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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1928)
o O o1- o O' o TTTT'RsnAV oQ Of5HW THftES o rEDFOTCD MATT, TTCTTUTXTSP MEDFOnn. OKI-( i()X. .in.V 2H. 192S. a STOLEN HERE LAKE 0' THE WOODS 6TH DAY OF HEAT BY BOY TODAY ISA POPULAR PLACE. WAVE PASSES ANO LIKE FLIES IN SOON RECOVERED THESE HOT OAYS NO RELIEF SEEN INDIANS DYING STILL POSSIBLE FLU EPIDEMIC AT CONVENTION lli'lcasi'tl from tin1 M;iU- Uuii: iliK school at Nuhiii only u w t-ek ' 110. after having M-rv.( u t';tr t hfre fur I lie ihefi (if nn a u to mobile here last year. Karl Snyder was today afjiiin In I he hands of t he taw i. ml will he iv-nunmiiii'i! tO till' lllslit 111 in II. I'll tin Willi; i h1 tli of I this t'un-minn of an auto mobile owifil hy II. K. Arnold. Snyder w.lh arretted by Deputy Sheriff Paul J (Minings who saw the hoy driving I ho cur on South Front street, jusi a Tier ho is ! Mcvcd to have .stolon it from its parking place near tho now .Mont gomery Ward building, on which tlio car's owner was working. Ar nold mfsf-rd the niacin no n few minutes after ft was taken when he wont to the car to procure his glasses, only to find the ma chine soiii'. IK. immediately noti fied the polite and in Us than five minutes the car was located. vol clM ' HIc Leaion Meet in- Monday Next .Monday niuhi. July :tuth, at the annnry. .Med ford post will hold a tiK "pop" meeting to make final plans for the convention which officially opens Thursday morning. Some important business will be discussed and reports heard from the convention commission. It is ho peel to have present sev eral of the .state department of ficials who are planning to ar rive on .Monday, Including Com mander tieorge J.ove, State Adju tant Carl .Mosor and others. A short but snappy entertainment orogram is also being arranged for Tost Commander Hromloy has requested every member of .Med ford post to attend this important meeting. the Woods Is a tn at for lourif-ls seeking Iioiii the li. :i i ()f the valley. !hee days. Last Sunday I.'.li oars were parked at l)u- resort most of the day. the hike bring alive with swimmers froIM daylight to dai k. .1. M. Clay. MiperiniendeM of the plaer. reported ihis morning, lie attended a board of directors' meeting at the office of Attorney Km nk New man last night. Twenty boats will soon be re ceived at the lake in addition to tlio IX now In use. ljist year there were only seven boats available for visitor. "Tlio water is fine and black bass are plentiful in the lake." .Mr. Cray said. Lake u' the Woods is practically the only stream in southern (Meuoii where black bass may he lound. Itainbow trout, perch. silveiides and crappe are ai.-o being caught. Seventy-five summer h o m e s have been built at the resort (lur ing the past few years by M ed -ford. Ashland. Klamath l-'alls and a few California families. T h e latest improvement in equipment for Un benefit of camp ers is a Jersey and a (iucinsey cow which furnish plenty of milk for most of the haides. Last Sun day five gallons of ice eream were sold with calls for more. Slay, Aloft In Clider. XOIiTII Tlil-'KO. Mass.. July :ti. il'i An unofficial American record for a glider flight was es tablished today when peter llul felbach. a tlerinan pilot, remain ed aloft :17 minutes in a solo flight above the cliffs of the Cape Cod const at Highland J-ight near here. 1 R1ALTO j - wmA NOW! ! I PLAYING J V ALBURTUS i i! I THE MIRACLE MAN fc t ! - EVERY SHOW BRINGS j ! NEW AMAZEMENTS jgf ! ALL NEW FEATURE PICTURE TODAY jlffi I P "THE ESCAPE" j RUSSELL AdU " Today is the sixth day of