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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1925)
o o o o CO :,'! O OO 00 G O O o y o o o o o O ' r . O O O MEDFORT) MA Li TRTTitTNE, MEttFORD, OREOOX, MONDAY, MA IS, 102.') PAGE THT?EE' -TO BE iS ; I. O.O. F. Maifsoleum to Be Dedicated Wednesday Afternoon e Are Going to Close Out KILLED AT C0PG0s 3 o 1 . I t J ...: . . Robert Shirkey Welch, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Welch of ProHpect, panHetl nwtiy at Copco, Cal., May 10, 1925. Death, nccortlimj to the Inquest fyeld, was due to an electrical Knock repelved while at work on a lino, from which ho died Instantly. He was born in Alleghany , New York, Jan. HO, 189G,i aged 29 years, 3 months, days. "beceafted ppent two and one-half years In the service of his country dur lni? the World war, and served at the front In Germany. lie enlisted with Battery Df 18th field artillery at Vt. McDowell, Cal. Air. Welch was well known In and about Med ford, having resided here for more than 10 years, and was to have been married next month to MIhs Celma Hansen of Modford. Beirtdofl his parents he leaves three Bisters, Mrs. C. A. Bennett of Nor waJk, Cal.; Mrs., 8. H. Ingels, Pros pbot, Ore., and Mrs. Anlo l'enwell of Med ford. Military funeral services were held at the Conger chapel this afternoon at 2:30. The hotly will be held to await thO completion of the Mtfdfoid 7dau 1- sgU hill t y lg.'U 1 5naS5'3 - . . i -ft-' :. if. .i-' V: ..." . . vfiv,i v -'-...' . Orphcur, Jr., vaudevtllo at Hunt's Crater ian tomorrow matinee and night offers a wide range of enter tainment and advance, notices Indi cate it will bo ono o"t the best of many excellent bills. 'Musio plays a loading part, and-comedy the rest, with an out of the ordinary act, in a ventriloquist.- . Tho special bargain matinee, ad mission 35 cents, offering the same performance, as in tho evening, will be held. It is a feature that ap peals to women and children. : Maxfield and "Stono offer a musi cal sketch, 'Two Hoys and flano", popular, blue and comedy songs, liberally mixed with chatter, and voices of unusual quality, makes them favorites over tho circuit. 1 Austin and Delaney, two of vau-' deville's cloverest: colorod perform-, -era. stagov;"Th Syncopated . J-Iotp.l." " ftvcrybodyt'-,has ''no mo- 'time met ' tho' colored 1 bellhop' . they characterize,1 and thoy sing aiid dance andr jost, and give an imitation of" a jazz band. Dave Rafael, a ventriloquist ' with five mechanical figures, delivers a high powered monologue and Is as sisted by Miss Vera Welt on, a tal ented Impersonator. Special scenery and electrical effects accompany the act. ; Maxwell-Field Company appear in "Melody and Kythm," introducing lato songs and classic and eccentric dancing. Tho show will offer as an opener, "A Vaudeville Melange" by Provost and Goulct. They are comedy aero bats, who sing and dance and Ply the guitar and piano. The film offering la "Topics of the Day," and a red hot comedy. While the dedication of tho mauso leum to be built In the I. O. O. F. cemetery Is to be under the auspices of the, order of Odd Fellows, the con struction of this memorial is of gent oral interest, and the public is cor dially invited to attend the dedicatory services, Avhieh will be held next Wed nesday afternoon, about 5 o'clock. The ceremonies will follow the ar rival of the delegation of I. O. O. F. grand lodge officials and delegates from Ashland. This delegation will arrive in Medford via South Oakdalo to Main and pass through Main to the cemetery. It Is expected there will be about 1000 members of tho order in the line, accompanied by the brass bands whk'h will be in attendance at the grand lodge session; ' . - Tho program is as follows: Music : D. O. K. K. Band Invocation. .....Ttev. J Wlllnrd De Voo Poem, ."Hall of Memories" , Part Grand Master Carter Portlnnd Vm-ulHoJcrtion I. O. O. F. Quartotto Address "Mausoelum Idea" Past Grand Master Westbrook of Portland Music D. O. K..K. P.nnd During which there will