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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1933)
PAGE SEVEN You Can Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here 1 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOliU, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad Witri to Mli sour nomsT Want to get eld ot a fa ooom mo rods la nouaebold lumuoinjil Oo you need tools lot four gar den An inaapeneive went-AO ib the Mall rrlbuoe Claaeified p,, m find CB IMM o thas and many other prpllng prablem& Here Are the Rates: Pat word first inaertlon ( Minimum 25c) Eaob ddJMonJ Insertion. par word (Minimum 10c) Per Una par month, without copy obange lJ6 75 Phone LOST NU rOUNP iJlWohnson llSht twin outboard SS?, SotlfTS; r"Blcr."d MU1 holland. Reward. LOST Horn-rim glasses Monday nwht between Sacred Heart hos pital and Riverside. Pleaae return to Mail Tribune. LOST If dog missing, call 1618. HELP WANTED FEMALE " '.-.'L.'UJ vJninMl Backers. AP- r,iv from 8 to 0 a. m.. Bear Creek Orchard Packing House. C1IR.L assist housework, children: hoard, room, wages. Phone un-J- WANTED SITUATION BOOKKEEPER General office man desires position. Will accept very reasonablTaalary. Smith, Rt. 2. Box 188, Beall Lane. - - MAN AND WIFE wan position on ranch. Experienced. Riverside Apt, No. 33. " WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Immediately, model T Ford car. Pay cash. 1119 No. Cen tral. WILL SHARE expenses to Salt Lake or Sacramento about Sept. 10. Br 18536, Tribune. WANTED Wool, hides and pelt; pre mium price for lamb's wool. Med ford Bargain House, 27 N. Orape. Phone 1062. DRIVING to Paso Robles. Cal, Thursday. Want someone to share expense. Address 336 N. Bartlett. WANTED Pasture lor cows, also want saddle horse. Chester Wendt. HIGH SCHOOL girl wants home for winter. Phone 278-J. WANTED Laundry completely fln lahed. 8c lb. Also day work. Tel. 4-F-2. .s WANTED Stock to pasture: excel lent feed, running water: 82.00 per month. Ed Bechtel. Myera lane, near S. O. B. WANTED Laundry completely fin ished, 8o lb. Phone 4-F-3. WANTED Modern house to rent, 8 bedrooms, walking distance to courthouse. Phone 117-J. wanted White Leghorn pullet. fiivn description and price. Box 133. Butte Falls. Ore. WOULD LEASE small herd Guernsey cow to party with teed. H. B. Howell, Rt. 3, Grants Pass. WANTED to buy old gold, dental aorapa, plaoer gold Cecil M. Jen nings, corner Front & Main. WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or what have you Medford Bargain Bouse. 27 N. Grape St. Tel 1033. WANTED Listings of valley homee !n exchange for choice Cal property- Staple Realty Co., Aniana. HAY GRINDING A specialty Brown the bay grinder. 40 So Central. PHONE 969-R Have your furniture reupholstered, rejtiuea. reurusnea Thlbault. JUNK WANrED We pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES As RADIATORS. ALUMINUM BRASS. COPPER At iunk of ail descriptions. MEDFORD BARGAIN ROUSE 37 No Grape Tel 1083 WANTED Kerry Keen for Model A Phone 4.J8-JL FOB BENT HOUSES FURNISHED 5 -room modern house. 30. Can sublet 3-room apart ment. 137 Tripp. Phone 1382-J. FOR RENT That nifty little Spanish stucco cottage at 408 N. oakdale: 4 rooms, cosllv furnished; radio snd everything; W0. water paid. Key at 44 N. Peach. Phone 1473-W Available Sept. 1. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, east side. Phone 1658. FOR RENT Furnished 2-room apt., with bath. AlK partly turn. 4-rm. house. Inquire 319 Beatty St. FOR RENT House rent tor ca.-pen- ter work. Box 12088. Tribune. HOl'teES no. 113 to and 116. water paid; wood ran;e Phone 105. POl RFJfT Homee. furnished or unfurnished Brown Wbiu. CLAA3Y mden a-room stucco, seat front Clear 02ft pine. FOR RENT 4-room house, furnish ed or un. rnuhed call 934-R HOMES FOR RENT- sll 896. FOR RENT A well furnished a-room house. Inquire 811 W. lota. FOB BENT BOUSES FOR 3A.LE OR RENT Sidney Smith noma turner west Main s orange Exclusive listing w I. Vawter Jackson Co Bank Bldg. FIVZ room, rurnlaned bom. 113 Oot t. fOH SENT PBTS1KNT8 PURN. 3 and a -room apta. and gar. age. ecu w. 10th. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment, combination living and dining room, sleeping room, kitchenette with bullt-lna. gas range, refrigerator, bath and toilet. Heat and water furnished. Rent I IB 00 per month Phone 71 or call at Mall Tribune office. DURREU conuT 830 No Boll;. TOR RENT FURNISHED KOOMS POR RENT Nicely furnished sleep, tne rooms with oath room prlvl leges, garage. 110 pet month. MS So Riverside. CLEAN rooms, good beds and board. DeGrovere. 718 Welch. POR RENT Lovely large sleeping room, accommodate one or two, close In. Inquire 416 S. Orape St Medford. POR-RENT Attractive rooms, board at 14 Cottage. good ATTRACTTVB rooms 404 6 Orape FOR RENT BOARU AND BOOMS FOR RENT Good board, room. No. Oakdale. 193 BOARD AND ROOM at 716 E. Main Ratea very moderate. FOB RENT -MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 3 'A acres. 4-room plas tered house, chicken house, garage (16.00 per month. Charles A. Wing Agency, inc. FOR RENT Room 16x80 feet on Grape St. Suitable for small busi ness Located next door to Man Tribune Job Shop. Reasonable rent. Call at 'Mall Tribune office or Phone 76. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE. TRADE OR LEASE 10- cabln auto camr. at Alturaa. uaiu Big Pines Lbt. Co. Medford. Ore. FOB EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE Young pure bred Brown Swiss bull. Tel. n. 417. HAVE cow and some cash trade for used car. No dealers. us neiman St.,. Ashland. Phone 407-R. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8-year-old mare, 1150 to 1200 lbs., lor cow or two-way plow. J. E. Leigh, Eagle Point. FOR EXCHANOE 1',, ton Graham truck lor -ton truck, rnone Flynn Electrle Co., 107-J. WILL TRADE car, truck, radio for wood. Hlway Exchange, one mile south of Phoenix. WANT UVhSTOCK Will trade equity In a-room house, jxceiieni location Box 1063c Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedan In good condition, for truck. Phone 697-R-l. J-ROOM modern home bath laundry traj screened porch oulit-ins gar age ahade and rult trees: 6700 equity for car. acreage cabin site or what have you Phone 1638-1. or write Bos 13837 Tribune. POR SALE OR TRADE Good sound work borse. 1400 iba- 7 years old Walter Jones, 2nd house below bridge. So. Ashland. WOOD tor jay or potatoes, near Trail R. O Skellenger, Trail Ore. FOB EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE 186 acres, 100 acrea In cultivation: rich black, free eon. Fenced with Page wire. 60 acres free Irrigation. Some stock. Equip ped. Will take home in Medford and some cash for equity. Price 612.000.00. See Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc. FRUIT CANNERY, well located for . residence or ranch. Phone 557-X. FOR SALE OR TRADE 820 acres good farm land In southern Alberta for Medford property or acreage. Must be clear, owner. Mary E. Qustafson, Star Rt., Medford, ore. FOR SALS OR TRADE A stocked and equipped farm for Medford or Ashland residence property or small acreage. Address Box 33, Wil liams, Ore. TO EXCHANGE Nice little home in Bend. Ore., clear for something clear In Medford or Ashland. Prefer small acreage. What have you 165 7tb St. Ashland. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE UNUSUAL BARGAIN $700 53 acres excellent land on (rood road, only V mile from school: 15 acres in cultivation. 8 acres alfalfa, balance grain snd garden, excellent spring, water piped to house and garden, family orchard. 3-room house with fireplace: mower, rake and plow, fl tons of hay. All for 700. See Charles A. Wing Agency. Inc., ex clusive agents. WHEN ;ou think of real estate think of Brown & H)H 8 A I.I SUTUMOUIUiS. BARGAINS IN GOOD USED CARS Liberal Trades and Term. 1910 Bulck 6pt. Coupe. 1930 Chrrsler 70 Brougham. 1929 Cher. Coupe. 