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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1925)
0 rETVFOKD AfATTi TTTTITT, ?fFDFOT?T, OT?F,fioy, THURSDAY, .TUXE 4. 102." HAGEN FORGED IBOYS AND GIRLS TO TO FRONT GOLF TOURNEY l u. SCHOOL AT 0. A. C. RIFFS ACCEDE TO SPAIN FOR RIGHT TO BATTLE F E their annual school, at t'orvallls. 'l lie train will leave AHhluml une 14 at 10 a. m., aim will leuve Mecl- Thlrty boys and girls, dclt-nntos NEW YORK, Juno 4. (A. P.) A from JarkHon county and memoirs new angle to the Moroccan situation of ton different county projects, to- wn een today In dlxnatcheii from (!lb gcthfr with a delegation from Klnm- "Mar Indicating that Kbd-HI-Kilni nth county will depart fur CorvalllH, waa Poured to allow the Spaniards where they will attend two weeks a nominal victory In their attack on summer school. June 14 by Hpeclal Alhucemus In return for peace and an train; this train will bo the flint ai'I'olnlment ii-s -hlof of tho mff diH one ever run special to tiMllsi.ort trl.?' .un.der Spanish supervision championship today. necessllMliiB " club members of southern )rBOn '"' " was poimcn out, would leave u..i r ..inu.nrr inmnrmw ... . ..... . . nim fre to pursue his campaign against tho French protectorate without hav ing his flnnks constantly exposed to closely, but failed t make nectary ford 40 miute, later. , "Z The cl sm toheH ulrdle threea at the homo Kreen A.l first prize winners in different h'oweve! are S Ouimet finished wkn 292 and Ilaen projects or divisions of projes t illte(, in M,n,Ia In the Himnlsh zone, wild 2U3. Eurller In the afternoon the 1924 state fair, won trios to Iho Iind lark confirmation coming Hummer school. 'I hf nre paid fur by business men of the PARIS, June 4. (A. P.) Firmly Klnte, by livestock breeders' nssoefn- held by the French in the center, Abd tinrH, and by some count lei which Kl-Krim Is seeking to extend his front send their county winners. Any club to the east, according to the latest re member who wishes to come'iind pay ports from French headquarters In his own expenses mny do so, includ- Morocco. If K necessary travelhiK fees r.nd 515 The Rllllan chief has been made for room and board. wary by his defeats whe nnttftckiiig In From the time of their arrival on force, and Is reverlhiK to guerilla war tho o. A. t campus until they tlirQ nd his previous attacks of filter- WORE3TKIt. Mass., June 4. (A. P.)--liobby Jones of Atlanta, nnia tour k'olf champion and Willie Mac Furlano, professional from TuckaLoo, N. Y., were deadlocked at 2!)1 strokes apiece in , tho nittlonal open Rolf holes of medal play-off tomorrow, Walter HaKen and Francis Ouimet, former open champions, pressed Johnny Farrell, youthful Quaker Jtldtfui .professional had posted eoru of ''' . . . WOnCESTEH, Mum., June 4. i.By Associated, Press.) nolily Jones, amateur champion, posted a 7 hole score of -MU, finishing his last round 1 "J A Tli in irnvn him fi I it m m in v ' lead ut leust with Johnny Fur re 11 sec ond with 2'J2. HavltiK passed the ninth hole on their last roundn, Willie McFarlnne needed a 3'J and Waller UaKeii a to tie Jones fur tho national open golf title. McKarlane covered the In comJtiR nine In 'AS this morn Ilk. , WOUCEHTEH, Mass., June 4. (Uy Asacciiited Press.) Waller lluifen, British open champion and former Amcrlcan open kins luday crowded his way Into the select circle of Amer ican go I furs flKhttliK foi tl" open Rolf championship. A 71 In the morning brouKht tha 'Floiida golf professldiial his chance, tinly six strokes from the front. : Tho end of the 64 holt competition showed that- fully a dozen stars would fight IhruuRh tho last eighteen holes for the valuable crown. ' Out abend by a' more stroke stood Willie .McFur lane, loader of yesterday who success fully fltaved off tho rush of the ygu,tjiful, Johnny Kartell and Hobby Jotv'-.miI never-tho-luss lost ground. VAd ilie' pairs started in the long rouitd lifiQ lymling- list stood as fol lows:1 i ' ' McFarlnne 213; Fqrroll 214: Oul inet 21lla Jones 217: Ksplnosa 217; Diesel 2 1 8 ; parnzen 219; Hagon 2 III; Laurie Ayeton'21; Urady 220. T leave the club, members uro under the supervision of I f . ( Seymour, state leader of the club department. While the