Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 18, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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    HfTlTfFOftB MATT, TKTTnTyffi. MTJ)fOmr OKKflOy. MONDAY, MAY 18, 1925
mbbORD Mail Xiziblnj;
y MBl'Ol.l I'RIN'.'INO QO.
TT Ufdford Sunday Horning Bun 1 tanM""
ktut-rtbcta Uirui Ui evudty dally
ontoa: Hull Trlbun Bulldlnc. I67-
Borth fir itfttt. Phon 76.
A oonnoltdstion of Ui nmnerclv Tim, th
raiord Mull, lit Mrmuru inuum, u
tro Oregoiitan, tbe AstiUi-d Trlbui..
KOHRltT W. kTlll., E-lttor.
8. NUU I'TKB SMITH. lUimifW.
Uu U.ll In ilvnti.a
Daily, wiU) Huiulay Sun, year 7,5'''i
Uriliy, Willi Huno.iy nun, nunun "
Daily, without Hutiduy Hun, year 0.60
Dally, without Kumtuy Hun, mouth ... .0(
Wi'kly Uuil Tribune, out year.. SO"
Smular Hun, one year 1-00
Hi OAHMIUR In Medford, Aahlmid, Jarkaon
MU, Central 1'olnt, I'hoenlx, Talent and on
iMIy. with Sunday Sun, month $ .76
titr. without Sunday Hun, month Ob
Dfctly, wltttout Hunduy Sun, one year... 7.60
Lilly, wtth Sunday Hun, one year 8.60
iU terma by carrier, cash In advance.
Rtittred aecond-claas matter at Medford
0vmi, under act of March 8, 1S7B.
Tl' only iaper between Alfcim), Ore., and
Vttifto; California, a distance of over 400
having leaicd wire Associated Preaa
TVlC. '
MhatlikltH OF TDK snrsnrnvrrm rRESS.
fbe Aaaoclated I'rem la eiduaively entitle
to thf ua for republication of all newa dla
Mlrhen crdltd to It or not othcrwlae credited
b -thla paper, and alao to the local newa pub
tUhaii berrin.
All right a of republication of aptctal dla
Ye Smudge Pot
Iij Arthur retry.
Tho UhuiU number of curves fulled
to Htralghtcn out prumptly Sunday,
enUMng phono poles and hAip posts
to run down nutolsts.
' fjftlem reformers have started war
or) the olry gowns worn by young
ladles In May dances, and short
pdhtlofl worn by college athletes. Veil
ItadeiH phifuld bo compelled to keep
their sh(rt-talls anchored.
. 'Putch" Hhnw mndo a protracted
call ,nt the humq of MIhb Hertto Kail
Tuesday evening. (Montunuo Mes
senger.) ' Some more of everybody's
' -(dales continue to flaunt tho tie
(riat blinds.,.
Tho much abused Fnteoe Arbucklo.
fk , lively winner who formerly, throw
fjustard pie entertainingly In the
trio. vies, andof Into tho especlul tnr
got of mints throwing the well
kfipwn flhd stono, was married Satur
day. Tho account of tho nuptials ln-fdi-ms
tho world that tho parties In
volved "hnvo similar tastes In litora-
whlch Is nice.
' y ' ' (Prom mi Ad.)
(.,Wo! Will glvo absolutely froo .a
'. nflw Aluminum ulcnnll for nny
,01(1 ono Jlrlllo fullB to I'lcun. Over
Ixty 'million puokusos of Brlllo
'hav boon wold, but no iiurchnHcr
htlH iwor rocolvcd n new utonHll
i. utldaf, tlio tormii of thlH gunrantoo.
