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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1925)
o o ArTCDFORD MATTi TRIBUNE, M)FORD OREOOX, SATUftDAYM VY 23,'' 1923 o PAQE . FIVE bringiTng up father By Georg'e McMariua 5 r T7 OUR. L IMCLAO "YOU car iio or . THACT QUO Catt BUT HOW DID XOO ) Cwe: it to VMM- Its. ! ARE CRACZ.T AC5QOT THE CAT APPRECIATION- NVE. ARE T- PER.KIN'b?, COIN1 TO LtT TOO HAVE The WK'tiH-wnMPiKi PART WITH IT FOR THE WORLD- lT & Ay CREACT REUE.F NOT TO OE BOTHERED ? THE. KITTEMS T c nA,HOMET I'M CL-AO -fOU DO VTr1 WITH A. CAT would like. APPRECIATE. IT TO 'bEE VTOO, SMI 77 6 ..-; i ... 1 HT Ly ; fa A mm i l?.3 oy JrJT-L Fcature TA Markets TiivoHttK'k ta PORTLAND, Ore., May 23. Live stock nominally steady. Cuttle receipts ' 80. Compared with we,ek nifo: Steers and Bhe stock steady to 25c .lower; with &pota in the week's pales 50c or more lower; week's hulk prices Beef steers $8.00i??9.75; California grassera mostly $8.50 fiT 9.35; cows and heifers mostly, $5.00 ffT 5.50; heat California Kiass heifers $8.26tff8.60; canners and cutters $2.50(5.00; hulls $&.50tfi 5.50; best liKht veal calves $10.5011.00; others $5.000:9.00. Hors, compared with week nso: mostly 35 to 40c higher; week's bulk .prices: Desirable weight butchers $ 1 3.40 Gb 13.50; heavies and under weights $13.25 down; packing sows $10.50fiiH2.00; slaughter pigs $11.503 12.50; feeder pigs $2.50 above week ngo. Bulk $1 2.00(H) 12. GO. Sheep: Sheep and lambs steady with week ago; best spring lambs $11.00 H.GO: culls $8.50 iff 10.50; old crop r.horh In nibs $8.50 0 9.00; a few shorn ewes $6.50 down. Kffgs PORTLAND, Ore., May 23. Ex tra eggs cent higher, current receipts cent lower; eggs current receipts 28c;! pullets 2r&(n26c: firsts 2&.ft26c;' henneries 29 &30c delivered Port-! land. v ' Butter PORTLAND, Ore., May 23. Rutter, extra cubes city 41c; standards 40 o;; prime firsts 40c; firts 38c; under-' grades nominal; prints 43c; cartons 44c. " Butterfat, best churning cream 40c; net shipper's track in zono one, 42c delivered Portland. ,v-.- v - poultry . " PORTLAND, Ore., May 23. Poul try (less 5 per cent commlsslson.) heavy hens 24 Tv 25c; light -22 23c; broilers 22'g,27c lb; young white ducks 30532c. Potatoes PORTLAND. Ore., May 23. Pota toes No. 2. $2.252.35, tor ions, nominal. . Portland Wheat. ' PORTLAND, Ore., May 23. Wheat bids: Hard white, liluestem, ttaart, 91.6ft; soft white. $l.Gl; western white, 91.59; hard winter, northern spring, $1.60; western red, $1.58; BBB hard white. $1.75. Today's car receipts Wheat, 16; flour, 10; corn, 2; oats, 2; hay, 3. . San Francisco Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, May .Butter fat, f. o. b. San Francisco, 4Gc. . Stockholders Xotic-e. . Notice Is hereby given that the an mial meeting of the stockholders of The Home Telephone & Telegraph company of Southern Oregon, will be held at the office of the company, 213 I West Sixth street, Medford, Oregon, at 3 o'clock p. m. June 2nd, 1925. fil i W. H. GORE, President. WHY NOT BUY FROM THE ' SOURCE OF SUPPLY AND CUT OUT SUBSTITUTION? We Wholesale and Retail Fresh nnd smoked meats, home made lard and sausage., Fruit nnd fresh vegetables from the farm every morning. Fresh Fisli from Mnrshfield. Creamery Butter, Cheese and some can goods. "We give the consumers tho benefit of f our large buying advantages. Johnson Produce Co. 211 N. Fir St. Phone 97 WANTED To Buy for Cash All Tour Second Hantl Furniture M0RD0FF ft W00LF Service. Inc. County Treasurer's Fifteenth Call for .Market Row! Fund Warrants Statu of Oregon. County of Jackson. Treasury department. Jacksonville, Oregon, May 23, 1925. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemption of all outstanding Jackson County, Ore gon, Market Itoad Fund Warrants registered March Gth. 1925, to date. Interest on the above called war rants ceases on this, the 23rd day of May, 1925. A. C. WALKKK, Treasurer of Jackson County. Oregon. Summons for Publication. Equity No. 3077 In the circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. Willis Raymond Wllkins. Pluintiff, vs. Dorothy Lphria Wllkins, De fendant. To Dorothy Euphria Wilklns, the above named, defendant: In the name of the slate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court and cause and there . answer the complaint of thje pluintiff on file therein against you within ten (10) days from tho date of the service of this summons upon ytju if served within Jackson county, Ore gon; or if served within any other county of Oregon, then within twen ty (20) days from the date of the ser vice of this summons upon you; or if served by publication, or out of the slate of Oregon after an order for the publication of this summons, then on or before the last day prescribed in the order for the publication of the sum mons. And you will please take notice that if you fall to so appear and answer said complaint within said time, the plaintiff will apply to the' above enti tled court for the relief prayed for in tho complaint, lo-wit, that tho bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant herein be totally and forever dissolved, and for such other and further relief as to this court may Reein JuHt and equitable. This summons is published under and In accordance with the order of date Mny 14, 1925, of the above en titled cuutt and cause, requiring it to bo published In the Medford Mail Tribune, a' dally newspaper published In Mod ford, Jackson county, Oregon, once u week for a period of six weeks, and requires you to appear and an swer the complaint herein on or be fore the expiration of the laRt day prescribed In said order for the pub lication of paid summons, which last day in the 27th day of June, 1925. The HELP WANTE to FEMALE WANTED Middle aged woman for housekeeping in sniull country town. . 525 No. Riverside. 55 WANTED Woman, come and see me at once, get in touch with a big money maker. Will appoint a rep resentative in Medford, Gold Hill, Central Point, Phoenix and Jack sonville. District Manager. Jack sonville. Confectionery, Jacksonville, Oregon. 1 57 WANTED Yopng ladies to usher, Cralerian theater. Apply to Mr. Hunt 11 a. m. tomorrow. 54 WANTED A woman of mature years for office position. Address Box 850, Medford. 63 WOLFF, 'the Tire' Man, car ries a selected stock of tires and tubes. His prices are Right and his stock the best. VELVOIIj at 25c pef qt. Is the proper oil for your car! Armory Service -Station Pac. Highway at Jackson St. We flattex- ourselves that j'ou, like most of the other f o 1 k s: w h o trust us with the care of their ears, do it beeause you respect a good piece of machinery and. want it to get proper Lubrica tion. ' Free Crank Case Service. ' Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station ' - f Great Britain rigl diite of thq first publication of this imnmioiiit is the 16th lir.y of May, 11125. UBAMES & RUAMKS, Attorneys for Pluintiff. Address: 412 Liberty HuiUlliiB. -Medford. OreKonv WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position us companion for woman or children. Phone 0lJ-i. 310 N. Uurtlett. 64 U'ANTKD Dressmaking or sewing of nny Kind. Plces reasonable. tud n . Jackson. 54 WANTED Contracting nnd Job work on houses. Apply evenings, 14b Si. Holly. W. Bergman. Phono (iOO-X. 55 niiliP WANTlCD 3IAT.E WANTED Solicitor, must be exper ienced; 4 months steady work, sal ary nnd commission. Phone 107 7 after 8. 