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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1925)
f PAGE TEN MEDEORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEBFORD, OftEffOX, TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1925 Greenwich Village FollieskMay 4 $5 $5 S5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 -$5 EXPURGATED, BUI CAMBRIDGE, Maw.. April 28 "While an expurgated edition of the Harvard lampoon, student liumoroiiH publication recently barred from the malls because of alleged indecent pic tures, went on sale today, copies of the Harvard Advocate, were beliiK de tained by Cambridge postal authori ties pending: a decision from Wash ington on one picture in the lsHue which they bolleved may be ruled In-, decent. The current Issue of the Advocate Is a burlesque of The Dial. The pic ture to which the postal authorities' attention Is drawn is entitled "Neo Platonlc Love," depicting an embrac ing couple. In the Lampoon Issue which was withheld from the mails the authori ties objected to the use of the Ameri can glag In acomlc cover design showing Washington crossing-the Del aware and to a picture of nude woman. Now the flag on the cover Is white, and a white space has been ruled off on the body of the woman In which the following appears under the caption: "Purls omnia pura; part of this pic ture 1s omitted in this edition in def erence to the tates asnd prejudices of ftundray nasty minded Torquemadas and dogherriCR. Art lovers may see the original of the painting by Manet excellently reproduced among the university prints which are on snle at the Fogg art museum a'nd tho Har vard Cooperative society," CLAIMS HE'S RUINED, 32,000 CASES SEIZED LONDON, April 2 The TJully Mall which rccontly told of Kir Iiroil erlck Jlarttvoll's tnluatlvcnturo in tvhlHkoy runnlllB off thn Amorlcnn fount, now wnyw ho hriR rlrculiiri7fd barred wm&mJ 1 ... Miss Cienovlove McCormlck and B cssle Calvin, two premier dancers Jn the Greenwich Village Follies, comin g to Hunt's Craterian on Monday, May 4th. his supporters to tho effect that ho lost everything in the debacle. Of the 61,000 cases In the shipment. the American authorities are declared to have seized more than 32,000. About 6000 were sold and the pro ceeds spent on vessels, coal and other tilings. Thirty-two thousand cases re main available for sale, the circular says, but it is problematic whether they can be disposed of, tho risk of seizure being great. "It Is obvious," Sir Biodorlck con tinues, "that a big loss of capital is inevitable and every contributor hasj inn right to sue mo for non-fulfill ment of my guarantee but I have lost everything, and any such action would only result In hampering my endeav ors to save something from the wreck. And I am the only person who can do so." NEED NOT GO 10 COLLEGE CLASSES NEW HAVEN, - Conn., AprJl 28.- "Wesleyan Intends to ' stop keeping books on the comings and goings of her honor students," said Dr. James Lukens McConnaughy, the new pr.esi dent of the university in an address before the New Haven Alumni associ ation of that college Jiere lout night. "In the very near future,", he said, 'all juniors and seniors who . rank above the average, will bo told that they need not attend classes except when they believe It will be the most beneficial thing for them to do. It Is ridiculous to treat men of proven ability and maturity as though they aro children." "I believe the day Is not far distant when certain students will be told if they can find better references In the libraries of New York City to go there and study for a week or so. After that It will Je a short step to the practice of sending men to Europe for independent study of modern lan guages. Nightshirt llcturniiig. Says Paris ; PARIS, April 'Jf, Nightshirts for men ore replacing pajamas, say the arbiters of fashion in Paris. They base their assertion upon tho . fact that more nightshirts have been sold during the past winter than at any time since the voguo of pajamas be came worldwide. American Fire Prevention Week. April 27 to May 3 will be observed by Scouts all over tho country in va rious ways, in Modford window dis plays, talks In schools, and special fire preventibn meetings will be featured. On May 8, 9, 10. twenty picked Scouts will be lead on an exploring hike by Mr. Lee P. Hrown. Many new trails will lie followed and an adven ture of real interest is promised. Last Saturday Scouts from all troops gave the judges in the bicycle meet a real job In selecting the neatest ap pearing Scout. Honors were awarded to Morse Williams, gold medal as first prize; Extell Phlpps, silver medal as second prize; Lewis Cate, bronze med al ,as third prize. Any one of tho throe were entitled to highest honors. Troop 7. of tho First I!aptint church, hold a reorganization meeting Satur day night in their troop room. They expect to have some very fine meet ings in tho future. Troop 7, of