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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1925)
Mebforo Mail -Tribune Second Section Four Pages Foar Pages .... Sit. TentlHk Yr. eil filtj.Uiird Yur. . TWELVE PAGES MEDFORD. OKEGOX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1925 NO. G3 NAVARRO DIPLOMA . ' WASHINGTON, Juno 3 Plans to have Ramon Navarro, motion picture 1 actor photographed receiving a "dum my.' diploma from President Coolidge at the, annual commencement exercises of the naval academy were modified today- by Secretary Wilbur. Under the new plans approved to day by the president, Navarro will not take part In the regular academy ex ercises, part of which were to be util ized by a motion picture organization In a commercial production. ' Secretary Wilbur, however. Is deter mined to have a similar scene enact ed at the academy without the pres ence of Mr .Coolidge. After the for mal exercises the superintendent of the academy will take - the place orig inally Intended for the -president and the picture will proceed".';. , . Since news of the plan to have the president apepar in a film ' became public considerable pressure has been brought to bear to have the scene mod ified. Those- in closo touch with tho White House have predicted In view of. previous unpleasantness in connec tion with motion picture advertising the president would not consent to the urrangement. President Coolidge takes the position that while he is always ready to aid legitimate business he does not feel the presidential office should be used in any way for advertising purposes. He does not objetc to the making of pic tures of himself at the academy, but feels they should be available for use by all. ETHERIDGE CASE PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 3 A Jury was obtained in federal court today to try John L. Etheridge, Portland bond dealer, on an indictmenUcharging use of the malls to defraud In connection with the sale of cSattle district im provement bonds. It is asserted by the government that while these bonds were Issued by an improvement district within the cit yand woud be redeemed only by tho district, Ethetidge caused to be ad vertised that the bonds were a direct liability upon the entire city of Seattle. LIGHT RAINS ALL THRU JUNE SAYS 'PADRE OF RAINS' SAN FRANCISCO, June 3. Light rains will occur In June along tliO Pacific slope, according to tne monthly weather forecast Issued yes-j terdny by Father Jerome S. Rloard, "padre of tho rains" of Santa Clara university. ' I During the month, according to Father Rlcard, several low depres sions will cause light rainfall. , Father Rica id's weather forecast follows: June 4 Same conditions continued. June 5. 6 Fair approximating to fair. June 7, 8 A double-headed dis turbance of no mean character will produoe considerable agitation in. the atmosphere of the ; general Pacific slope. We should expect rain over the northwest, .sprinkles in California,, Nevada and Arizona and local thun derstorms over the Const range. i A new Malivctf ect lo (mita Cionof tomt popuUi wood nd new kindle girt Uut old chiffonkf Kit pew chirm. t Outfrft book." The' Au of. Deb- OMiini witb uecoret, bow bow cuily furniture oa be renewed or finished. .Illuitnted Jo colon, Scod foe U free. i u ii itn ii roe n&eZMa Oew Charm for your furniture! DECOkET "VARNISH STAINS FU N EW costumes! new effects! new charm! Personality! for furniture? Indeed, yes as much as for any person. Try it. You can become the deft costumer yourself. The magic ' of your paint brush will delight you. A new home atmosphere will then surround you. For you live with your furniture its personality affects you. - i And, to make your pleasant task the easier, yop have Decoret ' . Varnish Stains. They stain , and varnish at one stroke of the brush in imitation of various familiar woods of furniture craft. They do not hide the grain. Think how easy to restore the original color and lustre to some favorite table or chair! Think ' . bow easy to change the stauveffect of others! Then, where only rebrightening is needed, as on a serving table, you have Fullerwear Varnish a general-purpose varrtfch, made to withstand hard usage and the effectsof hot water, coffee, etc. Send for our free booklet, 'The Art of Decorating with Decor - ' et," It gives information on every point of painting and refinish . ',' ing furniture, ornaments, floors, walls, woodwork, etc. It sug' pests color schemes. And ask your Dealer about the superior .- qualities of Decoret Varrjish Stains and other Fuller paints and "' varnishes backed by 76 years' experience. W. P. FULLER &CO. 301 Mission Street t San Francisco . 25 IfcANCHll IN PACIFIC COAST CITIB FACTORIES IN IAN FRANCISCO, LOI AN01LBI AND PORTLAND Distributors of Vtflspdf on the Pacific Codjt 'For Sale by the Stores Listed Below ' W. B. Thompson ml PAINTS mm VARNISHES PIONEER WHITE LEAD 76 YBARV BXP8RIENCB YOUR ASSURANCE OP F'JLLBR QUALITY 9 A Used Car Is Only as Good: as the Firm You Do Business With We apply to our used car business the same principles we apply to our new car business. We proceed on the assump tion that the buyer is entitled to the same consideration as the new car buyer, and we try to see that he getait. PATTON'S USED CAR MARKET ' Telephone 150 . June 9 Continuation of tho nbove. June 10 Fah' under flying eloudH. Juno 1.1, 12, 13, 14 Fair and de cidedly warm. i June 15 (letting cloudy. ' June it; Light rains along the northwestern coast; some cloudiness in these parts: fair from Santa liar bara to San. Diego. i 'June 1 It-Generally fair. ' June 18 Light disturbance enter ing and passing over the northern tier of state; fair elsewhere. June 19 Generally fair and warm. June 20 Another light depres sion over the Canadian border. Juno 21, ,22 Generally fair and warm. i .June 28, 24 A fouple of low do- . prcssions to enter by north and south, waking, up. brisk winds by land - and sea ,and" dollvormg some rain over the northwest and the" mountains of 'Arizona find local sprinkles in California. Thunder storms in mountainous districts. Had times for the bootlegging 'business! June 25 Generally clearing, which means diminishing cloudiness and local wetness. ' June 26- Generally fair. ' J uno 27, 2 fl Two more depres sions .of gentle character, specially affecting the northwest and Arizona and hardly noticeable in California. June . 