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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1925)
o o o o MEDFORD MXliP TttTTYlTNE, MRT)FQ17D. OTTKOOX, TTTTnSDAY, MAY 21, 1fl2,' p E IS DEDICATED AT L 0. 0. F. CEMETERY Tnder cloudcast skies the I. O. O. Mausoleum ct-remonlal took place it evening. The procoKHion which s to have started from Oakdale 1 Main at 4:30 was delayed until 'clock because of a violent Hhower; s delay materially shortening the rrcises at the cemetery. h'he ceremonial of breaking ground the Memorial MaUHoleum watt Impressive. The D. O. K. K. ,d plnyed tho opening number. e as a Bird," followed by a eelec- n by the I. O. O. quartet; Rev. P. Illard, then DeYoe gave the lnvoca- VALLEY, BUT MAY RAINFALL LIGHT budge C. M. Thomas, master of emonles, spoke briefly and Intro- Iced Past Grand Master Carter of rtland who read the poem, "Hall of mories," which gave forth the iih that the Mausoleum was not to a house of the dead, but rather a 11 of Memories memories of the ed ones already gone beyond. In Is hall silent communion could be Id with those loved ones who are id, and it would be . there . that mories would ever spring afresh. Cast Grand Master Westbrook of rtland presented a brief address, lie Mausoleum Idea," giving tho fctory and the origin of the Mfiuso- im, as it was many centuries ago. sent Grand Master L. E. Carter of I. O. O. F. in a few words dedl ed the Mausoleum, to be erected, the purpose for which it is intend - Tho D. O. K, K. band played lie Mayor Alenderfer received oids from those who wished them Visited in the crypt," which was never to be opened again until jty years from date when a similar vice will be held. Tho benediction the Rev. E. P. Lawrence wns given Kt as rain again started to fall, driv- the several hundred people that (1 gathered, quickly to shelter. fTho I. O. O, F. canton and the iter Lake auxiliary were present in iform and throughout the exercises fcod at attention. Many delegates d visitors attending the state I. O. F. convention at Ashland, drove ler In a body to participate in the dlcation. fisitc UGILISTS SUSPECTED AS MOONSHINERS ARE At J. A. (yg) Yeager, Portland avywelght pugilist, arrested last eek In connection with a raid on a 11 on the rented farm of tho Bhan n boys on the Applegate, was re- hscd from tho county jail Wodties- y afternoon on $1000 bonds provid- by a Portland bonding . houne. iager has a pugilistic engagement to 1 the end of the month, and was lining for the clash when arrested. The three Shannon brothers,, ar- feted and held to the grand Jury on same charge, ,havo all been -ro- fescd on $1000 bonds. The only one of the accused lan- ishlng In the county bastile Is Gus renson, wrestler, and ho, has filed request that he be allowed to go out phts and earn some money, endeav- Ing to flop the wrestler with the rnival company now appearing in e city. Final decision has not been lade on Mr. Sorenson'B plan to re lenish his exchequer. The drenching snuwer that fell shortly after 5 p. m. yesterday, just as the I. o. O. F. stato convention procession was forming, flooded the streets for a short time. Light rain fell at times during last night. . Altogether, during the past 24 hours, ending today, 27 hundredths of -an inch of rain fell In Medford and vicinity eight hundredths' of which fell during the hard downpour of late yesterday afternoon, making In nil 72 hundredths of an inch, Which has fallen this month so far, which is not abovo the 10-year avor age. : - Today was generally fair with much sunshine, although with threat ening clouds in sight all the time. Fair weathor and a rising tempera ture is predicted for Friday. tl AT LODGE TONIGHT The Elks' lodge will have an unus ually interesting meeting tonight in their temple, at which Initiation and Important business will be mixed with a big entertainment, part of which will be furnished by several professional entertainers. This will be followed by special appetizing