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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1925)
e o O o Medforb Mail The Weather iUNE' Weather Yejir Ag .Mnxliulllil 88 Minimum ".BO rredk-tloii Fair and warmer Maximum yesterday 65.." Minimum today 50 Precipitation .27 illy Twentieth Tear. WceHy Fitty thlrd Ter. MKDFORIX OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 19125 NO. ! IS DECLARED 10 BE SANE i- ' After Thirty Days' Observation ..Medical Staff at Napa Hos pital Declare Matricide Not Insane Prepare for An other Trial Action Causes Sensation. E BAN FRANCISCO, May 21. (By ( Associated Press.) Doruthy Klllngsou. ' 17 year old matricide whose trial on I a murder charge was interrupted six , weeks ago when she was declared r inHane, will bo brought back here to E morrow from the mate hospital at , Napa to face a second trial for mur- Wjr. The girl is accused of having her mother to death In their home here January 13. ' The date of arraignment lias not ) been set but the girl has said she will plead not guilty. ln,an unsigned statement s)ie lays the killing of her mother to Jimmy La Man, whom she I characterizes as a "hop head," and for whom a search is being matte. The prosecutor's office announced it placed little credence in her state J; ment. I District Attorney Matthew Brady I today renewed his offer to defense ; counsel for Dorothy to permit the girl to plead guilty to a charge of second j degree murder, leaving open the way J for her commitment to some instltu- tlon other than a state prison, j; Attorneys for the ghi conferred 't with her father, Joseph KUlngson and $ brother. Earl, regarding steps to be t taken in her defense. The district attorney withheld the text of a lengthy, written statement prepareu ny Uurotny DUt not Signed, n . r.n.unti.nn r.i.. ni : rimirf.ninnln wpi'h pottlnii' under way.' - . m . ...... . . .. SZh, BSr.Tyr o.d girl," chnrged with the murder of her mother at- their home here on January 13. The Ran Francisco matricide is t I tl be returned to the county jail here tomorrow the medical staff of the Nana state hospital having declared the girl sane after thirty days of close observation. Attorneys who defended the eirl when the case was originally opened last March, stated that they would go Into conference at once to for mulate a program. Doth the defense counsel and relatives of tho "jazz(lnc jln buliUng. Mnny missies were mad" disciple of the bright lights expressed astonishment at the ver dict reached by the hospital authori ties: ; Although a statement from Dor othy Elllngaon submitted to the dis trict attorney here together with the sanity report, was discredited by Dr Scanland. medical superintendent of the Xupti institution, and Attor ney Harmon D. Skillen who prose cuted tho case, the latter stated It would be turned over to detectives for investigation. Tn the statement, 1 Dorothy reiterates that she is sane. Hemes having siain ner mmci blames a male companion for the net. Her storv. however, in not slgnen n Insanity hearing wns substi- 'd for the murder trial after a A tuted for the series of hysterical outcries tl trial was under way. A while jury fokVd her Insune and she was com mitted to the hospital April!). CALIFORNIA GOLF TEAMJSCHOSEN.WiLBUR ATTACKED SAN FRANCISCO, May 21. (By Associated Press.) The five players who will represent the Pnciflc coast In the national open golf champion ships were decided today In the sec ond day elimination play of the Pa clflo coast qualifying round at the Son Francisco country club. The suc cessful players are Willie Hunter, Los Angeles who shot a total of 147 for the two days. Joe Novak, Berkeley who scored 149: George Kerrigan. Tasadena and Charles Quest, Los An- ireles. who shot 151 each nnd fc. Oayer. Los Angeles, -who had a card of ,5, , r lj3- IRS. WOODROW WILSON TO MOTOR T EUROPE AND VISIT VARTUNOTOX May 21. Mrs. (time chairman Qf the war industries Woodrow Wilson Is to visit again some board, and close friend of the late parts of southwestern Europe- whih 'president. Mrs. Wils.. will wild Satur ..v a .ith hp.