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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1925)
I ' H o Oo o . I J : o o o o o o o oo . . . ... 0 o" PArj!JtT o o MEDFORD' MATL TBTTXR MEPFORT). OREfiCO1 FRIDAY. APRTL ?ft.1f)27 " " . " L. tho morr,mk7the Inmrovo-I Q ifth.h J'hlpp I returned ffm ' trip to PortJkTSMZZZZWWW -News of Jackson County BECOMING GREAT .VEGETABLE CENTER WILLOW SPRINGS. .April S. fiarclenlhg 18 Binc on a pace In "In thin . district. At the Bonney ranch they have in three acres of beets,, an acre of onriy nweei corn and this week they set iv.uiw onu bage plants. Fields brothers are now planting a lnrge acreaBe to early potatoes and will hcRln sot tins tomatoes by Iho llith t this nionth. W. K. I'arkor Is cuttinK four 60 to 100 pounds of aspara gus' a day and finds a ready sale for It. Miss Lclhla Cascbecr, student at Hie Central Point hlRh school, was -practice' , teacher at tho Willow Hpi'lnus school on Wednesday. VI.ant week's notes were not in tended as a cross-word puzzle hut why not ho up to date even with country newB Items? Ji The toacherB have been engaged for the coming year at tho Willow Springs school. Miss Maho! Monro will retain her position as teacher of the higher grades and Miss Syl via Oreonleaf will have chargo of the lower grades. ' Hugh Porter made n huslnca trip to Klamath Fails last Thursday eve v nlng returning on Friday. . Palnes Harris is III with a severe cold and confined to his bed. . Mrs. Bam Anderson who has been In poor health for Bomo time. Is (lightly better but not yet oblo to be up. ,;.,Mr, and Mrs. Mnson aro visiting for a few days with their daughter. Mrs. Householder, near Jacksonville y.'Mr.f and Mra. Hugh Porter wero dinner guests of friends in Grants faas Sunday evening . TOURIST SUFFERS BROKEN LEG IN I itI fmPtlTi runs .wu A I Tfl A PPinLM I ,Mr- w 1,1 '"ay ere bu AUIU AbUutB I rrr ment. All of thene Improvements mean clean Htreets, alleys and yurds, which to visitors or honieneekers, who would make desirable eitizeriH, is a strong inducement. To the tourist, a neat, clean town Is impressive for he will always choose to make hia sup ply purchascH In the town where .ev erything Is "spic and span." SoVlnn't overlook your yard and alley next week. J'laee the debris in a container whic h will make it convenient for the drayman to load. Me will call early Saturday morning. April 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Finis Mayfield and I business call CENTRAL POINT. April 'J. A tourist from California was the vic tim of an accident .h?oh occurred here late Wednesday evening. This party, A San Francisco man whose name was not ascertained, stopped his east entrance to the school yard, to remove a punctured tire. As tho high way is narrow at this particular place, he was unable to park the car clear of the paving, and was working on the rear tire which stooud on tho edge of the paving. Mr. Karl Jleall, driving a Dodge car, happened to be return ing home from Medford just then and failing to notice the gentleman ut work on the car, ran into him, break- y of the UrlcK church met la the home of Mrs. A. T. Jathrop this afternoon. Mrs. It. M. Kent and family drove to Rogue River Wednesday to visit with Mrs. Kent's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. (. Pur key pile. The latter recently moved from Myrtle Creek to Rogue River where Mr.- Pur key pile is the Southern Pacific agent. Mr. and Mrs. Merrick of Medford and their daughter, Mrs. Coffield, of Oregon City, were callers at the I,. L. Hatfield home Sunday afternoon. Mr. Robert Holmes spent the week end here with his mother, Mrs. J. it. Holmes. A millinery demonstration was held hy MImh Ada Rrewster at the home of Miss Marian Hamrick last Monday. Among those from Central Point who attended the speaking and dinner at the first unnual Pear Dny of the .0 lOiIph Phlpps antomined by Betty Hansen, Eth; Oelyn Scott, Lola Ilesselgrave China o Vocal Duet, "Christo Me Salvador" (ieraldine Fox, yynette Uoswell Frano-- Vucal Solo Mrs. Atkinson Alaska Reading, "The Ice Crea in Cone Denier"...... Harold Head Pan torn tne, "An Eskimo Grief Maxine Musty, Jack Lees, Leonard t'opinger Hawaii Ukelele Duet Richer Sisters Pop Corn Itooth Song, "Uubbles." High school stunts Kiddle Car Race Hoxing Match ISupo, the Strong Man Areoplone and Motor Cycle Race Turtle Race Clothes Hanging Contest (married men only) Jazz ITounds. The trip proved the most pleasant educutlonal journey many have ever taken, anil for the