To tuto of Oronon will liani? two
mrp lrldfty. Tho culm dcltberuU'iu'HH
with which tho orricinin in cnnrKi'
prfefitire for tho douhlo lini-b!irlty
'.npcnkd volumoB. ono unfin'tunuto soul
ddnmed to tho noottc, ban n broken
baoki nnd will bo ihuukpu Into otor-
tllly. Btrnppod to a boiud. ThlH will
bo nomothliiB uiiluuo In tho wuy of
IhgnllX'd HlnUKhtcr, Iiihui'Iiik hotter
thnn avoruKo jiromlncnco to the
hnnthonlnh horror In tho press ofNtho
nation. '
't (Itiiltliiioru Sun)
'tho best nuiiklns nppeurod on the
dining table. Dad remembered to
wear his coat when ho went to the
table, and tho children were warned
to bso tho butter knlto. Tho head of
the visiting klan was alven oppor
tunity to ask tho bloHsIn'; mother
apologized becuuso her biscuits were
not as llRht as uhusI; three of tho
children, nervous by reason of their
anxiety to bo virtuous, spilled nrnvy
on tho table; and nobody wasted tlnio
In ldlo conversation. Out In tho
kitchen Hilda had her cousin to help
with tho extra dishes, and at intervals
ono of these appeared with another
plate of hot biscuits or the coffeo pot.
Two fat hens, with accessories, barely
MUfflcod for tho major part of the
meal, and theso were followed by pre
serves and Jellies that tho elder folk
wflro urged to "try."
Mr. F. Cerdes Is onlni'KlnR his tooth
nnd Jaw gymnasium. Mr. tiordes puts
moro suup In the carrots than tho luw
..( tlOt'till. HI T ItHJIlT
(CorYHllls (;ar.ettr-Tluu'H)
Amy. Lowell died suddenly
Monday, ns the result of a para
lytic stroke which came on unex-
f ' pectedly. if tho troth wero
known,. It prnl)ahly restilted from
Alt effort oh her part to under
" ', htund sonto of the cuhlst verso
'' fthd written last year.
Next tti farmet's. antl 4ds, notbloK
needs fixing so much as the younger
tiet, 'The little sons-of-guns now lack
"chetnlcal balance."
- A new civic club Is liiig Initiated.
It Will fill n long felt want, and stand
for longer whiskers on hrarded bar
ley. ;
l.ONti A(Jt)
There wrts a 'tlmo when maids were
' coy
And gentln was their mien:
They spoko In accepts sweet and low
And shrank from, being seen;
They exercised a wise restraint.
Were modest In their pose;
They blushed without the aid of paint
And w-o sufficient eluines.
Hut thnt was long ago, oh, very long
Today they gab In ni'"lis tones
And gad nbotit sans chaperons
And kick their heels nnd wave their
And drape 'themselves in scanty
Jt never should he so, It never should
4)ic so,
THE Sunday On-goiiitin ilcclnri's the truck tyul motor bus refer-
end mil is Jiaviii"; liard hNmUIih. W'a hope the, Orcgonian
s correct.
This nieasiire liassetl by the
I apparently, but the truck and
ion't care to pay a tax if the same, can bu avoided.
The practical effect of a referendum would be, not to vtpeal
tin' measure, but merely to postpone its operation for a period of
Kcvural months.
Such a postponement woidd
a.'ul a'wtrikiiij; example of the abdse of the referendum privelege.
?f the pctplo of t lie state lire
petitions, then there is really hope,
Oregon system, so that it will advance rather than retard the pro
gress of g.wd government.
For sueh Ji refusal would denUonslritte that the people arc begin
ning to use incrimination and restraint, in the business of put
ting signatures iW petitions regardless of the character of the move
bent behind the solicilation.
Heretofore, it hs bevn generally acknowledged that the only ob
stacle to securing signatures, regardless of what the signatures m
olved, was money, dperienced
ted that with sufficient' .funds thfe people would sign anything and
experience in this state, )aa demonstrated at least a tendency in
this direction.
lint if the truck and motor
then this contention can n longer be true. For the referendum
movement has been generously financed.
