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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1933)
PAGE NTNE 7 ) . A r n 7. at. .i ' . y ... t . . 7-rr MEDFORD WAIL -TRIBUNE, MTCPFOIiD. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1933. Why Not Try a Want-Ad WANT, to eU rout Home? Want 10 get tld of a tow odde too jnu m household tumiahingar oo fou need too la (or roui gar dsnr Ao inexpensive Want-AO m the Mall Wbunl Classified Page wUl naa tbt answer to these and man; other perplexing problems. Here Arc the Rates: per won) nrat insertion it ( Minimum 26c) Escb additional Insertion. pet word lc iMinlm"m 10c) Per line per month, without copy changes 75 Phone LOST ANU FOUND rXiTTstraycd Irom Wllkerson ranch. 5 buck sheep, branded "O on rump. Reward. V. J. Phlllppl. Orand hotel. WoLwateh in Dead Indian dls trlct. Inquire at Tribune. "SsTrruck tire and rim. Aug 9th, oa Crater Lake highway. Reward. L. R. Chambers, Roaeburg. Ore. OST Horn-rlm glasses Monday night between Sacred Heart hoa pltsl and Riverside. Pleaee return to Mall Tribune. LOST If dog missing, call 1518. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Elderl7 lady, experienced in confinement cases. 218 West ' Jackson. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Hand machine for affix ing atamps to envelopes. Addre.vs K S, Mall Tribune, stating price and where machine can be seen, WANTED House and large barn close to Medtord or Jacksonville, j V. Matney, Jacksonville, Ore. WANTED Stock to pasture: excel lent feed, running water; $2.00 per month. Ed flechtel, Myers lane. near S. O. 6. CHILDREN well cared for, day or hour. Good home. Phone 407-Y. WANTED Laundry completely fin ished. Bo lb. Phone 4-F-2. WANTED Modern house to rent, 3 bedrooms, walking distance to courthouse. Phone 717-J. WANTED To rent, Sept. 1. modern F or 6-room furnished house. Call 731-X. WANTED White Leghorn pullet. Give description and price. Box 123, Butte Falls, Ore. WOULD LEASE small herd Guernsey cows to party with feed. H- B. Howell, Rt. 2, Grant Pas. WANTED to buy old gold. den'.al scrap, placer gold Cecil M. Jen nings, cornel Front & Mam. WANTED Household goods, stoves tool or what have you Medtord Bargain House. 27 N. Orape St Tel 1061 fa ANTED Lltlng of valley home In exchange tor choice Cal property Staple Realty Co.. Aahland HAY GRINDING A specialty Brown the hay grinder. 40 So. CentraL PHONE 969-R. Have your furniture reuphouterect, reglued, rennianea Thlbault WANTED Karry Keen for Model A Phone 479-X. JUNK WANTED We pay eaah for JUNK BATTERIES a 4 n 1 a T ft R S ALUMINUM brass. OOPPER St lunk ot all descriptions MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 No Grape Tel 1062 FOB RENT HOUSES JSOR RENT A well furnished 5-room house. Inquire 817 W. 10th. COTTAGE at 104 So. Oakdale Ave. $17.50. 706 Dakota Ave. FOR RENT 8 -room house: furnace and Frlgidalre. Phone lo24-. y.vt. House rem. iwi vo. ter work. Box 12088. Tribune. FOR RENT No. 3 Holly Court, newly ocorated, electric ranee, refrigera tor, oil heat. Flrat Insurance Agen. cy. H. H. Brown. Phone 105; alter 5. 1670. FOR RENT 917 W. 11th. '7 Washington. 811 W. 2nd (stucco). 1003 sailing Ave. 205 Tripp. 208 Summit. FIRST INSURANCE AGENCY H. H. Brown. Phone 103. After 6, 1670. FOR RENT 5-room house, furnish ed or uni trnlshed. Call 934-R. HOMES FOR RENT Call 696. FOR SALE OR RENT Cldney Smith come irner West Main Si orange Exclusive listing w L Vawter Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. FIVE room rumLaned home. 113 Cot- v. Houses ho. $12 60 and $15. water P'ld; wood range Phone 105. RENT Home, furnished or uniurniahed. Browo Si White. 'IUassy modem 6-room atuoco. st "nt cieai 623 Pine. rOH HEM APARTMENTS BOVSEKEEPINO or Sleeping V0Q. o j,. Birtlett FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT a and 3-room apart ments; ihade. 618 No. central. FOR RENT Apartment, 625 North Riverside. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment, combination living and dining room, sleeping room, kitchenette with bullt-lni. gaa range, refrigerator, bath and toilet. Heat and water furnished, (tent 118 00 per month. Phone 71 or call at Mall Tribune office. FOR RENT Furnlahed apartment 346 No Bartlett. DURftEU. COURT 819 No BoUy. FOR KENT HHMSlli:n HUU.M9 FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed sleep ing rooms with oath room prlvl leges, garage. 