eats, an item which local theatrical managers are expected to take advantage of. Inasmuch as the business Is so im portant, and the entertainment so out of the ordinary an exceptionally large attendance is looked for. It is under stood that the Elks' dining room will be the center of interest for many of the Elks during the next five weeks. The lodge) session will convdnc prompt ly at 8 p. m. tonight. CASE IS SETTLED By a stipulation agreed upon be tween opposing counsel in the, suit of John . W. Johnson, jeweler, ugalnst the Hartford Accident and Indemnity company started Wednesday in the circuit court, a settlement in favor Of Johnson was made. The suit was for the collection of $2135 on a policy to recover loss of diamond rings in a burglary of, the Jewelry -store .safe in May, 1923. According to counsel for Johnson, the settlement was made largely, through the efforts of R. A. Holmes, local agent of the insurance company,-and the action aroso solely pver a misunderstanding as to the liability under the policy.. The insur ince' company was represented by fteames and Rcames, nnd the plnin (iff by Newbury and Newbury Ford After U.S. Fleet, But s Scrap Metal 7 TTI ''life" 'll v " ImfMrf MfBT- tti 4v iMsfW I LAST HI SGHOOC BASEBALL GAME AT SUFFERED AFTER BIRTH OF BABY1 Trouble Caused by Getting Up Too Soon. Relieved by Taking Lydia E. PinkhanVs Vegetable Compound The last bsisehnll game of the sea son between Medford III and firanls Pass ill will be played on the lat-j I nr a uuuuuim j i amy uiiui iiunu ui 3:110, I living also the last day of school fur ti rants 1:ihs. another contest could not be staged should the nor-' therncrs win iyid make tho four game series a tie, 2-all. If Medford ! annexes the game the southern Ore jgon championship will go with it. The local team has won more ' games in the past season having plnyed two with Klamath Kails, while the Grants Pnss nine has had only one with this team. Going by percentages, Medford would have the pennant, win or Jose, but as there were only two main contenders, a split of the series would glvo both nn equal claim. In tho event that Medford' wins the title, they will hang up the rec ord of being chnmpions In all four major sports in tho past year, having won in football, basketball, . track and baseball. The proposed purchase of 400 government-built vessels from the U. S. shipping board by Henry Ford would not meke him the greatest shipping-master in the world, as stated. For it is now known that the Detroit auto manufacturer plans to scrap most of the craft for their metals and fit tings, using only a few of the better ones in his private fleet of freighters. Some of the shipping board 'vessels the motor magnate is negotiating with T. V. O'Connor, shipping board chairman, to buy, are seen tied im in the Hor Island shipyard, Philadelphia. SALEM SELECTED GONVENTI .o.o.f.ini i OPCO PARTY TO ATTEND THEATRE A large "Dutch treat" theatre prty, consisting of members of the bpco organization and their fami- iuAvtll attend the performance or sksThis Is London" at the Cra- rJan Friday night. Several of tho pco staff who have seen this biff eorgo M. Cohan success were so ithusiastic about the Medford show- g that they immediately took steps organize a theatre party for ri- hy night. Not only will there be any local employes of the com tny present, but this number will augmented by the addition of not few Copco representatives from her parts of the system, who will loot at tho home office Fridny and bturdny to take part in the rogular jopco monthly conference. It is l-edicted that this VDutch treat" af- lr will be one of the largest theatre rties ever held In Medford and will imber 100 persons. '. - 'l ' ' i Veto Product at. S Grocef's Tomorrow; Sample Can Free i Special attention ' Is called to the ge advertisement that will ap par tomorrow in this paper, an huncing Delleia Sandwich Spread hat will be on sale at the different ropers. ! There will be a ' cqupon In this I that will be good at every grocery ore for a 15 cent can. of this pro jct free, upon the purchaso of one her ean. Or In other words, two ans may iie purchased for the price f one. This method is used to in- roduce Delicia "Delleia Sandwich Sprea'd' Is said o be composed of choice meas and iimugn cniiwmif inn 0o iiui'iiit ii i" ant. aencious seasoning. n MEET SATURDAY The Pythian Sisters of Rosoburg, Grants Pass 'and Medford will hold the annual district convention in this city Saturday when they will trans act lodge business, initiate now mem bers, and hold a banquet, at six o'clock Saturday evening In the K. of P. hall. At seven o'clock there will be a street parade of the Pyth ian Sisters, headed by the D. O. K. K. band. AH members are urged to attend. ' ASHLAND, May- 21. (Special.) Salem was selected for the iyJG con vention city by the state Odd Fellows at Ashland today and the following officers were elected: . - Odd fellows: L. H;- Carter, grand representative, Portland; Henry Young, grand master, Hermlston; V. T. Jackson, deputy grand master, Roscburg; K. K. Sharon, grand secre tary, Portland; O. A. Doane, grand treasurer. The Dalles; L. D. Porter, grand warden,- Corvallis; trusteo of home; V7 II;- Wonaghan, Salem. v i Hebekahs: : -Mrs, Mary D. Moss, Lakeviow, representative to A. K. A., Mrs. Myrta R. James, Newport, presi dent; - Dora Sexton, The Dalles, vice president; Ora Ij. Casper, 3 Julius, sec retary; Kda Jacobs, Portland, treas urer; Etta Sanderson, Frcowatcr, warden; trustee of home, Sallie Gustin, Salemr !TE TO WATER SITUATION . Tlio city water: commission nt its meeting Inst night among oilier busi ness transacted voted to. em ploy the services of F. C. Dillard, the woll- ' known engineer, to make a complete survey of the present nnd nildltlonnl future water supply for Medford, tak ing in the Hie llutte, Fish lake and other general supply-' sources, the re port of this survey to be ready by August or September 1, at tho latest . The city water commission is having this survey made in .order to mnko sure of the local wator supply bolns jilcnClful and pure for years to come, before calling for a special bond elec tion for tho new water system bo badly needed by Mcdtord. ThiH report will bo published neforo the bond election is called, so that the goucral public will be mado thoroughly familiar with It. Mr. Dillard, who Is already on the new job, will have his office on the second floor of the city hall, anil will place a surveying party right away in the field under his supervision. The OF CIRCUIT COURT CANAL COMPANY NOW ' ML PIT! COMPANY ' Articles , of incorporation of the Mt. Pitt Irrigation company were filed with the county clerk Wednes day. This is the Rogue River Canal company under a new name, which will be used as soon as the state corporation commission approves. . The change was made as a tech nical transaction, to close up old business of the canal company. The incorporators are listed as Patrick Welch, H-. R. Welch, Ray F. Moran, and J. F. Moran. Mr. Welch is president, Ray F. Moran Is gene ral manager, H. R- Welch, vice-president and J. F. Moran, secretary and treasurer. The incorporation is for ,250 shares of the value of $100 each. Patrick Welch holds 247 glares, and the remaining three one slip re. - Lion Club Roars is nndensed concentrated meal in It- elf. w A can makes sir sandwiches, in !ie ad tomorrow will also be some cipes for making sandwiches. The Medford Lions met In their den for their weekly luncheon Wed nesday. The guests at the luncheon, were Mr. Davis and a young gentle man about six years old, called Bus ter, as entertainers. The guests were members of the Snap. Show com pany and furnished several musical numbers and .some fancy dancing. Several matters of Important busi ness were disposed of dt the meet in, and It was voted to place a pro gram of Charter night, which was la."t Saturday night. In fjie new crypt t th Odd Fellows Moseleum. tho