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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1923)
jSTEDrORP MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFOItP, P'REfiON', "FT?TD'VY, MAY 13. Did Winter leave you with that tired feeling? i &n i WINTER'S confine ment, with its lack of pure air and sunshine, shows Its effect In Spring. To be un derweight, easily tired, listless, and have a poor appe jtlto, Indicates a weakened condl. I tlon of the blood. Nature must have i help your blood Is minus fighting ''a strength! More red-cells mean cleaner. purer, richer blood. 8. S. S. builds ,i red-blood-cells. It builds blood-power! t. That is what makes fighting blood. : Fighting blood destroys Impurities. It S S.S. m akes you fed like yourself again -tJiroiijjh US.. simple, natural, delicious food. TimEFi kifrlit-about-face on your diet ! Cut out the heavy foods that are slowing you up this spring. "Eat TRU ULU Grahams at every meal, and between meals. . You'll soon- feel the difference. Your old-time pep will return. You'll feel alert, youthful, energetic. Made of the TRUE Graham flour, TRU-BLU Gra hams are rich in vigor-building vitamines, in mineral salts and tlicy contain sufficient bran to stimulate elimina tion. Order today from your grocer. TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO. Factories at Spokane and Portland. Branch' at Great FaUs. Makers of Bluo Blbbon Soda Wafers, Tru-Blu Euglish Style Biscuits and Krause's Oandios. pne 1922 Dodge Brothers Touring, well equipped ne 1921 Ford Coupe ., ne 1919 Ford Roadster. ne 1 1-2 Ton Maxwell Truck, ne 1920 Maxwell Touring Car. We think prices are right. Geo. L. Treichler Motor Company GIM CHUNG China Herb Store Thtfl ltt Bertlf-v tJrnt Olm Chun of A Medford, Ore., has cured me ot goitre fna lomacn irouoie, m. i. jeonara, iuv j t., uranta Faaa. I This Is to certify that Olm Chun it nf Wedford, Ore., has cured me ot rupture f four years' standing. F, O. Iatiain IIS 8 St., Grants Pass, Ore. uearora, Oregon, Jan. 13, lfliv. This is to ertlfv that T- th mirier. feigned, had very severe stomach trouble Mid bad been bothered for several years lad last August wan not expected to live, ana neanng 01 uim unung t,wnose Herb store la at 214 South Front street, Medford), I decided to get herbs for my Itbmach trouble, and I started to feeling better as soon as I used them and today fcm a wel1 man and can heartily recom mend anyone afflicted as I was to see 91m Chung and try his Herb. iHigneaj w. . juiinsun. Witnesses: Wxn. Lewis, Eagle Point W. L. Chlldreth. Earle Point. as. a. Anaerson, ieaiora. 8. B. Holmes, Eagle Point. 0. B. Moore, Eagle Point. 1. V. Molntyre, Eagle Point. Geo. Von der Hell en. Eagle Point. Thorn, B. Nlfthnla. IQaarin Point . pry Cleaning will make your clothes look like new. "We are not satisfied unless you are.'V City Cleaning and Dyeing Co. 624 N. Riverside Phone 474 WITH MEDFOBD TRADE fights bolls. It fights skin eruptions! It always wins! It builds norvapow er, thinking power. It builds up run down, tired men and women, beauti fies' complexions, and makes the flesh firmer. Stronger and more useful nerves depend on blood-power. S. S. S. will give you that greater endurance, energy and strength! Mn. Lizzie Fclraet. Crowell, Texas, writes: " was in a run-down condition bad lost lorty lour pounds in weight. Also suffered trom pimp mod black heads. Afy druggist recommended S.S.S. It made me a new woman. I think S.S.S. to bo the best medicine on earth." Try It yourself. S. S. S. la sold at all good drug stores. The large size Is more economical. Get a bottle today! Your Pep A Handicraft SALE Pillow Tops stamp ed for embroidery. Worth up io $1.50. Your choice, 60c One iDay Only Sat. May 19 The Handicraft Shop Yes, our bread is clean nnd sweet and pure and whole some and palatable and oC the proper consistency. Our pastry is a consistent food also. In fact all of the baked foods thai; , leavo this estab lishment have been builded. for the purpose of pleasing you. Butter-Roll Bread At Your Grocer's "Pure and Wholesome" IS MEDFORD MADE. 4 OF CHICAGO, May IS. (Dy Associntotl Press). Ono mnn