolds was charged with drlvtns- whlle Intoxicated. The court held that tnis charge had not been proven, but that the evidence Ahnwd Ravnnlria was guilty of reckless driving. The ibw auows me court to inflict tne lighter penalty. The charge grew out of an auto accident on the Jacksonville highway at Bvbee turn. Reynolds Mr want off the highway at the curve, and Into the ditch. The evidence showed he waa traveling at a hleh mt nf inaari No one was hurt In the accident. Rey nolds was returning from the Jack sonville Oold Jubilee at the time. and traffic was heavy. City Warrants Called for Payment. Notice 1r herhv afnn thaV th.M are funds on hand In the General Viinri af ta ri .a w. j . .... redemption of Warrants Nos. 865 to nuo uiv. iiiwreai on tne aoove war rants will cease after Sept. 8, 1933 uated tnis the 5th day of Sept. 1933 uuo 11. SAMUELS. City Treasurer UaSJ S ffiforaMaTI see vour doctor. aC ... 7 ALL-BRAN Get the red-and- green package at your grocer's. JIade by Kellogg in Bat tle Creek. A Representative of Grenadier & Macowsky San Francisco Will Be At the HOTEL MEDFORD Wednesday, September 6 with a smart line of DRESSES Grenadier & Macowsky frocks for STREET AFTERNOON-EVENING. Specially priced from $18.95 op. Call at the Hotel Medford or telephone Adrienne'i for appointment All special orders given personal attention. ADRIENNE'S LAKES DISEASE KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. (UP) Bsffled for years by a mysterious malady which made threatening In roads on Ana nf lha wa.t. n.iM.i..i forma of wUd life ducks man has not won on a unique rescue mis sion here. Deadly "western, duck disease," called that for lack of more definite knowledge, stalks the Tule lake wild life refuge and upper Klamath lake In the searing breath of a prolonged heat wave, according to Federal Qame Protector H. Worcester. Thousands of northern birds have fallen prey to an enemy far more deadly than a hunters' gun. aerms bred In stacnAnt. muHHv .Kaii water, fostered beneath bright sun- iignv. as inese germs spread with fatal swiftness, ducks become weak, lose power of flight and die. Cddly, this weakness, when nnt tnn far advanced .may be the lone con tributing factor tO thA hlrda- .... Worcester hss organized rescue par- waicn gatner tne stricken birds, too' weak to flee instinctively from their rescuers. DrOVeS Of ntntall dnrlra radhaaH. and Canadian geese are being trans- ferred from infected AM-AA 1 -..t waters, where they soon recover from wis, mysicrious malady. On the first day of the drive more than 1500 duck- and inn lescued. Sportsmen and other Good Samaritans have volunteered for sal vage work. As these men Ann. am t . the flocks from a foe thev cannot sense, science has taken up the cud 61 In their behalf. Skilled wild life biologists are searching for some means of ridding the preserve waters v -v uiAuguant germs. DELAY GRAND JURY REPORT FOR JUDGE The grand Jury renort. scheduled '"i i"uay, was postponed until tomor row morning, due to circuit .rude H. D. Norton being called to Grants Pass today. The grand Jury receaaed last Wed nesday, flung a sealed report to the court. Matters considered hv tha oTAnri Jury In Its dellberatlona Included the case of C. w. (Chuck) Davie. Davis allegedly engsged In a atreet alterca tion With JOSCDh B. IRndl Inhmtnn on the evening of Saturday, Septem- "v o. nut woros ana Dlows passed, in an argument over the ballot thft convictions. Johnston waa ..v and fell to the pavement, dying a few mlnutea later, Amnns tha a-ltna.-.. .... -.t.ta caamulCU OJ the grand lurv. were a man mil n-if. tT ' w a " ' who were eye-witnesses of the tragedy 'e W - I'e tO Hair SEEK LEGISLATURE POST LEFT VACANT Attorney William aTcAniAtA am of the younger attorneys of the city, associated with Attorney Genrca M Roberts. Is being urged by friends to seek appointment to one of the Jack son county vacancies in the legisla ture, caused by Representative Zd wsrd C. Kelly going to Washington. D. C, to fill a federal nottltlnn And the appointment of Earl B. Day county Judge. It Is understood that Attnrnav Xfe. Alllster Is favorable to the annnlnt. ment and has substantial backing. In the event that the