110 per month. 425 So Riverside. FOR RENT Attractive rooms, good board at 14 Cottage. ATTRACTIVE room 404 S Orape FOR RENT BOARD AND ROOMS BOARD AND ROOM at 710 E Ratee very moderate. FOR RENT -MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Room 16x60 feet on Grape St. Suitable for small busl ness. Located next door to Mall Tribune Job Shop. Reasonable rent. Call at Mall Trtbuns office or Phone 76. 0AB1NS 445 8o. Front. roil EXCHANGE WILL TRADE car, truck, wood. Hlway Exohange, south of Phoenix. radio for one mile WANT LIVESTOCK Will trade equity In o-room house, excellent location not 1063. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedan In good condition, for truck. Phone 6B7-R-1. i.ROvM modern home bath laundry tra screened porch oullt-ins gar age shade and 'rult trees: 1700 equity tor car. ao'eage cabin site or what have you Phone 1538-L. or write Box 13337 rrioune FOR SALE OR TRADE Good souno work horse 1400 Iba. 7 years old Walter Jones. 2nd house below bridge. So Ashland WOOD for jay 01 potatoes near Trail R O 8kellenger. Trail Ore. FOR EXCIIANUE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE A etocked and equipped farm for Medtord or Ashland residence property or small acreage. Address Box 33, Wil liams, Ore. TO EXCHANGE Nice little home in Bend. Ore., clear for something clear In Medford or Ashland Prefer small acreage. What have you. 165 7tb St. Aahland. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 80x100 RESIDENCE lot In Ashland; clear. Trade for small home in or near Medldrd this week. Will pay cash difference. Central Point, Rt. 2, Box 109. 43 A. on Crater Lake highway; 6 A. under .dttcb, free water; 8 A. al falfa; fair bulldlnga. Ed Pence, Trail, Ore. WHEN you think of real estate think 01 Brown a wnite. For Sale MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WE HAVE several fine used pianos of well known make. J. Bauer, Steele. Victor, Crown. Metzow, and othera. from $69. Terma as low ss $1 per week. BUY NOW and SAVE, dine Piano Co, Main and Riverside. SLIGHTLY used Baby Orand. like new. A real bargain. Rental term will handle. See at Cllne Piano Co., Main and Riverside. FINE $550 Crown Upright Grand Piano with ukelele and banjo at tachments, a bargain. Terma $1 a week. Cllne Piano Co, Main and Riverside, Medford. PIANOS FOR RENT $2 a month up Ask about our FREE delivery offer. Call or write. Cllne Piano Co. Tel. 426. Main and Riverside. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 50 ewea. Call 12-F-22. FOR SALE Saddle mare and saddle, spring turkeys, Angora rabbits, so. Pac. hlway, third house on left B. fairgrounds. FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf at a bargain. E. B. Bishop. Rt. 1, box 250. FOR SALE Rabbits. 721 Beekman FOB SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 200 R. I. Red pullets. also few hen. Blood. Pitt View Ave, near Central Point. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE BY OWNER 3-ton Reo truck; good ruooer: dkciiii k. tan De ecru ib w.viu.. Garage. Cheap for cash. TRUCK FOR SALE oood fruit truck. overload springs, i-nce r;gm, s.u.., payment. Pay by week. E C Corn, Phone 610-J-6. A BETTER CAR 1932 Chevrolet Coupe. 1930 Studebaker Brougham. 1931 Studebaker Sedan. 1929 Chevrolet Coupe. 1927 Chrysler 4-passenger. Sar Taurine, new license. 117.50. SANDERSON MOTOR CO. Studebaker end Rockne Dealer. Good Used Cars! Trade: Your Old Car for a Better One A Written Guarantee with Every Car. 1928 LsSalle convertible Coupe. 1929 Auburn 6 Bedsn. 1929 DeSoto Sedsn. 1928 Chevrolet Convertible Coupe. 1929 Chevrolet 8 Sedsn. Also others to chc. from. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 38 N mvenide FOR SALE One federal truck on. Bulck sean. (v. Central. FOB SALE AUTOMBILES TWO BAROAINS In autos, Sport model Bulck and Ford. See them at Jackson St Service Sta FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-watt rebuilt Western Electric light plant. S brood sows, 0 feeders. 1119 No. Central. FOR SALE 38.00 circulating coal neater. 411 Woodstock. FOR SALE Tomatoes lo lb.; you pick them. Second bouse from gaa plant, across railroad tracks. FOR SALE Sweet corn. Bpeclal Prices on quantities. Jake Brown, south end King's highway. FOR SALE colden corn, tomatoes, canteloupes. Damson plums. Car penter ranch, Jacksonville highway. FOR SALE Osed sewing machine, all mnea. eo up: term u desired All makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co. 24 N Birtlett WINTER Cabbage, cauliflower, broc coli plants. 