program containing the charter members of the local cluh, and sm bols of .Unnism. Tall Twister Seely V. Hall was pre sented with the club's new ''kittie,1 which he is to use for the purpose of depositing the residue from !i Elliott's painless extractions. The calendar for the petit Jury term of tho t circuit court, sched uled to convene next Monday at Jacksonville is as follows, the cases being called In the order named. George Smart vs. F. W. Swenden- burg. ;. J. H. Bowman vs. C. A, Adams. A. A. Walker vs. Fireman's Fund Co. First National Bank vs. Penoyar. Hollywood Orchards vs. D.' K. & I. State vs. Carl Anderson. State vs. Clyde McGowan. Earl Fruit Co., vs. Gottlieb. C. J. Haas vs. W. J. Scott. Stnte vs. Clyde McGowan. Stato vs. J. o. Pierce. v. C. C. Pierce vs. o. W. Train. Roy Higgins vs. o. C. McAllister. ' S. C. Stone vs. C. F. Itelchsteln. Portland KiiRlnecr Killed. PORTLAND, Ore., May 21. Steve Robertson, 51 engineer for the city water commission at Bull Run, died eary today from injuries suffered yesterday when he was struck on tho head by a dislodged 60-ton bonlder near Bull Run. McCoy's Keeps Old Folks Feeling Young Try This New Cod Liver Oil 1 'repara tion to Increase Your Strength, Vitality and KnUurancc Money Back If It Don't ftplp You. Why should any old person let feebleness overwhelm them In these enlightened days ? Surely everyone knows by this time that Cod Liver Oil contains more vitamines than anything else on earth and Is th greatest body builder in the world. Any physician will tell you that. You'll like to take McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets they are sugar coated and as easy to take as candy and they do help old Why not try "being years younger again why not grow stronger In body. In mlnda In vitality? Why not take McCoy's' Cod Liver Oil Com pound Tablets and dry years from your age In 30 days? We believe that a 30 day's treatment will make you feel years younger but at any rate try them for 30 days and if you are not satisfied get your mnnry buck 00 tablets 60 r-nnts at IIpuii's iJrug Store, W'-st Side pharmacy. Medford Pharmacy or any progres sive druggist. Be sure and get Mc Coy's (be original and genuine. Adv. rear part of the city council chamber is being enclosed for his office. Ho has been an engineer with the Talent and IOaglo Point irrigation dis tricts and was formerly in tho govern ment service in that capacity. Mr. Dillard made the first survey of the valley for the government. 3 If m E Talcville, New York. "I thought it would interest you to know what bene- lit l nave oenvea . from taking your medicine. A few . days after the birth " ot my tinru cnua i got up too quick. Then just before my fifth child was hern had inflammation of ? the bladder and dis- -placement. Seeing: your advertisement t in a Liverpool (Eng- , land naDer I ocean taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable . Comtwund and that was the best con finement I had. Whenever I feci run down I always take the Vegetable Compound as a tonic. Wo have just removed from Brock villo (Canada) so 1 was pleased when the store ordered tho . medicine for me and I got it today. I would not bo without it for any pneo and I recommend it to ladies nround ' hero because I feel so sure it will bene fit any woman who takes it" Mra. Agnes Wignall, Talcville, New York. Women can depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound to re lievo them from ills peculiar to their sex. For tmlo by druggists everywhere. . Homo grown vegetables, berries and other seasonable produco of ex ceptional quality and plentltudo are coining into tho market so fast now, due to tho early continued spring rains, that hereafter tho public mar ket will bo open from 0:30 a. m. until all its products ure disposed of throe days n week, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, Instead of two days a week as has been tho rule since lato fall. "It is remarkable at this time that