the present hot weather wave, which bean last Saturday, and to which the weatlu-r bureau officials, cannot yet see any indications of a return to normal Hummer weather. Yes terdays maximum was pi:i, the same maximum as the day before, and today, which beuan with a minimum of tif, promised to be at i least as warm. Fair weather and 'a continued high temperature m-i predicted for tonight and Friday. Tho maximum heat of the tlav comes locally between I and !:;!' p. m., about which time there is also the lowest humid. it v of tip.' day. The soda fountain and oilier re ! froslunent places, in catering to their capacity trade day and iii-:hl to thirsty and cool-throat hunger ing public, can hardly order these relreshments fast enough from the : local wholesale manufacturers, who are kept on their toes all the time to meet the demand of the retail ers. The ice lompanies. too. are put through their fastest paces keeping the ice boxes of the homes land business places filled. Another business which is much 'affected by the heat wave is that ; of the hotels and restaurants, I which are selling; much less of heavy foods these days, as tho din ; ers prefer lighter lunches consist- iiif; more of vegetable food than of i meats and other heat produeinn 1 edibles. i Tho one great consolation of Medfnrd and valley people through : out this unusual heat wave is that I all the state and entire Pacific 'northwest is in the. same fix. It i also is unusually warm up at Cra ter National park in the daytime, i but i quite cool there during; the night, uncord inn to reports of tour ists and others returning; from that hi.;h elevation. UKCl.N'A. Sask., July V An untold number of Indians are dead in an influenza epidemic which ha;; trior.-, living in northern Canada. Sergeant C. St. Matthews reported hero today mi his arrival from Fort Simpson on a vaeat ion. The disease spread like wildfire from the delta of the .Mackenzie river in the Arctic w northern Al berta. Ninety pen it of the Indian.- at Simpson were affected by the dlsea.-o, he said, with twenly six deaths before he left. At Res olution Hi deaths had been report ed and many other deaths wore indicated eKe where. White residents escaped the epi demic or took it only in mild form, he .-aid. July jr.. pr.'S Forecasts Moil ford and vicinity: Fair to night and Friday. Continued high temperature. t)re-;on : Fog on coast, lair in interior tonight and Friday, but thunder storms over mountains of east portion. Continued high temperature. 9 LOCAL DATA 1 GRIEVE SELLS Temperature (Degs.) 101 . .lit; Highest (Inst 1 2 hrs.) . in: ltu Lowest (last - hrs.).. G.i fitl llel. humidity t Pet.).... t.S Precipitation (Ins. UO .00 State of weather ...V .Cloudy P. (My. lowest temperature this morn ing, tif degrees. ; Total precipitation since Sept. CAMP 10 OUTSIDER Sunset today, 7 Sit! p. ni. Sunrise Friday, 1:.V.i a. in. Sunset Friday, 7:5 p. in. Observations Taken at 5 A. M., 120th Meridian Time 1 2 a ta Nogot intiotiH wore closed yester day for the purchase of the L'nlon Crook resort on the Crater Luke highway It miles above Prospect from James (Irieve, proprietor of the Prospect Hotel. by II. It. Campbell, a recent arrival In southern Oregon from San Jose, Cal. The new owner has taken possession and in a short time plans to make numerous improve ments tti the well known resort, the purchase price of which was not made known. The resort was established five years ago by M r. (irieve and In cludes a grocery store. 