Lack of signatures can onr,y mean that the people of the state
have at last awakened to the .dangers of our miscalled "pure De
mocracy" and realize nt last th'.ty direct political action can be used
to benefit selfish interests at tlri expense of the people, unless the
people themselves, have the intclVignee and initiative to prevent it.
The mills of the gods grind slowly, which proves that they aren't
gin mills.
The most difficult place to support the franc is on the end of
a bayonet.
The sap rises in spring,
of absurdity.
Perhaps Kurope calls Americans ShyrVeks because they are try
ing to take off flesh.
It is easier to hide behind a
on a hook in the closet.
j . . Prospermia, times . are thoso
give to those who demand more
Borrowing a lawn mower has
and call it a political debt."
Some of tie idiots who can't
comfortable in high-powered cars.
Three Missouri towns are now
utatcs the men understand without
Correct this sentence: "My wife is dieting," said he, "but she
keeps on preparing fine meals for me."
One reason why colleges "turn out so many first-class men is be
cause first-class men matriculate.
The way to produce an ass
then let Nature take its course.
It may be a mere coincidence, but those who believe in hell Hud
calomel arc nearly always the same people.
Evolution is slow. A million years of upward climbing, nnd not
moro than fifty good tliird-basemen iu the land.
The most interesting part of
be included in an nutobiography.
I- 1 '
TO IflC'llAKD KOE I gnve ten cents when he came to my
door with plaintive sighs nnd loud laments; his heart and
feet wero sore; I always hand to busted gents soma seven cents
or more. And always there is somo one near to chide me for
the gift; some statistician dour nnd drear will to my portal
drift, and from a satchel old and queer somo printed forms ho '11
lift. IIo has the figures which will show such handouts never
pay; the coin bestowed on Kichard Hoe is money thrown away;
let him to Welfare Experts go, and for assistance pray. Tho
charity that's organized will deal with every case; 'twill do its
work as advertised, and feed the hobo's face; tho statistician is
surprised to note my methods base. The statistician, full of
facts, discourses long and loud; ho reads mc documents and
tracts which leave mv spirit' bowed ; ho roasts mo for my
thoughtless acts, which pauperize the crowd. But he has never
been a tramp or traintal with also rans, or eaten in a roadside
camp from old tomato cans; he is a man of higher stamp, who
rides in green sedans. But I have walked the railway ties and
ridden nil the rods, and bedded down with frowsy guys where
m-.m ri'Mses were sods; I've lived with hoboes and I'm wise to
public welfare wads. And so I do not answer "No." when
Iiiehard comes along, and gives me, in the evening glow.the
same old daneo and song; I hand him seven cents or so, although
my course ho wrong.
recent Legislature, pleased everyone
motor bus interests, who naturally
be contrary to good public policy,
refusing to sign the referendum
at last, of reforming, the so-called
campaigners have openly admit
bus referendum is falling behind,
spring) poetry he rises to heights
woman's ictticoats now.
They are
in which you gjet moro money to
disadvantages. You can't keep it
find room in asylums aro very
run 1y women, but in other
being shown.
to tell him he's a wonder nnd
any life is the part that wouldn't
Come out into the 1-5-9-15-18-21 court with your racquet an
et us play a game of tennis. I have 1-2-3 balls. 3-7-11 is more
,?,c7.,han the other- Let 1,5 use the 8-9-10-11-12 court as I do
;4-c-28 like the outer ones.
12-17-20, over there 1 I saw the ball fly over there! It 2-6-10-16
into the underbrush.
