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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1923)
MEDFORD MAITJ TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREOO WEDNESDAY. MAY, ifi, 1023 E v v SHORTER ROUTE IGRFAT RRITAIN s ' : r T I I vni ii in I l in flavor, body dud strength are tolly met in IVii O F3 GOFFEE satisfies the widely varying tastes ol those who demand good coffee b TREE TEA also satisfies. M'J-BRANDENSTEIitf & CO TO CRATER LIE IS PORTLAND, Ore.. May 16. A now survey for the Willamette highway which will evoutually brine Prater Lake 150 miles nearer td Portland. has Just been completed, according to an- uuuncoment of the United States bu reau of public roads. The route mnknn drive around Summit and Crescent lanes anu loads into a fine hunting and fishinir COimt TV It rim a asm-iou the Cascades from Eugono to Cres cent The new survev nnvnrn tha so. 7 n.nA section between Crescent and Lowell. Lowell is 21 miles from Eugene. The first seven miles out of Eugene in cludes tile Pacific lllirhwnv ntul 1 paved. The next 14 miles from Gosh en to Lowoll, is being graded and sur faced by the state. On the west side ot the mountains the survey follows the south side ef the middle fork of the Willamette river as far as rink Pin in -- avoid the Natron cut-off. From Onk itiuge to the summit, the survey ex tends nlong the north side. The maximum trradn U fivo n i una 1110 greatest curvature is 2G de grees l'or outside and Kit .in, .,. f.,. insiuo curves. FOR SOVIET WAR LONDON, May 111. The trnvnrn. ment's announcement tliat Groat Hrl taln had deciiiod to nvinmi it,n i, limit of the ultimatum to Hussiu pend ing discussions between lmi -,,,,., and Leonid Krassln. over tlio contro versed points rolloved the parliamen tary situation last nlRht to the extent that the opposition did not demand a vote at the end of tho discussion. Kcplying to the nr t no... soy MncDonald. leader of tho .,,i tion, that the Russian nolo oftorcd n means to a settlement through peace ful discussions, the government spokesman said Grant llrlt,,i ,.,. inougnt ot making her griovancos a-l casus D01I1. Klin on V nnnoht .. .,.,.. antee the proper obsorvanco of tho commercial agreement between tho two countries. OBITUARY, Glean Up ON THE BUGS We stock sprays and dusts', of .ill kinds with which you can effectively combat pests that dctetroy your flowers, fruits ' and vegetables. . A SPRAY FOR EVERY BUG Monarch Seed Co. Phone 260-523 317 E. Main Nico-Dust Kills Mildew. ' BOTTOMS Jas. A. away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robt. E. Cook at Gold Hill early Tuesday niorninir. months, 10 days. Ha was hnrn In Kentucky in 1848. ot age he moved with his parents to Missouri, where he grew to manhood. ana was united in marriage. With his family, he came west in 1892 and settled in California. Mr. Bottoms had made his home with his aaughter at intervals for years, but his lost visit to Gold Hill was tor only two months. He leaves two sons and ono P n nt toms, Etna Mills, Cal.; and R. L. of uuKiana, (Jal.; and Mrs. Cook of Gold mil. J'Tineral services in charge" of H. w. Concer will lie hold nt ni Point cemetery at 10 a, m. Friday, cv. u. j. iiowo officiating. GRIFFIS Marv Griffin, 'Wn I1 14, 1929, passed away at her home in Gold Hill at 8 a. m. Tuesday at tho ripe oii ago or 94 years, threo months, pno day. Mrs Griffis was born in Wales and when a young girl, sailed to the United States in a Bail boat, ueing one month onroutn. sho ronidad for a short time in Iowa, and from there moved to Utah where she was united ip marriage to John D! Griffis. From Utah fJTey moved to California where they resided for 20 years, thence to Gold Hill where sho was a continuous resident for the past 41 years. She leaves besides many warm menus, inroe sons and two daughters J. H. Griffis Ot Portland, fl II nf Cavina, Cal., Mrs. E. R. Can! well. Fort niamatn, ore., T. M. Griffis and Mr3 Geo. H. Patrick nf Gold Hill Funeral services will be held at hock Fomt cemoterv at m a m Thursday, Rev. E. P. Lawrence offic iating. Interment in Rock Point ceme tery. II. W. Conger, funeral dlroctor in cnarge. LILLIAN BISHOP The Womon Who Knows If KNOWS ALL-SEES ALL-TELLS ALL in Sorrow or Trouble Consult Lillian Bishop World's Greatest Mas ter of all Mental Mys teries. She reads your life like an open book. Now at Apt. 2, over Mail Tribune office, Medford. Assisted by PROP. LESTER CARPENTKIl N.mCV T.nnn Clrnn. bangh was born near Warfardsburg Penn., Sept. 14, 1S50. Marriod May lo, I&67 to John WohIpv njirnpntni- io mis union were born eight chil dren, three of -whom mirvivo Mn Luella Gale, Medford, Ore.. Mrs. Arlev Chalfant, Story, Wyo., Mrs. DoEtte Hurd. West Lobannn. New Ham Mrs. Carpenter passed away