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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1930)
VA(m etotit MKDFORD MATL TRrBUNF!, MF.DT'PRD, OIMWOX. MONDAY, JULY 28, 1930. PLANE TOUR UNDER WAY TOMORROW i. :, ' 1 Medford Program Arranged ffor Air Squadron to Ar rive" August 4 Fliers ;,; Leave Vancouver Tues , day Publicity Sent Out. i... VANCOUVER. Wash., July 2. Pi Fifty airplanes representing 30 types, assembled hero today from many northwestern points for final Inspection and squadron assignment for the northwest air tour, which will Htart from here tomorrow. The pluncs will visit 22 cities In Washington, ureffun, Idaho and British Columbia dur ing the 10-duy tour, Including Medford, Ore. More than 1700 air miles will be flown. Air mIiowm and stunts will be purt of the program in each city. After the Bhow here tomorrow tho squadrons will fly to Yakima, arriving about 3 p.m. - Definite arrangement for the program to be sponsored in thin city by the local post of the American Legion uh official dedi cation of Mcdford'H airport fol lowing arrival Monday, Aukuhl 4, . pf tho Pacific NorthwoHt air tour, which will loavo Vancouver, Wash., tomorrow, woro completed toduy noon at the joint mooting uf committees heudlng the cele bration.. The nttractlve mats portraying views of the airport. Including a photograph of "Miss Medford," assembled by Herb Grey of The Mall Tribune, who also did tho art work and layout, have been j cent to nil newspapers of Oregon : and California. Tho photographs In the display wore furnished by Anderson and Hhnnglo, local pho tographers. Tho display has been hciU out art a purt of tho Ameri can Legion publicity campaign preceding tho program. '' Program tit II p. m. . ' The program at tho rictd will start at 3 o'clock Monday after noon,' upon arrival of the fleet from-the north. Blunts, forma tlon flying, parachute jumps and other Interesting air features will continue for two and a half hours. At 0 o'clock visitors and local rltlfcnnp' will gather at tho Hotel Medford for a banquet to be ylven under the auspices of tho Vonvohtlon committee of tho cham ber of commerce with T. fl. Travis presiding. Hhort addresses will bo given uy tho expert flyers, (oral offUilalH ami out of town visitors. Gov. A. W. Norblud Is rxpected to participate In tho pro-1 ram. ' . At 8 o'clock -the airport will ngaln bocoma the scene of Joh-I Uvitles. ' The formal deMlcallon ' program will load the events of thfc evening thoro. Tho dedication fwlll bo in chargo of tho city air-; ''port commltteo, composed of .I.1 O. Clrey. A. W. ripe 13. M. Wll-i non, Seely Hall and J. C. Thomp-; son. Tho dedication services will! end ' at 0 o'clock and the re-j 'malnder of the evening will he devoted to dancing In Ihn hangar nd night flying and stunts. The enlire day's program Ih "being handled by the Medford pout of the American Icglon. with Mr. Hall ns genernl chairman. - Tickots will go on salo Wednes day. The whole -program will ho presented, with exception of the dance, for (0 rents for adults and 23 cents for children. t STORY 1 (Continued from Pag 1) ftii'tlon, of -any kind Is contom- nlHted. Mr. and Mrs. Watklus expressed nort'oneern over the fact tho baby ;thoy hellovo to he their own was christened a Itamherftor. ''When we (tot tho baby trade nrrtuiKod, wo'll have him rebap tlzcd Into our faith," they said. S ' Itcpiemntntlves of leading hos , pltalM and several prominent baby ;.MPoelnl!l8 woro asked yesterdny ir lm their opinion a mother would .recognlso her new born babe. The replies, with one exception, were in the. nfflrnmtlvo. A mother eoiild recognlzo her baby unmis takably after having seen It once or twice. 'Mollicr Know, Dr. C. U. I'addork and Dr. 11. H. fllbson. obstetricians, and Dr. B. L. Haddcn of oak I'ark hos "pltRl, all onreed sho could. Hut Miss J. F. Christie, superinten dent of Chicago lylng-ln hoppllal, said she would not care to any a mother .would know her child on second or third encounter. lr. -l'addock said the mother at once sees features resembling her family's or her husband's. Thus the child to her has Its father's eyes, He maternal grandmother's noso or Its ears may set on the head at tho angle of Uncle Hob s. To Its father, other relatives and outsiders It may look like "Just another baby." "You cant fool a mother after sho has seen her baby a few tlmos," Dr. Hadden said. "In fun I have made teste to see. 1 have asked mothers to select their children from among several brought In from the hospital nur sery and they did so