Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 11, 1930, Page 9, Image 9

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Ma mi's Advertise on Extensive Scale
' 1 ' m i -& ft
Harry S. Hinman Is
Advertising and
Publicity Director
Mrs. Ruth Klingle
Has Charge Center
Aisle Mann's Store
Mann's Advertising Twenty Years Ago
The window dlnplays at Mann's
which Invariably attract southern
On-j;n shopper to the store on
. Advertising Milliliter
North Central are arranged by IF.
S. Hinman, advertising manager,
who has been with the local busi
ness firm during the past year.
Mr. Ilinman's enrly art work wfl"
,vith Vnrney & Green, commercial
artists, in Snn Francisco, Cal., after
grailitatiup from the School of Fine
Arts at the University of Washing
ton. For ten years Mr, Hinman was
. engaged in special advertising work
it Lipman & Wolfe's advertising
li'iarlmcnt. Portland, and Minks &
Hons, Kureka, Cal.
In addition to his nbility in win
dow decorating, interior displays
anil attractive advertising layouts,
.Mr. Hinman is wel-known locally
because of his connection with the
Little Theatre group and his activi
ties with the llrotherhood of St.
Andrew of the Episcopal church.
Corsetry Essential
To New Fashions
Is Vogue's Decree
Corsetry and the new fashions
ore Inseparable. Fashion has gone
feminine. There is no place In the
entire "Fashion" program for boy
ish forms. 3 tut the new styles have
lost none of the youth of tho past
The 11)30 Vogue calls for natural
f figures and ".delicate-; ..feminine
p.urves and ' hence fashionable
grooming' depends upon a correct
foundation garment. In this day of
feminity it is natural that elegance
be the keynote in design, beautiful
colors and exquisite fabrics. In en
semble with this feeling Mann's
Spring and Summer line reveals
new nnd undreamed of beauty in
Fabrics that are carressingly soft,
laces that are ns sheer as cob
webs, pliable ns elastic, nnd de
signs ns charming ns French lin
gerie, unuflally dainty too, aro
these inexpensive unadorned gar
ments. Hut the most satisfying feature
of all Is that even the most fragile
of these garments firmly control the
figure to the desired curves.
Describe Hosiery
Service Now Being
Offered at Mann's
'Mann's have n very complete up-to-date,
hosiery department consist
ing principally of women's fine full
fashioned silks and Imported lisles.
Fashion brings us this season a
smart new dull-sheer hose of ex
quisite clear texture, free from
rings. This dull finish is the re
sult of a special tightly twisted
yarn with all the fuzzy loose ends
eliminated. This close weave tends
to reduce the possibility of runs and
protects the hose from the inevi
table snags nnd. tiny pulls.
Another interesting and desir
able feature Is the slenderizing
rlinging nppearance ot this dull
sheer chiffon. May we suggest that
you nsk to see this last word in
hosiery refinement i
Fashionable sport togs call for
sheer lisles without sheen to de
tract from their softness. These
may be had In chiffon lisles witn
plain or openwork lace patterns
in white, pastel nnd suntan shade.
For shoppers' convenience.
Mann's are opening a personal
hosiery service, a system for keep
ing n record of their correct tilze.
length nnd color. If Mann's have
' nt filled in n card for you we will
gladly do so the next time you
visit our hosiery department. This
will enable us tq fill your telephone
orders with greater accuracy and
Mann's Employees
Enjoy Banquet and
yisit to Craterian
Kmployees of Mann's Depart
ment store were guests of the man
"Renient Thursday evening. June 5.
at a dinner party at the Motel Mcd
ford. Mrs. Jo Murray Hostel, who is in
the ready-to-wear department nnd
has charge of buying, entertained
with ft clever original reading.
Following tho dinner hour, a
theater party for "All Quiet on the
Western Front." at the Craterian,
Was enjoyed by the 34 guests.
J. C. Mann features several
prrtb fop th employees during
the year.
Uuth Klingle
i lends anions the
.Manns Depart
ment store, hav-
in; heen employ
ed by them in
various capacities
during the past
five years.
At .present she
Is in charge- of
center aisle which
Includes neck
wear articles,
bags, toilet goods,
u m b r e 1 las. no
tions, handker
chiefs, costume
jewelry nnd gloves.
