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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1925)
O BRINGING I Tsswxmn 1 .., i w ... -. . . " I in II r : . "i n r ' ' i i 11 r ni I wJvAfA OUT THIb MILK. " fMACOIE. 0 To Cnr-fTVt AND I TlNEb ISQ-NOT ' IM ; 3 nflMnMyJ DIET AN' ,0 OUT; I FILL. UP- IM TIRED OF MX OOCTOR'5 I i'ONE CENT- ' C ( 1 'UK DIEIT- I si iW;. ' ' oru. m OKUEK'a- r -, r f i w r. j one wljz. rr- rrmmnftun i , i i , iG I II II ff I MttfttfttH-W 1 I ; arm r ' I:::l.r J" II I 111 II KW "JTi fxtt I ill J I J I A MU 'i 1 I I V. .WV l.'" I. I U ' Jfc it. 'W- 'Jl.-Ul T0 I -t I n Mill II II II II II II II IIIII I I II; J V. qA AVi-IIi':i':-:: -J:: :::: III 11(1 W -J- T. till 1 rt ij , U i i 1 1 1 1 11 , l: 1 1 y v - - J. ( m M H-4 1 IU H i M i 1 1 II I I ; cBXd' - J I S.$V' I h "-t 5--t" .111 II I ( ! if of becoming tho nsiKressor In n world I British Columbia, was announced to-I Foil ItKTK- FOR REXT APARTMENTS FOR SALEUVESTOOK BUSIXE88 DIRECTORY w k r 1 i II vvnos vyno IliiK. Gen. Sir Gillrcit Cliiytun. One of the foremost supporters of the Zionist policy in Palestine is rirU?. Gen. Sir Gilbert Clayton, former chief secretary of the Pnleatlne government, who is slated to be named hlwh com missioner of tho homeland shortly, it Is said. Clayton's cham pioning of the Zionist ideas is in teresting in view of the fact that he is not Jewish. Horn J.uly C, 1875, Clayton was educated at the Isle of WlKht col lt'ire and the Hoyal Military academy at Woolwich. He entered the army Gmimoti Since then he has spent much of his life at foreign posts. From 1000 to 1910 he was with tho Egyptian army. From 1!U4 to 1917 he served as di rector of intelligence In Kgypt. later becoming chief political officer of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. He was adviser to tho ministry of tho in- tcrior of Egypt from 1919 to 1922. In 1919 Clayton was created a Knight Commander of the Jtrltish Em pire. He Is a Commander of the Hath, a Companion of St. Michael and Kt. George, a Fellow of the Hoyal Geo graphical Society, and n colonel In the reserve of officers In the late royal ar tillery. fc , In ndditlon to being an officer of tho Legion of Honor, 4th Class Osmauleh. 3rd Class Aledjidie, lie is. nn officer, St, Maurice and Luazrua and St. Stan islas; Grand Commander, Order of King George I. of Greece; Grnnd Cor don Order of the Nile; 2nd Class Order of the Nahda. He Is also a Pasha of Egypt.' j Timely Views on World Topics "Wo Aro Control. toil with a Ke vo lution in World ATfalrs and .Must Meet It:" "To tho careless minded people of this country I would like to say that unless wo become aware of facts, not things of emotional appeal but facts, this country may run the risk at e;tst "When you buy. A tire you want mileage and protection. You fll pet both from Wolff, tho Tire Man. Velvoil at 25c per quart is n knockout try 111 Armory Service Station Pac. Highway at Jackson St. WANTED To Buy for Cash All .Your Second Hand Furniture MOBDOFF ft WOOLF 4 IK 'iiW'VK'll,l THE FOLLOWING LOTS ARE OFFERED TO CLOSE AN ESTATE 60x100 on Nofih Grape 60x100 on South Xewtown 100x175 on South Oakrtalo , The pavins n'tnl a!r.i;mnts nre paid in full on all of these lots and they are PRICED TO SELL! Thomas Realty 38 "orth Front Sfceet UP FATHER of becoming the aggressor In n world catastrophe. Revolution in the art of war has changed the nature of states manship, which was formerly used to gain national ends. It cannot be cir cumscribed, as in the old agricultural days, and unless something else is found war itself, having undergone this revolution. In its nature, will de stroy civilization." So declared Prof. James T. Shotwell, Columbia Univer sity, in a recent address. "Tho movement to free the world of Lwar in the future does not disregard the role of war played in the past, such services are in establishing frontiers of civilization," he continued. "There is no criticism of the past nd the splendid realization of sacrifice of those who. with high inspiration, have died in wars for causes they believed to bo worth more than life. Tho new peace movements, which I believe are destined to rid the world of war, are based on the firm foundations