1202 East 11th. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. Mistletoe. DAIRY FLY SPRAY Kills files and absolutely keeps flies off cows pas ture. Will nor taint milk 90C per gallon, bring own container Jerry Ban. 4tb St N Bartlett. FOR SALE Large 'ce box; also large eleotrio range 706 Dakota Ave. HODOEN BREWSTER Poultry and Dairy feeda. Jerry Barr, 4tb St N Bartlett. NEW PEED STORE. Buy at lower prices Jerry Barr. 4tn Si Bartlett Phone 803. FOR aand. gravel, sediment, fertiliser and teaming, phone 912-J. BUSINESS OPPOKTUNIITIES 91200 EQUITY In 5-room bouse. No. Central; paving paid. Will aell cheap or trade. Phone 70. FOR SALE. TRADE OR LEASE 10 cabin auto camr. at Alturaa. Calif Big P:nea Lbi. Co. Medtord. Ore. $1200 EQUITY in 5-room house. No. central; paving paid. Will cheap or trade. MISCELLANEOUS Authorized Prtgldalre Servloe Other Makes rep Tel 427 Night 905-Y BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstract, MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title, title Insurance Rooms 8 and 6. No. 32 North Central Ave.. upstairs. JACKSON CO, ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts ot Title and Tl'le Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson Coonty, Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel 1172 Bouse Meanmg, Floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning, specialty. ob Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in aoutnern Oregon Printing ot all kinds; book binding; loose-leaf ledgers, and blanks, billing systems duplicating cash ssle slips and everything in the printing line 28-30 N Grape Phone 75 Money to Lend. WE LEND vlONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE Mc DEI AUTOS Three per cent per month on un paid balance No other charges See W, E. Thomas. 45 S Central Ground floor Craterlan Theatre Bldg S'ate License No S-157 Minting and Paperhanglng. M. A BLISS Painting and paper banging TeL 646-W. 318 8 Grape Piano ant. tlolln Instruction. FRED ALTON HAiOHT. Teacher ot Piano Hslght Song Service. Arrang ing, Composing, etc 818 Liberty Bldg. Transfer. BADS I'RANSF-H St STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No central Phone 315 Prices right Service guaranteed. RE1NK1NG TRUCKING CO. Trans fer -nd storage We haul anything a: a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street Phone 332. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and mover Special livestock moving equipment Prloea right Riverside Phone 1044-X LEGAL NOTICES Notice. Notice I hereby given that the Jackson County court will on au at. 9n 1033 at th hour of 10 j b cloci , m, receive bid for the j furnishlng of 40 cord of body tlr q delivered by October 1, 1933, at the Jackson County Farm. JACKSON COUNTY COURT. lOL.NTV COl'RT PROCLLUl.NOS. Continued-From Yesterday) Mattle L. Manning, aervlce. 6.00 Maude Bailey, eervlce 6.00 Marlon Bceson. service 6.00 wal'.er Miller, service 6 22 Herbert Elmore, service 6.62 H. B. Brown, service 6.62 John O'Brien, service 5.62 Thomas Mee, eervlce 6 62 Ben Ellis, service 6.00 Clara Munsell. service 4.88 Vleva Saltmarsh. service ..... 6.87 Mary E Klelnhammer, aerv- Ice 83 Wm. Pursell, service 4 88 Chas. Ounford. servlre . 4 86 A. J. Orlasom, service .... 6 00 John S. Owen, servir ........ 8.00 Lucjr Orlwom. service . 6.00 Ada Owen, service ... 6.00 Vera Kershaw, service . 11.00 C. F. Smith, service 6 63 A. V. Carlson, service 6 62 M. N. Young, service 6 !2 C. W. Anders, service 6 62 M. A. Anders, service 8 62 J. W. Blrkhola. eervlce . 1.00 M. H. Anders, service 1 00 R. H. Moore, service 4 88 Fn-d i'ei.lRrflve. service ... 4 Bfl r- Bnimenateln. service... 4 88 E'hel M. Jone. service . 4.68 I Opal Hatley. service - IN 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 6.76 .75 Minnie J Moor, service Floyd Rosa, aervlce J. w. Casad, aervlce W, B. Klncald, service C. B. Smith, service . M. A. Neathammer, service . Ed D. Thompson, service Edward Hlllls, service J. E. Smltfipeter. service Oeo. Beers, service ., A. B. Furrier, service .... 