1929 Chev. Redan. 19J9 Chey. 4 Coupe. 1931 Chrysler 8 Cony. Coupe. 1928 Packard Pedsn. 1929 Ford Roadster. BUY NOWI ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 38 N. Riverside. FOR SALE 30-passenger school bua. Inquire Jacksonville Se-vice Bta, FOR SALE One Federal truck, one Bulck sedan, cheap. Call 830 8 Central. FOR IXK1S AND PETS PAIR blue love birds. 4 00. Beauti ful cage free. 418 King St. FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE New 6-room modern house in Eugene, will aacnuce. Inquire 1139 Wantic St.. Medford. POR SALE :New 6-room modern house, owner. Will sacrifice. Inquire 1129 Nlantle St.. Medford. 6-ROOM modern bouse. Rrlce 11300 523 N. Riverside. Phone 319-X. For Sale MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE Hamilton Grand Plsno. Very special price balance this month only. Good used piano. 160. Baldwin Piano Shoppe, 28 8. Orape FOR SALE LIVESTOCB FOR SALE Oslry cows.. Milton Houston. Ross Lane. FOR SALE Young horses, some broke to work and ride. Phone 334-J-4. FOR SALE 100 sheep. Phone 417. FOR SALE Saddle mare and saddle, spring turkeys. Angora rabbits. ?o Pac. hlway, third house on left 8 fairgrounds. FOB SALE POULTRY FOR 8ALS 80 turkeya. W. H. Orsn . dsn. Rt. 3, Eagle Point. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Tomatoes lo-lb. Bring containers. Second white house from crossroad on old Midway road. Elledge Garden. FOR SALE Cane mill and pan. H. Morse, Rogue River, Ore. E. DRAG SAW for sale: 3 bladea. Hlway Exchange, So. Phoenix. OUCUMBERS. out flowers, dill pick, les. Mrs. Dressier, 1107 E. Main. FOR SALE Lumber, garden plow, S wood ranges, 120 and $5: also other articles; 1 mile east of Pacific high way on Barneburg road, Rt. 4. Box 164. FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers, all sizes. 216 W. 8th St. Tel. 1645-Y. WINTER, cabbage, cauliflower, broc - coll plants. 1202 E. ltlh. FOR SALE 15 to 20 tons A-l Bart lett and Anjou pears. F. Wedge. 1 mile west Talent school. FOR SALE New 860 Winchester shot gun, cheap. 603 N. Bartlett. FOR SALE Peaches, apples, Damson piums. pnone D3B-J-1. Mrs. Luke. FOR SALE Kitchen, cabinet, solid oak, white porcelain top. 812.00 Call 845 West Second St. FOR SALE Tomatoes lc per lb. Cal- noun rancn, i mne . w. or pnoenix. FOR SALE Port Orford cedar boat. A-I condition. 346 Apple St. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-watt rebuilt Western Electrlo light plant. 6 brood sows, 6 feeders. 1119 No. . Central. . POR 8 ALE Used sewing machine all makes, 65 up: terms If desired All makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co- 24 N Bartlett DAIRY FLY SPRAY Kills filet and absolutely keeps flies off cows paa ture. will not taint milk 90c per gallon, bring own container. Jerry Barr. 4tb 6s N Bartlett. FOR SALE Large 'ce box; also large electrlo range 706. Dakota Ave. HODOEN- BREWSTER Poultry and Dairy reeds. Jerry Barr. 4th & N Bartlett. NEW FEED STORE. Buy at lower prices Jerry Barr. 4tb & Bartlett Phone 803. FOR sand, gravel, sediment, fertilizer and teaming, phone 912-J. MISCELLANEOUS Authorized Prlgidaire Service Other Makes rep Tel. 427 Nights 905-Y BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. MURRAY ABSTRACT OO Abstracts of Title, iltle Insurance Rooms 8 snd 6. No. 82 North Central Ave upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts ot Title and TIMe Insurance. The only complete Title System in Jackson County. Expert Window Cleaners. LET OEOROE DO IT Tel. 1173 Bouse leaning. Floor Waxtng Ori ental rug cleaning, specialty. ob Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in southern Oregon printing of all kinde; book binding; loose-leaf ledgers, a o d blanks, billing systems, duplicating c&ftb sales slips and everything " the printing lines 38-80 N Orape Phone 76 Pjintlnt and Paperhanglnf. M A BU8& Piloting and paper Banging. TeL 846-w. 118 8 Orape Money to Lena. WE LEND liONE? JN FURNITURE AND LATE Ml DEI AUTOS Three per cent per month on un pstd olanoe No other charges See W S. Thomas. 