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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1925)
.MATL "tIaTBITNTC, MEfipOKP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE :l, 1f)2.' MKDFORT) PAOE THREE Moorite Worits Wonders for St. Paul and Tacoma Worker B. F. Tanner Tells How Great Remedy Relieved Him of Chronic Stomach Trouble." ' 1 : J '"" " "'B. F. Tanner, nn employe of ihe Stl Paul Tacoma Lumber Co., and living at 1331 K, street. Is so happy over, what Moorite has done for him that he is eager to tell his story to HUfferers from ptomach trouble. To fell well again lifter 15 yeara of suffering has made Mr. Tanner ho grateful that he wantH his testi nion'lnl to the published so that others may know the remark able benefits to be received through taking Moorite. "I have been troubled with stomach trouble for about 15 years," Raid Mr. Tanner. ,I have ppent hundreds of dollars searching for relief, but I never found It until taking Moorite.- I learn ed from a friend about the true tes timonials that were being published In Tacoma about Moorite and 1 decided to try it. "1 am still t-wking Moorite and my stomach is feeling fine. Anyone trou bled with this painful disease will real ize how grateful 1 am to the friend who recommended Moorite to me, and that is why I recommend Moorite to alt sufferers such as 1 was. I am feel ing better and am happier than I have been for years, thanks to Moorite." Moorite In sold under an absolute money back guarantee. It brings you relief or you do not pay a cent for it. Sold " bv Heath. Drug Store, Medfurd. Kast Side Pharmacy, Ashland, Ore. Adv. Mco-Pust Kills Garden Pests Use NO. 5X-NICO-DUST for Aphis, Rose Thrip, etc. NO. lOX-NICO-DUST for Squash Bugs, Melon Aphis, Pea Aphis, Rose Snout Beetle. DOSCH GENERAL DUST for all leaf eating insects. Use Dust Freely Enjoy Better Flowers and Vegetables 'i . ... Let us help you rid your, garden of troublesome pests and make gardening a real pleasure. r '".'.".':. Monarch Seed Co? Phone 260 317 E. Main 'At your service all day long" RUSSELL'S SEE PAGES 4 AND 5 The Thrill of Saving Money If you're looking for n thrill, focus your eyes on saving' money. . The real thrills in life come from turning the pages of your foaifc book, and therein seeing your wealth and happiness increasing. Save here! Jackson County Bank Medford,Oregon ESTABLISHED 1888 ENTERTAINMENT OF SOLDIERS STOESSEO AT C: OF C. FORI FEDERAL SYSTEM RESERVE Snap and promptness a grain pre vailed at the Chamber of Commerce dinner meeting at the Hotel Medtord last night. The 140 guests were seat ed promptly at the scheduled hour of G:30, while the Chamber of Com merce orchestra pleased with some of their highly appreciated numbers. Immediately after the last course of the bountiful ineal prepared by le (Japame Most xamu mo nr. me meeting was turned over to J. J. Bue liter, who hud charge for the Kl- wanls, of the entertainment. The first number on the entertainment was a duet by Miss Margaret Hun toon and Lloyd Williamson 1 with H. M. Scott as their, accompanist These kilowatt dispensers were so well taken by the audience that they were called upon for, .another number which they very apprecia tively rendered. Miss Huntoon ulso favored with a solo and an encore. The next number to entertain was that of Lewis Ulrich and Larry Mann, one holding a 50 pound cake of ice while the other picked the holder's'line of business to pieces and then changing the ice to the other while he did' his stuff. The knock out on this number was when Mann charged Ulrich room rent for his Mrs. Setter Dog raising her family in Mann s basement. The Elks' "hiok" orchestra, com' posed of Messrs. Alford. Newbury, Shrove, Jack Heath and Herb Launs pach, highly entertained with, their improvised Instruments, made on nail kegs, wash tubs, broom handles, chandeliers, etc. Floyd H. Hart; one of the directors of . the . chamber at this time, ad vised the guests with regard to the elaborate plans being worked out toward incorporating every possible angle ot entertainment for the Ore gon National Guard, white encamped here during tho period, of June 12. to 26, inclusive. He told of Secretary of Agriculture Jardine's visit to tho camp June 25... ... . . Heeley V. Hall also explained with regard to the progress being made by his transportation c om mlttee toward . securing the necessary COO automobiles to . take the guardsmen to as near Crater Lake as the snow will permit, on June 20. Hall ear nestly urged all auto owners