school, it was a most profitable one. for the net profit was approximately $lfi0. which is to be appropriated for school equipment. The P. T. A. wishes to thank each and every one who bo kindly assisted in making the evening a success. (ni? ihn toiirlHt'H lei Dr. Ileckman was called, who rushed the stranger Growers' Kxchango held at the Hotel CORE THROAT GargU with worm Bait water ' then apply' over throat V VAPO RUD Qgmr ir Million Jan Ummd Ytmrlr DYERS HATTERS GLEANERS FLEATERI Phone 244 . ?3 N. Fir Ut. to the Sacred Heart hospital, whero the injured man's name was not di vulged. j Mrs. Kduma Lewis and two children or I'ortiand are visiting Mrs. iewis grandmother, Mrs. Mattle Parker. Air. Tom Herrlott was in town Wed nesday on business and Incidentally met a number of his old boyhood schoolmates, among whom are Floyd Ross and Kenneth Reebe. The Central Point P. T. A. will nlve an Easter Egg roll at the home of Mrs. Charles Edward Rolds on Saturday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Their guests will be the pupils of the grammar and primary grades. Several hundred feet of hedge and flower gardens will serve as hiding places for the eggs and there will be games, prizes and refreshments for the children. Par ents and teachers are kindly Invited to assist. Mr. C. S. Sanderson suffered a slight stroke of paralysis last Satur day but is again able to be in his of fice. Mrs. Swaggert of Portland is visiting with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Ileckman. Mrs. Eva Slsty left on this morn ing's stage for Eugene, where sho will visit for a week with her brother, Will Lewis, and family. Central Point 'a annual "clean up" day falls on Saturday. April 18th, this year. Tho city officials are anxious that every street and alley bo niado the object of a "clean sweep" and urge that every resident don his or her worst bib and tucker for an hour jor so during the next week and see what a large collection of tin cans, paper, sticks and other deiiris can be made. If your yard Ih well supplied with an assortment of these unsightly articles, then, the larger your enllee- Medford last Saturday were V. II Norcloss and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hen bo. A most enjoyable evening was spent by some five hundred people, Friday In the Central Point gym where they accepted tho Invitation of the local Parent-Teachers' association to take "A Trip Around the World.'" The main part of the gym was lined on either side and end with artistically decorated booths to represent various nations, each booth selling some food common to Its country, while, the stuge, resplendent In its shrubs nnd red, white and bluo, represented "An American Garden," with tables to ac commodate those who had purchased a cafeteria dinner. Various other attractions were the pop corn booth. Cotton Top and Son's country store, Mike the organ grinder and his monkey, and "Madame How canehe." the famous palmist. The cen tor of attraction was the ring where the fol owing program was presented, each number having been given an appropriate Introduction by the speller, Rodger Smith: England Stunt: "The Prince of Wales." Piano Solo Miss Parsons Irish Jigg ; Eunice Musty Italy Italian Reading Ray Henderson Italian Dance Ha Lacy, Margaret Collins Snake Dance Myrtle Jennings Mexico Vocal Solo, "marchotta"..Dolph Phlpps Spa nls h Dance Frances Parker A f lira Plantation Sit it Jubilco Corkers Plantation Melodies.. ..Jubilee Corkers Holland' Dutch Dnnce Rose Stancllff Sung. "Where anil O Where1 Hatches From the Fish Hatchery The many cutthrout fish in the ponds at the Irish Hatchery nro at tracting much attention -from pas sers by. Tummy Weeks and Ralph Bunlap have returned from their trip to northern points. M r. L. M. Phillips and sons have EYES OF SCIENCE Only a few much-favored eyes of men of science have been privileged to look upon vitamins, yet everybody must have these nutrition factors in abundance to assure growth and sustain strength. Scott's Emulsion for fifty years has earned world-wide repute as abuilder of strength. It is the much favored food-tonic that sup plies vitamins in abundance. Scott's taken regularly helps grown people and children alike realize strength and vigor. ' tcott & Domic, Dlooinficld, N. J, ftom their trip to I'ort iand. Miss Violet came with them. Norman Welfc visited Casey's Tuesday evening. Q a Fern Cordon at home during the close of school at Prospect. - Mr. A. B. Shepherd will take charge of the Rogue Elk hotel In a short time. The community wel comes him heartily. We are also vefy much pleased that Mr.