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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1923)
!. W. V. AGENTS IN ATWTTOKICK 001 COAST LEAGUE PRESIDENT FAILS IS E DEAD AMORS E CRATER LAKE PARK Handbills Issued by the I. W. W. were being distributed in Medford thfg morning according to Chief of Police Adam. One of the bills eaxe Into his handf and the incident waa followed by a conference between the . chief of police and District Attorney Rawles Moore. TJie reading matter on the bills i dealt with the injustice of the impris onment of member of the organiza tion for remarks concerning the war In Europe and states that President Hardin j has not kept a promise to release In July, 1521, prisoners held for this offense. Organization In every lndastrial eeramanftr is nrged and a nation wide strike to obtain the release of the' prisoners is adTocated. The bill states that the definite date of the strfk? will be announced as soon as en of jo lndastrial workers are enlist ed ta assure the effectiveness of such a Ten tare. The district attorney's office and the city police department Is keeping In as close touch as possible with the, situation and any action deemed nec essary by the district attorney will bej takes to prevent violation of the stat syndicalism act or any other law whatsoever. E "Question of ownership of two dis puted slot machines will be decided by John H. CM, city police judge, next Friday," says the Ashland Tid ing, i "The machines were taken from the establishments of Dobin Ir win and Rhinehart, on the Plaza. "According to the two men they took out the slot machines following a reeent warning from the city police department. The machines are said to be the property of another man, who places them and colecta from them.' When this man learned that bis machines had been taken out, he bronchi them back, teillnz the two proprietors that be had everything' fixed tip with the sheriff and that, they con Id remain. "A delegation of W. C. T. U. at tended the first hearing, attracted by OieTiilght of the slot machines being takfcn to the police station." The distinction of lxing the firit two person to reach the Medford entrance ot Crata-r National park thli year falU to C. C. Cat, county aent. and Kl'yd Young. frot irt ita U'ned in thU city, who mad the trip yesterday to an effort to relieve their active nervouanea and to ease their connt-im: over drawing down an nual salaries from the government and state. Jt U too bad that they did not go to the, Klamath entrance of the park, as the Klamath Falls chamber of commerce offers a silver cup trophy for the first person to reach the park at the south entrance. However, they are entitled to and will receive the cotton inlaid doughnut offered an nually by the t". 8. Weather Guesaers Soviet for feat of distinction. Memri Cafe and Younjr drove their Dodjre touring- tar to within one m!!e thi side of the Medford entrance of the park, where they were compelled to stop on account of the snow. leaving; the car they trudged on foot through the snow, whkh was two feet deep in some places and three feet or more In other, and In still other places was rery light. Kestlng at the gate keeper's en trance for a tw minute th-y Wilson like poked their money under the door, figuratively speaking, and trudged bock a mile to their waiting auto. L'p to the time they struck the snow on the road they say the road wa fine and dry from I'roapect on. The snow they tramped through to the park waj very soft and was melt ing faat. Arriving at James Grieve'a hotel at Prospect and parking their watches and other valuables under a stump a safe disstance from the hote!ry. as they knew the landlord well and had stopped there ln times pat they entered and ordered a re past. Mr. Grieve then told them that they had accomplished a record- breaking feat in that their car was the firm ever known to resir-h within siich a short distance of Crater I-ake National park so early In the year. At or near the Medford park entrance no tire tracks or footprints could be scsen anywHere in that section, so Messrs. fate and Young felt reason ably sure Jim Grieve, for once In his life, was right. 