0. A. Edmondson. service m Jssper Tungale, service Wilson Carson, service E. A. Iilldreth. aervlce . L. O. Palmer, service - Ed Piche. service E. E. Ash, service Ben F- Swingler, service W. Merrlman, service 1. H. Howe, service Max Si hula, service . Geo. McDonough. service S. S. Abbott, service . Albert Strauss, service G. E. Lyman, aervlce . W. W. Gregory, service Fay B. Ritzlnger service Hsrold Gllhand, service Harry Nealon. service ... H. W. Davidson, aervlce D. W. Bcebe, service . Mary Graves, service Elizabeth Burbldge. service Marie 8 Wilson, service Mary E. Payne, service - Winnie B. Bellinger, service Saran J. Hall, service .. LInna B. Looker, service Agnes Koppes, Bervlce ....... 6.75 6.75 75 Lenorti A. Clem, service ..... I M-ud!. A. Holmes, service C. L. Reynolds, service Alberta C. Morrow, service Carrie C. Klckert, service, Blanche Powell. Bervlce Mnry C. Brown, service M LIUInn B. Johnson, service.,. Geo. B Brown, service .,. T. L. Farlow, service Anna M Tonn. service H.ww Earl Farlow, service . Floyd Damon, service . -.- L. H. Wyant. service Oeo. B Holmes, service Fred Fettlgrew, service Julia M. Davlea, service Gertrude Haak, aervlce , Ethel Weldman. service , Josephine R. Holmes, aervlce J. W. Smith, service Henry A. Owens, service . Chsrlotle Van Scoy, service. Hazel B. Stoner,- service Geo. 3rown 6t Sons, service Mary Jennings, service J. W. Shirley, servloe Jean Jennings, service I """I" ParjSV "ervlc Dollle A. Miller, service Florence B. Butler, servlce F. E. Redden, service Thelma Williams, service Edna Bryant, service Velma Jennings, service ' Guy E. Davis, service M C. R. Van Golder, service Jacksonville pharmacy, aerv Ice J. B. Wetterer, service - Emu Brltt, service Addle Smets. service Mary Godward, service F, A. Henspeter, service F. A. Langley. service Margaret H.irt, service ,,- Nelllj W. Pick, service Anna F. Coleman, service Claude Goss, service Maggie E. Howell, service Wilbur Klme, service A. E. McKcy,- service , M Lulu B. Flske, service , Laura J. Jones, service Anna J. Bateman, service .., Belle Bennett, service Ethel Harwood, service Maude Hockeynos. service , Stella Anderson, service Maude Lovelle, service . Myrtle Wilson, service Helen Merrlmnn, aervlce Lawrence Duff, service Edith Devaney, service P. J. Klrkpatrlck, service Orace Edwarda. aervlce - 4.13 4.13 4.13 6.00 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.30 4.60 4 30 4.30 430 4.60 4.60 4.60 Rav E Wright, service . Ruth La clerck, service Mrs. D'Alblnl, service ... Blanche Arnold, service Edna B Scott, service L. W. Loomls. service Dorothv Watklna, service Mrs. Lee Potter, service ...... Louis Marrn, servloe C. W. Isaacs, service Ella Rogers, service . , Olive Ketchan, service Fern Leever, service 4.60 Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS J, Southern con tcllation 4. Wooden iho 9. Staff 15. Cover ' 13. Crimped fa brio jy 14. Feniinin name 16. Full of 4U- ploasure be cause of a wroni 15. Reveler 20. Otherwise 21. Catch sud denly; colloq. 22. Opposite of awather 24. Pubmlaalv -2. Heads as. Alternative 30. Afflicted with eg St. Hut 22. CoupU .13. Near 34. Mor certain as. a i it Solution of Yesterday's Puxzls kelpHscraTp1 ID E S iC C A TORJJS P E 5 c o Nls f a n tJs He" v T c t a rEHev e RBTg 1 t S k i 5H1 T y 2 IB o j n e. MORA DsMc A R sHO S E SNORE 1VMeJv S T op7E 5 51 aHtio n eId Bf a lTsIa L UN AtlNTi2T I NG SIAIYISUSlLlAlMlSUDlAIPfe 41. Regions of the earth die- mstrlcalljr opposite 4T. Madow 48. Freeze 49. Witrhful 36. EngroiiefJ 17. Highest trump (0, Vetchllk fn five-card plant 104 81. Spread loeastr It. Wild hof f. Cuban dollara 40, Insect 63. Cereal grass 1 2 3 tef r r i7 f wg " ,2 ZB!!IZ" 'V WiJ' E523 511 ''' ''.' T-re- ;: jSz immr ''A.; Y't'j M 37 . T7i ,jr ,,,;. " '"';, ''' .ft j . 4 q - so ! . ! ' 1 4.30 4.50 4.50 4.60 4 50 4.50 6 00 7.75 6.25 6.25 6 25 825 626 6 00 6 00 6.00 Newt Lewis, service I Fred Dorn, service Cary only, service Mary Conner, service Viola Kershaw, aervlce .. J, B. Clemen aervlce J. S Ljdlard. service E. V. Kellogg, service Sylvia Kellogg, service Elizabeth Leever, service ... Ola Cupple, aervlce 600 Ed. H. Flnley. service 6.63 J. H. Llnvllle, service 6.63 Hattle Smylle. service - 6.63 Harry Ltlea. service 6 63 Anne B Carley, servloe 6 63 Mary Smith, service 6.00 Katie Voung, service 6.00 H F aiesder. service 6 0O Orace L. Pankey. service 6.00 Pauline Meader, service 11.00 Laura M We ., service , 32.40 Geo. H. Drake, service 5.6O C. C. Hartley, service 10.60 D. W. Barnes, service ,. 