45 8 Central Ground floor Craterlan Theatre ! Bldg 8' at License No 3-157. Piano ant flolln Instruction. FRED ALTON HA.OHT. Teacher ol Piano Height Song Service. Arrang ing, Computing, etc 118 Liberty Bldg Tra. ufer. Ej-U6 I'RANSPH 4 STORAGE CO Ofllo 1016 No Central Phone 318 Prices right Service guaranteed. RF.INKJNG TRUCKING CO Trans fer .nd Aorage We haul anything ' a'. reasonable price. Ill No. fir Street Phone. 132 HAWLE? TRANSFER Expert peck er, and mover Special livestock moving equipment Price right Riverside. Fnon 1044-X. LEGAL NOTICES Sol Ice to Creditors. Notice la hereby given that w. the undersigned, have been appointed by the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon. Executrix and Executor re spectively, of the estste of J. B. Roberts, deceased, and hav. quail fled. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present them, with proper vouchers and duly verified, to us at the office of Harry C. Skyrman, at torney for said estate, at Room 109. Medford Center Building. Medford, Oregon, within six months from the date or this notice. Dated and first published August 15th. 1933. MARTHA o. ROBERTS, Executrix. W. BERNARD ROBERTS. Executor BONDED DEBT OF STATE SHOWN IN I SALEM, Aug. 28. (API Total bonded Indebtedness of the state was 655.880.010 on August 1, this year against assets applying against ouch bonds of 627,896.163, Rufua C. HOI man. state treasurer, announced here today. Of this sum 827,979.250 outstand ing bonds were charged against the state highway commission, 626.463.500 against the world war veterans' state aid commission: 82,172,760 In Oregon district Interest bonds and 6263,000 In Oregon farm credit bonds. Holman further stated that the as sessed valuation of all property In the state, as determined by the state tax commission, was 61.037,794.463. Asset of the state against the bonded indebtedness, slightly less than hslf of the bonds, were credited aa follows: Mortgage loans of the veterans' state aid commission, 630, 615.826; cash in state highway fund 62.679,033; city property of veterans' state aid commission 81.633,114; farm property of the aid commission, 6994,- 021: veterans' sinking fund 61.852,730; veterans' state aid realty contracts, 6426,949; Oregon farm credit mort gages reoelvagle, 6262,631, and cash In veterans' loan fund 61977. .10 A meeting of the Southern Oregon Mining association will be held at the Chamber of Commerce on Friday evening, September ,1, at 8 p. m. New activities and new plans' for the coming season, together with report from the delegates to the Baker meeting of the Oregon Mining con gress, will be the chief matters under discussion and aa the future activi ties of the association will depend largely on the plans outlined, It Is urged that all members and all others Interested In the mining Industry or activities of this section, either dl recty or Indirectly, be present. WOMEN STILL WORSHIP SHEIK OF SILENT FILMS LONDON, Aug. 29. (UP) Women flocked to Westminster cathedral yesterday to attend a hl&h mass sung for the late Rodolph Valentino, film star and "sheik" of the silent screen, who died In 1920. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Port 6. Light bed 9. Asiatic tea 12. Muito drama 13. Fuss 14. Mot a by short leaps IB. Foundation 18. Gives Solution of Yesterday's Puzils RAJAlHSHIEp0RB R AT E AP E A W E ER j E AR NE 5T gMAMHA L JjgE R I. E EPlisyMBEAgg DIR E ADS0WLET5 gPP T O V E. dW L I A G AMUTL EOiYET AF ARF USE ESQ i. B. 11 y I JL IU y A II S E EMBEDEaRlEKlElw IS. Kan?) ?o. obliterate 21. On the ocean ! lfi. American Indian tribe ' t. Sun 27. Line, uied to fasten a null to (he yard I it. Not here j M. Bill or placard tfi. Old word i meaning1 , ; taken away ' rt. Anar H. Attic of a barn 41. Female deer 12. Stair 42. bls-n of the zodiac 15. Stags plar 17. Buget In