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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1928)
ipxae Form O Many Legion Convention Delegates to Visit Cratejv-Lake National Paffc Mi 4 7 ! k ,AV1f ... I Lk . iif'"nmiMiriwiiiil umlB HIH T Tl' " , , . . . ...... MyL,., 1 A visit to Crater Lake National Park will be the objective of many delegates who are in Medford this week fop the American Legion convention. C-a-ter Lake itself, in the heart of a once-mighty volcano, is only 80 miles from this city, and itt connected with this city by a smooth, oiled macadam highway. Excellent accommodations are offered at the Crater Lake lodge and there is arrple space for those who prefer to camp. Many side trips may be enjoyed by those who make the Crater Lake trip; the Rogue River Gorge, the Copco hydro-electric power project, the largest of its kind rn Oregon; Mill Creek Fallo, and the Natural Bridge. Crater Lake is six miles long and four miles wide, circled by a rim road which is a recognized triumph of enqineerino. kin; and I hrouKht him up to he ; varHatlllty and tnlent that havo our heir, and w hoped 1) would made her one of the most remark worthily continue our work after ialne queens In history. Queen Mn wo were Kne. Hut that hope is l ie iliseus.sed t with the roi respon Kone forever. He can never atone dent ;t host of varied subjeciH. for the rruel Mow he gave us both raninf? from Hardening, painting. Iy hlH deKcrtion. iiut I think his mule. literature. jihiloKophy, th recent aetn In London were duo to theater, and great men and women he evil guidance of the Hi-Ister of the day, to the radio, motion 'Ikuh'h around him, and rr.t to hit plctureM, women'H styles, damriiiK. wn instincts." cookliiK. embroiderins'. rollKlon. While the oueen has uned hnmoi tality, and her . last very form of moral Kuasion to in- 't-1 l'ild Stales. dure her erratic Hon to reform, he Black Bottom. It amuses me to ; see them danced by professionals. but I would not. for instance, wunt daughter be considered. These, alas, count a Ki'fiU deal. Anyhow. 1 should like to ko quite unofficially the see my own sweet daughter ! next time, if such n thing Is nos- dancc them. jsihle. I should like to chnae the .My criticism of jazz Is that It 1h ! acOH j tt.iin, lw MP(t llu. too noisy, rertaiiily inusb- Is not ; fl.niS i want m m.-ei. Yoi.- i-re.-.t publicity makes all privacy very I should love to bring little King Mihai with me, but I'm Tlier pre-war days." I Her majesty, who is a great ad- mlrcr of America, said it was her improved by sounds of breaking china, tearing calico and dashes of l difficult. Kiicncnware. i r you ask me trip to : ' ' mj mud on iafliUti that is an Impossible dream ;iuut:y itu iih new uances. i would ! .HKU'liI' ui. i.lin tl.. a llo ll,.,. Ii I How closely a, in spite of i ' . .. ,ulv""H"1' iumuun. iohows pres- ! Kant than In v.iioin cniiii- lun-v jiaid ui ie. . t-m lemiencicH in snuwn oy .iarie H to encourage )iim to return to remarks regarding American mu- " . . , i i i . , ' great deidre to visit the United in the government that slic would "I adore the movies," she said, ' stat(lH Ituin .. sh(, do nothing to upset the establish- 1 'especially the films featuring j ..tmr ' "u.-h things s es cd order. Thruout alt Carol H escn- ( Iounlas Fairbanks. Mary lMckfonl. 'r .,,," . i. : ' " ; ' iiiiiniiiiiinii nil urn- uiiiitiii hiiii ivuiiKny himii, a mi m' tuilu of Ncrupuluii.s uffu-ial tctarh- .otlHT old-tiuu favoiiteH. My chll I iiumU frtini (ho ilHinhcritcrt rrown iilrosi nnti I hav? a Npoclal rorner piinro. Slit- has acci'pleil our ht'arts fur JUiHtiT Kealim, j.on, Mihai, ax klnK, ;novinK liiat j who nfver sniilos. And of uourw any nttfnipl of Carol lo return not : wo split our kIcIph over tho precious lonly would niisor tho throne, hul jriiarley Chaiilin. whr, although lie jwoiilil iduni;e Itunianla into pollti-jls the iiersonlfienllon of launhter. ii.inn hum i i u . iii'in latinos niniseii. onn of the limit mountain rcsoriB mi the Pacific Cuaut, where many l.eKionnaireu will upend Sunday after the close, of the convention In Medford. . - Mr. and Mrs. Grieve, have pari Boually conducted the resoit for Bixteen years, -jip.