30 auto camp cabins ami a camping ground along the banks of Union creek, a mountain stream of ice cold water coming directly from melt ing' snows. It is loeated within the boundaries of the Crater nat ional forest approximately 5.ri miles from .Med ford and is a popular destination 041 Sunday picnic par ties. The resort includes throe acres and is leased from the gov ernment under a special user's per mit. Supt. Ha mm Quits MAUSHFIKLI). Ore., July l!!'.. iA') M. S. Hamm. superintendent of the .MarHhfieUI schools, since January, P.rJ7. has resigned. In a wire from Merkeley, Cal., where he was attending a summer school, ho said he had accepted a position in California. C1TT IHII Maker City Bismarck ;rj i:oino Pit Denver 78 Des Moines Nti Fresno Uio Helena 7 1 Los Angeles so Mnrshflekl 71 Phoenix 108 Portland its Red Itlulf 10i; Koseburg- HIO Salt Lake !n San Francisco ... fU Santa Fe 71 Seattle M Spokane 1H1 Walla Walla 10- Winnipeg 91 at'. in; tiS ro .mi 7S tiS Til t;i ;s 58 i x P. V. Cdv. P. C. C'lr. fir. (My. (My. (Mr. Cdy. Clr. Clr. Clr. Clr. Clr. Cdy. Clr. Vlr. P. C. Clr. Clr. I'atil .McDonald, cbaii man of the l.cizion convention eommiltt e re ceived a wire today from Ra Ipb , William, -late member - f the Re publican Nat ten, 1 1 oo 1. 1 nut lee I lint lit U still possible Secietaiy Hoover will be able to be in Mcdford dur ing the state Region convention. I McDonald Immediately dispatched wires to .Mr. .Hoover at Palo Alto and evety effort will be made to make the republican nominee ex tend hi.- stay in southern Oregon ; so as to be hero at h-asl on the opening day. Post Commander Rowen and Dr. .McCracken of Ashland post were ! local visitors at last niehfs .ucel jing of the Legion t 'en v. ii'.am coin I mission They repos ted much ac j tiviiy in Ashland in connection J with th" coming convention and .assured the hearty cooperation of Ashland post. They will enter a huge Region float in the parade and the Auxiliary members of j Ashland are planning a "stunt" ! the nature of which has not yet jht'en made public. I Dr. .Met'rackon's nephew, W. S. ' McCracken. assistant secretary of j aeronautics of the Cnited Slates department of commerce will be lone of the distinguished visitors at the convention from Washing ton. 1). C. With the opening- of the state American Region coin out ion only a week away, preparations are now being- rushed to an early com plot Ion. Commit tee chairmen are completing1 details of their work with the cooperation of the -TpO committee members, who have been tailoring on convention prep arations for weeks. Radges for all local A merican I a'gion me m tiers en u be obt a iued at convention hoaibiuartors at tho Chamber of Commerce from R. C. (larloek. who reported today that members have not been reporting as fast as they should. The badges are free and are to be worn in order that local Region members may lie identified by the visitors. liox seats for tho air c ire us on next Thursday afternoon ami the drum corps contest next Friday night are selling rapidly and local citizens are urged to make early purchases. The Realy cup, donat ed by the Realy .Military academy at Trouldale, Ore. arrived yester day ami will be awarded to the winning drum corps. It is on dis play at tho chamber convention headquarters along with eight other loving cups to bo awarded as prizes during the convention. L. W. DICK. Meteorologist. L A. PASTOR MADE MOVE K V. DICK. Mi'tPuruloiilKt. Radio Program KMED Mnll Trlbnne-Vlrnln Station Stewart's Outfitting Store Better Values Lower Prices A big shipment of "HONESTY" ALL-LEATHER shoes has just arrived. Let us fit you in a pair of these better wearing shoes. The prices are iow and you will find these shoes the best wearing regardless of the price you may have to pay elsewhere. Moccasin lw, elk tanned work shoes, with composition soles over full-JwitluT soles. G?0 QC nil sizes The coinl'orlalile plain toe, oITi eers dress $5 50 shoes Mnnson last Army shoes, gam- rs; $5.50 Officers' field boots. .17-inch lace top Russia $11,50 veal tan Men's tan dress oxfords, the well known Atlantic C 7EJ lirand " Two-pooket blue cliambiay work shirts, a real value, . fjCQ at : (Jeniiiiie Hickory work shirts, -i splendid buy, 93 C New 6. 