It. Compass point si. In behair ot It. Pertalmna; to a Ureck school of philosophy II. Dl.treis llanal aaamon 10 the primary M. ITnlt of weirht meaning 57. Reltalous oe l. Wash licluly nominations 1 r rr r Pff 7 r pr r r rs m. 1 W7, vm?,0 STaT sip 33 Hgs 3 11 ZZ!LZSIIil 1 30 j. ' 32 33 14 47 Ss" 60 51 ',', w7 1m-1 ' - MUf. -rr - Wm 7 5S 15, ' 'W',51 "' W'A Rogue River ROGUE RIVER, Aug. SI. (Spl.) Girls or the Christian church held a sale of home-made candy at Heath's grocery store Saturday. ' Mrs. C. R. Wlegel of Redding. Cel.. an old school mate of Mra. Sam San dry, spent the week-end at the Sen dry home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. San dry and Mrs. Wlegel enjoyed a trip to Crater lake. Mr. and Mra. Frank Greenwood at tended tile Miners' Jubilee at Jack sonville August 19. Mrs. Rslph Witt and son, Delbert. returned home here from Madera. Cal. Mr. Witt will hava employment for some time yet. Mrs. Oscar Shepherd la spending a few days In Portland. Mr. and Mra. Theo Nelmuth, Mra. Will Witt and Mrs. Csnale Williams were Jarksonvllle and, Ashland visitors August 19. Miss Dorrls Sandry visited the Qrlm- mett girls in Medford Sunday. Glen Smith, who has been hauling logs here, returned to bis home in Medford Baturday, Mrs. Elsie Grlramett of Medford was an over-night visitor Sunday night at the Fred O'Kelly home. George Martin, mail carrier on the rural route, has a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are building a new house on their little farm here on the bank of Rogue River. Mr. and Mra. James Wiley, Mr. and Mra. Reed Carter, Edward and Char lotte were dinner guests Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. 8. H. Moore on Evans Creek. Mrs. M. L. Hlbbard of over near Copper Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Bnker and family. Mra. Clarence Stelhl la Improving. but la still on crutches. She haa been suffering from Infection of the foot. Little Elva Love had her tonsils re moved at Grant Pass laat week. Howard District HOWARD DISTRICT, Aug. 89. (Spl.) Paul Nelson accompanied friends to Berkeley, Cal,. for a few days' visit with his aunt. His sister Gertrude, who has been spending the summer there, will return home with him. Mr. snd Mrs. Melton and son Leon have moved from Beagle to Berry- dale. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ayres and Mrs. McKee snd Marjorle atended church at Rogue River .Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth Shroyer underwent a major operation at the Sacred Heart hospital Thursday morning. Word was received this week of the death of Mrs. Pratt's mother at La Grande Several from here attended the jubilee at Jacksonville Saturday. Mrs. Conner of Otis, Ore., Is here staying with her son, Owen Pratt and family, while Mrs. Pratt is gone. Mr. Rhlnehart and family have moved Into a, vacant house on De- Bsrr avenue. BUI Wlthrow started with a crew of pickers on an orchard south of Medford Monday morning. Reld. Murdock Si Co.. canncrs 01 the Monarch brand Bartlett pears will be represented at Medford this season by Myron Root. Cross-Word Puzzie I. Course of publlo life T. Poem I. Musical sound 9. Play unfairly to. Rquln. animal 1L Paris of churches IT. Medicinal ubittanci - II. Coated wltu metal !1. A king of Judah 22. Weep rnnvulslvsly :i. i.di 27. Finish 2, NK.nlve 3f. favoured 12. OIR.mtlc ?J. Before "4. Conled cloth 21. Of the present day 31. Draws toaethal 21. Seat of the i;nlver.lty or Main 40. Money penalties 41. Expression of Amusement 44. Not hard 44. God ot war 44. Also Hi. Took a rhelr il. Half sms DOWN 1. Largs nail used In shos soles I. South Amtri rnn rlv.r I. Ships 4. Heather I. None: comb. form Valley View VALLEY VIEW. Au. 39. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lytle and Mr. sad Mrs. J. R. Mccracken returned August 19 from a short vacation trip through the Willamette valley and to Nrport on the coast. Don Lowe. Frank St rat ton and Ev erett Bceson of Talent spent the lut week above Wagner Qap, looking after and salting their stock on the range. Mr. and Mra. Paul Turner of Dead Indian are visiting Mra. Turner's father, L. J. White, and picking p at the Glasgow ranch. Mrs. N. E. Hawk and Mrs. L. O. Pen and are working In the packing house in Medford again this year. Mr. snd Mrs. F. F. Burk and chil dren, Ann and Carl, of Medford, vis ited at the Penland and Stratton homes Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Chsney and Hnrrv Lytle ' wero Medford visitors Friday. j Mrs. Bertha Glasgow attended a no hostess luncheon Wednesday at the, Ashland clubhouse, sponsored by Mrs Mabel Mack for the presidents of the southern Oregon clubs. Gene Amann of Wolf Creek recent ly visited Mrs. Glasgow and Mrs. Brandenberg. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leslie, Jr.. are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Jdlth Ann. August 24. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie and baby are at the Jack Leslie, Sr.. home. Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and sons. Joe and Charles, visited the coast for a few days last week, going to Crescent City, down the coast to Eu reka then across to Redding and home. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Chaney visited her sister and family In Crescent City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore of Ash land visited here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wilson are mo toring to Nebraska. Mrs. Wilson's father plana to return with them Valley View Livestock club met at the J. R. McCracken home Thursday evening. Mrs. Stella Morse, Mlas Muriel Morse, Jamie Morse and Harvey Chll ders are going to Lake o' the Woods Tuesday for a few days' outing. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mathea call ed In Valley View Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sawyer and young son visited Mra. Sawyer's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Galltln. Chas. Hoover of Medford was a business visitor here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bostwlck were Medford visitors Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Reed are going to Huckleberry mountain Tuesday, Sams Valley SAMS VALLEY, Aug. 29. (Spl.) Mr. and Mr. Ira Nlckola of Olendale were last week' visitor with rela tives and friend In this Motion. Ladles' club will be entertainea September 6 at the school house with Mrs. J. W. Blgham a hostess. Ths meeting Wednesday la due to the pa llet canning on Thursday. Bob Fowler conducted the fcecono meeting of the grain allotment pro ject at the school house Friday. An other meeting will be held Wednes day it on o'clock to complete th business relating to the plan. Mr. and Mra. Harold strati ana baby son arrived from Richmond, Calif., to be guests two weeks ot Mr. Straus' parent, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Straua. Miss Lavelle Kdlngton of Gold Hill is spending her summer vacation with her grandfather, W. W. Edlng ton. Another relief canning day was held Thursday with two partlea canning. The scarcity of beana prevented many from being able to take advantage of the canning day. Mrs. Dick Huns- ley will act aa chairman Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gates and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rowe of Elk Creek visited relatives here Sunday. O. R. Tresham and son, Roger, ac companied by Joe Dusenberry and sons, left Friday for the huckleberry patch to be gone week. Mrs. J. W. Blgham and daughters Misses Ruth and Grace, spent Friday visiting friends at Olendale. Miss Lenora Buckholtn and Mra. Katie Raasch of Goodhue, Mlrin., ar rived hre Friday to visit relatives for the next two weeks. They an nieces of Henry Holt and cousins to Mrs. Max Schulr: and John Hoist. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rowe are visiting this week in the Diamond lak sec tlon. ANDERSON CREEK, Aug. 30. (Spl.) Frank Casey was ealled to Klamath Falls Monday, where his sister Is seriously 111. John Bennlngfleld end son Alfred called at Jack Rledel's Wednesday Mr. and Mra. Jas. Msya and daugh ter and Edward Smith were In Jack sonville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oreen were out to Ashland Wednesday. Jamee Maya and daughter Ruth were In Ashland Mondsy. Mr. snd Mr. Frank Marqu snd Babe and Harold Romlnper are pick Irur pear for Jeff Hamlin this week Hteve Lunsk waa out to the valley Friday on bualneas. Sunday caller at May's were F. M. Center snd Mr. and Mrs. Joe Skeeters. Mrs. Jack Rledel was In Ashland Munday. Mr. Donlca was out to th vslley Frldsy morning on Dimness. Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Oalbreth and dlughter Helen and Jess 01 Tsltnt Anderson Creek SEEK HOOVER'S ? .v ' I '-la. V""" 1l ' v" ft (J mk Isiaaa. k' ; A n'l- Herbert Hoover will be asked to testify In the open grand Jury In. vestlgatlon of the closing of Detroit', two big bank. The decision ta ask Mr, Hoover, who was President when Detroit' banking difficulties reached a crisis last February, to accept a subpoena was reached after Senator James Couzens requested the former President's testimony while giving evidence before the Jury. The first steps in securing his testimony wire taken by Prosecutor Harry 8, Toy and Circuit Judge Harry Keldan, who constitutes the one. man Jury. Toy, Judgs Ksldsit and 8enator Couzens (left to right) are shown st the hearing. (Asso ciated Press Photo! were up the creek Monday on busi ness. Mr. Petri and daughter Margaret caled at the James home rrldsy. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sliann spent Wednesday in Medford. TRAIL. Aug. as. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merrlman and sons, Lee and Guy, Mr. and Mrs. R. Morgan. Mrs. Ralph Watson and Mrs. Will Burk shopped in Medford Wednes day, Mrs. Ralph Watson drove to Dia mond lake Tuesday and visited a few hours with her son Correll, who la working in that vicinity through the summer.1 Grandma Pence la visiting her son Ed Pence. Mr. and Mrs, Dolph Olsen, who lived on Elk creek years ago, have Trail 1 returned with their family to makod( ln deeming claim in the do their home there, and are buay get ting settled for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yancey and eon Bob of Palo Alto, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hutchinson of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hutchinson and little daughter Shirley of Klamath Fall visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. 8. w. Hutchinson, Mrs. Howard AM) was shopping In Medford Friday. Til relatives of Mr. nd Mr. B. X. Ash received word from them that they are having wonderful time on their trip. They are now.vlsltinR relative ln Michigan. IGKES NAMED OIL HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aug. 39. (AP) President Roosevelt today named Harold L. Xckes, hla secretary of Interior, a the administrator of the now working agreement for the oil industry. Th president will name the other 14 mimbers of the on planning and coneervatton committee within the next 24 hours, taking under conald eratlon a list of names submitted by Ickes. A oil administrator Ickes will have the virtual power of dictator over this Industry which ha been engag ed in war that led to over produc tion and a wrecking ot prices. Price fixing is possible. Ickes also is the Roosevelt admin istrator of the 83.300.000000 public worka program and It is likely he will rely strongly on an Immediate assistant, expected to be James A, Moffett. former vice president of the Standard OH company of of New Jersey. 