Have you 4-5-6-7 my sister's 25-26-27? He 23-25 just a baby of
course, but is 21-22 cute! . 1
Oh my ! 13-14-15M6 it funny we can't find that ball ! Ask sister'
Kate if she has seen it ! Hey, 4-8-14, have vou seen our ball i
, J .J"' Vhe ba" 19-20 the other side ('the roal 23-24 the middle
of that ditch. ,
Answer To Last Puzzlo
(PdJ''i2;f :28: 'churches), 18-26-34-42 (soon). 25-26-27 (don), 8-14
, "J19, U ii i5 (ow' 22-29-37-46 (read), 4-5-6.7-8-9
i H as. 19-20-21-22-23 (there), 11-12-13 (act), 14-15-16-17-18
14.VJ, V"6 ' ,3a57;?'8 (8tnr)' 33"40 do). 23-30 38 (ear),
(add). (refers), 39-40-41-42 (roan), 29-30-31-32-33 (eased), 10-17-25
Owvrlghi. IMS, by The International Syndicate
Personal Health Service
Through Ui0
Why Is It. n tliouKhtful readerrsils nro Infected tonsils, and any 111
Its, that 12 to 24 hours after one effects n lhn nB,,i v,i...
has eaten
certain foods, such
roasted chicken or turkey or toasted
breud, tho odor of these thlnirs may
bo detected appar
ently In the sweat?
Docs It not come
thru tho pores of
the skin?
I do not know
nbnut tho items
mentioned, but a
great many sub
stances nro partly
eliminated thru the
sweat. . In tho list
nre alcohol, ipecac.
lodln. mercury, sul - n..l ,i m' ! -
ih hnLnJ.
um, the essentia
permint) and some , of
There Is an old and often helpful
remedy against various suppurative
conditions calcium sulphld, which
. .
when administered internally PrM -
ontly gives tho sweat a marked odor.
such an odor as an unsophisticated
person might readily ascribe to im -
', , ......... Uv ....
nlfin Tr in nnin n aIba rnnn lhn
y ' "'"nne t orced chance is the causae of
peculiar odor of hydrogen sulphid
which la the odor that gives char
acter to ancient eggs,
But the thoughtful render who
inquires about tho permeability of
the unbroken normal nkln unneces
sartly introduces "pores" Into the
question. A poro Is an opening thru
which something Is absorbed or taken
and not ono thru which something Is
extruded, excreted or thrown out.
Tho human skin haa no pores, nnd
all theories or fancies predicted on
the opening or closing of tho pores
of tho skin nro merofairy tales, Lit
tle- boys who nre brought up In saw
mills are happy because they do not
have to bother to close any doors
there being no doors in sawmills.
You and I shbuld try to be resigned
and contented with our ' lot in life.
for we need never worry about
whether our pores are open or closed
unless we are built on a plan entirely
different from the general plan of
human beings.
Sweat onnslsts practically of water,
pure water, containing a good dash,
of common wilt and nothing else of
any Importance. The peculiar odors,
which ore moro or less characteristic!
of tho sweat of different races nnd
different Individuals are due to tho
presence of Insignificant traces of
fatty acids (lactic, butyric, acetic,
valerianic and others). Every phy
siologist knows that tho sweat Is in
significant so far as elimination is
concerned, and thnt no waste mat
ter or poison of any kind Is carried
out of the system through the sweat
to all practical purposes. Tho real
function of tho sweat is the regula
tton of the body heat. Tho HI ef
fects produced by varnishing
otherwise covering most of tho skin
surface with an Impervious substance
which prevents the flow of the sweat
aro duo solely to Interference with
the heat regulation and not to nny
poisoning of the matter. In man, no
III effect occurs when less than half
tho skin surface is covered with
such occlusive materials; there Is
no harm in completely checking the
sweat of a limited surface of skin.
In animals, the untoward effects
from varnHhing large surfect of
the skin may be prevented by simply
keeping the varnished animal warm
by artificial means. The skin serves
as a protective coveting for the
sense of toi h.a);md as a thermostat
for tho body, but not for absorption
and practically rt as an excretory
t lrioS n ANSWKRS.
1 biiscd Tonsils.
Kindly explain lit effect of ls-
ensed tonal I on the general health.
and how one can determine when
tonsils are diseased. I P. E.
