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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1924)
PAGE TTTO MTDFORD MATL TRIBrNHR. .MEnFORI). CtTlFf'iC . SATURDAY. FORT'ARY 1". V24 Tf flPfl ff Tiff TT J r rPlfSfM ft I Up to the time of goir.c to pre, thi afternoon no f;r had occurred " " neither had the fire department re-J ceived a silent call to a flue fire, or other minor bUze. during the past 1 4 days- This is regarded a almost a record for such a s-tuauoa with the ' fire department, j Dance Saturday nit at Apple gate j hall, Applegate, Oregon. 2 J Bin? cherry trees, the best ever, j Eden Valley Nursery, phone 6-J-2. 1 j Fred L. Heath and Lew Jones ar- rived home last nipht from is. I where they attended charier meet- I Inr of the Rotary organization there. They made- the trip by auto. Dance. Easle Point. Sat. eight. MO See Samuel Bate man or phone J12-J tor the best rarden loan. Born, to l!r. and Mr. I A. Robert son of Prospect, this morning, an 8 hi lb. girl, at the Purucker Maternity home. Mrs. Robertson was formerly Etta Grieve of this city. The time: 7:10 Kunday evening February JTtb. The place: Presby terian church. The object: Our chil dren. HQ Rhubarb and asparagiis roots. Eden alley Nursery, phone 0-J-2. tf Owing to the Farm Conference be ing held In the library on Monday, February lfcth, the Greater Medford club will hold their meeting in the Hotel Holland parlors. A full mem bership is desired slm the president. Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar will speak at this time. Dance. Applegate hall Saturday nits Feb. 14th. 2 SO Unity literature teaches people how to be well, prosperous and efficient. Free distribution. 104 South Ivy. tf Nell Mayhm of Fort Wayne. Ind.. and H. 8. Waters and G. C. Kronen berg of Chicago are among the busi ness) visitors In tho city from the east. Safety first for every child, Support the Parent-Teachers association. ! toundersDay. and Franquette walnut trees. Eden alley Nursery, phon. S80-J-J. H. I Bromley, district manaicer for the California Oregon Power com pany for almost a year, will take up hi. duties tomorrow as assistant sec retary for the company, with offices ln Medford. For the past two weeks he has been commuting from Med ford to get J. E. Kerr, the new man ager, started on his Job, The people of the city are sorry to see Mr. Bromley leare the local office which he has conducted with unusual effic iency. He has taken an active part in the boosUr.jf" of O rants Pass and has been an active member of the Cavemen and the chamber of com merce. Grants Pass Courier. Call 191-L. Medford Beauty Shop, Marcelling Hhampoos Manicure Facial and Scalp treatments. 2S2 For Bale Well rotted fertilizer for lawns or garden, delivered, phone 7-K-4. - ' There was quite a change In the weather over night bringing a much cooler temperature with a minimum of 27. S this morning, the lowest for a week past. It was cloudy today and rain is the prediction fur Hunclay. Dance Saturday nite at Applegate hall, Applegate, Oregon. 2S0 Overstuffed davenport, 9-0 long, denim cover, flood shape, little used. ISO. J. Wei. Upholsterer. 2K9 H. O. Krohbach. secretary of the chamber of commerce and K, M. Walker, vice president of the First National bank drove to Kogue Hlver today to attend the poultry show be Ing held there todfty. Waterman's inks are full strong colors. Medford Hook Store. 210 For estimates on fixing lawns phone 912-J. Kamuel Dateman. Charges of violating the Mann white slave act were filed In federal court Wednesday against four per sons held In Jail at Medford and two arrested by Portland police. Deputy United States Marshal Morelock will leave Medford today to bring Demo trius Zantos, Marie Zagrtx. John Mills and Helen Wallntt to Portland for heatings before United Suites Com missioner Krarer on charges of violat ing the Mann act preferred ngalnst Zantos and Mills. Uecause of the aggravated circumstances surround ing the rase of Dan Veneau, bail was set at IJ000 on a federal change of violation of the Mann act and Fran ces La Vaughn, material witness and alleged victim of Veneau. was held under I106O bail, at the request of Assistant United States attorney liynon. Portland Journal. The board of directors School Dis trict No. , Central Point. Oregon, will receive, until March 1st, 1924. bids