girls are quartered In Waldo Hall the boys are riuurtered a l Ca u t h or n , but the m ea Is wl 1 1 bo served to thern at the forma-. A schedule has been worked out for the benefit of the members. A certain amount of time will bo used for class work and a certain ninoullt for recreation. There win be as sembly speakers which will include prominent men of the state, such as Ciovernor Walter M. Pie Churchill, state superlnlen public Instruction; W. J. Ken dent of Oregon Agricultural College and Paul V. Marls, director of the extension, service and others. Ing men between outposts. Efforts are being made by Marshal Lyautey, and the government in Paris to put a definite end to the Itlffian ac tivities. It was learned that Foregn Minister Piiand will continue dally conferences with the Spanish ambassador concern. Ing French-Spanish cooperntion in Mo. ronco. Premier Palnlevo told the cabinet tho war situation in Morocco is sta tionary. Tie Raid there are only minor engagements. Of FAMILY, THEN TRIES SUICIDE STATE GRANGE TD ELECT OFFICERS HAMILTON. Ohio, June, 4. (A. P.) DALLAS, Ore., June 4. The 52nd annual convention of the Oregon state ff raniffl which hnn hepn riodnrpri tn Becoming violently Insane, Lloyd nave the largest attendance on record I KuFsell early today shot and killed was marked today by the annual me eight members of his family, accord- morlal services for departed members, i ,rt th imHlll. ,.,, f.-uttA him nf and exemplification of Juvenile de ter he had hot"n.,(i Hliht'lv wounded ree work- Degree work will be put on himself. children of his brother, his mother, brother and sister-in-law. were before the convention. . One resolution, that coaJemning the selection of the speakerMf the state house of representatives and the presi dent of the senate pledges was intro duced yesterday. - A flock of resolutions urge passage of an income tax and condemn a state Inheritance tax. Last night Airs. Min nine Ci. Bond, of Eugene, state lec turer, presented the annual lecturers program. President .evi T. Penning ton, of Pacific college, Xewberg,' deliv ered an address. The nominations before the conven tion are: To replace H. Hlrschberg aa state treasurer B. K. Denny, Washington county; J. (J. Keily, Multnomah coun ty; E. A. Blake, Benton coumy; Mrs. M. Powell, Polk county.; a. H. Van . .. . . n , . Trunin Mnrlnn poiiniv. and C L. His victims are the five J "1"'."'" Kh. l.ln rosntv. ui .11 uiiiiuiiiuii Luuniv. in cnarire. i ALL TENTS UP AT P Mi ARTIST'S ASHES ON TOP PIKE'S PEAK COLORADO SPniNC.R, Polo 4. (A. P.) To the music of t Interpreting the stirring strains Wagner's "Hide of the Valkyries," i the ashes nf Pari J. Lotave. New Russell is In a padded cell In the county jail. The dead: Mrs. Rose Russell, 60, mother. John Lowell Russell, brother. Emma Russell, 35, wife of John Lowell Russell. Julia, 12; Robert, 8, George Francis. 1 6; Paul Lewis, 3, and Richard, four months, all children of Mr. and Mrs. - John Russell. ' Dorothy,-10, saved herself by hid-, Ing in bed when she heard shots. Russell then turned the weapon on himself, shooting himself In the left lung. After the shooting he riddled the bodies of the children with bullets. le had talked incoherently about a mortgage on the house nnd said he would shoot the plctifres off the wall. Russell is 4 3 years old. , , Most of those killed were sleeping. Robert Leonard and Louis Keller, policemen, and Cauptaln Wesley Wul- j ssen, deputy sheriff, were summoned. As they approached the house, Rus- I sell, who was employed as a laborer, appeared at a window an dtold a story i that a $1000 mortgage was due on the place, and that they would have to j move today. "I'll shoot the p(ctures off the wall and then surrender," Rum. I sell told the police. With that the stayer turned about and fired more bullets Into the bodies of the children lying in the room. I Russell then appeared at an other window and the police broke in a door. Russell then turned the pistol on himself. He fired one shot before 1 the police could reach him and the bullet penetrated hia lung, near tho ! heart, but he will live, according u June reports from the jail, band, "I made a poor Job on myself." of Russell Haid when taken into custody Meantime