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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1928)
PXGE TWO AfEPFORD MATL TKTBtyK MEDFORD. ORF;ONT. sFXPAY. JULY8:). 1fta. -a- Jocaland L Personal Inwt, ' AfU-r 19 ypfirx' of fXM,ri'n' In fishiiiK thf I tonne riviT, I', '. I iiK hum lift in if H ht is ;i clever Diitll YVll'-fl it I'lillll 111 chflHillK HlerJ- hpiitlH. V'Hinlny morning 1"' lit ml Ml fjvft fine cih-k, I he hiKtft'! ! weitfhlriK nver II jmuhkIm. Itoyiil h 'oiH'hmun silver lnly fly ImnkN venilnn of lh Ameri.-un J.fKimi ''' l.cKiiiK next Thursday mm n until SimirdHy nlfthi. Ilumtroiln of ) pit from all prtn or ui hiihc nee exiX'fted Ut lf IipIO Owl time, in nihlAirui Ui ihe in;iny .fulfil men. The luslnr.-s seelirm if the rlty Is ulremly 'n twin nt tire fur the rnriveniUm. and It 1m exneoVl that every honif will UiK ieeor:ited hy Thursday niorn Jnir. Ir. K. tl. Tluiyei. prnrtiHiiK lim ited lO ''. 'fr. lin thl'Hlt. Ale.lford IJhlu. The MinrffH I.'ulso. Flulirir, J'H and iccrii;i IMwardw and Klriuim J'eter nni r-xpecied to rot urn to day fnun ft vacation of a wefk jm nt at Klumomi lnko. Tree props. The 1'orter I.tnnln-r Co. unloads yesterduy a.'i.OOO feet, f)f Helei-t tree props, bundled In lenuths us per your requiremont. i ported prejsence of (h 1'hotli' JIM. lIt-i'iilH wince .Mayor l-'nx used by Mi-. ftiuhiun who. the way. did not donate any of his fish for the Hoover dinner at ToKtf'-'-y Hill Isaac Indue, which is If be an 4-vent of this eve- All organdie honnetH 3 price. Handicraft Shop. I -'I'J Ten i j mm a ry a uto 1 censes were Issued yesterday at the sheriff's office to Kdward Kelly, Harold Hill, W. !:. liruyloii, W. I.. Wade and .!. rl fentacher of .1. II. Davidson of tiold 'ieorw KHI-r of Central l'oint. All thi.H week the Colonial l!nk ery is se lii nt; the. lai'Kn size flour sacks at !i!Mr dozen. II;ilph Hoy and fatnily v 111 leave for jiatiiond lake tomorrow for a vacatbin of a uionlh. 'hiken dinners, (Uivwd U'.ik on. T.'.c. 1 r. 1 T we til y local peuntc have ro- biK brown auuruucfd J'erhaps on- of the busiest ; Marriage Hcensen utr Issued chairmen nf th American Lfffinu ; yesterday afternoon at the coun convention crintinis.tou i.- (toy KI- t clerk' rffi-e i W. V. Kankin, Iloit. (biilJ)ian of Hie (,oncessiotis 53, and flattie J-terriaii, 54, hnih coinmiitee. who for the pust week 01 I Mis city; Stanford .Met 'oiiri y, has been hesleKcd with teleirram .13, and Vernu 'ooper, 1 U, bot h from concessionaireH from all parts of Ashland; Walter -Martin Ick.-iI. of the coitst asklnw for perm is- anil J'lllzabeth Smith, both of San sion to briiiK in luck wheels, housle 1 I'edro. U(lna, yucpn of Drinks, n pickle, 12th and Riverside. !:! ' I in 11 eh tecs of Veternns of t he AiTiviutf from St. I.ouls, Mis., M'r. and -Mrs. ft. i-. ISrown came to .Medl'ord yeMterday expecllnff to visit sevral fiicndH including the A. Ii. Cuuninsliam and ft. ci. Abn ii fer families. We have something choleo In IT props. Do not fail to see them. , having wen the l:fK I'lnes C. ''" "What do yon think about this'.'" observed I'loyd .1. Cook of Med l'ord as he I'-ft for the south laM evenine- "I telephoned to my home ai .Medfoid from liend. The uiessacre luid to k" froin ibnd to The Dalles, then to Portland and then 10 .Medfoid. and it cost me that efforts will he made lo erad- j irate theni. The worst place ap- i pears lo he alon Cillierl creek! where the rodents hliVP burrowed' into the bank. However, the rats j seem to be very well distributed I iKuincs. nail kiiii"k ami various jolhei names of skill and chanee, : I f e ei y a me was admitted, the city would be practically overrun. accordiiiK to the chairman, who In pickine out the mosi worthy to stop in .Meilford for the three d:ys of the convention. Tree propw u t Med ford Jjimner Co. 1'hone C 2 1. S'Jtf i AI iss Florence V ork. home dem - .Medfoi d. ' onsi ration Hjjciit. left last night Hill and for Vosetnilc national park to Npend a ten d.iys' vacation at Camp Curry. Swim in drink ins water, rick's chlorinated pool. No 1 ires are out cautioning the users of Cold Hill water from us ing city water wit limit first hidl int; it. While there may be no real danger, Hie water lest shows il lo bear I m purities and I here fore the notices. Cold Hill News. Have your eyen fared for now by our deferred payment plan. .Sdfn tlflc. eye examination comfortable glasses. Dr. D. A. Chambers, Southern Oregon Optical Co., .'(17 Meilford lildg. Fhone 1HH. !8ff Attorney Frank .1. Newman and I What be says to be a chh list With the opening of the slat.Q n lne wa" 10 'rat eiQ la ke W Qf-Q JJJJQ JolllTj DT of ai ancles has been rec rt' d by Am. in an I . kuoi t on vi-n t ion only . a return trip aiQ-r ' years .Mr. Crover Owen, local Fnite.t Si,n-i a few .!jn .may. the decorating JMj )r . u. Wilder, of l.os utiMiV re-iiiltinti ftiKcaitt. Tin' o.' I. if id :n.. in tin- Itu-inesj section . ,. , , , vacancies are locate? ,, the l-.ul- tlh .uul bunnng has beep A ngeles. 6 al., ;( nd fonm-tfy owne, , ilipine islanos and in 'hin.i. He npidh ahf.. giving the wf ..g orchards in the Iti.KUf has received aitthoiliy to eiiltM . : ,i htdhiav a ppea ra nee. ; ri ver valley, stopped here yester- . ten men for servi- e in the bi-p r -S'iiii Ccnini! .ivcime. with all day afternoon. The ex-.Mcdford j momilry and over :i" 011 the tbtiuU, t.'tu .iU'iiis of the .Med ford build- ic-ldenl remarked thai the town Ml the arlous departments Cic D at; a , c 1 u d , is niic of the out- fs developing: l iipidlj' and that - m . iirniy -i ,'v; -.iii-ft-. so far. ' bulpess Is evidentlv very good. I Class! fled ndvertlslng" pet s result' n 1 j rurtnaseu g r:iW by Stale ol ("tliicmlj T WILD BERG BROS. SMKl.TirsCi at RtiHNING CO. OHicrt: 742 Mtrkei Su.San J-anctco Flint: Soutli Sln l'tinou the cily. Any other persons ; associate Attorney Ceorge Neilson $1.1)0 for three iiiinutes. Well, when 1 telephone to .Med ford from Portland it costs m' xl.Xa for three minutes, llnw no you tig I d ts a re asked to notify the mayor at once as lie desires tn stari the work of erad ication as soon as possible and all information must be sent lo the head of 'the rodent control work in iregon. - iraut s I 'ass t 'mirier. Jackson St. Store open Sunday. 7 to 1 0 a. in.; 2:30 to ii p. tn. Foun tain service, cold melons, fir. --'t 1 W. Jackson. I'l'S , I'. W. 1 bdlis accompa nied by j t he .M inscs France and Thelnia j will leave by motor today for Cortland, where they will try two' civil cases in the Cortland courts.' They plan lo rciurn here Wednes day. Al is. Jack Hoffman n r rived in j Medl'ord yesterday from Itayinond, ( U'ii.sii., where she spent Hie paM two months visiting at ihe home' of her sister, Airs. K. I.. Slone. A special typo of tree props ni' Itig Fines Co. TStf j l-.'ist Sunday, which had a max- i Iiiiiini here of I 'Hi, was Hie hot- . Civil war who are going to at tend the picnic this afternoon at l-JIgevwtod park, and have extra roMtn in their cars in", requested to notify Mrs. 'ora 'arbis. tele phone 1 1 3!-X. Last sale of straw hats, every hat that's left goes al $l.iK. fiDc each. A wonderful select ioji. New felts. 7.'