be the turn ing of the soil, depositing of the rec ords and the sealing of the crypt for historical records which will be dedi cated andsealed not to he opened again utitil fifty years from date when a similar service vi:i oe held. Benediction Itov. 12. P. Lawrence Judge A. M. Thomas, master of Cere monies. Following these services the visitors will return to Ashland by somo route which will give them a glimpse of some of the orchard districts in this part of the valley. The mausoleum will occupy a com manding slto in the cemetery and will bo of such lines and proportions and architectural design as will readily ap peal to tho eye and sentiment. It will contains from 250 to 300 crypts. Tho structure will cost about $100,000. Tho idea of laying away the dead in such a manner as provided by mauso leums is one that has a strong appeal. It does away with that part of the last sad rites which have a touch' of horror. Tho, dead are entombed above ground, in vaults or crypts, where the consuming process of time will reduce tho body to ashes and thero repose in undisturbed security in a final resting place as lasting ns thoi hills. This sopulcher will always be an imposing and ornamental feature of tho ceme tery, and Its own environment will at tend It with sacredness and dignity. Many material improvements have been made in and about the cemetery during the pnst year, and It is the aim of those in charge to contluc such Im provements as to make it a really at tractive spot. The addition of the mauslocum will greatly enhance tho landscape effect of tho cemetery it is believed. . The Screen 1 Hy Te Press Agent. , Unusual Ilm Tomorrow. The name of tho great Italian poet Dante Alighleri Is known to almost o very one and is associated with his greatest work, which, for want of a bdtter term, is called Divine Comedy," or, in Italian, Dlvina Commedla. The "Divine Comedy" is composed of three trrnat . (llloirorlcal noema; '-'Inferno." "Purgatory" .and "Paradise," whiehf describe the ' great poet's journey through, tho' -realm of the Hereafter. Although his works, according to Kn- cyclopedia Urittannlca. Includo seventy-eight genuine poems, eight doubt ful and fifty-four spurious, tho Di vine Comedy is by far tho best known and by it alono Dante holds placo as one of the half dozen greatest writers of all time. Upon the poem "Diferno" has been based tho motion picture of that namo which has been based the motion pic ture of that name which will be seen at the liialto three days beginning to morrow matinee, and which has been creating something of a furore throughout the country. , " "flold llcrls" Is Kxelttng. Tf n rip-snorting, slam-bang horso raoe : makes your blood tlnglo, you are due for a thrill when you Bo to see "Gold Heels," which opened yes terday at tho Kialto Theatre. It 1h a William Fox screen version of Henry Blossom's celebrated piny, "Checkera" and an excellent adaption it is. When "Checkers" Cam,pbcll rides ltemorso to ; victory for the $10,000 purse and the girl, you will bo showing, remarkable self-control If yon don t jump up and cheer. 1 "Gold Heels" .brings to tho fore ground two comparatively .now, but exceedingly clever players. They are Robert Agnew, who plays "Checkers' and Peggy Shaw,'; who Is seen as Pert Harlow. Agnew has an In gratlatlng personality underlvlng which is a roal- dramatic talent. This ho displays qffoctivqly, upon soveral occasions. Mis i$liu,w, tpt .product of -ziegieicl Follieft" is, .pretty and she enn act. ? South Africa Follows Suit. CAPETOWN, Union of South Af rica, May 18. (By Associated Press.) It was officially announced that South Africa today returned to the gold standard. THE new Philco Drynamic Battery is the highest-powered bat tery, plate for plate, ever built for starting a car. This means quicker starts greater pro tection against hand cranking ordeals. The life of a Philco Drynamic 'Battery doesn't start till you get the battery. This means you get its jull life therefore longer and far more economical service from your battery. . 