1" CHAN-UP PROCLAMATION c - l Medford is observing Clean up woelt Dow and already an Improvement may be noticed In the appearance of Med ford homes. Mayor Gaddls has issued a, clean up proclamation to stimulate action on the part of Medford citizens. Metfnrd merchants will feature clean up necessities and house cleaning ma terials as an added attraction to peo ple of this city to "brlghtnn-up" their homes and yards this week. OF PARENT-TEACHERS i The' first league gnino canio off Fri day night at the Holly street grounds There was timo enough to crowd In tlio regulation five Innings without much difficulty. The Christians took the gamo from tho North Methodists wlth' score of 12 to 6, which was re gained bs a fnlr result for tlio opening gains ; os both teams showed lack of practice. The line-up: Christians 12. North Methodists C. , Christians I'eart. Xnwlund, Jen nlnga, Chaataln, Whlto, Anderson, I'lofce, Crank, Olson. North Methodists Iloertle, II., OIK'. Schrtdchert, Hurt, Hnertlo, W., Kvuns, Wood,, Franklin, Towers. llmplro, Williams; scorer, Howe. ' Tonight tho Presbyterians will play tho South MothodlHts at 0:15. No ad mission will bo charged and the pub lic Is generally Invited, l-ja ' r- WASHIXGTON. May 14 Presi dent Harding has Informed the Con grcss of Mothers and I'arent Teachers associations that Its members In a program adopted at the recent Louis ville convention have "pretty nearly written my platform so far as you have gone." He added, however, that he did not want to be regarded a-, committing himself In detail to all of thoso policies which received tlio unanimous support of the con ventlon. The program to which tho pros! dent referred Is set forth by Mrs. Wll Ham Tllton, legislative chairman of tho congress, to whom Mrs. Harding wrote, as providing for "obedience to law; prohibition enforcement with tho I'nlled States navy out against the mm fleet; maintaining tho pres ent Volstead aat; protective leglsla tlon for women and children In In dustry; participation In world court of International Justice; entrance Into some lasting organization of note to minimize the chances of futuro wars; n department of education; federal aid for phslral education and gen eral education ; tho principle, of a uniform mnrrlagn and divorce law and a family reuniting clasa In the new Immigration bill." Tractor Kills Woman TACOMA, May 11. Mrs. Charles K. Herd, a school teacher at Nemlalt ln Pacific county, was killed yesterday when tho tractor she was driving over turned on her. Mrs. Iteed was plow ing a field nnd the plow becaino en tangled with a root. Sho Is survived by her himlmnd. ESSEN Measures of passive resis tance of tho Hermann nro to be strong tho ned under a releh ilocren further rodiiclng communication liotwen tier mans and occupation authorities. Now Playing! BILL FARNUM Supported by Thomas Knnvhl, Wanda llawley, Claire Ailnnm In "IHIASS COMMANDMKNTS" Fnmiiiii nnd HantM-lil. Mm tl- iunn of tlw nwvlea, in n trcmen. 1 (lous striiRRh greater limn On lr right in "The Spoilers" fat w H i . sf i mj LRIALT0 W K.I I V I :SI t. V "Ju.t Tuny," nlili Tom Jilt anil his nomler I HopMV SAX DIEOO. CaL. May It Offi cers at Rockwell field were to con duct a formal court of Inquiry today to determine the cause of the airplane accident that caused the deaths of Colonel FraB.-is 8. MarsTialL aide to the chief of staff of cavalry, and Lieutenant Charles Webber. L 8. A- aviator, whose bodies were found late Saturday afternoon In the Cupamaia mountains about fifty miles from here. Marshall and Webber met their deaths December 7 last while on a flight from Rockwell field to Tuc son. Ariz. SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 14. With the remains of two men, found Satur day near the wreckage of an airplane on Cuyamaca mountain east of here. positively Identified aa those of CoL Francis Marshall and Lieutenant Charles Webber, army afficers here today awaited Instructions from rela tives of the men before going ahead with plans for disposing of the bodies. Lieutenant Webber's father, th; Rev. 8. A. Webber, lives in Denver, and learned only yesterday from Asso ciated Press dispatches of the posi tive Identification of his son's remains. Colonel Marshall's home was ln Dar lington, Wis. Identification of the officers' re mains .was completed yesterday by army officers Including Major Henry Arnold, commander of Rockell field here and newspapermen who were led to the spot where the airplane and the bodies were found Saturday by G. W. McCain, a