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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1925)
0 o 0 o y 0 p DREFJGBlC - ' T t TO CO OUT WITH The Markets i . Livestock " PORTLAND, Ore.. Mnrc hl2. Cat-,.-..tle su-ady; receipts 020, v - Hogs Offered at J14.00iffl4.2D with no bids. None sold early. Receipts 100. Rest llBht butchers offered at $t4.00i?'14.25..wlth no. bids. Henvy-i I weight (260 to 300 lbs.) medium. Rood and choice l2,50iifl4.00; medium ,- weight -(200 to 300 lbs.) medium, good and choice J13.00ifP14.25: light weight (1110 to 200 lbs.) common, medium, ' good and choice J14. 00014. 25; llKht lights .130 to 1C0 Ibr.) common, me dium, good. and choice,; - packing; hogs, smooth J12. 00fif.12.50: packing hogs, rough. Sll.OOG'.OO; slaughter pips (130 lbs. down) me dlum. good and choice $12. OOfi 13.60; . feeder and Blocker pigs (70 to 130 lbs.) common, medium, good . and choice $10.00011,00. (Soft or oily hogs nnd roasting pigs - excluded In above quotations.) Sheep nominally steady: receipts , 800. - ; Keg PORTLAND. .Ore. March 12. Rggs steady to one cent..bighei: current re ceipts 27c; pullets 24i4W25c: firsts 2cii527c; henneries 2SV4i2ac do llvered Portland. ..... Bnttor ronTLAN'D, Ore., March 12. But ter steady. Extra cubes, city 45c: ptandard" 44c; prime firsts 41,.c: firsts 38 c: undc-rgrndes nominal'; prints 47c: cartons 48c. . ' . BuRorfat -steady. Kest ..churning cream 4!ii?46c net shinpers' track in zone one; 4"o delivered Portland. . -,-. , . ,- Poultry ... PORTLAND, Ore., March' 12 P.oultrv. steady. ' Heavy hens 21'322c: light 18W19c; springs 2211723c; old roosters 10c:-ducks, white. Pekin 2fic: live.turkeys 23c; dressed turkeys 331? 30c;: geese l(Jc -' Potatoes rpnTI.AXD, Ore., March 12. ro tdioes steady Jl. G0 1. 00. , . Onions steady J2.50fr2,7S. , - r . Portlantl Wheat PORTLAND, Ore.. Mar. 1 2 Wheat bids: Soft white, weiitern white, hard winter, northern spring J.1.78; west ern red $1.75. . ' . Today's car receipts Wheat 10; barley 3; flour 5; oats 3; hay I. . Kan Fraiiflsco Markets 1 RAN FRANCIHCO, Mar. 12. (V. R. Bureau: of Agricultural ICco'nomlcs.) Kgtfs firm; extras 30 ljc; undersized pullets 28c. Rutterfat f.o.h.. San Francisco 50c. . Poultry unchanged. . FOR I1KNT HOC8EKUI3PlNa ROOMS FOR. RKNT Furnished - lng rooms, 234 E. 0th. housekeep 303 FOR RKNT Furnished housekeeping . rooms, Adults. 325 E. Jackson street. Phone 211. 301 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, steam heated. 607 S. Cen tral, Phone 574. tf Auction Sale SCOTT'S SECOND (HAND STORE , Compelled to Move " Ih'erything to be sold with out reserve. This is a gen ulile Auction Sale. The best chance to get your require ments in every, line. ,. . .. Date will be announced later. Sole will be held-at 29-31 South Front St. 'r : E. o. brAdle? Auctioneer . CASH PAID For Second-Hand Furniture and Stoves W. A. KINNEY Furniture House 3i5.E. Main, . 5hone 505 00 QG - 9 MEDFORDQfim TRIBTTNl, VI? FATHER - c ick- VOO NEVER. WAUT TO CO wi-i-lj ONE THAJ 1"3 'oTVLIH . H li HELP WANTED MALE I WANTED Young man on ranch who understands orchard work and trac - tor.. John H. Carkln.. . tf WANTED A bus boy In the dining room. Apply in person Hotel Med ford. . , WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work by capable woman cook and housekeeper. Will go to country. Phone 437-W. 300 WANTED Any kind of team work, gravel or dirt hauling, plowing. C. F. Nichols, Kenwood ave. Phone 459-M. 303 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To rent small furnished house. P.ox 25, Mall Tribune. 301 WANTED To sell equity In furni ture cheap, or will trade for old Ford.