.0 Values, fipecial price till after ihe convention . each, fireen S. & II. stamps with Mer-I every hat. The Km my l.ou Hat SO'tf i Hhmi in M. M. Slore. ::( There'll be a hot time In the (dd town next week ut our sis ter city to the sou til Medfoi d. The American Legion boys are gathering (here for their big pow wow, and, judging from the pro gram already a nnounced, not an idle moment, will be in evidence during the entire session. don't know of iinyihine; thai iptite equals a l.eyioii convent Jon When It comes to having a good lime and ihe boys of the World war are justly entitled to a lot of free dom in putting over innocent pranks and stirring up a loi of enthusiasm as well as pa trio t ism for I ill- great old country. Kose iinrb NeU.-ltevi..v.- TOO LATE TO CLASSIrY FOlt SAI.K -Heriles ami Chone lo-F-l '. Juic". A-2T, ure that out?" The Oregonian. Simmons, returned y Are you aware that the enemy n week s visit In ! of disease and old age Is ehiro-'nnd Oakland, Cal. practlc with Iusshin massage. Dr. Slinklns, over Woolworlh Store -d lo III'- j price, t 'hancy noon I-ove which was last award Coquilbr post. AH organdie bonnets Handicraft Shop. District Attorney N. 1 Is expected to return this for from Sacramento, Cal., where yes terday he was gin 11 led extradition papers for Karl Swisher. K lam alh Falls truck driver wanted here 011 felony charges as the result of an auto truck accident In the f irccnsprlng mountains, ending raially for an unidentified youth. Swisher has been held for several minty t wil h ought j lisle 1 by '.'Ha rm-erslde, FJ'f K, c. Corn and family have Just : The silver golf trophy to In completed moving ami are now (awarded in Die winner of ihe located at their new country home j A nierieun l.eglou golf tournament on the Fhoenlx-.lacksonville road, ithls week during the state con The est 11 In was formerly owned f Vent ion was placed on exhibition by Waller Fnrer Hrown. ! yesterday at Ihe Chamber of Cum- Orchtird owners, save culling im-rce anrng with me Oeorgt and buy your tree props In speci fied lengths. The Porter Dumber Co. has on hand a large slock of all lengths. Phone PJ4. Major A. V. Cleary. Fulled States army, left Tuesday on ficinncr Admiral Konson for Ban Francisco, following inst ruct i from the war department termin ating his duty with the Oregon National tluurd. Major Cleiuy, who 1h well known In Med lord, has been senior Instructor of t he national guard hen for the past five years, lie expects In be or dered to duty with troops In the Immediate future. Mujor Chary Is succeeded In Oregon by Col onel Hubert A. Allen, who whs un til recently with troops In the ca nal y.(.ne. Mirroring the millinery mode, exclusive tinge, felts express indi viduality and charm. The latest models featured by h', Hand llox Shoppe, Fast lith, are priced very modest at fll-Mi and $.&. We Invite your Inspection. We give green H. & H. stamps. Clly Treasurer Herbert Herein n and family are expected 10 ar irK'' home today from their vaca tion auto trip to Lake Tahoe ami other California points, and M r. Dcn-inti to reHiinie the duties of his office tomorrow. Dressmaking 9 d reniodellnif. Far.hlon Shop, 44 Meilford llhlg. tf Mr. and Mrs. Carl Howntan tif Medfonl, who Ibis summer, have been operating James K. lirieve's store and cabins at Fnlon Creek, which last week M r. tlrlevu sold to a California man, will continue In their positions tinder the new proprietor, f(r a short lime at least. M r. (Jrieve will center all his efforts now on ihe operation of his Prospect, hotel resort. Tree props for sab in specified lengths, any tiuanlliy, front select common stock, delivered any place in Jackson county. Porter Dumber Co. Phone in. . DlL' Koberl McLeou Is spending Ihe week-end in It rook lugs, his old home, vlsii lug friends and rela tive. Tree props at Medford Lumber To. Phone C29. Mrs. It. A. Kiippes Is home from a several weeks visit wilh rela tives nt Portland, accompanied by her little nephew, Wayne Mel of I tend. All hiddlo dresses, 2 to 6 year sizes, 'a price. Handicraft Shop. t :t .' erday from l''sl day evi'i" known in Prospect, l-'rancisco with a maximum of Id. stated .la no s 1 :. f ii ji-ve u ho was in I he A cool, refreshing drink, lieglnatri,y yesterday on business, and all the Queen of Drinks. U'th and huh v rtlversifle. W.ANTKD (iiri to break in for vaudeville act. free to travel. Dark hair, a hour ."i feet, weight ion HiH., and of age. Apply eve ning only at 314 S. Central, The Cl'-at Htilce. 