1 Let us safeguard you against the embarrass ments and dangers of battery failure by install-, ing your Philco now. i ales and Service Victoi Danlefcson 113 North Central Medford, Ore. , ........ , ph'iLCO Lower First Cost and Upkeep There is a double economy in the Ford Car that materi-, ally lowers the cost of motoring for the millions of y Ford owners today. First a Ford Car is the lowest priced on the market the least expensive car the automotive industry has ever produced. Second it costs less to operate and maintain. Fuel consump- , tion is low you get high mileage from tires. Repairs and re- placements are infrequent; and charges, even for thslabor . involved, are smalL . ,.' s" The Ford Weekly Purchase Plan makes impossible for' y anyone to buy a Ford on the easiest of terms. You mayr . pay for your Ford out of your regular earnings, t Ask, any authorized Ford dealer about the details of this plan; or write us direct, using this coupon. Runabout f260. Touring Uar fzsiu, coup moor on "'ft All orica f. o. b. Detroit. On open can demountable .rimi and narter are $85 extra n. v . .1 ! Ford Motor Company, Dept. Nl-S, Detroit, Mich." : mall me full particulars rosardlru rour eaar plan for owning an , automobile. - ' ' ' ' i V ' J ' Name Street J : , 5 -r ' State I Detroit f,i;:y- SEE THE NEAREST, AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER ': ffly FORDOR SEDAN Our Large Line of Ivory Toilet Goods EVERYTHING WILL HAVE TO GO Mirrors, Hair Brushes, Combs, Manicure Roll-Ups, Trays, Jewel Cases All of It. Nothing Reserved. We are doing this at the time when presents are being bought for graduation and to make it easy For the buyer. Everything in this line marked at 50 per cent discount. Just half price. We have good stocks' at both stores, but the 50 per cent cut will move the goods rapidly. Don't delay. Get in while the assort ment is good. '''! HEATH'S DRUG STORE-Phone 884 HASKINS' DRUG STORE Phone 16 As near as your phono -g rsgsBg; ' , ana-Ban 8 and SAFETY! Safety, in ah investment comes first. After safety comes as high a rate of interest as possible. ' ' i i The Commercial Discount Corporation's preferred stock can offer you both safety and 8. Call at our office upstairs in tho First National Bank Building and allow us to give you the complete information. '. ,.: Commercial Discount Corporation . $100,000.00 Capital. '- . C' . . ' " Harry H: Rosenberg-, Pres. . ' JomrR. Tomlin, Vice Pres. W. W. Walker, Secty. . . David H. Rosenberg, Treas." Persian r Scene Anx1"Ro,'"a'.,1 From the vase rise clear, sweet notes ot , song. Below, with bi- sarre, Oriental splen- 1 dor, lissom Persian 1 girls dance. . 1 TUESDAY. JuM !" .-CWnNiht.hnr- America marvels at Portland's pageantl aUT-1 --wl-X'a." I. 1 mmmt. City and out of town . mail orders received nowj This mail order aystem has been adopted so that every community may secure its scats on the same basis as the citisens of Portland. You will secure the best seats by ordering NOW; They will be sent you immediately upon re-' cciving your check or draft or post office money order. . ' ROS ARIA the stupendous ; -" pageant of the rose . ' ' The greatest outdoor performance ever staged, with a cast eSjOOol singers and dancers, all superbly costumed and perfectly trained.' Just indicate the Beits you want and the best ticketa unsold will be acne yoo at once. It will be aafa to enclose a adf-addrcMcd Mamped envelope for reply. Arena chairs (four center lections directly in front of stage). . .2.orj Arena seats (sections to sides of stage) . 1.50 Grand stand (in front of stage) .... 1.00 Bleachers (to side of stage in arena, reserved) 1 00 Bleachers (unreserved) .75 Mad orders to Row Festival Headquarters, Room 605. Oregon Budding, Portland,' Oregon. Make checks or money ord&s or drafts payable to Treasurer nf rh Pnrflan.1 RrM I...XI .- - ' iuti,u was us. a 1GSA1IA' PAGEANT FEATURE OF . PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL 'Mi 1 r I a m m n 0 r 1 p BATTERIES Multnomah Stadium