6.60 Fay O.rver. service 5.00 R. C. Ward, service 5.63 A. If. Fisher, service 5.63 N. J. Wiley, service 8.63 Calls M Foy. service 8.63 Oliver R. Warren, service 6.63 Norma f. Warren, service , 3.00 Cozevte F. Jones, service 4.50 Winifred Short, service ,,, 4.6O Leslie T Dike, service '4.50 Helen R. Warden, service 4.50 Edna L. Kindred, servlre M 4.50 Carrie B. Brown, service M 4.13 E. 8. Otlnson, service - 4.13 Elizabeth C. Hartley, service 4.13 Alta Naylor, service 4.13 Mary W. Mnthes. service .., 4.13 Cora J. Trnax. service 10.00 Hattle B. Sawyer, service 5.25 Stella Anderson, service ..... 10.25 Ivln 1. Bebb. service 6.25 Mabel Lynch, service ,,, , 5.25 Cora 'Wilson, service , 5.25 Maude Bttckel, service , - 5.62 E. Aadren, service . 6.62 D. D. Duff, service - 6.62 Martha Flndley. service 5.63 Thos. K. Benll. service ., 6.62 E. Flnley. service 8.00 Alice M. Kemke, service 4.88 R, L. Hay. service 4.B8 Lou V. French, service 4.88 Elsie M Werner. Bervlce 4.88 Barbara E. Jennings, service 4.88 A. R. Klncald, service 4.13 H. W. Barron, service 4.13 Elmer Hopkins, service ' 4.13 A. W. Thomas, service 4.13 Minnie Barron, service -4.13 Mildred Wilcox service , 7.50 Jesse L. Nell, service 6.05 Fred C. Home, service 6.06 Alice E. Gowlsnd. service -6.05 Cora F. True, aervlce 6.05 Herman Helm, service 6.06 Harry Hlndercr, service , 4.13 Clair Hanley. servlre 4.13 Ermlta R. Dunnlngton, serv- 4.13 Ice 4.13 Ethel F. Olson, service 4.13 Hazel J. Tyrrell, service , 6.00 Zola Fick, service 6.00 Mabel Sims, service W. H. Arnold, service .65 C. B. Dunnlngton, service 5.25 Florlne Severance. Bervlce.,. 5.25 Fred Dunlap. service 6.26 H. E. Webb, service .... , 5.38 Hazel Deen. service 5.25 W. J. csmeron, service 4.70 Alice V. Tungate, service,,. 4.70 Cha. Hamilton, aervlce - 4.70 James Davles. service 4.70 Ray Offenbacher. service -4.70 John Buckley, service . .,, 6.00 Robert Ray, service . 6.00 Mrs. C. M. Ruch, service ...... 6.00 Dorothy Specht, service ...... 6.00 W. C. Mitchell, service 6.00 Quy T. Applewhite, service, 4.50 A. E. Kinney, service ,...., 4.60 C. H. Putney, service 4.60 Jackson Co. Building & Loan, 4.60 service 4.50 C. W De Carlow, service , 4.13 W. A. Cox. service ,. 4.13 Lulu De Carlow, service , 6 00 5 25' 655 6.25! 6 25t 6 25 6.25! 6 25 5.25 i 5 26 6.25! 6.00, 4.69 i 4.69 4 69 4 69 4 89 4 50 4 50 4.50 4 50 4 50 5.00 4.50 4.50 4 50 4 60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 50 4 50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.60 4 50 4 50 4 50 4.76 4.60 4.80 4.50 5.25 6 66 5.36 5.25 6.25 2.50 5 62 9 12 682 6.62 5.62 4.80 4.60 , 4 50 3.38 3 38 3 38 3.38 3.38 5.26 6.26 626 6.25 6.26 8.00 6.00 6.00 6 00 6.00 7.00 5.63 6.63 5 5 6.63 5.00 6.62 8.62 5.82 j Mary E. Hunter, aervlce 5.82 6.82 Bertha McKlnney. service .... Patterson At DeCarlow, serv ices Olive Page, aervlce J. W. Potter, service I. W. Hudson, service Anna Myer, service W. C. Myer. service Ruth A. Porter, service , 1 F, A. Garrett, aervlce Vetrla M. Enders, service Cordelia G. Blake, service . Lesh M Caldwell, service J. R. Plttenger. service Florenco L. Pratt, service M Mabel Lowd. service . BOO 4 4 4.88 4. 4 88 4. IS 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 6.63 6.63 6 63 6.63 Frances E. Fuller, service Cross-Word Puzzie 8. Half score ' 9. Klrearm 10. Burden 11. Valley 17. English river 19. Tree 23. Oaelle sea god 24. Lawless assemblage 25. City In Minne sota, 29. Opening frt a ship's side 37. Beverage 28. Acknowledge 2. lecay 31. Ornaments! vessel offered as a prlie 12. Acrobat or drlnklnr glass 14. Hindu worn - an's gar ment 15. Winter fodder 34. Considered 37. Nuisances S3. That which attracts . 39. A nlngl tl ne 4L Poems 42. Romin tyrant 41. Weird 44. Alleviate 41. Soft food DOWN 1. Fish sauce 3. Capital ot Latvia t. Embellished 4. Rub hard In washlnr I. Metric land measure I. fenoble T. Driver of an automobil. Hsrley b Brower. servloe 8 63 a. S. Butler, service . 500 Sadie GUI. aervlce 4.87 Nora C. Klrkpatrlck, service 4.87 Luclnda Hubbard, service 4.67 Susan Schmidt, service ,,,,. 4 87 Minnie Bryant, service 4.87 J. W. Klrkpatrlck. aervlce 4.80 Jeasis O Beach, services . 4.50 Elva Bulen, services ,. 4.60 Minnie K. Woods, service . 