on 110 tier t ft., and 70 tier 14 inch body fir wood to be delivered and tiered at Central Point School House before Sept. 1st, 1924. Board of Directors reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or all bids. 280 Hemstitching will make your home made dress or lingerie look like pro fessional work. Bring your work to the Deuel Art Dept. for new Ideas q Note the Flavor It's the Milk Fluhrer's Milk Bread At Any Grocer Amons Ch forcer. fco are porary visitor m Meiford are Ja-cfc JoraJemor. C- K. Rr. C. D. Pow- and Sam SobtL Morris Phtipa. H Onffin, Wm. S. VcIU and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Porter of San Francisco, i You can ret it at DeVoe'a. tf i nritA Uure! wood ; 4 5f r Lnewi!1 Wood Co.. 41 North F;r street. 24 Bn Moller haa returned from a ' . p.,;...:. .,w ., kth of e ln standard Incuhator now in operation in the window of the Medford Furn. 4k Hdwe. Co. 20 Kenneth Robinson of the Atlas Insurance company was In Medford today attending to business with the McCurdy DaneU company. Packard pianos sold at Palmer Piano Place. 2&4 Dance, App'egate hall, Saturday cite. Feb. 14th. 2&P Flowering shrubs, vines and orna mentals. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone &fr-J-2. tf Murray Masxey arrived In town to day from a trip to Ridding, and other California points. Be mice Morehouse Bolger. teacher of violin. Four years study ln Chi cago with European artists, and pupil of Franz Esser of Berlin. Phone 417-R 2sy New shipment cotton crepe, all colors, 23c yd. Jap Art Store. " Cars for rent without driver. Elwood Auto Shop. S. Central. W3JI a d on6i one of tjM featureiI of whuh' thw .... r.t . nMiei which was the sale of a plentiful supply of dressed chickens, the most of which came from the Applegate section, and a choice lot of spare ribs. Of course there was the usual supply of other fresh and smoked meats., seasonable vegetables and the like. f Dance with pleasure, which means beauty and wonderful music, at the Oriental gardens tonight. 2 80 I get mine at Brown's. 284 Get soft paper school tablets at this office. tf A clever number of the Medford Hi Times, the high school paper, was Issued yesterday. Fuller brushes efficient servants. Tel. 825-R. 2S4 John Holmer is embarking In the poultry business. He expects an ex- In the Standard Incubator now oper Lu , wlndow of the Medford Fur A Co 2S0. Eddie EdJund of the University of Oregon, was in Medford last night to referee the Medford hijjh-U. of O. frenhman game. Who pays the agent, you or the other fellow? Eden Valley Nursery Phone 6&0-J-2. tf Dance, Eagle Point. Sat. night. 290 Phonographs. See Launspach. Elmer Spencer, of Blyth Whitter and company, who has been In town for the last few days on a business visit, is leaving this evening for Port land. 1 Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber Yard. ;ani for rent without driver. Elwood Auto Shop. S. Central. A group of Knights of Pythias drove to Ashland last night to aid in conferring the first and second ranks j on a number of candidates in pre- pantuun tu iiihuiuuhk a v. ui r. iuue in that city. Among the men who ; went were W. H. Gaylord, E. E. Gore. James Htewart. Earl Webber and Aubrey G. Smith. i Music that compares with the best! orchestras of our largest cities. Dance at the Oriental gardens tonight. 20 Mah Jonga sets $2.50 to $30. Ex ceptionally good buys in large sets. Meilford Book Store. 2S0 Miss Frances Kinney arrived home yesterday after a five weeks visit in southern California with her sister, Mrs. Walter Kentner. Why use a treadle machine when we will rent you a new White Electric for 93.00 per month. White Sewing Machine Co., 24 N. Bartlett. Dance at the Oriental gardens to night, 280 Included among visitors ln Medford from Washington state are Jessie M White. K. T. He her and W. C. Myers of Seattle; Clay Sparks of Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. Morton H. Morrison of Spokane. Brown fixes your shoes while you wait. 2S4a Kruit, shade and nut bearing trees. Edon Valley Nursery, phone t60-J-2. if- According to Chief of Police Mc Nabb, who was In Medford and Jack sonville yesterday, considerable lar ceny la going on in Medford, Yester day morning entrance to one store had been gained thru a sky light tho tho person causing the disturbance was routed before he had time to get any valuables. Automobile accessor ies are the cynosure of much vandal ism. The crime wave does not appear to have struck Ashland with the same force. Ashland Tidings. Try our wet wash on your next wash day. 15 pounds for 75c Tou can't do It at home for this amount. Medford Domestic laundry. Personal Domestic Service, Phone 16. tf There's a reason! Ask those who dance with us. The Oriental gardens tonight. 