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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1929)
KCGE EIGHT WRDPORP M5TE TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, QftEflONY FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1929.- if J FRANK V. MOLLIS OF M. F. AND H. CO. I Frank W. Hollts, for. 20 years' ,: Identified with the business lite of ; this city, died at lhe Sacred Heart ! 'hospital about 10:30 o'clock thli ' i morning, aged 65 years. He was stricken with lufluuaia last Janu ary and has been In falling health since, Ha was a close personal : friend of Congressman W. C. Haw-1 ley, and was formerly active In the ! : political life of Jackson county. j Hels survived by his wife and i :. two sisters, Mrs. Cora Wood on: '.. Kalera and Mrs. Laura McPeak of : ' Portland. Three nieces M rs. Bus-1 j sell Btevena and Mrs. Ftankiel; ' Brannan, and Mrs. Georgia Hamll-lj ton of Salem also survive. : ' - Mr.-Hollts was born In Iterrlan . connty, Michigan, May 21, 1965. He : I entered business when 17 years old on,) followed that calling all his : days. He lived In Kansas many : years, later settling at Salem, Ore., where he resided for 10 years. He . then moved to this city and became , identified with the Medford Furnl ; lure ft Hardware Co. shortly after Its organization. He was a man of many friend ( ships and widely known throughout this county for his sturllnic worth and conservatism. ' The Medford Furniture & Hard ware Co. will close tomorrow out of respect to his memory. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. GRIEVE TELLS CIRCUS MAN FUTURE PLANS James E. Grieve, brother of Kill Orieve and son of John Grieve, an octogenarian who on looking the Valley over for about DO or more years past Is very much pleased with it and may decide- to locate lh the county somewhere, spent yesterday In the'olty with his wife, to make a study of wild animals in captivity.' It IS understood that Mrs. James Orieve Is learning to oook. With a view ito, with her husband estab lishing a boarding house for tour ists and - others ' somewhere - in Prospect. They so told Al. Q. Barnes, a well known Callfornlnn who was In this city yestorduy with a traveling tent show, and also told that they planned to have a nice cool spring all bound around with rocks, as an adjunct of the tu,vuin. WTFWEDWS mil mm Accused of overloading trucks, five men, F. H. I'opken, Eurl Un inger, Curl Badger, Vern Stephen son and William Llnkben, were ' scheduled to have hearings In tho local Justice court today. The men were arrested yesterday fore noon by Htute Traffic Officer C I'. Talent and Herb Moorn at the junction of the Blddle Jtoad and the Pacific highway near tho Owen-Oregon mllL The trucks were carrying logs and are. alleged -. tow have. heeu overloaded from 3000 to 7000 pounds each. Two truck drivers! were also arrested near Ashlund on the same charges, - , 23 For any truck with a total tire s width of 30 Inches, 600 pounds to the Inch, or 18,000 pounds. In- l eluding the weight of the truck ss Is allowed. For trucks less than ' 30 inches, COO pound to the Inch Is allowed, meaning , a maximum weight of 14,400 pounds to anyl ens axle. ..... . 'V Wall Street Report NEW YORK, May 17, (A) Fa vorable developments In the credit situation provided the background for a general advance In. prices In today's) stock market. ' Buying orders were distributed , over fairly -broad list, a eprlnk . ling Of high priced specialties nonr Inx 8 to nearly .15 points, while a long lino of Industrials and public utilities moved up 1 to 5 points. A acore or more Issues moved Into new high ground lor the year. (Except for an Initial spurt of 8H points in Union Pacific, the rails failed to participate extensively In the upswing. A few Issues, Includ ing Oliver Fafm