4.60 Jfniiio M. Snedlcor, service 4.60 Agnes Head, service Lola M Norcrosa. servloe Inert Ferguson, service Elizabeth Scott, service Beulah Faber. service Thro. A. Olads, service 4 50 4 50 4.50 4 50 4.60 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.13 4.12 6.00 6.53 5.53 553 J. o. Isaacson, service R. F. Moran. aervlce . Leila M. Paxon. service Dora S. Jones, service Mrs. Hep Peart, service w. F. Loomls aervlce ,, W. II. McNslr. service .. R. E Oetrlrh. service Anna A Wagner, service F. F. Whittle, service Whittle Transfer Co.. serv ices Lovella M. Long, service W. A. Stratton, service NellL' M. Borg. service L. W. fame, service n E. C. Gardner, service A. T. F.clmundson, service ,- F. A, Daugherlty, service John B Roberts, aervlce Thoa. V Williams, service J. G. Vial, aervlce Thos. J. Fish, service . Milton Anderson, service John A. Osmmlll. service . Bert Sttincllff. aervlce Frank Houston. Bervlce ...... H. W. Voting, service - Florence Drake, Bervlce . L. N. Rwartz, service Caroline W. Deer, service ... Albert O. Joy. service Sndle J. Marian, aervlce .... Alleen W Kny. service ...... 6 63 -3 6.00 6.00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 9 00 4.60 6.60 4.50 4.50 4 50 3.75 3.76 8.75 3.75 6.00 8 20 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 60 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 5.63 6.63 6.63 5.63 6.63 6.00 6.37 6.37 6.37 6.37 6.37 10.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 Frances Monroe, service,... Beulah M. Joy, aervlce Wlllard Miles, service Ralph fitevens. service ......... Anna M. Geaihart. service . Blanche D. Murphy, service Lauretta Llndley, aervlce Bcsslo E. Medley: service Zoa GlKfln, service ..... Ray Summons, service MHHH. Nellie Wall, service Ruth Luy. services Vera D. Daugherty, aervlce - Ethyl Weed, service R. M. Burnham. service Fay f"nn, service Lillian A. Provost, service Kcllth McCrackln, service Delta M. Roee. service Alice A. Pell, service .............. W. B Pracht, service City of Aahland. service .. Grace Chllders. sen'lce Marth.t B. Luke, service Nort D. Bryson. service Emllv Myers, service C. A'. Atyers. service Martha B. Luke, service ,. Rosa D. Gnily. service ......... Ocrtrwlc M. Balis, service . Pearl Easterllng. aervlce. ...... Mary R Catliow. service ..... Vlctor'n Taveruer, service ... Grace Dickey, service ........ Jean Anderson, service ..... Sndle Strntton. aervlce Roheita Evertou, service Bessto Carlton, service Ashland Library, service ..... Maude M. Livingston, serv ice - Miimte a Wrleht. service 6.00 8.44 8.44 Cecil M. Flfleld, aervlce 6.44 Muriel Neeley, aervlce . 6.44 Anna O. Delsinan. aervlce 6.44 Mrs. Hell Anderson, service 6.00 B. B. Vincent, service ..... 6.35 Enrl Ulrlch, aervlce ...... 1-oa Katie M. Grieve, service 6 96 John Weeks, service 6.96 Maude E. Dltaworth, service 6.36 G. W. Lance, aervlce 6 66 P. McQuat, Bervlce 6.66 Etfle Drummond, service . 6 86 Lotay Miller, service . 066 Maude Boomslulter,. service. 8.86 Llria Hubbard, service ' 4.60 H. M. Jacobs, service 4.60 Lucllo Crott, service 4.50 Lottie Howard, service 4.60 Lucy Elwood. service ..... 4.60 Llah R Childera. aervlce 4.60 Mary A. Btennett, aervlce 4.60 Myrtle G. Herman, service . 4..60 fTanoes M. iTooameia, ser vice " Nlda Cwtman, eervlce 4.50 w. C. McCulston, aervice . .o Grace Roberts, aervlce ... 469 Mary E. Bowling, service . 4.69 Nellie Robert, eervlce . . 4.69 Sylvia R. Hill, service 4 69 JnmeJ D. Eaton, aervlce 4.13 Hatle Alden, service 4.13 Llllle A. Root, service 4.13 Caroline Leader, service 4. IS Helen L. Curry, service 4.13 Mary E. Olenn, eervlce J. R. Mccracken, service 6.43 Emma L. Leslie, service ...... 8-43 Edith E. Davenniu, service. 0.10 Isabello M. Lennox, service . 6.43 Pearl Weatburg, service 3.60 Med. Furn St Hdw. Co., service - - . -93 Davie Tfr. St Storage, serv ice - M-70 School Dlst. No. 49, service. 