to sign , their i-ai's . up immediately so that this committee could complete their program. Captain Ralph Covr gill hit the. high, spots on tho. camp situation as it existed today and ex pounded! staggering figures .with, re gard, to the significance of the' camp to Medford and asked citizens to call this week and view the nature of the conditions as they now exist. President Clancy expressed his ap preciation of- the loyal support his board of directors were giving him and their community and laid con siderable stress -on the amount of work- the- chamber was doing nt this time. He also stated he was leaving the best to the last and that It was his pleasure at this time to Introduce Rev, Mr. W. E. Bobbltt, , who was the pastor of the Christian church of Klamath Falls as the speaker of the evening. .He. announced. Mr,. Bob bin's chosen subject for the occa sion was "Loyalty." Mr, Babbitt, who is no stranger tok Medford, started off by saying that while he Is dpbbed a 4,Sky Pilot' he was just a. "He-man," .the same as. all. the. rest' present and- for none- to get- scared that he was going to preach a sermon and leave, for that was-far Xvom his mind. He said . ho was going to talk- about loyalty and In tolerance and would- start- off by saying that he belonged to all the service clubs that he could get into and If there were any new ones .starting he would like to make ap plication for - membership. By this time he had his audience well with him and he told them of loyalty as they had never heard it- before. Ho said In part that a man In Medford owed Medford more than he did any other city, likewise his, state and his country. He said one owed the street ho lived on. more ' than any other street in that city eve the block, of that street that one lived In. He analyzed-loyalty ana intolerance, and urged nelghborllness In all men. It was an excellent and: inspiring ad dress. r i T HOTEL AND EARLY DAY CITIZEN DIES In the death, of A. II. Boothby who died nt his home near Prospect, Ore., May 29. 1926. aged eighty-four, thft county has lost an old and respected pioneer. Ho was born ot AU.r-ns. Muirt, January It. 1841. )::,; , Mr;-a from Now York In 'm:( to Hnn Tram Cisco. In 1 SG4 he ivmin in Jarkmm county, Oregon where he wot kod at mining, running a saw mill, and teaching school for a while, i On August 13. 1871, he married Miss Margaret Noland, who survives him, with six of their eight children: Charley Boothby. of California; Mrs; A. Paul, of Klamath Palls; Mrs. Chauncey Arant, of Talent; and Ida, Ed, and Tracy Boothby of Prospect, Oregon. I Ho was ono of the earliest settlors In this part of the country, running the sawmill at what is now Prospect, before there was any settlement there, living at a little placu called Tail Holt, where a bridge crossed Rogue river, some little distance above the present bridge. At this place, about 1881, he taught a night school boforo' a public school was established. After living there sev eral years, he moved to Ashland, but after a few years moved back to Pros pect, where he ran the sawmill, saw ing out lumber, and buikllne the (Prospect hotel. He lived several years near i'ort Klamath and rrom there went to California, where he lived about ten years. Prom there he came to Ashland and then back to Prospect where so many of his, younger years were passed. . He played his part among the men who endured the hardships and pri vations of a new country. He brought up a fnmlly who were a credit to him and a comfort in his old age. He nl- , ways worked hard, and though for many years his nenith was very poor, he insisted on going to tho very . limit of his strength. His last years of feebleness and enforced Inactivity, he bore with uncomplaining patience and from his last painless sickness he passed as peacefully as a child falling to sleep. "Old men laying their strong staff down, i . - Close their eyes on a race all run. Death is an angel, who leads' the way Out of the shadows, down under the sun." V A FRIEND.. T PORTLAND, Ore.. Juno 3. Den tists from all parts- of the state, num bering between 3U0 and 400. today be gan sessions of the thirty-second an nual convention of the Oregon State Dental association at the North Pacific Dental college. The rest of the week wil be devoted to Intensive study of the latest dental methods. Dr. Fred E, Qullck of Portland, pres ident oft the, association, opened the sessison- and gave his annual address this morning. ' Dr. James Kendall Burgess of New York, who holds