1). wooi blank- (tQ QC ets. size i;;x84 copper riveted. $1.79 (!ood grade khaki work pants, sizes :i0 to 42, $1 50 pair Waist or bib overalls, suspen- $1.15 Levi Strauss waist overalls Hig Yank rip-proof athletic 1111- derwear. $1.00 guaranteed Full leal her puttees, a regular tT.:nhH: $3,50 Straw bats, the - famous Koko Koojcr hats 5(ty to 75 Kittle lightweight camp beds, the best and most comfortable bed on the market, size 4H x7J open ed. cloed into siuall bundle 0m o $9.50 IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY HERE Thui'Mlay, July -i. 5 p. 111. Mall Tribune, broad- 4 easting returns of Tunney- Heeney fight. 4 11 to H:3n p. m. Modern 4 Plumbing and Sheet Metul 4 ronipany. Knrl Moublreiu 4 will be renenled in violin 4 mnn bora, l'lioue 4 reciuoKtH to 4 I'ridnj, .Inly 7. lUIIii to in 11 m. KIlmrt'H 4 M usie mid liook Store of 4 A.Hhhiud. 1U to 10:;tn a. in. Southern Oregon Kleotrie. 10:3 to 11 a. in. M. M. iJo- pitrtmenl Store. 11 toll;3i)n. in. Jaeiue Len ox Millinery Department. Il:3n to 12 noon Itrophy'w Jewelry Store. 2:lit to 1:3U . in. I'lihuer'x M usie 1 Ioumo. li:l.. p. in. Medford Mnil Tribune, market and iiowm reports. K to ! p. m. ltealty lUHid. 9 to I H p. 111. A tm-rlean Ii iindry. LOS ANCKLKri, July tf. (i The ri'iht lor leadership in the Wil shire Boulevard eliureh in supeiior court here whs enlivened today hy eounsel for Dr. Krank Dyer, pastor, to Impearlt the testimony of Mrs. Klsie Witlkins-Mills. 3 1-your-uM or gunlst. Mrs. Mills, who accused Dr. Dyer of making; ardent love to her v she was acting as organist at the church, underwent a grilling i ainiiiHtion regarding her punt life hy counsel for the pastor. The nl tnrncy. in an attempt to cast doubt upon her credilahility as a witnesit, brought tho crowded court room lo i sharp attention as he iiuesltoued Mrs. Mills about her pant life. 'I'll" faction Hii)porting Dr. Dyer In Ids j fight for control of (he fashionable I church tried to bring out that dur Mug the oecaslons that Mrs. Mills ! claimed the nantoi- was making love : tn her she. In reality, was tellltiK f him of it clandestine love affair she had had with a Toronto, Canada, man. Kurllicr charges were made thiil Mrs. Mills told Dr. Dyer that she would commit suicide 11 she could not have the man. and that the i pastor had counseled her to be true i to her husband. FAT CASH PAY LESS NO BILLS 10 DISTRESS JUT 4 NA TtOtt-INSTITUTION- NN EYIQ STORK, PAY LKSS. CtT KOREI Make Summer Time saving Time By Taking Advantage of the Quality Offerings Shown Below ASplendidTowelValuel Absorbent Turkish Towels Good Sizt Plain White and Striped Borders Thousands of Jimiscwivrs alrrady know this snlcmlid towel and will take advantage lir.irlv olTirins; to add to tlicir supply. The are plain whites with self stvipp borders white with colored stripe borders. Supply Future Needs At This Considerable Saving A number of these fine towels pun-hased now will take care of your needs for several months to come it there, is someone in the family Roinif to college, now is an excellent time to buy their towel needs. 