of his tory on the one hand and enlightened patriotism on the other. "We are now confronted with a revolution in world affairs so great that the French Revolution, the Amer ican revolution and all the great crises of the past seem trivial In comparison. Wo are challenging the entire pro cess of international relations, which' has formerly restedCthor rdluhrdluu time honored method of solving In ternational disputes. Tho World war 'caused the movement to pass from the I sphere of vague morals to a definite j realm of policy. We have learned I that through the World War. tho law of modern war is the law of anarchy alone and supreme, with no check be yond the inventive capacity of man for engines of destruction . And since tho World War the program has been to widen the scope of atrocity so that none escape." IS LIABLE 10 GO OFF VICTORIA, B. C, May 14. Decis ion of CommiHHloner Davidson of the liiiuor control board that elder is too dangerous to bo sold in beer shops in IIELP WANTKD MALE WANTED Two experienced men for blight cutting. J. M. Nury. l'hone 132-L 47 WANTED Experienced Phono 431-J. sawyer. 48 WANTED Man with tractor plow outfit to take plowing . contract. Hert Anderson, Medford. 45 WANTED Man to put up alfalfn hay bv contract. Alice Hanley Ranch. Phone 411-J-i. . 4(i WANTED Man to put up 100 tons of hay on contract. M. J. Azevedo, Alodford. R. 4. Ilox 37. 46 DISTRICT MANAGER For Jackson and Josephine counties by one of the old est life insurance companies In the United States. Splen did course of instruction offered and agency assist ance. An opportunity to build up a permanent In come. Address MANAGER, 300 Orcgonlan Building, Portland, Oregon. Eastern Oil Means Nothing 100 Percent Pure Pennsylvania Means Real Lubrication ; Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station & Insurance Co. Phone 698 iffiDFORD MAIL TRTHTTNTC, ftrEDFORD, OftKOCftT, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1025 British Columbia, was announced to day. The commissioner alleged that cider is hard to handle. It increases rapidly in alcoholic per centage; in fact it is dangerous stuff; it is liable to go off." ' Cnrtl of Tlmnks. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown to us in our trouble and Borrow; also the Copco for their beautiful flowers and the other floral offerings. Our beloved husband and father, son and brother that has been laid to rest. M IIS. I,ULA JONES, Wife and Children, MR. AND MRS. WM, JONES, Parents. AND BROTHERS AND SISTERS. An WANTED Girl for general house work. Mrs. S. M. Roberts. Phone 174-J-2. 47 WANTED Lady cook to take charge or hotel dining room. Call 408-W, Gth street, Med ford. 4G WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED My mnn and wifo. work on farm. Man experienced in all kind of farm work References furnish ed. S16 So. Newtown. 48 WANTED MlSCKIihANEOUS WANTED Residence lot. Must be on paved street and near Main. 482-R. 47 WANTED A refrigerator. Cull 488-J 40 WANTKD I'.y fnmily of adults, wlsh dcHlrablo furnished house from July Kith to Heptemhor 1st. . Three bedrooms required. Itcspousihlo poo pie, Klad to furnish references. Tel. 04-.I-2. - 4C WANTED Uvo minks, will pay $8 for male, $10 for femalo. Enquire at J. Lyden Hotel, Jacksonville. 48 WANTED Stock to pasture; finr feed. Phono 10-F-21. 4" WANTED To buy heifer calves, Jer sey or Guernsey. Phono 453-Y. 48 FOR RENT-M18CRLLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT Immediately. three teams. Tel. 1057. tf " FQLLOWINQ-ADVERTISER8 AI7E Members Medford Realty Board oqoe Q 1201 ROC ut M (Mi) you a We Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Ita RENTALS :: SALES Bungalows New, double construction throughout, oak floors, fireplaces, garage, cement driveway. Easy terms. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main St. A BARGAIN IN A GOOD HOUSE $2700 $700 CASH TERMS Six rooms, modern; shade, beautiful lawn, berries, garden; two lots. Five rooms, modern; shower bath, fireplace, electric stove, garage, woodshed; big garden, flowers; 1750 $200 cash, balance like rent. For rent three-room cottage, one acre land; free water; ono mile from city; 117.00 month. J. 0. BARNES, 6 South Central (OOOOOC Profitable Pear 45 acres with 23 acres In bearing pears, Dose, Bartlett, De Anjou varieties, part 18 years old; and about X0 barns, complete equipment; estimated value present crops more than ' 10000. Well located near Medford i Property now In excellent condition. ' and paid for In small annual payments. Your Inspection Is Invited. EARL3. TUMY O 5 Foil RKNT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Close in. 1'hone &J!-.J-b. FOR RENT Housekeeping room near hiyh school. 334 Apple street. 46 FOR RENT H ousekeeping rooms. 511 Ho. Central. tf FOR RENT FURN1SIIEI ROOMS FOR RENT Larjio front furnished room, facinR park. Suitable for two. Meals furnished. F. A. Wutuman, luGSo. Ivy. Phone 3;l-X. 47 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 204 No. Ivy. 48 FOR RENT LnrRB airy sleeping room, close in, with garage, l'hone 322. - tf '"O KRKNT Furnished front room. Close to bath. Phone 604-R. tf FOR RENT Nice Sleeping roohis, bath. Men. 246 N. Grape. tf FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished house. 4 room3, modern. Call ut 6 So. Cen tral. $35. tf FOR RKNT-Orroom house, close in, unfurnished. lhono 47I1-M. 47 FOR RENT 5-room bungalow. Gnr nge. Call at 129 So. Ivy. 47 FOR RENT Furnished or linfurnish- ed modern home on Griffin crook. Ideal place for summer homo. 10 minutos' drive. Mrs. W. H. ltuclter. 17 FOR RENT 6 rooms, modern, east front, flno shade, to1 adults. Phono 488-X. , , .1 . FOR RENT A furnished five-room modern house with garage and small garden. Will rent from Juno first to September first. Cheap to right party. Call 567-W or boo owner at 2l! cottage street. 4 7 FOR RENT 8-room h.iuso In good conditions, l Block from Main stroot. Phono 121-X, or call evenings after six; 47 FOR RENT Eight Voom modern home with garage; close In to busi ness section. Nice lawn and shade. Call at 326 So. Riverside avenue, tf FOR RENT Houses, Brown & White. !000 0 o 1 FINE HOME FOR SALE Mr. Root has sold his music business In Medford and now offers his fine homo for sale, or will trade for Port land property. Large lot, east front, . fine shade and excellent finished bungalow; will include fine electric range with equipment. If you want a home, look over thiB property. , FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY (Walter H. Leverette) Medford Building -: Medford, Ore. II Bronchos LOANS INSURANCE Orchard for Sale acres in alfalfa. MAdern house, large) In tho best pear district In this valley, i Can be bought at a bargain price. , Liberty Building o FOR RENT OH LEASE Apartment house of four npartments. t.ull 3l E.. tilh street. Martin McDonouish. 48 FOR RENT 2 -room apartment. 140 S. Holly. 47 FOR RENT - - Apartmont. Phone It 452-11. FOR RENT Rooms and apartments at the Nyo. 4 FOR RENT Furnished apartment. room and gorage. 004 W. loth. 2 tr FOVNB WND Glasses In J. G. Goblo case. Tribune. 47 LOST. LOST On road to t)odge brldgo, spare tire: r'lnuor pieuao nomy uan Watson at Mann's. 4li LOST On R. Central or Main street, Indies' gold band wedding ring. lei. 1070. 47 TAKEN VV TAKEN HP Chestnut sorrel mare wl(h white spot In face, owner can have same by paying for ad ami damages. Mrs. tieo. Askew, last house on Albert street, 40 RUSIXI5SS OPPORTUNITIES ELEVEN PER CENT INTEREST If you have $3000 to Invest, I havo a rented resldenco, furnished, in Medford, close in, good street, as sessments all paid, fruit trees, nlco lawn, that will guarantee it will pay 11 per cent interest after paying taxes, Insuranco and allowing tor upkeep. Owner wants cash to use In purchase hf property In present homo In another city. Address R. K., and owner will call. 47 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN Money, Charles A. Wing, real estate loans. Representative Surotv Savings & Loan Association. Loans obtained at nominul expense; rcasonablo rato of Interest. Phone 728, Pulm Block, Medford, Oregon. 66 FOR SALE ACTrOMonniES FOR TRADE OR HALE Chevrolot car. Will consider pood cow., ln- qulro 1051) Court Htreet. 40 FOR KALE Dodf,'o turintf car in Kood Hhnde. A bargain. Inquire ut 141 No. Fir Htreet, or phone 2G7-U 48 FO Its ALE For $125, three-quartor ton Republic truck in kcmhI order, to natiHfy lleiiH. Truck at Gordon Ktout'B KaniKO. Ill) V. lUth. I'hono 4H7. Harden & Oaylord. 