Mrs. Klingle never fails to sug
gest Just what one needs to com
plete a costume. If it's handker
chiefs, she knows what color Is
best. If It's gloves. Miss Klingle and
her assistants fit one as well as
any other saleslady in Medford. ,
has manv la
patrons of 3
Sensational p
Sale of - i
Silks Beau Monde
Fashion Advisor
Gives Sport Fabrics
With midsummer only a month
away. Immediate plans for smnrt
sports costumes are in order. Th"
increase in the number of sports
co.stumes necessary for n complete
ly successful summer Is due to two
things. There Is a greater inter
est in every type of sports, vaca
tion, and week-end pastimes: there
are more fabrics especially design
ed for sporls wear than ever be-
fore. i
The Silks lieail Monde
pointed this out in n recent Inter
view. She emphasized especially,
many ot the Licuu Monde fabrics!
which aro In our display right
Hough weaves in pastel shades
are popular. Sun Tang, n new lieau
Monde fabric. Is distinctly a sports
material. It is really an o.speclul-1
ly iiittractivo Shantung weave nnd
tlie pastel shades o the season
seem unusually soft nnd lovely on
the rough surface qf this cloth. I
Tho summer season will see many
spectator and active sports cos-1
tumes made of Sun Tang Jn pastel I
colors. One recent success, de
signed for sports wear, was a short
jacket suit of Sun Tang in Nl-e,
Green combined with n blouse of
Peach Sun Tang.
Pique weaves are receiving ev
eryone's attention nnd "6(i" Silk
Pique is altogether lovely. It Is soft
and its ribbed effect makes It ad
aptable to the softer and more
feminine lines of sports mode of
this year. The coloring ii're particu
larly good. Again the combinations
of pastel colors ore being empha
sized by the smarter costume de
signers. Peach and blue in a sports
frock is particularly interesting.
One outstanding fashion empha
sizes velveteen jackets nnd flat
crepe frocks. These jacket costumes
are not the usual straight lino dress
and coat combinations. They have
achieved a quaint air which Is de
lightfully feminine, since tho short
little coats are made ot many fitted
sections with perhaps a rape col
lar or an unusually soft tie. Vlkig
velveteen with Its soft pile ami
unusual lustre Is exactly rlfc'ht for a
costume of this kind.
For the accompanying frock.
Field Crepe Is an excellent choice.
It is just the right weight nnd has
a beautiful finish. A good color
combination would be a dress of
Kggshell Field Crepe with a coat of
Poppie Hed Viking Velveteen.
There are decidedly practical fea
tures about this combination of
Field Crepe nnd Viking Velveteen,
since the Field Crepe itself washes
beautifully and the Viking Velvet
een is distinctive for its soft,
beautiful finish which does not
mar or crush.
The sports wnrdrobe should be
completed with several washable
frocks. This Is a feminine season,
but it is none the less practical,
and women who study their clothes
problem carefully are- Including
several very simple dresses of such
fabrics as Flat Crepe. Sun Tan,
and "66" Silk Pique. Simple these
dresses may he but they show
manv an interesting Ayle trend.
Necklines may be square or V
shaped. Sleeves may be any length
at all. The polo sleeve Is of course
vcrv popular and when the sports
frocks are of spectator type i.
three-quarter length sleeve may be
the choice.
Skirts, arc full but the inline
and flare. Is very carefully man
aged In the sports frock of 1M.
Fullness is always placed low by
means of Inserted godets, plaits
that flare, fullness that starts nt
the waislllne In the form of god
ets and flares of comfortnble
The trimming bows which con
tinue In popularity in sports frocks
are often stitched flat on blouses
and sleeves. In fact, outside stitch
ing is a smart trim for any sports
"A palette of pastels" describes
the color tendencies for sports
wear. All pastel shades are gool
and even better when used In
combinations than when shown
alone. Ily this time most women
are familiar with the slightly
grayed character of pas'el shades,
sometimes called "dusty tints."
Dead white has nchieved a popular
ity almost ns grent as tha( of
black. Combination'" are ondh'Fs
black and white red nnd'eggshell
peach and turquoise yellow and
lavendar gray tn.l chartreuse
black nnd pink white In a dozen
combinations with pastel shades.