Equipment, Cuba Cane Preferred and Kinney, sank to new low levels for the year. Fidelity Phoenix Insurance broke nearly 6 points and International Telephone 4. - SEATTLE, May 17. OF) First .degree murder charges were filed In superior court today against Leo Axtell, 17, high school student , who had confessed he shot and killed his stepfather, ;Wade Axtell last Saturday night. ,. Ths boy Is charged with pre meditated design .to effect the death of his stepfather. Police have announced that I,eo con fessed laying In ambush and shooting him as the climax to a long standing antngonlsm between the boy nnd man. l.j . U- . -t i i . H , 1 To Slop a Conch Quickly. Start at once taking Foley's Hon ey .and Tar Compound, rarefully made, It combines the curative vir tues of pure pine tar with other valuable cough and tlssue-beallng Ingredients, nnd the mollifying de mulcent effect of fresh, clear hon ey. It contains no oplntes to con stipate, no chloroform to dry up natural secretions. 'It Is bland to a lender throat, and quickly ffec five In stopping stubborn, bother coughs. Ask for II. For sale liy Jnrmln V Woods Drug Store, cor. Main and Central, S IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH MANN'S East Day of Our May White Sale Don't Miss ; Toweling x 16-inch pure linen unbleached crash toweling, splendid qual ity. Regular price 25c. On sale Saturday, 1 OVot yard.... IA'L W9) WHITE RUFFLED CURTAINS $1.89 Values $1.39 These curtains are made of plain French marquis ette in white. Good quality. Regular price $1.89; On -sale. Saturday, very special, fcl pair I OV Curtain Nets It . will pay you to buy your nets here Saturday. 36 and 44 in. fine filet mesh nets that sell regularly at 39c. Special White Good Sale, price Satur-. QO day, yard '.....:...,:....,..,., kf SENSATIONAL DRESS SALE 500 sale Saturday, each EXTRA SPECIAL A group of fifty Dresses, made of printed silks, silk crepes and georgettes, that sold all seaon up to S35, Saturday, each SEE OUR NEW WASH DRESSES 500 New Wash Dresses rade of fast, colored prints. All sizes. Alany stylos to choose from. Also new smocks. Real $1.")0 val- s:. ; $1.00 Jantzen and Columbia Bathing Suits Bathing Caps, Belts and Shoes at Special Prices. Children's Rubber Aprons,' special 29 Box Stationery, 85c,va,lue, Saturday ; ...........i.....49d Roys' Wash Suits, sixes 1 to 3, special, each.. $2.25 Women's Novelty Cuff Fabric Oloves, pair...: $1.25 Children's Vanta Vests. $1.40 values, each.. ......,....:.95 Infants' Soft Soled Shoes, if 1.75 values, pair $1.00 frV. A Big Special Just in, a lug assortment of the latest smart suede sport bags in pastel' shades. All stylos on sale Saturday at the very low Cl QC H3DOraryj price of, each. I -THE BEST GOODS FOR These Extra Specials at Dress Goods Special White wool georgette, 54 inches wide, Regular- price $4.25, Sat urday, do QC yard Botony Flannels in white, 54 inches wide, for coats. On sale Saturday, yard $2.95 Cotton Batts A big 3-pound stitched batt that sells all the time from 98c' to $1.19, to be placed on sale Sat urday at the very low 7 C n price of, each.... New Silk Dresses At Very Special Prices $18.00 Dresses $10.95 Included in this lot are printed silks, georgettes and wash crepes with and without sleeves, 'martyr new styles including the new sun back dress,"in. all colors and sizes. Real $18.00, values, as a. big special Saturday, r (111 A ft each .. . , . ...... 1 New Silk Ensembles $25.00 Values $18.00 A very special purchase enables us to place on sale a gorgeous selection of new silk ensembles made of georgette, plain and printed silks, all colors and sizes. Real values up to $25.00, VIVVf VII $18 $14 Betty Baxley W a s h drosses, new ones, just in. All sizes and stylos. Real $2.50 values. Spei'ial Sat urdav fc 1 QC ! only, each.... ; in Hand Bags ftiO .486 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY THE PRICE; NOMATTER Now Is the Time f to Buy SHEETS and SHEETING Note these special prices on "Wear Well" brand. 