48 FOR KALE ltarKaln, Ford touring, Kood order, 900. Jones At KlrKpat rlek. tt FOR SALE Maxwell roadster, suit able for makhiK delivery, or bug. Bargain. Address Box A, MM1 Tribune. tt FOR SAIE POUIrTfC AND EGGS FOR SALE S week old baby chix, u.. 1. 1, --j n'Uiin i ....u., ...... llllllUUrilll'IVU IIIIUU JJIKIIVI MO, n .....I ..ln-n.. fTliA.r .ln need artificial heat, $.30 per 100. jviiKU" invwi i uuili A' ut in. i iiuiiti 201-W. 46 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 201-J. FOIl SAlV IIOMKS FOR KALE Modern 8-room house, cement foundation, 2 blocks from postofflce, on a paved street, all as sessments paid. Lot 70x120 feet. Priced at 13300 for quick sale. Phono 728. 61 FOR HALE New modern bbngnlow, 26x20, just finished, cast sldo, large living room, built ln kitchen, bed room, bath room complete and shower room, berries, shrubbery and garden, cement porch, wulks and drive, large lot, garage; easy terms. Call at 1002 E. 11th or phone 3D1-X. 47 FOR SALE 5 room modern house, partly furnished, wood shod and garage. 1500 will handle, llalanco like rent. Assessments paid In full. Phono OS-R, or 602 So. Fir Bt. 46 FOR SALE Houbq and lot on North Central avenue. Lot 194x270 feet, on pavomont; or will aivido Into 50, 60, 70 or 80 foot lots to suit pur chaser: ulso ono lot on N. Ivy street. close In. Prices are very low. See W. E. Rowley, Owner. Phone 331-Y. 331 N. Ivy St. tf FOR RALE Now B-room house Just nmsncu. inquire ili bo. Newton 2Stf FIRE INSURANCE THAT INSURES CARL 7. TENGWATJ) Hotel Holland Building Member Realty Board Phone 993 By George FOR SALE Two fresh cows, espe cially good. M. Walsh, on South Peach street, just outsido city lim its, tf FOR SALE Hound pups, half fox and half blood. Reasonable. John L. Doren. Ager, Calif. 01 FOR SALE Pure bred Jersey bull, four months oid. John R. Maxedon. 977 11 St., Ashland. 49 FOR SALE Cheap, to close estate, 25 acres good land, 10 cultivated. Good buildings. Ideal place for poultry. Uox 11, Rt. 1, Gold Hill. 49 FOR SALE Eight gobd logging or farm horses from $7 6 tn $150 per head. Inquire from Superintend ent of Owen Oregon Lumber Co., FOR SALE RKAIj ESTATE FOR SALE Ilulldlng lots on pnvo- ment. Chicken and slock ranches, linrgalri prices. E. 11. llurd. Tel. 42. 46 FOR SALE OH LEASE Itrlck block, two store rooms below, 12 or 1 0 rooms upstairs. Seeo J. C. Mason Really Co., Talent. 48 FOR SALE -Lots 50x200, $lr0; $25 down, bnlanco $10 per motnh. 303 JO. Main. Phono 417. 40 FOR SALE 10 acres bcnrlng or chard, 5 room house, barn, 100 cherry troea, penrs, apples, prunes,' cherry trcesi 200 peach, pears( ap ples, prunes, grapes. All for $3500. This year croy worth $2000. Phono 344-Y. 48 FOR SALE Choice lots on pnved street near West Main. Owner. Airs. Enola Hay, 1104 W. Main St. Phone 804-Y. 48 FOJl SALE Sovornl farms, good val-' ues, easy terms, low tuusrest. O; C. . Uoggs, Atty for tttuto Land Board. ,.tfi SACRIFICE SALKi 10,100 (teres as sorted Qlfnlfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre trnctB and up. Price $5 per acre up, S and 10 year's time. Ranches for ront and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com pany, owners. 16 N. Grape Ht tf FOR SALI0 MlSCKl.ilANEOU8 FOR KALE Mower and rake. Enum- olod baby bod. 14-F-22. 48 FOR KALE Range, bedroom set and miscellaneous furulturo. 21 J a, cen tral nve. 1 40 FWt KALE Aster plants, dinnt Cre- go. Client Comet, Cioldcn Hun and other fine varieties, 25c per doz. 2f N. Oakdalo. 48 FOR SALE New piano of quality. Easy terms, isool Eraklne. pnonp 7 20-W. 60 FOR KALE Extra largo, deep blue t anteberry bell plants, 60c dozen. I'hono 390-L or call at. 325 .South Holly. , tf FOR JAI.K Why pay more. Urnn X2 per hundred. Monarch Heed Co. 45 FOR BALE Feed Mndrnna mineral ized yeast chick mash to yuur chicks If you want productlvo pullets. Monarch Hoed Co. 4 5 FOR SALE Early and Into seed po- tatoes. Monarch Heed Co. 4 8 FOR HALE Child's bed. Inquire 130 W. 6lh. Phono 212. tf 'OR SALE Attentlqll Smith's sum. mer rates on pine now In effect, 92.75 a tier. Discount on largo or ders. Phone, 1103; Central Point, .18 X-3. 