correctly." Nurse Agrees. Mlsa Amelia Maggoirnna. head nurse at the Hresbytorlan hospital, sided with the doctors, and C. D. rAir, Tour to VpP'r 1'ft Seelti V. Hall, Shite Chairman, American LegUm Acnmtmltcs Committee, who will arl an Genernl Chairman o the tMcilford Airport deiltrallon. Upper ruihlbeiu Lockheed Monoplane about to land on Medford' tl20.00n.00 Air Terminal. Center wimi;il.l(rumi;i nuiidinu and Hangar, Medford Airport. Center riald -Miss Medford," who will preside over nmerican i.cawn nance ai Airport, The citizens of Medford, OrcRnn, will celebrate the arrival of tho Pacific Northwest Air Tour In the 'Tear City" 4th, by an elaborate dedication of their new $120,000.00 Airport. The celebration will bo sponsored by Medford I'ost No. 15 of the Ameri can IjCfrion and will fcaturo the irrcatest "air circus" ever witnessed in Southern Oregon. Famous pilots with speedy aircraft of everv kind and description are expected to take part in the "stunt show'' Monday afternoon as well as the evening program and the night parade to follow. Among the noted pilots on tho day's program will he Miss Dorothy Hester, l!)-year-old aviatrix, who was the first woman in history to do the dnngerous outside loop and upside down out?idv spin: Tex Knnkin, famous cross-country flier; Nirk .Mnmer, Gordon Mounce. Kdith Holt and many others. A totnl of over fifty plane.' from all parts of tho Northwest is expected to participate in the John De's Cousin Quietly i Carpentering ' in Chicago CI IK'ACt )(!) I'p along the lake shore, where a nnui with a liking for the sa may hear white caps breaking William Avery mwii boards, drives nailK and admits he Ih a second cousin of John U. Rockefeller. Join l,'s mother was un Avery, first co u I n of Wllllum Avon s father, and she lived on n neigh boring farm In New York mste.i Avery re mem bis that lioi-kefeller, as a boy, vlHlied his I'm-to Solo mon's farm. Although he lis been a car penter for 4A years. Avery's hob by has been upon the water. In the summer of lsu;i he in vited his glrl friend out for a sail. A storm blew up and the boat capslsed. The girl whm bat tling with, the wuvcn when Avery tried to reach her. "Hotter let me go. Bill." he shouted, ''you're getting weak.' But Bill didn't let her go. They were ma ri led Jl ft yea i s ago. He has salted In hundreds of races. He was skipper of the Cherry circle In 1 7 . racing for Hurln. HUpcrlntcndcnt of St. Luke's' hoHpltnl, declared If a mother did not know her own offspring after I the first introduction he would ' think here was something wrong ' with her eyesight. Then this proposition was put Dr. Clhson. (iranti-M a mother ran rcrngnlire a child on second encounter mm the one nlveti her at first. But xuppoHc fho were given the wrong Imhy In the be ginning, would her 'mother rtlnct detect the error?" ln- "Hinm, hardly." he ,l'll.l. KuKfWM ttlils will hp npi'Ht (I August 11 for ronMructlnn of 1450,000 steam iowtr ,nnl m rornpr of KlKhth nvemii. itixt, hih! Frnnklln liuulrvnrd. v Dedicate $120,000.00 Medford Airport, August 4 Airport, Annus! 1. Lower Air Mail riane rendu to take off for initial lllnhl from new Medford insert map snows Medford central location on I ' k . r-spafc ' t', I : ' ." , . . the Upton cup. He defeated Com modore price's crack boat, the "Spray." He aUo flew with many avtiition pioneers. Deep Sea Fishing Good at Brookings K. V. l!iull. who w;m ovor trnm HninkliiKs today, py tho wemhi-r Is (ti'llthtuil, tho wntir Is flnn nnd ili-i'n si'ii fishing Is Bond, nnd trout ttshhiK Is BtnrtinK iiKiiln. .Mr. Could reports lots of tour ists at Hronkinu owing to splen did HrroinmoriHtlonn nnd idemv of fishing. Anyone dlslrlng a rnttnup or to go doi'i sea fishing should correspond with W. J. Ward of Hrookings. l.eonn--J. v KlchardPon poul l ry farm belli enlarged to care for expanxion prog in m. I'ticific Airwini. niglit jmrnde which will be the first event of ita kind ever featured in this section of the Coast. The brilliantly lighted fleet will parade through the skies following the night exhibition. A triple parachute drop will be another event which promises to thrill the crowds. The grand finale of the evening will be in the form of a big aviation ball given by the American Legion in the new hangar Imiltling at which the visiting pilots will be guests of honor. "Miss Medford," winner of second place in the recent state beauty con test will preside over the affair. Medford citizens are justly proud of their new $120,00000 Airport, which is one of the finest on the Coast, and welcome the 'pportunily to fittingly dedicate this splendid new property. They have arranged an attractive program for the entertainment of out side visitor.