AnswerOrdinarily diseased ton-
effects on tho general health aro
as,due to the local infoction or to focal
infections from tho breeding places
in tho tonsils such focal infections
as arthritis, appendicitis or valvu
lar lesions (endocarditis). To de
termine whether the tonsils are dis
eased, consult a physician for exam
ination. Tho I,cft ITnndcd Child.
a. uoy i years, om,
who usoi his left-hand for every
thing. They scold and threaten him
with all sorts of things to make him
T,r , ,h V I ",.' , ... "
l ,, ' " , , U "' J' . "bbT
- . v '"
!UaB "le rtt hnnd u ho nrefrs 'o
do 80- 1 told them a 'orced change
Rt." ";m"
i . u. 11,
Answer If my boy preferred to
HSft hln id ft ImnJ n'm.l 1
In n d ma lnstances where a
!.. llHJ t. k
; forced , uso tl)e rlght hand fQr
J (ln0 wo.k BtutterlnJ has occurred,
, am not nl)e tQ however, that
the stuttering. I helievo. ihn thn it
is unwise to interfere with the choice'
of nature In hls mnttpr nr iff
edness. About four children in each
100 are naturally left handed and
there Is no good reason why they
snouia not remain left handed
' Salicylate Deafness.
Kindly tell me if sodium salicy
late win nrter long continued use
cause partial deafness. I have been
taking it for rhoumatism for two
years, not constantly but whenever
I feel twinges of tho disease, and I
find both my ears a llltlo affected.
A. R. H. -
Answer Any of the numerous sa
licylic compounds used ns pain killers
may cause deafness aftor a time.
Tho Common Tub.
What is a good way to secure
cleanliness in a public bath tub?
H. J. E.
Answer Esthcticnlly it is impos
sible. In a sanltnrv sense, however.
an ordinary soap and water scrub
bing will make ihe tub-safe enough
to bathe In. or a scrubbing with any
of the scouring or cleansing prepara-'
tlons ilsed by housekeepers. There;
really should be no public bath tubs, I
except in nospttnls where somo help-1
less invnllds hnvo to be bathed In
tubs. The public or common 'bath
should be a shower. That's clean
Poems That Live
Thou hast beauty bright nnd fair,
Manner noble, aspect free.
Eyes that are untouched by care:
What then do wo ask from thee?
Ilermlonc. Hernilonc!
Thou hast reason quick and strong,
it tnat envious men admire
And a voice. Itself a song!
What then can wo still desire?
Hermlone, Hcrmiono!
Something thou dost want. O queen!
(As the gold doth ask alloy.)
Tear amidst thy laughter seen.
Pity mingling with thy joy.
This -is all we ask from thee,
Hermlone, Hermlone!
- Bryan Waller Procter.
Phone 144
M N. Fir It.
King Boris might take tli' renin In
ln" half o' Ills mustache an' 'l H
riht under Ids nose nil' ninnnRe
t' make out fairly well till he's t
snMHinated. Kver onx In while
a Yah) professor bromlcasts nonie
Uiln' ever'buddy else lias known fr
fifty years.
Who's Who
Hear Admiral Ilivdloy A. Tlskc.
Tho rocent athlressea of Hear Ail
miral Fiske on various phases of mili
tary and national matters has drawn
considerable attention to thlH veteran
naval man? Admiral Fiske recently
declared that Ger
many would have
won the war had
he not carried on
his propaganda for
preparedness in the
early days of the
Wilson adminis
tration. Fiske was born
at Lyons. N. Y..
June 13, 1854. At
the age of 20 he
w a s graduated
from the U. S. Na
val Academy, sec
ond in his class.
WIRAL TISKE. From enslffn he
rose steadily In rank until 1911 when
ho was promoted to tho rank of rear
admiral of the U. S. N
Durins tho battle of Manila I-'lske
rendered such service as to cause him
to bo reported by the captain of
"Petrel" of which he was navigator
for "eminent nnd conspicuous conduct
in battle" and by Adinrlal Dewey for
"heroic conduct." lie was navigator
of the ' "Monadnock" durins four
Flipi0 insurrection.