49 FOR SALE Aster plants. G, Cary, 641-J-l. Address Talent. tf FOR SALE Baled alfalfa. 28-R-t. tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and records half price. 16 N. Grape, tf business mnrxrronT FOR INFORMATION Cnrpentor's Local 1840. Phone 247-L. Moots at Smith hall every Friday night, 1 28 North Grape, between 6th and 6th street. " j Used Ford Cars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If interested ir a uaei car be sure and see oj. 9 (I E. Gates Auto Qp. PAGE FIVE McManusp Attorneys HEAMES ft REAMES Lawyers, of fice In Liberty Ilulldlng. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and $ No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY AHSTRACT CO. i Abstracts of Title ' anil Titlu Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. A. E. KELLOGG Abstractor of Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' experience in ths county. Phono a-J-2 Gold Hill. tl Ilulldlng Supplies and Roofing STANDARD ROOFING AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO. Huild up Roof ing, Ashlnnd Granite Top. 15 years guarantee. Rest grade of roof pa per cement. Prossod brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, flro place brick, all colors. All material Class A. Port land Reaver Cement for sale. As phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tel ephone 738-X. Clilronrnctlo Physicians DR. A, R. HEDGES Neo-Eolootl Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDC1EH Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mcchano-Therapy, Bpon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chiro practice. Office: Btewart Bldtr., 2r,r E. Main Ht. Phones: Offlos 170; Ros. 170-J-2. ' DR. B. W. HOFFMAN ,-Chlropraotlo Nerve Specialist. Office hours 0-1 i. 2-5, 203-206 Liberty Dldg, Otflo Phone 580. Res. phone 1027. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phont Oil 11. Res. 776. Office hours a. ' m. 0 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment. DR. II. , IS. MORPHTDentlstrr. Dental X-Ray. Phone 77, offloa Socond floor Medford Bldg. ICxuert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given u anything ln accounting and Income Tax requirements. - Leak Into our simplified accounting method. Lib- . erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Insuranco EARL S. TUMY All forms of Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Life, Aocldent, Bonds. Phone 402, 209 Liberty Bldg. Mntiey to Loan J. It. ANDREWS Buys and sells mortgages and loans money on good security. 31 N. Grape Bt. Phone ' 53-M. . 246 Funeral hlroctbr PERL FUNHRAL HOME Cor. Sixth and Oakdulo. Ambulance service. Phone M 7, .. . Monnmcntn THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, General Managor. P. M. Kershaw. Sclet Manager, 103 E, Sixth St., Medford. Ostoopatha DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS L'Altmw OHteopatblc Physicians 416-418 Liberty Bid. Phone 904-J-l. Residence 26 South Laurel St. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIQHT Toacher Of and Harmony, Studio 21S LI borty Bid g Phone 72, Printer nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the host equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book . binding, loose loaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir 8L Ftrnnsler BADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE! CO. Office 22 North Front Ht. Phone 116. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER & 8TORAOB CO. Anything moved, day or night Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape. Phone 644, or residence 1060. Upholstering J. WEI8 Upholstery, Manufacturer ' of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. .Draperies made ta . order'. We do all klndB of uphol stering. We deliver and wUl call and show samples. Phone 201 Jacksonville, Oro, Vli.TKnlNART MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL,, i;r. rj. u. Mct.uiiocn, uradigits Veterinarian. Offlco consultation free. Corner Grape and Fifth. Med ford. Ore. I'honeIO Day or nlnht. Window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT. Wax and pol ish your floors, clean your house. Janitor service for offices and build ings. Oco. A.rfeely. Phone 1171, m Beekman yq( J (