72x99-inch sheets ! ". , '. $1.29 81x90-inch sheets ; i v . $1 .35 81x99-inch sheets ... .$1.49 Wearwell Sheeting 63-inch bleached, yd. . . . 40c 63-nch unbleached, yd. . . 34c 72-inch bleached, yd.. . .42c 72-inch unbleached; yd. . 40c 81-inch bleached, yd. .f. .45c 81 -inch unbleached, yd.. 42c Taped Edge SPECIAL Stitched Crepe Hats Jaunty little hats that serve a double purpose . . . for they are quite as appro priate for dressy wear as upon more sporty occasions. $4.95 on HOSIERY SALE Rlue. Crane pure silk hose, in all colors and sizes, Very special, $1 00 pair : . Pure Silk Hose Service weight, full fashioned, silk to the op, in a good assortment of colors. All' sizes. Special, $1 pair Children's Hose Rayon and lisle length socks in fancy patterns. -uOe valhes. Qr 50c valhes Saturday, pair Jlcwiti$tpantmwtAimt C "THE STORE FOR EVEBYBODV J - 467 FILLED! AGENTS WHAT THE PRICE Mann's SATURDAY Dress Goods Speicals Crepe de Chine 40-mch heavy weight white crepe de chine on (1 QQ sale Saturday, yard, t White Shantung 3(5 inches wide, for dresses, skirts, etc,. Very special Sat- unlay, ? -yard SAVE MONEY ON Glass Towels 17x28-pnch glass towels with red or blue bor ders. Regular price 35c. .Now, . OCt. nnl, --' Whiite Plisse Crepe 36 inches wide, very fine quality for underwear. Comes in white only. Regular price 29c. 1 Qp Saturday, yard-....; SENSATIONAL' 100 New Spring Styles . at Radical Reductions $18.00 Spring Coats $10.00 These coats are made of all-wool tweeds and mix tures, lined throughout, some with fur collars. Real $18.00 values, as a big special rf "t Saturday, each . .'. . . . .'. ;:. A J $25.00 Coats $14.00 - ."-' 15 new spring coats made of all-wool broadcloths, lined with guaranteed linings, most4 of them with fine grade fur collars. Real $25.00 11 values Saturday,. each . 'Ir All Better Coats Including the famous import ed Donegal rug coats going irr this sale at great reduc tions. , SEE OUR COATS FIRST SAVE MONEY Crepe Gowns Fine Quality, in flesh, peach and wnite. .fl.00 val- CZQp uos Saturday Kickernick Dance sets, made of a fine quality fast colored prints. Sizes 32 to 3G. Regular $1.25 values. Satur- dl f( day, each P 1 .UU Children's Union Suits Sleeveless, with short knee. Sizes 2 to 10 years. Special, suit OavV Women's Vests Light veight cotton with bodice and built-up tops. Special, K(r each New Neckwear and Scarfs New lace and linen neckwear in ecru and white. Regular price $1.19. Saturday,- Q0 New Plaited Scarfs - in a full line of new st vies. Special, each ......'. FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS MANN'S j Turkish Towels 24x48-inch Turkish bath toweb. Come with blue, rose, green and gold borders. Regular price 39c. Sale price, 25 C each : -' LINENS Pure, Linen Lunch Cloths 44x44-ineh size with' blue,, gold and lavender bor ders, Regular price $1. . Saturday, (ltn each Buy Sheets Now $1.19 Values 89c 81x90-inch sheets, made of gbod quality sheeting. Regular price $1.19. May White Sale gQc price, each. COAT SALE $30 Coats $19.75 A special group, of sport coats made by Conde and Printzess, j- all new styles, made of all-wool jj tweeds and mixtures. Up to $30 - values Satur- JJ "I Q T C M day, each .JP ON UNDERWEAR "Stepins and Shorts Made of rayon, in. all sizes and. colors. Up to $L25 vai- S . ,7Qr S Saturday 1 u r Corset Special 1 Girdles and back lace corsets, good quality, well made. All sizes. Values up to $1.50 on 5 sale Saturdav, Qtr each ; n See Window Display Flapper Trunks ( in printed crepe and broad-' cloth. All sizes. CQ s Special, pair J7C fljl OQ I M 1 t sg?a7fm . I ' - fc lllllllllillllllllllllllllllli