- House will be to rent if fur niture Is sold. 038 N. C'ontral. -3u0 WANTED 777 lawnmowers to sharp en and adjust. Phone 261-Jt -We call for and deliver. liberty Repair Bhop.. tf WANTED Coyotte skulls, F, W. Bart Icl Taxidermist. 300 WANTED Fresh eggs, 24c per doz. cash. Johnson Products Co., 241 N. Fir street. Phone 97. tf WANTED Wagon tank, 350 to 400 galloifr suitable for hauling smudge oil. -J Eads Transfer. Phone 315. "If WANTED Cash paid for false teeth, dental gold,, platinum nnd discard ed Jewelry. Hoke Smelting and Re fining Go. Otsego. Mich. 304 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping room, bath ad joining. Close in. Phone- 4158-X. .. i . , . ...i. 303 FOR RENT . Clean, comfortable sleeping rooms. Close In. 204 So. Central. 301 FOR RENT Nico sleeping rooms, bath. Men. -245 N. Grape. - .. 303 FOR RENT Furnished rooms and apartments and garage. 004 W. 10th. tf FOR RENT Room ror men; hath, heat. Oarage. 009 K. Main. 286tf" FOR RENT Sleeping room, front en trance, with bath and phone privi leges. 305 E. Jackson, near Armory. Phone 381-M. tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Two-room furnished housekeeping apartment, . with or without garage: adults only. 325 So. Riverside, phono 701-J. If FOR RENT Partly furnished 3 room and bath, apartment garage. Ground floor. Adults. 240 So. Riv erside. 301 FOR RENT Modern furnished apartment.' Phone 292-R. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Nice bright apartment. Electric range, sleeping porch, etc. 018 So. Oakdale. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 452-H. tf FOIi RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 5-room house. Garage. Phone 351 -F. 301 FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house. 019 So. Central. Call 435 N. llartlott. 300 FOR RENT Furnished 5-room cot- FOR RENT Good house, furniture for sale. Brown & White. Phono 130. 303 FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Close In. No children, 203 Vj N. Holly street. 300 FOR RENT $32. furnished bunga low, fine condition. Adults. Phone : 585-J, 300 FOR RENT Furnished 5 room bun galow. Inquire at Berrydalo Store. 300 FOR RENT Houses, Brown St White. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Bonnie store. Post office may go with store ny applying im mediately. For particulars inquire at 343 Apple St., Medford, Oregon. .... 302 FOR RENT Storage room. Call 301 307-It. FOR RENT Otflce. Apply Eads 302 Transfer Co. - FOR RENT Slightly used piano, Noel Ersklne. rnone izs-w. iss For Real Economy get PROTECTED TIRES, BOYCE-ITEJJ GA FREE service - and ' nrcn pressue greasing lit the Armory Service Station WELL l'L.1 C-rLL OFF HELP WANTiiii FEMALE WANTED Woman to clean house. 625 S. Riverside. 301 WANTED Girl for . office work, must understand bookkeeping and typewriting. Address K. H., enre Mail Tribune. 301 WANTED Competent, mnid for gen- l housework, Mrs. It. J. Henry. -Phone 18-F-4. - tf LOST Vnnltv purse, phone 729-W. please 302 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE California income properly, for acreage close to school , and on good road with free -deeded water right, or will consider city properly, in Rogue River vnlley. Give full particulars in first letter. Address owner. Central Point, Ore gon. P. O. P.ox 371. 303 INCOME 100 bearing English wal , nuts, house; pears on 10 acres Just outside Ashland, for Medford resi dence. Equity J2500. Iaura Coun- ter. 135 Nutley, Ashland 301 FOR TRADE 100 acre . ranch on Redwood highway, 20 acres in cul tivation, 50 acres fenced, two barns, 0 room house, other outbuildings. In dividual water right. For residence property in Medford. Tel. 1033. 