- hiihnnd. the late (day from New York to spend the sum- Pr-i(lf nt Wilson, dui Inr the pence i conference, but she will go this time $ as privately as possible nnd without f the excitement that marked the fiist visit. Accompanied by Miss Relle narucn daughter of Bernard M. Bajch, war Amundsen Planes ' Hop Off for Air Flight to N. Pole NEW YORK, May 21. (By 4 Associated Press.) The North ! American Newspaper Alliance 4 has announced that it had receiv- ed a dispatch from Kings Hay, Spitsbergen, this afternoon, stat- ing that the flying boats of the Amundsen-Ellsworth Polar ex pedition hopped off there at 6:15 thtp afternoon for the North Pole. The dispatch says that fr cachplane carried three men. 4 4 I I . . ... i . Five Men Wounded, One Sen- I OUSlV. When Police in Dal- las, Texas, Fire On Mob At- , tacking Jail to Secure Ne groes Held for Assault. DALLAS, Texas. May 21. (By Au soeiaieu j-toms, ) five men were In jured, one seriously, in an exchange of shots between officers guarding ths Dallas county jail and a mob of about 300 persons shortly after one o'clock this morning. The mob. bent on taking Frank and Lorenzo Noel, negro brothers, indict ed yesterday in connection with two murder and criminal assault cases, was driven back afler nbout thirty Bhots had been flrcil. All of the in- juiv-u nno amiuiin, ui umy itnu-tr wounded was Sheriff Schuyler Mnr- Khull. who w.'iH'Hti'UL-k hv a brink. ., i-'wigm wicwart whs, me. most sera- mmlv wmimtf'ri . "He unsi Mlnir in tho Tvy Is doubtful. The M D R BEN LINCHING FRED ON & DISPERSED About 100 men and women were ar- I therefore appears lie (lid not ex tri n,i i,i in tho inii ceed his JuiisdiGtlon in that respect charges were filed against them. . .. .. . . jf oiio wing ine nitacK, me crowu around the jail which began -congre- the n(pht and Qt time was estimated at 5000 gradually dispersed, although several hundred maintained an all night vigil. The rush which resulted, in the shooting started when a band of men, armed with rocks and bottles, attack ed the line of policemen and firemen who were guarding the west side of directed at the firemen who attempt ed to beat the mob back with streams of water. Their efforts were unavail ing and the mob broke through the line. At this point firing began and police standing by opened fire, dis charging about thirty shots, most of them into the air. The mob immediately fell back, ami the a-ttack subsided. Armed with machine guns, shot guns, sidearms, tear bombs and fire hose, about 75 officers maintained guard over the eight-story jail. The negroen were arrested lust Frl- dny and Indicted yesterday after one of them wns said to have confessed to the killlnK of Ryan Ailkins nnd the assault of his woman companion on a f lonely road north of the city on the night of April lu Frank Noel was also Indicted for tho murder of W. L: Milstead and assault on his woman companion on the night of April 25. The crimes aroused considerable pub- lie indignation and feeling has been running high since the negroes were nrrested. One of the women assault ed identified Frank Noel as her at tacker. BY S. F. RAN FRANCISCO, May 21 Assist-1 At Chicago . R. H B. ant United States District Attorney Roston 9 12 3 Orove I,. Fink In the United States Chicago 7 8 1 district court here oday charged Sec- Luckey, Koss, Ruffing and Hevlng; rctnry of the Navy Curtis D. Wilbur Faber, Cvengros, Blankcnshlp, Man with undue Interference In the case gum. - Mack and GrabowBkl, Schalk, of Twain Mlchelson, a San Francisco Crouse. attnmfv vhn in nn trinl for nt-1 - tempting to bribe an Immigration In - spector. . LEAGUE OF 111'!" nioi'trini; liin'iitii r liimr, land and poHMibly liHgtum nnd Italy. Mrs. Wllxon'n Intention is to gdlr. rest and her tour will afford no op portunity for formal reception, ex cept possibly In Geneva, Beat of the i League of Nations, (IflPTflB RflQQil Governor Dnvis Acciuitted f Brjbery i UUUIUII IIUUU J . Tiinnum nrr 'if i ; I HnllMlilv rH uVMt tan r n a r n .?3.'