30.00 $3,539.66 (Continued tomorrow) Notice. Some Medford business men are still buying their printing from can vasser who live In Medford but who send the order out of the city and county to have the printing done Not a very good way to build up home Industries and put over the N. R. A. Insist that your printing be done at home. (Adv.) a Reld, Murdock 6c Co. cannon ot the Monarch brand Bartlett pear will be represented at Medford this season by Myron Root. Broken window glased by Trow, bridge Cabinet Work. Real estate or iriauranoa leave to Jonea. Phone 696. (Something For Sale) SO Acre Pear Orchard S160 PER ACRE WITH PRESENT CROP Solid block pear tree, planted about twenty years, continually operated by present owner. DeAnjoo, Bartlett"., Bobo, Howell, NelU. Deep free soil, west side of valley. Present crop included. No buildings nor equipment. All goes for less than bare land originally cost. Buy it for only $160 per acre. Pay $2600 cash for possession. This offer will be withdrawn September 1st. EARL TUMY-310 Liberty Bldg. (Please call at this office if interested No information over phone.) UNIT Foots Creek FOOTS CREEK. Aug. 24. (Spl.) Gold Hill Boy Scout troop spent August 15 and 16 camping below the Charlea Mr Merrick place. They visited the Cook and Roe mine and the Bessie Anderson place. In the group were Kenneth Ward. Biuter Mullln. Ray Blair, Ted Wharton. Mark j Campbell. Leo Walker, Billy Betz, Bill j oungey, Kely Cement, Lave me and Donad Dungey, Jack Martin, Dale Clement and Lawrence Walker. They were accompanied by Scout Maeter Unsley Dormsn. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Miller attended the funeral services ot Mrs. Miller aunt, Mra. B. E. Oall ot Ashland, August 16. Mrs. Bessie Anderson and son. Ed Bollng ot Applegate, visited here August 19. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dole were at 3,jjHolcomb Springs August 16. Mr. and Mra. Charles McMerrlck and children and Mr. C. Bturnbo and dau ghter, Genevieve, spent August 16 In Medtord. Donald Elliott, who haa spent the past three weeks In Portland visit ing his uncle, Hardy Cook, returned to the home of his grandmother, Mra Pauline Wahl August 18. Mr. M. Boomsllter, Mrs. P. Wahl and Mrs. John Bile were Medford visitor August 17. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Cook and chil dren of Gold Hill spent August 14 and 16 at the. Bob Cook cabin. L. Drulf la enjoying a vlelt from hie brother, who Is here from South ern California. Mra. Etfle Blrdseye, district chair man of the relief canning committee, spent August 18 with the Sams Valley unit. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Nenland and daughter, Carmel, of Roseburg visited with the R. L. Miller family August 16. Mrs. Newland 1 an aunt of Mr Miller. Mrs. P. Wahl received word from her grandson. Gene Miller, that he ar rived at hi home In Fairbanks, Iowa, five daya after lenving here. Mra. L. R. Skelton entertained group of young people August 31 In honor of Sally Gage, who leavea Fri day for her home In Andover, Ma. Present were Robert Jnmea-and Mary Oay, Wlllard Jones, Francl and EIIm- beth Ferry, Rowland Miller, Donald Gene, Marjorle and Barbara Skelton and the honor guest, Snlly Gage, 1 Mr. and Mrs, Ben Harrison. Mr. and ; Mrs. 0. Stumuo. Genevieve and Claire attended the dance at Tom Hender son August 19. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thompklna and family and Mr. and Mre. Frank Thomp klna spent August 30 with relative In Central Point. Mrs. Max Miller of Carson, Wash., came August 30 to visit her parent, Mr. and Mra. Boomsllter and sister, Beth. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Bile and chil dren attended the Jacksonville Ju bilee August 10. Henry woolrldge of Grant Pas apent aeveral daya this week with Mr. and Mra. Clay Bile. U Drulf, Lloyd Miller and Row land Miller attended the ball game In Gold Hill Auguat 30. Lake Creek LAKE OREEK, Aug. 34. (Spl.) Mrs. Emma Wahlera and Ed Meyer were guest Friday evening at the Tonn home, Wallace Ragsdale spent the week end at Applegate. , Mr. Frank Farlow entertained the Lost Creek Community club Wednes day with a picnic at her home. A large crowd was In attendance and lunch waa aerved In an Ideal little park near the creek. Thla seem to be the season' campin gtrlps. Mrs. Bthel Hoefft and daughter Edith and Mra. Roy Grlgsby and children camped aeveral daya last week at Dead Indian acda springs. William Hoefft and son Mark, and Clyde Grlsaom, spent two oays fishing at Short creek and flrf lahed up the week at the sod springs. Mrs. E. R. Jones, Dorotha Meyer, Mra. E. Cowden of Eagle Point, Bob Cow den and Mr. and Mrs. Ragsdale spent aeveral days at Rustler's peak, pick ing nuckieberriea. Wallace Ragsdale was an overnight gueat of Harry Tonn Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Short and Mra. A. L. Pech were shopping In Med ford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradshaw are the parents of a son, born Au guat 20. Mr. and