Never before have the women
wlio plan to make their own
clothes such an opportunity to
achieve smart sports costume'
smart In fabric, line. Ond color.
You w'1" ho Interested In f.ibrics
mentioned above a.i displayed in
our silk section.
1 I W srS
New Spring'
Made of All Wool
Material. Ev e r y
Coat worth
Best .Dress
Prints on
Sale Sat.
5C yard
Sale of Smooth Set
for under the Crokay and Tennis Gown
Adjustable bands. The best itpKb.
Warners Rust Proof Corsets, $1
fitting petticoats made. 100
go on sale Saturday all
lengths ................
50 latest style all silk
parasols on sale Satur
day $2.60
Our Combination Suits are Very
On sale at
Good Quality Arron
Gingham Saturday
6c yd.
Thi In a typical mlvertlM'inent ptiMI-heil by 3lniui In the) Mull Tribune 20 yenrn ntrnt whprf thin ntnrri
flrt hmimr one of Mcdronl'M lnilne miiif-rn. It Im tlnl of tin type of n1virtlMimnt nlilrli
Ki-wUil Mtflfnt-tl harttuln s'kirn Inirk hi HMO. On Iho Hjcht Is one of .Mnnii'n iittnirdvp trnt -dtiy
nrivrrtlM'ttionts. ulimvintc 1 1 1 mlvcrtMnit litis irojcnMrl ns 'M tin irt"tcnt(ty iimmvIuiihIMiik. Miuhi'm
ndvfnkltij;, unriVr the ditv'tim nf Hurry S. Hlnmuii. Iniu unit Hie npprnwil of I'nclflr 'oii-t hiisinitm men.
Cool Wardrobe Is
Essential to Real
Summertime Comfort
nloH, 21, charged with jiHKault ami wan arrested following the Httth
bnttery with n dunRerntiH wnpnn !lfn of fionny RuttK, 2.'!. '
Summer comfort
thr n kepinc rnol.
At ient mow;
women innlt that It dowi. For to
he conifortiihle in nummer one muft
ht HultuMy dressed for every um
mT time occasion. Kveryune wiint
to ho cool, of course, hut a merely
cikiI frock i evidently no nolo t.i
one's peaeo. of mini If tt hnppenn
to. bo the wronic costume. f"r tho
time, the place, jim! the company.
Tho proper summer walrobe ls
not fo much a matter of expense
as it in of care-fill planning nni
proper election. Mnnn'n hav pa'l
a great deal jit attention to am
M rnhhriK Jut tho thine for tho
who want to nvtke thlH summer n
eomfortatde nne tn every jiense of
the word.
. PORTLAND Jo Aynnn Mor
Perfect-Fitting Sweater
if un pamaric scam
The famous Jerry-J Sweaters for
Men are Exclusive with Mann's
Ask for Jerry-J. ,
Men's Section, Street Floor
H i-
' To Make tKe Home
Bright and ( Gheerful
., Every housewife likes tfl move her furniture about i
to make the room look different, but if you are j V
craving a change in the appearance of your roomi
let draperies do it. There is nothing-that makes
a room so new looking and attractive as new drap
erieSi.rThey are so cool and restful, and you may.
have this wonderful change for a mere trifle if yon
seloct your draperies from Mann's... We offer you
new colors and patterns in infinite variety. ' Let our
expert decorator assist- you. Her suggestions as.
to color and style of make are yours for the asking.
Cretonnes 25c to $2.95
Damasks $ 1 .00 to $4.50
Fine Nets 19c to $1 .95 )
Curtains $1 to $4i95
Panels $1 to $5.50:
Indi a Prints1
Mann's Drapery Service
Munr:'s Drapery Service is just -that f A servioe
FREE to all customers who come to this store. We
pride ourselves on this service; it is complete, Intel
ligent, and instructive. Our drapery woman is a
college trained decorator; her advice and counsel
is yours for the asking; and if you choose she will
gladly go to your home, measure your windows,
stibmit to you the actual cost of making and hanging,
your drapes. We maintain a drapery work room;
all making is done right here in the store, by an
expert you are assured perfect satisfaction. The
cost we promise you, will not be mere than you wish
to pay. s .:....-. '