such fine produce in such large quality has been grown here," saiil Market Mater Runyard today. "I never saw anywhere finer lettuce, turnips, beets, carrots, peas, straw berries 'and other vegetables in sea son than there is now." BKND, Ore., May 21. A roller shnde factory will be built in Bend within a few months by Stewart Hartshorn company of Muskegeon, Mich., according to an announcement made yesterday by 10. B. Dake, repre sentative of" tho Michigan factory. The Stewart Hartshorn company has a ten year contract with the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber company and Shevlin-Hlxon company of Bend for all of the roller shade and shade stock which it manufactures horo. Medford has been endeavoring to secure the factory location Mr. Hake said last night, but the greater amount of limber cut in Bend, the fact that the quullty of tho pine milled hero is highly satisfactory for tho mauuf act uro of shade roller stock led to final arrangements for the plant here. Simple Mixture for Gas on Stomach Simple buckthorn bark, magnesium sulph. c. p., glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, helps any caso gas on tho stomach, unions duo to deep seated causes. Tho pleasant nnd QUICK action will surprise you. Bo causo Adlerika is such an excellent intestinal vacuant it Is wonderful for constipation It often works in one hour nnd never gripes. Heath's Drug Store. Adv. VACATION TIME When you think of pleasant vaccalions, think of us for we can supply you with an outfit or any part of one at a moderate cost and a guarantee of the best to be had. We give you comfort and long service at a low price. Let us help you. 7x7 8-oz. Aulo Ten! $7.85 7x9 10-oz. Auto Tent -.$12.20 8x10 10-oz. Wall Tent :....$12.75 8x8 10-oz. Umbi-cllu Tent, made of Idmki noviTunient drill, wnterproof, newert-in floor $34.50 Willi Tents in sizes from 7x7 to 1Gx18. New Army Shelter Tents, )vitli poles, pins $4.00 Coffee Pots 25 to 75 Outing Clothing Moleskin Two-Piece Suits, coat and trousers . $9.75 Kliuki Breeches, button leg $3.50 Khnki Coats $3.50 Khaki Shirts 95 to $1.75 Ladies' Khaki Luee Iireecbes .$1.50 Ladies Moccasin Hi-Top Shoes, solid leather .$4.85 Men's Plain Too Officers' Stylo Dress Uools) solid leather .$8.75 Men's Moccasin Toe, solid leather, oil tun, 16-inch tops ....'.'. - .....$9.50 Men's and Women's Fancy Top Hiking Socks 95 Keds, tennis shoes $1.95 Leather Puttees.-.. -....$3.85 to $5.25 Coleman, the superior camp stove ,......,.$9.00 and $12.50 Lincoln Steel Tables, rust-proof, cannot warp '.... $6.00 Camp Stools from 50 to $1.00 Camp Chairs from.... $1.00 to $4.50 Four-fold Auto Beds, 42x74, all steel $10.00 Steel Camp Beds, 48x74, roll to size 48x(! i $10.85 Folding Canvas Cots $3.75 Luggage Carriers $1.85 to S3.35 Steel Trunks, with tray $9.85 Suitcase Trunks, steel $6.95 Water Bags, one gallon S5 One Gallon Canteens. $1.35 Pack Sacks ..$1.45o $3.00 Canvas Army Trunks, just tbe tlng for use on running boards, waterproof an l dustproof ; $2.50 FOLDING MATTRESS, WOOL BLANKETS, TARPAULINS, CAMP GRIDS, Army & Outing Stores R. S. t Everything for Workingnlan and Camper. " 32 SO. CENTRAL AVE., OPPOSITE HUNT'S CRATERIAN Stewrt,Manager Phone 667-Y Your Satisfaction Is Our Success You Can Get Most Any Old Thing at DE VOE'S w Most Any Old Time. Always Room to Park Your Car. 436 W. Main Ph. 122-Ek 2 WHY NOT BUY FROM THE" SOURCE OF SUPPLY AND CUT OUT SUBSTITUTION? ' ,,:We Wholesale and . Retail Fresh and smoked meats, home mado lard nnd sausage. Fruit ami fresh vegetables . from the farm every; morning. Fresh Fish from Marshficld. Creamery Butter Clieese and some can goods. Wej give the consumers the benefit of our large buying advantages. Johnson Produce Co.- 241 N. Fir St. Thone 97 Open For Business The Cozy Nook Sparta Building Main and Riverside Cold and Hot Drinks Sandwiches Ice Cream ; Candies : Pop Corn Peanuts Cigars Cigarettes and Tobacco Magazines . Newspapers School Supplies Groceries