131 thai k it was much coole hlgh elevation than ihe valley. " 1 1 was so hot on Sun day t hat auto ton lists could not travel. They would come slowly a long I he highway, and seeing the green grass and shade of our resort , slop a ml stagger into l lie yard, drink copously at the ioun- Tropliy for membership, ,!l spring and then jusi lay down on Ihe grass and st Crieve said. All kiddle dresses, '1 sizes, -i price. Ilandi there," Mr. to 0 year raft Shop. Dili A special train carrying mem bers of the Kline tour agency front the east passed through last night. All organdie bonnets ls price. Handicraft Shop. 132 J. W. Shirley of the Jackson county ban It. will resume dm b-s at the bank tomorrow, following a vacation of two weeks spent with Mrs. Shirley al Florence, Ore., t Ihe Fake Mc.l-Cfeek ft lalives and a Springs in the section. The huge size riuur sacks Used hy ha kers have many household uses. The Colonial Itakery Is offer ing a special price of 1 ii cents the don. until their supply Is exhausted. months in the Siskiyou i jail at Vreka and will be hi back to Medford tomorrow Sheriff Jennings. Dr. F. (I. Thayer, practicing Ihn II ed to eye, ear, nose and throat. Medford Itldg, i' State Traffic Lieut ena nt and .Mrs. O. O. Nichols, who have been enjoying a vacation oi two weeks In the northern part of ihe state, are expected to return today or tomorrow to their home here. All organdie bonnets 'a price. I landicraft Shop. 1 ;U' Haloid Sander, Harold Adams!. f. . r 1 1 r-v and William Unscnhaum. local) i fie f 1 flCS t Dol i ai D 1 II aviators, received pilots licenses last week when Inspeclors Shields! and Vest of the Tinted Stales de- ! p.irtniciit of commerce lesicd ap- j pllcants. j Tree props at Medford Lumber i Co. Phone fi:i. mttf Mrs. Phil Metschan Sr.. for many years a resident of this city ami of Oregon, dh-d Wednesday morning at 4;:ta while visiting her daughter, Mrs. K . .M. C. Niell. al lirants Pass. Mrs. Metschan was born in San Uatael, Cal., and was married to Mr. Metschan In that clly In isiiii, during his term as state treasurer. They lived al Salem until he went out of of fice and, moving lo Portland, be- proprietor of Ihe Imperial hotel. Following Mr. Metschan's death, his widow moved in li'L'ti. to San Francisco, where she has since resided. Another daughter. Mrs. c. I.. Tobin. Winncinucca, NY v., survives.--Port la ml Jonr- UirUCALS Youthfulness Tin1 rcudinc scirmciit of tin1 Xukriiiiip liit'iii-iil is praclii'iilly invisihlr. As a result, hisses with Xn- kl'i IliM'S llllVU t lit' SilltlC lninilsoiiic yniilliful )(.M';mc(. us the sinclp vi sion li'iiscs worn by 1 1 1 1 yuiiiifr pi-npli of tixbiy. Dr. Jud Rickert Optometrist 222 E. Main ' Hotel Mediord ner in Southern Oregon TODAY "The Food is Better" at tho Medford These Drug Stores are open nights this week: Jarmin & Woods James McNair Pharmacy West Side Pharmacy ua ,ll Kiddie dn 'a price. sses. lo li year Handicraft .Shop. i ;i r Perhaps you tire of hearing about Fluhrer's Milk Bread, but we're an proud of our products as a new Daddy is about his children because wo know there are non better anywhere. J Mi of III,. Cii'iiliT M.dlW.I luh will tiiivr an liupni linn luiii'h-i-.ill :iuil liusini.HH tnrriiiiK I'rl, lay. July li. in Hi,, linn. I M,., if, mi i,, i llll. iur,iM' nf ,1,,'iillnK lipun ii lul In. us,, fin- Hi,. in;uiii7utlmi. Mm. It. V. Williams. u,slili'iit ,,f Hi,. ki.'Uii. iiiki-k llll "f llll' wiinnn tu iiIIimkI. ' Tin Ii,.st Tn' lrln on onrlli. t'n Ktlin. 