2S0 Mrs. J. C. Pendleton and Captain and Mrs. S. M. Tuttle wer Medford visitors from Table Rock Friday. Hy popular vote, the best dance music In southern Oregon. Metro pole Jazz orchestra, Jackson Hot Springs &&L nite. Ask your friends. 2s0 Trade at home and bank the diffr- ence. Eden Valley Nursery, phone Uso-j-2. a The D. A. R. are planning a cos (tuine luncheon at the home of Mrs. Louis lIrlh for Washington's birth day next Thursday. Mrs. Holt is In charge of the committee on arrange ments. lirown cuta down hlph shoes to oxfords. 2M Shine Parlor for ladies and gents. Fanry colored shoes a specialty. Dmwn's, 14 N. Front. 2 91 ! 3 h. p. Novo gasoline encine. uwd ' two summers, 5. Jap Art Store. 24 I The Knseburg htch school girls team and the V. of O. frenhman team which participated In gams here last night nt the Armory were guests at ! the Hotel Medford during their stay ! in the city. 1 Dancing with beauty and rrthm make life worth while. The Oriental Hardens tonight. 20 I Lottie Howard has Just returned i from San Francisco where she has been attending the spring milliner' , openings and fash ton show. She also j purchased large line of must up-to- d.ite n.UUnery. 280 1 Urnw n :u:irmtc his rhoe repalr- !.. 2S4V Mrs. Jack. Stewart wis surpr-jd with a luncheon at her home on Wi Tenth street today by a number of ladies, today being her birthday. Now is the time to overhaul that tractor and spray rig. For expert re pair work call Lee Elam. phone 10?. 23 Selling out new phonographs and records all kinds half price. Gold Ray Realty Co. Open evenings. Phonorraphs! See Launspach. Mrs. Wade DeRycke has returned from a week's stay in Portland in the interest of her sewing school. Anyone needing help in making or remodeling garments for themselves, family or friends call l&S-R and join one of the classes now forming. Indi vidual instruction is given by appoint ment as usual. 2S1 Mr. -and Mrs. E. M- Williams and Harry E. Walihe of The Dalles and Mrs. Mary L. Ferguson. Beulah Baker and Mrs. W. West of Rose burg are visitors in the city. Other out of town Oregoniarts here are H. W. Johnson of Corvallis. R. J. Zivney of Oregon City. W. H. Zivney of Oswego, and the fol lowing from Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Gray. Miss A. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore, Mr. and Mrs- L. Lowry W. A. Gravel I e. J. IL Dunn, Robert Harkness, Glenn D. Miller. L. M Johnson, F. H. Hopkins, L. G. Rogers and J. K. Robertson. We fix any oid thing. Liberty Repair Shop. Try our dry wash 7c per lb., mini mum "5c. All flat pieces ironed. American Laundry, phone 8-73. tf On account of the death of one of our club members, there will be no dance at the Riverside Community club this Aturday night. . 280 Netted Gem spuds. $1.75 per 100 lbs., delivered any place in Medford. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir. phone 87. Last Thursday forenoon a delega tion of tho ladies of the D. A. R- chap ter drove to Jacksonville to witness the admitting to citizenship of four out of six candidates who presented themselves before Judge Thomas for it. Mrs. E. A. Moore, regent of the chapter, presented each new citizen with an American flag. Our only business is Insurance, but we cover every known kind of risk. It. A. Holmes, "The Insurance Man." tf Big dance Sat. nite, Jackson Hot Springs Sat, nite. 20 Hemstitching, buttons covered at the Handicraft Shop. tf Now is the time to overhaul that tractor and spray rig. For expert re pair work call Lee Elam, phone 1068. 23 A Spokane motorist rushed Into the sheriffs office yesterday after noon, with the statement that he had located the DeAutremont brothers. wanted for the Siskiyou bandit hold- up." says the Grants Pass Courier.: 'The sheriff, who has had severed dozen clews In the past was not great ly excited but followed the tip offered by the motorist. A car with a Call-! fornia license was found to be the one which the motorist said the bandits were driving. The driver was queried and it was found that the occupant;)1 were Just in from Sacramento and expected to make this their home. The tourist's dreams of a huge reward rapidly faded." See Brown for your first class shoe repairing. 