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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1923)
i PSGB FOUR MEDFOTID MAIL' TRIBUNE, "MT.DFOTtD", QKEflOy, TTTTTRSPAY, MAY 10, 1f)23 Medford Mail tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PtlBLISHKU EVERT AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY THJJ MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Th Medford Sunday Morning Sun is nirnnnM uDscriDeri aeairinK hvih lay dally newspaper. Offloe Mail Tribune Building. IS-17-lt Nortn Fir street, fhone vo. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, the Medford Mall, the Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregonlaa, The Asmana TriDune. ROHERT W. BUHL, Editor. 8. HUMPTER SMITH. Manager. RY MAIL In Advance: I'Hllv. with Sunday Sun. year . 7.6u liilly with unday Sun, month... .7b Oallv, without Sunday Sun. year. .5l ial), without Sunday Sun. month .8o AV'kly Mall Tribune, one year 2.00 Sunday Sun. one year 2.00 'IY CARRIER In Medford, Aehland. Jnrkaonvllli. Central Point. Phoenix. Talent and on Highways: Dally, with Sunday Sun, month... 76 0lly, without Sunday Sun, month .6R Oallv, without Sunday Sun. year. 7.50 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.60 ll terms by carrier, cash in advance Official paper of the City of Medford Official paper of Jackson County. Sworn dally averaw circulation for IX months ending April l, 1922, 3628. nore than double the circulation of any tther paper published pr circulated in lackBOn County. The only paper betwnen tugene. Ore., and Sacramento, Caitf., a distance of over 600 miles, having leased wire Asso ciated Press Service. Entered as secono ciass matter at Medford, Oregon, under act of March 8. 1879. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of til news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also to the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special alspstohes herein are also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. The high school boys of Boise, Idaho have started wearing ear rings and still live. When the president visits Portland on the anniversary of the nation's birth, and is greeted by a democratic governor miraculously elected by re publican votes, let everybody bo In civilian clothes. 8AFETY F1R8T1 (Klamath Falls Herald) . Walter Kaiser, arrested Friday when he threatened to wreck the United Cigar store where, he as serted, he had left $50 for Biifo keeping while he went to have his fortune told by a gypsy seoress, and who was arrested on com plaint of the store management, was released Saturday. A contest lias been started to soo who can run an auto the longest with out paying the butcher. . .c . -f , What rumor attributes to be the In nards of nickel cigars is coming up fine on the vacant lots. ALSO WOOD CO. IS SEEN WORK ING. (Hdline Albany Democrat). That'll be enough of that. 80 INAPPROPRIATE NOW "Ood give ub men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and willing bands: Men whom the lust of office dues not kill: Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy: Men who have honor: men who will not lie: Men who can stand before a. dema gogue, And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking: Tall men. sun crowned, who live above the fog In public duty and In private thinking" ' : (J. O. Holland, 1SG4) The gentleman by tho name of Andy Gump, who throatons to sue noWBpa pers printing the comic strip of tho same name, Ib a recent arrival in Oroeon from Kansas. The attendant publicity from his projiosed suit, will no doubt inspire Mr. On nip to run fur something In tho next primary elec tion. , - . THE RESTRICTED 8CAMPIRE (Centralis, Wn, Chronicle) NOTICE TO ALL MEN You must nut make dates, bo with, go with, or have secret talk or soil, trade or give any Intoxicating drinks or tobacco or clgarets, or hire qr rent her a room, or board her, Mrs. Llllle Mobloy, my wife, . when there are not one or moro respectabln women staying at the same place at tho same time. (Signed) W. A. Mobley, her husband. . ' , (Cont, OLD) WANTED, AN ANTI-GOSSIP CLUB A citizen lost his head while cross ing the Rue del Gossipe Wed. Luckily, the ijinnor did not got the range in time.- ( ' "WJ J. Herwls4 of the Anti-Saloon League, after the I. W. W. closed the groggorles, . tells . us that the police have 'got In a rut anil are Inefficient' '' he declared. (Portland Oregonlun). A trifle late, but what you don't know don't hurt you. Stops Cough and Wheezy Breathing "Had a cough and wheezing In my throat" write Caroline Dlllard, Petersburg, Va. "Foley's Honey and Tar gave me quick relief and stopped ;ny cough." Coughs resulting from Flu, Grippe. Whooping Cough, Asthma and Bronchitis, quickly relieved with Foley's Honey and Tar. Three genor atlons Of satisfied users have made Foley's Honey and Tar the largest selling cough medicine. In the world. Refuse substitutes. -InBlst opon Foley's. Sold everywhere. , Adv. MISS GERALDIXE FAR HA It asked the Xewi , York Supreme Court today, to strike from the records of her divorce suit, nil tillusions to Miss Stella Larrimore, 19 year old actress named ae one of the co-respondents. ' The court denied the request, and informed Miss Farrar that she will have to answer for the charges made before a jury when Miss Larrimore