12th mill ItK-.Tslilo. lL'll. W. V. WalkiT anil II. T. Itivy ' y.sliM-.luy i,i sii'ti,l the wvk- nil on II rishlhK .trip lo til" solllli l.uli of t Hutu,' liv.T nluTP tliv rich ii i - ii'porl,.( in In, lilihm no, Ml. Try IliTlliu. yuiMMi of llrlnkn. i'ooI, ri'fn.sliiui:, ijii, unit i:ivi-r-sPI,.. Mrs. i;.oiiri. Irvilir of Vr.-Ka. Illltl,,l lo 1i,t horn,. ,.sl,-r- lay iift.M- sp,Mi,liim lh,. pasl ,-ik ill .M''(llor, ivlth lri,.,,ls null rel atives. hnluillliH Hie ileoiKi' Ali 'I '' lamllv. M I s s I'loreni i tliaves anil Mr. ami .Mrs. II I. H lis, ui. Mrs. In ln,. ,. s,,., i Me.lloi.l .,,. ,,.;., e lma sotuet i pB rtiole tri-e props. Do not fall to sen the till! I'lnes l.l.i'. (. TMf ilus Co,ulos. one ,,r tin. i, lions lemllllC thief ,11-lilon .aeis. v,, Willi his Mile has l.eeu Vi-ltltiK relatives here for the past sl wei Us plans 1,1 leae this week Tor his hoi,,,, in lietiop, Mi, h , hy minor. n,, re up He, I reeemiy troin San I'laniiMo when. he playeil u :ilil ponil ninl.h i, .lake SelieaftVr ami tout hy n 'tmill mamiii followtiiK (y heeiie i '"' 1,1 lust l.lo.k. lie Mill lake pail In a nail -iial l..iirna- lmnl thin Inter In York ;'tly with plai-rs in,.u.lnli .,. jton, llopt,e. Kels.-lt a, oih.-is. Iiriv,. in foi n iii-iuk of It. mni, Ujiieen of inlnks. I.Mh mill ltlv-r-Ishle. K,a, In Especially in Hot Weather Why bother, worry or. fuss about when you are going to have enough time to pay bills? Open a Checking Account and pay you bills Once a Month by Check! It's the Modern, Time-Saving Way The Jackson County Bank KS" AM ISIIED lll o NfliOVORlORKGON C'limiiirrriul Sin'itij;? Su,. Pffmjit Ml Ktni'R I ItPI PAL RI S I- R V H SVSTtM o Gulbransens Beautiful NATION-WIDE SALON Is at Our Store- Ready for Your Visit Period Models Art Models Grands Uprights in a wide variety of finishes, including the new lacquers. You will he tlcli allied with mir tariff display nf famous ilTL MWAXKICX liiiutl-iilityftl, resist criiiy; re prothifiiiif puuios. Tlifiv is a type and style for every lionie ( i I'LHlvANSKX 'S (loldeu .luliilee Line. Xot only ciin we assist yon in the selection of a piano for your Jto!iie. lint offer you helpful advise on placing it in YOl'lf home. Let us show you how completely we can serve vim! Palmer Music House Main & Bartlett "We Sell Happiness" Phone 788 CLAYTON ISAAC W. H. FLUHRER Majestic Radios , Bargains in Used Pianos Hunt's Craterian ONE NIGHT 1ft MON., AUG. 1Q If IF 1 1 imAaafesR mmm krnrn staijley h PHIL.BAKER T Renowned Accordion Virtwo and JoUI with hit RMonrei of Ribald Cumtcalttiat wild Nw Fund KbUian AbautdiltM SID SILVERS PAUL A TLRRCL JC GERTRUDE HOFFMANN GIR THE FURORE Of MADRID and PARIS HELBA HUARA Daring Spanish Dancer SwwUtMrt of Amrwaii Record Fut in K Rtpcrtoir 1 UrifUttl t.rcouofM BARBARA V LAN OK GUN DALX I J. COVIL DUN ft UM BRAL N Ammnng AmaioM AtMolM mud Tartalixtmt Twtptithonmu. iach Cfe iarf CtvMitK F ! Mart Starttirtf, Each Lxviie Dnew tti f -irintiom ORJGMAL mOUUN MOUCT. TltOVPt row BROWN CORTEZ & PEGGY j, CIA AROEKMN TTTO COtAL I uunr fik msst niuiui ULUAN SMmt AMDftClNI TWO I J yWTTIf1lWliLl.JTmWU ftfff'WfffTWH'MHI I IIB'I llll V! lil IIWWHPWW W 1 1 J mi 1 1 ' ASTOUNDING AERIAL CIRCUS ANO iVMJSCU R'PPLCD TORSOS, in A THRILLING EXHlBiTkON OF hAZALXXJS p2.RO' M w- v-... ..... .ww nib uwvsi vr n iici DI.1.WW LA .11 I ,P I i r-TRw m mm nil miniBi mwtammLmmm. .LOWEST PRICES EVER CHARGED for A NIGHT IN SPAIN 'NIGHTS ogj "- '-'ntJ nrrVTi in iihhm.i IffrgSTMiEBK 3 TIT" IiWimibiihIi I ,1, J.J 0