cattleman. Indications were that the plane in which Colonel Marshall and Lieuten ant Webber were attempting to fly from San Diego to Tucson, Ariz., had flown too low over a pine forest, had struck some of the trees and crashed to the ground. The airplane also had caught fire, presumably after it struck the ground, charring the bodies. As the skulls were crushed it Is believed they died Instantly. Identification became positive when Colonel Marshall's name was found in the cap of one of the men. Until Sat urday the fate of the two men had been undetermined since December last when they undertook their flight to Tucson and disappeared. TORNADO KILLS FIFTY PEOPLE (Continued from page one.) stated. Persons doing relief work report dead and injured being found a almost every scattered farm and ranch dwelling tor miles southeast of here. "We have eight bodies here and more are coming, our workers having located 12 persons whose bodies were found outside the wreckage," said J. II. Green, chairman of the Red Cross workers here. "The Injured probably will reach 100 and probably as many as SO are killed.' Doctors and nurses from a dozen nearby towns have been appealed to and are searching in the devastated area covering many sections of graz ing plains for tho dead and Injured Only slight damage was done to the town of Colorado itself. DIG SPRINGS, Texas, May 12. Fifty persons were killed and about 100 Injured three miles from Colo rado, Texas, when a tornado swept this section, according to meager and unconfirmed reports telephoned here this morning. Since this news was received communication has been cut off duo to damage to telephone and telegraph lines. The worst damage Is 40 miles from Dig Springs. It Is believed damago to crops and cnttlo Is heavy, and that the loss of life and property is heavier in the country district than In tho town of Colorado, according to reports. Re lief parties left here In automobiles this morning. AP.ILKNE, Texas, May 14. Joo Richburg and his two children were killed and a number of persons were injured In a tornado which struck the Spado ranch, south of Colorado, and mowed a path 25 miles long across Mitchell county, Texas, last night -lust west of Loralne six or eight houses were demolished and a num bcr of persons are reported fatally In jured, Including T. K. Willis, Otto Willis, Joo Willis and eight members of th0 family of Henry Tldwell. A report from Loralno said the storm did not strike Colorado. At Westbrook Mrs.! W. 8. Shelton was killed nnd her two children are not expected to live. Other members of tho family wore also Injured. The tornado centered netwoen Loralne and Colorado, according to reports nero. PORT WORTH. Texas. May 14 A long distance message from the Santa Pe train dispatchers' office at Temple at 1 1 a. m.. said tho tornado hit about l a. m. and loss of life had resulted ln Colorado. Loralne and neighboring farms. Tho wires aro own everywhere A long tllstnnvo telephono message from Sweetwater at 1 1 n. m. said the tornado struck betweno the town of Lorraine and n water tank, which is three miles east of tho town. In Mitchell county, and Hint tho death list will md exceed four, with perhaps eight Injured. All were farmers. It is sain. SAX FHAXCISCO, May H- Fail ure of an insurgent attempt to unseat William II. McCarthy as president of the Pacific Coast league and McCar thy's challenge that he will drive Wxl Uam Wrigley. Jr., out of professional baseball if it can be shown tha Wngley, Jr-, who is owner of the Chi cago National and Los Angeles clubs. is practicing "syndicate baseball." in also owning Seattle, as intimated. fatured a special meeting today of the Coast league directors. Through the efforts of McCarthy, Charles Lockard, Seattle' delegate. was denied all participation in the meeting on the- ground that the Se attle club has failed to adhere to the league's bylaws in its refusal to sub mit to the league executives the facts relative to Its recent sale. The session ended when a motion of the Insurgent group, headed by J. Cat Swing, president of the Oakland club, that a two-hour recers be taken ost by a tie vote. The same tie pre vented a re-consideration of the matters recently decided at the Portland meeting of last January, the allocation of the southern territory between Los Angeles and Vernon and the limiting of