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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1925)
o o o o o 6 ' o o PAGE TWO f P1M'V!??) MMl'IrRTftrNB. MKHPORD. OTtEflOy, JTHlfAY, M,jT 8 1025 Constipatioi destro'ys beauty 'get pos itive relief with Kellogg's ALL-BRAN Beware of con stipation's many dread diseases, PftTietiTifi fion hneks frlip nninnnn of the in testine up into your body. Constipation leads to over forlv diseases. Blotchy complexions, sick head aches, circles under eyes, un pleasant breath, etc., are caused by constipation. Rid yourself per manently of this dangerous illness. Do it tho safe, sure way, the way doctors recommend cat Kellogg's ALL-BRAN regularly. Only ALL-ISRAN can be wholly effective. That is what Kellogg's is 100 per cent bran. It works as nature works. It sweeps and cleans the intestine. If eaten regularly, it will permanently relievo the most chronic cases is guaranteed to do so or your grocer returns the pur chase price. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is ready-to-cat. You will like its nut-liko flavor. Try the many delicious recipes on every package. Eat at least two tablcspoonfuls daily in chronic cases, with every meal. Buy a package of Kellogg's ALL-BRAN today. Made in Battle Creek, Michigan, and sold by all grocers. Served by all leading res taurants and hotels. ALL-BRAN PHIPPS AUTO PARK SERVICE - OFFERS Special Bargains DURING OUR riRE "HlBl Tires At prices to suit every Motorist Including PENNSYLVANIA McCLAREN, LEE, FEDERAL AND LATEX 33x5.77 Pennsylvania Vacuum Cups, Bal loons, special, set of five, $125.00 Don't Miss This Sale; It will mean a Saving for you "The Ideal Service Station"- ALBT SHAW, Proprietor t o Cor. Riverside & Jackson fh&ne 1037-1 ASHLAND HI TO PRESENT 'DULCY AT GYM MAY 12IH ASHLAND. Ore., May 8. Ashland high will present "Dulcy," the senior pluy Tuesday, May luht at the hlnh school gym ut 8 o'clock sharp. Miss Frances Kruter Ik director, und Miss Esther Counter Business manager, The personnel of the cast follows: As Dulcy, MIhh Curyle Van Dyke; Dulcy's husband, Itiley lMttlnger: William Parker. Duloy's' brother, Cuius Cros. by: C. ItoKer Forbes, Robert Wright Mrs. ForbcH, Murlan Leach; Angela Forbes, Thelma I'erozzl: Schuyler Van Dyke, (Jeorge Francis Barron; Tom Sterrett. Orvlllo Hall: Vincent l.ench, Kenneth Hobson; Blair Pat terson, Oeorge V. Uillelte; Henry, the butler, Kdwin Freeman.- Much time and effort has been spent In prepara tion and the production promises to surpass former efforts. The cast wit nessed the performance given nt Hoseburg. not only enjoying the pres entatlon, but getting many valuable pointers for their own production This play was screened, with Con stance Talmudge sturrljig and was one of the popular pictures of the year. Popular prices prevail with reservations for tho first fifteen rows downstairs and the first row In the balcony. A very happy surprise and alto gether delightful affair was planned by Mrs. II. Ji. Elhart last Friday night, May 1, announcing Uie engage ment of Miss Opal May Harvey and F. E. Wright of Klamath Falls. Close friends of the hrldc-to-ho were all assembled when Miss Harvey arrived A delightful feuturo of the evening's entertainment was the picturing (really) of Miss Harvey's life from in fancy to old age. Little booklets were nassed by the hostess. Magazines, paste, scissors and brush were also given the guests; from these they chose pictures to build n connected life story. Needless to say that fun ran rife. Then tho honor guest was asked to follow a string to tho end of which she found a basket, lovely In bluebirds. In which were dainty pack ages containing beautiful gifts, each bearing a flower. The rooms were decorated in yellow tulips and white lllncs. and tho beautifully appointed table carried a oenterpleoo of the same flowers. Placo cards, with llllles of the valley and bouquets of the dainty blossoms were at each plate with a shower bouquet of llllles of the valley and bride's roses beside Miss Harvey's. A bride's enko with a oriuo and groo mas decorative feature was a pretty part of the luncheon, inose present were tho Misses Opal Harvey, Morca Clllmore, Hlrdonu Elder, Arleno Johnson, Mildred Humphreys, Alber tlne McCnll, Mrs. Chester Putney, I Mrs. Krtc Wcren, Mrs. A. L. Harvey 'and the hostess Mrs. 11. 