will be given an opportunity to clear her name. The situation is symptomatic of the times. The entire country ap pears to be suffering from an epidemic of malicious Kossip, scandal nionxcriiip, and malignantly spiteful back-biting, and twaddle tad dling, which would disgrace a back-alley conglomeration of tabby cats. The worst feature of this despicable business is that the victims never have a fighting chance. They can't have. Miss Larrimore for example, may be as innocent of wrong doing s the purest lily in the ield, but even if she is vindicated by a jury, nothing will remove I he stain to her name and reputation, nothing will eliminate a cer tain suspicion in the all too credulous and suspecting public mind. Idle gossip and tale bearing is the invariable trade mark of the coward. It is the recreation of the idler, the waster, and tho black guard. It is the most contemptible form of human depravity, for it never, or almost never, involves the slightest risk to the perpe trator. The tale is once told, and it passes from tongue to tongue, growing like the proverbial snow ball and when the injury lias been done, the responsibility has vanished. , We have a number of clubs in Medford. Some people fear too many. But we believe there should be one more. We need above everything else a club for the eradication of the gossip pest It is at the present time more dangerous than any other pest, including Blight, Codlin Moth, the Keyhole Pecker and the Chronic Grouch. Tho first rule for admittance to that club should be merely a few traits of ordinary decency, a disposition to credit no tale against a fellow citizen or, until proof bad been presented, and the person chiefly concerned had at least been given an opportunity to be heard in his or her defense. Both men and women should be eligible. The, old superstition that "gossip" is of feminine gender hasn't a leg to stand on, at least in this nock of the woods. Silence the male gossips and the problem would be solved. Quill Points When you cross two plants, y.ou raise a hybrid. When you double cross a woman, you raise what Dante saw. But why should there be a home for worn-out chorus girls? There's always vaudeville. If tho groom is poor and bald and bow-legged, it is romance pure md undei'iled. Another good way to get thin to music is to keep on working while tho dinner bell rings. . ',. .. , ' "..j'- " :' ?. Men's clothes are modest enough, but a man can't conceal him self decently in a law suit. Reformers are useful, but as a means of promoting virtue they are not as efficicut as old age. Some men haven't had a spring cold in ten years, and others have better memories. Tho meanest man in tho world is the one who is too honest to praise tho possession another man delights in. If the murderer returns to the scene of his crime, he probably has a seuso of humor and enjoys watching tho detectives. Taking orders' by telephone is all right, but it is rather annoying to have your wife call you during office hours like that. Lives of great men oft remind us that one need not be a sage that the only thing essential is a headline on first page. We'll never stand in awo of efficiency experts until wo see one iu tho act of dressing a small and wigglesomc boy. Even the habitual clbow-crookers are less annoying than the chap who habitually crooks a little finger when drinking from a glass. If one of those little European countries were set down in Ameri ca, its activities would be recorded on l'ago 6, alongside the patent medicine ads. RipplingRhijroos Walt Mason, HELPING HANDS. IT Ol'TKX happens as I drive along the tiirnpiko wide, that I have punctures four or five, and blow-outs on tho side. And then I don a long tan coat mid grab a bunch of tools, and' toil around my stranded boat, while sweat collects in pools. It is a grievous thing and dire to see a fat old boob attempting to inflate u tire that has a leaky tube. But when I've spent an hour in toil, and ruined both my thumbs, and sprayed myself with rancid oil, the helper always comes. "Oh. gaffer, you are old and fat, tho smiling helper cries; "go sit a while upon your lint and rest and swat the flies; and I will fix your busted tires for I am full of vim, with tendons tough as copper wires and pep in every limb." Whenever I am in distress the helper's always there; "You need some aid" he says, "I guess, the way you weep and swear. So tell mo what a gent may do to help you in your plight, and I will break a leg or two to set the matter right." I've never yet been in hole that helpers weren't nigh; and one would offer me bis roll and one would bring n pie. Yet pessimists would have us think that man 'a a selfish scamp; that none of us would hand a drink of water to n tramp. COMMUNICATIONS Trount Dogs and Cut. To the Editor: Hi-ing a, subscriber of your inter esting, up-to-the-minute paper, 1 am Kuing to let you know and thereby Kt the pyblic know of the position the poor defenseless dog and cut are In today, and at the sumo time ask you: Have you no humane officer in Jackson county? . Yesterday I witnessed a poor dog running wild with cans tied to his tail. Upon Investigatiun found the facta were: A lady hud reported to our officer that two stray dugu must bo taken care of, ko this officer KftH a bunch of boys to run him out of town by "canning him," as they say at the same time ho said "run tho cuts too.", j Not long ago our pets were poison- ed. What's wrong here? Why not license dogs and catH Tho town , surely can use the money. Then order stray dogs and cats who live off gar bage and hunt for water killed by! our officer, thus nil danger of carry-' lug dinease and danger of biting will! bo re;novud. I. have killed 11 sick cats and, ntv am. caring for two I Htray dogs, besides caring for five cats. Hut the most dangerous feature Is teaching those children cruelty, in stead of teaching tho wonderful qual ities of tho dog, and thereby plant the seed of kindness, Instead. Gold Hill's motto for anything a fev don't like is "Jlun them out of town' Yours for defending the dumb beast. , MRS. FRANK LOllENZ. dold Hill, May 9.. to settle and develop the land, but) abandoned the plan and sought lo cation in another state when tho measure carried in tho November election. It promises remarkablo re sults as a depopulator, as well as keeping Ortgon in the limelight as a frenk s'ate. Salem fjtpiml .lonrnnl. To Reduce Dangerous Varicose Veins THE INDIVIDUALITY OF SERVICE A Depopulator Strong, Powerful Yet Safe fiunccHm's Prescription Tailed Moone's Kmerald Oil J I as Ysionl-lied J'hjslclan.s j j , j People who have swollen veins or bunches should not wait until they reach the bursting point, which means much suffering and loss of time, but should at once secure from; any reliable druggist a two-ounce original bottle of Moone's Emerald , Oil (full strength). j liy using this powerful, yet harm- less germicide treatment improve-: ment is noticed in a few days and by! its regular use swollen veins will re-j turn to their normal size and suf-j ferers will cease to worry. Mocoie's Emerald Oil treatment is used by j physicians and in hospitals and is! guaranteed to accomplish results or money returned. j It reduces all kinds of enlarged; exclusively In many large factories as an unfailing first aid to the injured nntiseplic. 'Heath's Drug Store, West Side Pharmacy can supply you. Adv. OF THIS REAL HOME BANK The Medford National That the so-called "compulsory" school bill passed last fall by vote of ; the people, which will prohibit all private schools In Oregon. Is already) driving out enterprise, industry and population Is testified by tho supremo- officers of tho Brotherhood of Ameri can Yeomen, who have announced that none of the Oregon sites for tho $10,000,000 "city of childhood" are acceptable because of this law. At the banquet tended by the Eu gene Chamber of Commerce, Mark T. McKee, Detroit attorney and chairman of the Yeoman's Children's Home committee, declared that while some of the best building sites had been offered here, Oregon offers could not bo considered unless some way was devised to get around this school bill. Ho declared that while other states had passed laws to mako It easier for the Yoemen to favor their commonwealth, Oregon only has raised bars against It. He also declared that had i his committee knmvnof this law, It would not havo , stopped in this state. Thts compulsory school bill has already prevented the colonization of a central Oregon Irrigation district by i Wisconsin Lutherans, who hud n greed 1 Si I) 1 W Time p " " 1 0' FOR SALE BY THE AUTO SUPPLY CO. N. BARTLETT ST. Yoir Can Save If you never have, you can now. Send for your Government's New Frie Book which shows you how to accumulate money safely through Treasury Savings Certificates. Send for your copy today and take the first step towards independence and success. ffpifii To. set the book mall thi coupon to N?amV- The United States Government I AJJnst- Savings System Trcaiury Department j City Washington, D. C. , ' State Special on Coaster Wagons While present stock lasts From $7.60 to $8.50 Steel wheels, steel gear and roller bearing REAL BARGAINS Hubbard Brothers will be a sustaining factor in your greater development today Eastman Kodaks and Brownie Cameras Eastman Films We Develop Films Free COAST TIRES . "WEAR DEFIERS" Made in the West for Western Roads. Ye personally guarantee, and will adjust them right here. - Our square liberal treatment and high quality pro ducts should induce you to make our station your station. Veedol and Quaker Associated and Shell State Oils Products Monogram Mobile Oils We Alemite and Grease Your Car Armory Service Station Pacific Highway at Jackson St, Medford, Oregon Armstrong & Wolff New Tires for Old before you start on your sum mer camping trip, let us look over your tires. We take your old ones as part payment on new ones. Gates and Goodrich Tires Petty's Tire Shop "More Miles at Half the Cost" 32 So. Riverside Phone 162-R; SPRING TIME NECESSITIES WINDOW SCREENS DOOR SCREENS . Flics are a menace to health and happiness. They are a nuisance and should he kept out or the home. Order your screens now. Ouf prlces are right, quality the best. ..);. . CKIMIt CM ksts store away your winter furs, bedding, woolens, e c In one of our -Pacific- Cedar Chests and they will be free from Moths, Dust and ermln. Many sizes In stock. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS 10th and Grape Phone 238 WOOD Wo save j-ou money on Manzanlto, Onk, Fir and I'lne, Cnll VAX FLEET, Thono 715-J H. W. CONOEI UNDERTAKER Rcmnr to WeekA-Conger Oo, Medford, Ore.