8 A.M. LABOR DAY 8ALEM, Or., Aug. 30. Elfeht o'clock Ltbor Day morning the gate of Ore gon's 2nd state fair will awing opn for the .argent first day attendance ln history. This Is the belief now, If reports coming from every part of the state are any Indication of the renewal Interest this year. The arrival of special trains In the morning will open the holay ac tivities. A pec la 1 will carry hun dreds from Eugene snd Lane county, Tuesday of fair week will be chil dren's day and Willamette valley day. with all school children admitted free. Wednesday Is Salem and Rose burg and Urnpqua valley day. A special train will bring the Douglas county delegation to Salem. Tope's Chicken- Killed. CAftTEL QOLDOLFO, IUly, Aug 29 ( AP) Two hundred of the Pope's flock of 500 prize chickens at his model farm here were killed by heavy hall, wind and rainstorm yes terday. Cleaning and Pressing, the Camelo ervei you right. Free delivery. Tel 1390, Members N.R.A, TESTIMONY nornnMiAMQ miiqt uuLuumnuu muui SHARE CLAIMS IN T SALEM, Aug. 29. yp Oregon sets ot ths Western Loan and Build ing company, whose affairs were turn ed over to the bank oommlaaloner of Utah, It home state, August 18, osn not be held by th state corporation commissioner for liquidation ot claim by residents of th state only, but Oregon resident mtut share with claimants of other states In the en tire asset of the firm, Attorney. Gen eral I. H. VanWInkle held In a de tailed opinion on what the state can ftinot company. Th opinion, requested by Charlaa H. Carey, etat corporation commis sioner, who now haa charge of th Oregon asset of the company, stated however that th 8100.000 dspoalt placed by the company upon It qualification about 30 yeara ago, must b held until the claim of that resident ln Oregon hav been satis fied or be used toward the liquida tion of ths asset to fulfill the claim. The Weatern Loan and Building company has been engaged ln busi ness in eight state and In each haa creditors as well as asset. Oregon' shareholders owned about 83,000,000 of the stock while th asset In th stats waa stated to be about 82,300. 00. But these asset, It waa stated In the opinion, must be pooled with that ln other snd all shareholder in the eight states share equally In th liquidation. The 8100,000 deposit, however, will be held until payment ot Oregon olalmant an mad la full, or be applied toward that end. CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARR!. Ore. (Special.) Further plans for the equipment of the Slnnott mem orial station were expressed by Dr. John C. Merrtam, president of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. a, during recent visit at Crater Lake. Already equipped with display cases and binoculars, trained ott Important rim points, moving pie tures and further exhibits will be Installed In the memorial. The mov ing pictures will vhow volcanoes la action, recalling distant years when a giant mount stood on the sit of the present Crater Lake and erup ted in a like manner, Ba lop t leans are now ln operation shoving numerous scenes In color of the lake region . In the museum room, which also house different ex hibits pertaining to the geologto past of Crater Lake. While ln the park, Dr. Meniam delivered two lectures dealing with the appreciation of lake beauty and reviewing the most beautiful lakes ot fie world. Including Koenlgaberg Sea In Germany, Lake Louise In Can ada, Crater Lake and Lake Tahoe ln California, each one having Its own distinctive beauty. Notice. Some Medford business men are still buying their printing from can vassers who live in-Medford but who send the orders out of tht olty and county to have the printing done. Not a very good way to build up home Industries and put over the N R. A. Insist that your printing be done at home. (Adv.) ttammt Call. Notice Is hereby given that School District No. 49, Jackson County, war rants No. 3H3 to No. 3679 Inclusive are called for payment. Interest to ceaAe on August 29, lctiS. Warrants to be presented for payment at the office of the District Clerk, City Hall, Medford, Oregon. RBBBCCA JENSEN. Clu School putr Pfi- l&