64 WANTED Ono to four persons to go to Coos Bay by auto Sunday morn ing, May 24th, to pay part of ex pense. Call at 340 N. Front. li. A. Elliott. 54 WANTED Middle age single man for poultry rami. Bteuuy work, pnone U-F-ll. .66 WANTED Young man to work Sat urdays In grocery store. Address E. M., caro Tribune. 54 WANTED MISCKIiljANEOUS WANTED 200 feet 2 inch pipe. Phone 55 GU-J-ti. WANTED Spoiled hay. weedy-hay or any old hay. Hear Creek Orchard. Tel. 401-11-1 or 1057 after 6. p. m. 56 WANTED 5-roomed house on north side by June 1st. A. U. 204 So. Cen tral Ave. 64 Stocks and Bonds We 'solicit Inquiries to buy or sell any marketable listed, local or un listed securities. . .. Active . market for Durant, Stnr, Flint and Hickenbacker Motor Is nues; Public' Utilities. Prompt nttentlon given nil orders. Cash paid for purchases; no delay.. Ouotations furnished. IIOOI BROTHERS 8 Chnmber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Oro. FOLLOWING ADVERTISER3 ARE . Members Medford Realty Board 11 HAVC WHAT you WANT $1 U l v I 0 . Wo Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS , In All Its RENTAL8 :: 8ALE3 ' Bungalows New, double construction throughout, oak floors, fireplaces, garage, cement driveway. Easy terms. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main 8t PEAR ORCHARD NON-RESIDENT OWNER This fine young pear orchard 1b located on the Pacific Highway, with fine highway frontage. This is a well-kept orchard, has a paying crop this year. The owner says sell at what wo consider a sacrifice price. Moot reasonable terms. Considering quality and varieties of trees and location It cannot be equalled for the price $12,000.00. Phono 409 J. C. OOOOOOOOGOOOCOXX50000b Profitable Pear ! 45 acres with 23 acres In bearing pears, Dose, Bartlott, De Anjou varieties, part 18 years old; and about 20 acres In alfalfa. Modern house, large j barns, complete equipment; estimated value present crops more than I JCOOO. Well located near Medford In the best pear district In this valley. ! Property now In excellent condition. Can be bought at a bargain price ! and paid tor In small annual payments, only $3500.00 cash required. Your Inspection Is Invited, EARL 8. TUMY OOOCOOOOOCXXOOOOOCKXX FOR RENT FCKNISnED ROOMS FOR RENT Front room, 620 S. Cen tral. ' 67 FOR RENT Nicely furnished corner rooms, cloao in. Also garage. Tel. U05-M. 69 FOR RENT Room for men, bath and garage. 609 E. Main. tt PO RRENT Furnished front room. Closo to bath. Phone 504-U. tf FOR RENT norSES FOR RENT Furnished bungalow, close in, S. Central. W. H. Ever hard. 6 S. Fir. If FOH RENT 6-room house. Tele phone 74U-X. 60 FOR RENT 6-room modern house. Just remodeled, garage, wood shed etc. Close in, on east aide. On pavement. Phone 582-L. 861 E. 9th. 56 FOR RENT B-room. modern house on pavement. $35 per month. Charles A. Wing. Phono 55 FOR RENT Now 4-room, modern home on East side. Charles A. Wing. Phone 728. 55 FOR RENT Furnishod hoUBO, 630 So. Central. FOR RENT Eight room modern home with garage; close in to busi ness section. Nice lawn nnd shade. Call at 32 6 So. Riverside avenue, tt FOR RENT Houses. Brown A White . FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartments, ground fjoor, 234 E. Sth. Phone 1155-R. 74 FOR RENT Furnished apartment, room nnd garage. 604 W. 10th. 27tf FOR RENT MlBCEliIiANEOCS FOR RENT 4 acres improvpd lnnd, located in Grants Pass. Crop most ly planted; half acre strawberries, some blackberries and grapes. Jer sey cow, 20. chickens; house partly furnished. Free wood. See F. Moody, 122 Cottage street, Medford. 64 FOR RENT 5 acres of nlfalfn, new 4-room house. $26 per month. Charles A. :Wlng. Phono 728. 