300 for sali nouns . FOR SALE Ni;w bungalow, just completed. ' Electric range and wnterMieutpr, garage, full plumbing; good locntlon. Priced at only $2800. Reasonable cash payment and bal ance as rent over ton years. Phono ; A. C. Uevan. 17-R. 301 ' FOn SALIC Rv owner, new modern 4-room plastered home. Cement foundation, , large new gaiage, ca meat driveway, located on paved street, closo In. This house Is com- , pletely furnished with all new fur- nif.:re. Terms. Phone 030-R. 302 ' FOR SALE By owner, house of 5 rooms ana nam, partially furnished, j tol Medford, hluegrnss lawn, fruit trees, wood shed. All assessments niil l-i full. Address J. '. R care Mail Tribune. - tf ''OR SALE 7-room house, two blocks from postofflce, $2800. Phone be tween work hours. 522-R. 301 HOI ao: MAPLE ftPTftr-IW .i nil r r I NEW SUBDIVISION NEW COUNTY ROAD ; ' Two acres only J50.00 cash, balance $10.00 n month. At.' end of Jackson street, Just outside city limits. Twenty tracts to choose from. Two-acre tracts, J400.00 to JliOO.00. You only need $50.00 cash. Nothing better in small tracts will be ofrered. Partly In alfalfa now. Good garden and berry land; irrigated. j Phone 784-L or 409 J. C. BARNES, Real Estate ' 6 So. Central , We Solicit Your j REAL ESTATE BUSINESS In All Its Branches SALES :: RENTALS :: LOANS :: IN8URANCE Choice East, Sklo building lots, pavement, sewer; water p'ahl up in full, Price $000.00, to close up an estate. . i ! BROWN & WHITE AGENCY. Inci 12 East Main St 1 paooooooooocxocxxooooooocx)oooooo Real Estate Bargains Afnrlfarn A.mntn ia1I k,,lt. i . c, "unit sn urepiaco ann ount-in futures: lot 50x2JO, garden, shade trees,' garage, etc. Prico $2660.00. Terms, $o00.00 cash, balance monthly. i 15 acre goo Irrigated land near Talent. Price $70.00 per ncre, payable easy terms. , t Five acres good land near Medford, with some hearing pears, apples and jVaclms. iTice .i()0.00; terms If desired. ; Klght room all modern beoullful home, well located In Medfonl, on two large lots, with. lawn, shade nnd oiitbullillngs;.'ill assestments - paid. Price $SV0.00; terms granted. EARL S. TUfflY ! . REAL ESTATE IN8URANCE Liberty Building . 9 m Phone 402 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOd&OOOOOOCOOOOOOCXOC900CKXX3 O O. Mjijo OftKWS. r "TO bTW PHONE THE o POTHER, DO IT THAnM BE. WITH Ufa . I J1925 BY Creat TAKEN lP TAKEN i'P Bay horse, weight about 1100. Dave Lynch. Trail, Ore. 300 MISCELLANEOUS AUTO OWNERS! Having severed my connection with the Riverside Gar age. I am now prepared to do ex pert repairing on all kinds of cars at my home ut 1116 W. llth street. All work guaranteed, prices reasonable. Yours for a square deal. C. T. Gen zel. 803 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR HALE 11122 Ford sedan, or will trade for vacant lot. Phono 800. 303 FOR SALE Dodge bug, good rubber, lots of speed, $100. 11125 license. 123 So. Front, 301. FOR SALE ton Samson truck, A-l condition, priced light. Phone 341-lt-O. , 303 FOR SALE Fordson tractor, plows , and double discs; bargnln. Dolph Plilppa. Philips Orchard. 303 FOR SALE Ford touring car, cheap; for cash or trade. ' Phone 1058. 301 FOR SALE: A real snap, 1922 Ford touring In A-l shape. See Ray at Scott 2nd Hand Store, 45 S. Front street. - 300 FOR SALE $700 Rlllrk, 11122. Mllo , age 12000. License; bumpers, spot, spare. 718 W. Main. tf FOR SALEr-Buiok 0. 4 passenger coupe. Brand new Duco paint job. License fori 192T.; 0 good tiros. Can be seen at Dnn's Lunch room. tf WANTED , To Buy for Cash All Your Second Hand Furniture MORDOFF ft WOOLF :oi II o I o n V TO GET THIS BUSINE38 OPPORTUNITY t Fine General Store doing JG0 to $125 a day, all cash business; postotflce and gas station. Modern homo apart ments lit connection. Good location in Rogue River Valley. Small Invest ment. Will consider trade for city property. . ' . , . IT 16 WORTH CONSIDERING ' FOUR-8ITE REALTY AGENCY . Medford Building Medford, Oregon OE30 PARK ...1.1. at , . , ,,. . -. !. O" nLTfrflSAY, &Aft6TT 13. 