284 Dance. Eagle Point. Sat. night. 2S0 : Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and , repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and Bartlett. tf Metropole Jazz orchestra, Jackson Hot Springs, Sat. nite. 280 The D. O. K. K. band is going to Montague ln a special car this after-: noon to play for a dance being held i there this evening. They will return Sunday morning. I Fresh smelt 10c per pound. Star! Market, 2841 Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf j Try our dry wash, 7c per lb, mini mum 7 5c All flat pieces Ironed. American Laundry, phone 873. tf Mrs. George M. Roberts and chil dren have returned from Cincinnati. Ohio where she has been visiting rela tives. Mrs. Roberts father who v. as seriously ill is much improved. Columbia piaster wall board. Cal for prices, Wallace Woods Lumber Tard, I pay cash for used pianos. Herb Launspach. Phone 227. Coal briquettes. Clean and econom ical. Exclusive dealers, Hansen Coal Co. Phone 233. tf Kenneth Hodgman and family of Portland, former well known resi dents of Medford, during which Mr. Hodgman was state highway engineer for this district, arrived in the city this morning, and after a few days visit here wul continue on their trip to Reno. Nev. Columbia plaster wall board. Call for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber Tard. Linen crepe, ail colors, 98c yd. Jap Art Store. A good sized industrious boy at tending school wants a place to work evenings and Saturdays to help him get an education. Address Troy Lin denmeier, 3 Park Place, phone to 547-J. 281 Dick Resse. a lumberman of Klam ath Falls. Is visiting for a few days In Medford and Central Point. We have good values ln used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. Lf Get your magazines at DeVoe's. Before you buy that piano see Herb Launspach. He can save you money. He knows pianos and is reliable. Of fice and salesroom, 114 W. Main St. Fearing It will increase the rate of taxation, a large petition has been handed the school district of North Powder protesting against the build ing of a proposed gymnasium. Dance Sat. nite, Jackson Hot Springs. Metropole Jazz orchestra. 280 There's a busy Business College in Medford. GWN We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. The young men who sold German marks here several weeks ago at the rate of lOO.oon In marks for twenty five cents in U. S. money, whose pre war value was $2S.320. are back ln the city again selling the foreign money at the same old figure at street stands. Exchange your old piano for a new one. See Launspach, phone YZ 7. Fresh smelt 10c per pound. Star Market. 2S4 Du plica tine sate books for sale at this office. tf KnlKht's Packing Co. has machin ery on way to double their capacity for handling tomatoes and would contract for one hundred acres of tomatoes at their plant Id Medford. .PEAR GROWERS'TO E MONDAY AT I Every fmitprovcr in the Roane River valley is requested to attend the Jackson county Economic conference to be held in Medford Monday. Febru ary isth, at 1:34 p. m. at the Masoinc : hall on West Main street, adjoining the j offices cf the California Oregon Power 'company. j Here are a few of the "Pear Point V tor discission. Snail Rogue River Bartletts be sold to the canncr or sent to the fresh fruit market? In view of the tremendous acreage of pears now planted in California what steps are to be taken to guarantee the local grower a fair return for his pro duce? Shall we Join hands with the pear growers in the states of California and Washington In. a Joint campaign for advertising fresh and canned pears? Never before in the history of the Kogue River valley has there been as sembled such a wealth of figures and data on which to base intelligent con clusions, declares the committee in charge. Pear growers. It is said, will be surprised to learn how little fruit is shipped from this section, but how important these shipments are at crit ical points in the season. By all means attend this conference, the