- Mc Donald will remain in our 'midst. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson recently visited their son Keva at Copco, California. Mr. Spratt Wells and son Norman spent Monday in Medford. Miss Franks, the local - teacher, spent the week end at Trail. Mr. Frank Riebe, Sr. and son Frank nnd Clarence Corthell have moved to Hilt, California, Eugene Riebe will stay the rest of the school year. Mr. W. T. Nelson spent Monday In Medford. Mrs. A. A. Hollenbeak and son Lester left recently for Stayton, Ore gon. Miss Irene Franks of Table Rock reports the roads in very good con dition, i Mr. Oeorge Croft was a business visitor In Medford recently, Mr. Ryan visited his ranch the lat ter part of the week. Mr. CJeo. Weeks has been shear ing Mr. Trains goats. Ralph Dunlap has been overhaul ing Mrs. Anderson's Chevrolet car. Old papers for kindling fire at this nff1. tf The First Baptitt Church Presents to the Community is tieett ttuleei). Two Great Easter Services 11:00 A. M. "The Easter Message," with Special Music. 7:30 P. M. The Large Chorus Choir Will Render the Cantata. "From Sepulcher to the Throne" It will be the big day of the year. If 4 J : '' .; . . jzjzziizrrz zzr" t11"!- zziirnziznzr: Increase Your Income by Investing in 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock INVESTMENT FEATURE8 Our & Cumulative Preferred Stock (a) Is Cumulative. Non-ABsessable; (b) la Preferred both as to assets and earnings; (c) bears as high a rate of Interest as good business justifies; (d) is a senior security to an equal amount of common stock paid for in cash; (e) is in a corporation managed by local business men of known ability and integrity; (f) is exempt from normal Federal Income Tax; (g) Is a desirable investment because the assets of this corpora, tion are invested in adequately secured notes and contracts. PARTIAL PAYMENTS ACCEPTED We will be glad to take your subscription and permit you to make installment payments, allowing you 8 per cent interest on all payments made. Commercial Discount Corporation Harry H. Eosenberg, Pres. W. W. Walker, Seoy. $100,000.00 Capital John B. Tomlin, Vice-Pres. David H. Rosenberg, Treas. ' iiiiiiiilMMIlM llllllllllllliiffi 4Ak The meaning of Kiister and its message of joy, the revival of hope and the T buoyant renewal of our V aspirations, eome to an old and tired world and per- Y va(h? our lives even as the springtime floods and fills ' tho meadows .wilh her i everlasting miracle. EASTER GREETINGS PROM THE CHURCHES OF MEDFORD "The Lord Is Risen Indeed" Luke 24:34 Easter is more than a church festival. It is the assurance that .life i3 worth living and that love can never lose its own. We stand today not at the brink of a tomb, but on the -threshhold of. this eternal life and of this love immortal. MAIN STREET METHODIST CHURCH SOUTH ' ' Comer Main and Oakdale ( TWO. INSPIRING EASTER SERVICES Some Splendid Music 11:00 A. M. Baptism and Reception of Members. I X l l l .1 u ' 1 X tzia q. 1 BP ' FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH EXTENDS CORDIAL INVITATION TO EASTER SERVICES Sunrise Prayer Meeting conducted by the Christian Endeavor.' 9:45 A. M. Bible School 100 on time. . . V'Jg' 11:00 A, M. and 8:00 P. M. Preaching by the pastor on appropriate and helpful themes. Splendid music for all services. . Reception of new members and Baptismal Services. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TO'GREiT SEtfVICSS '?!:) A. M.' n 7:."0 P. M. "i. LI!II G HOPi" n GRAND CONCERT DOUBLE QUARTET o o O FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Comer West Main and Laurel In the name of Christ, our risen Lord, we greet you this Easter Time, and give you a most cordial invitation to attend all our services the coming Sabbath. J WILLARD DeYOE, Pastor. Truly He Is Risen The fact 9' the Resurrection is not a bit of ancient history; It Is. more than any other event, verifiable In the present. Just as e cannot sepanito our Lord's life from those in whom He lived Wim the Apostle to the latest convert In His church so we may not sunder tho Resurrection from the lives of those In whom its reality has been vlndlcatedanrl demonstrated In millions of cases. Our Lord conies to us hi niiOrlsi isen presence so oft as allow HEAR THE EASTER MESSAGE at ti;e PHOENIX CHURCH G3 Special rlusie for this occasion. The cMldrcn will take an important part in the program. Ill Him to make Himself uliMmcst, &