1933 PArTR -SfiVEN1 " ." "o George McManua g HOME. ISjUT , , INT'L l-EATURP OERVIt.1., inw Britain rights reserved. FOR SALE POULTRI AND EGGS FOR SALE pullets, vllle. 2 dozen White Leghorn F. L. TouVelle, Jackson 302 FOR SALE Matching eggs, O. A. C. ilarred Rocks. 423 King st. Phone 632-N. 303 FOR SALE 250 chick Standard elec tric brooder. Phone 058-X. 300 FOR SALE Blue flame brooder, 300 .. chick size;, used one season. Tent ' 12x10, 10 07... used one season. 50 . egg incubator. G... G. Bobbins, 1'. (). address. Gold Hill. Residence. Rock Point. 303 FOR SALE ,At a bargain, Standard electric incubator. 1:. I. Red batch ing eggs and hens. Phone 1058. 321 FOR SALE eggs for -O. A. C. hatching. Unrred Rock Phono 20I-.I. tf FOR SALE KKAL ESTATE FOR SALE 050 pear trees. 12 years old. few npples; also 5 acres good li-nll and berry land, thirty milt's to Boston, ideal pear and residence section wllh town water, electricity, two minutes to 7 . stores, garage, church, etc. Good pear man could innnagn adjoining orchard. Price JTlloo. Marry Barker, Middleton, Alass. ... 300 FOR SALE Building lots. 60x126, north of city. $225 ten dollars a mouth wilt buy one of these, and tweniy dollars of water certificates go with each Int. Ask about this, it's worth it. Phone 17-R. Ask for A. l Bevan. 301' FOR SALE OR TRADE Havo sev eral ranches at bargain prices or will consider trading for Medford property or Ashland property. What have you to offer. Write or phone Clarence Pierce, Medford. 302 KOU HAIJ; 10 acre tract, 3 miles out, $'10(), Phono fil7-L. 303 'OH HAl.C 120 noroH. Stork, tools nntl everyrhiiijr kwh. Clautlo K. Moore,- Trail, Oro, 3u2 FOFl- KAUC 4 acres with K"t fni jirovement.H: urnixhiMl houxe. k1 hurn, garuKO. and chicken house; row, hulfer, 40 chiekt-ns and car. Owner. John ClaUlol, H. 1, Bouth went. JioK 0. One mile outside city limits. 310 FOR SALE 1 acres best land in . ;he valley.. , ties', accommodations. Just outside the city. Phone HS3-R-3. If FOR SALE Several farms, good val ues, easy terms, low Interest. O. C. Hoggs, Atty for State Land Board. . tf FOR SALE 20 acres suitable for vegetable or chickens or. genornl farming. All fences woven wire. Terms. Call 215 West Jackson st. 301 FOR SALIC Half acre alfalfa, mile west of Phoenix, (lood well. elec. small house. ' A bargain. R. O. Mender. 300 FOR SALE Improved vncant lot OOx 140 ft. on paved street, all assess ments paid. Phone 224-L. . 3110 FOR SALE A real bargain. 40 acres free soli. 1 5 acres in pears. G roonv house; close in. Terms. See Bllbb & Mays. Call 590-L or "72. 316 FOR SALE 10 acre tract i miles from Medford business center. Free soil, all can be cultivated. Very sightly building spot. Price $1050. Terms. Phono 5J.7-L or 105. tf SACRIFICE SALE 10,000 acros as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $5 per acre up, 5 and 10 year's tlmo. Ranches for rent and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com pany, owner. IE N. Grape St. tf FOR SA LE LIVESTOCK . FOR SALE Fresh cow. Joe, Moore, 'I mile north Crater Luke Jllghwuy. 306 FOR SALE 14 hend of work horses, 1300 to 1G UO lbs. Young, sound and well broken. Also 10 M-t of harness nnd two wagons. If. V. Mitchell, 1165 East Main st., Ashland. 