committee urges. , Doctor Shows How Menthol Aids Colds Everybody knows the disagreeable feeling of having one's head "all stop ped up" by cold or catarrh. Probably few people know that it is caused by "foam Yet that is what was shown by recent experiments to determine the action of menthol and of pepper mint, which is much like menthol in its action. These compounds have long been known to doctors and laymen as well for their beneficial effects. They en Joy a well deserved popularity for they give real relief and are known to be absolutely harmless, something that could not be said of some old time remedies which depended on opium or ipecac for results. The actual explanation of menthol's action was for a long time somewhat a mystery. Doctors knew It had no astringent action, neither did it in crease the discharge. In the course of the research it was found that the "stopped up" sensation was caused by mucus and pus, mostly in the form of foamy accretions. On making tests with foams of water and soap, blood, saliva, and similar liquids it was found that applications of men thol or peppermint quickly dissolved them. Evidently these foam-cutting agents have a similar effect in the human air passages which explains the quick relief they give. Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly is an old. well known remedy, which uses the foam dissolving action of menthol to get results ln cases of catarrh, colds, and other ailments of head, nose and throat. It is again being advertised in the Mail Tribune three times a week, and locaH druggists report that sales are showing a steady increase. E ROBERTS ILL. IS ABLE TO SIT UP PITTSBfRG, Pa. Feb. 16. Theo dore Roberts, actor, ill in a hotel here for many weeks was reported today as Id the same condition as during the last ten days. "While Mr. Roberts is sitting np a little every day, he Is not regaining his strength as rapidly as we desire," said the nurse. "There is really no change In his condition." PAY BY CHECK It's the way of big business; of small and sound business, and the best way In the world to establish a worth while rating for Individual or firm. A checking account, in the hands of a careful person, is a means of promoting financial well being and of saving. Open your account here today. Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Card of Thanks We wish to extend our thanks to the friends and neighbors who iro kindly agisted us during the sicknew and death of our dear husband and father, David Taylor. We wish to thank Rev. Bingham. and others who assisted in the com forting services; also the members of the C. A. R. and W. It. C for their kind offices and beautiful floral offer ings. MRS. LOtISA TATLOR. -MR. AND MRS. HENRY TAYLOR. MR. AND MRS. W. R. YOUNG. "Dam-. Kasle Point. Snt. nlrht. EVERT KNOW FORM OF INSURANCE AND BONDS a. A. HOLMES THE INSURANCE MAN" , phow ;. . 1 . jackson county bask build! no tJNCS 1909 THREE NEW PIPE' MfflNKLE' I ORGANS ORDERED 1 8ASKETBALLFANS ! BYHUNT GOMPANYi MAY BE INTERNED Tb m.inaf.'.nif.n I- -if ffca R inltn tfceatc r announced t: da r.tbat th-y had completed arrntieni?ms fur the in-' stallation of a 13.(0 org2D which will J be rjsfaod by fast freight just as soon as the factory can complete it. Mr. Hunt says that they have given the crean problem a lot of study and have settled on a Robert Morton Ss being the best adapted for their nse. J Miss Bruce Putnam, formerly of this city, and who has been following or gan wcrk for the last two years and has played on every make of theater pipe organs, says that the Robert Mor ton is the sweetest voiced and causes less trouble mechanically than any she has ever used. Mr. Frank Showacre from the Mor ton factory, has been in the city for several days measuring and testing the acoustics of the Rialto so as to get the proper combination of pipes and amount of volume that will be suitable. Mr. Hunt states that they are so sold on the Robert Morton that they have also ordered one for their new theatre on Central avenue and also Mr. Dun lap of the Grants Pass Amuse ment company has ordered one for the Rivoli theater in that city. These or gans will be of varied sizes and of dif ferent combinations, each being buiit for their respective houses. Final Showing Today The final showings of "Lawful Lar ceny," which opened at the Rialto theatre yesterday, will be this even ing. The story is a domestic love drama, featuring Hope Hampton, Nita Naldi. Lew Cody and Conrad Nagel.. and includes among others, Russell Griffin. Yvonne Hughes. Dolores Cos tello and Gilda Gray. Coming to Itlalio Andree Lafayette, a Puritan from Paris! She the girl with the perfect feet, brought to this country from France by Richard Walton Tully to play the lending role In his production of "Trilby." a First National attrac tion, which opens tomorrow matinee at the Hialto. 