.sMm Circuit Judge Hewett Throws Quo Warranto Proceeding Out of Court Declares Governor Pierce Was With in Rights Refuses to Interfere- PORTLAND; Ore.. May 21.0ircult Judge Hewitt today threw out of court the quo wnrranto proceedings by which Dr. Thomas W. Rosa attempted to regain his place on the fish com mission. Judge Howltt held that Governor Walter M. Pierce was within his legal rights when he removed Dr. Uoss and refused to interfere. John W. Kaste, who with W W. Dallks appeared for Dr. Ross, said the matter of appeal to the supreme court ; ii I ii appeal is not lanen jonn j. veatcn, namea y tiie governor to succeed Ross, will have his place on the commission free from attack. "Whether the allegations and the charges are true or not. the court does not undertake to say," said Judge Hewitt. "The court cannot pass upon the truth of the facts alleged or interfere with the discretion of the executive. "Whether this court would have reached the same conclusion bh to the facts which the governor arrived at io nnl fAf H.a rnm-t in aav "Tinier the decisions th" court enn I not weigh the evidence for the pur- pose of determining its prenonde-aie e At most it can examine the evidence to .ascertain If the governor exceeded his jurisdiction by deciding without any evidence. ' "After an examination of the tran script of the proceedings Had before ..... there Is no evidence reasonably tend- to sustain the charges or the gov and, having acted within his jmisdic- nn In HanMlnir tha nunnHnnR nf flint. -wr - , this court is without authority to say wnether hls judgment was good or bad." Ross wag discharged after a hearing before the governor, principally on charges of extravagance, based on the fact that, with Commissioner Keiidull, he voted to hire Carl D. Shoemaker as office manager of the commission at $500 a month, after Shoemaker hud been removed as master fish warden. I Ross was appointed to the commis sion in Junfl, 1923, and removed In January, 1925. National League. At Philadelphia , . R. H. Cinclnnntl 1 2 Philadelphia : 9 13 1 I J. May. Hlemiller and Wiugo, Doug las; , Carlson and Wilson. ' 1 I At Boston R. H. E. St. Louis : 3 7 4 Boston 12 14 1 I Sothoron, Stewart and Gonzales; Cooney and O'Neil. At Brooklyn R H. E. Chicago 4 11 . lirooklyn : 6 7 1 Cooper, Brett and Hartnett; Vance ' and Deborry At New York R. H. E. Pittsburg 4 8 4 New York 5 8 0 Adams. Morrison and Smith; Scott and Gowdy. American League. At Detroit- R. H. E. Washington : Detroit Johnson and Ruel; Collins, Stoner and Woodall,- Uasslcr. 6 12 0 2 7 1 Wells, 1 At Cleveland . K. H. New York - ' i V rirrrlaml . 3 5 1 Shawkey and Schang; Uhle and Myatt. Frisco Winn Convention PORTLAND. Ore. May 21.- Francisco won the 1926 convention of ine OHIPI n 1 rail it nn"v.iiii closed Its annual meeting here today. Fieri Ashton. I.OB Angeles was elected president; Paul H. Riley. Ban Francisco, vice president, and D. B. Lewis, Portland, secretary-treasurer. Air Service Organized. CHICAGO, May 21. The National Air Tninsport, Inc., was organized here today with $10,000,000 enpitnl stock to operate night freight nd exnreM servkt New York nnd Chicago as the first of similar lines which the organiza tion plans to inaugurate. j BASEBALL SCORES Mil 2 H wr:u tfym0 .iij-p;i .,;w-"xs ',ifij..M-.i!. .f -wj w.t.): TOPBKA. Kas.. May SI. Cleared by a Jury In the first case In which the state asked con Vict ion, former Governor Jonathan M. Davis today faced the prospect of trial on another bribery charge growing out of the pardon scandal which broke in the last days of his administration early this year . v A Jury after de'lfheVntlng three hours and taking four ballots last night, returned a verdict of not guilty for Mr. Davis on a chargo of con-, WAN WITH IRRESISTABLE DESIRE 10 KISS' PRETTY GIRLS HELD AS LUNATIC NEW YORK. May 21. (A. P.) ' ily explained his motives and later Henry Clay Moffat, Brooklyn's man on another charge