25c Other Turkish Towels in Convenient Small Size for Daily Use, 10c and 15c a W, First Quality, 12 morame all-Silk Pongee, yard ,39p Genuine Esmond Baby Blankets 79 81x90 Pepperell Sheets 98e 36-inch Bleached Muslin, yard 10f 50-yard Spool Silk. All colors, spool C 100-yard Spool J. and P. Coats Thread 4p 39 inch Washable all Silk Crepe de Chine, yard 98c Listerine Toothpaste 19 Men's Athletic Union Suits, sizes 36 'to 46 49$ Men's Union Suits, summer weight, knitted; all sizes i 98tf Men's All-Leather Work Shoes $1.98 Men's Stylish Dress Oxfords, black or tan $3.98 Men's Fancy Rayon Socks, several new patterns I25' Cotton Lislo Work Sicks, colors, pair 10c Men's Overalls, bib; sizes to 46 89 Women's Strap Slippers; all new styles $2.98; $3.98 Men's Bathing Suits, all sizes; green only 98 s Krom January I to July 1 of tU year uahles were horn In thcuu Salvation Army Institutions. average aKe was IS vearw, 1 he youngest, '.xpeclarl. n. other whk 1 land the oldest 1d years of ne. SAN l,ltAt!IS(,,r. -u' 2'i -(!) Most of them were helU'oen Hi und rnmarrled mothers are youimer lil years old. A few years ko, Sut uow on the average than they worn jvatlon Army slutlKtlCH revealed the a lew yeaiH ao. 'average of such cases was well Sliiltstirs compiled hy tho Sulv:'- ' a hove '.'t vmhth. Hon Army dlHc;o:ted the fart that of the oi0 women admitted to the army maternity homoH In II went- ern HtateH and Hawaii during the I iMvdH.n mine In Althouse dM. iiihi hix niuMins oi mm year, 1 jMoi)liine cmuilv. hIuiii-h hi,-. VulUCH. ) Kimene hulldinv for nx month. reachfd 7975,000 and for June, i;ti.7."i0. State nturts planting IT' lriut to ("urry ennniy nii-fnm. I LOWEST BIDDER IS rollowlng tho uom Diet luti of tbu lathiK Hie varloua Mh HUbmltted by contraetors for pavlnn nl Med ford HlrootK and thft grading and ginvelhiK of two other Htrecto. tlio elly council al a -pedal Hemilon lant nlBht awardnd the contract for liavln.? to the lowest lilddcr, L,. O. Herrold of Oregon City, whono Wd for Hlx lni:h unrfaelng of aHphalll'; eoni:rte.,Si:i.5:;9.05. wan about $'.'. too limlcr that of tho next lowcil bidder, tho Oregon Contract coin pany. The eontraet for grading and graveling of two xtreeta wan award ed to the loweat bidder. J. C. Comp ton of McMlnnrllle, whoso bid wan $J073.liO. .o The paving priwi)n will (ar! In alMt ten days with the layhW of( South Park street from Eleventh tti Lmkota avcuuo, x AFTER A FORTUNE KT. l.Ol'IS. Mo.. July -A -IS-year old driver ot a Nin-liiklcr whkoii for thn city of CorvalllK, Ore., filed kuII In federal eourl brrc today for or thn t'l. 000,00(1 cmato of Ibe laic Sum .az ariiB. HHnertlng that he la nn llle '.'itlniaie hod of Lazarus and that during IiIh life Lazanm 1'eeognlr.fd him at hln Hon. iMXnrun, b railroad director and capltallHt, died March r, l'J2il, leav ing a widow and dHughter. The man, who uhoh the name of Milan A. Lazarus, waa not mentioned In tho will. Tho claimant, In IiIh pelltlon, rc counts ho was born In Sherman, Texas, In IXRo, and at all times slnco his blrttuhas been known to the members of his maternal fam ily as the son of Sam Lazarus. I Hill 1x111 he lined the name of IJowns, the maiden name of his mother, but in that year his mother mar vied nnd he look the name fit his stepfather and became Silas A. Samples. Ho married In Kill, tie asserts, and took the name of lizarus at his father's request. "It's a huge Joke." said M. X. Sale, Sam Lazarus' personal friend and attorney, "but It's what every rich man may expect when lie dies." You Can Secure OWEN-OREGON Trade Marked Lumber ffP If You Ash (or It! MADE IN MEDFORD O