1ST AT WEEKS S ORR H. D. Force, the lightning artist who entertained southern Oregon iople here several months ago, has returned to Medford and will paint landscapes next week in the window of Weeks & Orr, is one of the best lightning land scape artists on the coast and his work has attracted wiffe attention wherever he las appeared. During Mr. Forces' last visit la Medford, the sidewalk iu front of Weeks & Oorr display window where he worked, was blocked much of the time. A cordial invitation has been extend ed to southern Oregon people to visit Weeks ft Orr and again see Mr. Force at work. His paintings will also be on sale during the week. The Screen ! . ! Organ Recital-2 Anthems Duet and Sermon - ? Wliii-h will lio different on "DOES MAN NEED RELIGION?" Sunday, 7:30 P. M. at the g..-f.,-r-:s;y::- Medford basket ball enthusiasts, srewias alarmed beranse the high J school team has lo?t a couple 01 giincs in the last few minutes of p'.ay, say that the suaiion is critical and tiist something mcst be done to prevent the rooting of a band of old men -xho, classing themselves as "Medford boost ers," ccenr-y eay seatg in the north east coret-r o tac main floor of fie tmory and cutter np tiie atrnospLfre faring close snmes by their avile yells, and otherwise anncy the cxeit;1 i-:diences by their antics. This would ' endured with patiea'-e in normal games, but the student body has invstiEEi! and has attributed to this small body of nilszuided individ uals the causi of losing cf close sames. The matter has been refer e J f. the humane society and police. It has even been hinted that they sneak into the armory by the back way, where there are no. ticket takers. This bedr of so-called Modfcrrt rooters Invariably Includes Clnn O. Taylor. C. C. Lemon. Doc. Woas Pon. the Chinese herb man. Bob Boyl, Bill Warner, Dick Sherwood, Harry Stoltz, Lelacd Jacobs and Bill Coleman. The last named is the yell leader of the bunch, whose favorite yell rendered while shamelessly standing up ln: V.'ho are we, who are we. Medford boosters, don't you see." Oh. It is pitiful, especially as they so little understand the game that in their mistaken zeal they often "rt" by mistake for the visiting team. The student body cherishes the bopw tliat hereafter during games they will be consigned to the banks of the river at Kirtland .Farm, or locked up in the city pnscn. TTnqklr, fnr Health. TOO LATE TQ CLASSIFY FCr. SALE One T.uokeye incubator. "O-ecc. and brooder. liox 25. IJrownstoro. 2S6 FPU ."ALE Houjp. t,la lot. car. all - tor rale or trade on bung-alow close in I'all I'.'-nnctt. i'; HERE TOMORROW V m mm Foot the whole v.orltl worships famous feet they patter in the studios of oil Montmartrc they dance. when her heart dances they .flash 'through' romance undying the glorious, God-given feet of ' - "TRILBY See RICHARD WALTON TTLLY'S Superb Pielurization of this immortal story, with AX DREE LAFAYETTE,' the con tinental beauty whom Richard AValton Tully brought all the way from Paris to play "Trilby." R 8 ALTO Ccntinuous Shews First Baptist Church 11:00 "CAN 1IAN MASTER ixwn&xvm room :.utleru -OOOCXXXXXWOOCOOOOOOOOOOOr YOU NEED INSURANCE CALL ONUS first Insurance Agency A. L. HILL, Manager, 30 North Central Phone 105 Medford, Ore. t ( Brawn is found guilty of doing the best of shoe re pairing. Kis work is guar anteed. 4a, JLa, Aa, j&i. Aj,aA Mt. Pitt $1.75 Marvel Loaf $1.60 MORTON MILLS Dress Making, Tailoring, Altering, Repairng, Clean ng and Pressing At the TAILORING PARLORS 22 North Bartlett Street 1 The most , famous FEET in the World tf TONIGHT LAST TIME8 "LAWFUL LARCENY" The story's tense; the acting's there Hope Hampton, Nita Naldi, Lew Cody, Conrad Nagel share tho honors. Today and Tomorrow A. M. HIS ENVIRONMENT?? M Sunday School features. FOUND GUILTY 92