was killed and num erous passengers thrown from their berths when two Rock Island passen ger trains collided heud on at Seidell, Kns at 4:42 a. m. today, according to word received by road officials hero. J. D. Ruberson of Phllllpsburg, Kas. fireman on one of tho trains, was the person killed, according to reports. The collision occurred when passen ger train number six, west bound from Kansas City, stopped under orders at Salden and passenger train No. 30, eastbound, with orders to pass the other train at Solden, ran past a switch in a heavy fog and crashed Into the waiting westbound train. Num ber 39 had left Colorado Springs at 0:15 p. m. yesterday and number six loff Kansas City nt six p. m. When .the collision occurred the eastbound train was traveling only at a speed of about eight miles an hour, the fog being too dense for the engi neer to locate tho station. News Summary of Last Night PARIS The situation between Turkey and Greece, due to thoir fail ure to settle tho reparations plan, Is so serious that tho success of the Near Kast conference at Lausanne Is doubtful, dispatches said. PARIS Military occupation ot Germany is not necessary to the se curity of France, but is an operation dosigncd to coerce Germany into paying reparations, Premier Poin- caro said. The Noted Dead LOS ANGELES, May IS Arthur Letts, vice president of the National Council Boy Scouts of America, owner of the Broadway department store and recognized ns one of America's lead ing merchants, died here early today after a short Illness. Ho was 61 years old. Mr. Letts recently suffered a ner vous breakdown, which physicians said was brought about by overwork. His condition became worse and last Sunday he developed double pneumo nia, which It was said, caused his death. v He Is survived by a widow, a son and two married daughters, all of whom live in Los Angeles. Mr. Letts came to Los Angeles in 1S98 from Seattle, where he had been thrown out of employment when the store in which he worked was destroy ed by fire. Livestock PORTLAND, Ore, May 18. Cat tle weak; , receipts 169 (161 through) . Hogs steady; receipts 245.. Sheep steady; receipts. 387. l'nrtlnml Whpnt. PORTLAND, Ore., May 18. Wheat, hard white, bluestem Daart $ 1.32 ; soft white $1.23; western white $1.24; hard winter, western red $1.17; northern spring $1.16. Todny's car receipts Wheat 23; flour 3; corn. 1; oats 2; hay 4. EBB PORTLAND, Ore., May 18. Eggs unsettled. Select 2027c; firsts 23 26c; pullets 21c. Buying prices, mixed colors 2122c; henneries 24c; pullets 19c Ilu'Mcr PORTLAND, Ore., May 18. But ter firm,. Extra cubes 3839c; undergrades 37V438c; prints 42c; cartons 43c; dairy buying price nom inal; butterfat f. o. b. Portland 41c. Poultry PORTLAND, Ore., May 18. Poul try weak. Live heavy hens 2223c; light hens 19H20c; ducks 25c; 1923 broilers 2533c; buying prices 5 per cent less. Potatoes PORTLAND, Ore., May 18. Pota toes slow. Locals 7585c; Yakima 90c$1.25 cwt; buying prices 60 65c cwt. Now potatoes 78c per lb. Buying prices 5per cent less. Snn Frnnclsoo Market. RAN KltANClHCO, May 18. But terfat unchanged. HAN FRANCISCO, Mny 18. (State Division of Markets) Broil ers 24S38e: fryers 38ai42o: young roosters 43G0e; hens 1831c. Ctilrna-o Wheat. CHICAGO, May 18. Wheat, no sales. Corn, No. 3 mixed, 93 83 He No. 2 yellow 86ff87a Oats, No. 2 white 450 46c; No. 3 white 447 46o. Rye, No. 2, 7914 c Barley, 70 (ft 73c. Timothy seed $5.50 6.25. Clover need $12tfil7. Pork nominal. Lard $10.50. Ribs $9.50. With Medford trade la Medford made LssEBaaaJl Tango hangout Late La Mome, Paris Impor tation, Does the Trick As dancing becomes more of a vogue, unpretentious dance halls be come elaborate ball rooms and the simple two-step is superseded by the picturesque tango. (' Maybelle West, step stylist and chief dancing instructress at Rose land, New York's 'largest ball room, thinks the modern version of the tango is about to change flapper dancing and incidentally, to influ ence flapper dress and manners. Tango langour, she maintains-, docs not go with short skirts and bobbtd hair. Finished movements and Better mileage, greater economy, more power