66 WANTED TO RENT Immediately, three teams. "11. 1067 If QUO II Acreage Farms City Homes 20 acres Bear Creek land, four-room bungalow, throo miles from town; would trade on larger irrigated farm. Fine Auto Camp, Store, etc., for sale or trade. 22 acres alfalfa, cheap Irrigation, bottom land, ,to trade for Medford property. FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Mod ford Building -: Medford, Ore. o D o II Branches LOAN8 INSURANCE BASHES 6 S, Central Orchard for Sale Liberty Building T) FOH HKNTv HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOH KENT KurnlHhed two , room housekeeping apartment to intuitu only. 3l!5 So. KiverNide ave, tf FOR RKNT Housekeeping roams, upstairs and downstairs, 5Ju No. Riverside. , 64 LOSt LOST Pair of horn rim kIohhch In Ijirxo muck leather case. Return to V. A., Kinney Furniture Htore. Re ward." &4 MOXKY TO IX)AN TO LOAN Money, Chnrles A. Wing, real estate . loans. Representative Suretv BuvlnKS & Loan Association. Loans obtained at nominal expense; reasonable rate of interest. Phone 728, Palm Block, Medford, Oregon. 68 FOH KALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Ray team, five nnd six years old. Can bo seon at Dr. Oit ueu's. D 0 FOR KALE Good fresh milk cow. Phono 89-H. 05 FOR SALE Extra good young milk cow and calf. Phone 1115. Address 510 S. Central St., Medford. 5ti FOR SALE Team of mares, 1400 lbs., wugon nnd double hurness. 306 No. Apple. 6ti FOR SALE Two fresh cows, espe cially good. M. Walsh, on South Peach street, Just outsldo city lim its, tf FOR 6AJjK REAl ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE $10,000 ir rigated ranch for $3000, 10 years time. Adjoins town. Gold 'Ray Realty Co. 54 FOR SALE 100 acre ranch near ltea gle, 80 acres under cultivation. EaHy terms. Mrs. Anna Vinson, Central Point; Ore. Box 378.. 58 FOR SALE 10 acres, 5 .acres mixed fruit trees; t houses, barn, chicken house; miles south. Good gravel road. $!000. Terms. 303 E. Main. Phono 417. 64 FOR RALE OR ItENT 100 ncres. 50 in cultivation, no buildings. In Sams Valley. L. M. Fisher, Gold Hill.. 65 FOB SACE 'OR RENT Unfurnished house at 103f r. 10th street. Five rooms, bath and screen porch. Pav ed street. Lold of shade. DeVof's Store. tf FOR SAL.K SO aero farm, bungalow houne, good barn and other out building; stevh und farm ir.i provemonts. PalO up water rli,'ht lor 13 acres, ah tor fisuo. iiuuu ensh. . Balance at 6 per cent for 2 yours. About 4 miles out. Bee John Albert at Central Point,, Oro. 68 FOR SA L1C Unusuol brngnln. Bought too biy place. Luck money to Im prove. Sell any part ten to 100 acres. With or without huildtnuu. Deeded wilier. Cheap nmlntununcu. Creek bottom, deep loam. Heavy crops alfalfa, K'lrden, fruit; 7 acres penrn, 9 alfalfa. Uood school. Itoadn. Neighborhood. John Cum eron. Owner. On premises at Table P.ock. Address Central Point,' Ore gon. 64 FOR 8AI.R OR THADK 320 acre dairy farm, fully equipped, 11 cows, 6. heifers, 6 horses, other stock, for small HUburban farm or town prop erty in soutbweht Oregon. - G, 1. Mullihan, Curlew, Wush. .. . 54 FOU SALI2 Flvo n'cres with modern 6-room bouse; 8 acres In bearing pears with water. Ilalunco laid out in oity lots. Iocntod about a block north of Jacksonville roud 1ut out side city limit. Owner on premises uner p. m. 66 FOIt SALK Will sell my homo of 47 ucres near Central Point, one-third ;down, balnnce to suit purchaser- J. P. Hoaglund, 606 lioulevurd, Ash land. Ore. 60 FOH HAI,K Twenty acres full bear Jng nnpleg and nears. black, deen. heavy soil, no Irrigation debt. Troos about 15 years old, good condition and crop, llarguin. Price $3800. Terms. E. S. Tumy, 203 Liberty jjmg. tr FOU BALK Three acres lever clear .land, irrigated, . water fully paid, two story house, good well, two miles from Medford. llnrgaln. Price $1500. E. S. Tumy, 208 Lib erty llulldlng. tf FOJt BALE Several tarms, irood val ues, easy torma, low lntnroat. O. O. Boggs, Atty for State Land Board. . tf SACRIFICE HALEi1 0,900 acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $5 pet- acre up, 6 and 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and exchange. Oold Ray Realty com puny, owners. 