tho Catholic church, will meet on Friday evening at 7:15, under the leadership of Scoutmaster Charles Henslcnmn and Assistant Scoutmaster Ruddy Slngler. ' They are planning to have a fire prevention dis play in one of th store windows on Main street, this week. Scouts will bo happy to know that hondqunrters has a supply of merit badges and merit badge pamphlets. If there are enough Scouts ready to attend court of honor, one will be ar ranged before the regular date of May 28. .lie prcparod. L .Good lubrication is the cheapest motor insurance you can buy. Heat Resisting Shell Motor Oil is IDE1P SHELL COMPANY OK CALIFORNIA LUB E NIMBLE RIGAIION Buy Here With Confidence Drive the car you select five days. If at the end of that time you are not entirely satisfied with it, bring the car back and we will gladly allow you every dollar you have paid on it to apply on the purchase o'f any other car in stock. PATTON'S USED CAR MARKET Telephone 150 Radio Programs for Tonight KFI, Los Angeles, 468.5 meters, 8 to 9, Program presonted by the Ios An goles Kxaminer. J) to 9:30. California Ladles String Quartet with Leontine DeAhna, contralto. 9:30 to 10, a re cital of Grove Lindsay, baritone, and assisting artists. 10 to 11, Packard 1 lu Had Hour, featuring: the Sunshine band. Hilly Mall, Polly Grant Hall, Tho Ashley Sisters, and Bud Jamison. KHJ, Los Angeles, 405.2 meters. 8 to 10, Program presented through the courtesy of the Master Carpet Clean ers' and Contractors' association. KXX, Hollywood. 837 meters, 8 to 9, Elite Catering Co., courtesy pro gram. 9 to 10, Independent Furniture Manufacturing Co., 10 to 12 (Movie night), Hotel Ambassador Abe Ly man's Cocoanut Grove orchestra. KFW1I, Hollywood, 252 meters. 9 to 10. Program presented by the courtesy of the JJarnes Music company of Los Angeles. 1 0 to 11, Warner Bros. Mo tion Picture Studio hour. 11 to 1, Montmartre Cafe Dance music. KFOX, Long Beach, 232.4 meters. 8 to 9, the Vross-Telegram program, presenting Ludwlg Georgo Kadlng's advanced pupils In violin and piano. 0- to 1 1, The Virginia Hotol Ballroom orchestra. " . KPO, San Francisco, 428.8 meters, 8 to 9, Program undor tho auspices of the Ilium-Hue tor Paint Co. 9 to 10, Program by the San Rafael Thursday Musical club, io to 1 1, Johnny Buick's Tumphiams of Cabirla Cafe. KGO, Oakland, 361 meters, 8. Con cert. Aahmes Temple Shrine Band. Oakland, Calif., Herman Trutner, Jr., bandmaster: Arthur H. Anderson, manager. 10 to 1, Dance music pro gram by Henry Halstead's orchestra and soloists, hotel St. Francis, San Frnnoisrn. W R H E B n . " Sent By His Own Doctor 1 nffmd drwulfuuV with Pilet for 10 6 r unui an operation teamed oacmMry. ut mr physician raquaatad thai I ftrat trr Dr. Chaa. J. Daan'a non-cursical traat Want, and today I am wall and basilar." If you, too, are suffering with Piles or other Rectal or Colon dUorders, you must sooner or later stop experiroenting with your health, and be cured as I have cured thousands of cases, many of the most severe and of as long standing as 40 years. My nonsurgi cal treatment tsou A KAN TEED to cure your Piles, or your fee will be refunded. Sead today for ut FREE. i U I intra tad book. DEAN. M.D..Inr Iglrr.' cr atti r nrrirrc -SVan Bmirlli.a Sh.. BIIh4 S?.!,.AF,r,'r! ST1., S..9, f'.iK PUKrLAND n 61 Ln I . The Sanitary Automatic tt The "Other Trap 6 01 cn cn cn Cn cn rr ' i i i ' r n raaani thtmHKHJ EE Prepared? Are You Warm Weather Will Soon Be Here Have You a Refrigerator in Your Home? Five Dollars Is all you need to pay to have one now balance on easy terms See Them in Our Window WEEKS & ORR An Installment House With a Reputation $5 - $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 Salvation Healing R EVIVA L Mrs. J. M. Robison, Evangelist Interdenominational. Where, 128 East Main, Starting April 29th. Running indefinitely. Everybody come. Baptiser King Increase Your Income by Investing in 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock INVESTMENT FEATURES A Our 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock (a) 1b Cumulative, Non-Assessable; . , (b) Is Preferred both as to assets and earnings; (c) bears as high a rate of Interest as good business justifies; (d) Is a senior security to an equal amount of common atock paid for In cash; t , (e) Is In a corporation managed hy, local business men of known ability and Integrity; (f) is exempt from normal Federal Income Tax; (g) Is a desirable investment because the assets of this corpora tion are invested ln adequately secured notes and contracts. PARTIAL PAYMENTS ACCEPTED We will be glad to take your subscription and permit you to make installment payments, allowing you 8 per cent interest on all payments made. Commercial Discount Corporation Harry H. Rosenberg, Pres. W. W. Walker, Secy. $100,000.00 Capital First National Bank Bldg. Phone 939 John R. Tomlin, Vice-Pres. David H. Rosenberg, Treas. cn to cn to cn to Cn to cn to cn to cn to cn to cn