and speed! What bet ter companions could you take cn your summer tour? SHELL COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA SHES A GOOD COFFEE MAIMER- that's what ,i 'y&Sf m 1 " '""" . of every ff4f Vx woman who rrfW'y Serves yj&?f " 9 COLD15N irfft Supersedes Fox Trot Pep j graceful flowing garments are, on the other baud, its natural accom paniments. New Vogue 1.a Mome Tango", written by Finile Holoire, musical director of tiie Folics Bcrgcre, Paris, is one of iht? new numbers to which Miss West points as typical of the recent vogue for leisurely and ceremonious dancing. The tango will, she thinks, do more to .temper flapperism with feminism than the combined energy of all America's irate parents. "'La Mome Tango' has the added advMitage of a step simplicity which has been lacking in other tangos," she adds. Enos Says Money Cant Buy Anything Better Declares Tanlac Quickly Ended Long Standing Stomach Trouble. Weak ness and Dizziness. Ee Is Feeling Fine Now. "Spenkini? from my own ovporl onct', 1 don't think nionoy run luy n lu'ttor mrtlU'ino than Tanlac. It huH simply meant Kootf health to mo luul 1 ran recommend it to anyone,' Is thu churuoter.Htie statement of J. J. Knot, 65 Jackson street, Sun Francisco. Mr. Knos wuh for many years in tho hotel IjUH.neHs here, hut is now retired, and is well-known and respected by a Jare rirrlu of friends. "I-'or over n year heforo I took the Tanlac treatment I suffered with in digestion and constipation, nnd sot so run-down and worn out that I was just dead on my feet, so to speak. My food disnKrecd with me, never seemed to tlo mo a particle of good, nnd tho gas bloated me up nfter eat in I? until it was nhmit all T could ICS Empresses mMm 1 1 1 mm" u Four giant "Empresses" larpest, ntwest, iaatest and finest steamships on the rjcinc VJcan maintain a lormihtly nxpresa service trom Vancouver, B. (J., to the Orient and make the Quickest Time Across the Pacific Get the imlirulaiu from W. II. liinrHn. On. A trt. Vgr. Ik'pt Canadian Pacific Railway, Third Striet, l'ortlunj. Ore. It Spans The World There's a satisfaction in knowing that the bread you feed the children is made of rie most wholesome ingredients. ; PEERLESS BAKERY BUTTER-NUT BREAD Is made only of the finest grain flour and in a mod ern, sanitary bakery by experienced and careful bakers. " Ask your grocer for a loaf TcSMJDFORNm OREGW? POWER COMPANY TOUR. PARTNERS IN PROGRESS All nutslandlng Victory NoIcb will bo called on May 20 nnd will draw no Intoront from that day. Holders of tills security should Invest their money In some other safo entorprlBo. $ ' i - We suRKost that you enquire Into tho merits of The California Oregon Tower Compnny's 7 Preferred Cap ital Stock now soiling at $98 a share to yield 7.14. Victory Notes will bo accoptod tor their full cash value. ' - Shares may be purchased for cash or undor our Spe cial Suvliik's plan of $3 per share per month. ASK ANY MEMBER OF OUR ORGANIZATION . The California Oregon Power Company Medford, (imnU Puxg and Klnmnth Falls, Orrgon Yrrkn and Dunsmulr, California stand. I had to bo taking something ; all tho ttimo for the constipation, too, and I suffered from dizziness so bad I had spells that nearly floored me, I would get up in the morning bo tired out it was all I could do to draff myself around, and I felt sluggish and listless ull day long. '; "1 got onto tho Tanlac treatment; hy reading statements In the pupors . and some of them described by pa do t to n t." I took six bottles, nnd it mado me feel like a man made over, Indigestion and constipation ,novor trouble nie any more, and tho dlzai ness and the miserable feoling I used to hnvo after eating have long sinc& disappeared. ( 1 "I've got back the strength and vigor I formerly enjoyed, get plenty of restful sleep, and that tired, run down sluggish feeling is a thing of I he past. Seeing what a world, of good Tanlac did me, I feel I have good reasons to endorse it, and will always recommend it as the best tonic in the world." Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottloH sold. n of the Pacific To the Holders , of Victory Bonds Maturing May 20 ! t