11. Klhurt. The date of tho wedding has not been announced. Mrs. J. M. Wngndr has Just return ed from a delightful winter spent visiting friends and relatives In south ern California. Mrs. Anderson, her sister-in-luw, accompanied her home and will visit here for a time. Another delightful May shower was given tho even of May 6th, plunned by a group of friends, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Addis who have but Just returned from their throe weeks' honeymoon spent in southern Califor nia. Tho nffalr was planned as a surprise, with a part of the guests go ing early 1o insure the host and hos tess being ut home, the others coming In a little later. Mysterious packages. Ini-ire nnd small were hurriedly secreted until the lime for opening,' and the evening was spent In enter tnlnlng gomes that taxed tho guests' niemorles anil wits, affording a, mint of fun. At the auspicious moment the guests of honor were taken to the dining room where the gifts were dis played; nil Interested in the opening of the packages, containing the ex pression of the esteem and friendship in which the young people are held. At it late hour the most delicious re freshments of ire crenm and lovely caUes were served by Mis. Itelnhnrt Kruggel, Mrs. Kvnna. Mrs. Deer, Mrs. 'red Kruggel, nnd Mis. Frnsler, who hud planned tho delightful party. There were thirty present to offor congratulations anil good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Addis. l E. Rusk of llrants Pass was an Ashland visitor the first of the week. It will he reialli'd that "Tales lit a Western Mountaineer." of which Mr. liusk Is the author has received very complimentary notices In the leading magazines. In an Interview with tile author. It was learned that he was at work upon n new volume. In which the scenes are laid In southern Ore gon. Those who have enjoyed the former volume will nwalt with inter est its completion. " Don Frnsler has been appointed In the geology department of l of O. Frasier Is an Ashland man and his friends are ulad for tilts recognition of his worthwhile work at the uni versity. Miss Pauline Plummer of the lllble Institute of Los Angeles, has been elected first pianist for the glee club of the Institute. This glee club will he one of the contestants between the college and university glee clubs nf the city to be held In I'niversity Hall. May 22. Xolliv. Saturday. May Nth will end our big auction sale. So don't fall to attend today and Saturday, afternoon nnd evening. 2:S0 to 7:30 p. m. Goods nl your own price, it will be your last chance. FA Y E. DIAMOND. Jeweler. Medford. Notice. The members of nil ceuniilttees ap pointed by the several pnuii'iic orders nf Meilfurt! for the put pose of niakhn; IV! i n IlKi'mt'ltts for the proper observ- ame of IeiiMatloll l.i;iw.lay J". 1 . rite rciiuested to meet ut the Medford Ubrnry building on Saturday, May 0th, nt 7 p. in. A full attendance Is desired. WM. UMAX, Post Commander. Clean cotton rags wanted at Mall MW 1 -o : : O Every streaming, fragrant wisp is calling: "Come arid get it! a vUT where the timber-line meets the sky, the wind-borne fra grance of Hills Bros. Coffee is broadcasting its irresistible appeal. And coffee-hungry men gather round the lone camp-fire, each eager to lift a cup to his lips , . . and dash it downl '. For Hills Bros, satisfies the hunger-goaded desire of the out doors man as no other food-drink can.- No other beverage has won so many friends, from Alaska to the Gulf, and from the Coast to the Mississippi. Break the vacuum seal of a tin of Hills Bros. Inhale that rare aroma. , Now . . . brew a cup and lift it to your lips!; Drain it dry I Any wonder Hills Bros, is The Recog nized Standard of the coffee-loving West? : Hills Bros. Coffee is eco nomical to use. ' AC Hi lis ! Bros 3 7n the original Vacuum Tuck . which keeps the coffee fresh HILLS BROS COFFEE 192!, Hill. Bra. Re. V. S. Pit. Off. Vibration, oil, accidents, neglect anil deterioration ruin wiring systems nnd cause endless trouble. Having US rewire your car's Lighting, Ignition. Generating and Starting System means work prop erly done with the best materials. Close figures. Jure Deicrous lZAoesbme This is a trinity of Ice cream values which we guarantee to every purchaser of our prod uct. We never offer cream unless it has passed our lofty stand ard of what perfect e"eam should be. Ask for Nutritious Ice Cream Jackson Cesmtj Creamery The "Big M" Egg Mash MANUFACTURED BY Morton Milling Co. Phone 311 Free Delivery 4 W. Jackson St. FOR RENT. , "'-'4' 55 ft. Riverside Ave. Frontage in Spartao Building, just off o Main St., or will remodel into ' smaller stores to suiUTenant. O o The Busy. Corner JMotor'Go. Tribune office. . . .