' In; addition to being a sea fnror;
F'sko Is an Inventor. Ho' Invented a
.0att f1'"" apparatus, a system of
electrical communication for interiors
.'r. arsmp.".' V10 an elec-
",a ""Y Ilnaor- nn eiecinc an.munl-
"on nuiHi. a range inuicnior, a name
order telegraph, an electric engine
telegraph, a helm Indicator, a speed
: ? '"""-lur' ,
iLuiiiiiiK luiium ui nur aniiia dv eiec-
trlcity, the naval telcscopo sight and
twrtlira m'nt n 1. I 1 J ..!
Fiske is a member of many local and
natlm,.! rm ..a
Aoro cub, The Aer club of Amer
lea awarded him a gold medal for his
invention 01 tne torpedopiano and the
1.11. - . .
1'riin'in insutuie awarded him the
Bresson gold gedal.
Amonff the books Fiske has written
nre Electricity in Theory and Prac-
l'ce:" "War Tlmea in Manilla;" "The
ll ,i T I ' rom
Midshipman to Rear Admiral,"
"The Art of Fighting.'
Why Skinny
Folks Take
Cod Liver Oil
Gain 5 Pounds in 30 lnjs tir Cct
Your Money Bark.
Because It is richer In vltnmincs
than nny other food in the world.
Doctors prescribe It for rickets and
nnaemla In children and for tuber
culosiS( malnutrition and convales
cence in grown up people.
As a producer of weight good
healthy flesh thcro Is nothing In the
world so good;
But It's nasty tasting, horrible
smelling stuff that often upsets the
stomach so doctors now nre order
ing cod liver oil In tablet form.
Jouvo got to take on weight when
McCoy's Cod I.lver oil Compound
Tablets aro taken regularly you
simply can't help It.
It's so good that If It doesn't put
on flvo pounds of good healthy flesh
on any skinny man or woman In 30 !
days the McCoy laboratories of New
York authorize Heath's Drug Store,
West side Pharmacy, Medford Phar
macy nnd all druggists to return
tho price you paid for it.
Ho sure to ask for McCoy's Cod
Liver Oil Compound Tablets sixty
tablets 60 cents. One woman put
on fifteen pounds In flvo weeks, and
they are espewlally valuable to weak.
linn cnimren. AtV
HWong Pon
For Treatment nf
Acute and Chronic
Diseases of gen
and Women.
rapture. M., l.m.l. trouhi,
J'SP'i PWumooi.. ..thin, .nd thraJt
trw-M. .narrho
consumption, currh. pll. hrdroc.
OfflM Hour.: 8 A. M. to I p H
gl South Front SI Mrttord. n
. ptJZZLl
Tlin wonls mart in I lie; numtimil
snunrrs and i tm either ncnss or down.
.Only ono Irtter is plncrd In each
Iwiilto wiuun. If the proper words
niv found each combination of letters
In the. white wpiareH will form words.
Tlio key to puzzlo the first word Is
given In the drawing-. kiov jkvc keys
to tho other words. "
Word 1. The Creek god, In tho
picture, who carried the world on his
shoulders. The name is applied to any
books containing many maps of tho
Word 5. Tart of tho foot.
Pord 6. To torment or Irritate.
Word 8. Look: observe.
Word !). Low in price.
1. Tho top floor of a
Word 2. Tlio same as word 5 run
ning across.
Word 3. A contract. "The store
owner asked for a 99-year -
on the building.
Word 4. What we all must do
nights to be healthy.
Word 7. A body of salt water.
For Second-Hand
Furniture and Stoves .
Furniture Hbuae
315 E. Main Phone 505
Flavor is evervthing
n Ice cream. In fact,
if Ice cream lacks
flavor and has every
other good quality, it
falls short of what it
shou, he. Our creams
combine flavor with
Ask for
Nutritious Ice Cream
Jackson Coijnlj