309 FOR SALE Fresh cow. One mllo 8. W. Phoenix Depot. Evenings after 8. D. E. Walker: 301 FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, soon fresh. See Snow at Patton's used car lot. 300 FOR SALE 3-yenr-old Durhnm bull; pigs. Also fresh Guernsey, cow. Phone R-13-X. 3uo FOR SALE Two beautiful fresh cows; cun't be beat. M. Walsh, on South Peach stret, just outside city limits. . t( FOR HALE 16 red shoats. 1 brood sow and 10-pigs ready to wean, H. E. Courtis, Table Hock. 300 INSURANCE . Insure in the Best Companies FIRE AUTOMOBILE PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT HEALTH LIABILITY CARL Y. TENGWALD Insurance That Insure . ' Hotel Holland Building -, Phone 093 . A I II I m n E7 t W HOOfrgS,;: 71 I HI i Eft hit r. ,-.K3F-. rS K V tS&L l ift 4 fin Mr " f 'WELLM'h ClA& VOU ; MM 1 OlDtS'T CO WITH THE. ! " nn.iir Wvk ta him to a FOR SALE MlSCKLlANEOUS BUSINESS DIRECTORY . FOB SALE Wonder range. Good - condition. Phone 351-14. 301 Attorneys -. FOR SALE 0-lld range. $35. Good REAM ES RUAMES Lawyers, ot- condltlon. 015 s. Central. 303 flee In Liberty Building. FOR SALE lied oats, beardless bar-I . ' - . ley, alfalfas., clovers and grasses. ... Abstractors Get our prices. Monarch Seed Ci. ' -'- ,,. MURRAY BROS, ft O R E E N E . Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and 6 FOR SALE Mumogerm, the surest No. 32 North Contral Ave., upstalra. inoculalor for ulfal.v.. clovers, beans. ' pears, vetches, llumogerm is not 9 MfL.ttt ' ...-.... a Jelly, corls less. Is easier to ap- lTftirll JACKSON COUNU ply. Monarch Seed Co. tf ZJn2RSl$ja ABSTRACT CO. . JffTSV$fllv34 ' Abstracts of Title FOR SALE Perrenlal plants. ...Mich- SJQrSJfa Insurance, aelmas daisies, perrenlal asters, hoi- svHTflr : rI'he ouly ' complete toinla. Sluista daisies. Iris, phlox,, tw Title System Ul 10c each. Geiiriido naak, Eagle TS". ... Jackson County. Point. ' 301 . ' lrnn ein, TT"I i 7. T A. ' E. ' KELLOGG Abstractor of Kill SALE Poison barley. Monarch T1e, iJotu mil, Oregon. Reliable " " Jackson County Abstractor. Over FOR SALE-150 gallon wagon tank. .ex,pSrnJ?w '.?. '".J Only J3l). Modern Plumbing -a"IyJ-!lnu'"' e'J-i lq " " Sheet Metal Co. 301 " ' 1 ," Chiropractic Physicians FOR SALE Grafting wax. Monarch 1 - Seed Co. f DR. J1ARVKY 1'. COLEMAN (,'hlro- . prcotlo and Electro-Therapy. 427- 1'OR SALE Apples and apple wood. 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 966. tf '. A. Learned. Phone 4U8-K-3. 302 - w, 0 . DR. A. R. 1IHDQRS Nco-Eclectlo rOR SALE Baled alfalfa. 2S-P.-1, Physician. DR, LOUISE E. If HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro- Ffitt sail- F,i,.eii,i,. r,,.,o praetor. Mcchitno-Therapy, Spon- ?ev" prl,.,.'k,;Vv1e,",a- K'"nk ""Slfi Mama's": Phlnes: O ?ice le. hsonvllle, 300 17(). j08 170.J-2... Ft$2 tZi en e"lab wool!' ' W. HOFFMAN -rChlropractlo i:BQ. ..oad. 4 Loall "allo'ut".!! ? 6rVB203 Too'Librtv Bl'U,8n12'' gCo. 1"""'t y""'-"e'r- T"mf Jtne'V8t"tyhLIel'1l?-270'"C' FOH HAL.K Cirajie vines. About . DentlHts 4000 Tokay untl seven or eiKlit other ' - - - -, Ull vnrlclit.u Will cheun, id tl 11 u y hew, Ta le n t, O re. 303 VOH HALK Heeond hand Waterloo Hoy 12-2Tt truetnr, $350.' Hue W'm. liohnert. Central Point, or Jluhhanl Hro Medford, Ore. 302 FOR RAIJ2 llelivel Hepnrator No. 12; John Devro 14 inch ulky plow; mower nnd ndce. J. J, Pellett, Tal ent. 301 FOR 8AL.K At a hurRaln. Standard electric incubator. It. 1. Red hutch IngH ettxa. Phono 10GS. 321 'CLOSING OUT Bargains! Bargains! juirgains: vve are forced out of bus iness. Only 30 days to get out. Ev ery article, new and second hand, must go. regardless of price. Come in and get what you need. Scott 2nd Hand Store, 45 S. Front SI. 300 FOR SALE 6 hundred 2 year con cord tfrupes, fine condition. To movo quickly will sell at reduced prlco 12MiC. E. C. Welch, 228 So. Holly. Phone 612-R. .. tf FOR SALE Everbearing strawberry plants, 25 Park Place. J. S. Wolfe. 