Mra. C. R. Moore, Mr.' Mrs. H. A. Meyers, Mra. Lee Brad shaw, Harry Tonn, Frank Simpson and Wallacs Ragsdale attend the It I Jubilee at Jacksonville Saturday, Briefs Sams Valley SAMS VALLEY, Aug. 34. (Spl ) The canning kitchen tor the Sams Valley relief district openend Thurs day with 177 can of bean put up by those coming under the relief order. The opportunity to get can was appreciated by those receiving tht aid. and in order to use them they managed to get beana by trad ing wood and other various mean. The Copco wired an electric range, donated by Mrs. Ada East, free of charge, tor use while the canning kitchen 1 In operation. Mis Mary Esther Davla returned home Friday from a visit with friend In the Aplegat district. Many expressed sympathy for Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Runnel and family In the loas of Harold, who met hi death in an auto accident near Jack sonville Sunday. Olrla' cooking club treated their Instructor, Mrs. Dick Straus, and sev eral mother ot the district to a tea Tuesday at the achoolhouse. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Durham and son Jim of Seattle are guest this week of Ellis and Olenn Garrett. , Organlcatlon of the wheat allot ment plan project waa completed at a meeting at the achoolhouse Friday evening. Dick strati. O. T. Wilson and Walter Grant were elected a ' committeemen for their end of the Antloch district. Roy Camber of Lake county, and an old-time friend of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoist, waa an overnight guest there last week. U B. Tuttle and children of Med ford visited at the Ellis Garrett horn Sunday. An Increased attendance waa pres ent at the regular meeting ot the Sams Valley Grange Saturday, when Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grant were given the thord and fourth degrees.. A abort program waa ftven by the lecturer. Refreshments were served by the H. B. C. Member attending, from a distance were Mr. and Mra.. ElbertElbert Glass and daughter of Prospect, who were accompanied by Mr. and Mr. Frank Dltaworth, mem bers of the Eagle Point Grange. Elwood Abbott wa the loweat bid der on the contract for driving the school bus and waa given the posi tion, subject to hi passing the driv er's test. Friends of Orandpa Holat are mak ing plans for a basket dinner to be given In honor of hla Slat birthday, September 3. The dinner will be given at the schoolhoue, where all ot Mr. Holat' friend are Invited to bring baskets and table service for the dinner, Join their friends and be In tho photograph Mr. Hoist dealre to procure near the noon hour. Copper COPPER, Aug. 34. (Spl.) A birth day party was enjoyed at True Lewis' Sunday, honoring his father, who has 73, his son Buddy, who was 8, and his daughter Carmallta, who waa 10. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. True Lewis, Mrs. Newt Lewis, Miss Shirley Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Copple and the honor guest. Mr. Mayfield of Palmer creek has gone to Grants Pass to pick hops. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest MoKee and daughter jeanette of Klamath Falls ' visited at tht Amoa MoKee horns Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Guy Crosby of Crater Lake visited at JTIoyd Rlppey's Mon day. Mlsa Leah MoKee, who 1 staying at Col Holmes' In Medford, flatted her parents Sunday. Oordon Phelps, who. Is working at Fir Glade In the O. C. O. camp, rla Ited .t Rlppey's over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Brien and son Donald visited at Amos McKee's ernnday. Fred Dorn left Sunday for Medford where he has a Job In the fruit. - Mr. and Mra. RIppey visited ait Bert Harr's Sunday evening. A swimming party wa enjoyed at Harr's Sunday, present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harr. Mrs. Jim Arn old, Mrs. Grace Lewis, the Misses Louise Harr, Ruth Pigeon, Grace Garrison, Marietta Oarrlson and Josephine Arnold, Paul Garrison, Bill GarrUon, Stanley Ollck. William Dorn, Bob Lewi and Dow Lewis. John Harr la home for a week from the C. C. C. side camp st Beaver creek. Mist Thelma Mayfield wa tht dinner guest of the Rlppeyt Sunday. Donald O'Brien 1 (pending two week vlaltlng hi grandparent. Mr. . and Mr. Amos McKet. Stanley Ollck la the house guest of Bert Harr. planning oa remain ing two weeks before returning home to Malln. for anon