-; on August 4 and extend a cordial invitation to every one to attend. Conan Doyle's 'Shade' Photographed Is Positive Declaration of His Widow 1 .1 X HON. July J S .(J I .ii d y Lady Con;tn Doyle, widow of the late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, said today Sir Arthur had established definite communication with his family through the medium of it psychic photoKiiiph. ' Sho told the Dully Herald tho Ueverend Charles L. T weeds le, vicar of Weston, Yorkshire, nn in vest Iga tor of psychic phenomena, sat for the photograph. Sir Arthur's picture. Lady Conan Doyle said, is superimposed upon a photograph of Tweedale. The picture was made by a professional photographer hut the plate was 30 WASH1NGT0NIANS SPOKANK. Wash.. July US. (A) --l-Vdeiul nnd couMly officers, led by Dr. J. A. Linvttle, deputy pro-' hlbition administrator for eastern Washington, swooped down on cen tral Washington in a series of raids today nnd had at least ;i alleged Ihpior law violators in jail. depewTestate valued over fifteen million N T. W YOU K . Jul y 2S . -1 A -Chncncev M. Dcpew left an estate of JIYlM'i.iM't when hp died on April W I'H'S. a transfer lax Hp pialsiil snowed today. Kla ma t h K I Is K Is math Trac -tor ami Implement company open ed for lutut-se at 13 1 T South Sixth street. K u v. tie- font mot awarded for count ruction of flit hotel unit by Motor Moiel System, Inc., Willi-h will eol about 000. V3 developed and printed solely by Tweedale. Furthermore, said Iady Conan Doyle, Peter Power of Chester re ceived through the spirit guide a message from Sir Arthur about a seated envelope which Sir Arthur left wltlh Lady Conan Doylo. She said there is such an envelope but It can only be opened when Sir Arthur directs her to open It and j tells her In advance what It con i tains. i Sho asserts 'the family already I has hud several marvelous exper , lences and there has been much I evidence of communication from Sir Arthur. TUESDAY St. Marks Guild Hall . WEDNESDAY First Methodist Church i. 1 a" THURSDAY Lutheran Church FRIDAY O Presbyterian Church T DIE AS STORM LEVELS HOMES Minarets Crash to Ground and Hundreds Injured When Tornado Strikes Adrianaple. ISTANBUL. Turkey, July 2Ji. () tornado and hailstorm kill ed twenty persons and Injured hundreds In Adrlanople yesterday. Eighty per cent uf the houses were destroyed and crops In the surrounding country were ruined. Nine minarets crashed to tht ground, as did the tops of the four minarets atop the famous mosque of the Sultan Kelim, ono of tho greatest treasures of Moslem art. The Red Crescent society, or Turkish Red Cross, has rushed aid from Istanbul. Adrlanople Is an important port city of Turkey, located at tho Juncture of the Tuuja and Marltsa rivers. It is one of the most popu lous towns In European Turkey after Istanbul and is a great trade center for textiles und perfumery. '8 EAR BAN FRAXCISCO, Julyy 28. (P) Thoitiim J. iMooney toduy HKairt askod CJovernor C. C. Young to free him from the life Bentenue impoxod for tho 1916 Preparedness day bombing here. Mooney usked the governor, in u nardon netition mailed from ! here, for a personal hearing. He requested the governor to hear Juhn MacDonahl, vho will appear at a supreme court hearing tomor row on a pardon application of Warren K. Hillings, also serving life sentence for the bomblnj WINDOW IS BEST The Glass Containers Associa tion of Ainorlca, with ofticea In Now York, put on a national win dow contest, the windows to fea ture produces In packed glass. Marsh's grocery was successful In winning one of the prizes in the western district. The local window was in com petition with stores in Washington, Oregon and California. This is tho third time Marsh's windows have won prizes in national contests. Tho winning windows have all been put in by U A. Crane, the regular window decorator for the store. Aviator Buried NEW YORK, July 28. The funeral of Chance Vbught, aviation pioneer, who died last Friday, was hold today from St. Thomas church on fth avenue. (intss Flro At Dump ! The fire department was called late this afternoon to the city dump near which a grass fire had broken beyond control. It was not of serious proportions, . Tho first carload of mohnir over shipped from tho "Big Bend" sec tion of Texas was marketed ,e cently. Officials ,of Manila have con tracted with a cooperative livestock association to