was sent to a hon or mysterious impulse who Slves pltal for observation. jewels away and admits he never He was released as sane, howeveK sees a pretty girl without wanting to Yesterday ho kissed a nineteen klSH her. Is again in a hospital for year old girl bank , clerk at Brook- mental observation. Some weeks ago the daughter and niece of .Judge Heuben L. ' Haskell of Brooklyn, received two mysterious $1100 bracelets by messengor. De- tectivestrailed them to Moffatt who at first denied and then admitted giving them. He never satisfactor - HILL HIT LINES TO rORTIANn, Ore., May 21. The Portland Telegram today says that aggressive action by the Great Northern-Northern Pacific, controlling the Oregon trunk railway and now projected to be extended from Ilend to KlaniathTalls and on to a connec tion with the Western Pacific in Oil for nia will be carried further in de veloping the Oregon Klectric mil way as a rival of tho Southern Pacific in the Willamette vslley. j The Oregon Coast region south of !the Columbia river and west of Port Hand nlso will be the scene of exten- Mion of feeders of the sulmidiaries of I the northern group. One of the Important moves, to be announced soon, adds the Telegram, will be the application of the Oregon Klectrlc railway for authority from the Inter-state commerce commission to extend from Albany southeasterly along the middle fork of the Hanliam river to tap the forest timber hold ings of the Weyerhaeuser Timber company Hnd thu Minnesota Log and Lumber company. The latter i controlled by Iouts W. Hill, chairman of the Great Northern directors and recently acquired 3107 acres from the Mealey brothers , of Linn county. LADY ASTOIt'S BII-L HKATKX HY 2 VOTICS IN HOCKK OF LORDS LONDON. Mjiv 21. f Hy Associated BUCK WITH ORE. EXfENSION nlrplnne pr(.M. ) The bouse of lords tmhifj re betwwn j,.rtd hy the clou- vole of 7 H to HO Ixrd Astor s hfi to enable peeresses In their own right to sit and vole in the house of lords. spiring with Carl J. Peterson, former state bank commissioner, to solicit a bribe for a pardon for Walter Orundy, convicted bank wrecker. There remains now against the for mer governor and his son. Russell CI. Davis, a charge of accepting a bribe in connection with the Issuance of a pardon to Kred W. Pullman, convict ed forger. . , , i. Above is shown the courthouse In Topeka, the presiding Judgo Jamos A. MeClure (left), and Chief Prosecu- 1 tor Tinkham Veale. lyn s busiest corner. When arrested ho said: "I'm attracted to young . girls like a needle to a magnet. She was such a nice girl I didn't think sho would mind." One of the girl's companions said Moffat had kissed two other girls 1 before he was arrested. . LONDON. May 21. (By Associated Press.) Tills wus an anxious day for sixteen Americans and approximately 950 others who tonight make their Initial bow to King George and Queen Mary at the first royal court of the season in Ilucklngham palace. The Americans to be presented are: In the general circle Miss Jean Field Illair of Richmond, Vn.; Miss Mary Louise Hutterfield of Chestnut Hill, Mass.; Miss Klizaheth Irving Chose of Waterbury, Conn.; Miss Mary Campbell Chester of New York and Greenwich, Conn.; Miss Huzotto Dewey of Chicago and Washington; Mies Helen Kd wards of Cincinnati; Miss Hetty Galey of Imilon, and Miss Jonn Williams of Chicago. In the diplomatic circle Mrs. Duke McNamee, wife of the London naval attache; Mrs. Herbert F. Leary, wife of the assistant nnval attache; Mrs. Claud A. Jonos, wife of the attache for aviation; the Misses Marlon and Alice Tully of Corning, N. Y., nieces of Ambassador nnd Mrs. Houghton; Mrs. John Lawrence of Boston; Mrs. John Taylor of Philadelphia and Mrs. Williamson S. Howat. wife of the first secretary of the American legation at Warsaw. The presentations are to be made hy Mrs. Houghton, wife of the ambas sador. pnlari'1 PayL War Debt. WASHINGTON, May 21. (A. P.) Funding of llu- d-bt of the repub lic of Poland to the United .Suites w:im fornifillv completed