at her nome, nun West Eleventh street, Medford. at 8:2 n m Mu 1K Hh loaves besides the daughters, her litis band, John Carpenter, and 22 grand children and two ureal crnmlnhlldrnn' also one brother and one sister who rOHtdA In the nnnt Rlin wna a mnmliAi- or tlio rrcsbytorlan church from early womannoou, ana was arrilalted with the local church hero. Sho was also t member nf thn Wnmpn'a Poiinf rirn. Sho will be greatly missed In her home aS a rlP.Vnilt. Wllrt find mnlltnl- nn,l n sincere frlond in the community. May God bloss and he with the mourning ones. Funeral aarvlcpn will hn hnld nt the Conger chapel Thursday, May 17, at 3 p. m., Rev. E. P. Lawrence offici ating. Interment in I. O. F. cemtory. " Portland 'Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., May 16. Wheat, hard whlto, bluestcm, haarl l-33; soft white, western white M.24; western rod $1.18: northern spring $1.17; hard winter $1.16. Today's car receipts Wheat 43; flour 3: corn 1; oats 4; hay 6. We Carry HAYES SPRAYERS 1 1-2 horse power to 8 horse power Most gallon pounds for your dollar i I Williams Implement Service 28 S. Bartlett Medford Medford Iron Works Our Specialty Medford Quartz Mill Mining and Sawmill Machinery. General Foundry and Machine . Work. 1155 X. Centra! St. Pays Big Fine "I always thought If the doctors couldn't help my stomach and liver trouble, nobody else could. It has "cost mo nlno hundred dollars and I have paid my flno. It remained for Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy to do the trick. I have been In tho best of health slnco taking It more than a year bro. It Is a simple, harmless preparation that rpmovea the catar rhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and nlidys the inflammation which cause practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, Including ap pendicitis. One done will convince or MOSCOW. Mav 1G mi- Ami.i.i Press). According to a dispatch from Odessa, on the Black sna. tha o,,ilr0 on the German ships there liavo de clared a strike in protest aealnst "thn attack by capital upon sovlot Russia." nils probably. refers to tho ultimatum upon the Moscow government by Great Britain. TRIAL IS STARTED KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., May 16 If. G. Mlttolholtz, proprietor of tho Summit stage station, where tho shooting of Itobert Greer by Mrs. Mabel Nichols took, place last De cember, was the first witness called by the state this moraine In tho trial of Mrs. Nichols. Ho testified to find ing Greer's body lying on n bed fully dressed with' a leather overcoat thrown over it. A bullet wound In tho right temple had caused death. Tho witness' told of hirinc Oroer about November 1. Ho said Oiinr introduced Mrs. Nichols as his wife', Tho defonso admits Mrs. Nlchois killed Greer and will try to provo that the shootinir was Justified In self-defense. SPOKANK. Wash., May Old Fort Spokane built near tho confluence of the Spokeno and Columbia rivers, has been doomed and will bo torn down Inslilo a few months. ' The history of tho itild fort is tho history for tho early days in tho Spo kane country when tho Indian still roamed tho hills hunting tho deer and spearing salmon. curs ago tho fort outlived its use fulness and is now to bo razed. Con tracts for tho removal of the bar racks and quarters at tho fort hnvo been let and In a short time another of tho old landmarks of tho Inland' hmplre will conHo to b. 5CD GOOD CIGARETTES GENUINK "Bull" DURHAM TOBACCO n n RI ALT O You'll Search a Long Time Before You Find a Better Attraction Than This One Here We Have "TONY" The Wonder Horse of the Screen i I NOW, I I HERE I'm 11 Saturday niKlit REGULAR PRICES I sgsr A .jy MV "L ' 7 (Just Tony" teUs the m I s35!5aB -v. story of a wonderful horse m I t wild and determined I i 11 the leader of a deseri band I vv fy I ot mustangs who seeks i VSJ J vengeance for the cruelties 1 Xv M fchat man has inflicted Y AS ""Mi , ' v upon him' but whose ha- XiwC ' tred is turned to affection K J fjVjr for the one man in all the i-J- " world who has befriended I JPST.TOMY I ""liiB! The Leading Human Players Are: TOM MIX, CLAIRE ADAMS AND FRANK CAMPEAU COMING SUNDAY "BULLDOG DRUMMOND' GIRLS GIRLS Real Girls Live Girls in Our Late Model WIL-WITE Swim Suits GIRLS "IMPORTED" DIRECT FROM LOS ANGELES They will pose for YOU in new, snappy, Wil-Wite Swim ming Suits in the window of the Medford Hardware & Sporting Goods Co. 327 E. Main Street Saturday afternoon, 3 to 4 o'clock Saturday evening, 8 to 9 ' They are shapely girls Come early and get close to the windows, but do not break them WIL-WITE SUITS ARE ALL WOOL AND WILL NOT STRETCH OR SHRINK. WE'LL PROVE IT TO YOU III it in :wii HKJU vii i or sale by all I , Adv. money refunded. For druggists.