the chair of prosthet ic dentistry In . the. College of Dental Surgery in . New York, lectured on bridge work this . morning. The afternoon was devoted to clin ical work. Among those taking part were Dr. W. BJ Leo of EugeneDr. H. E, Murphy of Medford and Doctors Springer and George of Salem. Dr. W. E. Buchanan of Eugene Is to read a paper this afternoon on tooth care as it is taught: Seat Sale Opens o 'l f Tomorrow for,. i d rj) i ri:-" . nomeo ana Jackie Coogan in ' "Little Rob. Crusoe?9 Go. to an afternoon, or early night show if you want to get a thrill out of Jackie Coogan- In "Little Robinson Crusoe." The early film in gs are those well attended by the younger Bet and more than -CO per cent of the enjoy ment for the average-adult at recent Coogan presentations consists In watching the juvenile audience ' Wild cheers greet the clouds of black smoke which belch from the stacks of the topedo boat destroyer as it veers In Us course in response to the frenzied "S, O. S' wirelessed by our youry; hero from the tropical home of a white dealer In copra whose bee-yutlful daughter is about to become the prey of a gang of blood thirsty cannibals. Screams of pleas ure meet the departure of the landing party of marines for the tropic Isle and positive bedlam breaks loose as a deck gun of the destroyer roars and high explosive shell's clip the tops from the fronded palms and strike &ark terror to the hearts of the black men! Gusts of shrill laughter echo when our hero. In exuberance at his rescue, shouts "Horray!". Fires his army .45 automatic into the air, livings down a cocoanut on his shin gled hob and does a Charlie Chiiplln stagger. A Spat Family comedy, "The Fox Hunt," has more, laughs than the average humorous filler, an Interna tional News and Peggy Ridley's music round out an entertaining bill. Jane Cowl In "Romeo and "Juliet" will appear at Hunt's CratcrlaiV'ono night only, Monday, June 8th, coming direct from San Francisco to Medford. That her appearance as "Juliet" will be hailed with delight by the people of this city Is assured by the fact that al though she has a ji pea red In several; of the most successful plays ever pre sented on the American stage; none of the mhas ever created as much.' fa vorable comment as her portrayal of Shakespeare's heroine. "" '. ' '" The splendid original cast and pro duction "Will be brought to this city. The tromendous advance Interest al ready displayed by the public has re sulted in the management of the Hunt's Crnterian announcing the sale of seats at the box office will open tomorrow, 12 o'clock, five days In advance. Your Boy! are you sure he will go to ; college? If you live yet J' But what if the unexpected happens? i that it why uregon Lire Educational Policy which uv cures money for hit college education whether you live or die. Writ for rout Copy ot this brocKur. Oregonlifc A. L XIM. PrMiriMl W V. w:tJ(JPPKL. Am'IMmm (J.8.itAMim.,0.W. fl.B.L.AiJVXLT,EieutJT&t'l Horn Ofcwi PORTLAND, OREGON A. 8. Cornell A. B. evens District Mgrs., 204" Medford National Hank Bldg., Medford, Oregon Strike Order Issued. WHEELING, V. Va Juno - 3. A temporary restraining order was Ih- Bued this afternoon by Federal JiuIkc W. E. Baker in the case of' 19 pan handle coal ..district companies which seek an Injunction against the Unit ed Mine Workers of America to halt all organization activities in this sec tion, where a strike has been in ef fect since April 15, Inst-. P ' The Every Dy The creamy richness of this milic makes a31 food better, It's Nestled ALHNE BARGAIN OVERLAND 4 Touring Completely Reconditioned The Busy Corner Motor Co. they are worthy run ning mates for your motor. Their rigidly Sustained Quality gives you greater mile age and longer car life. ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY Deal with the dealers who serve you well the ; MOTORMATES dealers; They are named below. MEDFORD Highway Service Station Phipps Auto. Park Service . Walden Bros. Garage Victor Danielson . TALENT " Talent Oarage JACKSONVILLE Dorothy Confectionery ' RUCH C. M. Ruch CENTRAL POINT f Central Point Service Station : Freemen-Wiley & Co. ' EAGLE POINT Eagle Point Hardware Co. ROGUE RIVER C. S. Hatch Garage ASHLAND Ashland Service Station Tho Automotive Shop '" GRANTS PASS ' LeMoss Service Station and Tire House F. B. Olding Garage TABLE ROOK Table Rock Store PHOENIX L. L. Furry Phoenix Mercantile Co. Ever-Shady Auto Park GOLD HELL "I Gold Hill Garage APPLEGATE. Jno. W." Pernoll ' o BUTTE FALLS. N. B. Stoddard ;