committees were at work mass of resolutions introduced yesterday and nominations to fill two For one vacancy on the legislative committee the nominees are; Roy Stockton. Yamhill county, and state offices made vacant by death 'C. W. Craft. Washington county. FOR END IN 1926 NOGALES. Ariz., June 3. By As sociated Press.) Terror ; stricken by prophecies of the world's end In 1926 made by Enoch, prophet of the Mex ican people In Nogales, Sorona, hun dreds of residents of the Mexican bor der town today began religious pre parations for "the end." Enoch, addressing hundreds of compatriots at public square gather ings last night, said the coining year will be a succession of temblors over the entire earth. Citiea will be lev eled and loss of life will be heavy, he forecasts. York portrait painter will be placed beneath a giant granite boulder on the top or pike's Peak here today. In fulfillment of his last request. next Saturday all tho tents the nrtlwt's ashes will be Interred In have been erected at Camn acre of ground, set aside on the Jackson, where the Oregon National crest of the continent ns "Colorado's Guard encampment will bo held Valhalla." from June llith to the 26th. With Lotave's hest known work was that completed tho major portion of executed during the World war when the preparation for the encampment be pnlnted portraits of King Albert ny will E NEW TITLE FOR Tnimn nrnnrnO A'i. On U, during the encamp- 11 II L L I LL U mrnl '"ilnitlion contests will bo nHrriii iirriiirfui n,,M ' w u rifie un which III II HU UN IVl-IIW ., ,-,.,(.S(int Oregon nt the National is over, A rifle range Is being upon a northenstein Hlope In Id nut of Uoxy of Belgium, Oenwnl Marshals Joffre nnd F Pershing ch. It RAT WAVE ('OXTIXTKS. Print I mi Ad From Puff SALEM. Oro., June 4 To facilitate the operations of the state traffic de partment and to enable Chief Inspec tor T. A. Rnffely from his headquar ters in nlem, to keep closer find more effective touch with his 24 men thru out the Uite, official rungs were event ed among the officers, nt the annual mot nig that ended here yesterday. Fn- der this system n captain nnd five ser- I gennte were named, and 23 traffic dts- trlcts created with five supervisory districts. Each of the five sergeants, ' responsible directly to the captain, will exercise supervisory power over a district. Kenenth F. Bloom, a veteron officer of tho department, wan appointed cap tain. The following are the sergeants In charge of tho districts as designat ed: G. Max Flunery, district No. 1. Ma rlon, Polk, Linn, Lane, Belton and Lincoln coutles. II. L. Griffith, district No. 2, Clack amas, Multnomah, Yamhill. Washington,-Tillamook, Columbia and Clatsop counties. i J. J. MrMahon, district No. .1. Doug las, Coos, Curry, Josephine Jackson counties. Jay Haltrnmu, district No. 4, Hood River, Wasco. Hherman. Gilliam, Mor row, Umatilla, Colon, Wallowa and Laker counties. ' Earl B. Houston, district No. 6. Des chutes, i Jefferson, Wheeler. Grant. MMlheur; Harney, Lako nnd Klamath counties. , commonwealth, woh favored In tho first wpnther bureau's prognostications. tnowers nnn thunderstorms, the weatherman said, nre to be the order In every state from Michigan and In diana to Montana and Wyoming. Iowa, whoso faced "tall corn" Is not shoot at Camp Perry, Ohio, next fall. Last yea r hegon was a wa rded place In the Infantry target shoot ing match, and this year it Is ex pected that the feat can again be duplicated. At tlm tinniii tlitin nloofi-UUHy n ra at work wiring the camp; lights will Vtll n"Kh to stand up under such SOFIA. Bulgaria. June 4. (Ily As- nnd sociated Press.) The country-wide round-up of communists yielded 450 suspects, many of whom have con 1'en.sed, the police say to connections with organizations, j Two sus pects were killed at Lou at as . when they resisted arrest. - i Street traffic Is being permitted until midnight and the restrictions on traveling nre to be lifted tomorrow. The authorities at Varna arrested 140 persons on charges of connection with the communist plot or member--ship In communist groups. . j , be Installed in every tent and build ing, InKiiring ample Ulumlnntlon for all purposes. YHEARI IS violent rain and windstorms ns have hit that