-' looklnn lifter the comforts of the Kii..sts and "Ma" the cnlslue. Heh chicken are official and other olmta-' omnera outrival tnose or the cles in the way. 1 cannot fix the dato of toy next visit, us It depends entirely upon circumstance.:." : Nestling In the tall pines, on the i upper Rogue river, about hull' way ! between Medford and Crater Lake, ; is the poptdar James Grieve Pros-' pect resort, known far and wide as ' world's greatest hostelrles. The re sort la not only popular with tour ists from all over the I'ultetl State-, and turcica countries, hul Is u fa vorite gathering place for residents of Medford and other cities of the coast. As hlKh as 50 Medford peo pie have taken Sunday dinner at drives in tlood weather. Oueen .Marie denied that her re- "I think the American fllm nr.. cent reported UlnesH with rht-uma- , iest. but the Cerman run them a' 1 tic lumbago was anything mure close second. The Cerman movie i The j y Queen Marie Grieves but Forgives ithan a passing Indisposition. "I i producers have some marvelous ;:tm far too busy anil too healthy to actors, such as Conrad Veldt, Bas- iget sick, she said laughingly. She Isermann. (ioetze. Weirem- told the correspondent that her of- I Hermans are wonderful observ fU'liil audiences in Hticharest range (of type, but they can occasionally 1'ifnn twenty to twenty-five a day, become. over-brutal. The most and that she came to Bnlsic with I beautiful Krench film I ever saw Princess llinua to snatch a respite i was 'The .Miracle of the Wolves.' I I from her arduous duties. She bas J love Italian films because of their beautiful scenery." By JameK A. .Mills (Associated Press Staff Writer) B ALTH II IK, Rumania. (!) Queen Marie of Rumania would "love to bring little King filial nlong" when she revisits America, but. she said in on Associated Carol's r Cress interview, there were official laud for obstacles. the Rumanian throne. Jler sovereign grandson has Just t reused her. heroine a "divorce court orphan" She expressed her hopes frankly through a decree of the Rumanian jto the correspondent. She still ex cotirtH on .Tune 112 terminating the peels her prodigal son to have a moral reawakening, shake off the evil Influences of his companions and begin a career as private bus!- j;,n enormous volume of charitable ness man. land other work to do. Knowing that Prince Cam! can ! H,M" lit,,:i'y kbors and her cor- never regain tin- Rumanian throno ', ' '"w,i,;,n1 marriage relation between his mother, Princess Helen and his rather, the disinherited Crown Prince Carol, Queen -Marie hns sought solitude it tills tiny lllack sea port. Prince father cent expulsion from Kng- merelal enterprise plotting the recovery of Igrsted a trip around the ,IUVV ,,,r """" - "umanian pou- characterisilc handwriting. P.ut 'ICS. I HOW Ul I vl rilfl-ii.l !' I-W.L- nP t 1 ... .1 to mctate many of her letters to a secretary. deeply dis- ...r ...Kooneie ineuious. ueen .uii- Men. occupy a greaL part of her iie saai sue nau urged him to in- i time. Her American eoirespon--vesl tho $&0M(tiO0 left him bv liis.i..ntM .... n, i i ... King Keidlnand. in a com- always prize her letters, hecan., She also sug- jtlie oueen has always neimcd tlw world rn responses in her own fine, broad. ii course, i iirors (pieer con duct htm given me great pain and sorrow." said her majesty. "The Manifesting the fame striking Discussing the subject of danc ing, the iu-en's observations were even more unique. "I have no ob jection to the American dances," she said. "Rut I think they are sometimes wanting in grace, and nobody looks very amused while he is dancing Ihem. In Kuropo wo seem to have more fun with our old-fashioned waltzes. Rut I am very fond of American tango music. Contrary to most people, I find It terribly sad. It touches something In one. On the other hand, 1 abhor the Charleston and Greetings to Legionnaires and Auxiliary Members Y y T f t T f y ? ! i I !! t A Call For Kodaks l'lverywlicrc you look arc pictures to lie taken. Pictures of the parade, floats, stieet scenes, etc. and your friends, all in festive attire, with jubilant expressions. . Have. Plenty of Films Bring tliem hack here for free developing. Get Your Cini-Moving Picture Films Here Legionnaires, and members of the AVomen's Auxiliary make this store your headquarters for Kodak supplies. Free telephone at vour service. Phone 874 For Drug Service WEST SIDE PHARMACY THE REXALL STORE THE COOLEST STORE IN TOWN ? ? ? f t T ? ? t f y t y y ? y y y t y f ? ? t t ? ? ? ? y From the Manufacturers of BE 'AVER CEMENT An OREGON PRODUCT Beaver Portland Cement Co. GOLD HILL, OREGON GREETINGS To the Members of the Womens Auxilliary 0 and the American Legion Phone 164 For Anything in the Meat Lin o o o Liberty Market "THE HOME OF GOOD MEATS" Swift's Government Inspected Inspected Beef-Swift's Best lllllllllllll