todny nt the trenwiiry with the delivery ' Acting Recretary Winston of PollHh bonds, amounting to $178,560,000. MSA GIRLS M PRESENTED TOKING&QUEEN 5 People Reported Drowned, Newport Beach, California 44, NEWPORT BEACH, C'ul., May 21. (Hy the Associated Press.) Five persons are suid hy police 4 to have been drowned at the entrance to tho harbor hero to-' 4 day when a boat was swamped 4 In a swift tide and a second craft that went to Its assistance also turned turtle. None of the dead has baen 4 Identified yet. WIFE DECEIVED T"F New York Woman Admits She Had Infant Placed Beside MATE BY BUYING BABY A Hor at Hnkpn-Vnlk HnmP 'charged someone connected with the ner ai ueisen-voiK nome, dl,flni)l, wllh nmMnB lhP attempt nnd u pAi cn Dnhi.t he has directed a complete InveHtlgn Where FOrty-FOUr BaDieS . Detectives were ordered to ar- rest a man named by Philip J. Barry, Died. i:si!!ii'a venireman, as having approached I him Tuesday before he was questioned ' I for Jury service. I Barry said he wus acquainted with NEW YORK. May 21. Nat Bass, ., wno u d nlm to -work wealthy clothing manufacturer, who for nlno months proudly regarded himself as the father of a baby boy. was today n disillusioned man. Mrs. Bass hus admitted to As sistant District Attorney Peconi that she bought tho infant from a baby home for 17!i und pretended it was her own because her husband longed for an offspring. The publicity at- tached to the stnte'B Investigation of the tnfautorlum of Mrs. Helen (lei-. sen-Volk, where 44 children huve died since 1918, led Mrs. Buss to .con fess her houx. she said she feared she might' bo called In the Investi gation. '' Hhe told her husband first and theij Mr. Pecora. It was at t ie Oeisen-Volk Institu tion that the ieby was placed In bed with her, she said. Her husband was notified that the stork bad arrived. Nuw he refusss to keep tho child, though ho and Mrs. Bass love It, be cause he ''doesn't want to live a lie. Steps . have been taken to place the boy with the Society Tor the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Children. Mr. Pecora is trying to find tho real par ents. A mid-wife signed a "birth certificate. NUW YORK, Way 21. Mrs. Helen Auguste Gelsen-Volk, owner of a "baby farm" in ISast 80th street, to day was indicted for first degree man slaughter by a grand Jury after an Investigation which showed that Wll - Ham Winters, six months old, died In the woman's place after his skull had boen fractured. The Winters' infant was one of thirty children who died In the "baby farm." Exports mild the Injuries In dicated that Infant hnd been thrown against a wall. Health department records showed that fourteen other chlldren died In another "baby farm" which Mrs. Gelsen-Volk formerly conductod In upper Park avenue. The woman wns Indicted by unoth- er grund Jury Tuesday on a charge of substituting children placed in her care. She was pleading not guilty to this charge in general seHslons today when the manslaughter Indictment was returned. Her ball of $30,000 on the child substitution chniKO was con- tlnut-d nnd she was returned to jail. NEW YORK, May 21. The clos ing was firm. International Paper crossed 63 tn a new high. Heavy profit-taking, particularly In the public utilities, failed to check the upward movement of prices' in today's stock market. Total sales ap proximated 2,050,000 shares. Roscbiirg Carnival Opens Wall Street R?port ROHKHURG. Ore., May 21. Rose- fenso and will toll tho truth Under the burg's annual Strawberry carnival protection of tho court. Clark yea opened this morning with clear skies terday In the presence of Robert Stnll and the streets crowded with specta-tand another witness repudiated tho tors. The baby parade held this mor- Htatement that William Scott Stewart nlng wns several blocks long and 1y ever offered him a cent and stated far the finest display ever held In the I - .. - -city. j 4 Continued from page six) 66 10 AS .OMAHA, Neb.. Mrty 21. (Ry the Kris., C8 years old and a grand A."Oclnled Preps.) 