state this week, received the forecast with apprehension. It has had more of these disturbances of late than probably any other central state. nnd Just lust night another severe wind and rain storm struck western . Iowa. While the midwest hnd several deaths due to storms during the past 36 hours, in addition to several others previously, the east announced a denth toll of twelve In three days, due to heat j and prostrations. SITUATION IN CHINA- piEIUOCS. : J , (Continued from page one.) BUILDING TRADE Is our plan to give every one of our customers dollar for dollar value and such good merchan dise that they will come back when they need more. When we say "you must be satisfied or your money back," we mean it. Hundreds of people have come to know ub as being DE PENDABLE and to know that we sell only the best values. LOOK OVER OUR BIG STOCK AND SATISFY YOURSELF. WORK PANTS SPECIALS ' ' Woven Moleckin Pants, dark grey $2.60 Gabardine Pants, all sizes ,t $2.60 Whipcord Pants, all sizes $2.60 Khaki Pants, light weight ....$1.25 BREECHES Button Leg Khaki Breeches, made of army pup tent cloth $2.50 Ladles' Khaki Breeches $1.50 Tan Whipcord Button Leg Breeches, neat fitting $4.85 - UNDERWEAR Athletic Union Suits - 5 Topkls, the best made athletic union suit fl.00 Norwich Balbriggan Union 'suits, ankle length, short sleeves $1.10 SHIRTS Blue Chambray, good cut ..,.70o Berman Coat Style, Fade Proof Blue Cham bray Shirts 41.10 Blue Devil Fast ColorBluo Chambray A5e . TWO BIO LEADERS Day's Tailored Moleskin Suits, made of the finest grade moleskin, guaranteed not to fade, easily laundered; trousers and coat .'. , $9.76 Freldman-Shelby Guaranteed Solid Leather Work Sinoee, the b:t value you have ever seen in work shoes . $2.50 WORKERS- SUPPLIES Universal Lunch, Kits.... $1.85 Canvas Gloves ,..10s Red Wrist 14-oz. Gloves ....25e Work Sox .'.100 Bachelor's .friend Guaranteed Sox, six pair six months ,...$1.50 Khaki Work Hats 50e Durham Duplex Safety Razors,, one blade 25c OVERALLS Crown Copper Riveted Waist Overalls, 8-oz. denim $1.50 Crown 200 weight Blue Denim Bib Overalls, fade and rip proof $2.00 Crown Carpenters' Overalls $1.90 White Painters' Overalls, Union Made ..$1.35 BUY FROM US IT PAYS .. s ARMY & OUTING STORES Everything for Workingman and Camper. 32 SO. CENTRAL AVE., OPPOSITE HUNT'S CRATERIAN K. S. Stewart, Manager Phone 667-Y Your Satisfaction Is Our Success The prellminnry hen Hup of Otrmr V. .Murphy, rhnrtfed with inunHlauMh ter in connection with the death of hiH wife. Kimmi .Murphy, a Hhorl time nt,'o. hu- been continued until next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in OMAHA. Neb.. .Tunc 4. Seven in jured nnd JlOO.OfiO property dnmufto was the score for the elements yester day, when, for the third micci'Hsive day violent wind storms, called baby tornadoes, in the Missouri valley, awept across northwest Omaha, level- JudKe Taylnr s court by mutual trePS- ,,OU!,p n1 wires. and "Kicemont of District Attorney New-' " nno intn loll in .NeMasUn of ion i:. ( nancy and (I. M. Roberts, ",l "''""'hii m ne morn, attorney fr the defense. r '"K stood at four and the injured The hearlnR was to have been held over n Fcore. additional re nt 2 o'clock this afternoon in Judne portH of violent weather continued to Taylor's court, nnd one of the reasons roacn Onuihn. for the continuance .mill n..vt iw- I Millard and TUair. Xeh.. nnd other day afternoon was the fact that no British and Japanese, he mild, nnd many private- rickshas were demol ished In the streets Tuesday. Consul General Cunningham nt -Khiumhai reported that u strike of waiters occurred today at the Astor t house and other Shanghai hotels und at the RhanRhal club. " Domestic servants, he said, were , leaving their employers. The fjreat Kastern nnd EurlinRton . hotels In ShnnKhal were searched Wednesday and munitions and 'con-j slderable holshevik literature," the advices said, were found in some of the rooms. Some public whurves, with the exception of .the Dollar, Jardfne nnd Match Ison piers, were closed on account of the strike. Chi nese hanks In Shanghai have been closed for two days. Isolnted points reported wind nnd rain. report has yet been received from the Tnree deaths near Madison. NVh.. Tues