16 V. Orane 8t tf FIRE INSURANCE THAT INSURES CARL Y.. TENGWALD Hotel Holland Building Member Realty Board Phona 993 FOR SALK ACTOMOBIIjES FOR SALE IHI'3 DodK "A" uedun. Perfect condition every way, new cords all around, only ono miles, one driver only; very cheap next few days. Mr. Mason, CottaKe No. 13, Idea! Auto Ciinip. 55 FOR SALE 1924 Chevrolet Bedun, looks and runs like new. Kuwy terms. Armstrong Motors, Uudsun- , Kssex Denier. 58 FOR SALE KliKhtly used Overland sedan, priced rlht. la month con tract to rih t party. A rmut ro nw Motors, WilliH Overlaid Dealer. 5K FOR S A LK I'hevrolet tourintr car with uood tires, irood meclmnleu condition. Only $i!5o. Will sell on easy terms. Armstrong Motors. &K FOR SALE A real buy in Ford tour ing car, ready to go. JJon t rail to see it if you want a Ford at the right price. Armstrong Motors. ftK FOR SALE Ford truck, best buy In town; new. rubber. Haul your own fruit and save price of truck. Arm strong Motors. 58 FOR SALE Rurgutn, Ford touring, rlclt. tf FOR SALE Maxwell roadster, suit able for making delivery or our. Bargain. Address Box A, Ms.ll Tribune, ' tf FOU 8AIiI& POUIiTRt AND EGGS FOR SALK 8-week-old friers, 20c each. Phono, mealtimes, 354, Jack sonville. 64 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatohinff. Phone 201-J. tf FOU SVL10 IIOMF.S FOIt SALIC Must be sold this week; 5-rooms, bath, all you need is small first payment move in, balance like rent. See house at 1022 4th street and phone (IH4-J-1. EU FOR SALIi Modern 7-room house, closo in; paving sewer, water paid. Pai'Kain, nnint he sold this week. Phono K17-V cvenliiKS or morning. 06 FOR SALE Modern bungalow, five rooms, .bathropm and screened porch, built In features in kitchen and dining room, corner lot 60x120, garnge and woodshed, fruit trees, shade trees, roses,, shrubbery und strawberries. Located three blocs from Jackson school and three blocks front new high school site. Price $3000. 11000 will handle. J. C. Beaver, Owner. 841 Haven St. '64 FOR SALV AflRnfftjliANinOUS FOR KALE About 300 gallons of smudge old nt 60 per gallon. Call Central Point 127. C. E. Holds. -05 FOR SALE Tomato plants. .Phono u-F-b. 65 FOR HALE Chicken wheat. Phone 10-F-3 ovonlngs. 69 FOR SALE Alfalfa In shock. 11. A. ttettlemlre. Phone 774-J-2. 0G FOR HALE Sugar pine shakes, mndo at Butte Falls. Fabcrs, Central Point . 78 FOR HALE C Melody saxophone. I'nono G41-X. - 64 FOR SALIC De Lavel separator. mono &34-U. b& FOR SALIC New Peering mower and rake. 14-F-22. 66 FOR HALE Ono used Worlln piano, nmnogany caHO, $100. one slightly used Aldiich piano, cheap. Palmer's Music Htore. 50 FOR SALE First cutting alfalfa hay. Phone 7-F-4. - J tf FOR SALE New piano of quality. r,asy. terms. Noel Ersklno. Phone 729-W. . 60 FOR 8ALE Aster plants. ' C. Cary. 941-j-i. a a areas Talent. "tf FOR HALE OR TRADE! Autos and rurniture. New phonographs and records half price. 15 N. Grape, tf Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If interested In a, used car a be sure and see us. C. E. Gates Auto Co. BUSINESS DlltECTOKY Attorneys KEAMKS & REAMKS I-awyors, of fice In Liberty Pulldlng. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. A UHEENE AbHtracts of Title, Rooms S and 6 No. 32 North Central Avo., upstairs. JACKSOV COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abxtrucl of Title ami Tltlo Insurance. The only complete Title System lu Jucksou County. A. : E. KELLOOO Abstractor of Titles, Oold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty . years' experience In ths county. Phone 6-J-iJ Oold Hill. tt Itulhllng SnppTPCH and Hoofing STANDARD ROOFINO AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO. Build up Roof ing, Ashland Granite Top. 16 years guarantee. Best grade of roof pa per cement. PretjHOd brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire plnce brick, all colors. All material Class A. Port land Beaver Comont for sale. As phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tel ephone 738-X. Clilronractlo rhyslclnns DR. A. K. HEDGES Neo-Ecleotlo Physician. DR. I.OUISB B. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. -. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office: Stewart Bids;., 266 E. Main St. Phones: Office 170; Res. 170-J-2. DH. K. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Nerve Specialist. Office hours 0-1 2, 2-6, 203-206 Liberty Bldg. Of rice Tlione 6S0. Res. phone 1027. , Dentist DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone 060. Hes. 770. Office hours 8 t m. 6 p. in. Evening and Sunday by appointment. ... DR. H. E. MURPHY Dentlstrr. . Dental X-Ray. Phone 77, offlo ' Second floor Mfltlford Bids;. Expert Accountant WILSON AlifllTINO CO. B. M. Wil son, c. P. A. Attention given ,tt anything In accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into -our simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford, Phone 1S7-R. - Insurance EARL S. TUMY All forms of Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Life, Accident, Bonds. Phone 402, 20 Liberty Bldg. Money u Loan J.. B. ANDREWS Buys and sell mortgages and louna money on good security. 81 N. Orapo St; Phono (3-M. 246 MonamcnUi TH13 OREGON GRANITE . OO. Monuments. JS. A. Hicks, General Manager. P. M. Kershaw, bcJea Manager, 108 E. Sixth St., Medford. tf. Ostoopalhs DR. F. Q. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW -Osteopathia Physicians 416-418 Liberty Bid. Phone UOt-J-t. Residence 26 South Laurel St. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony, Studio SIS Liberty Bldg., Phone 72. . Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has th. best equipped printing office in iSouthorn Oregon. . Book binding;, .loose leaf ledgers, billing syetemn, ' etc. Portland prices. 17 N. Mr at. Ftransler EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 22 North Front St. Phon SIC. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER , ft STORAOB CO. Anything moved, day or night Servlco guaranteed... 2 B S. Grape. Phone 644, or rosldonce 1060. , Upholstering J, WE1S Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuff-.d furniture. Full line .of materials. Draperies . made jto order. Wo do all kinds of uphol- storing. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone SOS Jacksonville, Ore. VETERINARY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL, Dr. E. C. Mcculloch, Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultations free. Corner Orape and Fifth, Med ford. Ore. phone 369 Day or night Window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT. Wnx and pol ish your floors, clean your house. Janitor service for offices and build ings. Geo. A. Heely. Phone 117S. R24 Penkmnn Avo. j. FOR INFORMATION Carponter's Lornl IH4II. Phono 247-L. Meets at Smith hnll every Friday night, 138 North Grape, between Gth and thatrtita.