303 FOR SALE Smith's dry pine wood Is best, $3 a tier delivered. Phono Med- , ;ord 1103, Central Point 3S-X-2. 307 FOR SALE Fence posts, northern red collar. Phone 7F-M. 300 FOR SALE Seed potatoes of early varieties. Reasonable Prices. John son Produce Co. - tf FOR RALE Fancy netted gem pota toes from Klamath Falls at reason able prices. Those who havo used Klamath Fulls potatoes will tell you there are nono bettor. Johnson Produce Compnny. 241 N. Fir street. Phone 97. 25Dtf FOR SALE- OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs- and records half price. 15 N. Orape. tf FOR BALE New 9x11; seamless Mas land rug. Never used. DeVoe's tore. tf BUSINESS DlftntrrORY nulldliig and Roofing STANDARD ROOFINO AND BUILD : ERS SUPPLY CO. Build UP Roof- log, Ashland Granite Top. 15 years . guarantee. Best grade of roof pa--per cement Pressed brick, plain and faced wall blocks, foundation ce ment blocks, fire place brick, all colors. All material Clnss A; Port land Beaver -Cement for sale. As phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tel ephone 738-X, Used Cars That You Can Use Lowest prices in the valley on reconditioned Fords. SPECIAL . Foi'Pl Truck and Hotly. Just Overhauled $185.00 C E, Gates Auto Co. OR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phono 609. Res. 776, Office hours 9 k in. II p. in. Evunlng and Sunday by -appulmmeiit. .... t 1 DR. It. E. MURPHY Dentistry. Denml X-Ray. Phone 77, offlcj Second floor Medford Bldg. - ICipert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. li. M. Wll son. C ,1. A. Attention given t anything in accounting nnd Income Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Lib- eity.Hldg.. Modfonl. 1'lione 1G7-K, Furniture )'' ' REPAIRING OF ALL KLSDH ot fur niture, work done at your home or nt our shop. A. N. TblebaulL. Tel. 1HI9-R. . i - . . Insurance 1 EARL S. TUMV All foi'jna of lnsur anom Fire, Auto, Life, Accident, Bonds, Phone 402. ,209 Liberty .. Klutt- ' ", Money to Loan J. ,B.. ANDREWS BuyB and - sell mortgages and loans money on good security, 31 N. Grape St. l'bonr ,63-M. . 246 Funeral Director ' PERL FUNERAL HOME Cor. Sixth and Oakdalo. Ambulance service. Phono 47, ' . MonmueiitH - THE OREGON ORANITB CO. Monuments. E. A. Illcks, Manager. , P. M. Kershaw, Seles Manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Medrord. '- ' '' -' -if OHtcoiuilll DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians 416-418 Liberty Bid. Phono 004-J-I. Resilience 26 South Liiurel St.' Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Piano nnd Harmony.. Studio ill Liberty Bldg., Phone ji. Printers ami Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon., Rook blading, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices 27 N. Fir St. Ftrnnsler EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 22 North Front St. ; Phono . 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER A STORAGE OO. Anything moved, day or night Service guaranteed, i 29 8. Grape. Phone 644, or residence 1060, - Upholstering . J. WE1S Upholstery,' Manufacturer ut uvursiuueu xurnuure. f ull lino of materials. Draperies made to order. Wo do all kinds of uphol stering. Wo deliver and will call end show samples. ' Phono . 101 Jacksonville, .Ore. ' VF.TKKINARY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL, j-ir. ri. c. Mcculloch. Graduate Veterlnnrlnn. Office consultations free. Corner Grape and Fifth. Med ford, Ore. Phone li) Day or night. Window Cleaning GEO. A. 6EELY Window cleanln. floor waxing, Janitor servloo, build ings, eto. Have taken over A. M. Rhodes' work. Lot Qsorn do It. :