28, . 30-7-Iartinl cloudiness over tho central and northwestern coast; .fair down south. N. B. Some stormlncss from July 2 to July G. , WALES CONTINUES TO THRILL CROWDS members gave ample assurance that! the efforts of Mr. London and Miss' Ridley were appreciated. Wo hope' to have tho pleasure of naving these splendid entertainers with us again.' Mr. London added a rather personal touch to the situation by informing ( the club that our own "Jim ' (James Stevens) was his first musical in structor, und that he afterwards played in the same company with Jim foi;a period of about two years. Judging by' the high nuality uf the performance by London, tho mem bers of the club now have great hopes for the future of "Monty" Montgomery, who is also a recent "beginner" under "Our Jim.' and it may be perhaps In tho near fu ture "Monty" too will entertain tho club by the rendition of real opera. Here's hoping. Volney followed with paper ft nil crayon, and in a few minutes ex hibited to the members find guests, very striking likenesses of several of the Rotnrinns, much to tho nmuso ment and enjoyment of all present. Paul Kherer, Mark Hannah and Wal ter Leveret to in turn were each re produced in almost lightning rapid ity under the magical crnyou of Vol ney with striking, though very flat tering likeness, and e:ich Immediately sent to Montgomery-Ward for frames for their "gems of ar,t." Let your good work go on Volney as tho , "Itoguos Gallery" should bo graced with the portraits of ninny moro of our worthy members. Tho club pledged its undivided support to the chamber of commerco and the committees In charge of tho entertainment of tho National Guard during their slay in our midst, and every member wa s u rgeil t n tin h is , DURBAN, Union of South Africa, June 3. (A; P.) One of the most en thusiastic of tho many rousing recep tions he Princo of Wales has had dur ing his teiir of South Africa, was given him here today. .On his way from; Lady smith, where yesterday he visited battlefields of tha Boer wa., of 1899-1900, evory waysido railroad station had cheering crowds. At Durban tho streets were jammed. Formal welcoming ceremonies were conducted irr the town hall square. Gaily dressed girls perched pecarlously upon two large- monuments In the square in order to have an uninter rupted view of the princo. Now and then during the official ceremonies they chimed in with the song "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla., June 3 (A, P.) The engine and six bag gage and mall cars on Santa- Fe pas senger train No. 6 northbound were derailed on a forty foot embankment on the edge of Oklahoma City today. No one was injured. Police and rail road agents found - a rail disconnected. Trainmen expressed the belief that roRber-y was the motive, but that the bandits had been frightened away by the extent of the wreck. . - Threo sleeping cars and one chair car did not leave the track. E PIGKFORD PLOT LOS ANGELES, Juno Z.(A. P.) District Attorney Asa Keyos late today refusod to issuo a conspiracy complaint againHt three men arrested by tho city police Saturday accused of plotting to kidnap Mary Pick ford, screen star. Keyes ordered tho whole affair aired before the county grand jury. -. Attorneys for the dofenso Issued a statement characterizing, the ar rests and reported confessions of the men as a "frameup" among police informers. Medford ' Rotary1 Club News ' At its regular weekly luncheon on Tuesday of this week the Medford Rotary club decided to dispense with the noon luncheon for next Tuesday and put on a dinner at six thirty Tuesday evening at the Hotel Med ford at which the wives of the Ro tartans will also attend. Following the dinner a theatre party will be put on at "Hunt's Play House" and It is hoped that every member will be present with his lady as a splen did program will be given an evening of real enjoyment is assured by the committee. The committee in charge of the program this week placed all re sponsibility for tho entertainment upon Rotarians George Hunt and Volney Dixon and the club was fur nished a real "thrill" at the hfinds of these two members. George In troduced two of his entertainers, now performing at the Rialto. Miss Peggy 1 Ridley and Lewis London, who treat . ed the club to a half hour of real musical entertainment, Mr. London , having sang several thrilling and 'catchy songs, accompanied In a very able manner by Peggy at tho piano. utmost to make the stay of tho boys here one to be lung remembered. Many of the members pledged their cars, trucks, and other vehicles to the service of taking the soldiers to Cm tor Ijike during the convention, and their time and efforts toward otherwise entertaining tho guard dur ing their encampment and that the encampment will be a success goes without saying. Tom Spooner, a traveling man of Eugene, Oregon, was a special guest with Mark Hanna at the luncheon. Tom is a pleasant chap and we hope to have him with us often. RUSSELL'S I -1st I SEE PAGES 4 AND 5 as sooii :V1.:"ra mydbg "Turn her in? Why should I? Thtiit old Ford is as good as she ever was. Ill get three years more work out of her anyway before she's through. . "Lubrication's the answer, of course. I've noticed that since I switched to that new Zerolene 'F' for Fords she runs like a clock and seems to have a bit more bower too."' , ' - ' " Zerolene "F" for Fords, the new Stand ard Oil Company lubricant developed especially for Fords, gets to all the bear ings requiring lubrication especially the wrist-pin bearings and the upper half of the cylinder walls that are frequently oil starved when an unsuitable lubricant is used. Zerolene "F" for Fords is made by the Standard Oil Company's patented vacuum process. It deposits a minimum of carbon, and because it lubricates better, enables the engine to develop a considerable mar gin of power over and above what you're accustomed to expect from your Ford. And it costs not more, but less than most of the special Ford oils now on the market. '' ' ". ' A Ford is an A-l transportation invest- t ment. Protect your investment by proper lubrication., ' , ; - STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) .' ORBS and lhf enthusiastic applause of the