D SIMPLE FUNERAL FOR MARSHALL "I , '" ' ' i analysis nf the siomach of the dead woman, which was sent to 1'ortland lust week. The verdict of the coroner's Inquest held early last week will also not he rendered until a report of this until ysln has been received. day nnd one nt Orchard. Neb., the same day. comprised the fatnlitics. Yesterday's storm unroofed and in some cases razed several houses. DABY SCOLDS are soon "nipped in the bud" without "dosing" by us of V VapoRub Qpmr ir Million Jarm tW Ywrly hhk guts nrsii:ss w.ock. (Continued From Pa ire On I 1 INDIANAPOLIS, June- 4. Thomas HI ley Marshall was laid to rest here today. . Such simple obsequies ns lnlKht be tendered any humble cltlxcn werl .uncorded the man who served the nut ion as vice president during the Wofld war and his native state of Indiana ns Its twenty-seventh Rover tior. ' It was the widow's wish that in death he should be unostentatious just as he was In life. A tribute was paid by Rov. Matthew Smith. Mr. Marshall's warm friend nnd pastor. Scottish rile nervices for a departed brother we're read and then the body was taken to Crown Hill cemetery where It will remain In a receiving vault until Mrs. Mar shall decides upon its final resting place. 1 PORTLAND. Ore.. June 4 With sixty Oregon reviews four of which nre new sine Inst year represented In the assembly, the Women's Iteneflt association opened Its two-day state Convention here today. ' Four new reviews. Henri, Ileppner. Knterprlso nnd Wallnwa. received , (heir charters nt a pre-con vent ion meet nt rulleton a few wctkt a$io ' Qanri part of the tv's ri'ivmniiy i ;s their forniul Mating In the cciivcn- the fire was damaged hy water; yet a great deal of stock was salvaKed by the fire department sprendltiK heavy cam as over that portion they were able to reach. A large supply of paper cartons, sucks and numerous cases of sort drinks In the back room were ruined by the flames. The tilad Tidings Mission suffered the loss of their piano besides other equipment, nnd while the Medford Llustm-HH College did not suffer loss because of the flames, their equip ment, such ns typewriters, and book keeping machines were damaged somewhat by the smoke and heat. Prof. 1. W. Newberry will dose the college until the damage has been repaired. Tho office of J. li. Andrews was damaged somewhat by the water and the storeroom of the Kadlo Itatfery and Klectrlc Shop was soaked because Of the floods overhead. Insurance covers a part of the loss on the building, which Is owned by J. H, Andrews nnd D. Dnrr. KLAMATH FALIA Ore.. June 4. RoTt Tatro. ti undent who was shot early yesterday when, the pulice say. he was attempting to break into a grocery store here, die,) Hie yesterday afternoon w it bout h.ivlm; i-eg, lined conscious ness. An tuqueM HI be held this afternoon. rati i RIALTO Added Laugh SPAT FAMI CO LY MEDY times r'rn -"-l THE GREATEST OF ALL ADVENTURES JACKIE C00GAN IN 'LITTLE ROBINSON CRUSOE' Colorful with tropic splashes of sunlight and gorgeous with exotic birds nnd foliage. The story of a ship wrecked waif among the cannibals of the South Seas. TOf0RROW AND SATURDAY TOM MIX With Tony the Hons -" " t e e r h rrrrT!: i (poking to be proud of i For more than a generation Perfection Oil Stoves have fostered women's pride in cookery. Their fine cooking results and complete reliability are known in millions of homes. With the coming of the modern Perfection Range ' . the latest achievement in oil stove progress those extra service features are now added which bring to homes without gas the full cooking con- i venience of city kitchens. Recently invented burners which give the cook, ing speed of gas, improved designs which lighten . ; . . work and shorten kitchen hours with these ad vantages Perfection Oil Ranges give a cooking . f Y service unsurpassed even by the finest gas stoves. Your dealer will be glad to demonstrate Per. . fection's gas-like service and simple operation. See him today. The Cleveland Metal Products Co. T Oakland Branch 45lk and Hcllis Strut! ' PERFECTION uu look Moves ana Uveas Styles, shes and prices to suit every need. . 3- f I JW t'f qui 4 n-jtrmth n-kwi rr ntt.rA jtilkt tfrttitm Ou Hcur. fau. Ijjff tnt t,rj,.,n hrnmi II altr Hiaur