the rights of the major leagues in the Pacific coast league in respect to the draft. The meeting today waa forced by the insurgent group of five clubs, Oakland. Los Angeles, Portland. Se attle and Salt Lake, to overturn the Portland findings, and to repudiate McCarthy thereby, as the president's vote effected the Portland decisions. After today's meeting Ewing an nounced that he would obtain a trans cript of the meeting and forward it to the national board of arbitration for a decision. The club owners stood 5 to 3 on today's propositions," he said, "and this majority was overturned by Mc Carthy's illegal and high-handed tactics." AGAINST ALFALFA OLYMPIA, Wash., May 14. The state of Washington filed suit in su perior court here today against the Oregon-Washington Railway and Navigation company for a permanent injunction to restrain the company fiom sniping alfalfa hay into this 3tate from that part of, Idaho south of Idaho county, which was made a quarantined district by authorities of this state in 1921, due to the preva lence of tlie-alfalfa weevil. The complaint alleges that approx imately 100 carloads, of hay have been shipped Into this state from that district this year over the defend ant's lines In violation of the quar antine order. Only recently the state department of agriculture con demned and burned two carloads of hay at Spokane, which were Infected with tho weevil. MEMBERS OF L W. W. TOPEKA. Kas.. May. As a result of the recent decision in tho Kansas supreme court, members of the Indus trial Workers of tho World are not wanted in Kansas. Tho high court has suxtalncd an In junction against the I. W. W., Its offi cials and all members, Issued ln the district court of llutlcr county. It has been hold by the attorney general's department that the possession of an I. W. W. membership card Is sufficient grounds on which such member may be held In contempt of the injunction in any county in the state. C. H. Griffith, state attorney general In his brief before the court, said: "It will be seen at once that tho acts of tho organisation are not single acts of crime, but every act Is a part of a system devised and Intended to Inflict unlawful Injury and damage upon the citizens of the state to overturn the industrial system and overthrow the government itself." Another 1Ogger Killed. EVERETT, Wash., May 14. Rono Howard ot Ulllard, Ua., was killed in a logging camp near here late Sun day when he was hurled against a tree by a loading hook that slipped WASIUNOTOX-Mrs. Emma R. Sterling, wlfo of Senator Sterling of South Diikotn, died last nlghU No Writing Can Distort This Everlasting Point fVmf Gold Pocitt-clip Frtt Com and try th. bsautiful Patktr Duofold tht lcqur-red pn with smart, black tips and OVER-Site Ink capacity. Plain black If dsairwl. Dttof ! Jr. nnt ,irft for tlrs Ul Dvoteld With ring lor occk-hbboo Of Interest to tbe Ktcai frnrt men and orchardists is the following so- theilUc frost damage in the likinu valley in Washington, the largest fruit growing section In the world. just received by Floyd Young, tne government frost exprt stationed here, from Eckley S. Elrtson, weather observer at Yakima- The letter reads follows: "In reply to your letter of May . concernlns the frost damage in 'he Yakima valley to date; the remarks covering the situation in Medford ap ply with equal force to this section. The damage to the valley as a whole is negligible, yet the orchards that freeze out every year have re ceived their annual dose of woe. The season has been remarkably frost free with about three light frosts that caused little damage. - "At present there is some little trouble with cherries, and ln some cases with pears and apples, in that there is a heavy drop of fruit in pro gress. The stems seem to wither and the fruit drops soon afterwards. The reason is not frost evidently, as there has not been much frost, and the trouble occurs in well heated orchards as welt The real reason is not known, but the red spider is sus pected. "Growers here are optimistic in the anticipation of a heavy yield, but for that matter, did you ever see a fruit grower who wasn't optomistic most of the time? The prospects for a heavy crop, however, were never bel Aesthetic i Dancing Commencing Saturday, May 19, I will start dancing classes at American Legion Hall, beginning at 9 a. m. Natural, ballet, toe