governor calls a speelal session of the legisla ture the last of the mnnth t mn. aider relief matters, the appointments win oe maoe by the chief executive. Word from Salem la to the effect thst the governor Is In no hurry about making them. Fred Colvlg and Carl Y. Tengwald, 715.000 January 1, 1033, topped th nation's Inventory for that category of farm property. Broken windows glazed by Trow, ondge Casinet works. Studente from 30 atates last year attended private achooU in tha ih clnity of Asheville, N. O. well-known residents of this city, are also mentioned for the legislative seat vacated by Day. The Democrats have mentioned T. E. Daniels Of this eitv for the ni-inn caused by the departure of Attorney n.eiiy. uanieia. lor years, has been a valiant fighter for harta. In the Rogue, good roads, and other civic benefits. Heretofore he has shied at politics and Its rewards. Under the rulea or politica, the Medford area la entitled tn nn sentatlve. and the north-end of the county the other. The south end of the county has representation In State Senator George Dunn. Iowa livestock, valued at 197.-1 NEWAIDIN PREVENTING tffrT Catchina Cold P VICKS NOSE DROPS, and who did not testify at the coro mci a luquesc. Davis entered a plea of guilty to ballot theft, and aantanaa nn. that charge Is bending before Judoa n v Sklpworth of Eugene. Notice. School District Nn too nri.t... call for btdR fnr a hm .i,,.. .u. coming year. Bids to be In hands of clerk by Friday. Sentembai- n JOSEPH W T-K-.Q-rco Bt. 2. BOX 23. Hiddla Rnari Florida gives Its revenue from le galized beer to schools and divides taxes from horse and dog racing equally among Its 87 counties. With This Sh or..'rm,.k,fi;.5U(iin? veK.t.j after swlmmlni u""' ''ampoos, as to wind duaJ 5OI'nK. exposure be.rc1uldU.ntdTdv47ran,f'nflU'!n':"- J'roJuetsLucky Tla-.r i'T" 5"" Lurckd;ndrr,u" "ca,p " KuSss: clean hair and .'ln?ihan,,po0 ' .r allo'i. AL?y&-Z- LISTEN STUDENTS We will put your name in gold lettering FREE! on any article you wish with any 65c purchase See Samples In Our Windows Office Stationery & Supply Co. "YOUR OFFICE BOY" a Across From Rialto Theatre rJ ' . IT TAKES BTsgr: HEALTHY N ua - .,-..'' 3sm$&i( ,.r ,......:: s Jr , Copnlfbt. 1BU, B. 3. lUrooldsTolHUBo Company ERVES 132-MltESV-J ...AT RECORD-SPEED ABOVE CHARGING DOWN THE MIGHTY HUDSON to thrilling finish In the long race from Albany to New York, Mrs. Florence Bumham, brilliant woman driver, set a gruel ling pace! Mrs. Burnham drove her hydroplane superbly over the 132-mile course. flash by the finish line the winner... In the record time of 3 hours, 37 minutes, 53 seconds I RIGHT SHE TAKES NO CHANCES with her nerves. "I've tried most of the cigarette brands," says Mrs. Burnham, "but for a long time I have ' been an enthusiastic Camel fan. Camels, being so much milder, never ruffle ot disturb my nerves, so I smoke them all I want." "VVL NEVER BE ( racing champion, but I love the water. When I'm out on boat I have keen zest for smoking. To avoid get. ting my nerves upset and fidgety I smoke Camels. They keep right on tatting good even when I go In for smoking In a big way." IT IS MORE FUN TO KNOW Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other popular brand. Isn't this the molt im portant statement ever made by a clgaa rette manufacturer? Consider what It means. Change to Camels and learn that It's the tobacco that counts! bi Maiiji!a"j . I W4 men . i STEADY SMOKERS TURN TO CAMELS "I never would have been able to hold my boat at record speed for hours," says Mrs. Florence Burnham, "if I didn't take every precaution to keep my nerves healthy. As a steady smoker, I have tried most of the cigarette brands. But for a long time I have been an enthusiastic Camel fan. Camels, being so much milder, never ruffle or disturb my nerves, so I smoke them all I want." You are missing a new delight in smoking... an added safeguard of healthy nerves... if you haven't yet switched to Camels. Begin today. Your taste will quickly appreciate the natural mildness of Camels . . . and your nerves will con firm your taste bringing overwhelming proof thatCamerscostliertobaccoso'omakeadifference! HELPS KEEP YOU FIT