supply meat to tho city's murkots. j More than 2.00U.000 persons pass' over the bridge between Eagle Pass, Texas, and Pledrua Xcgras, i Mexico, each year. i Farmers of Missouri have been warned by S. M. Jordon, stuto seed Investigator, to guard against the spread of red sorrel weed. An appropriation of J. 000,000 for prison construction has been asked iif Wisconsin by the presi dent of tho state board of control. A liquar raid by Shawnee coun ty, Kas., officials ended suddenly .when they opened a beehlvo. thinking it might contain rum. t'SftlltllPt'll TWENTY URKS Many Visit Grave of Wilson's First Wife ! : i pr 1 i ' I til I 9iPt? v i B V ' -"" I . Tho myrtle-covered grave of I' wife uf America's war president. Hill cemetery at Koine, (in. UOMIi; Oh. (P) Many visitors come to Myrtle Hill cemetery here to see the well kopt grave of El len Lou iv Axson Wilson, first wife of America's war president. Tho lot In which Mrs. Wilson is buried Is In a prominent position in the cemetery. It always has been well cared for. The grave Is marked by a beau tiful marble monument, executed by the Tiffany studios In New York, after designs approved by President Wilson himself. This labor of love was performed by President Wilson during his life time and at his own expense. Mrs. Wilson rests beside the grnvo of her father, the Itev. 8. IS. Axson. who for 17 years was pas tor of the Rome Presbyterian church. Burled in the family plot also is Mrs. Wilson's mother, Mrs. Jane Axson. Tho f tones marking the graves of Mrs. Wilson's parents and the marble tomb to tho . war presi dent's first wife stand on the southwest slope of Home's beauti ful hilltop cemetery. The monument to Mrs. Wilson bears' this inscription: "Sacred to the' memory of Ellen Louise Axfon, beloved wife of Woodrow WHkoii, born 15 May, 18a. Savannah, tla. Died 6 Au gust, ltl 4. Washington, IX C. "A traveller between life and death The reason firm the temperate will Endurance foresight strength and skill Apcrfpct woman nobly planned Regardless Of the make of car you have we have facili Witham Super 24 HOUR Eighth and Riverside COMING1-A Different Cooking Demonstration Tln-impli tin- piTnti.s ff the Indies of the St. .Marks (Iiiild. Ititlipran, IVcsliytPrian anil First Methodist elillielios. in eoiiiinetinn uith tl,,. f)ltLrflIl i',HH CorilOfiltilOl t. ser'te -- ---i ,, v'--,v,,,tt I'liiiiiiinuniKrin have lx-en wrraiiRtl. Kali day tlip deinnnstratioii will hp held in h differiMlt elmreli Mtwl oti tlin t'imil rlut- f,,,, i, ...Ml l. v-" .... ,,,t, , ,,i nniiiL'il, one to cHt-li pIuiitIi. . The first iri.e to the church hiivintr (le largest attendanee. seeond to the church with the second larj:st attendance, etc. . All the latest and most modern gas equipment will be used and demonstrated, through the cour tesy of the Southern Oregon Gas Corporation. ( o O The services of Mrs. Harriet I.Hiiuwnrthy, nationally known cnokin: expert, have heen secured anil the housewife is assured of receiving niuch valuable information, especially a! this time of the year when cooking aud canning is 'such an important item. Mrs. l.anworthv will gladly answer any ipiest imisgnTsoually after each demonstration. :ileu 1joii!sc Axson Wilson, first draws visitors to peaceful Myrtle To warn' to comfort and com mand And yet a spirit still nnd bright With something of angelic light."' The Home Chamber of Com merce recently adopted resolutions, asking tho City of Home to Im prove roadways leading to the grave of Mrs. Wilson. A recom mendation also was made that a now sexton's office be erected and located at the main entrance of the cemetery so that some ono would be available at all times to give information and directions to those visiting the cemetery. JAILED IN SALEM SALEM, Ore., July 28. (P) H. H. Stollard, Portland, candi date for United States senator on an independent ticket, Monday noon began serving a 12 -day sentence In the city jail, following his conviction in police court upon a chargo of violating a city ordi nance regarding speaking on the downtown street. Htollard was arrested Saturday night after he had stationed him self on a box at' the corner ot Liberty and State streets. Monday forenoon he entered a pica of not guilty to the charge and asked for an Immediate trial. Judge Mark Poulsen found him . guilty. j ties and ability to rernedy any starting, light -ing and ignition trouble that may develop. You will be well sat isfied with the speedy, efficient service we ren der. Service Station SERVICE Phone 11G nf l'n,tbi,r I ...,..,L-t