4nder the "big mother. top'.' nf a little country tic us which j Seven years ago Mrs. Oerber "retlr ls assembling In a pant tire south of ed." .putting aside her spangles for the this city today sat a little gray haired shears of the seamstress. But being woman, who. after a retirement of a dressmaker pulled and this spring seven years has harkened to the call the 111 health which had figured In her of the sawdust ring where nhe spent departure from the arena having li'ft monthnn half a century as a horse- her. Mrs. Gerber looked up a show, back rider ami trapeze performer. .illeglnning next Saturday she will Hhe is Roue Mnretta, to tin; ninvnM tiutiln balance m the renin bucks and topped world. In private life, she Is Mrs. Koide M. Gerber of Leavenworth, TAMPERING WITH JURY IS CHARGED Venireman in Chicago Germ Trial Declares He Was Ad-, vised to Get On Jury and It Would Be Made Worth While Probe Ordered Suspect Is Arrested. CllK'AHO, May 21. (fly Associat ed Press.) An alleged attempt to tamper with nn alleged prospective Juror Is the latest sensation of the trial of Willlnm Darling Hhephord, charged with killing his millionaire foster son, William Nelson MuClln lock, with typhoid germs. Robert K. Crowe, state's attorney. your way onto the Jury," und tromls. ed to "make It well worth your while." After ho had told a detective that ho had been approached, Barry was ex cused from Jury service and later made' his statement to tho prosocutor. The stute's attoreny said Barry's was not the only Information ho hud and that "'V " ' u i, i""'" " "" "' "'y Investigation of the first sensation of the trial, the disappearance of Rob ert White, one of the chief tube's wit nesses, Vas undertaken by a Special, grand Jury sessslon late . yesterday. Arthur Bryne. en Investigator tor the 1uw firm defending Hhephordt and Mrit.V Hylvla Adams, who previously had snldS Whlto told hor and her husband that, he had been offered 2B,0do and a bungalow In Florida to leave. Chicago, were railed beforo the Jury,' No announcement of anye.c'tlo vol.' ed was made nt the conclusion qf the special session. Beyond resulting In white's dlsap- pen ranee and Harry's story, the trial Bo far has made scant progress, Throe tentaive Jurors, the same number as selected Monday, htive been accepted temporarily, after 48 venlrtfmen hod been questioned and four peremptory challenges exercised. OHi(AOO, May 21. A. P.j--fhe Inbprious process of selecting a Jury to try William Darling Hhephord for the.nlletred murder of his rich foster 'som William Nelson McClintock. ;ran thlfd In interest toady to two outside sensations connected with the - Case. The. forenoon court sens is on prod deed no addition to the thre jurors num bered its tentatively selected since Monday. ' ' : ' 6rand jury Investigation of the ols- nppcarance of Robert Whlte( wanted as a witness by the prosecution, cpn- tinned, as did a nation wide search rnr , teh man. Ills disappearance brought a statement from William Scott Stew- art and W. W. O'Rrien, associated In defense of Shepherd, that the missing witness ' had made an affidavit that the case against Shepherd was a . j "frame up" nn dthat he was wanted . as a defense witness. .1 Their statement also took cognizance "r ne. second sensation when they termed pnntp j. narry. a venireman, I who reported to the state's attorney I someone had promised to' pay hirrt If I he would work his wny in tho jury - nhd act in behalf of the defense! a detective seeking employment through ' advertising. : The conspiracy acainst Shepherd Is A house of cards and Is being blown . nieceB &nA to tne fOU- corners of the earth by tho four winds of truth," said thfl h(ntcment hv atewart and O'Brien. 4,Th. rflrt , obviouslv a "fraine-Un simply, hut not pure. "Witnesses relied upon In" thli frame up are" how beginning to flnck tothf defense. I believe that both Clark nhd 'White will be wttnesens for the de- YRS OLD RETURNS TRAPEZE PERFORMER perch hlnh on the trapeze burs she hopes.