and char, acter dancing. I studied under Adolpb Bolm. HELEN EODOLP. It Beats As It Sweeps As It Cleans WE WELCOME The Famous Hoover Sweeper to Our Midst This store announces with piido that The Hoover Suction Sweeper Company, the oldest and largest makers of electric cleaners, have appointed us exclusive dealers. Only the leading stores In each city are selected to sell Tho Hoover, for it is the best electric cleaner and, as such, demands the highest tjp of representation. We regard the calibre of The Hoover as in keeping with tho other fine merchandise for which this store is Justly noted. Oar patrons will, we feel, be glad of the opportunity to witness a demonstration of the famous Hoover here. We welcome Tho Hoover 1o oar midst and invite nil residents of this city to call and acquaint themselves with It, without obligation to purchase. THE HOOVER It Beats as It Sweeps as It Cleans Special Introductory Offer If more convenient, just phone ns and we will demonstrate Tho Hoover on your rags, without obligation. Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOE EVERYBODY JIZDFORD. OREGON WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. FREE At Local Stores This Week A 10-Day Tube See Coupon Avoid Harmful Grit FefModtat rardles tbe Mm ud mnoTt it wlthoat harmful seoar trar. It poJlAhiDK acrat to far Knfter thau rutmd Never oae a mm romtMuaas wuicn harsh KriU Enjoy This Now Combat that film on teeth Watch the new beauty come Go ask for this free test The results will delight you. They will show you a way which millions have found to whiter, cleaner, safer teeth. All in your home should know it Show them at once what it docs. Why teeth grow dingy You feel on your teeth a viscous film. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. No ordinary tooth paste effectively combats it That film is the teeth's great enemy. It absorbs stains, then forms K dingy coat Tartar is based on film. Film also holds food which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. That's why 49 in 50 suffer from tooth troubles. Germs breed by millions in film. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea, now so alarmingly common. Now you can combat it Dental science has in late years found two film combatants. One acts to curdle film, one to remove it, and without any harmful scouring. Able authorities proved these methods ef fective. Then a nrw-type tooth paste was created; based on modern research. These two film combatants were embodied in it for daily application. That tooth paste is called Pepsodent Careful people the world over now use it, largely by dental advice. A new dental era Pepsodent also multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva. That is there to neutralise mouth acids, the cause of tooth decay. CMBamsBBcssaisnai pat. Off. RC&U.S. bnsssMBiHnaMsssiisisissssHBK The New -Day Dentifrice A scientific tooth past based on modern research, free from harmful g.iu Now advissd by leading dcoutui tht wotld ever. It multiplies the starch diges tant in the saliva. That is there to digest starch deposits which may otherwise ferment and form acids. Thus it gives manifold power to these great natural tooth-protecting agents. These combined results mean a new dental era. You will be amazed This test of Pepsodent brings a new conception of what clean teeth mean. Present the coupon for it Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the ab sence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film coats disappear. In a week you will know what is best for you and yours the old ways or the new. That deci sion is important Cut out the coupon now. Prettier teeth seen everywhere You see prettier teeth now wherever you look, for millions are fighting film. So it is the world over. Careful people of some SO nations now use Pepso dent every day. This test will show you why. No one can see the Pepsodent results without wanting them continued. 10-Day Tube Free (Only one tube to a family) Tfwrt yon nam tt.fl Your Nmo adOr. thn prtot li.m coupon IMj v-rek to any tor named b- low. You will pre ifnttd with 10-Dar Tube of Pepeodent. ., If yorj lire out of iftwn, AddrttMm mall coupon lo The Pp- uwcw jfwlent Company. 1104 80. YVebftfth Avenue, Chl-ro, and tut will be cent by malL ...,,,,, Present coupon to Heath's Drug Store 109 E. Main Phone 884 n 1